Love + Protect - Bad Behavior | Eric Thomas

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amen amen amen amen amen I'm welcome first and foremost welcome welcome praise God welcome if you're in the physical space welcome to those of you who are online this is praise God this is that's a declaration this is this is a fact this this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad it let me just tell y'all something I'm so excited man I'm so excited I'm so excited because I see I see I see it turning y'all I see I see the local body I see as I'm talking to some of you after service I see you are you tired man I'm so happy I'm so happy you tired I'm so happy that you know we're getting to a place where we're getting Beyond just church is normal we you know just showing up and check happy Sabbath check I went to church check I listen to the service check like like praise God I did you know check is man we're finally getting to a place where I'm talking to the members and y'all let me know like I'm tired I'm tired of not being in healthy relationships I'm tired I'm tired of going in circles like I'm tired of not making the money I know I'm supposed to be making I'm tired of not living the lifestyle that God has for me I'm tired right and I'm so I'm so glad you're tired because you know uh people have been coming to me Pastor I'm tired of surviving I want to strive I want to thrive I'm so look y'all gotta understand my degrees are in education when when when when when you are an educator and you come into the classroom the greatest gift your students can give you is the the eagerness and the desire to want to learn that's the greatest gift as a teacher when your students come in ready prepared and so I'm so grateful that we we're getting past just doing Church like we're getting past all that and like we're really like people are really starting to to acknowledge yo I ain't where I'm supposed to be you feel me like this this is not what God would have for me this is not the this is not the idea in Jeremiah 29 11 that God had for me so I'm so excited y'all I'm so excited and I just can't hide it I'm about to lose control I think I like it Hallelujah and so if you will just allow me to teach today write this down for me please church write this down for me it's a will problem all right it's a real problem now I'm not I'm not going to be deep but it's a real problem man one of the things I realized that happened when uh Adam and Eve had their situation is that man desired to do his own thing right it had already been there and the enemy knew that that's why the enemy said look he trying to keep goddess Eve come on come on baby girl God's trying to keep something from you hey man he he played on her desire to want to do her will and her way in in in the fashion she wanted to that's what he played on he couldn't play on the fact that God wasn't good God was good and worthy to be praying he couldn't play he couldn't he he couldn't deny uh the fact that God had been gracious and merciful and kind to Adam and Eve and bless them without he couldn't do that but what he could do is that he could play on the fact that a part of the human nature that God has given us is the freedom of choice and that we can do what we want to do when we want to do it and going with your bad self amen go ahead with your bad self and so I'm what I what I'm what I want you to understand is that one of the challenges we have saints is this this insatiable desire to do our own thing it's your thing you know do what you want you know what I'm saying like they putting that out in the car it's your thing do what you want to do like you get to you get to make your own decisions you you you rough and tough you know what I'm saying like you you can decide what you want you do you do you amen it's a part of the culture but it's dangerous because what happens is God God has his will and we have our will and I'm talking I'm talking to myself like I'm I'm not talking to you but I'm trying to explain to you in every area that I have blown up it has always been two people who agree I just want to teach I want to teach I just want to get to the root for you you're doing all of this stuff you ain't got to do that all you got to do is Surrender Your Will anytime you see fussing and fighting amen and I'm just at the age where for real I'm I I I love who I love I'm not against nobody but I'm not fussing and fighting like that no more like I'm not I'm not going against will it's like let's agree and when you get to the point where you like yo I'm not trying to agree I'm gonna do I'm gonna do me this is how I'm gonna do it can't nobody stop I promise you I'm gonna move out your way and let you do your thing amen but I understand that that where the spirit of the Lord is there is Unity come on come on got it like it's in the songs it's in the scriptures it's in everything we just don't pay in this in the spirit of unity that's where that's where God dwells and so I want you all to know if you and your spouse it's a will it's a battle of the will if our children it's a battle with a will in your business with your boss if you and your boss it's a battle of Will and here's the deal most of us got our own will but we're afraid to do our own thing it is it is within and that's where the fighting comes from the fighting comes from you stay in the relationship because you love a relationship but you want your way I'm just saying like God is saying I'm not doing that that like humans do that you will stay in a marriage you beefing you'll stay the man instead of staying in the marriage and working it out you'll stay in the marriage and have your own will instead of instead of being in the company and you stand in the company because you need to check but instead of staying in the company and agreeing you just gonna stay because you need to check amen and God is trying to show you if you're gonna stay this is why y'all man the Bible is so real this is why when Eve decided that she gonna do her thing the way she gonna do her thing and then Adam backed her Adam was like yo I'm going with you notice what God did God said get out amen get out why because you want to do your own thing so you got to leave this Garden you gotta leave all of this like you can't have this and do your all somebody better hear what I'm saying you want your cake and your will too you want your cake in your will too and you can't have it you know God is saying like you gotta agree with me you got to get on saying so I want y'all to write this down and I want to show y'all what God has put in my spirit for y'all for the next two weeks right and I'm just telling you y'all because these are the things that I've learned and these are these are the sins that were present in my life and and the weights that were present in my life that I had to overcome to go from surviving I wouldn't even survive it when I was homeless I wouldn't even survive it it took me a long time to get to survive but I got to thrive in Christ I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you how I did so number one just write this down and just decree and declare God at some point I'm gonna get on the same will as you at some point in my life at some point in my life Lord in the next 30 days next 60 days the next 90 days I'm going to fight I'm going to fight me I'm gonna fight against me to stop fighting against you I'm gonna get on one Accord with somebody or something but we're gonna get on one Accord hey man that makes sense somebody we that make that your declaration that it God ain't gonna have his will and I got my will and we gonna be in right relationship no I'm gonna get to a point where I let go of the way I see things the way I want to do things and can I just be honest it don't work like it hasn't worked up to this point so the only reason a lot of times we hold on to it is because it's ours it's our will it's our way so we hold on to it because it belongs to us and we like God you can't tell me what to do and God I'm not going you're not finna yes God loves you so much that he gave you the freedom of choice but we ought to mature when I was a child I speak as a child and as good as a child I behave the child but when I became a man I understood that my will should not be in the independent of God that my I should give God my will because I know he's going to take care of me amen I just want to teach today Hallelujah here's what God told me to teach today right here's something that I had to learn this is this is how you overcome having two wheels amen write this down this is the sermon title amen love and protect hallelujah praise God but stop defending bad behavior praise God we're going somewhere today I'm going to help you to get from surviving a man striving to thriving amen praise God listen to me very closely love and protect and here's what we do wrong because we love individuals amen and because we protect individuals amen for whatever reason we also feel like amen we have to protect their bad behavior and we don't it's two different things we can love the person amen but we don't have to defend bad behavior we don't have to defend that which is evil praise God somebody listen to me I just bless your life if you could get this concept I just blessed your life and how do I know because God did it for me and I'm telling you I'm gonna okay okay let's just go here all right so here's why difficult we're going to go through the word here's why it's difficult because we see these texts and we get them confused right we like we we overdo it hey man watch this so so the first one is Ephesians 4 and 32 and the Bible says be kind to one another amen praise God love and protect be kind to one another hallelujah amen tenderhearted amen forgiving one another amen as God in Christ forgave you come on somebody I feel you one thousand percent I feel you amen you like you were like God you did so much for me God when I was in God when I was going through in God when it didn't seem like in God I come on you know who you talking to come on your pastor been there done that I was literally homeless for real for real I'm not talking about homeless like the idea of being homeless I'm talking about I was literally in that abandoned building amen and God came and got me out and so I have a certain compassion and empathy for people but not for sin in come on I'm talking to somebody I'm about to help you out today amen God told me Eric you don't you don't you don't have to uh crucify yourself Eric you you don't you don't have to hurt yourself Eric amen Eric you don't you don't you don't have to belittle yourself Eric you don't have to tear yourself down I know you messed up and I know you're doing some stuff you don't have no business doing but Eric I love you and I care for you but understand something if you're gonna go to the next level we're gonna have to divide it there's a difference between my love for you and sin I don't like sin there's nothing about Sin I care for sin is the very it's against me son it's against my nature it's against how I do things son I love you but I don't love to sin we've got to learn Saints in the name of Jesus Christ that you can separate the two you can actually love and protect your loved ones amen but you can call Sin by his right name and until you get to the point where you can divide the truth you ain't gonna never Thrive you gotta understand that yes God loves you but he hates sin he loves you amen he wants the best for us amen but he will not tolerate bad behavior praise God hallelujah thank you Jesus he loved Adam and he loved Eve but he said you gotta go he created Lucifer and gave Lucifer the gifts that he gave Lucifer but once Lucifer got to a point where he had his own agenda where he had his own motives amen where he was no longer pure in heart God said you got to go what was God saying I will separate the loved one from the sin we're going to separate it amen and as long as we keeping the two together I just want you to understand you will never strive or Thrive just understand that so I'm not I'm not I'm not trying to take your will away from you I'm not I'm not suggesting as a mother a man that you divide the your loved one and your kids send it like I'm not suggesting you do that that's you grown but I'm giving you the information and I'm trying to tell you that if you want to continue to protect your child you want to continue to protect your spouse you want to continue to protect yourself and and but you don't want to deal with the sin that God is not about to for real for real bless you in that particular he not about to do it amen why because he wants you to understand he loves you he hates sin and we're not going to ever get around that does that make sense and so love and protect your loved ones amen but stop defending evil stop def I don't care where it's coming from if it's coming from me if it's coming from Dede if it's coming from Jalen and Jada if it's coming from my mama I'm gonna be real with y'all the hardest person to have a conversation with is probably my mom because I I grew up in a time where you know what I'm saying you you got you respect your parents amen I don't care if you grew up in church or not the respect you're like you what there's certain things you weren't doing now I do understand the new parenting I get it I know what y'all doing like I feel you like like when we was coming up not only did we have to respect our parents our community but they I feel you you felt like they stripped your will a little bit I feel you I know what you doing with your kids I ain't stupid I'm a pastor but I ain't dumb I know what you're doing you trying not to break they will I get it I'm not mad at you you try not to break their Spirits amen not praying for you amen it's a new teaching amen uh it's a new regime hey man I ain't mad at you I can't judge you because I just didn't come up in that culture so I'm praying for you like like I'm hoping the new thing work out for you praise God but I know what you're doing like what you're like there there is a part of how we were raised amen that you don't particularly care for amen there was a part of folks you know what I'm saying like dealing with us in the way they dealt with us amen that you still you like you still questioning it amen and we know we question it because we can tell how we're raising kids in this generation so I get you I'm not mad at you you're not trying to break their will I don't suggest that you do but I will say this to you we must separate the fact that we love them and that's wrong what you're doing flat out we cannot we cannot we cannot make it because it's you and I love you we condone it we can't make it because you my spouse and I love you and I love being with you and I love everything about you I love the time we spend together like my life wouldn't be the same without you we cannot allow that to make us be okay with sin there is nothing about Sin that's okay I don't care if it's your loved one doing it or not I don't care who doing it it's sin it is sin and God hates it it is sin and it destroys us it is sin it is separate Adam and Eve from God it is sin that's why Satan got kicked out of heaven it is sin and we need to call Sin by his right name and stop playing with it if it's Sin is Sin and it don't matter who doing it don't justify it don't justify because when you start justifying sin you are no longer on God's side period Point Blank Adam and Eve were kicked out Lucifer was kicked out when we justify sin just because it's your little baby when you justify sin you are separating yourself from God and if you love your loved one that much praise God Adam made a choice I love Eve so much that I'm about to go with her will if that's what you want to do do it but when you deal with the consequences that your son is gonna kill your son why because you've introduced into the world sin and you saying it's okay as long as it's eve it's okay it's not okay it's not okay it's not okay not it now it was okay when it was Eve when she said why because that's your spouse but when your son kill your son now you're dealing with the consequence of I'm telling you right now if you don't put sin in his rightful place I know from personal experience sin will not stay in the room that you put it in I'm telling you right now if you let sin live in your basement sin at some point will come upstairs he will kick the door down and he will run rapping through your whole house I'm telling you right now that sin is not your friend that the sin that you compartmentalize today your son will kill your son tomorrow you think I'm playing you ask some folks who play with sin you ask some folks who didn't cause sin by his rightful name you you you you you you you talk to some folks that let their kids get away with murder and look at what happened today sin is not to be played with it is not played with by God and it must not be played with by man hallelujah praise God yep we getting confused Romans 12 and 10 love one another with brotherly affection outdo one another in showing honor we that this is where we get this where we get caught up as Christians we get one dimensional right this is where we get caught up uh Psalms 8 82 and 4. uh rescue the weak [Applause] yup that's where we get caught up at that's why that's why we ain't thriving this is a principle hallelujah it's a principle and we not keep like we keep changing oh come on we keep changing the goal because it's people we love now when there's people we don't love we chastising them we getting on their butt we don't got no but when it comes to ours we always got excuses for what they do we always have excuses for why they sent it hallelujah praise God it's always a good reason why they sent it it's always a good reason amen it's always a good excuse why your child ain't doing what they supposed to do so it's a good reason why your husband is get it's always a good reason why your wife it's always a good reason why your parents always while your brothers it's always a good reason when it's yours now it ain't no good reason when somebody else doing it you ready to crucify them you ready to take their head off you ready to whip their butt but now that you got your own you ain't whipping putts like you you ain't you ain't passing out butt whippings like you were when it was somebody else child but now it's your child butt and all of a sudden you got Mercy now and Grace now all of a sudden I'm not mad at you I'm just saying where was the person that caused sin by his rightful name when it was somebody else's spouse send by when it was somebody else's child now it's your child and you got mercy and Grace stop call stand by his right name hallelujah praise God Call It by his right name I don't care who doing it Call It by his right name and so we get confused with Psalms 82 and 4 rescue the weak and the needy deliver them from the hands of the wicked yeah we get caught up on this part of it it's two parts though hey praise God watch this y'all watch this is two parts amen watch this it's two parts amen uh uh but there's a part in Romans 12 and 19 that says beloved never avenge yourself oh come on somebody can I preach the word the God is clear God is clear when it comes to sin that when it comes to sin when it comes to life God said do me a favor don't grade your own paper some of y'all you have a hard time grading your paper when it's your child you have a hard time grading your paper when it's your husband you have a hard time grading when it's your spouse you have a hard time when it's your girlfriend when it's your boyfriend you have a hard time when it's somebody you love you have a hard time grading the paper the paper is the same the test is the same the key is the same but you have a hard time because you love that person and this is why you cannot get to the next level you cannot get to the next level because you do not operate in integrity you rock you operate in intimacy long as you close to them it's okay it's all it's okay it's so it's okay it's not wrong you're my child I love you yup you better love on them you better God is commissioning you too you better you you better treat him amen like you want to be treated amen you better you better love on them you better nurture them you better take care of them but you better stop playing when it's sin you better stop playing and acting like it ain't sin cause it's your baby God told me to tell y'all today Eric Thomas got to the next level when I started looking in the mirror and I stopped making excuses for Eric Thomas you ain't got no learning disability you lazy ain't got no learning disability ain't nothing wrong with you you don't like structure you don't like being told what to do ain't nothing wrong with you ain't nothing wrong with your brain you got you got a spirit of Independence you want to do what you want to do when you want to do it you got a spirit of Independence you better let that go you better let some people amen who have your best interest in heart amen you better let them help you get some structure you better let them help you get organized I'm so excited I'm looking at what moose produce amen with the extreme execution flight assessment I saw that joker online the other day matter of fact Carl if you don't mind scroll through that joker I want y'all to see it Isaiah scroll through that Joker when I saw that I said oh moose oh oh we bout to kill them we bout to save so many oh structure oh I looked at my assessment and realized I was a I was a 2.53 all independence no structure none whatsoever I promise you in the name of Jesus Christ the lord didn't bring deity in my life together my verb the Lord brought deity in my life to give me some structure because God says you ain't never about to go to the next level with that that don't represent me when I created the heavens and the earth I said on the first day and I stepped back and say it was good when I created the second day I stepped back and said it was good when I created third day I could have created everything in one day I took seven days to do it all why because I wanted to show you the importance of order then I'll take you to Revelation and I show you and there was 12 gates into the city Hallelujah and the gates were made up I showed you son in Genesis I'm structured I showed you son in Revelation I'm structured I started with structure I ended with structure son I'm about organization I ain't all over the place I ain't last minute I I ain't disorganized that's not my spirit I don't wait to the last minute to do stuff I'm structured amen yes I'm God and I can be spontaneous but I'm structured I'm here to tell you today amen you can't play with sin you can't cause sin different cause your son did it you can't give it a different name cause your daughter did it you can't give it a different name cause your wife did it you can't give it a different name cause your husband did it Sin is Sin and when I looked at the mirror and said son that ain't right I know you want to do it I know you like to do it I know it's a part of your character but you ain't gonna never grow until you can learn to tell yourself you a liar so you can learn to tell yourself you lazy so you can learn to tell yourself you ain't organized you keep calling it something else because it's you looking at you in the mirror but sin is sinned By Any Other Name it's sin and you can't do nothing about it but separate yourself from it hallelujah praise God I love my son the life but I got to tell him the truth amen beloved never avenge yourself I'm letting you go but love never avenge yourself that's what we're doing that's why you can't get to the next level every time somebody close to you in your life doing something they ain't got no business doing you're invent Adventure you would you the Marvels you the Avenger you you Captain America you also you turn the Iron Man you the Hulk when somebody say something about your child you the Hulk I told Carl the other day Carl's like e you seem like way more disconnected from children than you've ever been I said I had to disconnect myself because I was in danger of losing my relationship with their mama and daddy because if I say something to them about their child they get so offended and so upset that we about to lose our whole relationship so let your son or daughter do whatever they want to do I don't care why because I don't want to lose my relationship with you over them I knew you before you had them and apparently things have changed ain't nobody you sensitive now hey man can't nobody say nothing to your child without you getting upset can't nobody say nothing to you about your child and you're gonna get upset I can't say nothing to your child I can't say nothing to you about your child so i j i i i i surrender we gonna be on one Accord one way or the other I will Sur I will surrender I ain't gonna chastising I ain't gonna punish him I ain't gonna say nothing to him he I don't care like unless he about to get hit by a car unless she about to get by hit by a car unless a dog about to attack I ain't saying nothing hallelujah praise God I'm this I'm staying out of it amen uh folk leaving the church hey man you ain't talking to me amen our whole relationship then God turned upside down because I didn't say something I'm I'm like whatever go go in peace you and your baby go in peace I love us in our relationship amen I ain't even gonna let your child come between our relationship are you I'm not gonna let your baby come between let them do whatever they want to do amen you the parent that between you and God I love you and I love our relationship and I don't want it to end we just that's where we've gotten through Saints we can't cause Sin Sin no more we can't do it or people get offended or people get upset you can't call Sin by his rightful name you can't tell nobody in the church nothing you tell somebody the truth and all of a sudden they don't want to talk to you they don't want to have a relationship with you they ain't coming to church or they in church and they acting like they don't see you in church come on I'm not stupid I'm not dumb but when you start you you tell people what they want to hear are y'all the closest friends you start telling people the truth all of a sudden they don't they offended How Could You darely offend me like that because it's the truth what tell me what part of the truth was a lie it's the truth amen you can come tell me the truth I'm supposed to take it but I can't oh Pastor offended me it's the truth I'm telling you when you don't live in truth when your wife lets you not live in truth when your husband don't let you live in truth when your kids don't have to live in truth you're not going to thrive in Christ God gonna let you stay where you are and you won't get kicked out of the Guard meaning what did God kill them absolutely no were there some blessings taken from them absolutely where there's some privileges taken absolutely hallelujah praise God but beloved I'm about to get y'all out of here but love never avenge yourself this is a principle you don't gotta avenge your kids you don't got to avenge your spouse you don't gotta avenge yourself you don't vengeance is mines but leave but leave it believe to the wrath of God for it is written vengeance is my why because God's not partial God ain't gonna trip cause it's Eric and he gonna say something different to TJ God ain't gonna go uh uh uh uh TJ I'm about to let you a DD I'm going no God's not gonna do that and again I would say your name but you get offended so I'm just gonna say the names that they're not gonna get offended okay that's it DD ain't God ain't like oh Deedee I'm gonna treat you different because you Didi no Pastor don't get to get I don't get to get treated no different there's certain things Pastor you know but I'm like yo bro you gotta and I gotta like we don't get to hey man I'm so glad I start taking a salary because I'm gonna be real with y'all my counselor told me to take a salary I'm gonna be real before when I wouldn't get no salary I was like yo I ain't getting no salary it don't look like I'm go you know we're gonna be in a position ever for me to get a salary it was just certain things I just was like yo I'm not even on that I don't even want to be now that I'm getting a check and listen to me I don't even need the money that money ain't necessarily changing my lifestyle but what it is is it is holding me accountable in the way I wasn't being held accountable when I wasn't getting no money I'm just being real and I was the one that said Pay why because God showed me you need to get paid amen so you could be more responsible you need to show up this stuff you need to be having me you need to be doing stuff Amen in covert I was just blessed to preach and that was it I came out of Kobe like we gonna keep and God was like no no no that right there that you're doing that's good but that that's not good son that's not the truth go fix that so now we're doing application now we setting up like a workshop now afterwards we going through God said Son you cannot leave them to themselves so I just had a conversation with a father the other day God was like I know you don't want to have one I know you I know you don't even want to have these kind of conversations with folks like I know you ain't on that but I'm gonna need you to do it anyway Hallelujah vengeance is mine I will repay says the Lord not just evil but good let's go let's go to this last scripture if we can go to this last scripture I'm gonna come back to the definition because I want to show y'all something real quick watch this y'all got to see this the Bible says in Hebrews 12 6-11 read the whole thing when you get an opportunity for watch this for the Lord disciplines those he loves and he chastises every song whom he receives y'all gotta y'all gotta understand something the reason why God is saying I I will Vengeance his mind this is why he's saying don't avenge yourself that's why he's saying it he's saying because your motives ain't always right y'all check your own paper and y'all start grading it you graze your son different then you grade somebody else's son you remember that scripture where he was being deceptive he had put weight on this one and this and this one nowhere and it was he was doing it so he could get the advantage remember that in the Old Testament he was being that's what you do your son has a certain standard but the Kid Next Door he got a different standard your daughter got a standard but in here are you hearing what I'm saying you don't you don't you don't use the same standard for everybody God uses to say oh I'm about to get out of here oh come on church talk back to me talk back to me talk like you understand you hear what I'm saying you got a different standard when it's your baby you got a different standard when it's your wife you got a different standard when it's your friends you treat people differently God says do not avenge yourself do not avenge others why because your standard ain't right hmm you let you let Eric Thomas do that and see how you treat me you let me do that same thing you give me that same opportunity to watch how you treat me but it's okay when your husband do it why because that's your husband yeah I know I'm about to lose some members today it's all right though I don't care I would rather you thrive than you stuff you've been stuck you've been stuck at one level of success for a long long time you know why because your standards ain't right you got your standards ain't right and God ain't about to take you to the next level because you're not operating in Integrity you operate in your husband you operating your wife your standard is your husband not the words that what this stuff you doing you know that you wouldn't let nobody else do that you know you wouldn't let somebody's child say that you wouldn't let nobody else child act like that but because it's yours you got an excuse for it oh you don't know they sleepy I'm like every time they sleeping every time I saw them they're sleeping amen are they tired every time they tired like I didn't know them for four years they still tired hey man they need to get some sleep are you gonna help them they need to go get you know I'm saying they need to go to a sleep doctor and figure it out there it is they that they did never they wrong and they need to be dealt with always an excuse and I'm not telling you to change I'm just telling you ain't nothing gonna change until you change your standard so as long as it's okay because you're doing it you're gonna be stuck where you are but the day you go in the mirror and you stop looking out the window and you start looking in the mirror that's when my life changed Eric your life you don't need nobody else to do nothing for you to change you need to change there's some stuff about you son that ain't right it needs to change for the Lord discipline watch this our problem why we want to avenge we want to avenge because we don't feel like we don't feel like it's love when we when we discipline we don't feel like it's love when it's correction and the Bible says the Lord disciplines the ones he loves are you on discipline them because you don't think discipline is love you don't correct them because you don't think that that's loving you thank God you got your own will in your own way God's trying to show you the principle the TR the actual principle is if you love somebody you say something to them I'm telling you there are people you get mad at people for checking you or you get mad for people pulling you to the side and having a conversation here's what I tell people I pull to the side I love you I do because I don't want to be having this conversation and I don't want to lose you and as I grow and go to the next level I don't gonna go without you but I'm about to go and if you don't do something we're not going to be together for much longer with the way you growing and the way you move it and the way I'm moving we ain't about to be out there being real we're not about to I'm writing books I'm traveling the world we're not about to be close your lack of growth is about to mess up our dog on relationship your inability to change is gonna make me go somewhere you can't go I can't take you everywhere I go that's God vengeance is Mom said the Lord of hosts you can't bless nobody the way you want to bless them God's got to bless them you can't take people everywhere you want them to go just because you love them and you want them to go vengeance is mine said the Lord you don't get to choose Eric you don't make the standards so I'm telling somebody today actually when he chastise every son every daughter whom he receives so if we're not correcting we ain't really you're not really loving when you're not corrected that's not love I don't know what you want when you call it whatever you want to call it pacify baby when you don't say nothing to your husband about that foolishness when you don't say nothing to your wife about it because you scared if you say something to her is going to impact the intimacy you scared if you say something to your child it's going to affect the relationship let me tell you something you better affect it because if you don't affect it the jail gonna affect it the Court's going to affect the judge gonna affect it the Grave Gonna affect it ah I'm sorry let's stand I'm sorry let's go back though I'm sorry no you know what we'll come back to that we got time we'll come back to that next week we'll come back to that next week we're standing right now father you're standing right now father wherever you are Church you're at home in your basement get off your bike or treadmill come off of it real quick we're praying father I just want one standard I just want one standard God I want one standard for myself for my family Lord I want one standard on one standard Lord for the people I call friend I want one standard for work I want one standard I want to stop moving my standard based on who the person is and the relationship we have based on how empathetic I feel for them I just want to go with the standard hey man yes I want to love them but Lord we got to call Sin by his rightful name we can't act like we can't act like we you know be not deceived God is Not mocked whatsoever man so we can't act like they're not gonna re we're not gonna reap I'm re a guy I'm reaping the benefits of every good bad and ugly decision I've ever made every excellent decision I'm reaping the benefits of all of it we don't get to not reap the benefits father so bless your people Lord please help us right now this is my prayer that we would just get one standard and one wheel and we stop having our own will and we stop having all these standards we'd stop having all these standards and we had one standard your standard it don't matter if my husband did it my son did it my brother did it my mother did it it does not matter wrong is wrong and we get to the point where we have one standard and we're not looking out the window which is easier to do but we're looking in the mirror everything is going to start changing in our lives Lord we love you we praise you we worship you we honor you we adore you we lift you up we magnify your name help us to get to the application may this be the week we we take this sermon and we strip it we shred it into pieces we strip it and we put it in those areas of Our Lives that are not blessed and those areas are not not blessed because you don't want them to be blessed they're not blessed because we have a double standard help us to get rid of this double standard Lord and lean not into our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge you so you can direct our path in Jesus name Amen in Jesus name amen y'all in Jesus name get rid of the double standard get rid of the wife yeah she doing this she doing that you know what you're doing behind closed door get rid of that and work on what God is asking you to work on in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah amen thank you Jesus foreign thank you so much for joining us this week for those who've expressed an interest in supporting our ministry please use our cash app dollar sign a place of change apoc for your donations and tithes if you prefer more traditional options please visit our website at where you can make your donation via PayPal credit card or certified check or money order we look forward to seeing all of you for our midweek service Wednesday evenings at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time with Pastor TJ tyus right here on Facebook on behalf of our pastors and their families and your apoc family we wish you all a very blessed week
Channel: Apoc Ministry
Views: 7,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric, Thomas, ET, etthehiphoppreacher, APOC, place, of, Change, TJ, Tyus, Pastor, church, Faith, worship, Jesus, God, Sabbath
Id: Y1I6KZMlsyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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