Loyalty & Disloyalty | Pastor Bayo Fadugba | DCH Sermon

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[Music] because loyalty is a major principle or should I say a principle quality required of every one of us to the call of God upon our lives as the leader as a minister as a worker as a volunteer in church in 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 because those who are faithful are most qualified to be leaders 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 says it is required in stewards 3 words of God's calling three words of God good God's good news three words of God's grace three words of God's anointed three words of God's wisdom stewards of God and God's endtime agenda that we should be found faithful and I'll use the word faithful interchangeably with the word loyal that we should be found loyal and charged being faithful being loyal ways way more than being gifted you know someone sets I heard someone said this morning that someone can stand up here and sing powerfully at the end of that song if people would say wow what a singer all that person has accomplished is that you've drawn attention to yourself but if you sank and when you were done people say wow what a god then you've drawn attention to who to God give me someone that is gifted but lacks character and cannot walk in a team gives me someone that is extremely gifted what is disloyal and unfaithful and give me someone else that does not have any overtly of yours gift yet extremely loyal and faithful now the reason why I say overtly gifted is because the word of God cannot be broken everybody that came God gave a talent he may give someone and some fine but none of us came empty I did not come empty neither did you it doesn't matter what you are doing as long as I remain in my lane that's what God has called me to do that's what heaven will assess me by heaven will not assess you by my gift now that will Evan assess me by your gift now which of those two people would you choose judge the gifted and disloyal person or they not too overly gifted but loyal and faithful which one would you choose let's say be gifted and no not gift that but lawyer how many people vote yes for that I'm talking gifted somebody that can't stand like this everybody would fall under the anointing and people would see and come to Christ so how many of us who choose the other gifted but not loyal I mean can be managed really because the gift is bringing people to Christ how many of us would vote for that you know why because the disloyal and unfaithful ste word would ultimately destroy the ministry it's just a matter of time and the fight of loyalty and faithfulness is not from outside in it's actually from inside out in John 14:30 the book of John chapter 14 30 the bible says jesus said the prince of this world comment but have found nothing in me the prince of this world came but he found nothing in me the matter of faithfulness and loyalty of course we see the symptoms and the science in actions and words and snide comments backbiting but those are byproducts of the content of that person's character it's deeply rooted on the inside and when the enemy wants to fight any ministry he doesn't usually fight from outside the fight from within in fact for them to get Jesus they needed a Judas to get something they needed a faceless guy that had a scissors waiting for the right time to cut the seven locks of Samson's covenant with God God didn't tell us how long he had been there seemingly faithful but he had a scissors ready waiting for the right time to go for the table to kill this lawyer and Dabu faced people if allowed will destroy the ministry it's just a matter of time in Proverbs after 22 verse 10 the Bible says cast out the unfaithful cast out the backbiters cast out the scorn and contention who sees immediately they go out the spirit of contention will go out with them there will be peace I'm speaking to a pastor this last week that said someone just left his church and he was thanking God that a person left is that because people now came after and said pastor we don't know but when we newly came to church I'm a true life story that this press that pastor that that person said that we shouldn't come close to you add that no pastor way we are don't come close to pastor don't go share your secrets with Pastor and the person said that because of that we left for a little while but God convicted us to come back and the pastor said to me said I have been I have prayed and fasted that why is it that people keep coming but they don't stay I didn't know that was the very person next to me and the all he busted into tears over the phone when he was telling me he said pastor if you know what I have done how I have sacrificed for this person he said why on earth would he do this he said it's the nature of men now ladies and gentlemen can I also clarify this he does not necessarily mean that that fellow was a bad believer in fact I found fine men I found people with good heart ignorant Lee used of the devil without their knowing the magnitude of their actions or inactions in the church and there are times if that person were to go somewhere else maybe they would be able to flourish and serve well but the Bible says in proverbs 22 10 let them go cast them out so that strife and contention may cease why because ministry can only thrive in the power of love unity and teamwork someone said teamwork because teamwork walks it's the plan of God that we walk together as a team to be an effective volunteer to be an effective believer to be an effective leader we must exhibit love you cannot lead a people you do not love you cannot past our people you do not love John 13:35 says by this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one to another people come to church they are attracted to love people are attracted to love what they are repaired by this unity church I am sure you would agree with me that you can sense when someone deeply resents you and they are bowing down to greet you smiling you it will be Hollow you can you know that this is not genuine so also church can sense this unity between the pastor Hyundai's Wyeth church members they don't need to nobody needs to tell them that as this unity between the pasta and ministers where does this unity church members can sense it and they will quietly go like that pastor called me when a leader and the church is telling church members please don't say pastor don't go tell don't tell past or anything about yourself don't go and see him the church members would immediately see the red flag that if this pastor so bad that we shouldn't see him then I think we should go and look for another church so they would go people are not drawn to come to a church where there's disunity that's why team walk matters in the kingdom the Bible says God leads me to green pastures he leads the sheep to drink from steel waters God is not a bad evil God that would lead his people to go drink from waters where there are sharks and crocodiles are ready to kill the ship now that's not God so trochees where their strife and disunity God moves these people away such churches don't grow they grown it doesn't matter how much effort but where does unity a little produces great result growth in the church depends on unity without loyalty the church divides into small splinter groups and small churches that's why it's important for us as a church the days of Oh Apollo's is my pastor and Paul is my is my pastor and the pastor of the church is the pastor of the church where I worship those days they should be gone because it's a ploy from the pits of hell you know when I was growing up and grew up in Africa its if my father my father was a proper African and you know what I mean my father I'm with my friends and I'm talking to my father I'm talking to my friends they see that's the father do you know we come to Charton we will point to me and say that's de pasto as the pastor of the church where I worship he's not my pastor boy he's the pastor Apollo's is my pastor Paul is my pastor but that's the pastor of the church where worship church the devil has for too long diminished us diminished potency deceived us and we splinted divided we're members of the same body the I may not look like the feet my toenails may not look like my nose but the bottom line is that where there are parts of one body my body when one takes my whole body makes God is a God of diversity that's why he made us different Church there was no accident in God creating us different when we get to heaven there we no Chinese Church there'll be no Nigerians there'll be no redeemed Christian Church of God there'll be no Lakewood there will be no successful Church there will be no small charge no big church in fact this facility and all that we want to build will have nothing we would be just one body and every one of us were important important parts of that body every one of us were crucial I need you you need me what you have I do not have what I have you do not have but together we will bring the glory of God down in the year 2018 as we walk together as one in the name of Jesus Christ and every spirit that has ignorantly distorted the Scriptures aloud the flesh to overrule a spirit that has connived and gone behind our backs and turned us against one another discredited us against one another we didn't know that there was a satanic plan because what the devil does is his plan succeed a thought uses a voice to tell you something and you begin to really rate over it meditate over it and you become spiritually disconnected from that fellow and before you know it you've told the other your best friend or your prayer partner most often and your prayer you know not gossip partner really prayer partner because his prayer point you are sharing and you shared the name and you share the word that person did and that person joins and is disconnected and by the time we come to church we're all disconnected and we're weakened spiritually and the devil sits back and watches he doesn't mind us gathering together he turns into a spiritual potent fire part into a social gathering so there's no more manifestation of fire because we're divided we're threatened by one another we're disillusioned by one another who said things we shouldn't say about one another every home that is divided will not stand marriages divided will not stand business is divided will not stand partnership divided cannot stand trustees divided cannot stand the Bible says can two walk together except they be agreed every one of us beyond that we must look towards walking together to build a team of loyal successors in order to secure a future for the church it's not just about our generation it's important for us to begin to groom the next generation for greatness the pattern of faith the pattern of unity our children can sense what we don't say we need to begin to prepare them that's why we need to raise them leaders from their youth deliberately encourage them to take in on responsibilities in church it's not because we that we've been that we're wasted generation absolutely not it's if we don't sit back and watch these children take on leadership roles in church do stuff while we're seated it's not because we cannot do better but we need to watch them we need to equip them we need to allow them grow before our eyes George it's part of the plan of walking together all as one generation after the other three generations walking together and Jesus only minister for three and a half years but his ministry continued through a loyal team DCH for three and a half years administered and generations after the world has not recovered from the ministry of the twelve over the principle behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in word - it is upon the head running down on the bed the bed of errand running down on the edge of his garment from head goes down it is like the deal of Herman descending upon the mountains of Zion prepare the LORD commanded thee blessing life forevermore for their wear wear church for their at the point of unity for their the LORD commanded he didn't advise he commanded thee bless in life the corollary of that is where there is disunity the opposite of a blessing the opposite of life automatically naturally because there cannot be a vacuum in the realms of the Spirit and the devil knows understands this principle so he allows the church he sets up one against the other sets us up against the other we believe we're fighting we're fine gentlemen and ladies and at times we believed we were fighting the cross of Christ we do not know that we're being used by the devil to fulfill his calling demons sit back and we do the walk of demons devil sit back and we do the walk of the devil Lucifer sits back and he laughs at us and we do his work for him wrecking havoc on one another pushing the broken the weak pushing them down pushing saying things and destroyed we are the carriers of destructive news not a binge as of good news not carriers of great positive things about one another refusing to say negative and carry even though those negatives are true but you refuse to set them to the other because you will not cause death to flow from your tongue the Bible says for there the Lord has commanded thee blessing life life is your portion that's why the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 29 Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 29 talking about the covenant of the blessing of loyalty he says the Lord God Almighty as established his blessings Oh point Mount Gerizim and right across and talking historically physically now right across the mountain of tourism is another mountain called Mount Ebal between the two mountains is shaken now unmanned collision the Lord's is on the pond Mount Gerizim I have established my blessings and upon Mount Ebal shall the curses remain the God sees an appointment charism are the blessings of the Covenant of unity the children of Israel shall remain upon man charism and for as long as they remain on Mount Gerizim this blessings would follow them and there are several dimensions of the blessings number one in verse 14 11 verse 14 he says and you shall find rain and rain would fall upon you your business in the new season the water and the former rain together in the name of Jesus Christ it means the help of heaven whatever resources are available in the heavens to make in a man great on the land of the living it shall be made available on to a one that is standing upon man garrison because that's the plan of God I thought you would say Amen verse 15 the Bible says and your grass will come in their fields in due season it means everything that is on earth that is required for you and I to succeed the heavens are short the ground itself would it will cause its increase to yield up to you in the name of Jesus Christ in verse 21 he says and your dish shall be long upon the land of the living it means that you will not die you would leave to declare the counsel of the Lord upon the land of the living in the name of Jesus it means cancer cannot stop you it means sickness cannot stop you it means al Qaeda cannot stop you it means terror cannot stop you it means affliction cannot stop you whatever it is that stopped other people you will show up up on Mount Gerizim and the grace of God the power of God shall be released under list upon you and you would walk through the fire but it will upon you you will walk through the storms it will not stop you it will not drown you because you are standing upon Mount Gerizim in verse 23 he says and you will dispossessed nations your inheritance you shall see the Lord God Almighty by the unction of the Holy Spirit seized upon this mountain ISM that he would dispossessed them you will possess your possessions now people that are smarter than you people that are stronger than you people that are well-connected than you Jehovah said I the Lord the matter one that is mightier than the mightiest the one that is stronger than the strongest the one that is more powerful than the most powerful I will dispossessed them until you will possess your possession in the name of Jesus Christ ladies and gentlemen let's stand on our feet the Bible says in verse 24 every place the full of your future threat he says it shall be yours in the name of Jesus everything you can dream of everything you can think of everything you can ask for God shall deliver to you according to his word in the name of Jesus Christ in verse 25 for as long as you remain on Mount Gerizim he says in verse 25 he says mama say no man shall be able to stand against you your boss your boss your boss that professor that Judge that law that command that treaty whatever it is he says no man shall be able to stand against you in the name of Jesus Christ and the seventh dimension of the blessings of Monken ISM he says in Deuteronomy chapter 11 you shall stand on Mount Gerizim and these blessings would follow you now when you back up in Deuteronomy chapter 10 Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 22 he says this you shall experience increase and greatness he says Israel was filled to a 70 when they stepped out into the year as well when they stepped out of Egypt is this but now the Lord your God has made you as the stars of heaven from 70 to be innumerable from 70 to be innumerable from the beginning till the end it means you will not end this year the same way you are started it does not matter whether you are celebrating 70 because at 70 it was too good 70 is good for a man but God says I am taking you to a place beyond where you started according to the covenant hang it over your life in the name of Jesus Christ 11 he says the Lord God Almighty shall cause you to become a thousand times much more than you are right now in the name of Jesus Christ it means ladies and gentlemen there is grace to become a thousand times more there is ability there is divine supernatural impartation they can make a man become a thousand times greater than when he started this year this year this year this year this year by the working of the Spirit of God by the working of the covenant of life by the working of the covenant of greatness by the working of the covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ you will end this year greater than you have started in the name of Jesus you
Channel: Dominion Chapel Houston
Views: 2,366
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: g6GiyElx0WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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