Lost Ruins of Arnak Live Play - Spiel Digital 2020

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[Music] or in order i just realized that the game showed up in order okay hey everybody i'm tom batson hi mike delicious good morning and i'm roy canaday i'm coming yeah hey it's saturday it is saturday saturday so as a small heads up since it's saturday we want to give you the full convention experience and every convention has a company with a game that doesn't show up so yeah later on today we will not be review will not be playing um tread fun which is on the schedule and i apologize for that but the game just didn't get here in time so we will play dreadfun just not today so right now we're playing a game i know a lot of people are excited about i was certainly interested in it the lost ruins of arnat is the big new game from cge we're giving out two copies of this game worldwide a contest that you can enter all you have to do to enter that contest is to email us at contest dicetar.com in the subject line put dramatic tension here tarnick a-r-n-a-k in the body put a place you got lost in or your address what if they're one of the same i got lost in my own house used to be pretty the lights were off it's okay to get lost in your own house i feel targeted no i'm just saying like i've been lost it's been a long time since i've been like lost lost with gps now it's almost impossible it's true right yeah you can't even lose your car anymore that's true your car is 16 feet away right where anyhow so we are uh archaeologists so we're trying to explore this region and get a lot of points so let's take a look at the game itself uh none of us have played the game before in fact michael roy don't even know the rules yet so but you can see these little gems here around the board those purple gems those are points okay okay and uh so i'm going to explain some of the end game points here and that will is that on the back here nope let me go over yeah there's a score sheet here which we will be taking a look at in a bit but let's talk about end game scoring so we have these two things a magnifying glass and a journal okay and we're going to be moving them up this track here now the rule about when we move things up you can move either piece but your journal can never go higher than your magnifying glass because you need to look at something before you write it down got it unless of course you are just writing garbage down fiction fiction author yes but wherever these end at the end of the game you'll get that many points okay the so the magnifying glass would give me nine and this gives you two actually roy since he's green when you get all the way to the top the first person to get their magnifying glass up there will get that many points and then you can still explore and take these tiles which can give you more points so a lot of points are going to come from this track okay these little idols if you collect them they're worth three points um confronting a guardian will give you five points there's like little monsters there and cards you can see the different cards are worth points up there okay did i get everything oh fear cards are worth minus 1.8 we start with two of those in our deck oh and uh that's pretty much it so that's how we play the game we are going to have a handful of five cards in our hand and the game is going to take place over five rounds this here little totem is showing us at the end of a round the two cards that are on both sides of the totem will be exiled can you flip that middle stack roy flip it right out those are all for your cards if you ever need to take a feared card that's where it comes from it seems dangerous you go first those are artifact cards those are item cards they will both go in our deck there is one artifact card and four items but on round two there will be two artifact cards i mean there's one artifact of five items right and it'll be two and four three and three and in the final round only one item because as we go farther in the jungle we find more artifacts and we have less communication with home base which is where items come from got it so on your turn you have one main action and you can take as many free actions as you want free actions are shown as lightning bolts on things okay and so we have a lightning bolt in fact our cards have lightning bolts on them they do indeed well you'll be able to play the lightning bolt to get whatever it shows in the car there are many currencies in the game we have money and since roy's going first he starts with two mike starts with one money and one time and i start with two money in one time okay going last um so what can you do on your turn so if it's on your turn you can you can dig at a site we have two workers you can place you can place them at one of these spots here to dig at a site you also need to spend a card that shows or something if you have something else that does it that shows whatever it takes to get there this you get there by foot these you need a boat these you need a car okay um an airplane covers everything okay and you can always pay two coins to get an airplane okay some of these spots are covered up in our game because of a four-player game we're playing a three-player game so three spots were randomly covered up okay of each spot so when you go here two coins two time two of these scrolls an arrowhead or discarded another card from your hand to get one of these red gems okay and just to make sure i understand when you go to a spot you have to spend a card or something that shows what's there so i'd have to to the place with two coins i'd have to discard a card that shows a coin now to go here yes you need to discard a card that shows a boot in the corner oh i gotcha so cards can be used for their corner icon or you can always spend them to do whatever thing is someone just mentioned that these are compasses not clocks i know that but they still kind of represent time they showed how much exploration and time that we're going out there i know they're not clocks but and they're not technically time either but i just calm time because it's just an easy way to talk about it also saying compasses all the time gets really old it does now these spots are not yet discovered okay you can discover them by going there so here i need to pay a car but i'd also need to pay three compasses time or go up here and spend the two whatever and spend six when that happens so let's say i go here first of all i get this idol which immediately gives me whatever is on it there's also three points at the end of the game yep also each idol that i have once per round i can stick them here and i can take one of these bonuses on this oh wow wow that's good so then let's say i go here i'll turn over this card to show this new worker placement spot you can go to and also a guardian there oh now guardians are a little scary a little bit okay so when i go there i automatically get whatever that is the guardian doesn't actually hurt me until i pull the worker off at the end of a round i'll get a fear card because it's scary yeah but i can confront the guardian by paying that if that's the case i'll take the tile because now we have mutual respect for each other i can i instantly get whatever that is or i can use that in the future for as a car okay and then it's also worth five points a day in the game all right interesting interesting and then that spot's open for everybody to go to right um so uh you can also buy a new card the cost of the cards is at the bottom artifacts cost compasses items cost money okay when you buy one you will stick it on the bottom of your deck okay at the end of the turn you'll take all the cards you played including any fear cards you get you'll shuffle those and then put those in the bottom of your deck good gotcha that's right so anything you buy goes will come to your hand before your cards that you played okay you could see the cards do various things give you stuff like the automobile gives you two compasses but also casts two automobiles when you're out traveling right right um and you can buy either one it's up to you and put in the bottom of your deck you can also move up here you can pick either item to move up but remember your book can't go above your compass so the first time you move on here the cost is here so if i want to move on to this spot i need to pay a compass and an arrowhead a gem and so on and so forth the first person to move in will take the bonus style and get whatever it says on it but everybody will get whatever you moved in there on the side okay so if i move here first i'll get a scroll but i also get a compass oh the scroll's the bonus first person gets this but everybody who moves there gets that okay and then the points got it okay so there's two seconds points are end of the game this these silver ones show these dudes here or people you will get a silver one which is what they show here and you'll put these your spots to put them here inside of your board you get two silvers and then you can upgrade them to golds that's on the other side okay so just like actually brass if you remember playing that where this gives me a scroll but the other side it already shows me on it it gives me money and a scroll okay and you can take off the top of either stack here okay this one gives you a discount on buying cards all righty uh once you're all the way at the top you can simply pay one of those prices to take one of these tiles if you want that tile you pay both those prices if you want that tile pay them all pay everything holy smokes pyramid of paying all right i like it okay also i think the first person to get up here gets one of these bonus tiles um so well there are three of them there so maybe these are decreasing points no no no these are these oh okay i shuffled and put three there okay okay um so let me see i did dig at a site discover a new site overcome a guardian buy an item buy an artifact same thing really play a card but it doesn't cut like this one would cost them this would be an action gain a compass for each uh idol you have up to three so when you go to these idols those guardians are gonna immediately come out that you're going to have to deal with yeah you don't have to deal with it only when you leave and it basically makes the worker placement spot give you a fear when you leave but it also makes it a five-point thing anybody can kill but that'll happen right when you take that idle it won't happen to you pull them off but yeah gotcha well that's what i meant you're going to put the stuff out there and the fear is my worth mine is a point but they also do give you the boots so you're still able to use them to go to these different spots down here the board um research is moving up here passing of course once you pass you are done and then you'll get your two workers back at the end of the board uh you'll shuffle the cards put them by your deck you'll refresh your assistance each assistant can be used once that's here we will kill these two cards exxon will move the moon staff refill the card row draw up the five cards and continue on all right interesting so it's not really that complex of a game yeah we only have a few places to go at the beginning and roy's already figured it out roy's already got his plan no someone mentioned the rat scouter table yes which we've been using we actually have a a new one that we're going to be showing off but i should point out that if you go to rat scouters and use and you buy from them uh you if you enter the coupon spiel digital 2020 you'll get 300 euros off the price that's a decent that's a lot that's a decent amount of money off yeah these i'm look for sure rat scours has sponsored us and given us these tables and things but hands down they're my favorite i really like rathskellers i could have worked with another gaming company and i chose working with vast cars this is this is my favorite table ever until the new one until i replace it later today but that's also from roscoe yeah yeah yeah it's a beautiful table i'm stoked to see it unwrapped yeah yeah yeah so where are you headed roy i was about to go first yeah um do we just do one we do one of these things at a time right well it's one main action and as many of these so like for example i could throw out this card that gives me a coin right that doesn't count as my action you can do that you need one too right yeah okay i'm gonna fear go here and get an arrowhead okay okay because i have to do this to move there right that's correct yeah i'm gonna fear and go to the two time there the two uh compasses that's right get your directions right thank you the two time all right they both took what i wanted to do told you we already figured it out that's right tom's been staying at this board for hours but just took the spots he wanted to be joe's who goes first so yeah so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put i'm going to spend this to get a coin sure no you got two coins and then i'm going to buy a card i'm gonna buy that automobile yeah that was my second option i was considering buying that card that automobile looks good it does look good these automatically goes at the end of the day uh i don't i don't know actually um buying a card at the end of turn if it's missing a card slot okay so slide it over and add a new one all right so really quickly draw two more cards draw two cards by the way you have a you have a thing with all this on the back so this is um you can be an immediate card gain a money and a compass or pass to gain three compasses then your turn is over right right right right wow okay well um no it's not your turn it's roy's i know i know um not sure you knew that but all right no i didn't know i'm just like now i do know do you know now i do know um let's see i want to do things like do i want to do things like that i think i do i want to get funding all right coin you also want to buy a car don't you sure yeah why not getting a car doesn't take your workers so no that's just a oh no yeah buying a cart is a free action it's not a correction it is an action i will do this to get this what did that do i couldn't see it um i gained a compass for each of my workers i've already placed on the board but that'll go down here so i don't have that currently exile this card to overcome a fear on a site is that right yeah you can overcome one of these dudes oh and do you get the car do you get it yes but you also exile that means it's gone it's a one time it's a one time use got it yeah but you're turning your one point into five points so you're getting four yeah okay i'm gonna use these for money i'm just gonna spend this one as well so that's three money and i will probably buy this one it goes on the bottom of your deck yes okay and then this goes down and this gets replaced machete that's the z garcia card alrighty i'm gonna spend two fear for the boots and go here and take an arrowhead oh gotcha so you double double booted double booted he double booted i'm i'm thinking oh and you're also allowed there's a hierarchy it shows you here you can always use a plane as a car and a car as a boot you can always use a plane as a boat and a boat as a boot you just cannot switch car and boat got it okay that means that you are president lyndon johnson with his car boat yes which you can ride in if you go to disney springs carbon carbo i heard about the car it was a really long line last time it went my kids were like let's do it i was like i would gladly spend that year absorbing money and i have to discard a card to gain a little cool red thing red thing all right i'm going to use my car and my three compasses to go to let's go to that tablet area right there the second from the left right this one yeah so that immediately gives you a tablet right which goes you also get a new spot that gives everyone a ruby gives everyone oh when you go there i don't get it right now you do get it right now lovely oh i didn't realize you got doubled up on that well you paid quite a bit to get there right yeah he is gonna get a fear the only way to get rid of this one though is a discarded card tablet was good enough to go there because the tablet is going to get you double check to make sure you get it when you find it but i think so uh discover a new site take the idol you get to discover the site and you immediately resolve its effect then z woke to the guardian which is a giant spider i personally think that should give you 10 for your cards do you agree if i saw a spider that big so i have to i have to do this right now or no when i remember no no right so on your turn if you have that stuff you can spend it well no because i'm gonna have to pull them back so i'll get the fear card now right not yet we haven't ended three rounds no but it's gonna be close for me but if before the round ends you spend this stuff you can't you won't be able to that's what i'm saying yeah but if you could right you might there's an off chance you could pull it off because you get you could put this here to get the to get this [Music] interesting i really wanted to do what mike did yeah getting those seems really good sure but he will have that extra fear card in his deck which will clog it up a bit yeah but allows him to oh i could draw a card go to these more easily how do you draw a card just with this but i wouldn't be able to get both yeah so let me talk about how those idols are used here um do they only happen once [Applause] uh research assistance recruiting assistance passing set up for next round um solo variant no one cares about them i care about that i'm excited about that hilarious every single time he gets to the silver in the rules he goes i don't care nobody cares about that and mike immediately gets triggered every single time falling into tom's like trying to trickle you trigger you every time we're like the three stooges that's right [Music] i'm just sitting here watching you guys like what thank you okay idols uh the four slots give you access to useful effects on your turn you put i don't know it's a free action you put it there you get one of those things um but you will get these points if they're empty at the end of the game and you can only use each slot once that's a one-time use okay yeah okay cool so they're not as op as i thought they were they're definitely not op it's like a wild sort of thing for like a one use yeah seems good and you can fill these up in any direction all right i'm gonna spend this card it's a car but i think it's gonna go and i'm going to take two coins oh where'd you drive to i drove here even though it's a car oh you can always download it yeah i drove like 20 feet i was like we're here i knew somebody once who took the trash out at their house and drove it 100 feet to the front the trash was i don't have anymore that's hilarious you know who this person is actually i bet it's jason levine it is not jason levine really no i'll tell you later is um what's that uh mean in the upper right there of the oh this yes once you get the guy you'll be able to use him it looks like you can use an exile card which i assume you would exile fear card yeah yeah yeah i guess i'm gonna do i even really need to take that's not even really a turn i'm playing this down for free to get this and then i guess i'm done okay so then you're passing but you still get the free action but passing is your main action so you're done yeah all right i am going to do this to get an arrowhead because i'm going to need one on my next turn he just knows the point that's the game fantastic okay uh i'm going to be losing another point too because in a moment i'm going to be getting a fear card so you're done i'm i'm done to move up my thing here which gives me a coin coin yeah i will also use this as a free action to get another coin you both pass so it's back to me i am going to buy oh he's double buying oh he's double buying he's double bonding i'm buying that machete i thought about moving up i ain't moving that one exile resources so that goes in the bottom of my deck and then i'll pass so we pass we take our people back mike gets another fear card and that will get all the cards that we played get shuffled and put onto the box left in our hands same thing okay shuffle them put at the bottom of the deck okay and those first players switch does it go to me now i assume so i looked it up and thinking uh well i look it up now okay let's you didn't take the first player so the end of a round first thing we bring our people back so we're doing that now and it goes bottom of the deck yes the things we just shuffled i'm assuming and if you bring it back uh then uh use your hand to empty a few cards left each card can be discarded your player oh or save for the next round i'm not saving that for the next okay it says tip use all your cards if you can only keep a card keeping kind of hand for next round is useful only in rare cases yes shuffle and put them on the bottom of your deck refresh your assistance no one has any of those yet then we're gonna exile the two cards next to the moon staff so both those cards are gone oh these two okay and there's two exod piles one for artifacts one for items then we move the moonstab over and then we're gonna fill that one and then we refill that with two artifacts oh man whoa i like that trader scales yeah that's pretty cool what does it do you it gives you three money uh and then you can also you can make it you can make a trade you can trade a tablet for arrowhead or arrowhead for a ruby oh so you upgrade them let me just upgrade let me let me upgrade okay then the starting player moves one place to the left and then we start the new round by drawing five cards one two three four five is a much better hand baby okay okay i don't know what i'm doing all right i am very very pleased with this okay tom how many fear cards do you start with two one two three four five six somehow you go i think you might have one of my no you bought two cards yeah why why do i only have one card i drew too many that's not i'm stupid okay well i definitely have these two because those were the cards that were left in my deck all right i was just confused why i only had one card left i will go one two three four and get five there we go there we go uh compasses please okay yeah that's fine can you hand it to ken come pie i'm going to [Music] oh you're going to the double compass place again yeah that is rough i'm going to pay this card as a boat to go to i'm on a boat i'm on a boat here take the arrowhead oh wait again the boat trumps the the the boat's higher shows you here travel higher yeah no okay it's interesting though that you it was that important for you to go there that you spent a boat card maybe my cards are so good that that's all i have in my hand yeah solid gold solid gold i'm gonna go to here and get two of those and i'll just do these for now all right well i think at this point what i'm going to do is play my chronometer to get a gold and a compass and then i will take a boat to go here where to go here uh here sorry you do love your cars i love my fear cards well i almost went there because i know i could do that one let you kill a card that's the whole point yeah um i guess you don't have to use it right away yeah i could use this whenever right i think so yes okay i've done that yeah turn that over to show that it's been used this one yeah got it all right you found a place that gives a fear card but hey oh so you're gonna gain another one this goes where at the bottom right now it just goes just keep going to the cursed temples man i don't care another ants dude mike is the one that's the worst luck insect land over there i probably should have went to the place where i knew i could have but i wanted to get new stuff oh yeah we need a guy where is the guy you've sent out insect land are you good yeah i think so i'm pulling a page out of zee's book using the machete i'm gonna kill that fear here's the mind killer oh we're just gonna say that dang it all right we're playing that later okay i guess you should take my turn um i wonder if that machete is like optional or do i have to kill a card when i do it [Music] now if i exile a card can it be out of my discard pile tom if i exile a card can it be out of my discard pile it doesn't have to be on my hand right from your hand or play area got it perfect feeling good feeling real good z approves of my machetes oh no i'm actually z's best friend are we fighting over who's these best friends knowing them a lot longer than me i i have to concede to your best friend that could be false because you've been alive way longer than me so it's possible mike has none of this is ridiculous i'm conceding to you ridiculous it's ridiculoso i know that was two days ago for my name okay you guys are yelling i can't even concentrate you're fighting over z i'm over here just trying to play a game i love you too z did he just try to use us as a reason he's taking longer i can't even hear because you guys are so loud i can't hear my own thoughts okay uh i'll go very quickly i'm going to exile a peer card i'm going to exile it for your card and then i'm going to put it here i'm going to give it points but i want the coin and the compass mike is just chugging up points i'm chugging up points because i'm hoping for the long term for the long game and i now can pay for that i am going to do some research like a normal human being use my journal to go up here which now gives me that that's your personal which one of these do i want i don't like this guy because you have to discard a card to draw one it's not that great well you could be discarding something scroll every turn is pretty nifty or the discount i think i'm gonna go with scroll dude and i'm just gonna use it because i forget otherwise got it okay um yeah what am i doing i am going to spend a vote for that and that for that don't want the tablet i think i want the money i need the money we're going to go here i'm talking to myself look who's talking i'm going to spend these three no you can go up to one of these if you want oh wait well that immediately gives me another compass it does oh it doesn't immediately if you use it it gives you one oh right oh that lets you unexhaust a person once we're gonna go no we're gonna go here we're gonna go for money money money because i need a little more money in my life okay i get this look at all these compasses just saying over here can i just keep them if they're close to me i can just keep them you can grab when you need it you give me the guardian i need them now oh aren't you happy now what does that do you can take two compasses or a free item uh but you have to pay for it wait or do you have not paid for it you don't have to pay for it skipping the step where you pay for its cost i know that's probably in there for the game but that's just funny it doesn't say for free you skip where you pay for it mm-hmm okay we know that's what you're taking right so let's put the fence look at your guard this lets you draw two more cards if you take the compasses you can also get rid of your guardian oh man and that is five points five points and no fear no fear okay i like this fear i'll take compasses i know that's crazy no i would have done that too so when i defeat that i'm gonna be able to yeah look at what we have happening right now i'm sorry what i said was i meant to say if no no there's no defeat oh it's defeated okay i'm going to spend a gem to move my booklet right here that's going to give me a dude nope i'm going to move this here first roy actually you got to move this first because you can't have your got it got it we'll take a coin all right um how is that a wastewater gym you did the same thing i don't know i spent other stuff i didn't spend a gym oh no wait which which track can you go okay if you go that way you have to stay on that side from now you can see how they're connected okay cool i guess i'm trying to look to see if there's something but it looks like you can always i'm going to spend a automobile not as the action but as the double move thing double move and i'm going to go here and take another arrowhead wow you've been using a lot of very powerful cards just to move to these low level cards tom seems like an odd strategy if you want to call it that strategy i do for someone who consistently is in last night that's the only way i can feel good about myself okay well yeah because we're not gonna help no i'm going to play this card and get a goat i guess and i'm going to flip or get the gold i didn't get the gold off this is that supposed to be immediate it's just anytime i think it's any time let me look it up just once idols i feel like you're probably keep it idle should be face down yeah yeah you get it right away didn't you what what's that oh his trash a card thing was the one that that i think he was trying to see if you need to save or not yeah no i use so you should turn face down anyway to show that you've got your vehicle and then i can use it to gain a compass this is always guardian is kind of cool yours are terrifying well mine's about to be dead do you want to get it you don't kill it you confront it oh and then you earn its respect oh i know that's what the rules are my authority you will respect me i'm going to gain an arrowhead got it all right wait i haven't even that doesn't take up my turn still doing things are roy's turn's really long i feel like that i'm trying to do good things over here i'm gonna spend goodness i'm gonna spend a red gem to move my thing up on the track over there and that does take up my turn and then i get it okay all right i will use a um yeah i think i'm gonna use a tablet and an arrowhead to move my so you're moving up again yeah because i want this yeah move the green one yes thank you that's a long one um so this gets me this correct which just gives this to me now or yeah yeah you get the tile's gone okay so i get a tablet and then i also get two compasses correct or just one compass that's just gonna work two compass oh yeah a compass you're right okay so i was good because i spent a thing yeah correctly what happened there yeah yeah mike did what i was about to do yeah i was about to do it also so um i'm gonna do the same thing move me up there yeah compass mike i'm going to spend my gym right up here and get a poison and i think what i'll do is spend a boot to get an arrowhead is that right and what's this bottom part here does that mean you get an error no i showed you what's on the other side when you upgrade you have to get up here so this is spend a boot to get an arrowhead and you can do this at any time right that's pretty nice but i won't use it now okay so tom it's all you i was gonna spend that to get a compass and then i'm gonna spend two compasses i'm gonna that stone jar just one of those it's just a point basically yeah buy it because i'll let you draw another card yeah it has an airplane on it too which is good i'll take the stone jar this yeah there you go then that slides over and a new artifact comes up you doomed this artifact to being destroyed i think i'm gonna buy that's draw a card and you can go to a site with a discount of a boat yeah what do they how is that you get to play the card out draw a card but then still put your growl on a guy that takes a boat without you still get to do the draw card you get to put a guy out but you get a discount of one boat so you can go on a boat spot for free or you can go on these double boats and you pay only one month you still draw a card though okay right and you still draw a card so it replaces itself so you could could you do just the top part if i wanted to just use a draw a card yeah i guess okay well hey it's a legitimate question all right i'll take that sea turtle all right then slide the other ones over turtle turtle all right okay here's the best card in the game coming out right now no not so much not very much this goes to the bottom of the deck yeah that's not terrible because one coin yeah you're getting a you're getting acorn you're getting two coins a turn i'm done i'm going to buy this turn time into gym thing that's a great card i think yeah i think so too not as good as that one i don't know what it is exile this card to go to a place with a discount of a plane if discovering a new site you also have a discount of three tompai i'm out okay back to you i did the double knock you see i'm going to buy the um you buy a lot of cards bear trap bear trap what am i not supposed to buy a lot of guards i don't know what's going on still your turn you can just play till you're done i think i'm done but i am going to do this no no that's after you pass no that's that i know no that that's it's action then oh well that's an action that i didn't pass i thought it was at the end of the round no no no no no no that's an action okay okay mike does this first i'll exile this and then you're also doing as your action so what does he do he just gives you you can keep until you need a ship yeah at the end of the game yes got it all right so we pull our people uh let's do this in order again pull our people back i'm assuming you're done i am definitely done now all right so we pull our people back can you grab them to me thank you thank you grab them to me grab them to me there's a new shuffle these up our discard area is looking very sloppy i don't want to you know well why did you mess it up you're the one throwing fear cards on top of everything hey i i uh i can't be held responsible you're the one who did it just a heads up i can clearly hold you responsible for anything i feel like it maybe you should take responsibility for your eyes move the moon staff down oh that was a terrible shuffle do we uh there's not a whole lot to do we clear these out tom no those two get cleared out okay [Music] that's actually true no because if you buy one of the others it will slide in we haven't been sliding them have we yes we have oh we have been yes that's fine it's fine and tomas you are first yeah i am two mosses that's how many muscles we got two of them lots of mosses what do i want for like the long term man we're already in round three of five right yeah should there not be something here tom no four player only let me look at something here he's looking at something here i forgot about that what artifacts cost a scroll to play them oh that's what that is or to play them yeah yeah that makes sense and i will also mess it up that yeah it's my fault so i'll take the pain when you buy an artifact card it doesn't go in the bottom of your deck it goes in your hand and you get it for free you get oh it immediately happens so i would have drawn this card last turn for free but you don't have to pay the scroll when you get it for the first time that's correct oh crazy you have to pay a scroll when you so are you guys okay if i did that now for free yes i just i lose one card out of the deal i believe yeah it's just replacing itself anyway so i'm gonna do it in a second actually i wanna do something else first i'm so confused what's going on i'm so excited can you hide it barely he just can't hide it he's about to lose control and he thinks he likes it i'm gonna tap my guy to get a scroll i have heard that um ah interesting interesting indeed i'm gonna pay that put my guy here and take two more scrolls oh he's scrolling it up in here i can go to these spots now hang on they're better don't you still have to pay this you have to pay that because it's locked no no you have to pay this what's only to discover a new that's what this lock means oh i don't pay three to go here no that's not what that means sure yes that for sure that's just to show you what kind of thing goes in those sections okay there's the one and the two okay so all you now all you need to do is spend uh yeah you just spin this now okay that makes it way cheaper yeah well this one gives you a fear though this one gives you a free car a free item the items are going to start disappearing pretty quickly yeah i'm going to actually spend this and go here i'll take a fear yeah you will yeah well yeah you will yeah i will yeah you will yeah you will that goes on the bottom of your deck right right now what does this goes in the very bottom of your deck yeah sooner no no no no i thought you said when you gain a fear it goes on the bottom of your deck no anything you get the cards they are going to go in the bottom minute did you put them immediately on the bottom of your deck when you got them i don't remember honestly i don't think so i did no you threw them in the pineapple i might have thrown them in there i'm so confused um that actually takes a turn i'd rather not have them on the bottom of my deck because i want to be honest okay tony says the artifact doesn't go in your hand it just immediately played which is the same thing okay where do i want to go not the same i want to go somewhere cool in action i am going to spend the fear to do it though listen to fear to do it and when i do spin the fear do i want to just jump up i guess i could have gone here to gain the respect of that spider gain the respect of the spider spider looks at me he's like that's tom bassel spider killer extraordinaire no i'm just a normal spider killer i don't want to yeah i don't want to pretend to be something i'm not i'm going here for for gem powers give me some gems this one's free uh what no it isn't all right you're done free i yeah no no yes yeah i'm done okay i'm gonna go to that place and grab a gym this one yep mike's not afraid of this no is it it's a it's not a free action to get that respect right no that's an action got it i'll let you look at your actions here on the side of the board um where does it say anything about oh overcoming a guardian stop it okay i'm just saying it says it doesn't say it oh it says it i heard that it says it i'm paying a red gem to move my book up here which gives me a coin too slow on that stuff and another one of these do i want the double compass lady double compass lady or do i want the discount lady so there's nothing on these spaces no they're only for four players you still can get you still get the thing on the side here yeah yeah it's fine it's okay it's like the coin it's falling feeling like i'm falling behind really because i feel like you're both ahead of me so now i'll just be on that track i just hate i just hate moving up and not getting the things how many cards will i buy of course again i'll buy the guy that gives me a discount it seems good to get those guys he dumped he upgrades to a double discount dude double discount dude so it's interesting one thing i like this track here if you move them both up you get more stuff but if you run one up to the top yeah that's a lot of points a lot of points it's just also you notice up here these spots have two idols one gives you something the other's just there because it's an extra three points yeah i'm just struggling to see how in five rounds you're getting up there but no you could really put everything into this yeah yeah this really reminds me of sushi's game magic um pulsar of 2049 yeah because in that game when i saw the tech track i'm like you'll never get to the top of that but if you work at it you can that's true i'm going to uh i'll see your world because it's the first game there's a little bit of everything except this car to destroy his spider are you kidding no no no no no no i think you have to be at the spot yeah no no it says exile this car to overcome a thing on a site not occupy oh knock it out that would that would stink i would have played it first turn i thought it was it had to be occupied because i'm like that's like my next thing i'm doing dang it i thought it was exactly the opposite of that wow okay well that stinks wow that's really bad why not i read the card wrong i thought it had to be occupied by somebody else sure but you still but you still have that card you can go get oh you can open up a new one right i can't do it oh it has to be not occupied by another player another player okay all right so you basically help me i could explore i can't explore you need more compasses i guess i do need more compasses you can get them over there but but then you don't have a guy you know i'm doing stuff hold on okay he just i just shoot you where's the timer that comes with this game you guys are making me undo my actions i'm so sorry okay i'm gonna spin the red to go here with the book and that gets me a person i'm gonna take this compass guy i'm gonna use him to gain a compass um i'm gonna play this card to get another compass go nice okay i'm gonna do that but the first i need to do this and i'm gonna do this that's gonna be used as a boot to give me a thingy which you're spending which i'm going to spend um i need a coin you need a coin you need this credit card coins discard a card oh i can do spider which i'm going to use to exile that mike is really killing fear yeah this needs to go away all right you see that spot is really good to go to now just a gem yeah it costs you a jeep but it's still nice all right now i'm using my artifact properly all right over to you roy okay we're going to spin this which is the boat to go here and i immediately gained this and then we put a guy out here thomas okay here it comes this is a fear oh man plus a compass and a gem i don't mind the compass in the gym a little want to see your guardian is yeah scorpion scorpion it's going to be hard for me to kill ah snakes oh i think i'll be able to kill it that takes my turn it takes a turn to do that yeah it takes an action to do that okay okay wow i wasn't expecting it for it to go that fast okay um let's go get out here mike here and get a person and this lets you upgrade that thing that lets you so you can go from that space to this space over here oh wait did he go from here to here i can't do that well they're not connected so i'm gonna go with no all right um okay then i need to gem back okay well that changes things a little bit let's go uh he's over there i'll play this as boots don't forget the guardian benefit says tony the top right comes back use whatever player once doesn't have to happen immediately yeah but mike did his he killed the car i got rid of uh yeah i used mine to do the boat just i think we've done them all yeah all right i'll use this oh do i want to draw a card maybe i'll do that instead i'll just use this to draw a card okay you're not going to do that put out the guy for one less move no because i don't have the other stuff to pay i don't have the second pieces right what what a boat can go there oh stop helping him he's doing he still might not want to do it if you're saving it to put it somewhere else right well that's the thing is i'm wondering if i do um now you can get that timer out no i think instead though i will use this to go to the because i want the arrowhead i was going to do that but okay i just would like to point out to everyone watching that i just helped mike you did at the cost of the space i was just about to go to well i thought that this one i don't hear nothing from mike the rest of the game no you may not know tom i want to make sure because i thought that that's something for an exploration no what are you talking about take a dig out of sight that's what this is called okay then i'm then that's okay then that's i just misunderstood that okay thank you all right i got a few more turns but i don't nothing that's better than what you guys are doing yeah if i'm gonna spend two things to go here and take the arrowhead all right that seems cool i i'd exhaust this guy i got exhausted to get the thing i'm doing salty right now i'm gonna go here mike to get an arrowhead i'm going to spend an arrowhead and a book to move up on that thing and get another person green unfortunately and who's the person i want compass or a car draw a car discarded card and upgrade upgrade what uh scroll down to a thing it's easy yeah yeah got it what is this this draw card and what oh discard the card card but then you give me up i want the video i was drawing that compass i'm going to double down on compasses all right okay now you've yeah okay that would have been where i went i'm getting another compass uh your turn yeah my turn i don't have any interactions with the compass okay i don't have any free actions all right so i think what i'll do is i will go here one two and one yeah i definitely like that i move this here and i get a compass correct yep all right now it's you thomas all right i love having this card last that's great man i can take a free card with him i think i'm going to take that i love that gold pan gold pan tis a free card come on wait let me just wait wait wait wait wait wait no i'm gonna take the hot air balloon i'll pay a coin for that i mean this it just sturdy boots up up in the air with my beautiful balloon okay up up in the air with my beautiful balloon because we can fly okay i'm gonna do this hopefully that makes a singing stop okay go i've got my chronometer here that i'm gonna pass since this last turn anyway to game three of those yeah i love that i love it too because you passed well i was gonna pass anywhere that's gone all right i'm moving up here with i can't forget what color i am red um and take a compass books book learnings book learning i'm going to spin the compass to get a red seems good see what's interesting though about this tom is that i'm a machete i'm going to kill that fear yeah that's how you kill the fear right there do i understand this correctly we're actually we're not losing points here we're making points no you're not you're losing those points oh if i didn't have if you don't have them there you go you have three points but you don't have that right now i got ten points i see you have seven right no i've got yeah but you also don't have any idols at all shut up i've got sixteen i don't worship idols i'll get outside we're not worshiping me either we're just fighting this team they belong in a museum okay i'm 13 i should say okay i'm i'm done i'm done oh i'm going again go oh i'm not going yet i have no more workers um boom sturdy boots is nice i think i will buy a double car yeah well what about a whip excel this card to buy an artifact discount okay all right two more slide they don't slide they don't slide we talked about that before and i complained about them are you gonna go and look at the rules now well i'm always like discard it i told you it was weird that these cards are going to be stuck here yeah you're right we'll go ahead and slide them in i don't think it matters that it does matter it does because it doesn't it matters more now but i don't think it has changed our game dramatically no it hasn't but it is good to know it's funny i asked that last round and and made the argument sorry and this round remember how you talked about when we were loud your turn took longer i'm going to say your turns are taking so long i'm forgetting rules hey tommy you remember uh when you took your 30 years remember that time you know what he's on exhaust each turn right if companies would put more purple in game i won't forget i like these as well i i'm all for purple people by the way i'm giving you guys an extra point half point on your game if you stop using red yellow green blue what man i have got a super streamlined deck i've got seven cards i know but super stream like deck i got cooler cards well if you save not red yellow green blue for the expansion um okay how do i go first these are free actions oh yeah they are free actions i mean there's no reason to not just like double compass here compass um and then we shall we're gonna play this out to get a compass and then we are going to put a person out on a space that's really good um i don't know where any of those are per se what did you do you took a compass i took i took a couple others i got three compasses for free actions but then i'm trying to figure out what i want to do with my other stuff i think i need to get an arrowhead which means i'm going to discard a boot which is fear we're going to go here to get the arrowhead go all right so first thing i'm gonna do is spin this to gain a compass then i'm gonna go use my double boats to go here okay so take both idols so these go away how many did you spend six you have to that gives you two of those and a ruby now do i get this as well too yeah well yes three of those and a ruby okay there's your idols filthy idol worshipper yeah it's gross look at that oh that's great i love it you good i'm good you love it i love it i heard he loves it love it i'm going to kill my hot air balloon to put out a guy with a discount of an airplane if discovering news i get a discount of three so then i will pay three once again mike went to the exact spot i was gonna go to mike's good like that good is not there's nothing good the word i wouldn't have used that much i'm going to use that as a boat go here you should go to one of those instead um that'd be fun i'm gonna kill that fear guard kill that fear um anyway what do i get oh give me the fear card oh you know what though yeah i'll get the favorite back okay um you still got a poor worker there right the free car goes here then you just gained back yeah it does the fear card i got from that will be the one i kill with my idol okay fine then the other one will stay in my hand okay that's fine actually i'm happier with my spot than i was with mike's spot i think are you good for you let's see and wait no the scorpion is the scorpion like the worst thing oh it's the worst one actually wait i didn't use this yet no i just hate scorpions in general i'm sure you're going to make it your best friend here in a minute i don't know if i flip that upside down um ah stupid scorpion i should explore because what you make it so easy [Laughter] i'm going to move my dude to here so then i get this i get this let's put out a thing tom give me my thing okay what are these double ones for oh oh that's for these good you just got one i just got one yeah okay cool all right so you're done good yes all right i'm gonna spin this boot to go threes i got three can you put me on the double coin and grab me a couple coins yes please and thank you thank you up up in the air thanks for putting that stupid song in my head vessel i will never get it out my i'm gonna spend two arrows to move this here just me draw a card and gives me a compass my turn i'm going to kill this guy yeah hooray all right my turn i'm also going to kill that guy i'm going to use these for coins here's my other two coins and then this comes to me and then immediately i can upgrade something right or can i spit use this whenever this is enough yeah you can save it for when you want to use it okay i'll favorite these oh that's supposed to be excellent hmm [Music] i'm gonna drive my car here and grab a ruby i can go here and i'm just kind of covered i mean wait let me look at that what's the discount of that no i'm good all right okay i'm going to play this guard which gives me a gold oh these are mine too so these get one of these for each of my guys on the board so i get two so these toms these are mine i could use for these as well right sure okay i thought i used this yet all right i can totally use that okay that's fine good good good i'm very happy very happy fantastique i'm extremely happy uh shoot i knew exactly what i was gonna do i'm gonna be moving up yeah that's right i'm gonna spin this and this to move there i'll get rid of this fear card and i have no more fear cards left my knowledge i'm going to get a compass and i got a compass my turn uh no your turn i have people use escaping i'll use a coin and this i'll move up here and take a compass all right i'm going to put this here and gain two of these which doesn't take up my turn and then i will spend two of these and the arrowhead to move this here and gain a compass all right i'm going to you flip this to turn one of these into an arrowhead okay got it and then i'm going to go there okay i don't love either of those but oh that's fine your wife would be appreciative of that [Laughter] um i'll go ahead and take this one i guess this one oh so much better you know it's not i've already burned all my cars i don't have they'll get more i don't know if i'll get more for your car maybe i will all right all righty i'm going to tap this guy to take this but i'm also going to spend an idle to take a arrowhead and then spend these two to move up here which gives me one of them back wow yeah that's good yeah he's pushing and i got to draw another card well mike as soon as mike said looks impossible yeah i was like i will do it right yeah because there's not there's five things in life i love best it doesn't look impossible one of them is one of my children one of them is proving mike wrong well that's a given um i oh i could buy some of these crazy things wow oh i don't have any bugs don't forget when you buy them you can use them right away too yeah but you have to spend the books right for the first time no no as soon as you get it it's free but then the next time you play the next time you like oh i gotta make this artifact work right read it again the scroll of nishkapha lots of arrowheads would be okay yeah i really like the art ones this is by the way not real someone asked if arnac was a real land it is not okay mike you taught history right i did i'm not aware of an arnac actually that didn't prove anything um okay is there a real history out teacher hey i taught for a lot of years i'm gonna do this and go ahead and get the two blue arrowheads and the fear i wanted that roy all right that's fine go slide down yep okay and that is draw a card and get a coin and three points that's one point what does the second card do there use the effect on the gold side of one of these people that's available on the supply board draw a card compass and then discharging yeah okay i don't i don't really think that's all that exciting um so i'm thinking what i might do yeah i'm going to do this i'm going to spend both of these up here to gain two coins and two compasses which i'll just take from right here that was that's a free action right that doesn't count as an action and then what i'll do is i'll move here get a compass your turn thomas yeah i uh shall go okay so i'm going to buy for a discount of one the serpent's gold give me a fear and all that water a little closer all right roy here you go take all your money i did slide flat slide slide it down do this can move up there i don't really want to do it that way well actually yeah that's actually pretty good we're going to do this then okay that gives you a compass oh that's going to be it does give you a compass mike yes um i really do actually want the treasure chest um there's nothing else for the three points okay i'll go ahead and take it that gives me i draw a card now what how what how do i just draw this card right and then i get a coin here's your coin oh thank you mike's building his own little i'm just that's not that exciting all right so i'm gonna spend this idle to turn one of my coins into red and then spend that red and this and i'm just going to keep moving on up i believe that's what they say that's what they say hey we're moving on up it's roy's turn i'm going to spin the red and gold and i'm going to move to here and i'm going to get a compass all right play this draw a card okay thomas yeah i'm machete give me two compasses and i'm going to kill one of my fears face your fears run with scissors stare in the sun i'm gonna go here and get a gold and you draw a card as well oh could someone please rewind the video to where mike said it was impossible against anything i'm saying i'm just saying it's the first time playing the game where we put these oh they're gone they're out of the game i hurl them into the box cool get a compass i'm running out of things to do but i couldn't buy i was like we have all these extra compasses we're not exploring but then i remembered buying that mike did not buy that treasure chest why did he not oh i thought you did i did buy the treasure chest i should have it because i did draw the card and get the coin what was up with that i just didn't grab the card it seems like the most basic part of uh well when it's that far away from you it's not [Music] you gone better ornate hammer looks cool exile the rightmost card and then i get any card from exile nice yes i want that muchly muchly i'll take that muchly exile the rightmost card i don't care what it is this one the whip yeah okay and i want the one that i already used that hot air balloon up up in the air because that one is rockingly awesome also i'm doing a fast action to take two of those yeah wow that one's good what does it say gaining the bottom of deck right yeah can you refill the artifacts over there dave over to you roy i'm going to spend a compass to get another red mike i could buy something discard a card to get a gem and two points pardon me sure let's do that parrot keeps buying stuff i want it saddens me you can buy this pickaxe you should be sad you should be sad that's not terrible that pickaxe actually this is my whole deck by the way yeah i think i will buy that pickaxe buy the pickaxe over here roy oh this should go on the bottom of my deck it's set when you buy cards right the item there i should replace it i think i am officially out of things i can even do does this go in the bottom of your deck too no it does not because you get it right away the round that lasted forever is ending on my part go ahead pass pass oh well we all ended at the same time we made it go just as long i'll take another fear card please because i did not bother to kill my scorpion although i could have why didn't i oh well you should have all right so now we would have we remove our workers this is the final round anyway would you mind him sorry the game's not that long because we've been playing with you come on get off the board all right can you hand me my other blue worker there tom indeed i can thank you don't think i'm gonna win but i do enjoy what we've been doing here okay one two oh no this one these go underneath then one two three four five got it all right and i go first yes i got this card i want it now mike's first mike is firsthand you cannot stop me from doing what i'm gonna do yay i'm happy for you tom that was so sarcastic patronizing no i truly truly meant that every fiber of my being i meant it all right um i'm not going to have a terribly exciting turn i don't think i'm sure there's no other way i can do oh oh wait did i say an ocarina in this game that's hilarious this is a much better play okay i'm going to go here did you ever see the i get two tablets and a gem two tablets and a gem that's a good thing that's great yeah i mean i was gonna i was gonna go down there and i'm like hello all right so mike actually did mess you up no no no no torn it i'm exiling this card again okay to discover something with a discount of an airplane and then i will use this car and i'm going to hit one of these double carved ones and also so what do i want a coin or a compass it's not really a huge composites seem to be worth more at the end i mean the those have more point values on them let's start taking my turn okay okay um i'm not it's not like i'm moving super slow oh no i know i just wanted to make sure i'm not moving super slow i got the oh ruby yes that was amazing oh what's the guardian should i do this i think that is a that's a killable guardian it is yes you need an arrowhead and you need a airplane that's because it's a flying creature i get it's i get its respect yeah i'm flying right up its top all right it's your turn i'm actually just gonna do this i know it seems lame but it does not do it no i mean i think i think every action matters yeah it does right i mean that's the thing at this point i'm just trying to not spend too many cards on things i don't need all right so before we played mike asked me he said what's unique about this design i don't really know i now know we're creating action space yeah yeah yes um which will be very not using them very often and they're pretty good no yeah no they are for sure they cost extra cards i mean it depends on if it has the stuff you need on it a lot of them give you fear though which is negative points right which okay it's scary i'm first of all i'm going to use this as a boot and then i'm going to convert that to a arrowhead and then i will spend the two tablets in the arrowhead that is virtual at this point and i think what i'll do is go here and draw a card okay i'm going to pay a ruby a compass and a gold slide in there yeah baby to it i tried to get there i was behind well you need to get moved twice i know i was not so worried right um this is immediately upgrade something do i want to do that yeah i guess this is gonna turn into an area then where do you keep going oh you keep putting them in the bathroom can you play can you please there's actually a box here folks i'm not literally throwing pieces on the floor can you can you play two boat cards as to go to a double boat or that's the point well i i knew there were some like this i didn't know all right um so i believe what i'm gonna do is go here i'll take a fear card i'll take two tablets two arrowheads i was really thinking about going back there myself especially since i'm gonna be able to kill the guardian you know actually i have a cart i did take a fear to do it but it seems like it's still a good um i'm actually gonna send my other dude out um i can't do that this is a negative point at the end of the game so i think i'm just gonna i need to play a car to go there i'll use that car and take a gym oh dear roy um i am and i'm almost gonna take my free yeah whatever spend this and go in here wow all right i want to go with these you guys could you get one of these tom tom do you get one of those oh yeah let me look how that works i want to make sure if i get that when i move up there um take it aside overcome a guardian play a card by game research okay uh when you get up there take a bonus aisle you look through it and pick one yeah i'm getting worked there that's a lot of points i gave up i'm upgrading one of these to uh okay drawing a car is okay i also really need this so i'm gonna do this okay so it is my turn right i'm gonna go ahead and confront that that's in the box tom no oh yeah i'm going to confront the guardian as far as people know discard this card get rid of this use my arrowhead that is not a free action i'm discarding a card tom i'm confronting the guardian oh you're discarding that as the card you're discounting sorry okay so getting rid of those to kill the guardian i'll go ahead and use it now to draw a card boom i'm looking at all the guardians i haven't killed that's a decent amount of points right why are these two here because i haven't used them yet got it okay so you have killed him i'm really sucking on killing guardians when i'm not sucking on though is moving up the top so i'm gonna spend two actually do i have a compass count points in my head count points in my head count points on my head count points in my head i'm going to count points in your head okay i'm going to just draw a card uh i need to paste on tap what to do that no i'm just going to do this i'm going to pay a ruby two stone tablets and a coin and take a six tile seems good i am going to use this and i think this is really interesting this end game is interesting this to move here one two three four five six to get these two put the stuff out all right let's get the nasty stuff tom why not enough why so rude don't be so rude i'll take that that is not bad mike also a giant frog lizard i'll take it all right so it's much easier to kill it it is pretty easy to kill it's my turn correct yeah all right so i spent this and this to move here and gain a compass if you'd hand me a compass please thomas okay for once guys i've done something good in my life i'm gonna use an airplane and an arrowhead guys first guardian killed no no i'm pretty sure that's the one two three four five first of my guardians that's the eighth guardian kill i need to make i need to retro a little bit um i i could because i had the wrong i went there and there instead i think what i need to do um it was my first guardian killing no no no no i know i was because i want to know i'm saying it was the eighth i'm totally i think i've got to do this i know but we're still a little proud of ourselves you shouldn't be draw a card get a coin that going on shouldn't be you know shouldn't be proud there's a lot of rudeness being hurled around yeah i think i did this wrong oh well can i get a coin please i don't know what you're talking about well no i'm i thought there was a don't forget it i i can't read this i can't forget what i don't even know now if i need to draw a card and my deck is empty do i just shuffle and redraw oh that is a good question [Applause] remember when you were bragging about your rudeness frequently asked questions can i shuffle my deck during play no you shuffle your deck only at the beginning of the game then around you shuffle all the cards put them at the bottom of your deck no other shuffling what if my deck runs out of cards if your deck is out of cards you can't draw anymore that's rough man that is really rough oh i played my whole deck oh my goodness that's so bad you were just bragging about this like five minutes all you want i've never seen a deck building game where you can't do that so i was because this is a work replacement slash stick did you finish oh you went right i killed a monster and then you mocked me yeah that is it we had to retro we took your turn we went back to mike take two seconds to take does that mean you get another turn now are you gonna take anything back on your turn whose turn is it i don't know it's my turn i'm being a dork sorry um uh oh goodness i don't really have many good options i'm kind of running out of stuff oh i could kind of just do a thing i could get a thing and i'll be really good i should probably do that even though it's going to lose me points here i'm going to get the i'm going to do oh i should get a coin for this double this which is free and then i'm going to play i don't have any compasses i don't have any compasses i'm like the compass master over here i don't have any compasses i'll play this to get a coin i guess and oh it's magic i may still be here it may still be okay you're like having long debates with yourself well it's just because there's something i've been i do i think there's a way i can pull it off do this to get the six all right mike your turn okay so i think what i'm going to do is spend this and this to go here that gets me a compass all right i pass roy i'm going to do this and a arrowhead to get this okay i knew there was a way i can pull it off i just can't remember mike so i use this to upgrade the arrowhead to a gem which is going to be this and then i can go there by doing this and this okay but you need a compass oh that was a free action yeah and then i get whatever this is what you guys know it is drawing carpentry it's so hard to do oh that's hilarious we left we love mike the draw card happy to get up here that's all i wanted awesome that's all i wanted to do over to you roy i passed so oh man i don't think there's anything else i can do with the resources that i have can you grab me a pen from there then let's score it i'm not done well i know but we might as well start scoring our stuff while you go i may be done just want to make sure there's nothing else i can do tom roy mike do resources give you anything at the end of the game i don't believe so no no no then there's really no reason to play these all right okay so what's well actually yes mike all right so i'll just take an extra compass no then you spend those two and buy that card it's a point oh yeah that makes sense right at least it's a point yeah yeah okay that's twice but i get two i also get two scrolls which you can't use i don't think well um no you can't you only have three scrolls couldn't i could i but if i did that then i could pass to gaining gem to get that but if you pass you're done but i'm done anyway but you can't gain man if you pass the game pass you're done you [Laughter] here's your scrolls all right i'll take the scrolls all right so first research tokens based on the row so 23 plus we all stayed on the same spot 24. well you know okay so the other option instead of going for points if i'd move them both up getting both these guys the gold and if you see the squares you get the square pretty high if when you switch to gold these unexhausted that would have made me do it but i don't think that's the way it works okay then temple tiles me and roy each got one for six and then idols so i have four for 12. i do too i have five four fifteen then guardians that you've killed whether you've used them or not i get five mike gets twenty twenty yeah roy's gonna win and then item and artifact cards i don't i didn't really focus on the ones that were worth points here are we just going to negative out our fear ones here uh no do the fears the fear is a different column holy smokes 11. so that's not bad yeah i got three i did not focus on buying things wait where do we do the uh yeah where's the fear come in that should probably be with either probably vitals oh yeah i got another seven points then you guys filled yours up right yep all right then fear cards i had two one four i just got wrecked there at the end it could be tom because it's gonna be it's gonna be real quick probably roy though no i don't think so tom's like hiding the scores as he's writing them down it's more dramatic that way it is more dramatic that way okay no that's not possible let me count these again well i will say this before we even get to the scores for a game with very familiar mechanics it does feel like it's a little different right i mean it has a little bit different feel than a typical worker definitely like the theme and i love these components yeah the components are fantastic we need to we need to get oh my word 62 you have 61. that's what i figured yeah that's crazy holy smokes that's insanely close really close man not [Music] [Music] attention and bought available that axe i thought that i was two more points i thought that i was gonna be way ahead on this i didn't anticipate roy being able to get four of those um guardians yeah because i was pushing things really early yeah you said that's interesting since i only killed one guardian and i still won i feel okay with that because yeah you could concentrate on that or not i decided i was going to run up the track you also left these open which we didn't do yep that was actually a decent amount of points right i got and i still i had the idols and at the end i thought should i throw these out to get stuff to get up a higher in here but i thought the point difference wasn't seven yeah i wish these gold spots would unexhaust when you move to them okay that would actually have helped yeah a lot sorry yeah if you move up here and you turn the gold the guy also on exhaust so yeah that would have been that's good big deal because i would have asterisk no no it's not an answer it's just good to know count as a win no it wasn't wow that was insane very nice all righty well there you go we finished it in an hour and a half yeah with teaching it and never having played it before although you know so i didn't have to look in the rules that often so that was good right um and that is the lost ruins lost ruins of arnac yes available very soon from cg [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 11,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10
Id: L3N3Y2mAwy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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