InTheClassroom: Bishop Nathanyel : The 4 Stages Of Disloyalty

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I want to talk about scripture right right there's now four stages four stages of disloyalty the four stages of disloyalty what are they number one I think I need a PowerPoint one day going to start doing powerpoints the self-willed stage is the number one stage of disloyalty the second stage is the offended stage number three the third stage is called the passive stage and number four is the criticism stage those are the four stages of disloyalty and I'm gonna take us through the scriptures to explain what these four stages are all right so let's open it with second Corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith so let's pause right there so in discussing these four stages of disloyalty disloyalty our job is to examine our selves that's what every man and every woman must and should do does this apply to me could it eventually apply to me I did a class some time ago called what was the call with Judas everyone has the potential to become a Judas Iscariot if the wrong button button button is pushed everyone has the potential to becoming a Judas so that's gonna segue into today's class about the fourth stages of disloyalty so the first thing I want us all to do is examine ourselves as the class is going on so I want to discuss the first stage the self-willed stage the self-will stage is a sign of disloyalty is not to be confused with a brother or sister that takes initiative for example ah we were discussing the forefather Phineas in the Book of Numbers where he saw a man and a woman I was a semi night brother having interracial relations with a woman it was I believe she was more of a MIDI and I can't remember but and it was a plague in Israel he saw it he got a javelin and he drove the javelin through the man and the woman and God said for that I'm a state of plague and bless phineas he took initiative he didn't wait to be told so that's different than a self-willed brother or sister so I'm not talking about taking initiative uh the one that takes initiative sees a problem or a need and not being told to do something about it he or she will fix it that's taking initiative that's not what we're talking about the self-willed brothers sister is the one that's told to do something and does something completely different than what you told he or she to do he or she believes that they are better or smarter than you I want to make another comparison of what I'm not I'm not talking about a brother or sister who has a particular skill in something for example you in Atlanta you have sisters who are trained in dealing with special IDI or you know what I mean special edges and the brother you say sister can you handle that his skill is not in that she may have a skill in that let her do that what we're talking about self willed is brother for example sister doing favor take this chair and put over there and you take the chair to decide I'd rather put it over there or you say take these men to a location tik to teach the gospel when your brother goes that I don't like that I'm gonna do something completely different than what you say that's the self well brother or sister that I'm talking everybody understand the difference between taking initiative and self-willed I hope so let me give a few examples give me a second 7 to 18 and verse 5 second Samuel chapter 18 and verse that can Samuel chapter 18 verse 5 and the king commanded Joab and a be shy and it's high saying deal gently for my sake with a young man even with Absalom and all that and all the people heard when the king gave all the captains charge concerning Absalom because remember Absalom which was David's son was being rebellious he tried to all who try to take the kingdom from his father he set up a coup d'etat said how you say a coup d'etat against King David so now everybody was trying they want to get Absalon so David tell he gives the order take special care regarding Absalom my son ok no does it deal gently for my sake whipped a young man even without salon everybody got that right now jump over to verse 14 what Joab does verse 14 then said Joab I may not tarry thus with thee and he took three darts in his hand and thrust them through the heart of Absalom while he was yet alive in the midst of the oak so absolutely Joe have killed Absalon that is not what King David said to do King David said deal gently with him bring him back to me that's what David was telling him bring my son to me jo aapse I'm smarter than the king so I'm just going to kill this guy so that's self that's an example of being self willed let me give you another one in case some of you in here may be new you're still confused about taking initiative and being self well well I can feel what's the difference I'm showing you some more self well first Maccabees chapter 5 and verse 18 1st Maccabees chapter 5 and verse 18 first Maccabees chapter 5 verse 18 so he left Joseph the son of Zachariah now remember the book of Maccabees takes place during the Greek captivity all right read it again so he left Joseph the son of Zacharias and Azariah scap'd ins of the people with the remnant of the host in Judea to keep it until whom he gave Commandments saying take either charge of this people and see that you may not make not war against the heathen until the time that we come again so Judah Maccabee and his brethren sold Joseph the son of Zacharias and Azariah they were captains you captain who take charge of these people do not make war with the heathen until we come back number one it's an honor they were they with two captains and they had the charge of all Israel to me when I read it that's the honor you left us to to take care of all these people yes you two are capable the rest of us gonna go do battle all right so now jump over to verse 56 verse 56 we're gonna read down Joseph the son of Zacharias and as arise captains of the garrison these are the same two guys Judah gave commandment to herd of the valiant acts and warlike deeds which they had done which Judah Maccabee and his brothers in a recitation like warriors did good wherefore they said let us also get us a mane let us also get us a name grant and go fight against the heathen that around about us now didn't Judas might be just tell them do not fight against the heathen watch over the people till we get back we know so when they had given charge into the garrison that was with them they went towards amnio then came go Gaius and his men out of the city to fight against them Greeks good and so it was that Joseph and as a riots were put to flight oh and pursued on to the borders of Judea and there and there were slain that day of the people of Israel about two thousand men who thousand men got killed because it a self-willed brothers you got to think about an exam do I have that type of a spirit this one should be going through you're my mi those guys okay they didn't take initiative because they were commanded don't fight they were self world said we gonna fight why because we want to make a name for ourselves we don't verse 61 thus was there a great overthrow among the children of Israel because they were not obedient unto Judas and his brethren but thought that but thought to do some valiant at you're seated but thought to do some valiant act right moreover these men came not of the seed of those by whose hand deliverance was given unto Israel now I want you to look at verse 62 because it's very very relevant every generation God has a chosen seed that he's dealing with what regatta regardless like during the time of our nat turner he was the one God was dealing with him oh he wasn't dealing with all of them when the time of Denmark Vesey time of Marcus Garvey there certain sees God someone put his spirit or knees meant to do a B and C there's nobody on the side can go Teleco it don't work like that I'm giving another example you know during the civil to what March on Washington there was about 20 to 30 speakers that went up there but there was only one main speaker that everybody remembers who know who's that nobody knows who spoke that doing it you don't know where you from Jamaica during the march on Washington yes C Mon Luther King but he wasn't the only speaker there were many speakers but nobody remembers their name nobody knows guys because why cuz to do whatever he was doing a lot and you gotta think about although it was not according to the scripture good day to know the Bible they did the best they could for what they had their little civil rights that would have been a lot of us was that the behest of what MLK and many of those other civil rights leaders did okay but what I'm showing you read verse 62 again moreover these men came not of the seed of those by whose hand deliverance was given unto Israel so they felt well God is dealing with Judah Maccabee and his brother God dealing with us too and you know I noticed Millennials do that you can do it I can do it too uh oh no you can't oh no you can't like I'll give that story another time read on verse 63 howbeit the man Judas and his brethren were greatly renowned in the sight of all Israel and of all the heathen wheresoever their name was heard of so let me give you another one numbers chapter 14 I'm still dealing with the self-willed stage of disloyalty self-willed this is the first stage of a disloyal brother or sister numbers 14 verse 40 wanna start right there numbers chapter 14 verse 40 and and they rose up early in the morning and get them up and you know I heard her brothers say it's okay if I commit adultery cuz King David did it I'm gonna tell you the difference between you and King David you know what God said about King David he said that King David was a man after his own heart he loved King David God don't love everybody in Israel the same John the Baptist said that John said I forgot what if y'all know where did y'all find it for me John said Christ was preferred before me you know what that is somebody hold on I got to find that one cuz as great as John was cuz remember Christ said Christ said above above men born of women there's no one greater than John the Baptist but then John comes back about Christ he said Christ was chosen before me what you got John chapter 1 verse 15 John bear witness of him and cried saying this was he of whom I speak he that cometh after me is preferred before me for he was before me you see that so John understood as great as he was he says somebody's coming after me that's prefer me to prefer by God before me alright so John understood that he understood that God was not dealing with everybody the same but for some reason black people don't understand that today and so my brown people too we go everybody's the same God deal everybody equal dad is not true that is not true back to numbers chapter 14 numbers chapter 14 verse 40 and they rose up early in the Lord Bishop that's that's telling you they don't know the scriptures they a good example of that is and these seven churches when you look at seven churches all over more than in the same level Christ told you that so what does that mean there was different level most I was dealing with different level that's why you see a lot of them a lot of stuff there was fighting where there was only one or two that was perfect so then I was not in the same level even the even the letters when you look at all the letters Paul sent to the coin to kill Galatia Ephesus there was not only some level Paul make it clear it was a little never when you get in those letters you can tell it was not innocent level so we get to the book at numbers now I'm gonna preface it for you I don't know how many how many by raise our hands how many of you reading four chapters a day raise your hand only to know sisters and only three brothers Wow Thank You captain Isaac doing a good job that's horrible yeah making me look bad that's horrible bro that's horrible telling so let me preface with the history here Moses had gotten twelve spies to spy out the land of Canaan they all came back with a negative report except to Caleb and Joshua they came Joshua and Caleb say hey we could take these damn big ashy Africans over here we could take them down the Canaanites and the rest of them said no idea joints in the land they're gonna kill us the Earth's gonna swallow us up we can't we can't we cap it so the Lord said alright fine because they don't want to go I'm not gonna do not number sit back and wait so now this continues the rest of the history right here after God got mad and started jacking us up look at numbers 14 and verse 40 let's start there watch what happens numbers chapter 14 verse 40 and they rose up early in the morning and get them up into the top of the mountain saying lo we be here and we'll go up unto the place which the LORD hath promised but we have sinned they said alright we're gonna do what God said we're gonna go take the land now what God told him to take the land back then they said no we ain't go we can't do it they make up their own time and say okay now we're gonna do it watch what said verse 41 and Moses said wherefore now do we transgress the commandment of the Lord but it shall not prosper go not up for the Lord is not among Moses said don't go up the Lord is not among you he was with you back when he said to do it but right now don't do it right he be not smitten before your enemies for their malachite sand the Canaanites are there before you and ye shall fall by the sword because he had turned away from the Lord therefore the Lord will not be with you but they presume that they presume that were presuming presumptuous meaning they were self-willed good but they presumed to go up unto the hilltop nevertheless the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord and Moses departed not out of the camp then the Amalekites came down and the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill and smoked them and discomforted them even unto home ma y'all see that so the Lord wasn't dealing with them you said nope my spirits not with y'all you were disobedient you want to do your own thing now you're gonna get jacked the hell up it's you you know you know a lot of you you let me try Heavy D scriptures even a new marriage some of you are safe will for example we told her brother hey you see that's a dome area which assists do not know that brother they went and do it anyway now they're going to hell that's the selfless spirit cuz when listen when remember most what Moses told Moses said don't go up Moses was the Prophet most like I was the most in a different level the same thing today when a leadership tablet that should say a bra do not married a sister where do you think that you think he's gonna say it no God is speaking to him us telling you do not do it that's why your guys going to hell that's the safe will because there's remember what the scripture said the scripture said what what we had said what we bless on earth is also bless in heaven and that go well what is bound on what when this is what you guys don't stand when the leadership they officer that's over you say do not married that mean he then bless that relationship that's what that means that's why you going to hell you notice the one is to get married they always successful that's because when he said it's okay that means I will be blessed it guess what blood is the same thing if you show up to my house x4 my daughter I said okay so now in the wedding day I give you my daughter so I blessed it isn't that the same thing as the father are blessed it that's why but if I didn't like you I said no I'm not giving my daughter that mean if my daughter and you go behind my back and sleep together whatever happened that's when y'all I didn't bless that and Jessie's not gonna walk out because I didn't blessed it is the same thing that's the self will spirit that's how deep this thing go watch this in 2nd Peter chapter 2 in verse 10 2nd Peter chapter 2 in verse 2 remember we're talking about the first stage of disloyalty is that self will brother that self will sister right 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 10 but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness so it's a walk after the flesh means to walk in sin you're breaking God's laws in the lust of uncleanness good and despise government meaning God's government God's leadership God set up certain people over the congregation it says what these will despise cover you know what I really don't like people we don't realize that God is setting up a government on earth this is as rickety records this is with all the trials and struggles we go through God is setting up a government and when the Lord returns he go and say oh this spirit here dis spirit these are spirits that I'm setting up okay and guess what it's like in a time of Moses you had rebels why my white why God chose Moses in the air anuruddha Halliday same thing what happened to wilderness the rebellious one why do evidence the same thing here on earth as with bringing trying to raise up who are you you ain't nobody you got whatever you can do I could do better wasn't that a song Sesame Street I can do better Danah know anyway read it again Kristen but she fleed them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government watch this presumptuous suus are they we self-will what's that word self-will what's that where self-will self-willed is the first stage of a disloyal brother or sister go ahead they are not afraid to speak evil of dignity you know what that means you go to Facebook and YouTube y'all ain't right look how much this will make no money over here he ain't right hey wicked as hell I'm on YouTube I'm on the face but ya gotta see that that's what the scripture is talking about ain't afraid to speak of God - against God's men they don't give a damn that's what this verse is making reference to so does everybody understand the first stage of disloyalty as self will brother self will sis ok you gonna see signs of it in Dallas watch because I see it from school - scores up that one right there disloyal the second stage is called the offended stage the offense stage is when a brother or sister is in the midst of sin the morning wicked as hell uh and every precept you go to every precept or lesson that's taken they see it as a personal attack on them I'm gonna give you an example from one of the old schools when I was at H ODC then let there was his brother I mean it was wicked as hell ain't gonna call his name the class we're going over is thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor after the class here he comes could I have a word which she won't aside for a minute yeah Brett what's going on I think y'all did that class about me well no this is we're working our way through the commandments bruh yeah but I think it was about what brother like your spirit are you a liar knowing or like then how could the class be about you that's why we we prefaced the class by examine yourself you got to check your own self okay when you know that you roll you in a missus in you take everything as an attack did you see me know what's going know what I'm doing at home I think my wife called him and told him what I'm doing that's how Satan works on your mind cause you what you wicked as hell you're doing some stuff you think nobody know about God puts the spirit on to do a lesson and you take it as a personal attack you don't take it as edification let me fix my cell make it myself right you take it as if someone jaga's at me they hate me they despise me everyone it's ten what I'm saying Matthew 11 verse 6 this what Christ said Matthew chapter 11 and verse 6 and blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me so Christ is a blessed thing so when a loss come out the word of God comes out Christ said blessed is he that is not offended in me you blessed but that brother a sister that is offended when those scriptures come out there's a problem we talk here we are we are we in one of the schools talking about women here come the sister I knew y'all was talking about sis we don't we just met you what you talking about I knew the classroom they're on me I think they can told you sir he can't tell us nothing about you sis now her face was cracked and on the floor go sit your little nasty behind down somewhere that's cause she waked his house she been whoring sucking this and sucking that all across the state now the Scriptures come out we did a personal attack on her don't you think if we knew you was doing that way to through your rotting behind out to school long time win but you've been sitting it cuz we don't know what's going on but there's spirit in you they're talking about you they know what you did with Tyrone last night you sitting there mad now gotta get a purse a severe Matthew Mark 4:17 marked for 17 this is the chapter where Christ talks about the four types of visual aids but we're not gonna go through all those four types there's one type particular I want to talk about just for a moment just for a moment in his verse 17 or chapter 4 verse 17 and have no root in themselves this is that brother or sister who don't study whilst what I'm about to say now you don't study you don't read four chapters a day as we advise you to do now let me tell you something people say Bishop do you sit down to read four chapters they know I don't you know what I do I'll put on my headphones and I'll listen to whole chapters that's what I do like uh day before yesterday I've read that read I listened to the whole book of Isaiah and the whole book of John that's what I do but maybe in everybody and he got a different learning curve some people can do that some King could you have a short attention span so you're the type that needs this especially when you first come in unit you have to sit down and write notes so retain what's going on some brothers some sis can hear things and they can retain it everyone is not on the same learning curve in here some brothers have said with the schools they they only went as far as the fifth grade in reading so the reading is not up to par so what can I do say listen get audios and listen to the class because reading some words he can't pronounce so we said listening is better for you other brothers that listen don't work good for them you got to know where your learning curve is they're been the same I'm saying so don't compare yourself to the brother next year I'm in when I was in the Academy I I had to read that daggone penal law and police all that stuff City study was being a couple of other study study study there was this one Jake and it was a a termite they read something one time and they just retained it made me sick but they had a better learner I wasn't I was another that kid that could read something once every day what they call that photographic memory I don't got that he can I've done got that he could read some once he could tell you what he read three months ago it's over here but rather I don't have that I got to write it down I gotta have notes in my Bible I got a slower learning curve I'm aware of my you got to know you everybody know what I'm saying and don't compare yourself to somebody else okay now mark 4:17 again mark chapter 4 verse 17 I'll give another example this is years ago I remember reading uh I was trying to remember precepts so I had to I got myself on index cards and I would right now they got apps with that now I would right like John 14:15 if you love me keep my Commandments first John five and three all in love scriptures were almost thirteen eleven things like that and I would I would quiz myself while I was at work you know just sitting in quiz my so that's how I had to do just to retain basic stuff some people is not like that they could just retain like my daughter she's small she just retains stuff I'm like back my son be mad as hell how come she remember everything Sh you smarter than you bro well go ahead read a your mark 4:17 mark chapter 4 verse 17 and have no root in themselves cause you don't study and so endure but for a time you're only gonna do it is true for time if you're not studying and applying good afterward when affliction or persecution arises for the words sake when persecution or affliction arises for the words sake I mean if people are using scriptures to challenge you come against you good immediately they are offended they are what offended you get offended this is that second stage the offended stage I can't take it no more okay watch this give me first Kings 22 verse 8 remember when you are at that offended stage every precept every lesson you take as a personal attack on you you are at the offended stage first Kings 22 let me get it in verse 8 first Kings chapter 22 verse 8 in the king of israel said unto Jehoshaphat there was yet one man micaiah the son of imlah by whom we may inquire of the Lord cause he was a prophet Makai was a prophet Jehoshaphat didn't like Makai is you gonna find out good but I hate him but I hate him why for he does not prophesy good concerning me but evil and Jehoshaphat said let not the King say so so now what was going on here Jehoshaphat hated micaiah anything Micaiah prophesied it was of all wards it was taken as evil towards Jehoshaphat why because your host Fett was wicked as how the King wasn't right he wasn't in his right mind in his right spirit so every prophecy Makai brought out he said he said that cause he hates me and I hate that no right there that's some of y'all some of y'all listening right now everything that comes out he did this against me what jump over to uh verse 18 verse 18 and the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat did I not tell thee that he would prophesy not no good concerning me but he won't seated that's this King could not stand his prophet he hated him and when you see he said everything this dude says it's always something daggone evil towards me now if you if all he had to do was get his spirit right and on prophecies when it came for good but everything that came out he knew it was bad against him cuz he was wicked as hell and that's what you got to take that and say you know what when he scriptures come out let me examine me let me examine myself self-examination from them I want to talk about the third stage of disloyalty which is the passive stage you know I keep hitting his daggone button under my chair the passive stage is when a brother or sister pulls back they refuse to do the work they refuse to do their duties in hopes that you fall they have an inflated sense of importance they have a you need me attitude and the proof that you need me I'm not gonna do my duties in the congregate I'm gonna pull back and just watch i'ma watch out for huh and we went through that remember in when we first set up the first I USC school remember the brother who was the elder with me and his wife they stopped doing stop teaching stop she was over the bow she over she was over the bread and all of that and his kids she was over she stopped doing everything he stopped dealing with the brothers she stopped dealing with the sisters they said y'all gonna fall step back pull back that is the third stage that's all the passive stage watch this Ciroc 37 and you watch you will see you will see my check a we have that here we have that here with some of the offices I this is what it is some of the officers wives and I know who you are scripture says the two shall become one flesh so you know you got it if you got a little passive demon at home just waiting and the reason they do that is they the reason they do that is to is to try you it's a try on your faith there's a lot of y'all gonna end up falling out because of your wives telling you got to check yourself so would you again the the leadership gives you a duty and what the spirit guides them a handle is handling and you decide I'm not gonna do it no more I'm a way to you that's the evil spirit because I want you to fall I want I want like to like that last group like to do with God the little weasel eel dude he said ain't no other artists could do what I do nobody could do videos like me y'all gonna fall horse I said I don't worry I got nine other brothers back right he said he built this Moses I got none of the brothers that can do what he can do and bad up now he mad so over inflated self-importance sense of importance brothers some of you I think you look at this the wrong way I wanna we examine the whole thing I'm gonna I'm gonna want something by you remember in the wilderness way Most High God Moses didn't was the number one man second man was Aaron right remember some of the Israelite they want Moses spot but remember there was Moses peak captain's offices elders didn't they don't understand they responsible edit their will didn't understand what it is that Messiah God put him over same thing today those spirit come back today I'm gonna be an example I remember when we was in 1088 I was Bishop put me over the floor the cleaning floor I was I was because it wasn't big I was over the floor the bathroom the cleaning and then I was over the to buy stuff for the kitchen stuff I love that thing well I love that thing every Saturday we gotta clean this we got just what I want this is what I was doing I was making it fast because I wanna stand next to them when they work in the scriptures so I make sure you know that so I'm not sure yes I'm gonna stir your scripture but I make sure my job get done first so I'm like she done fast but the reason asked you guys looking at different how many of you it from the tribe of Judah why must I got called you first are you sure because think about it every single Jew let us walk to that door through you you responsible for him do you know that you guys then look at it like that huh he call you why he called you first is that make you because you're more special than the other ones no there's something in you you cannot see what God see it that little office you have just mopped the floor think about it every single other person who come here they put him in the same duty we threw you over them talk about it you guys look at it one way every single men that's walk to that door you over them why what's so special about you why moussaka didn't call him first remember the example Mossad just give up a busy little wears busily today think about that everybody is replaceable for me every all of us are replaceable when I save go Ciroc 37 7 through 9 surah chapter 37 verse 7 now remember we're talking about the third stage of disloyalty which is the passive stage when a brother sister pulls back from the duties that they've been given in hopes that the body falls they have an inflated sense of importance you ever you need me attitude I don't need you but every councillor extol if council hmm but there is some that consulate for himself some people council for themselves right beware of a counselor and know before what need he had where he will counsel for himself less he cast a lot upon thee watch this and say unto thee thy way is good and after would he stand on the other side to see what shall befall thee you see that he gonna tell you you gonna ask a should I do a B or C he's gonna he or she say yeah yeah go do that but now they just waiting to see what's gonna happen to you could their hopes that you get jacked up and full you falling it jacked up that's what they're hoping for so said you got to beware of people like that if they pull back that's what it say it said it says and sansa thee that way is good and afterward he stand on other side I mean he pulled back he's just watching you to watch to see if you fall and get jacked the hell up you gotta watch people like that alright give me another one give me jeremiah 48:10 is what God said about war watch this but it's gonna correlate with the scriptures to this was war against Moab Jeremiah chapter 48 verse 10 mhm cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully grant and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood so cursed be he that does the work of the Lord deceitfully cursed be he that holds back his sword from blood when God gives a commandment to war and do something he says don't do it deceitfully and don't hold back now I'm gonna give you an example first 7:15 y'all start at verse 1 with Kings soul this was the chapter that you read about in arm in the movie Birth of a Nation when that Turner was reading is zoomed in on First Samuel Chapter 15 if you look closer at the movie and he panned down it gives you the commandment that was given us all right First Samuel chapter 15 verse 1 Samuel also said unto Saul the Lord sent me to anoint thee to be king over his people over Israel now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the Lord thus saith the Lord of Hosts I remember that which Amalek did to Israel how he laid wait for him in the way when he came up from Egypt now go and smite amalek and utterly destroy all that they have and spare them not but slay both man and woman infant and suckling oxen sheep camel and ass and Saul gathered the people together and numbered them in telltale iam two hundred thousand footmen and ten thousand men of Judah and Saul came to a city of Amalek and laid wait in the valley and Saul said unto the key Knights go depart get you down from the Amalekites lest I destroy you with them for you show kindness to all the children of Israel when they came up out of Egypt so the K Knights departed from among the Amalekites and Saul smote the Amalekites from Havilah unto unto thy comers to sure that is over against Egypt and he took a Jag the king of the Amalekites alive and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword but Saul and the peoples spared a gang in the best of the sheep and of the oxen and of any of the fatlings and the lambs and all that was good and would not utterly destroy them but everything that was violent refuse that they destroyed utterly so what are we reading about here Saul held back his sword from blood he decided to do the work of the Lord deceitfully God said destroy all Amalek will you come across him so I'm gonna keep a gag and I'm gonna keep the best of the Sheep God said destroy everything solved asutton no I'm not going to do that right there so when you read down in a chapter this is where the Lord tells him rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry and it says because you have rejected the word of the Lord he has also rejected thee from being King that's verse 23 in the same chapter so what are we getting out of this that passive stage where I'm not gonna do what I was commanded to do I'm gonna hold back i'ma pull back and the log on Jackie Jack's purse like that and you'll see that in the congregation when a man or woman gets an attitude the work of the Lord becomes garbage to them they want to see you fall so I'm not going to do it I'm a watch you fall cuz you need me you gotta remember something what did John give me that naw it might be Matthews I don't know it's one of the four gospel way he said think not to say to yourselves we be Abraham's seeing I think was John said that in Matthew 3 look Matthew chapter 3 and verse 9 and think not to say within yourselves we have Abraham to our Father why say unto you that God is able to of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham if you can understand that verse alone that John said to the Pharisees yo your sense you're over what did I just say your your sense of importance will quickly be deflated John is telling them just because you're Abraham seen don't see dummy nothing with the Lord because God can raise up children of Abraham out of rocks your mind should go for but not these guys they will I'm Abraham see I'm the shizzle they didn't understand God understood that though we understand that so it's hoping that as brothers and sisters come this truth they can understand it okay so that's the third stage of disloyalty that passive stage the fourth stage is the criticism stage criticism criticism that's when a brother or sister has an evil eye towards everybody and finds fault in everyone except themselves you ever notice some people they finally look around you know you might get on him or her about something after that is on now they find fault in this one this one this one that one look him look at him you never know I look at huh huh they sit back and criticize everybody it's a negative cause some criticism is healthy criticism you know there's a difference between negative criticize and positive criticism positive criticism builds your character builds your esteem helps you study that's positive okay negative is they just turn you down that's there's a big difference I'm talking about that negative criticism give me that Matthew seven three to five Matthew's chapter seven verse three and why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye one thing you gotta realize about people that always have negative criticism they got the devil on they f fill with sin themselves therefore they can see no good in you that makes them feel good I got to put you down so that I can feel good about me that's the devil redone again and why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye I know a mote is something small and a beam is something big notice what Christ is saying wide beholdest thou the mote something small that is in your brother's eye but considerest not the beam that huge lump or timber wood is in your eye hey you got a something in your I mean why he got this big thing right here in his eye and he can't he or she can't see it okay this is beginning of that criticism stage of disloyalty watched his second samuel 15 second samuel 2nd samuel 15 verse three and four second samuel chapter fifteen verse three and Absalom said unto him see that matters are good and right but there is no man deep unit of the King to hear thee Absalom said moreover oh that I would may judge in the land that every man which hath any suit of cause might come unto me and I would do him justice right and it was so that when any man came nigh to him to do him obedience he put forth his hand and took him and kissed him when you read from above read the whole chapter what Absalom was doing was putting down David his father he was if I was king this is how I would do it my father he don't have the wisdom on the saying that I have he would put down his father to get to love of the people he would kiss the hand and flatter the people that's what he was doing now watch this get Ciroc 37 intent Ciroc 37 which is ecclesiasticus so rock ecclesiastic the 37 in verse 10 consult not with one that suspected thee and hide thy counsel from such as nvd mmm-hmm now this suspects thee as someone that envies the deals with somebody they have an evil eye towards you they are overly critical Ward's of you they have a problem with you what verse did you leave wolf at that was the end of verse 10 read 10 again consult not with one that suspected thee and hide thy counsel from such as Envy deep you see what says consult not would one that suspect of the suspect the of what being evil they suspect you of being in a midst of sin the Bible says don't consult with people like that it says and hide thy counsel from such as Envy thee I've spoken with a few brothers in one school and I remember one brother said cause he went with us somewhere and I don't want to say where cuz you might figure out who I'm talkin about anyway everything this brother touched went wrong and I said brother something's going on I said are you alright I said could you rollin with us and this went wrong that went wrong everything we put you over fell apart went to hell in a handbasket I said there's a spirit rolling which was everything all right so he pauses and he says no I'm dealing with with a spirit of hatred so I so hate towards what he said one of my peers I said your peer he said yeah officers someone saw us and so what's wrong with officer so so he says well he's excelling above me we came in together but for some reason he's promoted above me and he's helping brothers and counseling brothers and and that thing's pissing me off I said brother you should see that you know him glean from want to learn from brothers like that when men see certain people excel and want them to excel you want to be around those spirits to learn know what they know follow their example I said you got a look at it it's a positive not a negative I said because he's your peer you have his personal phone number you talk to him a lot right he goes yeah why don't you take that as an opportunity for good rather than you see it as something evil now you hate his brother I said that's a Desa you know lack of work my work that's a nigga's spirit that's how black and brown people deal in a world okay always jealous of the next man the next woman we can't roll like that the scripture says the shig what does it say share our gifts it says almost how does the parable go to Christ gave it called talent share your talents that's all we gotta be don't hide it okay give me a second Corinthians chapter 10 even one sister she won't send us a letter um what does it go to complaint form so I'm reading a complaint form it's a sister so and so I don't like the sisters here and so on so school because nobody eats my bread it's not right to sister back I said well why do you think they don't eat your bread she says well they have hatred towards me I said have you considered just for a moment that you can't cook well I could cook but I wanna cook and I realize a lot of people are in denial about themselves I said if they have they passed your food out she says no I said well have the sister center on and tasted your food she said yes I said okay so they know whether or not you can cook or not cook is that fair to say she goes well I just think they hate me so I said well sister if these senior women are not comfortable eating or disseminating your food I'm not gonna eat it either bishop some of these food when you eat it you can't it Jesus was not there I've got a goal second Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 2 second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 2 but I beseech you that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence we started 1 verse 1 now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ who in presence and base among you but being absent and bold toward you so when Paul was amongst them he would paced himself meaning he humbled himself that's what it means my base among them it says him being absent but being absent am bold toward you he wrote powerful letters to the Corinthians great but I beseech you that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence wherewith I think to be bold against some which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh cause right there I want y'all to see what Paul was going through look at verse 2 closely but I seat you that I may not be bold when I am present with you with that confident member in verse one he said when I'm among you I base myself I humble myself I spoke gently to everybody but when I'm absent I write heavy letters to make sure everything's in order look at verse 2 but I beseech you that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence he said I want to come and you face-to-face and I got a rail on you that's what he's saying where with I think to be bold against some why would he be bold against some what did they do look which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh men according to sin you had some people in the Corinthian church leadership who was saying Paul was wicked as hell overly critical criticizing the leadership that's what Paul was dealing with when you read the letters of the Corinthians watch verse 10 verse 10 for his letters say vain are weighty and powerful but his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible don't look in it for his letters say they meaning certain men leadership and Corinthians are weighty and powerful meaning he writes hard things hard to be understood but watch this but his bodily presence is weak meaning what he looked like a punk that's what they tell us about but saying about Paul this do look like a Paul we could take him this dude ain't nothing then he says and his speech contentedly he talked a lot of ish that's when you tell somebody to your speech is contemptible meaning you took a whole lot of Sh these dudes was rebellious this report when you read the letters of the Corinthians Paul was going through a lot with this one church right here go through a lot look at 2nd thien's 12 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 11 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 11 I am become a fool in glorying you have compelled me for I ought to have been commended of you for nothing in my behind the very chiefest apostles though I'd be nothing wait pause right there look at that thing I am become a fool in glorying you Yi meaning you Corinthians have compelled you have forced my hand that's when you compel me you forced me first with what Lucas says for I ought to have been commended of you y'all should have honored me as an apostille as a leader it is says it says for meaning because and nothing in my behind the very chiefest apostille though I'd be nothing what they were saying Paul was what nothing he said okay y'all consider me nothing but when you examine my works I'm not behind none of the Apostle 2:12 in fact guess what when you read his resume he's bidding more than all the twelve three-quarters of New Testament Paul the Apostle Paul but the Corinthians was saying you ain't ish you ain't nothing he said y'all should have commended me but instead now I gotta argue with you about Who I am and his truth this is what Paul was going through that's that fourth stage of a disloyal brother that criticism stage you ain't this you ain't that if I understand that now understand so those are the four stages of this little to look out for in men and women loyal understand this write this down loyalty breeds loyalty watch this in 1st Corinthians 4 verse 2 hey here's another thing you can be Jakob a win has anybody I'm just very curious separated from the body and become successful on their own I want y'all to examine all the people that rebel cursed us out went on their own and said if you could do it we could do it has one been successful and my years I've been 113 years that's never happened that's never happened because I'll go back go back to Egypt when we live when we left Egypt in the wilderness right remember Bishop mention about the government once I got always been a government no matter where we are they always build a government both sides bill a government in the wilderness studying with Moses of course Moses didn't make it to the promised land Joshua end up taking over the government to the turret to the promised land but however more sight God Billy government what happened to everybody that was well against the government they all die he killed every single one of them that was rebelling against the government those who are saying Oh Moses you're not the only one to use well then to them didn't succeed in kicking all of them is the same thing today when you look at are you I see it's blessing I don't care what anybody said about are you I see our work speak for itself you can hear us you can love us one day you will you will at you will well you will not admit it of course that nobody is doing the work that we do in the work most I got is using us period you can hear us you can love us more sigh God is using our us see for his glory we go where no other camp ever go and I'm when I see no other came I'm talking about even came back then never wait we are us you want so you try to tell me once I guess not using iOS see what's like I just know you guys see so when you laugh no this this spirit they live with you this great stay that's you know how I know because you never succeed because I have you blood I said I build that cam well okay let me see you Billy another one then let me shoot me so five and seen it if one of you see let me know I haven't seen it I haven't seen nobody left and they're black oh we be like you I see okay go Billy another one then and see it happen yet what you do see is that as we gonna as we continue this lesson is that disloyalty just as loyalty Brees loyalty disloyalty breeds disloyalty Bishop real quick it's a a lot of things happen in Texas in all praise of the Most High Satan took out a lot of evil people that was never processed most I was never dealing with them but this the point why I want to make it's a couple that reached out to us recently and they said we was we was with you that we was watching them and soon we saw how they wasn't doing no works and we've seen the sprayer wasn't dealing with them anymore and they was watching our classes and they heard Bishop say well God is watching online right now that left y'all got in the truth no mom and the husband told leadership in Houston he said he looked at his wife and they both looked at each other and said we feel it we're not in the truth no more and I'm telling y'all straight up if they probably gotta clear my hope you know meaning that what may be the most I might start putting that spirit on them to be humble because that's that sense of pride because you have a deceitful reason why you leaving all these people that left out of here they know nothing about nothing but they really want to go back to they sin that's the point that we're making and that's why it's heavy when you look at all the works that I UIC is doing and the most high using the leadership and showing you that the Spirit is here but this is sisters got to put that fear on them and constantly meditate on what can I do to fill a void on doing the work of the most high and feeling blessed that the Lord will use you all right like I said they looked at they looked at each other and they told leaders I mean they call leadership is saying please let us come back let us at least watch online we ain't in the truth no more you know that's some heavy stuff now remember like I said before loyalty breeze loyalty just as disloyalty breeds disloyal and said what I mean look at acts 20 and verse 30 Acts chapter 20 verse 30 also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them now watch me I want you to pay close attention to that verse that's disloyalty what he's dealing with with what Paul is talking about right there when if you look at the prophets they started it's usually 1 2 or 3 and then it grew from there that's the same thing happen with I you I see it was me one brother next brother next brother 3 of us then came deacons started coming then the captains came and so forth and so on it grew like that for one for me when you got a somebody that says you know what I'm gonna draw away disciples after my sub meaning they're in the body this is what this verse is saying we're speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them they don't have the spirit to stand on the street themselves to build from just them what they do is try to deceive men and women to follow them that's not leadership neither is that loyalty and guess what the group that leads with you you think they're gonna be loyal and you've showed yourself disloyal to the body you will win I want you to think about it for a moment the group of people that live with you they see you're disloyal to everybody and they may sit with you a week two weeks maybe a month maybe three months but after a while they're gonna say you're disloyal I'm gonna be disloyal to and that's what they're gonna take a group they left with you that just that happened in Texas just uh Dallas here the group with uh what was that I forgot that brother's name he was what let's corn you speak on that Coach D the other dude no not him don't get him in a minute the other one he was with us he did a video on Facebook Oh st. haul oh yeah that guy that's his name right there left with a group of brothers show wicked men are he left with a group of brothers me he cannot be okay my forgot what year he wasn't with us I was right there yeah he was there yeah remember he said the Deacon IBL he said I want to come back to IU I see but I want to have rank over the people right happy Elsa no don't work like that bro you want to be grandfathered in you think this t-mobile right a B L told you left with that dude with shock you cursed us out now you want to come back and be over he said the Word of God don't work like that so now here at so he does a facebook video rather than tell the truth that yes we totally could come back but he has to start again as a member he didn't want that he wanted to be over the people but that's not in this video what's his name Jetta that's that dude bishop he we are in the Dallas school I don't know how many brothers sisters was here at the time they gave him the soldiers test he took the test out of fear and he's sweating sat in the back and for you know everybody like what a brother test he turned it in we looked he don't learn ran out to school like a female hey brothers same thing when you look at it chewy the cheese on my point behind telling that story was he did defeat him because they just had a split no he was disloyal so the group that left with him they caused the split and said we're gonna be disloyal to you that's why I did the video and the same thing with a shotgun he took a group then half that group said you was this loyal we're gonna be disloyal to you and we were doing thing they said he's worse than their auntie and you know you know when you look at a tree right I always give that example they tree don't start in the leaves and it's possible that from the root the roots that with him now when you look at a tree when you look at the leaves none of the leaves grow the same day it take time for the branches to grow so that's what I that's how I see starts so now I you I see the tree the branches going everywhere you got myself is in Atlanta I was on the bishop I'm one of the branches you got captain the branches grow so now you brought yourself from that tree you said you use that leaves that you don't listen the true that fade and wither away now you say want to go back to that tree but I want to be you you gotta take a pen and put you back in no no no you gotta go back to the chuda to the roots so you can no we're not going to put you already leaves no what about Dale is that that what that was faithful to Lipton up to the roots while we just want to just ignore them and just put you out of it no we're not going to do that you want to start all over again they should be well you could I bring out a preset real quick on what you did because you say songs one and one i'ma tell you our brothers sisters one of the keys to striving in this truth is knowing when you CBS and getting the hell away from it that's what that's what Romans 30:16 17 about but let me read this precept dealing with uh the Deacon just said Psalms chapter 1 verse 1 blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly so when you see the ungodly doing counsel would that mean you're not supposed to be over in that direction come on nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful oh you see somebody disrespecting the men that came before them you're not supposed to be nowhere in that realm of that because the most how about the judge that thing come on what his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night that's why you see I you I see being prosperous because we meditating in doing it day and night come on and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper that's what you see we doing right now it ain't this tree ain't wither and a way to tree getting stronger so I just want to bring that out that's a that's a good point right there the guy was gonna say ok so loyalty breathe royalty and I'm gonna show you that get first Corinthians 4 verse 2 first Corinthians 4 verse 2 first Corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 well over it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful so this whole truth is us becoming stewards we're all stewards in this truth okay it says we must be found faithful okay who knows what the scripture that says teach those who will be able to teach others I believe it's somewhere in Timothy where is it find that for me yes for second Timothy two and two that's it sexy always must be faithful another word for faithful is loyal that's what's good when you when you say you're faithful of God you're saying you're loyal to God okay Paul said be followers of me even as I am of Christ you know what I notice a lot of people do people say and then it gets stupid people get stupid Paul said be followers of me even as I am of Christ so you were talking a captain down sober I you I see all right I you I see is just a a banner but well guess who well following Christ so to say no I'm not loyal il are you I say I'm loyal to the Lord this is what weaseling them said I'll tell you why people say I'm not loyal to man on earth from loyal to Christ is who can show me Christ walking around right now is ending is Chris walking around with us right now on earth up to our in body is he know so when people say no I'm not following man see I'm following a Christ that means I can do whatever I want now they don't men like that don't believe men and women like that don't believe so impulsive be followers of me even as I am of Christ Paul was not saying listen I'm Christ he was saying me as a leader in this truth just follow what I'm saying cuz what what was Paul teaching them the scriptures Paul was not making his own thing up you men and women are able to check whether or not what we're saying is scriptural or not you have a Bible I have a Bible we're reading together okay so we're not saying hey go sell you behind on the street bring back us bring that money back ain't nobody doing that because you know that's not scriptural like a sister says up so you saying I got to be subject to my own sister to buy people says you got to be subject to your husband in all things and everything so he tell me I got to sell my behind on this trick system be simple don't be this house people get stupid when she knows and we know the Bible is not saying you got to listen to a man your husband telling you to sell you behind on the street and bring the money back that's common sense but the devil gets in it so you shouldn't have to listen to him your husband do what you want to do you follow Jesus you don't follow your husband see I'll follow it G I'll follow my man that's the devil right there okay that's the devil we gonna see when a law return well he gonna watch it when he set this government up you gonna find out where was we at 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 2 and the things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men loyal men faithful men is loyal man commit this truth to faithful men to loyal men good who shall be able to teach others also may be able to teach others also I see brothers on the street trying to teach crackheads and winos let me tell you something you're wasting your time you put a flyer all put in the pocket fine do not sit there trying to teach a crackhead it says commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also in that ah that uh inebriated state of mind are they able to teach anybody no so why let me give you a description mr. crackhead yeah yeah you which brah you'd be as simple as hell over there give me Psalms 119 verse 70 for loyalty breeds loyalty faith breeds faith Psalms 119 verse 74 Psalms chapter 119 verse 74 they that fear thee they that fear thee will be glad when they see me will be glad when they hear what David said a spirit what what does that mean loyalty gonna breed loyalty I serve the Lord you serve the Lord we happy when we see each other you had work sitting around a bunch of no-good you know what I mean you see a brother or sister hey you happy why could you spent your whole time at work with fornicators liars and adulteress and you sick at a conversation I'm a mouse sitting at work we in office they gonna put on a porno I'm gonna hell is this an iguana I'm looking around I go downstairs I saw Deacon Malik I say hey brah he was working across the street I went over that spent the whole day out so I can't go back up and over they got the devil on him so read it again Psalms chapter 119 verse 74 they that fear thee will be glad when they see me you want to be like to a somebody is an expression we saw it as a movie called cold pursuit it says some people bring joy whenever they come around others bring joy whenever they leave can y'all pick up on what's being said by that thing right there some people bring joy whenever they come around some bring joy whenever they leave hey it might hurt some people's feelings but I really don't care we have that in here we have that in here in here like that and you've got brothers in here like that bring joy when they leave that's the good part yes and stay out that's horrible bro you know you want to be that spirit come a like a woman you'll see that show up Cheers I'm busting cheese when the fat guy comes in to go know everybody glad when everybody knows your name don't you know what so you're so crazy I'm a deacon but I got brothers that have no rank I'd rather pick up different for them then I bloody gotta wake I'm dead serious and I'm a truck job I'm in the road so that mean I got time after when they blow to call me actually love that cuz the time go by fast we talk about chase we talk about saying goodbye but when the officer call me sometimes I don't because I got a wiggle uploaders I'm like yeah yeah Shalom blood what's going on we talked for hours seriously I got brothers that had knowing me and then we talked for hours on the phone and some time be like I look at the phone I'm not yo we've been talking for like two hours I gotta go but some offices I'm like the head is going on I don't see it's the BRR it's cold as coal so loyalty again always remember that loyalty breeds loyalty and that's something black and brown people have not understood yet but what the Bible we're learning it now so just as Laurel to breathe loyalty disloyalty breeds dis Lords who write that down disloyalty breeds disloyalty i'ma show it at so arctan and soon now this is a very generic verse it is somewhat vague it doesn't go positive or negative so you can use it either way but I'm going to show you I'm using it in this context for the discussion disloyalty watch this Ciroc ecclesiasticus chapter 10 verse 2 verse 1 talks about a wise judge verse 3 talks about an unwise King first sue is very vague watched us as the judge of the people is himself so or his officers and what manner of man the ruler of the city is such are all they that dwell therein so when you think about it it's not saying whether or not the judges wise or unjust it just says as the judge of the people is himself so are his officers so for example you have captain Isaac so when I come here I'm expecting his the officers under him to be like him just like the Deacons under me are like me the captains under them were like them ok so now if I am a thief lying bastard you can show expect he's gonna be a thief lying bastard and expect he's gonna be a thief lying bastard and so all officers gonna be thief lying bastards but if I'm a man at the most high I love this troop he's gonna be that way he's gonna be that way we denver's again as the judge of the people is himself so all his officers and what manner a man the ruler of the city is such are all they that dwell therein you know that verse now this is in a male context this is saying the same thing memo says about women in Ezekiel 16 as is the mother so was the daughter say the same thing saying the same exact thing so loyalty breeds loyalty disloyalty breeds disloyalty proverbs 28 verse 21 proverbs chapter 28 verse 21 to have respect of persons is not good for for a piece of bread that man will transgress right so that's how Judas was remember he gave Christ up for thirty pieces of silver for for a piece of bread that man will transgress to have respect of persons is not good why it says be the word for means because for a piece of bread that man will transgress that's why you got to know what people have need of they will sell you out quickly okay that's disloyal disloyal to watch this give me chapter 29 of verse 16 proverbs chapter 29 verse 16 when the wicked are multiplied transgression increases but the righteous shall see their fall understand that when the wicked are multiply transgressions increase but the righteous shall see therefore okay no matter if we get the short end of the stick I always tell brother they'll have problems somebody and it will look as if the wicked have won the battle and they'll call I said bro I remember oh you know uh I forgot the brother with a little arm that was in New York he had a big afro forgot his name he called me he said this brother it was deacon such as such as gone he's wicked as hell he ain't right I said do you have any proof of what you're saying he says no I said well do me a favor but I don't you saw I'm in New York they was in what was that it here Dallas Texas I said you have no proof to what you're saying I said you believe in the Messiah he goes yes I said well be quiet let the Lord deal with this I said because if a man is wicked surely can't hide it's gonna come out just be patient next Saturday comes y'all soda lemonade with you remember that the brother couldn't contain himself he stands up cursing Deacon the Deacon out the Deacon said you got any witnesses no so did the Deacon the captain officers that was in Dallas through that threw him out to school he gonna call me up crying I said brah you did not listen to my counsel I told you if you believe in the Most High just and door be silent but you decided you wanted to attack the man so now months later maybe I think maybe a year all hell broke loose with that particular and I said hey remember what brother so-and-so said he was right this is what he was saying but at that time there was no evidence it came out much later and that's what brothers and sisters need to understand you may see something but nobody else see remember the issue with the other elder that was here I saw things I said but I said if I sell these deacons what I see in this man they gonna think I have a evil eye towards him I said I'm gonna be quiet I'm not gonna say nothing or something put in God's hand sure enough he railed up one day and in y'all saw for yourselves and they were said you know he was like that I said yeah I knew he was like that you had to see it for yourself cause if I tell you you're not gonna believe me you may think I'm the devil for even saying it some things you're gonna just sit back and let the Lord reveal it in time it's cool calm if you believe on the Most High I hid it again uh read it again proverbs 2960 proverbs chapter 29 verse 16 when the wicked are multiplied transgression increased I give you another example here in Dallas Texas there was a brother remember I got to talk about coach D y'all know y'all favorite coach deep coach deep coach ding-a-ling this guy a brother called me about him and said now that was a brother he ain't here no more he said coach D he uses he would never I'm just saying coach D coach DS the devil he ain't right I said brah do you have any evidence I'm in New York I don't know what's going over in Dallas he says well it's just me right now I said anybody else he mentioned a certain other brother son call those brothers of nobody justified or admit it to what he was saying Sandbrook you and you're owning this thing I said my advice to you be quiet that's because right now it's only you I said if you believe in the same thing same advice you believe in the Lord even alone he goes gotta leave he leaves you don't come back coach Edie rose up because it was something about dealing with women so enough he has sex with me and ink remember what Coach D here did he said that sister won that it would be my wife this marriage sister want to be my wife in the kingdom but talk about he buddy said if I'm going down I'm gonna bring all these homes out with me wicked as hell so I said that's what the brother was saying but he didn't have patience to wait and let it be made manifest some things you may see you got a weight cuz nobody else gonna see it just gonna sit back and wait example I know some of you thinking what happened on those thing none of us none of us pick it up that's not sure we just never said nothing years he can lob a car myself Deacon Malachi yeah we know what was gonna in Austin many many is that Bishop we got to Bishop with a we gotta take Austin down if she say no don't do it leave it alone every box over I'll come to you as like Bishop we gotta do something but past other Austin this came right there they got a heavy heavy cover just spirit we should say no beavers are long telling you he's gonna manifest that's exactly what happened so we listen we say okay whatever the long but we see it coming I know some people take it oh yeah this thing no we know it was coming we just never said nothing just wait could the spirit of covetousness it's an internal sin is something you desired they were all about money so moth trainer thought the spirit was showing me if they took the leadership down the leadership could easily say we did we were doing black Wall Street you got original royalty in it they could easily through the boomerang back papa weed a bit like oh shoot I knew it was deeper than that I know as I said there's something else but we it's not manifest yet because then they couldn't went to the other cancer said you see how are they wicked they took us down for making money they jealous okay just and that whole thing in Austin boo the hell up now love said yeah you was right but we had to wait be patient it's gonna manifest itself but understand that sure you do sure you do the rock 13:15 this law again disloyalty breeds disloyalty so don't think you're gonna be disloyal and then get loyal brothers which you know no there's an old expression on the streets there's no honor among thieves you ever heard that so you can't be too show yourself disloyal then you won't get a group of brothers and you honestly think they're gonna be loyal to you you crazy it's never gonna happen you see it in these gangster movies you see in mob movies all the time but for some reason we come in at roof and we think yeah I can be the devil and be disloyal I'm gonna get a group of brothers with me and they're gonna be loyal to me it don't work like that Reid s Rock 1315 Ciroc ecclesiasticus chapter 13 verse 15 every beast loveth his light see that every beast loveth his if you a thief you like thief brothers if you a whoremonger you like whoremonger brothers if you's a liar you like lyin brothers I give an example Oklahoma all read throughout about three or four brothers on the Sabbath day at the strip club now said to myself how in the hell did three four brothers manage all together a show up at the strip club together contingency talk let's go a deacon internal calls a contingency talk you know you sit around you'll be just talking Club also just amazed next mother yeah yeah I remember that thing this protocol which is to create a single bad guy yeah man the girls is hot Wow and this brother here yeah man and then I go let's go cuz he was joined in the conversation he joined in he joined into it and then I hey how about we go see if anybody buck up I could easily say I was just joking you know I'm just kidding I mean contingency talk but he liked it he liked he liked it then I threw it out there we all decide let's go to the strip club that's contingency that's how it works so lies love lies these love thieves whoremongers love whoremongers okay we did again every beast loveth his like and every man loveth his neighbor all flesh consorted according to kind that's what I wanted all flesh can sort of to whatever kind you is you gonna consort you won't hook up with people like that if you cover just I need coverage his brothers around me cuz I want to make that money that's what that's how a month in Austin that's how it was if you wasn't covered just like that you could not roll with Austin okay everybody was make that money yet I mean it was making me when I sat down I heard the numbers of y'all was making money like that the hell is this Bishop you know I thought about I remember uh busy little always had a spirit of being lazy and self wool all the way from New York I heard about his behavior and when I heard he was moving to Texas I'm like ah so anyways he you know one day I come to the school for the new moon and he in there with uh you know cash you know cash a lock you he up in there and I said to myself how these men meet each other how y'all come up together so is he come all the way from New York to meet him in Houston to mention make a when he was in New York DC Street he had he always found out who got money and get close to them and he end up moving to the house he always he always have that spirit even in New York are you I used to pay this bloody rent if he almost have him off yeah that's always that that spirit a but he he could cook good so he would but everybody up with his food he go you be mad at him he go oh I made the sandwich for you evylyn forget what you mad at my mom boy you would do some art cause he's one of the he's a great artist I can't take that from him I believe me ready to yell at him brick can you get over here then he comes up oh look at this odd I did oh wow hey come look at this and we'll know that thing I hit it again oh no I see other thing is bad on ipad right and then they would be mad but I believe him alone leave this brother low you all right I do terribly to devil he's the devil we always cook we always cording to him yeah let's listen the problem I had with him is he always hold us hostage we did a video they brought out they've gotta give us the video next year with one Passover we have seen the Passover you into next year you know what that is what with you the whole ye didn't do nothing now we got for example get the man the main conference before we even leave them in comfortable I would get the video you see I was like I would place that dude yeah it's ok I'm gonna do something with this dude it's like the artwork see how the Mossad get there on the Most High has a sense of humor replaced with another brother who has the same name the same drag right same name that's irony right there where was we at so rock chapter Ecclesiastes chapter 13 verse 16 all flesh consorted according to kind and a man will cleave to his light I give you another example you ever noticed I will tell a sister for example she comes in will say join Titus to chat I find a senior sister to counsel with sister goal she looks around and she'll go she'll see another sister I came in with her she's my counselor I'm like who's your counselor her the sister that just came in with you yesterday yes are you how is she going to counseling she don't know those scriptures you don't know those scriptures but that's what they do cuz this day notice senior sister will check them and say no don't do this don't do that this is how you do it a lot some of them these young ones don't want that thing I see what brothers two brothers come in they don't want to talk to the senior man you want to talk to their peer remember what Jeroboam did not Jeroboam real long rainbow when the older men told him counsel I don't know what I'm talking about cuz ya'll don't read four chapters a day anyway King Solomon's son rare bone didn't listen to the counselors that Solomon set up his daddy he said go to my peers and his peers gave him wrong kid millennial council and caused the whole nation to split into two that's what happens that's what we see going on so did you finish that first let me well all right so now write this down also hope y'all been writing stuff down loyalty does not join or create factions though I'm gonna say it again loyalty does not join or create factions give an example first Corinthians chapter 1 the creation of factions attempted to rise up in the Church of Corinth I'd say that was a rebellious congregation first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 10 now I beseech you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you see that there be no divisions among you divisions as the beginning stages of creating factions that but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment the Spirit of Christ is a unifying spirit the Spirit of Christ is about being of one mind when you get people that are opposed to what the scriptures say and they want to do two different things that's not of the Lord go ahead and watch for it hath been declared unto me of you meaning it has been told me somebody a little birdie came by and told me what was going on we verse 11 again when Boyd had been declared unto me of you my brethren by them which are of the house of Chloe that there are contentions among you so the house of Chloe was an honorable family in the church of course they were reporting to Paul yes that's right they was snitching they said i'ma tell what y'all doing out here in Corinth so when whatever Paul was traveling he got word of what was going on in the church and you know it was pissed off at the house of Chloe this is why we have the complaint forms let us know what's going on in the county example before you got here that old deacon knucklehead that was used to be here I come in and uh maybe some of the ones senior ones may know what I'm talking about salute everybody most all the sisters were here sit down I'm talking with the brothers up here a minute goes by two minutes go by and I just happened to look at the corner of my eye and all of the sisters were still standing I I didn't know what was going on start continue talk about Allah because we're not having class just talk talk talk talk talk two minutes go by three minutes go by five minutes look again they're still standing I go excuse me excuse me Isis this is why you're still standing they said we're not allowed to sit down until the last male comes into the school I say you're not allowed to sit down to the last male cuz I said in a minute and I said where'd you get that from we don't teach that they said Deacon knucklehead over there I said I said brah you making up your own rules I said that's called abuse I said look you think these women gonna be sent for our so the last Negro walk up in here that's call what is it putting whatever Christ say you put burdens on the people I said don't don't do that bro no roll like that and that was the beginning of the end for him cuz then I say I gotta keep my eye on this dude this dude getting reckless out here okay where we at first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 guy read again oh it had been declared unto me of you my brethren by them what you are the house of Chloe that there are contentions among contentions among you many arguments watch this division imagines and contentions good now this I say that every one of you saith I am of Paul so summoner Corinthian said listen on the follow of Paul grant and so I am appalled and I of Apollo's another group and it was saying well I file of Apollo's better I like the way Apollo's teaches I'll follow him and I of Cephas and another group said I'm up safe me and Peter I follow Peter so that look at it I want you to look at that you had a group following Paul a group following Apollo's and a group following see go ahead and I of Christ and another group said listen I don't follow no man I only follow Christ hmm so that is how many factions is that you got one two three four groups in this one church watch bread is Christ divided right the Spirit of Christ is not a spirit of division understands that if the black and brown men can understand that will be a little bit better off Christ is not about division that's what Paul said as Christ divided go ahead was Paul crucified for you says was I crucified for you go ahead or were ye baptized in the name of Paul were you baptized in the name of Paul go ahead I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius unless any should say that I had baptized in my own name and I baptized also the household of stephanas besides i know not whether i baptized any other so the point of this paul was trying to put them all in that one mindedness again because they were all divided so I'll give you an example amongst the bishop the Deacons everybody has a favorite T in isn't I hate it again I don't know why I keep interesting and there's nothing wrong you have you will have teachers that you favored over others but they took it another level they were like no I'm not listening to nothing Cephas says or who else was there or Apollo's it's a week this one group silent listen to Paul that was that's that's why Paul said they all in the same spirit and when you read down where's it at of Duluth where says Apollo's watered I will plant it Wiz that somebody help me first Corinthians yes yes go to first Corinthians three start at verse three and we're gonna go down watch this is continuing from chapter one but first Corinthians chapter three verse 3 for a year for a year or yet karna started to verse 2 I have fed you with milk and not with me for hitherto you were not able to bear it neither yet now are you able he said I've given you milk he said I want to give you meat but you're not able to deal with two heavier things in the scriptures because your carnal you wicked you got you got the devil on go ahead for while one said excuse me oh yeah yet carnem for as for whereas there is among you envying and strife and divisions it is that were divisions again or he not carnal or water mister sin and walk what as men and walk as men but but while one saith I am of Paul and another I am of apollos are you not carnal said aren't you Carlo aren't you wicked for saying that causing divisions among the body God who then is Paul and who was Apollo's who was Paul who was Apollo's grant but ministers by whom he believed even as the Lord gave to every man he said we're all ministers of the Lord that the Lord giving us spirit to every man go ahead I have planted I planted Apollo's watered meaning what Paul started the church in Corinth Apollo's followed behind Paul and continued and answered questions things of that nature okay understand it's like for example we went to Nigeria we just plan to disease there but guess what as brothers we're gonna send men out to water what we've already started there that's how this gospel grows and that's what Paul was explaining here go ahead I have planted Apollo's watered but God gave the increase gives the increase he's the one that increases the spiritual understanding in men's and women's minds good so then neither is he that planteth anything the brother that goes out in plants there's nothing good neither he that water and neither the brother goes behind to answer questions in and exhort them there's nothing good but God that giveth the increase God is to be praised he's the one that gives the increase right now he that planteth and he that watereth are one you see that Paul's bringing her back to common sense now that oneness of mine a unifying spirit bringing him back to Christ he that plants and he that watereth are one go ahead and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor and everyone's gonna receive their own reward according to their own labor now what I want you to see that and look in comparison go back to acts 20 again so notice how Paul was uniting everyone but he warned us about what was a verse 23 we read earlier verse 30 verse 30 I'm here also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them so it is a stark difference between Paul and the end what Paul was warning us about the Spirit of Christ unifies the spirit of Satan divides understand that okay well that was acts 20 okay all right watch this give me first John 2:19 again loyalty does not join or create factions 2:19 first John chapter 2 verse 19 they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be manifest that they were not all of us that that goes back to what we just read in acts 20 verse 30 well that's what we read all right read that again Acts chapter 20 verse 30 also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them now go back to first John 2:19 they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be manifest that they were not all of us and that is history in the making and it's not a one-time thing because acts 20 verse 30 was prophetic even for these days so don't think you read things that only happened back then oh no no he was warning us that even in these last days is going to happen an example of that another example is first Timothy I think is 4 in 1 first Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter time when in the latter times read some shall depart from the faith see that some shall depart from the faith gret giving heed to seducing spirits you don't got to keep the Sabbath day no more you ain't gotta wear fringes no more you can love the white man he's your people love him now should not have Horita my brother you gotta eat lamb Yuki chicken and collard greens on Passover this is what he's talking about go ahead giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so we'll read these things and as Doris although it says in the latter times we think it's talking about back then no it's talking about these days today right now men and women coming it's truth they get offended they got that disloyal spirit and they bounce and they do what we just read here look at number 16 Deacon Malachi was talking about this all night number 16 one down numbers chapter 16 verse 1 now Cora the son of azar the son of Kohath the son of Levi and Dathan and abiram the sons of Eliab and on the son of P let sons of Reuben took men and they rose up before Moses with certain of the children of Israel two hundred and fifty princes of the Assembly notice at two hundred and fifty princes not regular men they were princes in Israel meaning what captains they were high-ranking officers that's what it means my princess got famous in the congregation these men were famous in the congregation go ahead men of renown everybody knew their name right and they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron you see that they gathered themselves against against against Moses and against Aaron and said unto them you take too much upon you seeing all the congregation are holy saying everybody in Israel is holy good every one of them every one of them good and the Lord is among and the Lord is among them grant wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord why do you set yourselves up as leaders so what are they saying they were saying we're all the same remember how we started the class where John said Christ is preferred before me that's the truth here during the time of Moses they said we're all holy we're all equal in the side of the Lord when you read down this whole thing God said no you're not all equal and God killed those 250 princes why because they and and it's a smokescreen when people say we're all the same we're all equal like that's what we's allele said Wiis alleles that we're all the same so you gotta ask the question then who's teaching class there's somebody gotta be the teacher somebody has to be the student unless all y'all are teaching at the same time no that's gang that's call I got game we're gonna say so whenever you see videos of people saying it should be no rank that's the same thing the Bible is always about a ranking order always okay give me that in Titus 1 Titus 1 what's so crazy bishop some of these brothers was in the military yes some of these brothers that stitching this was in the military mm-hmm and it's a military is everybody the same it's like that it's like the congressmen of the senator wassup CEO with me we end the prison is the same no that's why they call him president that's why they call you senator that's what they call your Congressman that's why we call you governor a may a police officer they are not the same if there's the same if all means the same where's the order there is no order exactly we don't tie this one in five Titus chapter 1 verse 5 seen closely for this cause left ivy in Crete that thou should have sent in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders in every city as I as I had appointed thee you know what that word elders translates to soldiers officers captains they're just using different words here in the Greek from the Old Testament which was written more so in Hebrew okay in the Old Testament you a captain's officers soldiers so forth and so on the New Testament they use of one word elders to cover bishops deacons whether Oh captains officers soldiers use that word elders there's they always been is all through the whole Bible this rank is order okay but black and brown people I don't know what's wrong we get to know well everybody's the same everybody's just mean so how come when you go to school when you went to school you didn't tell a teacher you can't teach me we're all the same nobody does that we get crazy we're coming in true we lose our minds give me second seventy 1511 again loyalty does not join or create actions second samuel 15 verse 11 second samuel chapter 15 verse 11 and with Absalom went 200 men out of Jerusalem hmm that Absalom calls the rebellion against King David how many men follow Absalom and with Absalom with two hundred men two hundred men got out of Jerusalem that were called and they went in their simplicity he went where in their simplicity they was stupid as hell these two hundred men were simple as hell following Absalom to go against his father King David was that it that helps overs and they knew not anything that's why I mean they was stupid as hell they didn't know nothing they just like Absalom and when you read about ashlar I said he was good-looking they say Absalom was the best-looking dude in all Israel this dude had hair flowing hair everywhere everybody loved Absalom so when he said follow me they follow him remember he was a member Christ they said Christ had no communist that we should follow him they people follow Christ only for the words sake is that do ugly as hell but Absalom when you read about said that dude was good-looking all the women loved that dude Ashley Wow just throw the panties on the stage that's how good-looking his dude was so they said these two hundred minute follow who knew nothing it was simple as hell so heavy I want you guys to think about it maybe they told me you are you think epsilon ETA carcinoma to turn these two hundred man you take it to come two months oh he was working on them for years they think about it too want you think 200 men just he just turned them in in a week and a month it doesn't work like that you know you was working on him because that's it I thought he is yeah he had fully it's working them he was sitting right there same thing today we see same thing today it take years a whole group that left was the same thing you got a brother from this state working on him brothers some of those brothers were employed with him right or his money scheme it was the same thing and then it said it says they went in their simplicity and tainu not anything it was dumb as hell at that meeting that the Deacons was that remember he was stumbling over Matthew 18 they know what the hell Matthew 18 was talking about that's why the scriptures say if the blind lead the blind they both fall in a ditch that's New Testament saying the same thing exactly exactly so unless write this down the root of disloyalty is pride the root of disloyalty is pride give me that in Ciroc 10 and 12 what'm was done Ciroc 10 ecclesiasticus chapter 10 verse 12 to explain pride Ciroc ecclesiasticus chapter 10 verse 12 the beginning of pride is when one departed from God and his heart is turned away from his maker greed for pride as the beginning of sin see that's what pride is the beginning of sin you got the spirit of pride on you the way the Bible uses pride is not the way we use it in modern day society we use the word pride to mean you are confident in yourself but that's not how the Bible uses it the Bible uses the word pride in the negative sense okay meaning what you're breaking God's commandment we did again for pride as the beginning of sin and he that hath it shall pour out abomination what kind of abomination will we pour out the four stages of disloyalty they're gonna pour out what he's gonna pour out the self-willed stage gonna begin there followed by what was it next the offended stage then the passive stage then that overly criticism stage okay and it all starts with pride I don't want to keep these Commandments okay I don't want to do it from there give me go to the book of Matthew when you examine the brother or sister that's disloyal you'll notice certain things in them you'll notice slick talk response I can be talking to them they talks that's the term right slick talk smart mouth or they may ignore you when you're speaking to them they may mock those who are over them these are just little sighs you got to be keno aware of okay and they have a constant mind to criticize all right ah there's another expression write this down write this down familiarity FA mi l IAR ity familiarity breeds contempt familiarity breeds contempt and what that means is that those close to you have no respect for you familiarity one word is familiar just remember that well I know the era deity England what is that it's hard even pronounce just use the word familiar those who are familiar to you breeds contempt I'm gonna give you some scriptural examples of that look at Matthew 13 verse 55 or Christ Matthew 13 55 Matthew chapter 13 verse 55 is not this the carpenter's son is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas and his sisters are they not all with us which then had this man all these things let's pause there what I want you to notice is that the people here were familiar with Christ they watched him grow up that's what he says here 55 isn't that this the carpenter's ain't that Joseph's boy we know him it says isn't his mother called Mary okay and his brothers we know his brothers - James and Jones is Simon he got four brothers we know the whole family and he got sisters too are they not all with us Winston half this man all these two where'd he get his wisdom from because we knew this duel since he was a little youngin we don't watch what it says and they were offended in him why would a friend in him cuz they knew they had they had no respect for him because they knew him from a child watch his school soon as we go as we read on but but jesus said unto them it seemed good a prophet is not without honour save in his own country and in his own house see what Christ is saying there meaning a prophet you got honor but in your own country and in your house will people know you you're gonna have no honor you try to bring the truth back to your mom and your father Jack from experience or you can't tell me nothing in front to me you came out of my behind I didn't come out of yours that's what I hear okay my cousins laugh oh man shut the hell up you did Jesus smoke weed I remember you did this thing of it he only had nothing for me something all right hit you hit a story all around Israel it's so when I hear a family's coming that's a blessing cuz that's so rare so so ready but China cherish and honor that thing most of the time though like Christ said a prophet is not without honour save in it meaning except in his own country and in his own house read the next verse and he did not many many mighty works there because of their unbelief nobody believed in him cuz they knew from a child a little boy growing I was a snot-nosed kid we know you so that's familiar as an example of familiarity breeds contempt now look at numbers 12:1 - for another example with Miriam Moses in Aaron remember Miriam was the oldest out of all in them added them through you it was Miriam was the oldest followed by Aaron Moses was the baby Moses was 80 Miriam was ibadah was mmm I want to say 90 something ok and and she in era was in the middle but Moses was the youngest one so look at numbers 12 now much chapter 12 verse 1 now I might have to age mixed up so don't quote me on the mages okay but I know Moses was 80 and I know they were holding in them good and Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married grant for he had married an Ethiopian woman and they said at the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses have he not spoken also by us and the Lord heard the Lord was mad at that thing why did Miriah notice in order mrs. Miriam and erica's Miriam led to charge she said you my younger brother I'm gonna tell you cuz God's dealing with us too look you married that whole video pin used to be married ah and the Lord got pissed off at that thing and he when you read down the Lord says why weren't you afraid to speak against Moses he said I allowed that thing to go down when you eat when y'all so read in four chapters a day you read the whole chapter let's go to 1st Samuel 17 another example of familiarity breeds contempt meaning those familiar with you who not have respect for you I knew unions locked up yeah that's right I remember used to sling hash on the street you was a whoremonger you got that girl for there pregnant and that girl too and you ain't take care none of them babies and you want to tell me about the Bible get get out of here that's familiarity breeds contempt that's what you got go to another city when nobody knows your name re bet or Samuel chapter 17 verse 4 no 17 verse 28 excuse me verse 28 and ELab his eldest brother heard when he spake let me set it up for you since y'all don't read the four chapters I'm gonna set it up for you Goliath is in a valley challenging the Israelites in Israel scared as hell because Goliath of Gath how tall was I doing 15 feet 13:13 force whatever it is huge everybody's scared of that ham I everybody's scared to death of this dude so here comes David he's a young boy possibly attend his teenage years he comes up to bring his brothers food now verse 20 we did an e lab his eldest brother when he spake unto the men and Eli abs anger was kindled against David what he says and he said why can't miss out down hither and with whom has that left those few sheep in the wilderness I know thy pride I know your pride go ahead and the naughtiness of that heart and in naughtiness of your heart but thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle you see that familiarity breeds contempt his brother LEM knew David he said you're a nosy kid you always in our business you came in for no good you came out to run your mouth and talk ish I know you David now see that that's familiarity breeds contempt they knew the character of David okay but what they didn't know is that Dave we got anointed by Samuel oka no that thing look at matthew 1036 watch this y'all gonna relate to this one Matthew chapter 10 verse 36 and a man's foes shall be they of his own household see what Christ said your enemies is gonna be them of your own house yes sir that starts with your spouse male and female starts with your spouse why cuz your spouse knows you I'm gonna give you some example brother comes in says my wife is the devil I'm gone I need to leave her and get me a new wife cause she don't want to follow really brother you sure that's right yeah that's right do me a favor bring your wife wife comes up he's bringing up complaints against her she's quiet she's sitting it brother he finished he I'm finished go ahead sisters that true what he said she said he said yeah all of that is true but i'ma tell you why but see what's going on they still smoke weed in the house he be bringing by the house he didn't tell you that did he so brother you doing it about me another bro you was just saying she's wicked and she don't want to do the commandment she's explaining she ain't doing the commandments because of your bad example in the house so you need to be patient now sit your behind down and that's what we see we've seen him many many a time brothers Kay and we seen sisters do it too man would assisted I wanted another husband she start talking to an the school she said my husband would want to keep the commandments oh I need me another so hold on where's your husband he don't want to come me a favor bring him next week he comes next week uh so what's going on want you know your wife is saying you got problems in house he says no no no she says we have no problems and I do want to keep the commandments she got a whole spirit he said she's always had a whole spirit she said from when we met she always like to bounce from him but I told him you're gonna marry me we gotta settle down so sis you understand what he's saying you got you can't you can't bring your ways into this truth and she tried to just weasel around and he was saying he wasn't coming to the school because of her actions at home she still be text messaging thing so she we said sis can you can check that spirit said all right give us some time don't be quick have you laid with anybody no she hasn't okay fine y'all worked this thing out we'll bring this up again a couple of months from now so read the verse again Matthew chapter 10 verse 36 and a man's foes shall be they of his own household though those in your own house know you a lot of us maybe some of you are married in the truth most of us did not we married in in the world okay me and my wife so the Hangout wish to go it up huh girlfriend we all hang out together as a that's anybody ever been to 42nd Street in New York before they fixed it you've been eager been there when it was nasty pimps holes everywhere we had now was the hangout spot strip code we get and we were squeezing this booth and have the strippers going anyway that's another story but you can't be quick to leave real cause she know you and you know her so y'all gotta work try to work this thing out soul praise we got our minds right we go right we doing XYZ no more praise to the Lord but that's what Christ will say we didn't get read again reading it and I may digress it y'all gotta bring them back on track good and a man's foes shall be they of his own house and Fool should be there was on how so that goes for your spouse and your children something I've got grown children and you're grown shall they don't want to hear the truth because they know you daddy you just stepped out on my so many times come on come on man as Bible SH I'm gonna hear this you were disrespectful to my mother you did this you did a B and C I know you man like uh you know I was thinking about there's a movie called um a movie there's fences I love that movie fences with Denzel Washington but there's another one let me get my mind right tag anyway I'll talk about fences in bites offenses with Denzel good movie good moves good talking points where the oldest son hated his father the father was very hard on him it was very disrespectful to him and mainly the mother and he stepped out on mom got an another woman pregnant and that enraged his son and the son had no respect for dad and you'll see that time and time again okay here's another movie I'm thinking about I can't think of the movie hey just talk say something let me get my thought in this movie go ahead say so somebody told lava talk I was gonna say it uh though there's what Bishop is saying right now take it to heart you know how we was talking about the monster see Paul said I planted a pot of water and grease a officer is this your guys second spirited school a fifth school that's big you know why it's big some of you might think when you go out every Saturday you passing flyers you think he's not making an effect oh yes he does how do you know that's your face Cole if you did make an effect right you could have been a true for school so that's saying when you're passing those fries when you're teaching the seed you planted keep in mind remember the we're might give an example about how if you put a seat down they see don't go in one day right cuz I remember for example Atlanta I remember you guys teaching Atlanta years ago before before at lotta years ago he wasn't even with us he wasn't even SOT yet I saw a video or video yo guys wasn't we were not twice once when we were with school code twelve tribes or what I was a terrible school I hated that school then when we became I you I see I think four of us went out yeah went out there and then later won the the Deacon I was shocked here and you can I turn we went over there but the seed was planted because by the time I move over there was already a couple of brothers of the day the point is this seed is there when you teaching you should come out the cities there it might not be time for I remember the scripture said time and chance give to every man all of us not gonna call at the same time that does mean the city is not there some of you you heard this shoot right probably like 10 years ago why you only coming now because it wasn't time for you yet that's what Posse I I planted upon the water God gives the increase so now Bishop just went to Nigeria they plant the seed planting the seed somebody is gonna come and and water it that give them a get increased 10 years from now those African country might have like some of the bigger school remember those are there's just like a lot of jets over there never know and you might be like damn but people aren't there say oh say in Haiti that people always wanna come on the food out if we pay nobody wanna have put that at them food and they always question oh the food taste good world brother guess what somebody had to go in the damn kitchen and prepare it he then just prepare itself so we all got to put our hand and prepare that food so when it's time to eat everybody's like game because that's requests all about producing foods some Buddhists in for 24 because someone's just want to learn in just a home what is the purpose of your learning we gotta go out there in that seat one flower you you you you won't believe what one friar you pass how much an effect that's gonna make yes one flyer I had one flyer when I was working at a print shop a high school friend of mine came in for a print job I see in a long time so what's your printing he gave me a flyer it was a jacked up flyer but I looked at it it said Christ is black with a scripture don't celebrate Christmas Jeremiah as a what is this about cuz out at that time I was into Kemet I was following Kemet stuff so we do mean Christ is black as a Christ is white he said no brothers the crisis black I said show me I don't have a Bible says show me the car think there's a little bunch of crap so after work he came by and he showed me and I asked him to come by my job every day for five days then I said you got to teach me moisten oh you got to go to the school so that's when I went to school and I brought my wife she was rebellious his help but she came and we sat down and we learned that was one for over one fly one fly now look again look at our last grip so look at Jeremiah chapter 20 I can't remember to move either Jeremiah 20 and if y'all get a chance look at the movie Queen and slim y'all saw that how many saw a raise your hand but y'all don't read four chapters a day you see that Isaac you see this now the movie Queen and slim we got a good it's a I think couple should see that it's good talking points in it or I really I like that movie Jeremiah 22 what are we talking about we're talking about familiarity breeds contempt meaning those familiar with you lose respect for you or have no respect for you watch this Jeremiah 20 verse 10 Jeremiah chapter 20 verse 10 where I heard the defaming of many I heard the defaming of many that's slandering name calling go ahead fear on every side here on every side we hate I you I see I can't stand you good report say they and we were reporting watch this all my familiars watch for my halting all those familiar with me watch for me to fall that's what Jeremiah's saying and this is what you're going to see in this truth everybody that's familiar with you that knew you for years and years they're waiting for you to fall but they don't believe they said no no no I know him he ain't right just watch he gonna fall give up that crap that Bible crap soon that's what he's saying all my familiars watch for my halting go ahead sank her adventure he will be enticed watched he's gonna be in ty he used to be a thief situations gonna come he gonna need some money he gonna steal again just watch that and one he's smoked weed he gonna be enticed good and we should smoke crack he gon be enticed go ahead and we shall prevail against to see that and we shall prevail against then we gonna mock him and we shall take our revenge on him we gonna cuss him so Jeremiah went to the same thing we were going through the same exact thing so I pray that y'all understand the four stages of disloyalty again self-willed the stage one followed by the offended stage was Stage two followed by the passive stage was stage three followed by the criticism stage was stage for loyalty breeds loyalty and disloyalty breeds disloyalty always remember that brothers always remember that sisters or pray is gonna get any mental mania or praises we used to scream black power while hair wrong was pushed but at the end of the day nothing's in vain are you I see has been given a vision the tents of Judah has risen many has attempted the mission minor murder many missing the mark just reading that he had to flame a fire in his eyes gave us the spark we own Paul's mission we out on the road purple and gold from Mexico Cuba Haiti Ghana Sierra Leone 144,000 boots banging concrete crackling these are our memory Penton at heart the Scriptures is proof I do I see we deliver the truth [Music]
Views: 24,250
Rating: 4.9360728 out of 5
Keywords: dallas, texas, forth, worth, dfw, iuic, israel, israelites, hebrew, jacob, abraham, isaac, god, jesus, yashua, christ, black, hispanic, native, american, Puerto, rican, indigenous, trae, the, truth, zro, htown, chopped, screwed, jcole, kendrick, lamar, west, end, oakcliff, tribes, 12, cowboys, rangers, love, world, jakes, td, revolution, panthers, learncolors, johnny, song, quest, international, captain, bishop, deacon, officer, cut, ben, yahuda, military, army, pipleline, holy, cardi, purple, gold, king, solomon, longhorns
Id: c8iw3nIWBtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 47sec (7727 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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