Visit from Vietnam War Veteran Huey Helicopter

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hello everybody and welcome back to visit falco's now we're on a really interesting job this afternoon because we're at curcum and we've come to see a big red special man arrive but first of all i thought i'd just show you this because we're at the side of the war memorial at curcum which is still looking beautiful and has this lovely permanent tribute in in steel puppies that's really nice though um still all the puppy wreaths as well from remembrance day so we're at the side of the the park the people's park and we're in fact i think that's what i can hear we are waiting for the huey helicopter to arrive now this is the only flying vietnam helicopter in europe that still does flights in the uk and it's a vet veteran of the vietnam war so it's a proper genuine real mccoy thing and this afternoon it's going to deliver santa to curcumcent michael's church of england school and you can see all the kids here getting excited i've got to admit i'm a little bit excited myself to be honest anyway this this this helicopter i'll tell you about it are we waiting for santa to arrive trey goodness can't remember when i last saw a train it's been a day of so this this highway 509 was bought by the us army in 1972 and it joined the 129th assault assault helicopter company in vietnam in july 1972 and you can see the guys in the hive of his jackets here there i think he's i think he's coming that way i'm trying to make sure i got the right way around and these guys in the red hat in the yellow harvey's jackets they're the people that that own own the vehicle and and work at hooway and i think when when it arrives we will know that it's arrived because it's very noisy it flew 559 combat hours in vietnam and it returned to the united states in 1973 and from 1973 to 1996 it served with the army national guard u.s army troop support aviation readiness command and usa rasf so as you can see these kids are super duper excited so i'm going to i'm going to scout round here and then i will i will rejoin you in a moment from a better viewing point and we're going to see the big man himself coming out of the coming out of the helicopter so we're on i've wiggled my way around the car park and the playground and i can see in the distance a helicopter and santa arriving very soon can you see it [Music] the children the children are super super excited so i'm not quite sure whether it's gonna do a few loops or whether it's just gonna come straight into land um but let's put it this way he's gonna get a very warm very warm welcome when he does that yeah so the the highway went to an aerospace maintenance central facility in arizona back in 2000 and then eventually here we helicopters uk bought it in 2003 and it underwent a full restoration and in 2005 it finally landed in the uk and actually the base is not very far from where we are here at curcum so if you're a big fan of huey helicopters and the whole the whole veteran and war thing you can actually go on hang out open days into normal circumstances and see see around their hangar at western and they also do flight experience tours as well so you can um you can go on a flight experience day where you actually go up and fly around in the helicopter and learn all about it and all that kind of stuff which i would imagine would be a fantastic christmas present for somebody that you don't know what to buy so these kids okay comes at michael's church of england school i'm looking for helicopter don't find it and phil connelly is the the owner and the pilot who's going to bring it in to land oh he's here look he's coming around the back and did you know that this santa used to be in the rss here comes santa so inside it it's it's decked out like a grotto i think this is cool this is called landing again kids up to the point that they're beside the result of excitement so i decided they've decked it out like a grotto um and the the crew and santa have got presents for the children as well so there will be excited when they see that oh it's going around the back again it's coming down the back again here it comes it's certainly very loud it's often flight over over the file cost and there's usually a there's usually a lot of excitement on facebook when it does oh here comes underwear wow you can see santa because he is tinsel promise the wind that's coming off it is quite amazing it's all the kids wearing oh you can see him walking the front wow you see him waving get the kids cheering they just slow the propellers down so letting the big man's on the way out of the out of the helicopter any minute now [Applause] that's somewhere to start your monday off that's it that's a fabric to start to await whenever some time this is phil the pilot are you ready here comes ma'am because the kids are so excited i think the adult hand is around the kids there's quite a crown gathered oh that's lovely that is so lovely oh it comes he's getting himself out of his acting is grotto he's got his helicopter all trimmed up have you seen the reindeer at the front as well take some flying down these rocks or something and got to say i was flabbergasted at the wind that came off of the um the rotors it was enough to just blow you flat off your feet look how excited they are they're all going to go up to the helicopter and take their presents insects there's a line of people also that look at the fence they've all come down through morrison's car park in the raw studio watching bet them dabs we can't move laughs she's doing the photo call with the little kids all lining up to get the presents from santa say something it's certainly a festive feeling day it's really really cold so the children are all coming up to the to the helicopter so that they can they can have a look at santa so i'm going to just walk around the back and have a look at this magnificent beast i've been instructed to walk around it slowly so that you can have a proper good look so there you go that's a genuine vietnam view a helicopter colossal in vietnam does it seem very real don't it when you see that [Applause] if not available refer to tb for alternative fuel united states army it's a beautiful condition really well restored and looked after i'm sure they've curled all the the bits of it by completely thrown them but i'm sure you'll forgive me all right we'll just have a total around the back here and then catch the other side i'm glad the sun's shining for them it would have been awful if it had been cold and windy raining because with the virus the reindeer can't go from one country to another so helicopters can so because we can disinfect this we've been trying to disinfect a reindeer you don't know so the reindeer royal in the stable getting fatter than ever he's in all my mince pies because i'm out here i don't think he'll be able to hear what he's saying but he says that something can do in fact a helicopter but he can't disinfect a reindeer so from a very exciting school in kirkham we're going to leave this here and let santa get on with his afternoon talking to all these excited children and adults and we will see you soon so if you've not already from visit foul coast and santa make sure that you've subscribed to the youtube channel and you hit that little bell for notifications there's a teacher look with the bag of presents and then next time we do something we're doing wonderful you're getting alerted a notification and you'll know what we're up to see you soon bye
Channel: Visit Fylde Coast
Views: 1,414
Rating: 4.9238095 out of 5
Keywords: Visit from Vietnam War Veteran Huey Helicopter, visit from vietnam war veteran, vietnam war veteran Huey helicopter, vietnam war, huey helicopter, santa arrives by huey helicopter, kirkham st michaels school, father christmas, veteran vietnam helicopter, visit fylde coast youtube, santa arrives in style, presents for the children, only still-flying veteran Vietnam Huey, huey helicopter sound, huey helicopter flyby, huey helicopter landing
Id: BrkFz_SfFs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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