Louie Anderson - 'Hey Mom', Flying, 'Baskets' - Jim Norton & Sam Roberts

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hey Louie how are you hi how you doing Andrew Andrew pleasure Jim Norton sends his best he was very upset when he I'm so said he loves I love you too oh thank you very much I don't have the history no no no you and Jim I'll be be a short interview yeah bad guys go can I get in that do you do that do you like you have to assess a chair like get there and go like that's everything first of all how do I do this without being embarrassing how do I do this without you seeing my front butt [Laughter] front butts unite out there well show man you got a lot thank you it's so great watching these watching somebody within the career as long as yours and watching oh oh my phone's missing oh boy my back but it's always the last place you look it is true always the last place you look what my glasses are gone they're gone - well don't worry I won't okay I know but it's so irritating see where do you think they are oh they gotta be somewhere that's right let's see there are always the last place you land they gotta be somewhere somebody I'll just do it I'll just forget about it because I don't have any other classes with me so Spencer's gonna find him Travis okay Spencer's gonna find it don't worry okay they're black you'll be in there from Home Depot they're $4.99 oh so yeah you don't have to replace those you can't find them I've bought in years ago when I was getting a toilet seat uh-huh have you ever had to go in and you pass by the toilet thing and they have I didn't know they had so many different choices for toilets nowadays especially if you want to start going expensive or if you want something you shoot water in your butt well that's the thing that's the big thing in these Japanese toilets have I know oh no I know sweetie are you are you a bidet guy no have you got that shells it's incredible I've only heard great things in car just whisk you're lazy like I don't like the wiping ritual at all you don't know I feel like I'd still wipe even with a bidet well you did you dab I see yeah you dry off yeah yeah cuz I've seen him they've the built in the water shooters they have dryers on them they have heated seats everything huh yeah look at this I can find a way to lay down no matter what with the kind of luxury that you have in this radio studio this is unbelievable they want you to have on a balloon a must you must be in good position here that's true to have this spot first of all oh he is low you've got a cloaking device on the outside look in here come on it's just to create intrigue the color I was able to coordinate mm-hmm with the colors blue Louise bass inlaid almost all the way back this is like a latest life here in first class this is so beautiful hey can I get some more peanuts lady to Jerry Lewis lady right do you fly first-class when you fly I would actually I yeah you got even when I couldn't afford it I would try to get up there you wouldn't hey I don't want to crush this guy because you know a big guy if somebody's coming down the aisle and you start to slow it their seat their eyes get real big like oh no well if he's gonna sit with us have you see what airlines have done now they take the aisle in first class and the aisle is actually way smaller between the seats in coach so it's almost like they're telling you if you have trouble fitting through this aisle you're not gonna like this yeah it all true it's true I've never been back there what's that like yeah it's expensive to fly you could buy a Buick for that what it costs to go first class sometimes oh yeah I know that's why I sit behind the wing do you always sit behind the wing for the most part yeah every safe spot is that were you've read every now and then I will treat myself to Economy Plus yeah that's not bad you know I can fit an economy plus No is that right good now get a bulkhead seat yeah yeah both can see is classic that's enough for first-class I love 1d the very first row why do you like the first row so I can get out immediately and and not I just don't want to stay in any longer yeah legs your legs don't go all the way up to me legs back yes let me just say one thing right off say you know I love you guys yes I have a goal today yeah my dismantled I'm having fun just so you know Jimmy I'm sending your chair right anyway so tell me what your goal is um I am going to put my glasses are these nice for five bucks from Home Depot come on the ironing right for especially for as long as you've hung on to how that wasn't true but you know it's comedy you making up stuff you had me going around that's easy tell me what your goal is today hey mom mm-hmm stories for my mother right but you can read them too on Amazon right now yes tell me only 20 bucks what's good oh this should be 26 anyways nobody know those first-class seats yeah so what's the mole fourteen hundred and twelve on the bestseller list that's very down down from seventy nine thousand I was 79 thousand that's actually great last week when I started now I'm at 1412 but I want to be in the top ten so I'm just asking people if you want to get a gift for your mother on Mother's Day it's a great time to do it this is a great time to do it the book is a pretty brilliant concept you know first of all of course you have Louie on the cover gotcha he's become very famous because of baskets portraying the mother ah okay which Louie based on his very own mother so that's why he's dressed as as the as a mother right on the cover of the book but it's basically it's kind of like a memoir it is but it's told through letters to his mom who's passed away and it's the things that she missed that he's done in show business in his life and things like that yeah you know like it's true night you know I believe that you know that the book will be a great comfort to people about their moms I really do and I'm really glad I got to write it because I could apologize to my mom for being a jerk when I was a jerk and also I could explain to her Twitter you know Instagram all those things the internet that's yeah and get to see all that stuff you know she she really was gone in 1990 she didn't get to experience well yeah I was reading that you started by explaining the Internet to her and then you had to get into Twitter and then you had to get into Instagram because it's like yeah I got this thing going on on Twitter well let me explain to you mom what Twitter is I have a friend just got out of prison he was there for 12 years and what do you do some bad things oh and that he's okay that's got to be a miserable if my brother was in prison for four years really yeah recently no 1901 ah yes No so Wow knowing that in the 70s though right he was a safecracker he was a really good safe oh wow he was all yeah yeah but he was a really good anyways I did a good rhyme on your story no but the the the crazy thing about the last 12 years is like you know technolon technology has changed in the last 12 years a lot are you kidding me so the first iPhone you but this so iPhone 10 that we have now that's because it's only been 10 years you're talking about this guy goes who gets locked up two years before the iPhone yeah tonight's incredible so hanging out with him was so much fun cuz he's experiencing all these things for the first time like your story with your mom works you know explaining Twitter like so you talk him how to you know are you telling harbucks he does you want to go Starbucks I am I just had coffee he's like yeah you know I've never been a Starbucks takes a bite out of the cake flap this guy's been in prison for 12 years yeah it goes he goes hey what the [ __ ] is in here I had these in prison and how do you explain Twitter to them do you go like so he's like so you're telling me I can just go on here [ __ ] on any celebrity and they'll read it you don't get to this is what you're telling me I could talk to the president you can explain it to him like remember when you are on tier 1 now you could talk to tier 4 Vinnie dick is my ass so your brother was in prison in the 70 yeah I think it was seventies yeah so by the day twice he was in so I think sixties and seventies was the second time also for safe no but if the first time was writing checks oh so he was he was just looking for a scam he was he was well he accidentally got into you know being with the Kansas City mob and stuff like that so he wasn't really he was the first famous person in my family because the FBI came to our house that's a great source mobster yeah Anderson hey I don't know what accent that was but who's a chef - so after he gets out of prison the second time because when you go change his life then he did and what did he do for a living then he started lecturing police departments about how dumb they were really in his words yeah they're his work yes that's actually a good idea yeah like he would say this is what you look for if you're you know yeah that's the catch me if you can store exactly right I love that that's the thing if you break the law and you're really good at it right they'll hire you right right you just can't be mediocre at breaking the law no you you're right you're exactly right yes yeah listen this guy he fooled us a thousand times let's hire exactly right it makes sense it really makes sense and I would imagine in that life like you can't get out of jail and just get a regular job where the money's coming in at a regular pace like you got to do something where you're making real money to do something like public speaking is a great example of what yeah I mean you're the greatest thing about this world now yeah is if you present whatever you're doing right you can you can you can monetize it yeah yeah we got more power to present now yeah unless you get on car salary to present you should power to present that let's do it yes fantastic Tony Robbins what company are you with there's no gatekeeper in the audience that's right go right to the audience that's right like there's no life put me on that forms our immediate like you and I can present something without going through that third party right and the minute like even then even at the bare minimum the minute YouTube is like well there's a Community Guidelines thing here so you can't be on YouTube anymore all right I'll be on Vimeo all right I'll be over here have you had that experience with YouTube yeah yes so what did you do then you went to Vimeo no I did I have another YouTube channel I was like all right I'll do my live shows over here okay and that's just how easy it was that awesome yeah they take it down it was it was it was the technical isn't yet and they don't tell you they hit me with a Community Guidelines strike for spam even though there was no spam and they're like yeah we're gonna stick by this so I couldn't do live broadcast on the YouTube channel for three months well I was like well luckily I had already started this other YouTube channel I just do live ones over here well and then bring the videos over to this one like you know there's what an amazing world and it's amazing that you can sit here and broadcast all over the world incredible my right incredible cause you know people know this show right I always mentioned that I've been on here that's excellent yeah that's a really good thing yeah right so is that is how you could say I mean when you're stand-up when you're traveling you can tell the shows that have impact because right a few people no matter where I go they go yeah listen you know Jim says great I've heard you want I mean Howard obviously had that if it was a massive Howard was the beginning of that kind of and what were the guys in Bob and poverty they were big right but uh you know like all those you know early on comics went on the radio they didn't have another they didn't have TV they couldn't get on TV at the beginning and they were saying we know he's friends'll media they don't have radio station I tried to get on the top radio station so that I could hit the mark the club said where I was gonna get a bonus yeah that's back to when all the radio stations had power because they knew that yeah and so they'd be like no you really have to impress me if you want me you have to be funny on the radio for them and write them look good right and would you do bits would you go like a radio I would mm-hmm there's well I mean I did my bits I set them up and you know you have to learn one thing in radio you have to learn how to like you have to learn how to take control like you did with what I said you went and took that into a story about your friend which was perfect which is what it's about so then imagine an audience here is that they go all his friend has just got out of prison that was interesting I look up his thing see what he's doing now it's much more sophisticated but back then it was hey we should go down to Charlie's and see Louie right because he's so you're saying Andrew Shaw was sitting here he's looking at Louie Anderson he's be like this guy's not stealing segments from me look at me and my prison hold on a second because I just want to check its called hey bond to $20 like I said hey mom is the name of the book and it's all this stuff Louie's done and look I mean the career career is just incredible do you start looking at show business with a new optimism because I'm sure that you didn't realize we probably never realized what's really gonna hit ever realize you know what I mean no you're exactly right I never I never saw myself in this position right that baskets are now gonna create this whole other chapter in your career where you're as big as you've ever been right you know I was pretty like I had lots of juice at one time right at the top you know HBO special right all that and I host the family feud and you know did all that but and I had a cartoon you know that was number of us every year and so but this is different this is a new guy's a brand new thing just like you say it has a different I guess the reason that it's different is because for some reason I never this I haven't been in this arena where I am in a prime-time comedy show you know baskets with Zach Galifianakis you know that's a big deal kazakh often a cos is you know he's the generation after me mm-hmm in comedy he's probably one of the top alternative comics if you want to look at it that way he's a big movie star he probably has more you know fans worldwide then from the hangover then most people do and I think he's hugely respected and I'm playing a woman right but not a guy playing a woman I'm playing a woman my whole goal when I get in there is to make Louie Anderson disappear right I don't want you to say that's Louie Anderson playing a woman I want you to forget that I'm playing a woman and I want you to fall in love with that character or have empathy for that character or bond with that character that's my whole goal I think that's why it works because as sort of out of the box as it is you're committing to it I'm coming I'm so like I don't let them call me Louis right on the set do you do do you go method I I don't know I mean people say do I go method right you know I never really studied any method acting I just don't want to be called Louie I want to be called the character mm-hmm so is if that's method then I'm going method mm-hmm but I'm going mom could this book that you see here wherever it is you have it you see the picture of my mom I mean I was looking at that you know that's who that's a person I'm playing I'm stealing all of her nuances all of my mom's looks all of her pursed lips all of her disappointment all of her approval and I'm putting it in this character and I resemble her so it's an easy and what's great is yeah you know when I do that's my mom and you're not playing it for like the cheap laughs no I in a dress and it's like the comedy comes out of the natural places in the grammar you're not playing a guy in a dress you're playing a woman that sounds like people go what do you do well okay we were at fourth 1,400 yeah well yeah where are we at I think we're the same spot here guys things have slipped have things there's a Friday but that's okay here's one more thing to say to people huh my new special big underwear is also right on that same page that's number one on iTunes I think that's what they say but I can't figure it out take it what about the big underwear thing it was a big controversy in might with my group my team mm-hmm they said big I go I want to call it big underwear and they go why I go cuz when you're looking at the TV mm-hmm and you look on the thing what am I gonna watch gold rush right Deadliest Catch right naked and afraid Louie Anderson butter no one wants to see Louie Anderson butter right Louie Anderson big underwear people go on to see that it's a better name is he gonna be in big underwear he's right right don't you follow you know all these what word is called you're special you're next special what would it be what would be their name I mean I have no idea I don't have any all right I didn't mean to throw you into this any any joke I guess it would be Danish what would you call a not something you wanted people to see though of yours okay at Vegas Jim Norton and Sam Roberts yeah hopefully you'd have to have another thing like dangerous why was I click on it again Jason's Dangerous Liaisons would be a great name there you know I'm right you a year comic I didn't know yeah and I apologize I'm performing at the Lois Anderson theater in the palace station just really I have you know they I was waiting for the right time you know that little theater was so much fun do you know that Marty are you Marty Allen yeah that's so true it was a terrible room of things weren't going well don't know how much they can eat a dog's death oh my god yeah I was filling in for you you must have gotten some you know project or something like that yeah to go so he had a sandwich so I went and oh man one of the shows there are only four people there this was one this is my Vegas draw at night but here's think one of the guys was in a wheelchair and had like a smoking thing so he couldn't speak he had to speak through the oh yeah hello there yeah one of them was the woman who was pushing him around so it's really just three people three it was just one of them was insistent it was oh man it was a wild but the room itself it's a great little great little room but you're not little enough that for whoa no can still he would have thought he had a crowd it was much bigger than this room though really yeah it was it was a bigger but da about that room you know what they said to me one day that's it they're nice people and I'm friends of them they're the people who bought the UFC the people own palace oh oh really WM e no they're the people who owned it before the fatigue uh brother yeah they owned all the station casinos and they said to me one day we're gonna make this into a slot room yeah and I said well how much could a slot bring in and they said about a hundred and forty thousand dollars a week one machine or something like that Wow I said how much yeah but there's no way I could argue with them ago well I could pack this is never gonna work anyways I'm glad that you played that how often would you perform late how many shows four or five days a week oh so you were living in Vegas that was right I still live in Vegas I had a room for ten years I had the the catch rising star room at the at the Excalibur for six years then I went over to Paulo station for three years and then I went downtown to the plaza for a couple years do you like that better than touring or does it drive you crazy do you know I go back and forth I love the touring but I'm I could do another in-house show again yeah because by popular cuz I have a new audience with basket absolutely does that does that kind of blow your mind that people are like yeah from baskets and they don't know ladies yeah yeah well that's true cuz these people are coming and they don't know my comedy so I don't know who what they think afterwards and I don't know if they're gonna go and see comedy that's another thing because sometimes people watch TV don't go see Tom go don't go see the it's alright because it's not stand-up it's a sitcom and it does not always it's hard to get people to leave their house man it's true yes you're competing with some and I would say people I wouldn't they say to me you're gonna open us a comedy club I don't know it's only three nights a week comedy okay yeah rent for seven it works right a Saturday and Sunday and only the first show Friday I almost killed myself on a second show for like seconds better yeah but you I bet you're crazy I don't know if I'm crazy dangerous up there cuz you seem dangerous you're in terms of what may be edgy maybe I say yeah I get warmed up for the first so I get my own all that kind of stuff and then by the second and you need a show to get your rhythm come on yeah goddamn professional but you only do it an hour right when you only do know I do 75 minutes minimum okay so you're doing but meeting like you'll never do 15-minute sets 15 yeah I see what you mean no I get what you mean you're always doing an hour 15 I get you okay so you know pound it into you know we start doing an hour from the 15 the pacing is all different so yeah you want to go clobber clobber clobber all right let me just relax with these people let me ask you a question do you try to crush it so the next guy flounders cuz that used to be the thing in the old days you would try to destroy the next guy or own the room maybe right that's a better way putting it but like when people used to try to do that get competitive I would always you know like I never tried to do that I always tried to you know give a good intro to the next person you talking about liking in Caly like at the store where you would bring the guy up for the Empire where you bring them up anywhere yeah everywhere not that way right I'm not competing against the next guy or anything I want to do is the best set I can possibly do with the jokes that I chose to do there and then you know whatever happens after happens after I can't I mean in New York you guys aren't even generally watching the rest of the show yeah yeah no that is I hope you're bombing yeah I don't think people hoped you're bombing I think they just want to do you know leave their mark yeah you leave that to mark their territory but let me ask you a question what's your first joke usually can I ask sure what is it what am i doing man I like trying to like have something what do you what is your always your go-to of things look a little like I got to get these people right away oh if I need something really strong it's gonna this gonna hit I mean I I don't mean to put you on the spot no to be honest like I so like I'll do a new a new hour every time I come or new 45 and every time I come back into a market so like whatever I'm working with there I have like the stronger bits and I'll go there but usually it's something kind of quick to hit depending on who I offend right like I'm doing something that really pisses the women often in the group I won't pay in there I have to double down yeah it's a go and I've realized that that will make them almost respect me more that I didn't back off a second well the audience wants to be owned in that weird there anything always true it's like a horse to be on a horse wants to be wrong and now that you're in control they really don't get it they're like a dog yeah if they're in control it's no not as much fun like a dog who needs to be disciplined and is looking to be rewarded for good behavior Sam went down this leg I wanted to know if how you guys at baskets dealt with louis c.k getting taken off as it was Tom executive you know Louie took himself off all that stuff yeah people wouldn't lose their job and you know he did it you know need any made a really good apology were you worried an apology no I was never worried about the show or anything Wow weird I thought I don't like what is he there's one part I I don't know you go go with this if that's what you want to do I just I I don't like all right first of all I don't really see that anything that he did wrong you know I mean I mean he and then III just don't see him as the bad guy I really don't you know he asked permission after that what else you want from a human being well I think this Constance's but I mean you know I think but I wasn't there I don't know you know I I see what you're saying that a certain point in time like you gotta treat people like human like adults if I ask you permission you have the right to say yes or no like come on and then the other thing is he apologized I think he apologized for having for them admiring him it's like it's now that's wrong a woman can admire someone that she's asleep well you can't admit you can't believe somebody at the Michael Uslan but if somebody admires you well no admiration is different from liking if you admire somebody you're looking up to them and if somebody looks up to you and you kind of take advantage of that by asking them something knowing that they kind of have to say yes or they're gonna because this is oh this is kind of coming out of nowhere you get an entertainment why do we jerk off obviously right so that there's an there's a there's some admiration dynamic there so there's probably easier to find a mate so you can have children like I don't know if Louie was trying to have children no let me just say this let me say this I think that when people are in position just because they say yes doesn't mean that they're not vulnerable to the question being asked so I think right that's that's where the admiration comes that's what you have to say and that Louie explained it I thought really well and I thought it was good he apologized and I thought it was sad for the whole situation and unfortunate and I thought that he comes back and and works in comedy again I think he will and I thought it was good that he owned it and he admitted his faults and then and then kind of moved on I was just curious if anybody if they were at baskets you guys were worried that like Oh what does it mean for the show or you knew that well you know zach has always worked I've always worked Jonathan crisis always works so if right I mean you can't you can't we were more concerned for everybody involved right though not for ourselves I'd be honest with you we're not we were not saying oh my god best thing people realize like there are a lot of people on these shows that writers is their first job writing write there's a guy who operates the sound yeah might be his first opportunity it's like you clip one guy because you're trying to make a statement or you're you know I don't be virtuous you clip another hundred people
Channel: Jim and Sam Show
Views: 17,969
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: Louie Anderson, Jim Norton, Sam Roberts, Andrew Schulz, Fat, front butt, home depot g, missing glasses, hey mom, flying first class, Baskets, Zach, zach galifianakis, FX, twitter, prison, stories for my mother, FBI, Kansas city Mob, police, family feud, Louis CK Apology, Tour, Big Underwear, HBO Special, Louie Anderson Theater, Las Vegas, Sirius XM, Faction Talk, Comedians, Comedy, Funny, stand up, lecturing police, being fat, flying
Id: _nQKL7pehCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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