Dead or Just Beginning | Eric Thomas Sermon

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you are worthy to be praised praise god come on come on somebody come home come on come on let's just let's linger right there hey man hey man this pastor always say you you miss your brain spot right there you should have been you should have been hollering right there you are worthy to be praised hallelujah you are worthy you are worthy to be praised you are worthy hey man so let me just you know i normally start with uh discernment but if i could just testify for granted if that's all right they did say pastor that they overcame by the blood of the lamb and hallelujah by the word of their testimony amen he's so worthy to be praised uh we flew into mexico uh for an event i had to leave early on thursday so i could make it on time to jada's graduation on friday at 9 00 am praise god god is brother to be brave you know and i was a little hesitant you know to go because you don't have to test to go but you gotta test to come back hallelujah hey man i think that's a setup but that's we'll say that for another day you don't have to test to go but you gotta test to come back and um i was a little nervous i said god i can't miss my my baby girl's graduation because she wasn't able to march in 2020 with her four-year degree because of coving praise god but she was able to hallelujah march uh with her graduate degree hey man i was like ah i can't miss it i can't miss it i can't miss it hallelujah but by the grace of god god god worked it out amen when we were able to get there we were able to minister to the people of god they gave us the uh the covet test and and listen he's worthy to be praised i i could have gone negative indeed he could have been positive amen or deity could have been negative and i could have been positive but we both were negative in the name of jesus christ hey man listen to me and and and we didn't have any problems with our flight flight left on time flight landed on time we were able to drive home from uh detroit and get to um get home and then get up in the morning uh and get to her celebration and what a what a celebration it was amen and i say that because for those of us who are blessed in christ we know we have an enemy praise god we know we have an enemy hey man we now you may be too young to understand that we got an enemy but we have an enemy and as soon as you come out matter of fact before you come out the womb he's doing his job hey man you say pastor what's his job his job is to kill his job is to steal his job is to destroy come on somebody hey man listen i want to make sure you clear today because we're about to get into the word and god told me uh god told me to that you never have to have a bad day again for the rest of your life if you don't want to write this down for me please write this down for me write this down you do not pull out your phone write it out i want you to i want you to write it down i want you to write it down because it's the truth you do not have to have another bad day for the rest of your life i want you to write that down praise god and i want you to write it down because i want you to claim it okay do me a favor all right wherever you are you listening if if you if you would love to have a life where you never have another bad day if you could just raise your hand for me just wherever you are if you can just raise your hand like man god i'm just being real i don't want another bad day praise god come on raise your hand wherever you are i don't ever want to have another bad day and i'm telling you it's going to happen in jesus name because god gave me the word to give to you that you would never have another bad day as a matter of fact i want to challenge you and i believe if you really take this word to heart you don't even have to have another bad moment praise god hey man hey man come on i'm about to give do you want the remedy do you want i'm not and i'm not playing like i'm not coming up with stuff i'm telling you the truth what i'm about to tell you if you do what i tell you to do hey man and i got it from the word and i'm prescribing it if you do it i'm telling you you'll never have that okay do this for me how many you've had in the last cup month you've had a bad day let me just wherever you are just raise your hand hey man how many you've had a bad moment hey man you had a bad moment just raise your hand amen hallelujah first guys and you're at home and you're saying if you're driving don't stop but you know in your heart saying how many you're saying oh matter of fact let's say it out loud god let's just say it out loud i don't want to have another bad day come on just say that with me come on god come on say it out loud i don't want to have another bad day come on praise god say god good i don't want to have another bad moment hallelujah amen praise god i want to show you uh i want to show you i want to show you what god has put on my heart um this is a temporary experience i know you're used to seeing this text are you used to seeing ecclesiastical at a funeral uh but i'm gonna start pray i'm gonna start preaching this on a regular basis uh in life praise god i'm gonna start preaching this ecclesiastical text in life pastor because i think we messed up preaching at their funerals i think we messed up like i get it i know why we do it but i think we messed up i think we need to start preaching this like when you wake up in the morning you need to read this text hey man listen to me i'm just telling you what daddy told me to tell you if you don't want to have another bad day or you don't want to have another bad moment like keep this text like close to you amen the bible says in ecclesiastical 3 in verse 1 and there is a time in season for everything praise god atta listen to me under the sun a time to be born and a time to die come on somebody i'm check i'm giving you the remedy i'm gonna read one more time there is a time for everything and a season for everything under the sun a time to be born in a time to die praise god praise god listen to me i want you to be in favor i want you to wake up and i want you to look i'm not playing i'm serious i want you to wake up i want you to have this text on your refrigerator i want you to have this text on your phone i want you to have it on your computer i want you to have it on on on in your bathroom on the mirror i want you like if you can get up to the top of your the ceiling in your house i want you to have it like in your bedroom when you wake up i want you to have it right there i want you to look and know that there is a time to be born in the time to die hallelujah listen to me very carefully the first part of that is already done if you read if you can hear the words that are coming to my mouth you've already been born the next thing that's going to happen to you is you're going to die hallelujah praise god all right so pastor what do you mean by that let's go to this next text i'll slide i want you to see this for me listen to me i want you to understand that we are we are living a temporary experience amen we are living a temporary experience i want you to understand that listen to me uh okay catch this you were already born now you're about to die hey man praise god i'ma say it one more time so so that you don't ever have another bad moment or you never have a bad day you are living a temporary experience what does that mean again i don't care if you're vegan you're gonna die listen to me i don't care if you work out like jamal five times a day you're gonna die hey man and when you die all the muscle mass all that's gone it's all it's gonna be when they put you in the box all of it is gone i don't care if you on the keto diet you're gonna die i don't care if you're rich i don't care if you're poor i don't care if you tall i don't care if you're short i don't care if you're fatigued i don't care if you obey i don't care what you are the bible declares that there's a time to be born check you've done that already and it is a time to die that's what's next that's what the bible says a time to be born and a time to die so what's next for all of us that are listening the next thing we're going to die so this is a temporary experience so i don't care if you're a teenager i don't care if you're a young adult i don't care if you call yourself young i don't care if you call yourself oh the next thing that's gonna happen to you is you're gonna not wake up one day so why is that important that's important because when you realize you have a temporary experience this is a temporary experience that there's nothing you can physically do to give yourself another 40 years another 50 years there's nothing you can do to give yourself another day and because you cannot give yourself another day when you wake up you better take advantage of that day and no matter what happens you can't let what somebody does what somebody said you can't let it mess up your day why because you have a temporary experience you about to check out of here and so because you're going to check up out of here you better make sure that every single day for the rest of your life those are your best days praise god some people want to know why i got this on because life is a temporary experience it's temporary experience you say pastor wherever you got that from uh you ain't there or wherever that came from you ain't there listen to me very closely i get to make a choice for ty ray their mother they sent these over to jada uh from hawaii uh for uh her graduation listen to me very closely i ain't even graduating but i'm graduating hey man i'm not even graduating but i'm glad jade i graduated i'm graduating i put one of these on because i remember going to hawaii and i remember they would put these on us in hawaii and i remember how the experience in hawaii i remember being on the beach i remember the ocean i remember listen to me very closely i get to decide so what i'm in michigan i don't care y'all used to say to me all the time why you got on shorts it's winter it's winter for you i want it to be summer i ain't got to do what everybody else is doing i have a temporary experience i'm going to die so i'm going to pick my experience every day i don't care what happens with my family i don't care what happens with my business i don't care what happened with my money i get one one day at a time and i'm gonna enjoy it and so we were uh we were in uh mexico and uh i got word that we had been hacked we got hacked past the facebook hack we lost 800 000 followers amen and whatever money they took right and pastor i promised you pastor if you could have been in mexico with me you would have been like e i thought you got hacked i thought they took they took 800 000 followers from your eat i thought they took money for it pastor you would have thought i just got 800 000 followers come on somebody you would listen to me very closely the reason why i didn't trip when i only had when i found out i lost 800 000 followers is because when i was born pastor there's a time to be born and there's a time to die pastor when i was born pastor i wasn't born with 800 000 followers pastor oh come on somebody the reason why you tripping is you have something and when you lose what you have you tripped because you forgot when you were born you came into this world with nothing you forgot when you came when you when you came out your mama's move you ain't have a gold chain you didn't have a watch amen you weren't on nobody football team amen you weren't popular hey man you want no chilling hey man you work on the football team hey man and so you start losing stuff and you start tripping because you're like yo i got this this is precious you didn't have it when you were born and when you die you're not gonna have it and they gonna replace you i don't care if you're in high school and you're on a football team if you die or get injured they going to put somebody in your place you're making it deeper than what it is why because when you go to the hospital the coach ain't going to stop playing cause you in the hospital matter of fact you'd be lucky to see the coach hallelujah definitely ain't gonna see them on game day and as soon as you go to the hospital they're gonna replace you who's that whoever your backup was the school ain't gonna stop because of you the team ain't gonna stop because of you the schedule don't stop because of you so so listen to me you gotta hear what i'm saying this is a temporary experience so enjoy it so when i was on the beach and they told me you lost 800 000 followers i'm like well whatever i lost them me going and calling somebody ain't about to get them back so i'm about to enjoy the beach while i'm on it i'm about to enjoy mexico while i'm here why because i won't be here tomorrow i'll be in michigan celebrating my daughter and when i wake up in my house i'm gonna see my neighbor's house and some grass and some trees i'm not about to see the ocean this is a temporary experience you're making it deeper than what it is that thing you crying about or you willing about that thing that happened in the past that you still focus on that thing is over with it's gone you have today and instead of you enjoying today somebody said something to you you said something back now you didn't got kicked out of school now they didn't send you home now now pastor i didn't got such an attitude that i'm not even living in the house that god blessed me with now i'm on the streets now i'm homeless because i said something or did something stupid because i didn't realize it's a temporary experience so what you weren't born with your biological father so what you have one that wants to be so what you weren't born in the two parents you got a mama who gave birth so what you don't have you you have what you have it's temporary you it's you're not gonna have it forever so enjoy what you got instead of crying about what you don't have it's a temporary experience now now now this next slide i want you to look at it because this is where this at the end of the day i've come to realize that nothing bad happens to any of us we think something bad has happened to us so choose your choose your experience hey man choose your choose your temporary experience praise god listen to me i'm gonna say it one more time i don't care if you ate that this is why i believe in punishing folk because if you seven you know what you're doing you know what you're doing if you 10 you know what you're doing if you're 12 you know the stuff that's coming out your mouth so i want to say to all my eight-year-olds choose your experience to my 10-year two-year experience my 15-year-old choose your experience my 20-year-olds listen to me what are we saying we're saying life is short choose your short life it's short you're going to die one day all of us are going to be either at the church or wherever they bury you uh they throw your ashes in the ocean they uh have a a funeral site free whatever at the end of the day everybody is going to die this is a temporary experience please choose your temporary experience well because the choices you make give you your outcome this is what i love about life y'all and i figured out late i used to think my mother made decisions for me at the end of the day my mama didn't make no decisions for me why because my mama didn't go to school with me and my mama didn't pick my friends and my mama wasn't at the football and my mama wasn't with me when i ran track and my mama went with me when i was in the bathroom and my mama went with me when i was skipping school it's a temporary experience i just want to say this as we go here choose your temporary choose if you're going to be angry choose if you're going to be defiant choose it choose if you're going to pick the wrong friends choose it but when you choose it don't be don't be mad don't be angry so let's go to the world real quick all right so i want to show you last week i told you last week i told you that that um uh um i told you that all things work together for the good for them that love the lord and a call according to his purpose i told you that and the reason why most of us have a bad day and the reason why most of us have a bad life is because uh come on because we get to choose our experience and let's just be real you choosing yo listen to me very closely you're choosing your experience right so so the bible uh in romans 8 and 28 we read it last week and and we know that all things work together for the good for those that love him and are called according to his purpose now so watch this you would you would not have a bad moment or a bad day if you realize that what you're going through with your spouse is working for your good i'm just being real if you realize if you realize that you lost your job i lost my job but all things worked together for the good you wouldn't have a you wouldn't have a bad moment or a bad day because you realize that all things were together so you'd realize pastor that even though i don't understand what's happening it's working for my good like even though i don't know why i'm not in the school i want to be but i'm in this school but the real so what happens is you have two people you have a a person who's immature and you have a person who's mature the immature person goes well god how's this working out for my good those who are a hallelujah in christ go i don't know how it's working out but i ain't even gonna trip or start about it because all things work together for the good for them that love the lord the call according to his purpose please make sure you understand what i'm saying when i was at my grandmother's funeral i realized that she was almost 93 years old that no longer i don't care how long you live it's a temporary experience you get to choose your temporary by the choices you make every day you get to choose it if this is a good life or a bad life you'll get to choose why because nobody chooses your friends and nobody chooses where you go and nobody chooses what you do when you wake up and nobody chooses what you do when you go to bed nobody chooses the choices you make throughout the day those are your choices but god says if you're in me that no matter what choices you make i can make all things work together for the good so we never have to have a bad moment or a bad day because even if it's messed up we know god can fix it he didn't say some he didn't say most he said all things worked all things work together for the good so everything in your life is working out for the good we talked about that last week everything that's happened in your life whether you realize it or not in christ is working out for your good all right so so so today i'm going to show you in the practical what i mean by that what the bible means by that so so agree with me pastor come on say it wherever you are pastor i don't ever want to have another bad day come on say it pastor i don't ever want to have a bad day amen praise god i don't want to never i don't ever want to have another bad moment amen even when my grandmother died god said to me you have two options you can look at this and and and hurt or you could be grateful for the 51 i gave you and 51 that most kids have never got most kids don't even know who their grandparents are or if they know who their grandparents are they have not been with them 51 years god said you got two options you can be at this funeral and you could cry or you could be at this funeral you can celebrate it's on you i can't make you i can't make you do nothing but i want to show you that you've been so blessed to be with your grandma for 51 years you've been blessed to have the type of relationship you have with a why because truth be told pastor tyus every grandchild didn't have the experience that i had hallelujah praise god and i like to believe pastor that a part of the experience that i had was do i like to believe that my grandmother uh gave me uh uh the type of treatment she gave me because my biological father her son and i didn't have a relationship i like to believe because of the bad amen she gave me a little bit more attention i like to believe because because he wasn't there she made sure she was there oh you missed what i just said i i believe that if i've been closer to my father i may not have had the relationship i had with my grandmother oh you missed what i just said so so so god says although this did not work out the way it traditionally or typically should have worked out i'm about to give you a relationship amen that's going to be on another level amen to replace or y'all not hear what i'm saying god says even though your father and you didn't have that type of relationship all things all things work together matter of fact had you got what you wanted oh can i just be honest at 51 years old there are those of you out there who are crying you well you better be grateful you didn't get everything you wanted praise god you better be grateful that the every desire of your heart that god didn't really give it to you because had god given his eyes in your heart some of you would be in a mental institution some of you would be in prison some of you would be dead god loves you so much that even though you cried for it god said i'm not giving it to you hallelujah watch this y'all romans 4 and 17. i want to show you what it looks like in the practical and the bible says and it is written i have made you a father of many nations abraham is the father in the sight of god in whom he believes and the god who gives life to the dead and calls into being things which are not amen i want you to focus on the last part the bible says and god calls those things which are not as though they were say with me god calls those things which are not as though they work one more time god calls those things which are not as though they are come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on you got to catch this one all right so this is how you're never going to have another bad day hey man you like in the physical you're never going to have another bad day you're never going to have another bad moment why because number one you're gonna realize that if it happens it may god let it happen amen that's number one i don't care if you get into it with your spouse i don't care if you get into with your kid i don't care what's going on i don't care if your money i don't care if you lost your job i don't care if you lost your dream house your dream well i don't care what you lost your car somebody stole your car pastor i'm so excited because what i realized is that the enemy does not have the ability to do anything that god does not give him permission to do i don't care nothing about your little life we talking about a spiritual warfare there's a war going on for your soul between the enemy and your father and god is so good that my grandma died when god wanted my grandmother to die not a moment before not a moment she couldn't stay up she she couldn't stay longer than he wanted her and nobody couldn't take her before she won he she left exactly when god wanted her to leave hallelujah praise god make sure you write this one down too the bible says and god calls those things which were not as though they were come on somebody come on come on now we got to get excited i got to get you excited amen because it's the text i've been living off for a very long time that has put me in a situation i'm in god calls those things which are not hallelujah as though they were one more time before we go there amen so god so y'all might have missed this they might have missed this one pastor and it is written i have made you a father of many nations abraham hallelujah come on somebody this is where you should maybe you ain't reading your bible so you got so you missed it amen watch this number one hallelujah god is saying abraham you're going to be the father of many nations when when in reality uh uh sarah couldn't have kids hallelujah praise god somebody talk back to me how are you gonna be the father of many nations when your wife can't bear a child oh come on somebody come on i want to help somebody because you crying and you whine about what you think you don't have or where you think you're not god is talking to a man who's almost a hundred years old pastor and he said you are going to be the father of many nations how is he gonna be the father of many nations when he's old and how is he gonna be the father many nations when his wife can't even bear a child why because god calls those things which are not come on eric you you left home at 16. you're a high school dropout how you gonna get a phd because god calls those things which are not as though they were hallelujah how you gonna get a phd when your teacher said you can't read it you can't write and you can't comprehend you know how because god calls those things which are not as though they were hallelujah and so god is looking at abraham who's getting old god is looking at sin okay you can't have uk had no children and god is looking at both of them and saying you're going to be the father and the mother of many nations hallelujah praise god god god said you uh you know they're going to be 12 tribes and those 12 tribes are going to come from you but i'm not i'm not i'm not robust in 35 i'm not robust in 40. she can't bear children god calls those things which are not and the reason why you're having a bad day is because you're looking at the fact that your wife can't have kids you're looking at the fact that life is over for you like you don't got another 100 years but let me tell you something all things work together for the good for them that love the law and the court to his purpose how because god can look at that which is not and decree that it is okay come on let's go in the world i'm sorry pastor i thought they was going to get excited about that all right it is possible to understand that the last part of romans 4 17 as meaning that god has the ability to create that which does not exist come on come on come on come on come on let's just be real just to be real you're not crying because your car gone you crying cause you think you're not getting it back [Laughter] you're not you're not you're not crying you're not crying because of that relationship you're crying because you think because that relationship is gone that relationship is gone come on you're not crying because of that job you ain't love that job that much you crying because you thinking that job is the you're thinking that job is the gateway pastor is the opening all your blessings that's why you crying come on talk back to me you're not crying because they went to the hospital you cried cause you think it's over you're not crying because she was diagnosed with cancer you're not crying because she was diagnosed with cancer you cried because she was diagnosed with cancer and the doctor told you that her life was over because she was diagnosed you're not crying because she you got ms you crying because somehow you think whatever it is you want out of life you're not gonna be able to get because you have and god says i will look at your wife who cannot bear children and i will say to her you will be the mother of many nations you're not crying cause you lost something don't think i i'm not stupid i've been art for 51 years i'm not dumb you're not crying because you lost you're crying because once you lost you think you can't get back oh i'm talking to somebody talk back to me talk back to me you ain't tripping on that house you just you thinking cause they bout to evict you you thinking that yo you it's over for you you have no idea that god's about to bless you with a bigger house you have no idea job that god is about to give you double for your trouble you have no idea you have no idea you're not crying because you lost you crying because you lost you're not crying because you lost you cried because you lost not you're not crying because you lost something you're crying because you don't realize who the alpha and omega is you don't realize you don't realize who the creator of all things are and so you're with god but you don't know god watch this the idea is brought out in the translation that says god creates new things out of nothing come on somebody talk back to me you ought to be excited right there you ought to be excited that god doesn't need something to create something amen that god doesn't need you to be able to have children for you to have children oh come on you miss what i just said god don't need all your organs to work for you to bear a child amen god don't need everything to be fit god don't need you to be the best football player for you to play football god don't need you to be the tallest and the most god don't need you to be the fastest and the quickest amen god does all god needs amen it's god saying that i'm ready to touch this thing and once he touches it is over and so the idea is brought out in translation that says god creates new things out of nothing or simply creates new things hallelujah praise god the nothing in this context would be the deadness of sarah's womb [Music] somebody talk back to me you thinking because yo you thinking because academically you dare they told you you can't get your ged they told you that you you didn't you supposed to get your degree in a certain amount of time and now you're not eligible amen they told you that you you were adhd they told you that your daddy wasn't in your life they told you because you were adopted you'll never they told you because you act the way you act that you'll never but according to my bible god says that nothing in this context would mean the deadness that whatever's dead in your life god can still touch it whatever's dead in your life god can still use it whatever's dead in your life god can still create and so you should never have another bad day because you think dead means in and for god damn means just beginning oh you not hear what i'm saying you scared because it's dead you scared because it ain't got life you scared because it's over you scared because it's empty you scared because you don't know what's next you scared because you lost something i'm trying to tell you that it's actually when it's dead that god can show up it's actually when his dead god can show up and god can create on dead ah come on your problem is you think is dead and may i remind you that perhaps it is for you perhaps for you is dead perhaps for you it don't work perhaps for you is over perhaps for you you quit perhaps oh come on somebody come on somebody and you and you are okay i'm sorry pastor can i read it one more time pastor i'm sorry if you're watching right now if you're watching right now i want you i dare you in jesus name i dare you to take out a piece of paper i dare you to take out a pad i dare you in the name of jesus christ i dare you to write down what's dead listen to me there those of you hallelujah you may not be able to find it jamie but but there's a text in the bible amen that they're at the tomb y'all they're at the tomb y'all they're crying at the tomb jamie they're crying at the too many angel asked the question why are you crying what are you crying for they said jesus is dead they say first of all uh uh don't cry second of all jesus is not dead jesus has risen oh come on somebody jesus has risen and he's at the sa he's sitting at the right hand of the father in a scene on your behalf uh mary was they was hurt they were crying why because they thought jesus was dead hallelujah praise god you're crying because you think it's dead hey man you still you're still at the come on come on come on you still you're still at the gravesite you're still stuck at the gravesite you're stuck you've moved away but your soul is at the gravesite your spirit is at gravesite your energy is at the gravesite i told y'all last week all things work together for the good for them that love him and are called according to his purpose huh there it is now now thank you jamie now thank you jamie jamie with john 20 11 i just want y'all to see that the word is real now mary stood aside the tomb cry oh god told me to tell me told me to tell you somebody out there right now that you like mary you still outside at the tomb crying hallelujah thank you jeep you still at the tomb crying yeah your mama didn't yeah your mama left you up for adoption move on yeah your daddy left move on yeah you got kicked out of school move on yeah you hurt move on yes you're absolutely right move on man now mary stood past her but not now she went to it and left she's standing there she can't believe jesus is dead she can't believe it pastor she thought he was going to live forever what do we say in the beginning ecclesiastic there's a time to be born there's a time to die and 33 years later she only known jesus for a few years maybe only a couple years all that life he had any pastor all those wonderful things jesus did for her how she transformed her he removed he renewed her he fixed her he put her feet on solid ground she once was a prostitute she once had a low self-esteem she didn't believe in herself now here she is as a representative of jesus christ huh while some of the disciples is running to hide mary like i'm right or die and she's at the womb she's at the i'm sorry she's at the tomb crying and she not jamie not watch make sure y'all read the word y'all our our our life is in the word not only is she at the not only she act she stood there pastor crying and she wept look at her she bent over some of y'all you bent over that's what the womb will do to that's what the tomb will do to you it's been you oh she's still here he did he did can we go to can we go to 12 is that possible to go to 12 and saw two angels in white seated where jesus body had been some of y'all let the wound is over he gone jesus ain't even ending mo mary had the wound crying about her past she crying about the fact that jesus died she saw him they nailed him to the cross she saw the body they put him in the tomb she ever where is he she had the two and the angels the angels are there where jesus body was god is telling you today get over it move on it ain't at the womb no more it's not at the tomb i'm sorry it's not a tomb anymore and one at the head and the other at the foot and they asked her woman why why are you crying why are you still crying what you crying about they've taken my lord away she in the past dang who was day they they've taken my lord away she said and i don't know where they put him [Laughter] and this she turned around and saw jesus standing there [Music] oh come on oh am i by myself i feel like i'm by myself with the church saying hey man she looking for somebody that ain't even there you looking for somebody that ain't even there no more y'all you looking in the wounded ain't nobody in the tomb no more jesus is gone she bent over cried you better pray sometimes sometimes when you get too close to the dead you become dead sometimes when you get too close to that which is dead you start let me tell y'all something when i was in mexico i saw those people on the beach i saw you could see people couldn't believe they was on the ocean you saw people at this resort you saw a fam man pastor i'm just gonna be real pastor might be too young i gotta go to jaime jamie when i when i saw him jamie jamie i saw how they got there and i saw how they were acting when they was there i was like jamie remind me of a spiritual not carnal but a spiritual fantasy island they got there their marriage was dead they got there they were dead i saw tanja was there she was eating it up past her she was eating up all those positive people she was eating up being in that different environment millionaires multi-millionaires people telling real estate you could see her there you could see it sister washington was like i ain't gonna never miss this i ain't gonna never miss nothing like this again you could you could see jeremy you can see jeremy and camille you can see jeremy like what kind of life sometimes you gotta leave that tune sometimes you gotta leave that tomb alone and you gotta go where there's light all right i'm gonna get y'all out of here i got one more time i got one more text faster listen to me you never have to have another bad day you never have to have another bad moment you're having a bad day because you still at the you're still at the tomb why are you at the tomb why are you crying about the past why are you crying about can we go back to the dead thing again can we go back to the dead i just i want to go back to the i want to go back to the dead if you don't mind my guy just came in y'all you might a christian you might have missed this i want to make sure you and your father get this uh it talks about uh uh uh uh the text means that uh yeah come on we're gonna get there the text means uh that that that it's dead and a lot of us get uh uh we we start losing it because in romans when it's breaking it down in romans eight we start thinking that dead means over but dead don't mean over what that means is it's over for you and now it's time for daddy to kick in oh come on somebody so so when the bible says all things work together for the good for them that love the lord and call it to his purpose then it goes to the next one watch this one i just want you to read the last part the god who gives life to the dead and calls into being things which we're not i'm gonna let y'all get out of here we got we only got come on man for god calls those things make sure when you go home read this to your family make sure you all read this when y'all get home uh uh uh uh uh romans 4 and 17 at the end for for for god who gives life to the dead huh there's something you listen to me right now you still have to you saying pastor i don't know where my energy at pastor i don't know what's going on with me i'm gonna tell you what's going on you still at the you're still at the grave you're still at the grave you're still at the you still you still you're still looking at the dead body for some of you for some of you it's been weeks for some of you it's been months i've seen it before i've seen people who lost their parents and you could you would have thought they was dead too pastor not in the physical sense but you should have just rolled them up and put them in the grave with them because once mama died they died that's not what mama would have wanted but that's what they doing once dad died they died you could see it they had no more life no more energy the person they used to be they're not that person no more and so you're wondering where your life is your life is at the tomb that's where your life is your life is at that dead body at that dead thing hallelujah thank you jesus and god is calling you today to say come on come mary what are you doing why are you crying why are you bent over why are you why are you weeping hallelujah jesus is here watch this watch this this this idea is brought out in translation that says god creates new things out of nothing or or simply hallelujah or simply god creates new things praise god i want to help somebody today i want to help somebody today write this down that you stuck at the womb the tomb you stuck there you stuck at sarah's dead womb i want you to see this god is saying to you today i'm ready to create a new thing if you're ready if you're ready to leave the tomb [Applause] come on if you ready stop talking about the past and what happened in the past if you ready if you ready come on if you're ready to move on to something new hallelujah in our last text joel 3 and 10. hey man here's where you help god pastor if it's not the word come up here and beat me down i'm giving the word and it's what some of you are doing wrong the bible says let the weak say come on talk back to me the bible says let the weak say i am come on the bible the bible says let the weak say i am i leave you with this you better stop saying you weak that's not biblical the devil wants you to say you weak the devil wants you to say you you like you can't learn the devil wants you to say i'm a foster child the devil wants you to say i'm adopted in a negative way the devil wants you to say i'm a troublemaker the devil can can we be honest have people call you have people call you a troublemaker can you see me in the back can you see me kept standing for me i don't know if you can hear me yeah have anybody call you a troublemaker have they call you a troublemaker have you have you embraced that at times yeah and when you embraced it what did you become did anybody ever tell you you had an anger issue and what did you do but the bible says the weak should say i'm what so whatever they say to us we should say to what come on you hear what i'm saying thank you you hear what i'm saying the devil will tell you say you're weak jesus said let the weak say i'm strong why because i have the ability to look at sarah and say even though your womb is dead i say you're going to have a child i say you're going to have a son listen to me we got to be careful because what the devil will say is you can't have no children and then make you do what say to abraham well i can't handle baby so go sleep with my handmaid huh god told her you have a child and what did she do when god told her she was gonna have a child she laughed instead of saying if god said i'm gonna have a child i'm gonna have a child and even though she laughed it still didn't stop what god wanted her to do it might have taken longer it's gonna take god longer to bless you it's gonna take him longer to bless you if you don't agree with what he's saying but if you could just say he didn't say be strong he just said say you strong he didn't say be strong he said let the weak say i'm strong and if you say you say you strong i'm gonna come in and make you strong you better as i leave you better get away from that you better leave that funeral you've been at that funeral for days now you've been at that funeral for weeks now i'm closing you've been at that funeral for days now you've been at that funeral for that you've been at that funeral for months now you've been at that funeral for years now in the name of jesus christ leave the funeral let it go get married get stop crying mary stop weeping mary stop bending over jesus ain't there no more that job ain't there no more let it go that job ain't there no more that money ain't there no more they took it from the bank pastor they rob you let god replace it that relationship is gone it's over it's not it's not there no more that child is gone it's over move oh come on somebody move on let the weak say i'm let the weak say i'm strong and and not strong in your own strength let the weak say i'm strong in christ [Music] i'm talking to somebody right now you're watching online go move you're the last one at the funeral go everybody else gone go matter of fact they buried him they buried her they buried it it's over move on you about to waste your life the bible says this is a temporary experience you don't have forever you've wasted an entire year you've wasted an entire year of your life you've wasted two years of your life at the tomb nothing's going to change get your life back get your joy back get your piece back give whatever god has given you get it back mary mary [Music] pastor i would think the angels would have sympathy mary we know why you're crying you lost jesus jeremy can i get the text again jamie we know why you're crying you lost your best friend we know why you're crying you you lost a mentor an example you lost the son of god we know why you cry as i close instead they asked her woman why are you crying they have taken my lord they took god from me he didn't die on his own they took him it was brutal he wasn't supposed to die they took him from me it wasn't fair he wasn't doing nothing pastor he was she didn't know that was a part of the plan he they took my savior from me she was being selfish he had a plan for this earth there was something god called they took him from him not he died they took him from me that wasn't right it's not fair they took them from me she said and not only have they not taken them for they took it from me i don't know where they put them [Music] hallelujah hallelujah and this she said that she turned and wrong around and saw jesus standing there but she didn't even realize it was him oh you know why she didn't you know why she didn't realize it was him [Music] because the old relationship was gone and now he has risen as her lord and she couldn't even recognize who he was because she was so attached to who he used to be i'm talking to somebody today you're so you're so familiar with your past that does god bring you new realities as god brings you new stuff god brings you a new family and god gives you a new job and god give you you can't even you can't even accept that you can't even see it you can't because you're so used to your past [Music] god's got guys roll that one away and god if you're ready for your new life no more pain and no more sorrow and no more like you're not you're not dealing with that because you know that god god did this for a reason and it's all going to work out for my good if you believe that if you believe that and there's some stuff amen that you just need to let go and you need to bury it and you need to move on i'm asking you to come right now in the name of jesus christ i'm asking you to come right now come to the father and tell the father i need to let it go god i'm still at the i'm still at the wound i need to let it go hallelujah i need to let it go god i need to let it go and i need to move on i need to let it go and move on god i need to let it go praise god praise god i need to let it go all the way yeah all hallelujah i need to let it go hey man they took it from me pastor they said uh-uh no that's not hallelujah give me thank you jamie and he asked her woman why are you crying who is it that you're looking for thinking he was a gardener and she said sir if you carried him away tell me where you put him so i can go get him and jesus said to her mary and she turned toward him and cried out in aramaic rabbini which means teacher and jesus says do not hold on to me for i have yet ascended to the father go instead to your brothers and tell them i am ascending to my father and your father to my god and your god hallelujah let's go to the next one jeremy i'm sorry i'm sorry i want y'all to see this real quick and mary went to the disciples with the good news god's got good news even after the death god got good news what's the good news i've seen my lord she said i've seen the lord she told them that he had said these things to her praise god father we come now in the name of jesus christ it hurt because we feel like we've taken a loss but in fact romans tells us that all things work together for the gods for them that love you and are called according to your purpose and so everything we think is working out for our bad is actually working out for our good so right now lord we just want to let go somehow we want to let go of the old and we want to get ready for the new we life is temporary it's too short to be stuck in 2010 2005 1999. it's two it's two it's too short we don't got enough lord we don't have enough years to be stuck in the past and we want to make the rest of our lives the best of our lives so bless us father bless us father help us to let go of the old and impress you said that you can't put new wine in old wine skin and so you got some new wine for us and now it's time to let the old skin go get the new skin so we can get what you have for us for we ask it not because we're worthy but in jesus name amen amen and amen come on give god some praise hallelujah come on give god some praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey man i want to show you all this last picture hallelujah i'm going to show you all this last picture i told you guys that um in the name of jesus christ all things work together for the good so as a high school dropout amen i took school serious hallelujah went and got my four-year degree here's a picture of me with my master's you see jaylen who graduated from michigan state in 2017 you see jada who graduated in 2020 and then just yesterday praise god hallelujah praise god just yesterday the lord blessed her praise god i'll listen to me listen to me very closely all things work together for the good the devil thought he had me when i was homeless he thought he had me as a high school dropout that just gave me a greater love for knowledge and by the grace of god it was passed on to both of my children matter of fact i wish i could have put the picture up with my sister put up it was jalen jaden myself and my sister said the cycle has been broken hallelujah the cycle has been broken and so i want to i want to let you know that whatever you're going through right now don't let the devil fool you this is not the end your end is god's beginning your end is god's beginning so whatever's dead in your life sarah let god touch you and not just give you a child but make you the mother and the father of many nations claim that right now that yes is dead for me but it's alive for jesus christ let the believers now say amen amen amen thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen thank you so much for joining us this week for those who've expressed an interest in supporting our ministry please use our cash app dollar sign a place of change apoc for your donations and tithes if you prefer more traditional options please visit our website at www.apoc ministry where you can make your donation via paypal credit card or certified check or money order we look forward to seeing all of you for our midweek service wednesday evenings at 6 pm eastern standard time with pastor tj tyus right here on facebook on behalf of our pastors and their families and your apoc family we wish you all a very blessed week
Channel: Apoc Ministry
Views: 7,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric, Thomas, ET, etthehiphoppreacher, APOC, place, of, Change, TJ, Tyus, Pastor, church, Faith, worship, Jesus, God, Sabbath
Id: HKusw84Q1qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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