Blessings And Battles | Eric Thomas Sermon

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yeah you know I want to start here I just uh finished doing an Instagram um live with a group of guys that are in um the industry that I'm in and what I love is um Dave he ends he always ends his message with and there's somebody that loves me more than my mom come on praise God you ought to get excited about that hey man how many y'all got mamas let me just maybe we start right there hey man when he said that I'm like wow that's so deep that there's somebody that loves me more than my mom loves me amen amen and some of us have been blessed to you know be raised by biological fathers amen and so I don't necessarily know what that experience is like but I I do understand that A Mother's Love is Like It's A Mother's Love is on a whole nother level amen and so I want I want us to know that that that literally however much your mother loves you however much your father loves you that there's somebody that loves you even more amen come on somebody amen hallelujah amen I don't know about y'all but my mama got pregnant with me at 17. she could have had an abortion hallelujah praise God Amen I always you know every now and then I just have to call and say thank you you were 17. amen and at that time it wasn't popular to have kids amen they ain't had like the after school programs for people that was pregnant and as a matter of fact they threatened my mother uh that she couldn't graduate but she found um she found an ally in the school that couldn't tell her publicly but privately he said now you're not going to be able to walk across the stage but we can work this thing out where you'll still get your diploma praise God my mother could have eat my my grandmother told my mom look I'm not trying to be funny we got it's 14 of us in this house we can't afford another mouth if you had his child and you don't get on welfare I'm kicking you out praise God and my mother because she loved me so much decided to get kicked out and not get on welfare oh come on somebody amen and I ain't mad at welfare hey man I'm not I'm not I'm not dogging nobody out amen my grandma fed us on welfare hey man I'm not tripping but my mother decided to have a child and then my mom decided to be homeless because she didn't want the third generation to start on welfare oh come on somebody amen so I know my mother love me and there's somebody that loves me more than my mom loves me man that's exciting praise God that's exciting amen amen and my mom literally sacrificed her life so I could have one praise God come on somebody I mean hey man I don't know about you but how many y'all mothers amen whatever sacrifice they made professionally mentally emotionally though they made sacrifices so you could be where you are today let me just see your hand amen and watch this the word says that there's a God that loves you ten times twin a hundred more times than that love that your mother has for you amen praise God come on somebody praise God Amen and what I want to do today amen is I want to help you to make your life better hallelujah praise God and the way we're going to do that I was talking to a saint this week and he was just like man E I wish I hadn't been exposed to this grown-up in the city and I haven't been exposed to that he was like bruh I paid my tithe and he said man I paid my tithe and I end up getting more clients and the people that worked for me got more climb he was like bro I end up doing this and I ended up doing a devotional every day that you sent me and that my life is on a whole nother bro I wish I would have been doing this and so I wanted today what I want to do is for those of you who don't believe in God Amen let me say this to you if you're watching you do believe in God Amen you just might believe in a different God Amen you might believe in money amen hallelujah praise God you do believe in a Gods amen it just might not be the god of the universe amen it might not be the Alpha and Omega but you believe in God I remember when I was growing up my my father before you know we got to where we are now I remember he used to say all the time like yo Christmas don't Christmas is GM amen I like that he said Christmas is GM this ain't got nothing to do with God it's GM and I understand exactly what he meant and he understood what he meant at that time but then later on in life he really started getting his word amen and my family start getting their word praise God and then when I became a preacher my mom started coming to church amen and then my mom got baptized praise God Amen and I'm telling you what the young man told me was I wish I would have been had this information because I have had this information earlier I might have been doing this and my life might have looked a lot different I said do me a favor don't worry about the past you worry about right now and what you and God are doing right now amen amen so what I don't want to do is I don't want to play Church hallelujah amen I grew up in Detroit it was a it was a church on every corner but it was still drugs there's a church on every corner but people were still getting divorces hey man so so coming into the edifice is not enough to have the life that God wants for you it's not enough it's not enough to read your Bible it's not enough to listen to gospel music amen I'm going to share with you today what we have to do to have the light that God wants now I always start off with this Jeremiah 29 11. for I know the plans that I have for you said the Lord of Oats now listen to me I want you to catch this this is important I want you to catch this I told you earlier amen that our parents love us and because they love us they have a plan for us amen but God loves us more and he has a plan for us oh come on somebody hallelujah praise God talk back to me amen now listen to me very closely I love my mom and if my mom had her plan I would have finished Henry Ford and I would have went to work for 4G in my Chrysler praise God that was my mother's plan and listen to me that plan I was gonna be stable Hallelujah hey man I'm gonna have a 401k I was going to have health benefits Hallelujah Come on talk back to me hey man I was gonna have a regular check oh come on I was gonna be able to say I worked for four that's big when you grew up in Detroit I don't know how they feel about that in San Diego but in Detroit you say you work for four that's pretty big amen my mom and my dad my mom worked for Ford my father worked for GM listen to me very closely and they had a plan for me hallelujah praise God but when I was homeless amen me and God started to established relationship and he said I got a plan for you oh come on somebody talk back to me I'm telling you today and if you want to like your marriage to be Blissful if you want to be mentally emotionally well if you want everything that life has to offer the world and and people have a plan and God got a plan and I'm telling you you could get with this or you could get with that but I was you I would get with this because this is where it's at amen praise God I love my teachers amen I love my grandma I love my mom I love my that looked out for me I asked my uncles they was doing their thing but they still loved us amen but listen to me very closely of all the plans that my uncles had plans for me it was like boy you you 15 now you 16 you should be doing this I'm just being real I grew up in the city like people had plans for me like bro are you 16 and you ain't you tell me you 18 and you ain't never come on I'm 52. I never had no alcohol I never smoked my uncles was like what kind of what kind of goofy stuff you own I'm just saying I grew up like virgin like I wasn't necessarily as a teenager I wasn't sleeping around I wasn't into I don't know why I love girls but I just went into having sex like that my they like what you you how old you 13 and you had to say you owe some goofy dust I'm like I'm not I'm not on nothing I just know that is I I don't even know God like that but my mom sent me to a religious Camp when I was eight and I'm not saying I was perfect or I was holy but at eight when I got when I when I went to that religious camp and they introduced me to Christ something got put inside and God said I got a plan for you son come on I'm talking to somebody today you can get with this where you pay your bills you can get with this where you stable or you can get with this where God gonna blow your mind I'm just saying you could get with this the world got a plan and this is what your life should look like and it's what you should do I was listening to Toby yesterday and Toby was saying that you know he thought he was going to the NFL and you know and and the Lord you know didn't let that happen he was doing very well got an injury and now he up for a Grammy you can get with this hey man what you get with that but this is where it's at amen and it's difficult to do this because everybody in the world is telling you to do this and everybody got a good reason for why you should be doing this come on my mother wasn't there hating on me when she told me for it my mom was hating on me she knew she knew that that was a life but my mom had no idea this life mama had no idea that God was gonna do this to me right here my teachers had no eye are you listening to what I'm saying you can get with that and some of you are getting with this and some of you are halfway getting with that and halfway getting with this and I'm telling you if you're gonna do it you might as well just do this or do that like don't torture yourself coming to church and still doing that don't torture yourself getting married and have for your principles come from the world and they have come from the Bible don't don't torture yourself like that either get with all God says listen to me I love you I do but here's my requirements you must serve me with your whole hearts and your whole mind and your whole soul amen praise God God is saying I'll take you as you are but you ain't gonna stay where you are are you listening to what I'm saying God is saying I'm not doing the 80 thing I'm not doing the seven I'm not doing the 50 50. if you want the devil serve the devil but if you're gonna serve me serve me with your whole heart with your whole mind with your whole soul and so I just want to encourage somebody today if you really want to go to that next level Jeremiah 29 11 says and I know the plans that I have for you now I also know your mama got some but we're going we're not we're not we're not going to disrespect Mama we're not going to disrespect daddy honor thy mother and father but let your parents know that I got a plan let your wife know I got a plan hey man come on y'all when I came to Michigan State and I left my job at Michigan state did he was like what first of all we left everything to come here you finally get a job and you leaving it we left everything in Huntsville we had the perfect life in Huntsville we left everything that we had the perfect pastor and the perfect church I had the perfect job we had we were in Oakwood we were we were like in heaven like we had all our friends we had everything we left everything to get something and when you finally got something you left it I said Diddy I can't explain but I fought for I know the plans that he had for me and it ain't the state of Michigan State and please hear what I'm telling you for those of you who who want to be critics I'm still at Michigan State I'm still there every Monday doing the work that God called me to do but God didn't call me to be there working full-time anymore still committed to the students we gave about 48 students two thousand dollars to go through a program we still committed to this to the cause to the purpose Daddy just said I don't want you working there full time no more I want to use you full-time now oh somebody missed what I just said God said Son you got so much talent you got so many gifts you got so many anointings come on I need you and I need you in Pastor tie I need you and Jamie I need I need I need y'all full time come away from your job and I'm gonna give you stability Come on talk back to me people worry if you leave your job what's going to happen God's Gonna Be My stability God's gonna be my 401k come on you talking about health insurance God can keep me from getting sick you're talking about 401K God can keep me Rich [Music] talking about the Alpha and Omega you're talking about the beginning you're talking about the person that there was nothing and said let there be anyone I'm telling you today you can get with this or you can get with that but this is where it's at for I know the plans that I have for you said the Lord of hosts listen to me the declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not harm you you don't serve a God that's trying to harm you plans to give you hope and a future hey man let's go in the word let's get in the word today I'm so excited praise God Pastor get ready to pray the Lord told me to tell you to pray for the folks today get ready to pray I ain't we ain't gonna be long hey man we ain't gonna be long I want you to make a decision today I want you to make a decision that you're not going to lean to your own understanding the hardest thing for me as a human is not to lean on Chicago that's where I got all my values from Detroit that's where I grew up it's so difficult for me that that that that that that that blue collar mentality that has been a blessing to me that's how we ate GM and four that's how we ate that's how we went to school that's how we got our clothes God said son that's what I did for that generation we're not doing that for this generation oh come on talk back to me God like that was a blessing for them that's not the blessing I have for y'all y'all you hearing what I'm saying God is saying that was the blessing in the 70s and the 80s I got some new blessings I want to pass out in this generation son that's what I did for your people that's not what I'm doing for you I got something else for you amen just like I blessed them I'm about to bless you I want y'all to get ready and so what God said to me is some of the stuff that you've learned you got to unlearn and some of the stuff that you learn you gotta take to the next level hey man there's some values now don't get it twisted that getting that whipping there's some value and accountability hey praise God I know we got soft parenting now you know what I'm saying like I know as a pastor I gotta be careful some of y'all leave the church if I talk about whipping your kids hey man praise God but we're just gonna keep it one thousand We're not gonna say whippings we gonna say they need to be held accountable amen it's some stuff we grow up with ain't nothing wrong with holding people accountable there's nothing wrong with people coming to church and sitting down and shutting up hey man ain't nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with them having some orders nothing wrong with that there's some things that our ancestors taught us some things that our grandparents and our parents started that we need to cling to and we need to hold on to hey man nothing wrong with coming to church hallelujah amen there's nothing wrong with the holidays amen you talking about Christ instead of the holidays nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with paying tithes it ain't nothing wrong with Ray Ray getting dressed up on Easton bringing it but ain't nothing wrong with that you ain't been in church all year you need to have some set times that you come to church amen there's nothing wrong with the Christmas plays nothing wrong with that amen but God is saying there's some blessings that I gave to them that had a time frame on it yes Hallelujah and Eric and this generation I need you to be a billionaire all right that's not something we talked about my house we didn't talk about that we didn't talk about owning your own stuff wow because probably back then it was probably a challenge too and now God has opened up some doors we're sending 50 kids to the Super Bowl hey man the tickets are about five thousand five hundred five thousand eight hundred we spent about 375 000 to take those kids to the Super Bowl for the it's a different generation now I need to be able to make good money doing what I do so we we took kids to Dubai listen to me y'all I keep saying their minds were blown and they blew my mind when they said when I asked them when they came back from Dubai what was that listen to me when you tell a kid to serve the Lord and you take them to Dubai when you tell a kid that if he gets into the word and studies God and understand when you tell a kid that you are where you are because of Christ and then they go to Dubai it's just a different experience praise God God has opened some doors for us as a people in his generation so I don't want to be a billionaire because I want to buy a bunch of stuff I want to be a billionaire because I want to take care of God's people and take care of God's stuff like this ain't free y'all hey man I'm so grateful amen that the Lord bless us with those cameras that didn't put us in a position to go Global and then we was in a position to hire past the tires full-time you know what a blessing that was you know how hard it is when he working for Michigan for federal Credit he's over there eight hours today 40 hours and he got and but being able to have him full time are you hearing what I'm saying to be able to call and say hey bro I'm about to do the Vikings I'm about to do Minnesota Gophers can you come and speak because I ain't really football I'm about to go ahead and scream holler but I ain't never really played football you really played football the Florida Gators you know what it feels like that he's available versus when he had a job and I had opportunities but I couldn't bless him with the opportunity because he had a job look God's got plans for us y'all and it's more than for us to be stable amen that was our parents that had to be stable and had to do something that was predictable we're in a different generation now as a matter of fact my claim to fame used to be the stage now we doing conferences virtually we're not even renting our buildings no more and making people fly and staying in hotels God is saying I have plans get on my page get off paying rent get off paying Insurance get on my plan I want to encourage y'all guys got some you got a plan for you Hallelujah Come on talk back to me amen God's got a plan and we got to get off of what we think and we got to get on what God knows remember the scripture for I know amen amen praise God so I want you to get a piece of paper if you don't mind I want you to uh or put this in your phone 50 50. just put 50 50. I wonder if God told me to give you this message amen praise God now we we realize that the challenges we have is because God had to say lean not until I don't understand it somebody help me out real quick why would God have to say lean not unto thy own understanding somebody talk back to me why would God why would he have the right lean not into thy known understanding why would he have to write that people got their Traditions they following because somebody else talks why would God why would he have to in a in a in a holy book where he's talking to his people why would he have to say on several occasions lean not until I don't understand it because we think we smart Come on talk back to me why would God have to say lean not until I don't understand it we go we want to do it on our own so throughout the word he keeps saying lean not until I don't understand and lean not do what trust and obey that's what he's telling us like do what I tell you to do you still doing it your way and you still ain't it still ain't working out but you're still going to do it your way because it's your way like you so married to your way that even though you're not getting the results that you want you're still doing it your way come on somebody talk back to me now let me just give you an example because I like to be transparent right I didn't always congratulate my son for swimming Upstream remember what they said you know what they're saying that that our generation or the generation before is they did not necessarily tell fish congratulations for swimming Upstream you're a fish you're supposed to do what that's what you do you swim so I didn't grow up with a whole bunch of congratulations so when my son was coming up I you know I tell him I love him but I wouldn't know no and God says I don't care how you grew up you see that he needs to be affirmed I don't care how you grew up affirm him oh you talk back to me I grew up like that ain't nobody about the verb you ain't about to affirm you for washing dishes for washing this is the right way as a matter of fact the way I grew up you really only got attention when you did something you weren't supposed to do or you got more attention when you didn't do I'm saying God I got to congratulate my man for I got to tell him and God says son lean not until I don't understand him this is how he's wired it doesn't matter how you think he this is how he's wired you're his father you are the closest person to him it is your responsibility to build him up or somebody else gonna have to do it so you tell him you love him every time you get off the phone I don't care if you feel like it or not every time he does something you make sure you let him know I saw what you did I see you son amen as a matter of fact if you acknowledge what he does right he won't take offense when you acknowledge what he's not doing right but because the only time you want to say something to him is when he's doing wrong he don't want to hear you so God said we're going we're going to do the three to one you will congratulate him three times you'll correct him once in the course of a day you don't get more if you want to correct him twice you need to six times love on him after being real that's what God told me I don't care how you grew up my uncles wouldn't know I don't know if y'all saw that Instagram post the other day was a young man that was trying to hug his grandfather like boy get off of me I'm a player you know my players don't hug though he like but you my grandfather get out of here boy don't be hugging on me like that you soft and God says son no no no no no no no no you you you're not following the world you following me no no no you following me son you tell that boy every time you get off the phone you tell you do it every time you get off the phone you tell your wife every time you get out you know let me tell you something I realize that my wife would be like when you in the house you don't talk to me as much as you do when you wanna so sometimes Jeremy I just get in the car and go drive and talk to her on the phone are you not hearing what I'm saying I'll do whatever it takes when I see God for him to look at my marriage and say Well done I got a faithful sermon I'll do whatever it takes when he looks at my parents and then judge me and go uh this is my son and who I am well pleased I'll do whatever it takes to get these kids in the world to follow this message and God said I'll do whatever it takes amen some adults like you shouldn't do that well I shouldn't do that because you don't need me to do that but they need me to do that you grown you good I'm not here to minister to you it's this 13 year old that need me it's the 16 year old to meet me hey man we're gonna have to get online we're gonna have to be on Instagram they don't come to church they follow through this does that make sense stop leaning to your own understanding so 50 50. I'm going to show y'all something in the Bible I'm gonna let y'all get out of here Pastor get ready Luke 22 47 and yet and while he yet spake behold the multitude that was I'm sorry and he that was called Judas one of the 12 went before them and Drew near to Jesus to kiss him we all know this is the this is the part where Judas is going to portray him but Jesus said to him Judas betray those the son of man with a kiss yeah I love God he knows our hearts and when they were about him saw that he would follow they said unto him Lord shall we Smite with the sword watch this I love you y'all got to catch this y'all got to catch this so let's go back I want to make sure they see this amen and when they were about him saw what would follow so it was a group that was with him there was a group that was against Christ there was a group that was for Christ praise God Amen come on y'all gonna be all right in life you're gonna have people who are for you against you amen both are blessing stop trying to just be around people that just always affirming you amen amen let you let your enemies live praise God Hallelujah can somebody understand what I'm saying lean not into your own understanding your own understanding you always want to be in a place of comfort no the Bible says there were some that were with him and there were some that were against them amen and they said unto him Lord shall we Smite with the sword my God they they fooling they enemies they trying to come look like Judas is betray he just kiss you we know that kid he trying to portray so they could come and they could kill foreign what do we need to I love it to the point where before Jesus could even say yay or nay one of them pull out his swore and cut the high priest ear off hey man we know who that one was amen praise God praise God I want you all to see it you got one group coming to betray him you got Jesus disciples with him he got another crew with him amen disciples they not stupid they see what's going on they like yo Master you being threatened what's up like here it is we found he's done so much for us we cannot do something for him but they're in their worldly bad they're in there how they grew up bad they're in there what their society taught them bad and Society taught them somebody strike you you strike them back hey man I grew up in the streets my mom was like my mom had a philosophy my mom was like do me a huge favor don't even uh don't even eye for an eye get them before they get you just being real my mom my boy stole my big wheel I'm aging myself I had the green machine Jamie I had the green machine I had the green machine right my parents you know 4 GM everybody on the Block their parents worked but didn't necessarily had a month I promise y'all my man stole my green machine I came home crying mom he stole my green machine she said go get a bottle crack the bottle turn it into a weapon and you go get that big that that I went to work and forward for that you go get that that green machine back and don't come home until you get it hey man this is my mom my mom ain't come let's read the words turn the other cheek my mom like go get that cheek and bring that big wheel and guess what I did I got the bottle I could I went and I got and I brought the big wheel back and I felt some type of way I felt confidence and God was saying no son that ain't you learning some stuff I don't need you to learn that hey man I don't need you to learn that because you as an adult you're gonna do that I don't need you to do that where you're going you're about to be people's Minister that you don't even know you're you're about to you're about to help people online thousands and thousands of people I meet people in the airport they crying you changed my life I'm like bro I don't even know you I watch your sermons I watch Pastor ties y'all changed my life a pockets and so they like okay what I love it too because you got a group that's like what should we do and you got one that's always like I ain't even about to be asking Jesus what I'm supposed to be doing like y'all sitting there asking why y'all asking it's better to get for ask for forgiveness than it is for permission that's what Peter was on Peter was like I'm not about to sit here and ask they running up on him you about to get this work bye and he missed it he really missed where he intended to he wasn't going for the year I said holy ghost blessed and got the ear hey man watch this watch what the word says hallelujah that's the one let's go to the next one and Jesus answered and said suffer ye thus far and he touched his ear and healed it I want to go somewhere 50 50. I want you to understand something 50 50. I want you to understand before we get out of here today that 50 of your blessings are going to come from God blessing you and 50 will come from your battles write that down don't put that in your phone or write that down right now write that down 50 of your back so watch this here's what Jesus did that most of us don't do we see a battle Hallelujah we see a battle as a problem huh God told me to tell you today 50 50. 50 of your blessings are gonna come from God giving you gifts and 50 of your blessings are going to come from the battles that you got to go through God told me to tell you there's a lot of us when we see him coming we like yep everybody pull out they swore everybody fight everybody kill and you just killed the battle and you killed all your blessings that went with the battle I'm talking to somebody before we go I gotta make sure I'm clear there are those of you in this space you don't understand that the battles that you crying about that the battles that you want God to get rid of you don't understand that the battle's about to set you up for another level of success that blessings could never set you up for amen blessings make you soft oh I'm talking to somebody while blessings are a blessing they make you content amen while blessings are a blessing sometimes they don't make you pray the way you pray when your wife get touched with Ms they don't make you prayed away when your son don't get married and he's feeling absurd they don't make you pray when your daughter graduate but she can't graduate because of coven when sometimes the battles make you closer to God the battles make you pray and the way blessings don't make you pray sometimes when everything is going your way you can get a little cocky and conceited hey but it's something about those battles that will bring you to the foot of the cross there's something about those battles that will make you come to church in a way you weren't coming to church before yeah y'all you better talk back to me there's some stuff that happens to us that we cannot pay to get out of there's some stuff that happens to us that you can't talk your way out of there's some stuff that happens to us that you just got to come to the foot of the cross and God allows the battles to happen to bless us many of us are missing 50 of our blessings because they're not disguised as a blessing they came in the form of a battle oh I'm talking to you they came in the form of a battle and you ran from them you pull out your swore and kill the blessing because it didn't look like you thought it should look I want y'all to know something we are blessed by God's blessings and we're blessed by God's battles write that down quickly we're blessed by God's blessings but we're also blessed by God's batters write that down praise God write that down amen both are a part of God's plan and without both we cannot reach our destiny write that down listen to me very closely if for I know the plans that I have for you that Jesus walked on water Jesus healed Jesus looked like he had a bunch of power and might but he also got put on the cross Hallelujah is a mixture Hallelujah I read this this week I thought y'all needed that to read it when Jesus was about to be crucified Judas came with a group of soldiers to arrest him when Jesus disciples asked Lord should we fight he told them not to don't don't no he was saying this is a part of my plan oh come on talk back to me there are those of us when battles come in our lives not only are We complain not only do we sometimes turn our back on God not only do we whine and ask why me but we do not do what Jesus did when they came to crucify him Jesus said that this is a blessing why because this is part of the plan yeah oh come on come on come on it's all a part of the plan I remember when my own wife was mad at me because I was let me just say this I I I was pastoring at a certain place and there were some folks that were coming up against me amen and I didn't fight back and my wife said hold up I was with you in Detroit I grew up I grew up watching you and your boys fight like I watched y'all fight on the streets I watch y'all fight in church I watch you fight your whole life like my wife had art with me like I'm not playing my wife was confused like who is this like I don't know this passive Eric I didn't marry this passive person I married a dude that would jump out on the police I'm telling you that my boys tell police come on do something to me hey I'm not saying I'm jumping out like what like don't talk to me any kind of way like I'm I'm road rage I'm losing my mind and Dede was like what's going on like you in church and you letting that grown man talk to you like that you in church and you letting these people like what happened to you so I've been changed this battle is a part of the plan I don't want to mess it up with my mouth I don't want to mess it up with my anger I don't want to mess it up and I'm so glad I didn't talk with my mouth and anger because I got reinstated and nobody could say in the 10 years when I got kicked out of that church nobody could say I talked bad about them huh nobody had nothing to say negative about me why because I didn't I didn't fight back I said God I don't know what you're doing but Hallelujah listen to me when you get that check you say hallelujah but when you get that illness now you want to talk bad about God it's Hallelujah both job said in whatever oh come on the lord giveth the Lord take him away blessed be the name of the Lord most of us can only celebrate the blessing we don't know how to celebrate the battle but they both are part of God's plan I said go ahead and let them crucify me because if they don't crucify me you don't get saved if I don't get on the cross you don't have eternal life or get on the cross we gotta get rid of John 3 16. for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth should not pair if I don't get on this cross there is no John 3 16. if I don't get on this cross there is no Revelation to him before I saw as it was the a new Heaven in the earth new Earth for the old have been powered Hallelujah God's blessing you with these battles and you crying and whining God's giving you these blessings through battles and because you don't understand the battles hey man you trying to kill the battle Jesus said I cannot reach my destiny without betrayal man cause you got enemies betraying you betrayal is a part of the plan there is no cross without Judas there is no cross without the Pharisees the disciples not going to put him on the cross Mary and Martha not about to put him on the cross Judas ain't by I mean uh uh uh Mary Martha and what's his brother's name Lazarus not about to put him on the cross you you need Judas you need a Judas in your life for your plan to become a reality you running from your Judas let your Judas come and get you so you can hurry up and get blessed for three days he was in the and then he rose again he sits at the right hand of the father that can't happen without the Pharisees why are you trying to get rid of your fantasies oh welcome attack in the presence of a welcome them to the table I cannot reach my destiny without betrayal without being unjustly try you still a trip I can't believe they talking about me like that I ain't even doing it it's a part of the plan and without being crucified we Face hardships when we Face bad breaks when we Face disappointments it seems like the enemy is in control we want to fight resist and get upset but God is saying do not resist anymore don't resist Judas don't fight it don't live bitter and don't try to get even I am still in control I'm still directing your steps God did not stop what was unfair because it was leading Jesus to his destiny come on I know you I know they treat me like this at the Boston tree is unfair now I don't say this to be disrespectful I promise you I don't we closing I promise you I don't mean to be disrespectful but God knew that I wasn't supposed to be at the last place for the rest of my life yeah and God knew because of how I was born and raised with this loyalty and this sense of consistency and it's resilience that I would still be there and God says I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to let I'm gonna have to let people do some stuff behind your back that you don't know they doing behind your back because then what they gonna do is they gonna take talk behind your back and when they talk behind your back the person is gonna hear what they saying and they're gonna dismiss you and you gotta go you can't stay there forever son that's not my plan for you thank you so good you don't know what God is up to you can't see what he's doing on the other side of this battle yes crucifixion is coming but on the other side of crucifixion is resurrection no battle on the other side of betrayal the sickness or disappointment is a new level of your destiny stop resisting and start trusting father we come now in the name of Jesus Christ we've been we've been we've been loving the blessings Lord we've been loving all the good things that happened we've been loving the promotion we've been loving all the new friends that we've we've been loving Lord all the new word we're getting Lord we've been loving all the traveling Lord we've been loving all the great things that you've done we've been loving it but the battles father the battles we've been struggling with the battles and all I'm asking for today y'all Hallelujah is that you would understand that the blessings and the battles are both appropriate and the blessings and the battles are needed don't Elevate one and bring you up no no no both of them are necessary as I conclude I was a Pistons fan and I saw what the Pistons did to Jordan and it was what the Pistons did to Jordan that was a blessing to Jordan because he was able to see the battle for what it is and as he studied the battle he knew where he needed to prepare himself and so he started lifting more weights he became a better teammate and he understood the importance of not scoring 60 but spreading the ball around and he became dominant on both ends and the Pistons won two championships stopping Jordan but when Jordan learned from that battle and became a better basketball player as a result he won six your enemy might look like he winning but if you would learn from the battle and you would see the battle as a blessing God is going to be able to do more in your life than he's ever done before Pastor come Pastor come as we get ready to pray Pastor come as we get ready to pray hallelujah hallelujah we need to see the blessings and the battle as blessings in Jesus name amen thank you so much for joining us this week for those who've expressed an interest in supporting our ministry please use our cash app dollar sign a place of change apoc for your donations and tithes if you prefer more traditional options please visit our website at where you can make your donation via PayPal credit card or certified check or money order we look forward to seeing all of you for our midweek service Wednesday evenings at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time with Pastor TJ tyus right here on Facebook on behalf of our pastors and their families and your apoc family we wish you all a very blessed week foreign
Channel: Apoc Ministry
Views: 27,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric, Thomas, ET, etthehiphoppreacher, APOC, place, of, Change, TJ, Tyus, Pastor, church, Faith, worship, Jesus, God, Sabbath
Id: EDjH2K8gg4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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