Louis Armstrong Schools Racist MC on the Dick Cavett Show

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] couldn't think of the words there at the end don't you know Woods music all we want is yeah they didn't write in the words for that ending what is that there is a there's a rumor that you invented scat singing is that possibly is that true well they claim uh when we was recording uh heebie jeebies and uh we granted his part for the second course and I dropped the paper and the president controlled boot he says keep on saying anything well that brought back memories when I was a kid going around in the quartet you know Rapport Street in New Orleans where we get to the part we didn't know the words we'd go to scattering and blowing like a trumpet or something like that and it came to me just like that and we didn't spoil the master or nothing so when we finished Mr foreign this is where Scott was born see now he said it but I mean they give me that monocle but that's where skin was supposed to start yeah but General Morton claimed that it means some comedian used to scat way back there in the 80s or something but I wasn't born in and I wouldn't argue with him when were you born uh 1900 yeah it is it's 12 at night yeah I had to call me so how did they know whether your birthday was on the uh thank you I wouldn't interfere with our business no no I wouldn't we we have to take a message we'll be right now yeah [Music] [Applause] you're talking about in the early days in New Orleans uh when you were a kid what kind of a what kind of a neighborhood did you grow up in well there's all nice people that's all I can say I mean growing up as a kid I mean they didn't uh do anything uh that would hurt us in an intelligent and wrong and uh quite not to when they have the good times at night around the hunky dunks and things like that most of the kids was in bed anyway they didn't pay no attention you know you can get used to anything and they went right to school house and right in the neighborhood and everything but there were a lot of very racy neighborhoods in there yeah you find that if you were in the city but New Orleans was the beginning you know yeah it was down there where the crimson and others kiddies and things you know did you have how did the kids stay out of trouble and with all that around him like well that's what I said a lot of the kids are at night when they're getting kind of late moms and make them go to bed anyway you know because it didn't start till late almost midnight and run the kids was on the way to school and a lot of think they didn't pay no attention to you know your mother made you go to bed early well when she could catch me you know I mean I'd slip around her I had to hit you all over blow one time before I go to bed and it's kind of late but I made up all right I mean I didn't overdo it and sometimes the kids you know they they look so old around 14 or 15 on the continent sun and stuff like that so all they do is put on Long pass and they can stay up and down he talks like everybody else nobody pay no attention to it because they looked they thought they were older they look older yeah wait did you ever think when you were a kid back there in New Orleans that one day your name would be internationally famous no you don't think about things yeah I'm just so glad to sit in the band with God like King Hollywood and uh Johnny Dodson Division and I'm great sir that was my happiness see uh they have a guy when he comes to be a star the public wish that on them and things like that in the wagons and uh another wagon would put up pull up on the counter and then would chain the wheels and that was my kicks you know trying to blow that cat out of the wagon but the public make sure things like that you live lavishly well I live normally just the nice things I mean I don't I don't ask for nothing I can't get but I always like good things you know that's all you need you know you know I had to put a sign on the back but I mean a nice wall-to-wall bed at home three scallops you know the only person I know who has a wall the wall bed oh they got them they just don't want to let you know about that but you got it I'm lucky to have walls because I never didn't care for twin beds you don't you frown on that do you well I don't know it's a little too rough Man by the time you get over the other bed you're so tired you get to you get tired tying them together you know I'll get that big one and that's it you know you should publish a book of household tips well let me let it cost a little more but I mean in the long run yeah you get tired of being on the road uh traveling well no uh my wife's with me a lot of time most of the time when we go all over the world she's right there and so I ain't no way for me to get homesick you know so I mean you can do the usual things it's all unnecessary do you like having a fuss made over you when you have all of these uh events honoring you oh no that's what I said in bargain for that coming up from New Orleans I mean all the cats here you would play on a street parade a funeral and all my gang would be behind you know second line and Raggedy cats and blood might never dip about the blood right there blow that funeral March so pretty they didn't catch wiping their eyes so you can put that cat in the ground we come back swinging didn't we ramble and everybody was getting ready to really rough then you know because he's gone he can't do nothing so we will rejoice for the dead down there you rejoice yeah they don't mop too much you know and I I like New Orleans for the music it played even in the brass band They swung just like an orchestra you know you just put down nothing even because we need Panama and King Harbor and Miami parade and get the blowing Panama I call them raggedy cats in the second line would make him take an uncle in the streets you know in brass fan you know they're well in there and you better you have all your records yes sir do you have them all yeah it was nice to have because that's my life story and them tapes and all I got to do is just reach up and play one I can write articles for hours just for one reel you know the things that went down and Remembrance and things like they had to then I write the other cats you know they're dancing from New Orleans I get a lot of Food For Thoughts didn't you write I read somewhere that you had written um I wish I could show me like my sister Kate is that a true story yeah well young and I didn't know anything about no copyright and all that stuff you know what I mean the Cat come up and say well I'll give you fifty dollars for that song and it's the first time I heard the name fifty dollars way back there 17 you know so that's what it was and I promise but when I look around the song It's Beginning a lot of money yeah you know how come after that you learned well I come into putting that Dollar on them too and send them to Washington like everybody else you know I wrote the struggling with some barbecue and someday and oh if we never meet again with Horace golak and uh what a lot of good ones what was the original title of Sister Kate uh we used to call it get off akita's head and that wasn't good enough time they changed it later get off of Katie's head yeah I don't know why we said it I'll ask what that means it changes I'm afraid I'll ask what that means during this message from our local station yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were back in the old days in Chicago that must have been the best most wide open Period of that city was it kind of roughly you have to be careful going home at night well when I went in Chicago it was in 1922 and it's 22 years old and now I went up there to play second trumpet uh president cornet rather with King Oliver you know at the Lincoln Gardens and uh in those days uh it wasn't that bad that she had to be careful that she would be held up or something like that but through the days of the gangsters it was kind of rough you know did you run into any games women are went uh to the sunset which is owned by Mr Joe Glazer my manager after that I used to be a lot of the boys sitting around and alcohol and his Brigade would come in yeah yeah many times was it true that he came in with a bunch of bodyguards you think he was a general General army or something he had so many questions take care of him yeah and then we gave a dance at the Army right next to the Sunset and the whole gang of them cats come in they had a long table I had a chance to see a few words were they uh they make you nervous to have them sitting there no there are no people they'll stop and start you know yeah but just to sit there I mean and then the other one that gave us big tips to play things for them in the band yeah and we had a singer called Malex who used to sing and slide at the end of the flow when somebody put a dollar down through a slide and make a split and pick up that dollar and then those those taxes man they had that flow line with dollars catches walking around and she had just slide and pick all of them up and we had a lot of fun there nobody got hurt nobody got hurt no no you don't mess with them they don't mess with you I mean I didn't know anyone anyone that person in there like no music you know glowing them blues for them cats you know what did you ever we had we had some bad boys in New Orleans we had some boys just as tough as Al Capone's boys right there in New Orleans when I was coming up selling newspapers and they followed my life up you know from the time I left the Honky Tonks to come up north and blow and I went down there in 1931 to play at the Suburban Garden uh uh it was a Roadhouse and radio was just about five years in and you never heard of no Speed playing on no radio or in those days it's just starting and uh you know what the life was all strictly okay five thousand Negroes right on that Levy it's 11 right by the living that says listen to that music so you know I've been away about nine ten years and uh I don't got Northern fire and forgot about a hole I got foolishness down there you know so anyway uh the night we're opening I'm shy man and then there's this pack and jam it was owned by The Dalton Brothers they were bad cats they had gambling there and did this so anyway I think I was in Chicago anyway you know we'll go up to the mic and make my own announcements and different things like that and sort of not to bring it to the mic and then you tell you know but this night didn't practice man up to just a big deal now you you bring on doing some stories New Orleans boy and blah blah blah so I'm straight you know all the boys say this is nice but a second before this cat had to go to that Mike and bring me on you walked away and say I just can't introduce that can't do it so the the garden bars want to wash him with him you know what I mean foreign don't worry about it you know I said give me a card boys and I walk through that Micah sham when I walked in that bike before I opened my mouth there's all the white boys that I was raised with you know sitting up there shop you know got rich maybe their fathers and left them to produce places and different things they always kids just hang around and after school we'd go out and do lots and play Cowboys and Indians you know broken slates and things like that you know what I mean if we was the Indians foreign and when I went into The Village man you thought the walls was coming in and it's an awesome standing there you see well I didn't know this would happen in the south of New Orleans and never happened before so they fired him and everything I took over myself foreign their children uh the time I was appear blowing everything I noticed they had a beautiful baseball game that these player needs they have the lots and whipping everybody and and uh I said well I'll take them over you know name of the secret nines and you know always going fine and in the bottom uniforms and everything you know and uh got him a big game at the heinemann park playing the big team out of New Orleans the caulfields or something got me anyway or listening they had so many people that had to turn where ballpark see them so these kids shove in the unit from they've been sliding all over the lot and breaking it up but when they got in this field and I had to throw the football you know like the government or somebody or a president from I had that that gets up there and they had this cheap kitchen yes I'm getting ready to lay it on her you know what I mean certain fantastic come here baby you know like that you're on the ball for you yeah so uh whisper something in uh yeah and all the cats from my neighborhood oh no let us hear what you're telling us don't whisper on the park I said well I'm just talking about baseball if you know them boys when they got out there they was too proud to slide in those uniforms no man I end up in the shop in my life oh no you can't we have a station break will you tell it after that we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: kokopellispiritjourney
Views: 746,444
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Id: BqKsvq0UrG0
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Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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