Why You Need A Church Family with Rick Warren

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- [Rick] Hi everybody, welcome to Saddleback. You know, this weekend, I'm continuing my tour of all of our campuses of the Saddleback Church. I wanna say hi to all of our campuses and those of you that are joining us online. If you take out your message notes, we're gonna begin a new series this weekend. You know, every Sunday in the United States, about 120 million people go to a church worship service. Let me put that in perspective. That means more people in America go to a church service on one single weekend, 120 million people, than will go and attend every single professional sporting event in America in an entire year. Now, today, I want to ask the big question, why? Why do they do this? What are the benefits? Why are over two million, excuse me, two billion people around the world a member of a church family somewhere in the world? Why do they do this, what are the benefits? What's the payoff? Why get out of bed and attend a service at a church when you could stay home? How would you answer that question? You know, having been a pastor for over 40 years, I happen to know that most people who attend a church service have no clear reason or idea why they're there. And I'm sure some of those millions that are attending church around the world, not just in America, but in Berlin, and then in Buenos Aires, and then in Hong Kong, and in Manila, all the other places where we're reaching out. I'm sure there are some people that attend out of habit, or out of tradition, or maybe they go out of duty, or they went to a church service out of guilt, or maybe they went because someone pressured them to go. If somebody were to ask you, why are you a part of a church family, (laughing) what reasons would you give? What would you say? This next year our church, Saddleback church, which currently meets in many locations in four different continents. We're going to launch out into our most ambitious and loving outreach into our communities and into the whole world then we've ever attempted. It's gonna be an exciting adventure that I believe is going to change all of our lives. But first, before we get into that new year and that new vision, we need to review who we are and what we are. We need to identify why we do what we do and what are the purposes of a church family. Now, you need to have clearly in your mind this foundation. You need to know all of the ways God wants to bless your life through your church family. So, starting this weekend, I'm going to teach you a brand new series that explains the five irreplaceable exclusive, benefits of being part of a church family. Now, these five benefits to your life are exclusive to the church, in other words, nothing else besides the church family can meet the five deepest needs in your life and provide the five essential benefits that a church provides. You can't get them anywhere else. They are only available through a church family. You can't get these benefits through your work, or your school, or your nation, or even your physical family, only the church can meet your five deepest needs, and help you fulfill your five purposes for your life. Now, that's a big claim, but in the next seven weeks, the next 48 days, I'm going to prove to you without a doubt that what I'm saying is true. That only your church family can meet the five deepest needs of your life, help you fulfill God's five purposes for your life, and I'm going to be very practical and very, very specific. Now, to fully benefit from this series, you gonna need to participate in five different parts of this series that we're starting this weekend. First, I need you to listen to all seven messages that I teach on the weekends and the days ahead. Second, you're gonna need to watch or listen to a two-minute daily video from me for the next 48 days. It's only two minutes long, and if you'll give me your email, give me your text, I will mail you a link to this daily two-minute video teaching by me which is gonna amplify what I share with you on the weekend. Now, third, I'm gonna ask you to post what I send to you in that link on social media, on your social media page, so that others can benefit too because helping others is a part of your own growth. Next, I'm gonna ask you to read a chapter or two in my book, Purpose Driven Church each week. Now, you may have, if you've been in class 101, you either have this or this. This is the original cover, and we had a half million sold. This is a later cover when we had over a million sold. This book is in 17 languages, Purpose Driven Church is the only book on the church to ever sell more than a million copies, and I'm gonna take you deeper as you read chapters in this book over the next 48 days. Finally, I want to urge you to form a small group. If you're not already in one, and I want you to use the application and discussion questions that I give you on the weekends and in the daily video that I send you. What am I saying, this is going to be an intensive, emersion in the learning. How the right church family can support your right needs and the right purposes of your life. Now, all I wanna do today is give you a brief overview of where we're going for the next seven weeks, and to introduce what we're gonna cover in the next 48 days. Now, the starting point is to ask this, what's a church? What is a church, how do you define it? How do you describe it? (laughing) When I say the word church, what do you think of? Now, depending on your background, your answer's gonna vary. Whether you come out of a Christian background or non-Christian background or an atheist background or a Buddhist, you know, whatever, Muslim or whatever, but my guess is that your understanding of what a church really is, is probably pretty limited, and not really all God says is a church family is. So, let me first tell you what a church is not. It's not a building. I mean, most of you when you think of a church, you think of a church building, on a location, I'm going to the church which means a building. Jesus didn't die for a building. Churches meet in buildings, but they're not a building. Second, a church is not an institution which is a misconception, we often think of the institutionalized church, well, that can be out there, but that's not what a church is, it's not a building, and it's not an institution. I want you to write this down, okay write this down in your outline. A church is not a place I go to, and it's not an event I attend. It is a spiritual family that I belong to. It's not a place I go to, it's not an event I attend. It's a spiritual family that I belong to. Now, there are many, many verses in the Bible that would teach this truth, but let me just look at one. Acts chapter 2 verses, 41 and 42 and down to verse 46 which is a clear description of the very first church which was in Jerusalem, and here's what it says. Every one of these words that I tell you to circle, is important so please circle 'em and then we'll come back and talk about it. To those who believed, circle the word believed, those who believed, circle that, were baptized, circle that, believed, baptized, and added to the church. They joined, circle the word joined, so you've got believed, baptized, joined, they joined with other believers and committed themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, circle teaching and circle fellowship, teaching and fellowship. What is that apostles' teaching, it's the Bible, and fellowship, and the fellowship, it says they worshiped together, circle the word worship, they worshiped together regularly at the temple courts, and they met in small groups, circle that, in homes for communion, you can underline or circle communion, and shared meals, I like this part, people shared meals with great joy and thankfulness. Now, notice these words, believed, baptized, joined, worshiped, fellowshipped, they ate together, uh they ministered together, they served together, all these different things. According to the Bible, this verse and many others, here's the definition of a church. A church, I've written there on your outline, a church is a group of baptized believers who've joined together in a commitment, notice the word commitment, I didn't have you circle that, who joined together in a commitment to help each other fulfill God's five purposes for their lives, that's, friends, is a church. It's a group of baptized believers who've joined together for the purpose of helping each other fulfill God's purposes for their lives. The purpose of the church is to help you fulfill God's five purposes for your life. Now, we've talked in the past, many times about the purpose driven life, but in this series, we're gonna look at the purpose driven church, and why you need other people in your life to fulfill God's purposes. So, the next questions we need to ask is this, why is the church the most important group on Earth? Some of you say, it is? Yeah, I'm sorry to tell you this if you don't know it, but it is, the church is the most important group on Earth. You say, well, why would that be true? Well, let me give you a number of reasons for that. You might write these down. Number one, first reason it's the most important thing on Earth is because the church is God's family, it is God's family, I Peter 1:3, God has given us the privilege of being born again, so that we're now members of God's own family. You become a part of the human race by being born into the world, you become a part of God's family by being born again into God's family. We are part of God's family, notice it's says we're members of God's own family, circle the word member. We're members of God's own family, you need to be a member of God's own family. Now, what is God's family? I Timothy 3:15 says this, NC Version, That family is the church, God's family is the church of the living God, the support and foundation of the truth. Here in California where we have earthquakes, we know the value of support and foundation, if you don't have good support and you don't have good foundation, you're gonna crumble when the earthquakes happen, and if you don't have a good support and good foundation for your life, the support and foundation of truth, you're gonna crumble when the heat's on in your life. So, the church is God's family, that's why it's more important than any business, any government, or anything else, it's God's family. Now, number two, it is the only reason God created the universe, did you know that? The whole reason God created the universe is because He wanted a family, God wanted a family, and that family is called the church. So, the church is the reason God created the universe. If God hadn't wanted a family, if God hadn't wanted the church, none of this would exist. The Bible says God created the entire universe because He wanted the church, that's how important it is. Look at this verse from the Bible, Ephesians chapter 1, verse four, from the Living Bible, Long ago, even before He made the world, even before He made the world, this is before the universe, God chose us to be His very own through what Christ would do for us, did you know that before God thought of the universe, He thought of you? That's how valuable you are, that's how important you are, that's how much you matter to God, before He thought of the universe, He thought of you. Look at this verse, Ephesians 1:5, His unchanging plan, God's unchanging plan, has always been from the very beginning of time, to adopt us into His own family, God wanted a family, to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and this gave him great pleasure. So, the church is God's family, God wanted a family. It's the whole reason He created the universe. That's how important the church is. If God didn't want a church, nothing else would exist. Number three, God is using his church for His eternal purposes, Ephesians 3, verse 10, in the Bible, verse 10 and 11 say this, God's intent, that's His intention His purpose, was that now, through the church, through the church, through the church, underline that, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to all the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to His eternal purpose which was accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. I love the message paraphrase of this passage, Ephesians 3:10, it says this, through Christians like yourselves gathered in churches, this extra-ordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among angels. God's plan for all of time involves the church. No church, no universe, no time, no plan. Now, number four, the fourth reason why the church is more important than any business, any school, any government, any nation, Jesus died for His church. He didn't die for your nation, or my nation, He didn't die for your business, He died for the church. Ephesians 5:25 and 27, Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. It's like the father dies for his family, the husband dies for his wife and kids, Christ loved the church, the bride of Christ, the body of Christ, the family of God, and He gave Himself for it. He died so that He could give the church to Himself like a bride in all of her beauty, and He died so that the church could become pure and without fault. You wanna know how somethin' matters, you look at what somebody's willin' to pay for it. When someone's willing to give their life for something, that shows how much it's valuable. Christ died for the church. Number five, it's the only thing on Earth that's gonna last forever. Now, think about this, Starbucks isn't gonna last forever. McDonald's isn't gonna last forever. Wal-mart isn't gonna last forever. No corporation, Toyota corporation isn't gonna last forever. No nation's gonna last forever, no business will last forever. The only thing that's gonna last, on Earth right now that's alive that's gonna last forever is God's church. It's gonna last forever, the Bible says this, in Ephesians 3:21, Glory will belong to God in His church, and in Christ, in Christ Jesus, notice, underline this, for all time and for all eternity. The church is gonna last forever, nothing on this planet's gonna last except the church, that's how important it is. I Thessalonians 4:17, talks about one day that when the second coming Christ, then we'll be called up together with Him in the air, in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and we will be with the Lord together forever. Well, that's, who is that, who's the we? The church. Number six, the church is the only group that Jesus said would succeed, in Matthew 16, verse 18, Jesus says this, I will build my church, and all the powers of Hell will not conquer it. Jesus is in the church building business. He's not interested in building my reputation. He's not interested in building your reputation. He not interested in building nations. He's not interested in building businesses. He's not interested in building clubs or organizations. He says, I'm gonna build my family, that's why I built the whole universe, I will build my church, and all the powers of Hell will not conquer it. Yes, there are battles, yes, there are loses, yes, there are things we don't win in, but I've read the last chapter of the Bible, we win, and ultimately the church succeeds. It's the only thing that's gonna last. Number seven, it is the only group big enough to solve global problems. You know, I've spoken before the United States Congress, I've spoken before the United Nations, I've spoken at TED conferences, at ASPEN institute and Davos World Economic forum, and I hear people talking about public and private partnerships, but you know what, the problem is they're not big enough to solve all the global problems, there's no nation big enough, there's no business big enough. The church is the only thing big enough to solve global problems, let's put this in perspective. There're 2.2 billion church members in the world, that means the church is bigger than China. The church is bigger than India and China put together, and the Bible says in Ephesians 3:20 in the New Living translation, by His mighty power at work within us, the church, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. All of the global problems cannot be solved without one-third of the world, who happen to be members of churches. We have the greatest distribution, we have the most volunteers, and highest motivation, love, and on and on. Let me give you one other reason, why we're gonna do this series, because the greatest privilege in life listen, the greatest privilege in life is to be part of God's church. To say, I'm a member of God's family, I'm a child of God, that's more important than your nationality, or your gender, or your business or anything else, the greatest privilege in life is to say, I'm a part of God's family. I Peter 1:3 says it like this, God has given us the privilege, the privilege, circle that, this is the greatest privilege, God has given us the privilege of being born again so that we're now members of God's own family, circle the word members again, member, and circle the word family. God has given us the privilege to be a member of His family. I Corinthians 3:16, Do you realize, don't you realize, that all of you together are the temple of God and the spirit of God lives in you? I said this earlier, but I'll say it again. When you were born physically, you were immediately were born into the human family, you became a part of the human race, you didn't have a choice. The moment you were physically born, you became a part of the human race. Once you're born physically, you're in that human race. But when you are gonna be a part of God's family, that's choice, and you've gotta choose to let Christ come into your life, and when you're born spiritually, reborn, born again, rejuvenated, new life, then you're born into God's family, and that's choice. I don't know if you've made that choice or not. You're in the human race, you're created by God, you're loved by God, but you're not in God's family unless you've asked Him to be a part of His family, and accepted Christ as your Savior. Now, okay, Rick, I get it, church is not something we go to, it's not an event, it's not a building, it's a family that I belong to, and you just gave me eight reasons why it's more important that anything else on the planet. Well, the next question that comes up is what's the purpose driven church? You've heard that around Saddleback, any length of time, what is a purpose driven church? Well, if you were to look up the word drive in a dictionary, you would find that the word drive means to guide, or to control, or to direct, to guide, to control, or direct. When you drive a car, you guide, control, direct it down the street. When you drive a nail into the wood with a hammer, you guide, control, direct the nail into the wood. When you drive a golf ball, hopefully you guide, control, or direct it down the fairway and onto the green. Drive means to guide, control, or direct. Every organization, every business, every nation, and every church is driven by something, guided, controlled or directed. I've listed a few things there in your outline. Some churches are driven by tradition, and some organizations are driven by tradition. How do you know if you're a tradition driven church? They have the favorite phrase is we've always done it that way. Some churches, and some organizations are driven by personality, and the question is what is the key leader want, and the problem with a personality driven church is when the leader dies, or retires, or has a moral fare, or whatever, burns out, then the church is left floundering, and we've seen that happen to a lot of churches. We don't want a personality driven church. Some churches and some businesses are driven by finances, and when you have a financially driven church, the question is how much will it cost, and they ask that. Some churches are driven by programs, and you look at the schedule of a typical church, and they've got programs for Sunday school, a program for women, programs for men, and some programs for the choir, programs for children, and on and on and on, and you get the whole idea of the purpose of the church is just to keep people busy, to keep Christians busy in meetings. Jesus did not say, cometh so that you might have meetings. He said, I've come that you might have life. Some churches are driven by their buildings. I think it was Winston Churchill who said, we shape our buildings and then they shape us. One of the reasons Saddleback went 15 years without a building, we wanted to prove to the world that you don't have to have a building to grow a church. This church grew to over 10 thousand in attendance in a tent, we didn't even have a building, why? We wanted to prove that a church is not a building. We move so many dozens and dozens of times in the first 15 years of our church before we finally built a building, and then some churches are driven by events, keep the calendar full of activities, but at Saddleback church, we call ourselves a purpose driven church, not tradition driven, not events driven, you know, money driven, you know, ego driven, personality driven, no, not a guilt driven, not a fear driven church, but a purpose driven church. Why, well, we base it on this verse, Proverbs 19:21, it says this, Many are the plans in a man's heart, but is it the Lord's purposes that prevail, or last eternally. What does that verse say? I can make all kinds of plans, but they're not gonna last. The only thing that's really gonna last is to have a solid purpose of God that says His plans are eternal, His plans last forever, His plans prevail. His purposes are gonna be going on forever and ever, and we're gonna look at these in detail for our church family in the days ahead. Now, all of this has just been an introduction, but I don't want to leave you without giving you a short list of some of the many, many benefits of belonging to a church family. So, let's just wrap this up by giving you five benefits of being a part of a church family, a belonging, not just attending, but belonging, say that's my family. You can always tell the difference between an attender and a member, when an attender comes up to me in the grocery store, and says, Pastor Rick, I love your church, your church, but when a member comes up to me and says, Pastor Rick, I love our church. Have you made that hop? Have you made that switch? From consumer to contributor, from attender to member? From longing to belonging? Let me give you five of the many benefits, we'll look at dozens of these in the days ahead, but why don't you write down these five? Number one, a church family helps me focus on God. A church family helps me focus on God, you know that. Is it easy to loose your focus on God, yes? Is it easy to get distracted by details, and distractions, disturbances, dead-ends, and delays, and difficulties. Yes, and about every few days, I need to get my focus refocused, and coming together as a church family helps me focus on God, and the Bible says, seek first the kingdom of God, all these other things will be added to you, so if I focus on God, the bigger God gets in my mind the smaller my problems are. The bigger I see my problems, the smaller God is. So, I refocus on God. Number two, a church family not only helps me focus on God, it helps me face life's problems. You know, it helps a whole lot to know that other people are in the fight with you, that you're not alone, that you're not by yourself, that you're not a lone ranger. Let me just get real personal, do you ever get discouraged? Of course you do, why? Because life is tough, life is tough, life is a series of problems, and some of you have this myth in your mind that one day, I'm gonna get it all together, and then I'll have no more problems and no more stress and no more tension and no more anxiety, no more stress the rest of my life. I hate to tell you this, but you're gonna have stress the rest of your life because life is a series of problems. It's how you build character. You're right now in one of three positions, either you just came out a problem, or you're in the middle of a problem right now, or you're headin' into the next one because life is a series of problems, but God never meant for you to go through life and all those problems and all that stress on your own. See the life God intends for you, a purpose driven life, is never a solo act. God never meant for you to have to handle all this stress, all this anxiety, questions, problems, doubts, fears by yourself, He built a support group of people around you. It's a spiritual family, and we call that fellowship. It's part of the purpose of the church for your life. So, number one, God helps me to focus my faith, it helps me to face my problems. Number three, church family will help me fortify, fortify, my faith, do you know what fortify means? It means to strengthen, it means to develop, it means to reinforce, sort of to make stronger, and what happens is that when you get with other people in God's family, you set up your right values, you get the right support, it helps you establish your priorities, it helps you decide what's trivial, and what's really important. It helps you fortify your faith. It clarifies your values. You know this is true, there's a lot of phony baloney ideas out there in the world today. There's a lot of stuff on the radio and on the tv and on the internet and on social media that's just not true, and there's not just fake news, there's fake everything, and if you don't have a fortified faith, if you don't stand for something, you're gonna fall for anything, you know that. So it helps you fortify your faith. Number four, a church family helps me find my place to make a difference, helps me find my place to make a difference. You have a desire to inspire, you have a need to succeed. You and I weren't put on this Earth just to use up resources to take up space, to breathe air, and then to die. God has a significant purpose for your life, it's called your life mission for each of our lives, and God has something unique for you to do, He has a ministry in the church, and a mission in the world that He wants you to make a contribution with your life. He doesn't just want you to be a consumer your whole life. He wants you to make a difference, He wants you to leave a legacy, He wants you to learn how to serve God by serving others, how to make a difference with your heart. The best way to learn how to do that is in a church family. Are you gonna learn that at business, no, are you gonna learn that school, no, are you gonna learn that in the neighborhood, no. Now, let me just say this, when we get to Heaven, and we're standing there before God, God's gonna ask a couple questions, the first question that God's gonna ask you is, and this is the most important question of life, what did you do with my son Jesus Christ? I hope you know the answer to that, I accepted Him. His life into my life, I accepted His grace, His forgiveness I trusted Him with my life, I repented and turned to Him, but there's a second question that's just as important. After He says, what did you do with my son Jesus, and by the way, He's not gonna ask, what was your denomination, what was my son, what did you do with my son Jesus. Then, He's gonna ask, what did you do with what I gave you? That is the question of the stewardship of your life. How did you use your life to serve others? To make a difference, to give back, to make a contribution? The first questions determines our eternal destiny, but the second question actually determines our eternal rewards, and part of my job as your Pastor and part of our church's job as the family is to get you ready for that final exam. Finally, there's a fifth thing, a benefit, and that is a church helps me fulfill my life mission. Not just how you serve others, but you were put on Earth to make a difference that no one else can make. Have you thought about that? That God put, God doesn't need one of us, or two of us, He only needs one of us, God put you here specifically for a unique life mission that no one else can fulfill. I can't fulfill it, nobody else can fulfill it, and if you don't fulfill your life mission, guess what, it's not gonna get done. Now, we're gonna talk about that in the days ahead. Now, I realize this is just a little taste of where I'm gonna take you in the next 48 days. As I said, we've studied the purpose driven life before, but in this series, we're gonna look at how you need a purpose driven church to meet all of your five deepest needs, we're gonna look at each of your five deepest needs, and how to fulfill your life purposes. Now, every week, I'm gonna give you some homework assignments, and this week, I want you to do three things. Okay, you're ready, first, I want you to get a copy of this book, The Purpose Driven Church, either the old, original cover or the new cover, and I want you to read the first two chapters of Purpose Driven Church. If you want to sneak ahead and read other chapters, that's okay, but I'm just asking you to just read the first two chapters this week. By the way, those of you that have been through class 101, know that we give a free copy of this in every class 101, and it just so happens this weekend, we're teaching class 101 at all of our campuses, so if you go to class 101 this week, in which is called Discovering your spiritual family, you'll get a free copy of this anyway, and you don't have to go out and buy it out at the bookstore table at your campus. Now, that's the first thing, read the first two chapters of Purpose Driven Church. Second, give me your email or text, everybody take out a card right now, take out a card, write your name on it, and give me your email, if you don't give me anything else, give me your email or if you don't get email, you do texting give me your text number and I can send you a link to my daily two minute videos that I'm gonna share with you every single day for the next 48 days. This is gonna be like a spiritual B-12 shot in your arm every day. Number three, I want you to form a small group of two to three people if you're not already in one. Most of you are already in one. We have over 8,400 small groups at our church, but if you're not in one yet, we'll help you. You can go out to one of the tables, the small group tables and say, I want to form a group, just get a couple friends, and say we're gonna discuss the application questions that I send you every weekend, and then you can do those in your small group this week. Finally, if you're not already a member of Saddleback church, let me just say this, look right at me, we want you. We don't just accept you in this church, we want you. We want you in our church family. We want you, we will love you, we will serve you, we will care for you, we will help you, we will stand with you, we will support you, I invite you to take class 101 which is called Discovering my spiritual family this Sunday afternoon at all of our campuses. Now, I've just given you a glimpse of where we're going. We're gonna look at your five deepest needs and how only the church, the family of God, can meet those needs in your life in the days ahead. Read the book, listen to the daily devotional, or watch the daily video, and be here every weekend, and bring a friend, and by the way, when you get that link, pass it on to somebody else on your social media. Let me pray for you. Heavenly Father, I thank you for our church family. I love everybody whose here, we come from every different background, we represent every different age group, every ethnic group, nationality, we represent different, 60-70 different languages, we represent different economic strata and background, and even political differences, but we all come together in this family called Saddleback, a purpose driven church that we might learn what You wanna do through your family. Help us to realize that this is the greatest privilege of our life, there is no greater privilege than to be a part of your family. If you've never invited Jesus Christ into your life, if you've never stepped across the line, you're not a part of His family, but you can start today. Will you take this step, and say in your heart, Jesus Christ, just say these words, Jesus Christ, in your mind, I want to be a part of your family. I want to live forever in Heaven, but I want to know you and I want to be a part of your family, and I want to see how my needs can be met by your family, and I want to fulfill your five purposes for my life, so today, I'm saying yes to you as simply as I know how, and I humbly ask this in Your name, Jesus, Amen. God bless you, everybody, I hope you're as excited about this series as I am. It's gonna take us right up to Christmas season, then we'll go into the magical season of Christmas. But don't miss a single week, God bless you everybody.
Channel: Saddleback Church
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Keywords: saddleback church
Id: W89x6JfULMc
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Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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