Louie Anderson Tells the Amazing Story Behind How He Got the Role in "Coming To America"

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[Music] hello honey you know I started on cleanup just like you guys but now the I'm washing lettuce soon I'll be on fries then the grill a year or two I make assistant manager and that's where the big bucks are rolling in just to hear that yes that that that is probably one of the most famous movies in the black community and maybe the whites maybe the white community I'm not sure if they were yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Eddie yeah he's yeah he's crossover yeah yeah big time that's a big movie he remember 48 hours uh-huh then I think he went right into that after either 48 hours one or two laces was before though yeah Trading Places that's white that was wise yes right no black people watch that what did they do a real cops so that was one in two was there two of them though all of them one definitely came out before one and then Trading Places and then Beverly Hills - right yes and then karma coming to America why people then watch hala night and then watch parlor tonight no it wasn't really no no no we're already like nobody-nobody people whoa whoa whoa whoa Richard was a Richard in it yeah Richard Pryor good we'll watch the deadlocks Eloise Eloise yeah or not love so you love them a lot of black people is a black yeah no irony was waiting that though wasn't he I'm kidding I love our city come on do that Lou I grabbed the project so I get I just have some blocks oh yeah you'll get Matty so many applause what does that mean well you can I don't trouble I love everybody okay and I don't care in 2017 somebody at at me hey man oh you got you can't worry about people can't worry about that man will you have your name sway right yeah yeah we have sway as a name people are gonna be mad right off what's his name suede how could he be he just got it I was gonna have sway it's a year to get good yeah I think too by the way Louie Anderson is here ladies what up everybody love Louis you know like when you a little it was a kid named Louie the head of everything nobody sure nobody wouldn't beat on you too much nah just take your candy of course but not all of mine obviously yeah but you know can I tell you a little story about that movie yes coming on there yeah oh yeah that's a big movie you know my life as a big thing first big job I was in at The Comedy Store no Eddie from The Comedy Store not always go ahead here too dirty instead to be clean it would be funnier being clean you'll just did twice the business and you just look at me and I'd be all right because he liked me he thought I was funny and I think anyways but so we were at the ivy which is a restaurant in yeah in Beverly Hills you know we you think you're famous and so you're going there so you hang out yeah you hang out to hope to see someone who'll go hey you're funny paparazzi Yeah right so it's kind of that kind of thing Eddie I used to like the shrimp in there the they had the peppered shrimp I go get peppered shrimp with you just for reference what you're with us that you remember you know one let's eat what year was that 80 88 and you remember this room this one oh hey shrimp yeah oh I say I gotta go go go alright so anyway so you had IVs I met IVs I'm sitting there eating the shrimp Eddie comes in with his entourage you know probably six eight ten people cat damn you know because that he was Eddie I mean Eddie was Eddie's you know that was it and I said to the waiter I go listen put Eddie's bill on my card but don't tell him till after I leave I'm not doing it to be a big shot doing it because I'm from the Midwest and that's something you would do so I did it because nobody ever buys IDs yeah I but I didn't think that's the kind of thing I like to do so the next day I get a call from I think it was him or was I think it was him to say me and then his person took over you know this guy he goes nobody ever bought me that you know I'm doing this little movie called coming to America I'm gonna get up I'm gonna put a part in it for you I'm serious and and then because of that I got that part I got to audition for it I just got that part I don't know if it was already in and somebody lost the part because well I would you know that's life isn't it yeah and excuse me and you know that was it and and it was the best six hundred and sixty dollars I ever spent damn 600 okay done bought his way into coming to America but isn't an amazing wonderful story yeah Yolo you got a part that's right that was it I'm gonna get I'm telling you I heard Kevin Hart might I had cold so I'm gonna come taking a cough drop with codeine a moment a lane cough drop and hear about Kevin Arlene Colleen and I used to be a little lean I had a 68 Chevy I could lead right on it I had a little thing that came down in the middle I would lean Louisiana Susan Hart I heard was going to do a remake of it oh no and I said I gotta get the part again still work in there because that would be really funny if Maurice that was his name yep was still working there that's why I met John Landis he just asked about me recently through someone you know John Landis great director yeah and I remember I went Kennedy New York he said tell with me at a meeting you know just you know cuz he hadn't met me and he had just gotten bet I hope this isn't contagious it definitely sounds like I'm pretty sure it's diphtheria that are whooping cough so everything when they say whooping cough every time they say whooping cough I want to go like this big bird whooping God that I got anyways and I thought what a cool idea I know people wouldn't like it if he remade it because it's almost like a sacrilegious yeah hard to remake that one yeah okay I got a great phone they're redoing it you see that look anybody could maybe a Kevin Hart could be the guy to do it though full of the right players get you one of the you think that did me kind of do it in that movie with ice-t no not in ice cubes I thank you which is you know T was out and they get some Ronnie we get T now teeth out let's get cube cuz it's hot right now I'm teasing I love teeth yeah you see that commercial kills me the one what he said no but you know I know I see I can only imagine I'm gonna say at the pillow oh my god just saw him out look so much money yeah I mean you want to talk about baskets I came in because this is like you know this was you don't have to ask anyone in no not and that's why I felt you know I felt yes I want this way yes way yeah he doesn't owe you a citizen man Louie understand morning yes you you you're someone really I use this show to meet the people I wouldn't be able to meet otherwise yeah that I've admired or grew up with or made me laugh or made me cry so I could sit across and say I got a chance to have Louie Anderson on the side seriously yeah oh man and congratulations um baskets yeah baskets man you're killing that isn't that as another good story yeah where I bought two dinners no I I got a call I was in Vegas I work Vegas a lot and my agent an old agent Steve Levine great guy he said louis c.k wants your number i go to him you know don't mind him call me he calls me goes Louie I go I Louie that's all I wanted to do tonight I'll ever get to say that because there aren't that many Louis had a lot of loose on her name yeah that's like a name almost do you got a trumpet yeah you got it what is that a trumpet so Louie CK call hi Louie because I'm here with Zach Galifianakis and we're gonna do a show would you do a character then I go yeah I'll do it first I pretend I was busy hold on let me check let me check see my nothing I got nothing I'm good till 2020 Wow he said would you play his mother I go yes because I do my mom's voice in my act I did on my cartoon live with Louie you know I would always wore winning cartoon thank you do you know the award-winning car yeah okay dad what are you going to do with the Emmy you won I said well that makes three of them and so I'm going to make a glass table you know what's the top then you got the three different spots on it because these oh you want to Mei go yeah do your homework even though I never did and there was no I'd ever I've never mean like that I just picked out yeah I'm nice but let me ask this question because you play Christine baskets who's the mother of zach galifianakis character yeah are there any parallels between a struggling clown and a struggling comic yeah that's a really great oh that's a good question about that one sway in the morning stay in the morning I'm good at doing a commercial for the general Shack and his Skinner saw from the other commercial well these guys anyway that Love Shack and I'm a huge you know basketball fan so I'm a lot different than people think because I grew up different people always think I'm white for some reason you would say something about the project now you have an apartment where Minneapolis minutes ain't long said why Paul we had nice lawns that was a difference okay okay you know it was a different kind of but it was the project's it was the same planning it wasn't that I have wrote a I mean the roaches had their own Birdman's W have mice well we would young crime right yeah we had crime okay okay I might have been the project just because you know they were brand new projects when we moved in so there were no mice that the roaches would come later I'm sure there's roaches there now but I'm just saying it's a you know you're treated if you're in the project you're treated like you're in the projects mm-hmm no matter what they treat you know they'd line us up and there'd be the project line and then the other kids they would call us project line no yeah well I fool I'm gonna get some nice treatment right now um no when we'd go home you'd line up to go home oh okay they had this school I went to they were they would make it line up and then March out it was ridiculous I think so they made sure we were all there actually yeah but they would call it the project's line which always made me think woody how to keep you segregated yeah yeah um anyway so solely because likewise yeah so it was there is a thing which you know comics struggle and clowns should struggle and put all the clowns I mean you're brave if you decide one day you're going to be a clown for thing because that's limited any comics are kind of popular now and tons of work for them but clown but yeah this is similar but I never struggled I was really lucky and I support them there with anything we were going back and forth because comics are always under a lot of scrutiny right now no no you still got the Steve Harvey yeah under Steve Harley under C was they bothering him about oh you know and I was a host to the feud before yeah before you would have those before Steve you hosted a few love I used to love when you do to me yeah I thought he was doing a great job he he made a comics some people felt it was racially insensitive specially Asian men right and he was talking about so he was commenting about books that give really ridiculous relationship advice and then he stopped that one book that was basically for Asian men who wants to get with white women and this was a bit that's one page truth scuse me do you like Asian this no thank you you like a zoom in on him like Chinese food boy don't stay with you no time I don't leave what I came for now okay I mean here's what I mean that's controversial yeah a lot of it what happened here's what happened you're in the moment you're trying to be funny on the show it was during the show yeah you're trying to be funny am i right yeah something comes up there and you do a thing and it comes into your head and your head goes that's good keep it go and then the crowd encourages you yeah walk off the cliff walk off put your other foot off the cliff right and then you do before you know it that no one caught it before it aired was Lively it was live in a non viral internet called Oh quitter caught it and then um anyway who you know the author of fresh off the boat he did this whole op-ed for New York Times he said he was upset with Steve Harvey using his platform to perpetuate Asian stereotypes and emasculate the Asian man well Joe yeah that was a joke yes look I'm not walking and Eddie wings too I was like I thought it was a joke like listen Steve Harvey is not out there trying to make anybody less than trying to in my opinion Steve RV is not the guy that's trying to be controversial in math - Steve as many of us thank God there weren't recordings all this time up till now right or we'd all be yeah you know in a lot of trouble and I do jokes that you know sometimes afterwards ago I used to do a joke about me so Lisa's you know that disease uh-huh well you say I need to live a lil mo yeah and I had a joke about it and it's a terrible I didn't I would made it funny got a big laugh on myitlab and a woman wrote me I had a wonderful time at your show until the end because I ended with the joke of a so strong and she wrote it and said until the end my husband died a terrible horrible death from me Solis healed I can't improve it but you know nothing and I never did the joke again because my intention was not to make her have that reaction and oh no I have it be careful she could have three careful Steve be careful on the dome you know commitment ahead I didn't have any intention I would I back Steve up on I don't see Steve doing that on purpose yes and you know we're hypersensitive world right now and so I'm sorry that went that way because you know like you know he's had a couple of things like that but you know that happens to you when you're on TV oh would you a comedian or not what I thought two medians get to the past yes you know well I mean I guess whatever I was hammer what do you say what they couple did this weekend because he also met with the president elect Donald Trump so they were people were coming for him for the Asian comment and that together it just was a bad weekend I guess they didn't eat Chinese today not because that would have been the work what am I gonna get a man getting in trouble in such a bad thing alright let me just say this though I just think don't use you have you had Steve on the show yeah you're the love people are we see that's the nicest guy in the world yeah and I am so happy for all the success mm-hm I mean he's got like nine shows on right now doesn't he nine or ten shows that's why other things just for the fun of it you know yes I'm jealous I go yeah I don't ever talk show go I need a shoot line big big boy suit big ass suits big hat suits is that bad no no no I want a good idea yeah they got suit big asses just big ass underwear yeah is so much easier to just sell underwear you because people need them with the honey George and we will have a big ass they need a big pair of big ass underwear cause it's not comfortable because if they you need it you can come room so we're you going to go eat you need to know that you've got room to have a little more food cuz you guys money when you you have a look at yes underwear don't you forget one one pair per package I have a trumpet logo do you ever like when I get out the shower I like to look at the mirror stuff you never look at your ass on the mirror I can't I don't know I have to get Greg mangle on it sometimes I'll see myself over without knowing I was in the room I mean I'm just looking out goes that mean you have you ever had that thing word hips live different angle of it and you go is that in the museum of modern history right there is a modern better [ __ ] you are without a statement our G Louise literally death tweeted Oh what oh no we got freaky news on three in the morning is not relative real up that better straight from I am Steve Harvey the official Twitter page of Steve RV I offer my humblest apologies for offending anyone particularly those in the Asian community it was not my intention and the humor was not meant with any malice or disrespect whatsoever you just got to do that nowadays he got too many brands under this name old people are Hardy would have been like that guy I don't even come to myself you know see bar will well you know I guess that's the fix right that's what you have to do now you gotta do you know but just to go back to the thing I don't think any comic would want inflict the pain like that woman the pain she was in in my show yeah I'm not gonna ever do that I don't need to do that joke I'm not a one joke guy you know he's not a one joke person we don't need that joke we're trying to entertain lighting people make their lives better you know just like you are you're trying to lift people up every day you know people don't people a lot of people are suffering and they look towards your show and see them they might come to my show there's not they're coming to get away from their troubles they're coming there to have some laughs and get some relief because there's a lot of suffering and people my mom always said it best be nice to people you don't know what kind of day they had yeah I agree with that Louie Anderson Manor we brought even talk about baskets but watching Thursday night yeah Thursday night making you watch crackin Steven Fulop I'm Aaron on FX this is some great acting yeah and it's there you do an excellent job no I did not true yeah you a citizen I am a baby thank you am i with a Ron Howard's all right Thank You brighter ballot showers will come about her Wow Oh amazing Oh major yeah right I might become a pie yes Nick grant return new identical we kind of cool you get up today Minnesota Viking stars Savior Rose for coming by this morning tomorrow so we have we have M night Shyamalan oh he's frightening you think he is you scares me those movies yeah I don't near any corn I do not go near corn all right well we got okay em nice job a lot and we also have our handlers not up yet alright coming with Hill Patrick Harris and new addition the kids playing new additionally you have a daily special knows your old life devil dog I'm Shawn a lot you are really a great filmmaker man you are just a great filmmaker I love his stuff is really he takes a lot of chances yes he does let me do that what yes I I see roast beef I see dead roast beef people really understand we have nothing thank you fly in the morning only for say 45 [Music] [Music]
Views: 66,625
Rating: 4.9210801 out of 5
Keywords: Sway Calloway, The Morning Show, Sway In The Morning, Interview, Hip Hop, Pop, louie anderson, comedian, funny, eddie murphy, coming to america, 5 fingers of death, sway, sway in the morning freestyle, tyler the creator freestyle, childish gambino freestyle, tory lanez freestyle, lil dicky freestyle, logic freestyle, damian lillard rap, megan thee stallion, riff raff freestyle, shia labeouf freestyle, kevin gates interview
Id: 64mhCFDeJ4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2017
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