"Revelation Of The One True God Starts Revival" T. W. Barnes BOTT 1989

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don't love for the barn something's wrong with great man of God he believes what we're starting to talk about with nobody else to leave miracle signs and wonders and gifts of the Spirit operating this man's life and they tried to stone him and kill him but he kept on living thank God for a man that believes it and listen welcome to the barn did you do that this is the greatest thing happening in Pentecost today because of the times never have I felt such a move of God I have last night and here today we're entering into something great here for this afternoon many of you ministers came here looking for something and you're not going to be looking in vain it's going to happen to you this afternoon brother Anthony's going to organize this after a while and when you march through and the elders or whoever lays hands on you I pray that you turn your faith loose when a hand touches you and whatever your need is you'll receive it because he's here right now praise the Lord I'll chamber last night I was thinking I said Oh God fine day asked me to breathe I'm a little 75 year old man don't you think it's about time for me to quit and when sister Mangan got through preaching I was down there on my knees and praying it hurts somebody behind me prophesied with the hand on me said it's not over that there's more yet for you thank you brother Clark for letting the Lord use you and just before came up here sister Mangan stopped me and said it's not over said stay with it and it's not over praise the Lord praise the Lord oh how hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord I want to read a scripture then you can be seized in Ephesians the sixth chapter you already know don't you sixth chapter Ephesians tenth verse finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places then in James 2:19 and this is where I get my text now believe is that there is one God thou doest well the devil's also believe and tremble my text this afternoon is how a Bible revelation of the one through God can start a revival of science wonders and miracles we've got to get it out of her head in a heart well we can release it with power and with his RT shall we bow our head Father if I ever needed you I need you now I thank you for ministers and I thank you for angels here but since this is about you I need you I need your hand I'm still just a baby I'm still just in the premise no one knows all about you I thank you Lord and I have one request this afternoon whatever Devils inhale and our hill will see the one true God what I preach because I know what it makes them do tremble and quake for in the name of Jesus Lucifer all the fallen angels and demons I command you to hear that Jesus Christ is Lord and he's God hallelujah hallelujah and everybody said the devil is friendly thank you you can be seated I will not endeavor to kind of preach them just the one God summoned today I want to show you how to release the power of it we've had great man in the past but God spoke to brother Andrew Archon mightily used of God I remember the young man hearing about the miracles that happen in his ministry the crippled walking and it was because of his great revelation well it's heating hey would another mighty man among us today is going by had this revelation God mighty anointed him most every one of us has some of his books setting somewhere in the crowd today it's another man that has gone deeper into this subject than any man I know brother Kenneth Reeves somebody wanted us why angels walked with him don't you know that God's angels loves to walk with people that preaching teach the truth there's two sets of angels you know there's gods and there's another set that follows the false church and Billy Kenneth Reeves has many books written on this subject and I have enjoyed them and talking to him over the years when I read I read the scripture to you you we're not fighting against flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in high places the call for nineteen and eighty nine is this the call to battle the cold war we're not fighting flesh and blood we're fighting principalities spiritual wickedness in high places it's great to cast out a devil in a human being but I come to you with a message today that we need men that can do more than just cast the devil out of a human being we have principalities up their powers that's destroying the United States of America and the whole world somebody has to rise up that can meet the devil now I've been introduced a few times as a prophet I don't know it if I am but I got to thinking this past year I want to be one not to tell brother Shinra Latini what to do not to tell that now I'm not interested in that they know what to do I'd like to be able to tell the devil what to do I'd like to tell him when to get all and willing to get on we up against some things we need to raise our sights a little let us attack the big boys up there and they'll get all confused and they can't operate down here like locked in lock - now I think if we gonna attacked an enemy we need to know all about him again his past his present and what his plans are for the future all right let's talk about his past a little the first time I read about him he is a fallen every place I read in the Bible where he fought Donnie lost he'd been losing for billions of years what are you watching would you think he'd win now the first battle he had he got kicked out he thought sure he's gonna win the battle of job but he lost it he thought he's going to take Peter but Cena said I prayed for you I took cherry boy he played for us too it's took care of he is hard to kill hallelujah hallelujah now he looked like for a little while he lost somebody give me a little water here after Wang he looked like he Jesus lost in Calibre's hill but that is the greatest victory God ever won against the devil you talk about taking his pitchfork pulling his teeth hey man and stop in his head I heard somebody said when you stomp a snake's head kill him he'll still wiggle til dark anyway although he's dead so I take the devil he's just wiggling he's done and the one thing it torments him day and night that is number one God and God said to him over there said you're not a God said you coming down boy said while they're going to walk by Allah calling you and say is he the pillar that did all of this you're coming down boy you're gonna get D horn and every time he thinks about it he trembles he quakes he shakes he hell almost has a nervous breakdown there's one God now my message goes back before there was ever Sun gonna start my message goes back before the first atom ever floated out in empty space one God that's all they wouldn't know angels they wouldn't know human beings hey man just the eternal God that filled heaven and earth and when he got ready to make this thing he said I did it all alone by myself now let me show you the force of this message what I want to get across to you if Jesus is in you you remember when he walked the earth when he met devils you know what they did they cried out screamed out the holy one one you know that bothered him because he was the holy one what have we got to do with you have you come to torment us before time he knows God could do it now he said I'm going away but I'm coming back I'm gonna live in you now if Jesus Christ is in us then the same devils seized him but you see we get to carnival and sit down so he can't break through you know if you want this to get into your system to worry it'll work you got to pray it in their system angin you got to pray this revelation into your face into your spirit into your soul into your body into your blood into your bones into the mouth get it inside there's one God so why not think about what Baal is the devil can you say praise the Lord now this new age this new call for ministers is the call to battle enough to a sunday-school picnic this is war this is war everybody say war but you see we got the difference we've got it but we've got it hanging on the wall we got the power pole minister in the nine spiritual gifts we've got everything we need I watched a fella remember my church he's got one in great big old machines he just roll up to a big old tree and cut it down just bite it in tune karat standing up over here and polish over well I didn't have that kind of deal when I was sawing logs it took me a long time and the fella on the other end pulling it and finally the thing would Paul not ever time what we wanted it but you see why would that feller leave that great big old machine at home and get him a song that's what we do in some time we still out terrible the hands oh when God has the big quip equipment the par equipment the name equipment he said three day he received freely give God gives you a gift today don't you be stingy with it praise God power got a devil cast it out and didn't leave me into the rest of it have you demands of eyes that are blind and you don't lead him the Lord you still failed praise God now the revelation releases a mighty force when you are God touches inside of you that's in your innermost being there is one and ever devil fears it and when a man is in this frame of mind and pain when he walks in and you know there's a lot of preachers this has happened to demons start screaming they can't take it they ready to run somebody said to me said do you pray the Devils out of a motel room I said huh I don't worry about it I said I'll let them worry I'm a Jesus name born again the son of God and the devil knows that I believe in one God in that one God dwells inside of me if he wants to hide on the bed and have a nervous breakdown that's his trouble hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus went to his hometown and he could there do no mighty works no mighty works only a few sick folks that strange he's the kind and good love him with unbelief and everything else he still healed a few sick folks but he couldn't do the mighty works because after the Lord's going to do his mighty works through us but now why couldn't he they didn't know who he was to them he was a carpenter they knew his brothers they had him in the wrong place hey man just a carpenter a lot of folks will never get the poor force because they've got Jesus in second place why the people want to stick him in second place when he said over in a world where I'm the first and I'm the last I'm the beginning and often and I'm the often the old leave him he said he was first and then we all set full of mighty works now fare to believe the Angels message about Jesus said his name's to be called Emmanuel God with us he said it just believe that did ahead mighty works better had revival on the whole country have been turned upside down but they didn't believe the angel message a lot of other people don't believe it the angel message now I want you to look with me in Acts 2:36 one of Jesus when Peter preached Jesus both Lord and Christ both Lord and Christ that whole crowd began the crowd men and brethren what must we do when he said he is both Lord and Christ those Jews knew that he was saying he's your God a man can they said what must we do now notice that this one-god sermon proceeded at 3,000 soul revival the force the force of this name alright revelation four and three and one sat on the throne what I want to do today is to get your conscious of this when you're walking in motels and healing lines and wherever you're at you're conscious of this you don't have to beat people over the head I used to debate this subject public debates that's not the way you can't beat it into him at combinations right you come the revelation is pray for him I had people just lately sitting overs didn't come there for that they just came for prayer I told begin to talk to him like I'm talking to you then all of a sudden before I got through he said I see it would you baptize me Jesus name it's humble revelation when we become God touches and release this by faith the devil's know it before the people do revelation four and three and one sat on the throne one and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunders want you to notice the force of his presence here you're looking revelation 20:11 and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it whose face the earth and the heavens fled away and I was found no place for them the force I'll be presence Lee releases the galaxy's disappeared everything what is it what you think Lucifer's going to be about that time with a chain around his neck walling in the pit I serve notice on him everything the Lord said about him up to today has come to pass he has no reason to doubt the rest of it it's coming it's coming it's coming the chain is coming Lucifer now the same jesus said if I be lifted up lift him up right not as a carpenter not as a second person lift him up right he said I'll draw them in underneath a man God's blessed other people sure he's a good god but he told me he said if I'm bringing him in out of the will and his don't knock him in the head before I get him straightened out a man Lord's always going outside you know get the hold of people I told somebody I said Jesus couldn't hold a card with you PC but I before you think about that too much Peter James and John would have been won over some sure but Jesus is out there shaking the brush talkin everybody listen Annie because he's trying to get him out a lot of you was way out there when he started working on you when did he start working on you aren't you glad that it knocked in the head whenever you got the front door let you come on in alright I want to go back where I was a while ago before anything then God created the heavens the earth don't ever forget this long as you live this is I never read this out of a book it's in here but that's not in the same words I'm saying it the stories are there when God created angels they had one revelation when they opened their eyes there was one God standing there they were created to worship one God only and to listen to his voice only and when a suck of God appeared on the scene a third of the Angels fell and it was war in heaven you can't get along with that two or three you see the devil knows this if it can get you to have two it's easier than to get three and in your time in mind I've got one big denomination has four if you ever take on more than one it's easy to take on some more and the next one you're gonna hear about will be the false prophet he'll be the pistol and the next one will be the Antichrist he had it planned all time when he started this he'll be the sixth one 666 got the world mind conditioned to divide because Satan fears it he's camouflaged it had hid it but I got news for you the world's about to wake up the honest sincere people and far more denominations than you could ever think God's begin to talk he's beginning to speak but if we just preached and don't demonstrate you know the one thing going to convince them is churches running over people jumping out of wheelchairs blind eyes open revival revival revival revival you don't go to the fellows of the speed sacks on his fence ask him how up to raise corn you go to the fellows got a barn full he didn't have to buy any it's time we have reached that point in this great and glorious church to rise up in Jesus name and to go forth in his name and we got a definite promise these signs shall follow them that believe now when the second God appeared to called war and heavens it always cause war he said he claimed to be one but God says you're not and we know he's not nobody else then he created man put him in the Garden of Eden he said here it is he opened his eyes one guard came down talked with him every day one that's all verything about but one day which they always always argued with God about this he put that tree of knowledge in the middle of the garden I said God why didn't you put it on you put it in that bar that's danger somebody loved to get killed he said I made man a free moral agent I want to testing all right I said God at least you could have put it up in the corner of the field the bar passes the Lord's Washington he wants to see what you got have you got it then he won't eat when that snake crawled in I don't know why I let you mean Adam that's right villainy Adam had his heart in power with that snake he had power over all the fowls there everything fishes the sea snakes to a man he had it but he didn't use it amen but I want you to notice what happened when Adam and Eve listen to the second garden that's why we go to the funeral homes that's why we got graveyards that's why we've got hospitals they listen to the second God God didn't like it he said get out he took him to the gate and said get out make you live in the best way you can but the sweat of your brow you had it made boy but you took on a second one and I don't like it then the great marvelous wonderful beautiful church oh how it was rolling in Jesus name baptized in Jesus name preaching both Lord and Christ what a marvelous thing they had I don't have time to get on that but one day and 325 they added a couple more results the dark ages you came tonight the dark ages black as a thousand Midnight's and the Lord has raised this crowd up to show the world alike he'll walk with us he'll talk with us because he loves people that believe in his name praise God praise God now the Bible said he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water he said rivers everybody say rivers a smaller one he did believeth on me as the scripture has had he don't work outside of the word you got to believe as the scripture has said and then people who have the Holy Ghost all over animals being will flow rivers rivers a river a power a river of healing a river of miracles a river revival rivers now I want you to notice it said out of his animals being up and out not up and stagnate up and out out get it out that has to be done through faith in Jesus name faith in Jesus name turns it loose and the river begins to gush and we need some gutters some top movers some long movers to take everything with it wipe it out now up and out that's the secret preachers my phone rings day and night for mailing preachers lot of you out there asking me about this word from the Lord how do you get into America ministry and all these things let me ask all the elders here that's bearable these young fellers is trying to exercise the gift might make a mistake did you ever make any when you preached when you started out did you ever make a mistake all right hate to hear I've been didn't have tape recorders I don't like them too much now for me how in the world anybody ever got saved I don't know but the dead praise the Lord you can receive today and I have just delivered what the Lord has been talking about for a year when you become conscious of this truth the word the name you see it's so easy preachers say well I believe the message but is the message alive doctrines good but if the spirits thought it is dead the little recei in church was dr. Lee right but spiritually dead they had it brother as far as money big church and doctors but they were dead you know why no jesus was on the outside trying to get in doctors up was a plug nickel if he's not in it you can shine it up like Ezekiel is boneyard or didn't send him out how to shine bones he sent him out there to get some meat on the bones and lie praise God I know some Pentecostals would have been shining skulls and rubbing the cobwebs thousand between the toes the Lord said prophesy come on is he cool calla lilly said you know come on prophet ah he's head and when he listened to that one through God that was the whole army standing on their feet ready to march hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now the silliest question you ever ask yourself is what God used me right but he used me but he used something in the Bible it didn't have too good a past I don't mean we shouldn't struggle for holiness every day but I know this good man that God wants to use and you're setting out here today and when we line up here and you come to receive it how many been praying for something to God you just been asking God about something now the greatest revelation that ever came from inner angels in all eternity one God the next greatest revelation is the power of his love he demonstrated on GOG off his hill and for you that are needed healing today the next greatest revelation of love to you that he went to Paula's home for that body you're setting in right now he went to Paulo tog and they almost beat him to death for a short time a vision of Jesus standing in three feet of him when he came out Apollo's halt came before my eyes I looked his lips were swollen his beard had been plucked his eyes were black Solan almost shut a crown of thorns set on his head and I could actually see the blood trickling down all on his face and then it faded in I saw him of the cross on his shoulder struggling up gog off this hill and I think of that when I pray for the sick the Devils I said Devils I'm praying for this and you go look at what you did in pilots home that defeated you you're whipped why do we let the devil rolls around and stop us go back and read that again Pilate all he loves these bodies he's some you know we hear so often in the normal world he don't care about your body just his soul nobody can do anything it wants to don't matter just the soul but he redeemed us spirit soul and body amen hallelujah get me in with the devil a man a man get rough with him hallelujah tell him shout it devil there's one God and his name is Jesus stand up and say it devil there's one god and his name is Jesus he's not here now let it happen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it's happening now do you feel it you feel it everybody say Jesus I receive what you did for me in Paula's home by your stripes I'm healed I receive it now now thank you boys hallelujah hallelujah everybody say Jesus honor you word we believe you God we receive the blessing and the anointing that goes with it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you believe the Lord loves preaches he loves preachers sometime you don't believe it do you sometimes you wonder because you don't answer your prayer but did you pray the prayer of faith did you really get down to brass tacks hey man I found out if it don't happen when you think it ought to it'll happen when God thinks it are - after all he's a healer now because somebody prays for the sick can the cripples walk and obey no glory to man it's because Jesus is any and that man walks in and devils begin to scream we know who you are bill drops to Pentecost that happens that there was new now when the devil knew who he was they knew he had power to work them over you see that's the thing God looks through your eyes and listen through your ears and flows through your hands he did it not you wouldn't because you were smart are good I hate to see somebody that tries to make you think they got angel wings going on the shoulders because God used them a time or two I learned a lesson the first time I ever preached I really thought it did a good job I even bragged about it the next time I got up I couldn't even remember Genesis a revelation well he'll mercy everything left just like blackbirds the tree talks just disappeared he said all right Bob you do it classic hey man yeah you remind me brother teeny lotta fellas had them big signs up you know he didn't campaign had the name on it and I thought that sounds good I'm fixing to have one up from a certain church placing I paid $20 to have one paint Barnes he didn't campaign man it was pretty my name I never had seen he looks too pretty well I was standing out of a tree looking at it the Lord said Barnes he didn't get me he's talking to me he said I never heard of one then he said I'll be seeing you I said now wait a minute Lord just a minute Lord just give you time to tie it down plenty I tore down our older up bet it's the last time that ever went up when you get too big for your britches brother he'll just leave you hanging there he knows how the worst thing I find about colors and gifts in the gift ministry they get they let the devil sell them on everybody's against you now you got a gift so he goes ahead and creates him about fifty hundred it's hard against him he imagines then he can't out pray that that keeps him loaded down that's a devil strict who's against you for doing the will of God the work of God if he is only for Less him worry about it go ahead and say them my friends out there bless God if he's not the one if the Lord worked you're healed believer boy leave here praise God alright brother Anthony I don't know of a church in the world I'd rather preach this in and yours brother magnet and bling Anthony right here praise God but Larssen said it well last night you got to get down to earnest prayer get out did you ever read the Bible work Jesus prayed more earnestly more earnestly man that hit me he prayed earnestly but then he prayed more earnestly maybe that's the secret to some of us pray more honestly all right singing what have you got brother Anthony it's yours hold up these chairs knees out
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 31,065
Rating: 4.8617511 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, T. W. Barnes
Id: laIoEl_f82I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2015
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