How to Make the Most Amazing & Easiest Chocolate Cake of All Time with 2 Ingredients!

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hey guys i'm myra and on today's menu we're making a cake that's made with two ingredients that's gluten-free dairy-free and low-carb so let's get started so i'm using dark chocolate i'm actually using these no sugar added dark chocolate chips by chalk zero and i'll leave them linked in the description below um i also have a discount code which is low carb love if you guys um want to grab them but you can also use milk chocolate for this you just need chocolate chips so it's two ingredients one of them we have right here our chocolate chips i'm actually going to throw this into the microwave we're going to melt this and you want to do it like in i would say 15 to 20 second increments just it really just depends on the strength of your microwave um because the last thing you want to do is burn your chocolate if you burn it literally have to throw it away and start all over and we all know that high quality chocolate chips are not cheap so we definitely want to be careful with that so let's go ahead and melt this i'm going to show you the consistency and how quick this is to make okay so if we look down here you'll see that my chocolate is nice and melted this actually only took about 40 seconds and this is the consistency we are looking for and what we're gonna do is move on to our eggs gonna separate the egg whites from the yolk and we're gonna use both i'm just gonna put our little yolks here really quickly okay so we've separated the egg whites from the egg yolks we're gonna whip up our egg whites to stiff peaks and then i'm gonna show you the next step so we're gonna get started by pouring in our egg yolks right into our uh chocolate mixture okay so let's go ahead and pour that in and just to make it easier i want like everything to be super well incorporated we're just gonna go in with the hand mixer [Applause] okay now what we're gonna do is just fold in our egg whites so this is really important you want to fold it in not mix it because the egg whites are fluffy and it's going to um give the cake the height that it needs okay so you're just going to grab it from the bottom and fold in and we're just gonna do that for the entire batter okay so this is pretty much done this is our cake batter at this point and we're gonna get our baking dish and we are going to bake this i'm just gonna set everything up and i cannot wait to show you the final product the texture on this cake is unreal oil so it sticks and it fits perfectly and let's pour in our cake batter i cannot believe that we are making a cake with two ingredients right now seriously make sure your oven is preheated to 325 degrees so now we're going to go ahead and bake this i would say between 20 to 30 minutes it really just depends on like the strength of your of your oven but i'm gonna show you how this little beauty is about to transform into a beautiful cake all right guys so i've placed our cake here on our little cake stand now let's go ahead and take a look at the inside because that is very important how does that look how does this look guys i cannot wait for you guys to try this it's so easy there's absolutely no reason for you not to try it if you love chocolate cake you have to try this recipe alright guys so now time for the taste test oh my gosh this texture because everything oh my gosh it's like a cross between a cake and a brownie it is so decadent chocolaty fudgy all right guys so this cake is everything i think if you could even make this like a two layer cake with like um maybe like a cream cheese frosting well this is like if you're not dairy free right or even dairy free they do have um like cream cheese alternatives where you can almost make it like with a little cream cheese or like a maybe like a chocolate ganache i don't know i'm just thinking because it definitely has like the structure for you to be able to layer it it has good texture but on top of all of that it's just absolutely delicious so if you love chocolate cake this is a two ingredient cake like you literally cannot mess this up i'm gonna leave the recipe in the description below and if you really like this video make sure you hit that like button share this recipe with friends and family that are living a low-carb lifestyle or maybe just trying to make healthier choices in their life thanks again for being here i love you and i will see you on my next video
Channel: Low Carb Love
Views: 1,181,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto chocolate cake, keto chocolate cake recipe, low carb chocolate cake, keto cake, how to make keto chocolate cake, low carb desserts, keto desserts, keto cake recipe, easy keto cake, low carb cake, low carb chocolate cake recipe, best keto chocolate cake, easy keto cake recipe, low carb love, keto diet, keto recipes, how i lost 135, low carb love mayra, mayra low carb love, keto weight loss, low carb diet, lowcarblove, chocolate cake, keto desserts easy, desserts, keto
Id: 6OWgo8txCcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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