B737 800 APU start and cockpit prep

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hello everybody and welcome aboard this 77-800  it's going to run through the starbucks quickly   just to show you guys what it's all about firstly  we're going to make sure that the back brake is   set and the engine started cut off and then from  there on built in on the battery i've reviewed   the box already make sure everything's good  so we'll use the battery switch put that on and then we have a look on the some  power at what are battery voltages from there we go down and we do the fire  test then we check the scripts which is the   full explosive charges that are fitted  to the fire bottles two one for the apu   and then we carry on with the  fault testing over the actual and see that our fire lights come from from  there the next step is just like the apu little   lever over there momentary on you'll see a little  flick in the actual temperature gauge over there   mark the egt engine gas imager so maybe we should  have the oh low pressure light come on just as a   taste this should go out eventually as soon as we  sort of turning up our beam to turn the oil pump there she goes now we're waiting for the this light to come  on which is the eight view really light these   two are for the engine generators these two  this one is for the apu there we go it's on and from there we select the av during the dawn  power both sides ah some air coming through   when we move on to the other panel  further you'll see the visualization panel   it's got the apu bleed switch here  which we need for engine starting and see the bleed ipv4 gauge rise you're  saying there's pressure on both sides   and then we can turn the air conditioning packs on give us some cool air you'll also get a dual bleed indicator light  because we have air supplied from the apu and   it's thinking it's from the engine side  as well so you have the dual bead light temperature selector knobs and there's the stall  warning testing the hasty case the clickers and   kickers undo that nurse to noisy yeah we oxygen  and we go down to the window beads for the   full forward windows on and then do the  overheat test that's all normal and select off from then we go down there green anti-ice   and we have the electric hydraulic  ones which we need turn them on down you should see our brake pressure cage around  three thousand psi okay even further with the   emergency lights the arm flick little toggle as a  normal that's normal but they're not bright it's   just the overhead lights here we get our inertial  reference system irises we turn it to a line   and then wait for the two battery indicators  to come on and then we select over to now   and the line will start this will  take about six to seven minutes to display the liquid crystal and back  over to electric smell and here we have   our cabin utilities which is the seat power  and the galley power or iv the two of them and then we go over to the fuel pumps six of them  two two in the wings two in the other wing two   in the center the on the left-hand side is on to  supply us fuel to the apu while we're running it and then we can sneak the your damper on over  here and that should go out from there it's on   normal that up to the flat reflecting rights  actually so that concludes the oviatt panel   from there we come down we just cancel all  this lightsaber in the six-pack [Applause]   we carry on with that we can  catch this just do our practice a little standby horizon here we can check the  auto brake system this should go on and then off   that's perfect we can check the landing gear   lighting see that works perfectly they  could also do a groundbreaking test flight slow what's up what are those things like  windshear shear wind shear terrain terrain pull   up air speed glow there's a little taste of  the radar pull up terrain pull up don't sink   don't sink too low terrain too low gear  too low flaps too low terrain light slope   bank angle bank angle approaching  minimums minimums 2500 1000 500   400 300 200 100 50 40 30 20 10 windshear  windshear windshear too low terrain terrain   terrain terrain terrain  pull up right oh that's done [Music] gps [Music]   now back to the reference page and then  the iris which we are sitting above here all right push the wrong button here we go  back to our reference page because we did the   iris on it here we're waiting for them  to carry on for three more minutes and we go down here and keep the irish position [Music] few minutes ago [Music] put that out of the way check the throttles in the [Music] we can awnings over here [Music] and test the  trim motors since we slide that running stick on   by adjusting the trim motors you'll see  the wheels turn adjust the stabilizer you'll see fire test we've done now we can test the fogger fire system and then on the radios we can select [Music]   1200 feet broken at 2 500 feet [Music]   over here and adjust q and h let's go there this is now become active that side as well [Music] iris system being alive you see over there you'll  see ancients get alive so these are where they're   at that concludes the b-side i'm sure there are  more to check but i'm not getting everything right
Channel: Aviation Engineering
Views: 826,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: B737-800, APU start, B737
Id: wMYupC3L0-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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