Defining Love for Allah | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf

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smelly rahmani raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen o salat wa salam ala sayyidal mursaleen well either early he was happy he ordered raka was seldom at the Sleeman catherine in al-madinah am a bird to add on to the series that we were covering about the soulful Sufism one of the most important themes in there was the love of allah subhana wa ta da so today I just want to spend some time in discussing just particularly what is love for Allah subhana wa tada how have different people who've loved allah subhana wa tada explained their experience and defined their experience maybe we can learn from that and maybe allah subhana wa tada will grant us his true love as well firstly just to define what love is the word in arabic is so some scholars defined and muhabba as a would do well may rule in my mood which basically means a love and inclination towards the beloved generally others have described it as the love for perfection the love for symmetry the love for balance the love for moderation the beloved is generally someone that you expect to get some benefit from that you admire because of the balance in with which they come so if it's human or an object of creation then it's going to be something that has been created manufactured made or designed or cooked or something like that with a balance that in terms of not just the way you look at it in terms of sights maybe in terms of how you hear it if it has a sound how you taste it and the more boxes it will tick then the greater the love for that so because allah subhana wa tada is the one with the greatest sense of perfection and so is the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in terms of the benefit we can gain from them and just how we can admire who they are and what they are then clearly allah subhan without and his profit should be the greatest object of our love if we can say it that way how do we know that we love someone we become inclined towards them that's just a very basic definition basically Wells a methodical morphic a filmer to lube that then Ness Ness acetates that somehow you wanna fall in line with your my boob with your object of love you want to fall in line you want to synchronize yourself with them now that's a very easy thing for us to determine that what are we trying to synchronize ourselves with right maybe the idea is that we can maybe determine what the object of love is and then see if we synchronize but I think today is probably easier to find out who is synchronized or what we're synchronized with and figure out that's the real object of our love right so if we if we basically start with the effect so what are we synchronized with people are synchronized with very different things so they're synchronized with maybe a football team a particular football player clearly that means that there's a love there because we are trying to be like them we wear their clothing we try to play like them be like them say their names know their history know everything about them whether that be a phone company whether that be a technology company right like Apple or Samsung or Microsoft or something like that but clearly that you can understand why these things capture capture us because of a sense of perfection which is there so I guess everybody can think for themselves what is love I mean is it food is it a certain type of food is it going out to eat is it a certain friend so there's all of these things that we can understand from there then what that's just bait I mean I'm starting of it's on just some really basic definitions now let's move on to a definition of how allah subhanho wa taala how can you characterize Allah as love someone because Allah doesn't become inclined inclination doesn't apply to allah subhanho wa taala so what does it then mean can you apply this definition to allah subhanho wa taala none of us 100% perfect anyway so why would that means we could never be loved by allah because we're not perfect so for allah subhanho wa taala there's a different definition because you just can't have inclination and infatuation for allah can't have that so what it then means on a basic level for allah subhanho wa taala to love someone is that allah subhanho wa taala blesses them allah subhanho wa taala treats them in the best of ways Allah gives them bestows things upon them it's necessary that we love Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so the obligation of loving Allah is it's there why Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in Surat al-ma'idah ya au alladhina amanu mayor Ted the min Kamandi me the so Fiat allahu biqawmin yuhibbuhum where you hit buna so the loss of Han without is telling us o people who believe whoever turns away from his Deen from from his religion whoever from the real religion whoever turns away from it and ignores it then for so so then Allah so if you do that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will bring about a people that will love him and they will love him so clearly Allah loves people and they love him and if we don't act upon that then somewhere then somebody else is gonna take our place it's related from Jibril alehissalaam who relates this hadith from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so this is a hadith Qudsi that man ahaan allah waliyan faqad bara Sonny Bill Maher Abba whoever degrades humiliates one of my wellies and nobody is someone what law subhana wa ta'ala loves then he has basically challenged me with war he's declared war against me in another version it says man Adderley Welli and whoever expresses his enmity whoever treats with enmity one of my friends one of my beloved then I declare war on him so this both ways is mentioned and then it says there's nothing nothing that I've hesitated in there's nothing that I've hesitated in then my hesitation in taking the life the soul of a servant of mine who's a believer who dislikes death and I dislike to make him feel bad but it's necessary the death is inevitable it's necessary death is necessary but he doesn't like death and I don't want to make him feel bad but death is necessary and then the rest of the hadith is Rama Takata Borrelia Abdi Bechet in Hebei him him of Torah Torah minim of Torah - are they the way to gain the love of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the absolute basic requirement this is the basic requirement is that we need to fulfill the obligations without obligations you can do everything else you can have major vicar gatherings you can basically have program of the program but if you don't do the 4 I'd the prayers etc none of that none of that is helping because the obligations are the initial tickets then what I then after that once we've gone to that first threshold then the son that the servant will become closer and closer to me by the optional acts until I love him he says then he will become closer to me after he he becomes he becomes close to me with his obligate with his optional acts until I love him so that love comes after that so we're gonna have to make that effort if you want again we can't expect that Allah just loves me because this is something about me that he loves I don't do any of this stuff you know because in the world that's how it is isn't it there's certain people who may not act who may not fulfill all the requirements of something they just like something about them so you let them in it's like it's okay it's it's okay right so here lots of Hannah what Allah is saying that they better do these things when I about to couldn't allahu someone and then of course the the rewards of becoming beloved by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is that he will become the hearing by which a person hears insight and and then and the hand touching and my and and so on and so forth there's another Abu Huraira the allahu anhu relates that the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said either habala who are then called eligibly in famous narration to give you an idea when allah subhanho wa taala then begins to love somebody he says to gibreel gibreel i love such and such a person you love him as well i love such in such a person you love him too so debride begins to love him because angels are under the command of allah subhanho wa taala then gibreel ilayhi salaam what he does is he goes beyond that and he tells all the angels that you have to love this person because allah subhanho wa taala loves him so then the people of the heavens meaning the inhabitants of the heavens which primarily are angels they begin to love him and then because they have they have frequent visits to the world the acceptance also descends and is placed on him in the earth so people begin to love that person in general but clearly there's going to be some people who won't love him because there are people who are going to mention the other hadith is going to be people who have enmity towards the Friends of Allah right so but generally speaking there is love towards this person especially good people will love this person because the hearts will connect so that's the face of a famous one and then of course it's the same opposite which basically means that if allah subhanho wa taala dislike somebody then he says the same thing and that's why one of the transmitters have said that I don't think except that he must have said this opposite with regards to hating that the same thing he tells you breed our Islam and you be like some passes that news on that I don't like this person right so now let's get back to understanding love itself al muhabba another way to understand is harlot in sharifa love is supposed to be an honorable state in a person with with regards to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so if we have love for Allah Allah has love for us that's a very honorable stay because allah subhanho wa taala has told us about that i just want to clarify love for other things so what i explained is that when you find something of beauty to you that symmetry and perfection and you would consider that to be beautiful then you wanna you want to be close to that thing you want to have that thing right so obviously if it's a product you will try to acquire it you may spend a lot of money in acquiring it you may purchase it you may some people steal things like that and if it's a person you'll be what you'll want to get close to them right now this is where i spoke to a friend of mine who's an expert on love and there's somebody who is basically interested in somebody because they find them balanced and they find them beautiful in terms of what they do right generally it's gonna be a man to a woman and that kind of a thing right I'm not sure if that person's even seen the individual right but in terms of everything else about them so I asked him is that love so he said does he feel like eating like is he eating I said yes I'm sure he's eating is he sleeping yes he's sleeping this is and that's not proper love yet love is when you essentially are so so engrossed that you can't even eat anymore and you can't sleep you can't do anything for yourself anymore because everything is focused on the other person and in some cases that is sometimes the best of states for a person because that's the only time they're not selfish that's the only time they actually focused on somebody else now before you start finding an object of love like that it has to be pure right because certain I asked him but this person I don't think he's up to that level actually there were two people I was wanted to ask him about one was a 16 year old who's so infatuated like that that he just can't see any other way about it but this person the older and he's not like that so the idea is that he says well that's just probably infatuation right which is like a beginning stage it's an infatuation it's not there yet but again you can only have that with somebody who eats halal for you to have that kind of love with but sometimes the problem is that love will take over your your heart and you have no control over it and that's the difficult part so now I asked him okay if somebody's got love with somebody that they cannot express they cannot basically realize their love with right because you could have those kind of situations you it's just impossible for you to realize your love with them and there's a lot of people because love will make you sick right if you can't eat you can't do anything it will make you sick so then the question is that how do you how do you stop loving somebody how can you stop loving somebody that you don't think it's worth loving because emotionally you love them but intellectually you know it's just not gonna happen I can't realize this love I mean ideas maybe you want to marry somebody or your parents are against or maybe you're already married and there's somebody else you're interesting but it's just not gonna happen right you know I mean it could happen but it's just not gonna happen because you know your situation right you don't want to mess it up in the first wife or whatever in the cases or a woman is married and she just becomes infatuated with somebody else it can happen would you do that right these are practical these are practical situations that are real and we need to deal with them because there are examples of this you know this women who are married but then they've just fall in love with somebody they work with even among religious people because sometimes the Shaitaan is there and I'm not saying it happens religiously but you know you start speaking to somebody and you see that they they seem to be better than your own spouse and that's why it's very important at this point to start reading to doors to doors very effective one is Allah whenever you have this kind of alert to something else and it's kind of putting down what's halal for you and you're becoming inclined to Haram then Allah homography me be halal occur and Haram ik well other Nene for the Leica m9 see work Allah suffice me with the halal away from the Haram right and make me independent from the need of anybody but you but Allah suffice me with the halal away from the Haram so you think these things that you're looking at that are attracting you and clearly they're Haram or they're the most likely going to lead to Haram whatever right then just read this door and the other door is robbing arataura milna which is from the Quran robbed banana to ham milna Molitor Katella Nabi of Allah don't make us carry a burden that we have no ability to carry because as I said sometimes it gets so overwhelming that you have no control over yourself and people end up messing up families messing up their life messing up their relationships existing relationships that were fine due to that so this door is very powerful Robyn Allah to her Midnight's the end of surah al-baqarah just before certainly Imran it's there now Allah do not allow to do not make us carry a burden that we can't carry that we don't have the ability to carry so then how do you deal of somebody like how do you stop loving somebody so I forget the poem you mentioned but basically the point is that love is based on all the good qualities love is based on all of the good qualities all the fascination that so you have to basically do the counter to that which is you start thinking of all of the worst things which is very difficult to do because the love makes you so emotionally attached to all the good things that it's overwhelming then for you to even try to break through that cloud and to think of bad things it's very difficult but that's what you're supposed to do to try to get away from somebody that you can't basically realize your love with subhanAllah but basically I think the antidote is that once you have that experience a few times then maybe the thing is that just don't focus too much on the good things and just ask a lot than me and then ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala this is something it's not going to happen for me just get do the istikhara door people are dealing with this that's why I mentioned people are dealing with this kind of stuff on different levels you know some are very far gone so now just start thinking of the worst things you know all the ignoring of she's generally so bad to me but I still you know the she is back to me you know because people just overlook these things because they think somehow miraculously with magic is all gonna be fine so that's a bit about love and how to deal with it because it's an essential it's something that is so essential to many many human beings that it needs to be discussed so anyway when it's love with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala you see there's another concept which is called the ich and generally ich is considered to be love that is gone beyond the boundary beyond the limits right now what's very interesting is that while some people do use this term for love of Allah in their in the real sense you can't have ich for Allah and you can't characterize love for Allah as ish or Allah is love for a human being as a sheik why do you think that's the case because a sheikh is when you go beyond the limits you can never go beyond the limits of loving Allah right the more you love him the better as Allah says that well Lavina a man who I shed the herb and Allah those people who believe they are the most intense in their love for Allah and there's a lot of bandwidth there's so much more to go the more you love him it never ends there's no end to the love right and Allah can love a person like that so because there's no there's no end to Allah infinite gifts and bounties and care and attention or allah subhanho wa taala himself you can't have ich though people do use it matures and i think they use it metaphorically for that but in the real sense according to many scholars you can't have ishq with a lot just pure love but you can have issues with somebody else that goes over the boundary and makes you not fulfill your rights and makes you basically negligent of other rights and so on so for that would that would be excessive love so if we go back to the love of allah subhanahu wata'ala for his creation and the love of the creation for Allah is that love of allah subhanaw taala his creation is that Allah then intends to bestow him with gifts right and that gifts doesn't mean just you know material aspects it obviously means closeness and love and liquor and all the rest of it waking up attached that's all from the love of allah subhana wa ta'ala avoidance of sins hmm so what is then the difference between Allah is intending to give a bounty to to his servant which muhabba has been defined us and allows mercy so they saying that mercy Rehema is actually more specific than just the will to give him something the intention to give him something and muhabba is then even more specific than Rahman so while Allah could have loved Rama for many more people there's going to be fewer that he's gonna have before because Mahatma is more specific for them for the fewer allah subhanho wa taala is intending to give somebody reward and bounties that you you know that you call that rama and then allah subhanho wa taala intending to specify a person for his closeness to basically single out a person to give him proximity is intimacy and closeness and to give him the experiences of high spiritual states then that is what you call muhabba that's a way of allah subhanaw taala inshallah we all share inshaallah we all enjoy your armor from allah subhana wa ta'ala by the fact that we believers but we ask allah to also give us his muhabba an extra level the top level insha'Allah and that depends on the individual then because for some allah subhanho wa taala x' attribute is just one i mean this is going to a bit of theological discussion the attribute of allah subhanho wa taala is one but it manifests differently in terms of who it is on the receiving end but ignore that point if it doesn't make sense and for the servant to love Allah subhana WA Ta'ala pahala tunia ji do half he shall be so as far as the love for this for servants with allah subhanho wa taala is concerned then it is a state that they generally will experience in their hearts the lot of Al Abbar a bird annal a bar it's very saying it's too complicated to bring in words it's an experiential feeling it's very difficult to apply that in words that what exactly does it mean that a seven loves Allah now how do you describe the feeling you can maybe describe what he's gonna do now based on it but to describe the actual feeling is gonna be very very difficult now what it does to you is that what katomina who till kal hala allah tala Muller who it will obviously make you glorify Allah and Revere Allah more Revere Revere a lot more than anything else so when Allah becomes our main objective compared to all the other things that we're loving then that makes sense what if our read or giving preference to his satisfaction kinder to sabri anhu which basically means that you know just like with when you have a love of object I always want to be with that person so likewise here you just never want to be away from Allah how can you never be away from Allah well you could be wherever you want but as long as you're remembering him you're with allah subhanaw taala but if something comes to distract you you'll be very angry at you distracted me that means what's that won't be a distraction well idea Jilly and just the desire for allah subhan without the need for him or Adam will cover him in dunya he basically means that a person is going to be restless without doing Vickery without being with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala what would you do is Tina Smith oh I'm is Vic real who will call me he which is that the only way you'll gain that sense of familiarity and closeness to allah subhanho wa taala is by staying in a constant state of vicar with his heart now in terms of how people have shared their experience of love allah subhanho wa taala there's abundant statements we'll just go through some of them in the time that we have and so firstly let's try to understand the word muhabba the word hope there are various different understanding of where it actually comes from to give you an understanding so what some say is smoothly Lisa L Mazda is basically the name for absolute pure friendship absolutely pure friendship is safar all Mirada because when the Arabs were when you've got totally white sparkling teeth shiny teeth they they say this is hobble as none so hababam as none which basically means shiny white teeth so it comes from there they saying that it's absolute purity of something so purity of friendship is that level higher that's called muhabba another opinion is that hub comes from kebab kebab basically means the water when you have abundant rain when you have torrential rain the water that basically comes up right and overflows so the concept here is overflowing when you love somebody so so much that you base a overflows and just dominates you overwhelms you and there's several of it I'm not going to go through all of them there's this one one is very interesting is that the earring in Arabic is also called hub or hub why because it always stays on the on the air right and it's always moving because it moves with the head so it's got that concept of it's always in a state of stress right based on the object of its love anyway we that that's just so literal stuff let's look at what some of the shoe you have mentioned about love one of the one of the expressions and again there's all based on experience right Alma Harbor to ether Omaha be mahavihara Jamil must rude which is the muhabba is for you to give preference to your beloved upon everything else that can come to you more Ithaca tell happy Phil Mashhadi Wilma deep for you to try to synchronize yourself that's the word I'm using more Ithaca compatibility but I'm saying you're trying to synchronize yourself with your beloved one whether they're absent or whether they're present the the Sufis if they see that somebody gets so beloved somebody so bella loves their shake so much that they actually sometimes it happens that they actually start taking on a number of the same habits using the same words doing the same things and so on and they call that Nisbet it d Hadi like a unified relationship a unified attribution that you resemble your shape like that some say Mahal more hillbilly society he was but Wilma BB 30 he is for a person to erase their own characteristics and imbibe the characteristics of their beloved one if it's a lot and that's wonderful but if it's anybody else you better be careful what that why because lick Amalia is divine in Moorhead baby my boobie he had a young Joseph at sea fat enough see he because they're just so focused on them beloved that they forget their own attributes another one more turtle called Billy Mirada to rob basically for the heart to become synchronized with the desires of Allah with whatever pleases Allah that would be a wonderful state another one is how fat are keelhaul almighty muhammad al hikmah the fear to abandon reverence of your muhib of your Mahmoud while you are serving your your my boob so you're serving them in such a way that you don't want to get you don't want to get anything wrong a booyah booyah seed by seed Albus Tommy he says al muhabba to Istiklal kathira monastic well stick thoroughly Lehman habib 'ok you see from this collection of sayings you get an understanding of what true love allah subhanho wa taala is everybody's explaining it slightly differently the first few were similar this one is very different I can tell he's talking about experience here he's saying that muhabba is for you to consider what you give abundantly as very small like I don't give much at all even though you're keeping everything maja blow will make you do that like I haven't done anything and for you to think abundant even a small amount that comes from your beloved and we better have that relationship with Allah Subhan Allah because we need to give him everything and if he gives us something al hamdulillah see the picture now is emerging Junaid subhanAllah Junaid al-baghdadi was once question about mohab a said the hulusi fat in maha bua ll bad elements effort in Morehead this is way basically what somebody else said as well which is that for the characteristics of your beloved to enter in place of the attributes of the lover himself right a shower of Metallica illa Estella Ezekiel my boob obviously he's indicating towards the fact that the mention of your beloved must be overwhelming must be dominant Hetalia kun was all about that old Bill Murray be envious about in my book such that the only thing that overwhelms your heart and dominates your heart and nothing else is the mentioning of your beloved what the hurtful bill could Lea mean and Seifert enough see he and for a person to be totally ignorant negligent heedless and blinded of his own ciphers of his own needs and attributes well access Bihar or to even feel them and that's what you call that's what the Sufis will call fauna by total annihilation there's some more simpler ones Abu Ali a true the Barry he says Alma Hobart well mwah cotton McAfee Emery he were not here to synchronize yourself to be compatible with your ma who based on whatever they like and whatever they dislike right Abu Abdullah Qureshi he says haqiqat with Mohammed Ian dahab cathodically man I burped fillet alcoholic amine cachet the basically you give everything to your my boob to the one you love such that you have nothing left it's only starting because you've got so many different experiences that will insha'Allah give us an idea and we ask allah subhanho wa taala to make this a driving force and an inspiration for us we can mention these things over and over again but really it's about trying to come I think the benefit of this will tell us that what is it that we love most that we're constantly engaged with thinking about going after that basically is a sign that we love those things so if it's not allah subhanho wa taala no Madonna's finished and we've gone back to how we were before ramadan then it means we haven't really developed much of a love for allah subhana wa ta'ala to to do that so we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to help us otherwise this is all theory so we ask Allah subhana wa taala for reality here is that one and alhamdulillah who have been I mean Allah Allah and assalamo Mincha Siddhanta Bharati originally what ekron allahumma salli wa sallim ala sayyidina muhammad wa ala sayyidina muhammad ahmad varicocele the other generally will across ya martina judy will come ya arhamu r-rahimin ya of law Ya Ya Allah we ask for your special mercy well now we ask you for your special attention oh allah we ask you for your forgiveness o allah forgive us all of our wrongdoings all of our shortcomings all of our defects all of our sins oh allah this beautiful month of ramadan has passed us o Allah we ask protection that we go back to how we were before that oh allah grant us closeness to you well now we've just had this discussion in on your love o allah make this a reality for us o Allah allow us to feel your love make your love dominant oh Allah removed the love of all else oh Allah allow us to only love those things which you have commanded us to love and now Allah take the love of those things out of our hearts that you have prohibited us to love o Allah allow us to love whatever it is through you and our law we ask that you help us to fill our hearts our love fill our hearts with your love o Allah make that dominant in our hearts oh Allah remove all of the blemishes and the darkness is for our heart to allow your love to come in oh Allah allow us to do the right thing allow us to follow in the footsteps of your messenger muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam o allah allow us to gain beneficial knowledge allow us to be imbibed with good beautiful character allow us to be our law allow us to only love your oh Allah allow us to only love your obedience and keep away from your disobedience I will now make your disobedience hated in our heart our la remove our spiritual and physical diseases and ailments and sicknesses oh allah grant us Shifa and grant us our thea grant us complete our thea grant us the ability to thank you for your have you oh allah you have given us abundantly you have given us from your vast treasures oh allah we ask that wherever you have given us do not make it a source of your anger do not make it a source of sinning oh allah do not allow us to use what you have given us to commit sins and transgressions against you against others but allah don't make all of the bounties that you have bestowed us with to be a source of our losing out in the hereafter oh allah we ask that whatever you have given us you make it a source of blessing and you bless us in whatever you have given us you know a lot of those of our those of our brothers and sisters around the world who have not who are suffering oh allah we ask that you remove their suffering oh allah these projects that we have our permissible projects our work and whatever we do we ask that you bless us and you you give us from your abundant generosity o Allah your more generosity you have more generosity than all the generosity that exists in this world o Allah we ask from this generosity of Allah we can't go to anybody else's door o Allah we can't go to anyone else oh allah we bow down in front of you oh allah it is only you that we can ask any of these things to our love bless us all here do not let us return from here without being absolutely forgiven and purified oh allah we ask that you grant us a life of purity and obedience and taqwa i know allah that you accept us for the service of your Deen oh Allah we don't know how we can help but our Allah we know that you can accept us for your service so Allah accept us for your service I know allah grant is the kanima la ilaha illaallah on our deathbed I know Allah grant us both for the travels of this world and the troubles for the hereafter grant us Salam grant us success I know Allah make it facilitate and make it easy for us subhana rabbika rob miller is that you mlc foon Wasserman are you more saline alhamdulillah Arab Bernard I mean dramatic area or hammer Oh him
Channel: ZamZamAcademy
Views: 5,675
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Keywords: zamzamacademy, Allah, muslim, islam, sunni, shia, sufi
Id: 0aFf5VfRSD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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