Priority | Eric Thomas

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praise God everybody come on praise God praise God praise God praise God come on come on hey I want you I want you to do me a huge favor I want you to do me a huge favor I want you to be a huge huge favor so it you're not going to be able to do it but I want us to practice as much as we can ears have not heard eyes have not seen Hallelujah come on come on come on neither has it entered I want us to just for one second if we can I want us just to lock in on that we're not going to do church today amen let's tell me we're not going to do church today it's not about you it's not about me today it's about God and as much as we possibly can I want us to have an encounter with God in this time frame that we've never had before and so one of the things I want you to do I want you to I want you to just ears ears if not you your your ears have not heard the stuff that God wants to accomplish in you your eyes have not seen what God wants to do like whatever you're thinking about right now is so light I want you to just try to just go with God and just see what God wants to do for you this tour he's re remade you remodel you structured you I just want you to stop for a minute what would moving forward what would forward look like what would it look like in your health what would forward look like Amen in your relationships what would forward look like your bank account what would forward what would it look like just want you to think about it he he remade you he wants to show you off he wants to take you throughout the world the tour he wants people to see the restoration see the power see why he made the vehicle in the first place I just want you to if you can with me just go forward just go forward what would forward look like hallelujah praise God just take a minute take a minute it's going to be interactive today we're going to do a lot together amen so that we can get closer to God not closer to religion not closer to what we think like leave all alone no judging today no this is how I'm used to seeing it this is how things normally happen in this setting let's just let this be a brand new experience one we've never had before let's just let's let God do something new like that he's never done before we're not doing the old and so right now if we were to leave this place and we would leave our relationships different the way we parent the way we do do business like if we would leave different the way we we talk how we open up our mouths and our perspective and how we if we could just get a fresh start if the Potter could just just just read retouch us what would that look like I want you to take a minute just you and God please just you and God you and God just you and God if you could just do that for me for a minute just you and God you and God what would that look like see it see it see it what would that look like see it see it see it feel it because God wants to do it amen and I want you to understand that the the Jeremiah 294 I know listen to God's voice quickly just listen to God for I know the plans that I have for you amen she wants you to feel that feel that feel I feel like nah I think not I hope the plans that I have for you listen to Listen to The Confidence of daddy for I know listen to The Confidence of daddy listen to the direction of daddy for I know I know I know you're the one that's holding these plans up lean not unto thine owner your own understanding is killing the model your own understanding you're trying to do stuff yeah I'm God let if you would just let me for once be God let go let go let go just let me be God eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man God's ideas for I know the plans that I for I know I got them already I laid it out before I brought you into the world I planned it out you're in my way you doing stuff that you should get out my way and let me work my plans through you in Jesus name amen before before you seated before you see that how many and just be honest with me please just we about to get into the world we're about to get into the world how many of you believe there is a god let's let me see your hand you believe there's a God Amen hey man come on come on come on come on come on y'all gotta get me on Amen praise God amen okay hold up hold up let's stop let's stop I'm gonna ask one more time listen to me we're not playing church we don't care about the person next to us behind us around us I ask you a question I didn't ask you if you believed in religion I didn't ask you that we're not going there today we're not bringing in that baggage today because God wants to do some work I didn't even ask you if you were mad at God I didn't ask you that I'm asking you today how many of you believe we gonna start this relationship over from scratch this is we're starting all over today this is a brand new not I don't care how you were born and raised what you had to do with church we're not on that this is this is this we're gonna get everything out of the way of you and God hey man come on somebody come on I'm talking to somebody hey man my home in California when they laid the floors there were some defects I didn't pick it up my wife picked it up hey man God has given her a gift amen and she has she has God has given her uh a critique gift right she she no no I'm serious it's an anointing right and so she saw it I didn't see it right and so we went back and forth with him and listened to me very closely about to do the floors listen to what I'm telling you they told us our home this is our home we go to California in a winter to get away from the winner in Michigan Let's do me very close this is our home but they said we're gonna lay these floors and the floors that you're getting are better than floors you had before but here's what we need you to do we need you to get out for three weeks but to be very closely there's not you can stay in this room and we're gonna work over here y'all gotta hear what I'm saying I want to help somebody after today man you bout to you about to catch up with God's plans for you oh I'm telling you about to catch up with God's plan for you this thing is about to be this thing about to be sweet life life as you know it is about to go to a whole other level for you listen to me they said we need you to get out we're about to do a work we bout to do a work we bought we about to fix it we about to give you better floors the value of the house about to go up to another level but we need you to leave entirely and we're gonna move all your stuff out hey man as a matter of fact the company is called emergency packing companies what they call hey man come on come on I'm talking to somebody and they came in and they move in everything out the way Hallelujah I'm not talking about my house I'm telling you God is ready to do a new work but you got to get out you got to get out you got to get your mutt the old mind I will renew a right speak clean heart and renew a right God is saying today before we get started I gotta move that all mine out the way I gotta move that old Spirit out the way I gotta move it out and so look we're gonna start with the appeal and the appeal is this today everything that has happened in your past because today has nothing to do with the past he said forget those things which are behind and press and so our first work today is we got to forget those things which are Beyond amen so I'm gonna ask one more time one more time because God want to do something how many of you believe however you demonstrate it how many you believe and know that there is something bigger than you that's running this world you believe you believe in Yahweh come on come on come on [Applause] come on come on come on amen praise God all right so that's number one that's number one we're going somewhere today we ain't doing no normal sermon where you just sit there and listen forward is about action and we're gonna take action this year and we're gonna do something about what we know because we know a lot but we're not doing a lot with what we know amen number two how many of you and I'm not talking about what happened with you and your parents your parents and your upbringing I'm not asking you what happened in your church and I ask you what I'm not ask you that how many of you truly believe that this God that you clapped about how much how how many you believe that he has power that he is Alpha and Omega he's beginning to end come on come on come on and look we're not doing that for the person next to us we're letting him know you're talking to him right now and you're letting him know come on come on come on Hallelujah and finally amen as we get prepared how many of you are ready for what God has for you as you move forward Make some noise cleanse his father cleanses even as we sit here cleanse us and remove all the debris in the junk and speak to us we pray in Jesus name amen praise God you may be seated the presence of the Lord so so so this is my first time with this uh videography team please forgive me I was telling him this morning y'all gotta you gotta forgive me God just wired us a certain way amen amen praise God Amen and can we all can we all can you all can we all just Embrace right now just hug yourself embrace yourself for the way God wired you bro embrace yourself no right now no come on I'm being honest because some of you cause your mama didn't like the way you were wired the way she talked about how you were white your daddy because your daddy was wired different the way he thought some of y'all just be honest like you don't even like the way God has wired you because of how people have responded to it in the earth amen I'm talking to somebody today I'm talking to somebody today so so so all we need to do today is we need to accept God for who he is and then the other thing God told me to tell you is you just need to accept you for who you are hey man no no no no no no no no no no no no listen to me very closely who you are has rubbed some people the wrong way just honestly especially amen especially when you were younger amen I always thank God hey man I just praise God by the grace of God and we'll talk about in the sermon later I I just uh bought my wife a Rolls-Royce right and listen to me very closely we're not even in the cards we're not in the cards but because DD started dating me when I was 16 years old and God single-handedly chose her for whatever reason to make me who I am today I just said God since I'm number one in the world I just need to I need to pick a symbol that she can look at every day we need to talk about driving I just I can't do for her what she did for me because I can't go back to 16 and do I can't do that but Lord I want to pick a symbol I wanna whatever is the best vehicle on the streets I want to pick that and I want it sitting in the driveway so every time she go out and get in she sees a symbol of what she's done in the physical what she's done in the spirit I wanted to see in the physical listen to me very closely listen to me very closely why because to be honest like I'm 16 years old with this gift with this person I with this baggage right and and God is using her to take me as that car we talked about and make and so some of you you can't Embrace who you are because who you have been and what is done to some of the people you love but I need you to do me a favor God knew what he was doing even in your scene he knew that was the best model of you come on I'm talking to somebody we gonna get fixed today just because it robbed him the wrong way and just because it wreaks some habit on their life just because it caused them some pain that diversion of you that you are God still knew that and all the stuff that would happen that's still the best version of you he could create and because you rob some people the wrong way because you've gotten in trouble maybe you even went to jail because you lost a whole bunch of money because you wreaked havoc on the world that so now what you're doing is you're questioning if what God made you and how you made you is right is right and this can be very closely I want to say this in Jesus name as we get started and no other human needs to co-sign it because no other human made you and no other human needs to approve of it oh come on I'm talking I just want to talk to somebody and so you believe in God but the challenge is you don't believe in the version of you that God created and what I need you to do today moving forward I need you to understand even with the stuff that go wrong that's still the best version of you that God can create even though things don't always work out the way you want it to work out God did not make a mistake and even though other people can't necessarily feel it when God made you he stepped back and said that's good [Applause] oh I'm talking to somebody today your mama your mama might not think is good your Daddy might not think it's good your wife might not think it's good your husband might not thinking your kids may not think it's good but when God made you he stepped back on the sixth day and said now that's good [Applause] oh I'm talking to somebody today give me a little volume I need some volume listen to me I'm talking to somebody today as a matter of fact when God made you he didn't just say it was good he rested from creation when God made you he said I'm done I'm through [Applause] You're So Dope that God didn't even make one like you [Applause] oh I just I'm you might have missed that I just told you you so dope that when God made you he didn't even make a duplicate he didn't make an you in the name of Jesus and there are many of us were struggling because who we are don't fit right with some people we love who we are don't fit right with the society that we come from and so now you getting you now you're getting them confused with God when God made me he gave me a volume unlike most men I have a volume I got a base God turn all the tremble down he gave me a base he gave me an energy that electrifies people that gives people life [Applause] [Music] oh you missed what I just said I just said that that one of the gifts God gives man he gave me he literally gave me his Force uh y'all Miss what I said I need y'all to go home and some stuff at some point I need you to study who you are I was asking God who I was and he took me to Genesis and he said the gift I gave you is the one when I man and it was just a and I [Applause] I get boy I ain't give you all gifts but I gave you the gift that when a person does not have life when you open up your mouth and you speak to those people whether it's a one-on-one it's a group whether it's ten thousand people whether it's on YouTube when you open up your mouth son it's the same power in Genesis when I said and I will breathe my breath into their nostrils and give them life you give life and don't you ever let none turn you back from that you give life son I well the problem is you know who God Is You Don't Know Who You Are hallelujah praise God come on talking to somebody today amen I got a word I gotta worry man can we put Priority up there I got a word for you I got a word amen I got a word and God if you would just Embrace this word priority hallelujah it's the word hey man pray praise God priority say it with me good good so so is it on the screen okay I can see it right here okay y'all can see it too okay thank you I appreciate y'all I told him I said I know your pastor probably go through one at a time I wish that was my gift I just gotta flow as the feather Spirit flows I did that work with me this time I'm gonna work with you the next time amen amen PR everybody said with me say come on said priority come on say it Priority come on say it Priority [Applause] the right to take precedent or to proceed before others come on come on come on stand with me priority come on priority just stop just read the definition on your own here with us saith the Lord to you right now hallelujah praise God come on I want you to read it can you put it back up I want them to read it and what is the what is God saying to you right now what is he saying right here the right the god-given right to take precedence oh come on I'm talking to somebody I'm about to free your whole life up he go here's the problem many of you are where you are because your mama didn't take priority and you got a problem with that that's why you really still struggling to this day because you've never been nobody's priority or the person that you wanted to be the priority you weren't a priority to that person come on now we're not playing victim today we're not doing that I'm not okay and this is what I mean I I have been the person who didn't make the person who was supposed to be the probably the priority so we're not doing no victim stuff today no I was I was once I didn't make my mother a priority and I put my friends first and that's why I left home we had beef I didn't make my wife a priority amen I didn't make my daughter I never forget my daughter said to me dad I love all the gifts but you always gone on my birthday like I want you here physically I put work before my daughter I made work a priority so I'm not sitting here some of y'all want to go victim yeah my dad my mom I'm saying Not only was I not a priority to my daddy because he wasn't in my life I turned around and wasn't a priority to other people so don't you do that victim stuff up here like you'd always been the victim no you make you hurt somebody by not making the person in your life that was supposed to be the priority the priority don't you do that don't you act like you know you're always getting hurt but but the reason why some of us do that is because we weren't a priority and when we were younger I don't mean age when I was a child this is Paul as an adult saying when I was a child he wasn't saying this when he was 13 14. he said it's a man of God he's saying whoa I realized that there was a time in my life amen that I spoke like a child I act like a child I understood like a child we're not talking about the 13 year old Eric we're talking about the 21 year old Mary Eric when I was a child I did not make my wife a party when I was a child I didn't make my son a prayer when I was a child I didn't make my daughter when I was a child I act like a child I thought like a child I behaved but when I became [Applause] CJ said eat bro come on bro what's up e they about to give us 20 grand this is when 20 grand was a lot for me he about to give you 20 grand to speak you can't tell the dentist to switch Jada's I said man she getting the braces off and she don't really like the whole process and her Daddy needs to be there bro I put I put I put stuff first before I can't do it see I can't do it see I've always made my call in the priority see I've always made my gift to speak a priority it's so important to me that I've always done that first and the people that are closest to me I put at times I put them second to my work tell them if they really want me tell them if they really want me I gotta make sure you tell them that I'm not being negligent tell them I'm not I'm not you know I ain't drunk and oversleeping I'm not being triteful and it's my grandma used to say tell him my baby girl got to get her braces out and I promised her that I would be there and I gotta be there not because I'm super dead I gotta be there because there's times I wasn't there and I gotta shift it so that we can shift it uh somebody missed what I just said I'm about to tell you you're about to walk out of here and you and your life will never be the same again God told me to tell you that there's a that that the Gap is not you not you not prioritizing God says take take you have the right you have the right as the father of Jada you have the right to let her take precedent over your career and because I'm God if you seek ye first the priority all the you'll get that gig back you'll get that gig back son if they say no and they don't understand it's not a valued company anyway it's not a value-based company anyway and you only take your anointing there you have the rights you have the right to take precedent you have the right to be a priority and God told me to tell you today that as soon as he becomes the priority everything in your life about to change come on come on priority come on priority come on priority listen to me you so broke because money is your priority and God said if you want money to be your God let it be but don't come running to me when you you want to make money God go after it but when you realize it can only do a certain thing when you realize how limited it is if you make me a priority I will make everything oh come on you missed what I just said if you prioritize that which is most important the Alpha and Omega he will make sure everything else is important I wanna I wanna show you something you can be seated in the present Lord I'm sorry hallelujah praise God priority say with me again priority I want to I want to show you in the scripture what this looks like amen so for those of you Genesis 37 when you get an opportunity Genesis 37 you can start verse 1 if you want verse 3 verse five where you start wherever you want wait I want to show you something real quick so the Bible speaks of a young man named Joseph one of my favorite characters of the Bible I was studying this God can I want y'all to know too God loves you so like the reason why I have slides up is not because I'm slack the reason why I have slides up is because I'm thinking about you and praying for you and asking God for a word for you all the way up until 10 30. I just want to make sure my where I want Thursday might not even be good for Friday I might not even been in the spirit on Friday so I got up this morning at 5 30 and just pacing in the hotel saying God I got to say it right guys somebody needs this word Lord and they just need to know the day that this ain't about a church and this ain't about ties and offerings and this ain't about a religion or a structure that I just need to know that today it's about you it's about you so I want to show you something real quick so when you get a chance Genesis 37 and we can go all the way to maybe Genesis 45 and look at the life of Joseph so I asked myself God how is it that this boy had a dream and he got so his brothers tried to take his life and he had no attitude I just learn that's fine with just what's happening I want to know how God because I want to pull this off and then just before they try to take the boy's life they said now we gonna take your life and then we're going to see what happened with the dream like they literally was trying to take him out all the way out then my boy get Soul into slavery and he and slavery acting like this the dream like you don't see nothing in Genesis and Joseph where he got an attitude I'm just being real some of us ain't going through half of what Joseph went through and we got an attitude we want God why has thou forsaken me I got a backyard been two years my stuff Ain't Even Done the pool they didn't have done the pool it's water up to the top I said God why in the world God said Son perhaps somebody would have got drowned a year ago perhaps son son son listen to me very closely my delay is just as much of a blessing as my own time y'all can't seem to get that huh we we be on some delay is not denial yes but no no sometimes delay is a blessing sometimes delay is just as much as a blessing has to stop that was on time but because we're not God we can't see that delay is a blessing we ought to be skipping and jumping and we ought to be paying a tide on the tide cause that junk was delayed because it didn't show up when we thought you and so I'm like God how did Joseph almost get killed then he is he a slave God and then she lied and said he tried to she know he didn't try and then you put him in jail Lord how's this all possible that he's able to do this and he ain't got no attitude I didn't say mad at God he didn't have an attitude God told me this is how son Genesis 37 and 3. now Israel his father loved Joseph more than all his children priority and because he has son he had the son of his old age he made a coat of many colors say my my there it is Joseph was able to go through life in a way most people can't go through life because Joseph was somebody's priority I got it Joseph was healthy he was healthy he was home and I've come to realize it's not the circumstance of the situation to make you whole more money don't make you whole most celebrity don't make you whole a position don't make you whole Josephus was whole because Joseph father loved him more than he loved his other children and he had a coat to show it so Joseph walking around in priority he walking around I'm telling me walking around the priority his brothers everybody they took his coat they took his coat they tried to kill him they knew what the coat meant they took the coat first and took the coat back to Daddy Joseph gone and he goes his coat because we all knew he was your favorite but even in the midst of everything Joseph went through he was able to go through without any challenges because even without the coat he knew it was somebody somewhere looking for him he knew it was somebody somewhere praying for him he knew it was somebody somewhere couldn't wait till he get his butt back home [Applause] he was a priority your problem is not that you weren't a priority but you're still crying about the fact you want a priority [Applause] you're still hurt about the fact that you want a priority not it's not that not that you weren't a prior I was talking to somebody the other day I was like yo bro flat out bro I got nothing but sympathy I'm praying every day for this kid my son I'm telling my son we praying for this guy said bruh listen to me very closely I know what it's like not to be your daddy's priority I know what that feel like and I never meant to cause it but I know I know what it feels like when you know your grandma and you know your aunts and your uncles and you see your daddy and he still don't talk to you I know what it's like not to be a father's priority not to even know who your father is why you see my that's why we can't overcome certain things and I want God said he wants to heal you today the first thing he wants to do is he wants you to understand now no you weren't a priority with them and some of you oh man I read something the other day it says that you can't pick people for how you feel about them you have to pick people for how they treat you just because you're in love don't mean his love but you're picking people to be your priority because somewhere in your mind you felt like you weren't one God told me to tell you today you've always been a priority to him you just weren't one to the one you wanted to be [Laughter] I'm gonna stop I want to make sure we clear he told me to tell you your life's going to be totally different when you walk out of here and realize that that that gap of not being a priority he been filled at you just wanted some human to feel it when he had already filled it can I show y'all one more example of what what it looks like can I show you what I just want to show you what I just want to show you one more I just want to show you one more when you get a chance uh Genesis uh 29 uh 16 through 30 and Laban had two daughters the name of the elders with Leah and the name of the younger was Rachel can I just show you what it looked like to be a priority when you leave this room I just want you to say I want you to stop God release her name from whoever it was that you wanted to be your priority and she didn't want to be I need you to release her in Jesus name Let Her Go whoever he was letting go hey man my father's still alive we talk I'm still not what I thought it ain't what I thought it well and God said no I never needed to be what you thought it was I was always amen now Leah was tendered eyed I love the Bible I like how God you break it down you don't want to hurt nobody feelings the Bible is tender with us amen and she was tender died you figure it out like you can make that whatever you wanted to make it to be amen hallelujah hey praise God she was telling that but Rachel was beautiful and well favored and Jacob loved Rachel and said I will serve these seven years for Rachel thy youngest daughter I know what I'm talking about I'm talking about look I tell dudes all the time man you see this passion like I know I'm talking about in my stench I'm talking about in my sin I'm talking about not God bro DD has loved me like I know what it's like to be a priority even when you ain't perfect I know what it's like to be a priority oh I've been on both ends I know what it's like not and I know what it's like for a person to love you as you are with all your stuff just saying you ain't gonna keep doing stuff but I'm here for you I got you oh I know what it's like to have somebody since I was 16 years old put up with me and help me to become I know what it's like to be somebody's priority watch what he says I love it he said I work seven years for Rachel and Laban said is it better that I give her today then that I should give her to another man a bit abide with to abide with me and Jacob served seven years for Rachel and those seven years seems like a few days your bed my man did a seven year bid and at the end of the seven he said it was like a few days for the love he had for her God told me to tell you today your problem is you've not you've never felt like a priority in nobody's life in your family you always felt like it was your sister that they favored or your brother that they favored that you didn't get to listen to me very closely you can't be mad humans only have so much capacity so much time You're Expecting we expect too much from humans in the first place come on somebody talk back to me but God told me to tell you you've been a priority and it's time you walk in that priority and when we leave here today it's time for you to make him the priority I want to show you I put Martin Luther King real quick I want to show you a picture I'm Martin Luther King then we're gonna go to this we're gonna go to these I want to show you something with Martin Luther King I always wondered why you know people love Martin Luther King the way they love Martin Luther King you gotta understand like I was born in 1970 he had just gotten shot and like my grandma I thought you I thought he was Jesus like right under Jesus I'm just being real anybody 70s kids when they talk about Martin Luther King they don't talk about nobody else like that he was a preacher he wasn't no fancy lawyer he wasn't he was he wasn't a Doctor MD he wasn't Rich he was a pastor right here he's just a pastor little girl I don't know if y'all saw it uh the little it was floating around it went viral little girl she probably about four or five they was asking who was Martin Luther King Martin Luther King the junior is like yeah who is he she said oh yeah he died for our sins I said oh no she owned it she about right I know exactly what she owe I said like if you don't know who he is you might be like that's not even possible oh it's close no it's close now this is what I'm trying to tell you what I mean by that is he made people a priority that this country didn't make a priority but what he did he was powerful he could have just had his own job had his family had lived to 70 80 years old died of natural causes he put himself In Harm's Way because he made people who weren't a priority a priority and lost his life and so I realized oh that's why we rock with my man because most humans don't make people outside of their family a priority but this dude had another level of capacity it was on something different he actually made other people's prior to the point where he said longevity has its place meaning just like y'all I want to live to be said I want to enjoy my wife I want to enjoy my family but you are more of your life and your future is more of a priority than my personal life that's big here's what I'm asking you to do for me before we leave God told me to tell you this two things and you're gonna be good number one let's make the person a priority who made us a priority I'm gonna say it one more time I'm gonna say it one more time let's make the person who made us a priority a priority and then whatever he tells us to prioritize let's prioritize that what God told me to do is videos for free God told me to do videos for free and can I tell y'all something there are people who are going to work working for money who ain't making what I'm making because I'm not they working for money ain't making what I'm making I I ain't I ain't done nothing to make no check I ain't done nothing to pay my bills I'm saying God I'm I'm up today God there are billions of us on the planet I don't know of all I'm believing you and I don't know the ones that believe in you if they committed to you I'm committed whatever you need me to do today I got your back and I'm just trusting if I got your back I just know you got mine I'm not gonna worry about my back I'm not gonna watch my back I'm not gonna be concerned about my rent because you told me if my eye is on the Sparrow so I'm gonna trust you I I said I believe in you I said I believe in your power so we gonna ride with these videos and we're gonna bless people every morning at three and at noon and on five on their way home from work we going we going we gonna bless these people father and can I tell you you can't be god-given I ain't never came up short but let me tell you what's happening what's happening is it's not that you don't know God it's not that you're not having worship it's not that you don't go to church it's not that you don't believe your challenge is he's not a priority there are things that take precedence a phone call for a gig I know cause I know okay so when my son calls now I just tell everybody hey give me a second I see my son I gotta answer the phone there was a time where I see my son calling I'm like I'm taking care of business like bro I get in my brain he can't even hear me I'll get back with you as soon as I finish now I still do business but the priority issue a square hold on real quick I know we got a 50 000 gig for virtual and I know that seemed like a lot to y'all but my son let me hey bug I'm on this business card bruh hey is it important do I need to hang up and we need to talk or can I hit you right back oh no Dad it's cool hit me back all right I'ma hit you back hey and if I forget to hit you back you know how I am so I should be out of here in about 15 20 call me back so you don't feel like I'm saying you I'm just being real I know how I'm wired I know how it worked I don't play with them more back in the day I used to play with it now I'm just real son I love you for real you know that you know you're my heartbeat bro I love you bro but you know I'm forgetful so what I don't want you to think is that I got off the call with them and I didn't call you back and they're a priority and you're not why because people move different when they know they're a priority Joseph moved different because he knew he was a priority and when Joseph blew up the first thing he did was go look for his daddy [Music] brother Benjamin and how's my daddy is he still alive they say yeah he's still alive Pharaoh my daddy alive hey find a land my daddy my daddy coming but we haven't just my my bro just come here y'all just listen my daddy coming they bringing my little brother back I ain't seen my little bro in years his daddy Israel because Israel made him a priority and his little brother because he made his little brother a priority I'm telling you right now your challenge is you can't pray enough you can't read enough Bible scripture until you feel like you are a priority it's all a waste of time and there's something that happened in your life you messed up you did something wrong somebody said you did something wrong and now that's become your new Benchmark when priorities should be your benchmark all right let's walk through these real quick all right I I don't know where we are just start from the first one you got and then we're gonna make it happen I'm gonna get y'all out of here hey man praise God I'm gonna get y'all out of here praise God I'm just gonna take my time is that all right I I this is my first time doing this I ain't spoke to over 100 people in church in a long time amen now can I just take my time I know y'all registered some of y'all drove a long way hey man my girl Erica flew in this morning from New York I see she in the building I ain't gonna do 30 minutes I ain't gonna run I'm gonna take my time make sure I get a right before she get up out of here all right so do me a favor let's go first slide whichever ones you have let's go first slide praise God all right let's go say it while we wait I am a priority I need to act like it [Music] it's not that some man think I'm a priority and he gonna call me his wife and until I'm a wife I'm not a priority no you're a priority before you become a wife and you don't need to marry nobody to be a priority oh I'm talking I'll talk to somebody can I talk to somebody anybody you still thinking you ain't worthy because ain't no man said you work Yahweh said you was worthy Elohim said you was Worthy you can't get no worthier than that still didn't get that job and you didn't get that title you was worthy before you got that title you know what happened when I realized that I was God's priority you know I started going to companies and they would charge to say we're going to give you this much money I would say let me see your values and I'd say you know what I can't do it they say well we paying you what you work why you can't do it I said I'm my anointing is a it's valuable foreign I can't give you this anointing I'm sorry but I I just know God wouldn't be pleased if I got in alignment with your company there's nothing about your company and me that I'm sorry knowing that whatever money I said no to God is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond God is able to do exceededly abund anything I could think of I don't need your money according to the word because I am a priority I Am A lender and not a borrower I am the head and not to tell I am above and not beneath you can't do nothing if you can't do nothing for me anyway [Applause] your problem is for real you say it but you don't you you you don't know that you a royal priesthood in the chosen generation thank you we got off the plane yesterday Royal we got to play sister girl so many y'all are here that blessing me we got off the plane they said they was coming down to come again I thought we was just gonna walk all the way and then we're gonna get in a little cart and it was gonna race through we get off the planes they like exit left I'm like exit left that's where the bags are come on I know you knew to your realness but come on this way I want to go to where everybody else is going that she said no no you are a priority today uh you missed what I just said you come this way I don't know no better I'm going down I see the Porsche waiting for us right by the plane I grab my badge cause you know I don't know that I will take your bag I'm like I can take my sit out she said sit down sat down somewhere we know you can carry them but you're a priority today oh some of you ain't used to being a priority you like me you never you don't but I want you to get into your priority in 2023 I want you to whatever your other goals are bring those down on your whiteboard and put Priority at the top of the white boy okay just bring all them down okay find or put a piece of paper up on top of and put Priority put God you will be my priority this year and nobody will come before you and I will be a priority this year and the people that I love I will make them a priority so go back I'm sorry you came late and I was doing my messing up I'm sorry here's what I want you to ask yourself when are you going to finally level up come on write that down when you're gonna level up when you're gonna level up Jeremy Jeremy you said it was a version of the car that was a junk car and there was a version of a car that was a classic when you're gonna level up you got Classic All In You and the owner is ready to Classic you out the reason why you haven't been classic out because you keep telling the owner no I'm waiting for somebody else to make me a priority he's like oh okay let me know let me know when you ain't looking for a man to make your priority no more and you want you want to make the alpha no make make you a proud let me know when you're ready for me to when you gonna level up how God told me to say to you today when you're gonna level up listen to me I told you you're not an animal you're not the trees you're not insects you was made on the sixth day even in creation you was a priority ain't nobody all the other ones he just said let there be and let there be and let there be and let there be when he made you he said come on y'all let us out of here no us with whales I just heard let there be and it was I didn't hear no us with with egos they just let there be and Eagles are bad and whales are bad but when he made us he said come on everybody it's gonna take all three of us to do this one [Applause] oh you just missed what I said that was your that was your that was Joe that's that's your freedom from being raped that was your freedom to say cause you still on he took from me that was your freedom right there that that he knew everything that was going to happen and even though you looking at it bad he knew it was going to be you still on what happened to you it's not it's over I made this mistake no let us make your problem is used every day you sitting there talking about who you are based on your mistake and you not talking about you based on the three coming together and creating you that's where your focus needs to be that you let us make man in our image after our likeness I know you want your mama's favorite but you are God's priority I know you want your daddy's favorite come on how many of you just be honest raise your hand I grew up in a house my biological father didn't even grow up in the house with me or when he had that kind of relationship let me just see your hand be honest just put your hands up I just wasn't even in the same house as my yeah yeah come on put keep your hands up how many y'all me and my father Looney had that kind of relationship let me just see that and you know why God didn't take a chance on your priority to a human oh come on can somebody hear what I'm saying God didn't wait for your daddy to make you a priority before he made your priority God didn't wait on your mama before he made he said before your mama knew you were in her womb I called you you are a priority before your mama even knew you were in the womb I didn't wait for some doctor to tell her you if she were pregnant before I made you your problem is you don't know that you're a priority and you want Joseph you walk different when you know Rachel I could just imagine in those seven years Rachel was walking around like this Negro working for me look at all that work he doing and my dad putting that boy to work work he got a motivation better get on your grind oh my my I could just imagine how she was just walking around like yep yep yep yep yep Let Me Get Ready Get Ready Get ready this boy loved me this is he in the fifth year he ain't quit yet my my amen God's not waiting for a human to do it he did it already that's why he made you last that's why he gave you the gifts he gave you and you're too busy taking your gifts and asking what other humans think about the gifts that God has given you you're so worried about how your gifts okay come on let's go all right we got to get out of here let's go I'm sorry come on Holy Ghost come on let's just ride through these amen praise God give me the slides hey man give me the slides good Psalms 139 14 I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous keep it right there keep right there don't stop don't stop let them look at that get that in your get that in your spirit amen you're not an accident amen yes you might have messed up and yes they may or may not forgive you and yes they might fire you and yes they may not ever bring you back and yes they might treat you some type of way because they not whatever go back to Psalms 139 14. but what they say about you what does God say God says for I fearfully and wonderfully made you marvelous are my works that my soul knoweth right well [Applause] we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God we all have met we all have done stuff where that ain't got no that's not who you are you are wonderful I'm sorry you are fearful [Applause] that made you fearfully God what is he afraid of God what is he what does he meticulous about God why does he need to worry about structure and Order gods that don't make no mistakes but yet because he loves you so much even when he made you he was fearful I got me I can't mess up I gotta get this right this is my greatest creation of yet it's the last one right here let's let's fear fearfully either the word is right or is live fearfully when you do something fearfully there's a level of honor and respect there's a value you place on something when you do it fear when I was a kid and we played marbles them crazy looking marbles we just throw them jokers but those marbles that them Crystal boys the ones that cost two dollars and you had to rake leaves for those Jokers or when we did those it was the left eye was closed oh it was on some fearful boy because if your boy get that he can keep that I had a whole lot I had the three finger oh come on y'all I didn't I didn't the uh crazy looking marbles we would just pop up pop but when you did that full five dollar boys everybody would come around the playground oh E.T going up against Mike for the oh everybody girls was around the fellas was around you got street cred if you got you could do that I probably shouldn't be saying this in church but I kept my marbles in that purple bag [Applause] [Applause] fear you were you weren't you weren't rushed you weren't rushed you weren't rushed you weren't an afterthought you were fearfully and wonderfully made hug yourself right now say I'm upset I'm fearful fearfully and wonderfully made hug yourself hug yourself come on come on hug yourself and say come on especially those of you who waiting on somebody waiting on somebody else to tell you you valuable before you think you're valuable somebody else to invite you somewhere or do some some of us have so I had I walked around so long with low self-esteem you know worrying about what other people thought I wanted them to affirm me and value me and I'll be doing some dumb stuff so I could get that they hug yourself and say I'm fearfully and wonderfully made I'm God's priority come on I'm God's priority come on I'm God's priority and The Best Is Yet To Come eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man God's idea for me I am the head and not to tell I am above and not beneath this is the year to level up y'all level up in your relationships level up in our health level up in our emotional and mental Space level up financially level up in our business this is the year to level up y'all why because it's all we already wired to do it we once we realize we're a priority we already all right let's go hurry up let's go let's go I'm sorry this next slide let's get through this let's get through this dear Jesus do something say it with me dear Jesus do something come on dear Jesus do something hey man amen father we come right now with this slide and when we said Jesus do something it was very specific say it out loud whatever set out in your heart out loud to God what that something is right now that you need God to do something when you lead his face man God I've been holding on this for years I've been feeling negative about this for years this has haunted me for years Lord this is this is I can't seem to overcome this Lord I'm doing what's right and I can't seem to get my whatever that something is tell God right now your quiet time right now tell God and your quiet time do something God do something my low self-esteem do something me thinking some other human is supposed to affirm you may do something Lord me being super cautious and not living in what you call me living do something Lord meet me worshiping being stable do something God do something right quick right quick tell God to do something come on tell God to do something come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on it's okay it's okay God do something come on come on come on God do something hey man come on Holy Ghost do something do something God in this area it might not be you it might be your family do something God it might be your family it may be a friend I don't know but when we walk out of this place we don't ever want to talk about that again not in that spirit we don't ever want to feel like that again not in that spirit we don't we don't ever want to see that again not in that Spirit Lord now we want to talk about it to give you the glory the honor and the praise that look how far you brought us but Lord we're not going to be in it like we were in it last weekend last year and five years ago Lord do something [Music] Fix It Jesus make it right in Jesus name amen praise God come on come on come on let's go let's go come on come on come on come on come on God come on God do something come on God do something come on God do something [Applause] hey man come on come on come on come on God do something come on come on this is your time God do something come on God do something you know what he need him to release God do something [Music] Hallelujah slides please slides please I want to show you I want to show you this Rolls Royce slide hey man I just want to give you the experience let's get ready for the appeal Hallelujah I was born in it molded by it I didn't see the light until I was already a man but then it was nothing to me so so I get the Rolls-Royce for my wife right can we put the next slide up that I didn't realize they sent the concierge and he was going over what it means here's here's what that here's what Rose Royce is about and I'm not showing you this for a car I'm showing this because God showed me a symbol of what I should be in the spirit that's what he showed me they sent the concierge to the house they start going over all of the features and said uh Henry Royce I want you to get that in your spirit it's not it's not a God that did the car it's not a machine that came up Henry Royce he said strive for perfection in everything you do take the best that exists make it better when it does not exist design it don't listen to me very close we're not talking about the car I had an experience with the Rolls Royce like no no God was saying son you've been stuck on the Escalade boy like not even cars like like you've been stuck you don't know who you are in the earth I was talking to my boy Josh and Josh was like e bruh like this little kid hurt himself in basketball I got in trouble I need you to talk to him he's like Eric don't ever forget you are one of one I've been in the speaking game for years I don't know many speakers that do marriage that do their own business that do God that do I don't know a lot of people that do character integrity Eric you were one of one no I need you to hear what I'm saying we're about to get out of here I need you to understand before you leave today no matter what has happened to you no matter what somebody said to you no matter what somebody did to you I need you to walk away knowing you were one of one here's why I need you to know you're one of one because if you're going to make a god of a priority and you're going to go forward from this day forward the only way you're gonna turn heads and get God's attention from his people for him is that you're gonna have to destroy let's go back I want to let's go over it again Rolls Royce I want to go over it again right right put this in your phone here's what God wants you to do strive for Perfection don't mean you got to be perfect but strive for people tell me all the time oh you got this thing this image you trying to be one thousand percent I'm trying to be perfect one thousand percent I it don't mean I'm not trying to dog you out I'm not judging you I don't even think I'm better than you but I am striving for Perfection I am I'm definitely not trying to be the same version of Eric Thomas I was last year or the month before I'm definitely if you knew me five years ago you better take a picture because the only way you're gonna be able to prove that person existed is that you got film on it I will not be the same individual after 30 days I'm gonna keep growing number one number one listen to me as you realize you are a priority here's what I want you to do moving forward I want you to strive for perfection that red that red and that black badge that red is no like no red I've ever seen in my life the stitching is unlike any stitching I don't even want to drive it the dude said exactly sir now listen to me when we leave today we're finally going to get to you got Henry Royce whatever Yahweh is said about us I want us to do it so we'll start here let's go again we'll start here can we just keep that up let's just keep that up if possible here's here since we don't have God right now we're just gonna go with Henry he's one of God's children whatever God is saying to you I want you to do it number one strive for perfection in everything that sound like God strive like perfect listen to me please keep it up listen to me very closely this has never happened to me before I I I'm from Detroit so I might have had an escort I might had a cut list whatever I had I had a Suburban I had a Cadillac this has never happened to me before we took it on the road one time in Jesus name I'm not exaggerating if you were in a Mercedes you turn your eyes if you were in a Ferrari I saw him turn their eyes let's get laid I saw him turn their eyes if you were in a Rolls-Royce car I saw him turn their eyes I said I ain't never and then when I drove to the company that we was working for and my man saw it he was like oh look like they don't need us they just want to work with us oh you missed what I just said I didn't roll up and it looked like I was desperate when I rode up in that joker my man was like up up he was like it was a whole deal it was not we're so excited that whatever program you had whatever coaching whatever you do we our company wants it all listen what he said he said we want an exclusive deal we wanted to be said that there is no other real estate company in the world that has Eric Thomas working for them strive for Perfection I'm letting you go I didn't show you the Rolls Royce for me I showed you because I've never been in anything where everybody God needs you to get beyond the Rolls-Royce level so that as we live in our life everybody's turning their accent what how you do that God can you take me to your gods no no no no no no y'all not hearing what I'm saying when you leave today leader and I'm just giving my age I could say Ford Fusion if I say escort can you stop being a Ford Escort we know you capable of being one can you stop being a Cutlass Sierra I know I'm telling my age here Cutler Sierra can we can you stop being a Cutler Sierra can you stop being a Suburban and can you leave here and between you and God whatever the highest level he has for you can you start reaching for that okay because Henry Royce has made Rolls Royce a priority so unfortunately the gentleman that brought it some kind of way when he took it off the truck he scratched like the bottom part so not the metal but the it scratched the plastic and so I made the phone call and insurance not the insurance company but I call Rolls-Royce and so I said to Rolls Royce please listen before we get out of here strive for perfection in everything you do take the best that exists and make him get the best make it better I'm number one in the world our Squad Next Level speakers of cat we are building up the number one like we need everybody to be number one so everybody can go what what what and we can all say God watch this he said make get the best that exists and make it better and when it does not exist so I call and I call Rose Royce and I said all right I gotta I gotta leave Friday morning to get to uh Atlanta I need this car picked up on Thursday they said no problem I said okay so here's what I'll do just give me the address to the Rose because I bought it in New York give me the address and I'll drive it they said this is a Rolls Royce you don't drive your Rolls-Royce when it's broke we come pick it up you will not get any miles on your car from our mistake we'll come get it I was like all right bet I meet y'all in front of the crib and I'll put it on the truck when the truck came it was a 19-wheeler enclosed when they opened that joker up it was nothing in the 18-wheeler it took whoever was in it to our he was coming from La whoever my man was he came from L.A to come down and get my car and he put my car in the truck with no other cars in there and drove that sucker about 10 miles up the road God said Son bro you've been on this level for a long time I'm gonna need you to get to the Rolls-Royce level in your spirit son it's time son it's time son it's time sun this ain't about no car it's time so as we get ready for the appeal song I want those of you who just be honest you guys about to free us hey man let's get ready for the appeals song God's about to free Us in Jesus name we're not about to walk out here the same in Jesus name you're in this room and you felt like man for whatever reason you could be right about it you could be wrong about it I don't care that's between you and God this ain't about your parents or you your marriage whatever you're not dealing with no other human right now but you felt like you weren't a priority and when the sermon came forth you felt that like yup there was somebody that I thought that was going to make me a priority and they didn't and I do I gotta let that go or there was something I thought I was going to be a problem and I just it wasn't a problem it didn't work out that's you you're standing right now you're just gonna give God the victory you're gonna cleanse you're gonna give God the victory I I wasn't a problem don't mean you weren't but just the way you saw it you you were in the priority and it's bothered you and you felt some type of way about it come on you're standing you felt some type of way about it you weren't a priority you felt some type of way about it and we're about to leave here knowing that we are a priority thank you so much for joining us this week for those who've expressed an interest in supporting our ministry please use our cash app dollar sign a place of change apoc for your donations and ties if you prefer more traditional options please visit our website at where you can make your donation via PayPal credit card or certified check or money order we look forward to seeing all of you for our midweek service Wednesday evenings at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time with Pastor TJ tyus on behalf of our pastors and their families and your apoc family we wish you all a very blessed week
Channel: Apoc Ministry
Views: 63,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric, Thomas, ET, etthehiphoppreacher, APOC, place, of, Change, TJ, Tyus, Pastor, church, Faith, worship, Jesus, God, Sabbath
Id: uL2RG7KxeLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 35sec (4055 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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