Boeing 737MAX Cockpit Tour

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hi everybody better welcome to mentor and yet on the video podcast there's always a hope you're doing absolutely fantastic so the end video guys I'm gonna give you a rare glimpse of the 737 max cockpit I'm also going to talk a little bit about the 737 max and when I think it's gonna get back into service again [Music] right guys so there is a constant flood of news coming out regarding the 737 max and sometimes it can be a little bit hard to to understand what is actually big new news and what is just the same old news being kind of recirculated all over again in the press so lately the only thing that we really know is that Boeing still have not released the 737 max into service and the biggest news that came out last week was that NASA had published a list of things they wanted Boeing to do before they would consider lifting the the grounding of the 737 max in Europe now one of the things in there was something that we hadn't heard anything about before which was a concern that on a certain circumstance that the the 737 max was a bit slow on releasing the autopilot and disengaging the autopilot now I don't think that that in reality is such a big thing I think it's just a part of the ongoing investigation and the ongoing software update the Boeing have to do but it's still one of these new things and the only thing we do know is that boeing has pushed forward the release of the max from what they originally said which is gonna be to watch the end of the summer in August now they're talking more about December maybe Christmas so what do I think well I think essentially the boeing knows exactly what they need to do in order to get this aircraft back flying again but I know that they're working hard and I think that they're working very very hard to make sure that all the authorities out there in the world be it Yassa the FAA the Canadian authorities the Chinese authorities Indian Australian all of the African countries that all of these authorities are happy to release the aircraft into service and that takes a lot of diplomacy it takes a lot of work to make sure that all of their lists are being ticked off and there is no way that Boeing is going to you know try to get the max release to fly only in a few countries and have it still grounded in others so that is likely what's taking the most time at the moment is to make sure that when they do release it when they're grounding stops that it's going to be released all over the world at the same time there will be no question about the aircraft as being safe once it starts flying again so so let's have a look at what the main differences are between the 737-800 cockpit that I've showed you during the last few videos and the max now I'm not going to go into great technical detail here I'm just going to show you the more obvious things and then you can as always go into this to the mentor abrasion app and and talk to me and ask more specific questions in there that's why I have the f4 so if you don't have the app make sure that you do go in now and that you download it three links down here below and let's continue the discussion in there so the first thing that you immediately notice when you get into the 737 max cockpit is a few things first of all you realize that the overhead panel looks exactly the same that gets done on the 737 model basically from the 60s and forward still the old type of switches it looks very much the same it's in the same order with only a few new things like for example the elevator Jam landing assist and there are some lights in here that have changed color and change the text but apart from that it's very much just like it's always been now one thing that I see immediately in here is that where we used to have an APU egt meter over here it's now empty so that has moved down into a new system which you can access through these huge new screens and through a new info button that you have down here but more about that later the real thing that really catches everyone's eyes is of course these four huge wide screens okay so let's have a look at this beautiful big screen stand well if you look here this is the captain's side the primary flight display the first thing you see is that you have now an expanded horizon going through the primary flight display below that you have a huge kompis rose and you can see that we can now see the the ground speed being shown over here where that used to be on the navigation display before you can also see the vor indicators the idents for the viewers and up here in the left hand side we have now something called an axillary area the axillary area has loads of very important functions some of them are actually customizable for the airlines so the airlines can decide what they want in this space but you can already see now that you have things like to transport the call you have the tail number you have the clock so while the clock used to be a digital or analog clock by itself that clock is now disappeared and it's been replaced by the time down here so right now in the max the max will actually know itself when we're starting to push back and when we get back on the stand so it will calculate our block time and our flight time based on the weight on wheel switches and the IRS position but those of you who are a little bit interested in flying and the B holdings and the or Holdings will probably ask yourself well how can we time the holdings now or you know if we want to measure the time for example we need to be at flight level 300 at specific time well we now have a new clock switch appear and if you hit that that opens up the chronograph so the chronograph will go there and we'll calculate down first as long as you want it you can stop it at the same button and then if you want to reset it you click it one more time and that disappears which is kind of cool but from that is not more much more news here we'll go over to this side there is a lot of news so on the captain's side this is the navigation display and that is sharing its space together with the engine display and as you can see the nd display what used to be divided into two screens is now one screen like this and you can see the flap position indicator is used to be analog and now it's digital and you have the fuel indicator as well down here so don't ask by the way why this is red it's because someone who has been using the simulator before have done some kind of failure which have left those red boxes basically whenever you have red boxes on the engineer's fermentation that shows that an exceedance has happened and this being a simulator they must have tested something before but this is the captain's navigation display looks a little bit cramped when you have to share it together with the ending display but if you look over on the first officer side instead you see that his or her navigation display is absolutely huge and at the bottom of that navigation display you can now put the virtual situation display the VSD which is going to be absolutely huge and will greatly improve the situational awareness when you're out flying seeing showing things like for example terrain below you where you will end up using your current vertical speed where you will reach the speeds that you're asking for on the mCP and so on so that's a great tool and over here you have the PFD of the first officer with the same kind of information as the captain has that so if we continue then you'll see that there's a big difference between the 77 ng and the max when it comes to this part most notably is probably this landing gear lever which used to be a huge lever on the ng is now just this small digital level and instead of having three positions which we have in the ng it now has just down up now that is something that will calm us a little bit of a something that we have to think about because we are used to in the off the take of checklist on the ng to go over the onion sorry to go with the landing gear level from up to off and obviously if you would do that on the max you might just inadvertently lower the landing gear so that's something that we have to think about this is the stand by Adi that looks the same as on some of the more modern 800 s that we're flying you now have the nose wheel the alternate nose wheel steering switch here which used to be out on the left corner here on the captain's side before and below that you have a completely new panel where the the old six screen used to be so you see that you have the brake accumulator pressure indicator you have the outbreak setting you now also have on the MFD the multi multiple functional display you have an info button and that info button will open up a whole new setting where you can go in and you can question things like for example if you have some kind of APU fault or some fault that's indicated and your maintenance control wants to know what it is then we can go in and we can question what a faulty and then get fault codes and also get access to some information and whether or not we can actually dispatch without fault or not so these are completely new functions which is going to be very very interesting to one start using but apart from that this looks very much like the 737ng that I'm used to now why don't we have a look at how to start the engines because there are some differences in how to start the engines as well so let's have a look I'll actually just start up one engine and once again I want to emphasize that I'm obviously sitting in a simulator here so it's not like I'm just randomly starting an engine so start wit goes to ground you can immediately see the 10/2 starting to rise and there you see something new it goes into motoring mode so it motors the engine until it's ready til it's expanded enough and then when the engine is ready it will continue to go out of the motoring setting up to about 25 see when that happens there we are now the engine feels like is ready motoring is gone so that we can put the storage up to idle basically adding fuel the fuel ignites see the GT is rising there and to an n1 is rising everything is looking normal here now we're a a cfm56 would get started cut out at about 56% end to this leap one Bravo will go much higher than that you can see we're still appeared about 63% there we get started cut out and now the engine is stabilizing itself so what you can take from this is that it actually takes a quite a lot longer to start the engine on the 737 max then it does on the mg and that has to do with the the the drive shaft inside of the engine that needs a little time while is being motored to kind of straighten itself out 77 new engines DM the leap one Bravo engines or fantastical new engines they give up to a fifteen percent improvement in efficiency but they're also quite delicate so they do require us to take good care of them especially during the startup sequence but even later on when it comes to warm up and cool down and before and after we'll be flying but apart from that the mCP where we control the alte pilots look exactly the same as on the 800 like I was saying the overhead panel has some smaller changes to it and the Center pedestal looks exactly the same so that's it guys like I said if you have more questions about the 737 max if you want to discuss this we have a specific forum about the max inside of the mentor aviation app and I would love to see as many of you as possible in there we're about 20,000 people that are active in the app every month now but I want to double that and I want to double it again because I you know the more people that are in there to keep the discussions alive and well the more interesting it is and the more vibrant discussions we can get through I am in there quite a few of my colleagues are in there as well answering your questions I am doing live streams inside of the app now and if you have the premium feature you'll be able to ask me questions directly during the live streams inside of the app so use the links here below download the app it's completely free to download make sure that you go in and you make yourself a profile put profile picture in there and participate in the discussions I would love to see you guys in there have an absolutely fantastic day and I'll see you next time bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 267,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 737 max, boeing 737 max 8, boeing 737 max, max 8, 737 max 8, boeing 737, boeing 737max, 737 max update, boeing 737 max 8 problems, mentour pilot, mentour pilot 737 max, fear of flying, fear of flying help, flight simulator, mentour pilot 737, mentour pilot 737 max simulator, mentour pilot 737 max simulator video, cockpit view, cockpit secrets, flight training, how to become a pilot, aviation, avgeek, Boeing 747, Airbus 350, Airbus 380, Boeing 787
Id: Bs10y4Uagc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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