Lost in Space Season 1 |Humans Lost in Wild Planet Encounter Aliens Built With GPT Intelligence

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[Music] hey guys today I'll show you a science fiction Thriller TV series named Lost in Space season 1 spoilers ahead watch out and take care the drama unfolds with a meteorite about to hit Earth but the family watching TV wasn't panicking because the mother Moren using her position at the space agency had managed to get her family on the list of those who could board a spaceship on the eve of the meteorite impact they successfully boarded the craft to search for a space Colony suitable for human life that day they were leisurely playing poker when disaster struck the remains of a huge warship collided with their spaceship causing them to Veer off course the spaceship shook violently and the family could only hold each other's hands praying for a safe landing thankfully they landed safely but just then a metal box slid and fell heavily striking moren's leg the Father Jon quickly opened the top hatch and their youngest son will managed to climb out however when it was the little daughter's turn they found the hatch too small for her to exit will jumped down from the spaceship and stood on Higher Ground only to discover that the planet was covered in snow and ice Jon and others helped Moren out through another hatch at that moment they suddenly heard the sound of the ice cracking water kept rushing in through the door and their spaceship sank into the icy waters with all their supplies and Provisions inside the immediate priority was to treat moren's leg but all the medical equipment was on the spaceship leaving them helpless at this moment Moren did something that made everyone question her actions she took off her helmet Jon shouted to stop her because they had not checked if there's air yet but actually Jon had already risked himself his pants had been torn at some point indicating that the planet had enough oxygen for humans to survive the family then removed their helmets and breathed in the fresh air of the planet but they soon faced another severe problem the sun was about to set in 6 hours and the temperature would reach - 51° C although the space suits had heating functions the battery life was only 5 hours without electricity they would freeze to death on this planet at that moment Jon thought of a way that was to dive into the cabin to retrieve the batteries but since Jon's space suit was damaged and moren's leg was broken he turned his gaze to his son because only he could go through the top hatch the most direct route but will was bewildered and shivering a upon seeing her brother's fear his older sister Judy jumped into the water Jon used the intercom to call his daughter back but she took a longer route through another hatch the temperature kept dropping and soon the water would freeze fortunately after some searching Judy successfully retrieved the batteries but when she turned around she saw that the water in the cabin had begun to slowly solidify Judy hurried to the surface but the weight of the batteries severely affected her speed the ice on the water's surface was visibly solidifying Judy Dr dropped the batteries and made a full effort to surface but in the end she was frozen in the water Judy was swimming for her life in the freezing water but the ice was forming at a visibly rapid Pace on the shore her father was screaming for her to drop the batteries and swim harder yet despite her efforts she was trapped in the ice at the last moment faced with Judy's desperate situation the family felt helpless fortunately the space suits were equipped with oxygen and heating functions while comforting her daughter marine took a computer to check the remaining battery life of the space suit which was less than 5 hours they had to rescue Judy within that time Morin's expression revealed the seriousness of her leg injury which wasn't promising Jon frantic took out a knife and started chipping away at the ice but relying solely on this small knife seemed an endless task after much effort he had only managed to make a small hole just then a distant Glacier emitted a bright light will a brilliant student quickly realized that the light could very well be from magnesium magnesium Burns hot and using ice could make it burn even hotter hearing this Jon saw a glimmer of hope comforting his daughter he and his son set off in search of magnesium they traversed the glacier and finally reached their destination where there was enough magnesium to save Judy to avoid creating Sparks that could endanger them Jon carefully collected the Magnesium but just then will fell into an icehole fortunately he was unharmed and discovered an exit leading to a forest outside the cave will emerged and contacted his father urging him to return to save his sister and assuring him of his safety despite his worries Jon chose to return to rescue Judy unaware that Will's bravery was just an act alone and helpless will sat on the ground at that moment countless Sparks floated through the air drawing his attention he hurriedly called his father but he was too far away following the Sparks through the forest will stumbled upon the wreckage of another spaceship which appeared to be of alien origin he took out a mini camera to record the significant moment documenting that he was the first to discover evidence of alien intelligence as he moved closer to inspect it he suddenly heard a noise behind him turning around will was stunned to see an alien approaching him terrified he turned and ran then climbed a large tree the alien followed his Trail but it only had its lower body and after several attempts it failed to climb up will moved back in fear and just then a large claw appeared behind him the alien's upper body was right behind him but luckily it got stuck in a broken Branch restricting the alien from reaching will on the other side Jon having collected magnesium hurried back he scattered the Magnesium on the ice and lit it with a torch after an intense burning a large hole was successfully melted through the ice the family worked together to scoop out the water and finally Judy's hand appeared but just then the little daughter Penny noticed that the torch was about to be blown out by the wind lightning flashed Thunder roared and suddenly a heavy rain began to fall due to the sudden drop in temperature the freshly melted hole was quickly resealed by Ice the torch was doused by the rain and the lighter wouldn't ignite due to the wet conditions meanwhile Judy's space suit was on the verge of running out of power over in the woods will faced the alien as a standoff continued until Nightfall then a creature resembling a butterfly landed on will and then on the alien's fingertip the light on the alien's face changed with the creature dimming as if due to being separated for long the body's energy couldn't interconnect leading it close to entering hibernation mode just then a fire caused by the spaceship wreckage spread to the surrounding Forest by the time will realized the fire had reached his feet he tried to climb higher but failed trying to contact his father he found no signal despairing he saw the two halves of the alien trying but failing to reconnect will made a decision to help the alien he pulled out a wire saw from his pocket sawed off the branch and the alien's upper body fell after rescuing the alien will leaned against the trunk awaiting death's approach suddenly he heard a noise from the fire the alien emerged from the fire and quickly climbed the tree picked up Will and leaped out of the fire they reached a Mountaintop where the alien looking at will transformed into a human form meanwhile back at the ice Jon and others were desperately chipping away to rescue Judy as her space suit's Power was nearly depleted their efforts seemed in vain in the final moments will will and the alien returned at Will's request the alien emitted a red light from his hands instantly melting the hard ice layer then he lifted Judy out on Will's further request the alien transformed into a mini Sun providing warmth for the family throughout the night the scene shifts to an astronaut named Dawn he suddenly awoke to see his pet chicken feeling lucky to be alive but that relief was shortlived as he found himself staring into an abyss their spaceship had crashed on the edge of a cliff and the cockpit was moments away from breaking off and falling not long before this Earth had been destroyed by a meteor forcing people to flee the planet on spaceships during their escape a black hole appeared sucking in everything nearby it first destroyed part of the mother ship and then pulled back the spacecraft that had just managed to escape Landing them here the survival of the chicken indicated that this planet could support life Don immediately took off his helmet and tried to unbuckle his seat belt but it was jammed with Sand and Stone he took out a knife but due to the shaking of the ship he dropped it turning to his pet chicken he asked if it could help him pick up the knife His companion June woke up at that moment just then the spacecraft shook violently and began to break apart in a panic she threw the knife to Dawn Don cut the wires and dripped oil from a leak onto the jammed seat belt to loosen it successfully freeing himself he then managed to climb up and save June outside the spacecraft they found a flare gun and discovered the body of another companion they took the shoes from the body for June to wear as the sand here was as hard as diamonds and could easily cut through skin they then fired a flare hoping to be seen and rescued using a telescope they observed that there was no one around making the flare seem wasted however Dawn then spotted a red parachute not far away through the telescope indicating there were other survivors packing up their belongings and taking the pet chicken they set off in search of other survivors they hadn't gone far when they found Angela Motionless just as they were about to search her for any belongings Angela suddenly coughed startling Dawn just then they looked up to see a storm approaching and knew they had to leave quickly faced with the barely alive Angela Don said they couldn't take her as she would slow them down but in the next second he changed his mind and carried Angela as they continued their Journey to Find survivors after a short distance they decided to shoot another flare but again no Rescue Team appeared with only one flare left they continued on but Fierce wind began to blow signaling the imminent arrival of the storm Dawn LED them to a cave to take shelter however June said she had just lost her necklace Dawn knowing its significance to her went out to find it after returning June insisted that someone had to go out and look for help she set off to find rescue telling Don that he should know when to use the last flare and she would find him through it but what Don didn't know was that while he had gone to retrieve the necklace June had secretly taken the last flare with her turning to moren's family they gathered gaed around to study this alien the next morning as Moren reached out to touch and admire this alien machine it suddenly came to life it headed straight for the Frozen spaceship using its heat to melt the ice and entered the ship that's when johon noticed a neat slash on the sleeve of Will's clothes and asked what had happened will hesitated and suggested it might have happened when he fell inside the ship the alien activated a drying mode and soon the water level in the main cockpit was reduced to 1% Jon was also busy repairing the spaceship as the alien dried up to where Jon was he approached cautiously not entirely convinced that the alien was safe despite his doubts about what the alien truly was they soon moved back into the ship after tireless efforts by everyone to make it easier for Moren to walk they even created an exoskeletal mechanical leg for her and it was a huge success it was impossible to tell that she had an injured leg while Penny was outside repairing a water pipe she suddenly heard an explosion in in the distance upon hearing the news the parents along with their son and the alien set off to check for survivors however when they arrived they only found wreckage they left markers and stone so that any survivors could find and join them as Moren was using the communication device to call others a strange noise suddenly came from the device will explained that it was from the alien's crashed spaceship curious the family then embarked on a journey to find the alien spaceship back at the ship the water pump was blocked again and Penny once again acted as the plumber while she was fixing it she was distracted by a distant sound a massive storm was about to hit indeed Penny seemed to be a harbinger of disaster as every time she surfaced a new crisis occurred she then returned to the ship to contact her parents but couldn't reach them due to being out of communication range Penny talked with her sister about using a vehicle to rescue them but Judy said the vehicle was buried under a lot of ice and couldn't be retrieved Judy assured her that their parents could take care of themselves and urged her not to panic with the ship Frozen penny in desperation started the ship directly using the ship's thrusters to blast through the ice layer when she got to the garage Judy was still making snide remarks saying she couldn't drive since she didn't even have a driving license but when Penny pulled off the cover she discovered there were no tires and they needed to be assembled soon with Penny's efforts the vehicle was assembled however Judy haunted by past shadow curled up in a corner with no other option Penny had to set off alone she got into the vehicle placed the cookies closed the hatch buckled up ignited the engine and released the handbrake before flooring the accelerator Judy ran out when she heard the noise just as the vehicle was leaving the futuristic vehicle was driving through the snow covered mountains piloted by a young girl without a driver's license Penny was not at all nervous and even seemed to enjoy the experience but in the next second she firmly pressed the brake bringing the vehic vehicle to a halt at the edge of a steep slope she took out the communicator to call her parents but got no response then she took a bite of a cookie switched the vehicle to Winter mode activated its mapping functions released the handbrake thinking it was just like bumper cars albeit with higher stakes and then accelerated again under the guidance of the alien the parents had reached the location of the alien spacecraft even the alien itself seemed stunned upon seeing the wreckage with flashlights in hand the parents ventured inside through a broken section to explore they encountered a large ring in the middle of the ship its purpose unclear meanwhile outside will was playing a game of catch with the alien watching his son through a crack Jon's face was etched with worry as will bent down to pick up the ball the alien helped him lift a piece of the spaceship debris suddenly the alien's facial light turned red and the spaceship systems activated a planet appeared before them likely the one they were on zooming out the image a Galaxy appeared clearly not the Milky Way they had arrived in an unfamiliar Galaxy through the debris connection will accessed the aliens memories he learned that the alien's Mothership had been attacked by beings from this galaxy leading to their unintended arrival on this unknown Planet fear gripped will as he darted out with the alien in Pursuit the alien looking remorseful like a child who had done wrong bowed its head in front of will upon Will's command the alien raised its left hand then its right and went told to walk towards a CLI Cliff it started to move without hesitation just as it was about to step off the cliff will ordered it to stop and come back the alien knelt on one knee and will reassessing the situation accepted the alien again when the parents emerged from the spaceship they hurried back to the site they were about to continue their Journey when a storm hit will picked up something that had fallen and discovered it was a diamond diamonds began to rain from the sky powerful enough to scar trees the family protected by the robot took took shelter behind a large Rock a falling Diamond also scratched Jon's arm at a critical moment they heard their daughter's Voice through the communicator the alien morphed its face into a spotlight to guide Penny she soon arrived and they quickly got into the vehicle with the alien clinging to the back of the vehicle Jon floored the accelerator and drove them away from the area meanwhile da who was hiding in a cave spotted the vehicle with his binoculars he quickly reached for a box containing the flare gun only to find it empty he then realized that June had stolen the flare gun and it's been a ruse for her to send him to fetch the necklace the people in the vehicle saw a flare not far away and drove directly to the rescue upon arriving they found only June Jon asked if there were others with her to which she replied that it's just her the storm quickly engulfed them but at the last moment they managed to break free and successfully returned to the spaceship thankfully without harm meanwhile as Dawn sheltered from the storm in the cave he could only hold his pet chicken his last meal will was jolted awake by a nightmare he dressed quickly and made his way to the ship's main hall where he found June lounging with her legs crossed and eyes closed seemingly recharging as will opened the fridge she stood up and approached him asking if he had had a nightmare will somewhat agreed to which June remarked that she still experienced nightmares herself just then the alien entered the room will apologized and prepared to head back to his bedroom June gave a meaningful look revealing that she had encountered these aliens before on the Mother Ship where they were in combat mode harming humans as will passed by the alien the ship shook violently and the ice above them cracked the family rushed to the main hall to regroup knowing they had to leave immediately to avoid the collapsing Glacier Morin assigned tasks to everyone but Jon brought troubling news the engine had malfunctioned the storm had clogged the air vents with sand and debris preventing them from departing until it was cleared Moren returned to the hall to delegate tasks and Jon went to clear the sludge near the fuel tank the others cleaned parts that had been blocked by the storm as Jon finished his inspection he noticed Something In The Water behind him meanwhile Moren discovered that the 3D printer had been tampered with someone had run a program to create a weapon though they didn't know who while Moren was cleaning the equipment an alarm sounded she rushed to the cockpit only to discover that the fuel in the tank was slowly draining they were running out of time Jon hurried to check while Moren returned turned to the engine room to deal with the blockages June then suggested they just cram into the vehicle and leave Moren dismissed the idea noting that while one or two might survive for a while in it it was impossible for everyone June then pretended to fetch something and sneaked out to the store room stuffing her bag with supplies preparing to leave alone at that moment the alien who had been helping to clean suddenly Turned and Left will followed the alien stopped under a pipe from which strange noises emanated when will tried to speak to him the alien ignored him suddenly two eel-like creatures fell from above and the alien quickly shielded will with his bulletproof muscles in the next moment to protect will the alien shoved him into the stor room locking both will and the scheming June inside on the other side while Jon was inspecting the waters around the fuel tank he was suddenly dragged into the water by something unknown later when will shouted for help Penny and Her Mother rushed over but found only the alien who warned them of a potential danger to will since some creature was lurking on the ship Moren came to the hall and learned her husband was in the basement amidst the chaos JN returned to the hall throwing an eel-like alien species at their feet warning them not to go downstairs Marine placed its body on the table smelled fuel on it and realized that these creatures were consuming the fuel opening the control panel of the fuel tank they discovered it was filled with these creatures fortunately their ship had a secondary tank still intact the only way to prevent disaster was to manually shut off the connection to the main tank as the fuel level was critically low risking contamination of both tanks Jon attempted to retrieve a torque wrench from the store room but the obstructive alien kept repeating that Will was in danger with no other options Jon had Judy used the 3D printer to create a wrench while he prepared to confront the creatures physically in the storo June learned from will that the alien was protecting him as a way of showing gratitude for a past rescue hinting at a possible telepath iic bond between them June fell into a deep contemplation as Jon was fiercely battling the alien eels the layer of ice above the spacecraft cracked once more causing the ship to Tilt at that moment Judy was trapped under a box while Penny fell into a pool of sewage teeming with alien eels concurrently the backup fuel tank was activated Jon managed to pin one down with his body then quickly grabbed a knife and plunged it in ending the brief life of the alien eel meanwhile Penny was SC scattering salt in the ship's corridors to drive away the creatures but just then the ice above the spacecraft cracked again causing the ship to tilt Judy was pinned under a sliding box and Penny rolled into a pool full of alien eels at this time the backup fuel tank was also activated Jon rushed to the basement to rescue Penny amid her cries he cut the fuel line drawing all the alien eels toward it Judy managed to grab a wrench and unscrewed the box to free herself in the store room June tricked will convincing the alien to release her however as soon as she was freed she headed straight to the ship's cockpit June is no simple character in this show Just 2 days ago in a luxurious Lakeside Villa she drugged her twin sister extracted an identity chip from her arm disguised herself as her sister and boarded the mothership Resolute whose primary mission was to carry passengers from Earth to Alpha centor unknown to her her sister's lover spotted her and gave Chase he soon discovered her disguise recognizing that she was not his lover during their confrontation the cabin door was inadvertently opened and he was pushed into space as the countdown began despite the opening of the air valve and watching the man disappear into space June chose not to stop now once again ready to abandon someone else for her own Escape she sat in the seat ready to use the eject function to flee the ship at that moment she activated the switch initiating a countdown that threatened the ship's structural integrity and would likely cause navigation failure once again Jun was torn about whether to Halt the ejection at that time Moren was installing components but struggled to fit the last device surprisingly June stepped in to help install it at the last moment they finally repaired the engine and completed all of the necessary preparations they gathered in the ship's cockpit Jon pushed the control lever but the ship did not respond an alarm indicated only 10% fuel remaining Judy suggested releasing all the fuel as the alien eels in the tank could clog the intake valves Moren acknowledged this but the system warning indicated no backup fuel available Judy assured her that the fuel in the lines would be enough to get them out JN agreed and Judy opened the valve releasing countless alien eels along with the fuel at that moment their spacecraft successfully started the Ice above continued to collapse and Jon piloted the ship carefully navigating through the glacier thankfully his excellent piloting skills paid off and they escaped just in time a pristine Forest appeared before them but their relief was short-lived as their fuel was nearly depleted yet an experienced pilot is always prepared though the spacecraft didn't land smoothly it landed safely at this point they received another piece of good news there were other survivors who had established a camp on this planet the parents rushed to the stor room where will was located and found the alien protectively clinging to him Jon looked on with admiration meanwhile the Mother Ship despite being damaged was still operational and undergoing accelerated repairs June could not muster any happiness it turns out that she had been captured and interrogated on the Mother Ship earlier the interrogator had told her that the process of her committing murder had been recorded by surveillance cameras just then the ship's alarm interrupted the interrogation allowing her to escape it seemed that she was the only one who did not want to return to the Mother Ship Moren discovered that the 3D printer had been tampered with records showed that someone had run a program in violation of the rulle creating a weapon but they didn't know who at that moment an alien entered Will's bedroom and handed him a gun for self-defense it turned out that the alien had secretly used the printer June observing the alien's friendly interactions with Will grew envious and quickly stepped forward to flatter will it seemed she was already plotting to take advantage of the alien if she could possess such an alien robot she would rule the planet meanwhile the parents had found another Survivor camp on this strange Planet seeing their fellow earthlings was exhilarating they embraced each other Don was also there with his last meal Angela the young girl they had rescued that day was lying in the spaceship's medical Bay while treating Angela Judy learned that a group of alien robots had attacked them on the Mother Ship Moren and others were still trying to contact the ship at that moment Jon discovered parts of the mother ship's wreckage on the map the parents and Dawn decided to investigate meanwhile Judy who had learned the truth drove herself back to the spaceship to talk to will who had already known the truth Judy was heading to use the communication equipment to inform her parents but will quickly explained that the alien was no longer as it used to be and had saved their lives however Judy didn't listen and rushed to the cockpit fortunately will was quick thinking and restarted the communication device which wouldn't be usable again for another 30 minutes then will began packing preparing to send the alien away however June observed all this after will left she took the gun that the alien had printed for will from under his bed Judy caught up with Will who told her that to protect everyone including the alien he needed to take the alien to a cave at that moment Penny also caught up with them the three of them set off together as they crossed a log Bridge a strange noise came from behind them and suddenly an alien monster appeared Penny clapped her little hands and the flowers on the ground burst into bloom inspired by her Judy tried clapping her hands too and to her surprise the surrounding flowers bloomed once again will crouched down and clapped his hands as well the alien robot mimicking Will's actions raised its mechanical hand and clapped causing flowers all around to Blossom displaying their most beautiful appearance while they were admiring this beautiful scene a monstrous sound suddenly echoed the alien robot issued a warning that Will was in danger they had no choice but to quickly leave the area and continue their Journey after they had left a large monster emerged from the bushes they navigated through the forest to avoid danger but soon a cliff blocked their path fortunately they had the alien robot with them who knocked down a large tree to create a makeshift Bridge as they prepared to cross over the tree the monster appeared behind them the alien shifted into Attack Mode successfully scaring away the monster turning back the alien resumed its normal appearance mimicking Will's gesture to show its success in his excitement will almost fell off shortly after they departed June having followed them secretly arrived at the same location too meanwhile the group drove the vehicle to the location of the mother ship's wreckage they initially thought the ship had been destroyed by a meteorite but upon seeing marks on the wall Moren concluded that it was not due to a meteorite but was likely attacked the trio entered the storage room of the wreckage hoping to find something useful but only discovered miscellaneous items eventually they found a box labeled signal transmitter but when they opened it it was full of whiskey it turned out Don had switch the contents for smuggling whiskey infuriating Moren who stormed out for some fresh air however she spotted the signal receiver realizing that making contact with the mother ship was now impossible Moren returned inside snatched the whiskey from Don's hands and decided to drown her sorrows in drink on Will's side they spotted another group of survivors in the woods it turned out that many people had landed on this unknown planet to keep the existence of the alien hidden they concealed themselves behind trees among this group of survivors was a handsome young boy penny suddenly felt smitten upon seeing him conveniently a letter the boy had dropped was picked up by them when the boy came back looking for his letter and discovered their presence and the alien robot he was just about to shout when Penny used the letter to blackmail him into keeping the existence of the alien a secret given the importance of the letter the boy reluctantly agreed and then turned to leave they then successfully made their way to a cave a bad situation emerged on Jon's side their vehicle ran out of of power and they might have to spend the night near the wreckage upon hearing this will realized his parents wouldn't be returning tonight so they decided to spend the night in the cave keeping the alien robot company for a final night as night fell his parents sat side by side next to the mother ship's signal receiver sipping whiskey they had gotten from dawn enjoying the nighttime view together but just then a purple glow suddenly lit up the distant Horizon just as the light was about to fade The Source became clear it's a group of jellyfish-like purple alien creatures after witnessing the purple spectacle will and his companions returned to their cave Penny wrote on the wall with red clay then the three of them smeared red clay on their hands and left their handprints on the wall the alien robot observing this scene had lights on its face that kept changing seemingly deep in thought late into the night when the trio was sound asleep the alien approached the stone wall examined the handprints crouching down it coated its mechanical claws in red clay and left its own palm print on the wall perhaps it too wanted to be part of the family turning to Moren a disagreement led to an argument and she got up to leave but just a few steps away an earthquake occurred the signal receiver behind them toppled over they tried to escape but it was too late they ended up trapped inside desperate they banged on the metal walls hoping Dawn would rescue them meanwhile Don was still busy loading his smuggled whiskey onto the vehicle fortunately after finishing Don searched and finally found them trapped living up to expectations Dawn used a bomb the next morning to blast a large hole and rescued them on Will's side after spending a night with the alien robot they prepared to leave the alien robot picked up a stone and gave it to will as a gift the alien once again warned will of danger but will replied that it's the robot who's in danger and insisted it must stay here saying this will turned and left however the alien robot still concerned wanted to follow will reminded it again to stay as he walked away the robot's face glowed with a hint of sadness as they departed June sitting high up watched them with a smile once they were far enough away she quietly entered the Cave the alien robot was facing the stone wall looking lost in fact June was after the alien robot's protective capabilities she wanted a strong bodyguard for herself she then began her seduction telling the alien that humans are unreliable and will betray him even will will she added that only she would save the robot after that Turned and Left the knights on this planet are truly terrifying a woman saw a large fluttering moth and was about to touch it when a giant tongue snatched the moth and swallowed it frightening the woman into lying down motionless because of the loss of the signal receiver they couldn't contact the mother ship and to survive they thought of a solution building a giant Lighthouse to use a strong light to send a distress signal to the distant Mothership in space on the other side Moren through calculations came to an unbelievable conclusion that made her Restless finally she made a decision she went to the storage room found a giant package and was loading it onto the vehicle when Jon saw her and asked what she was doing she said there might be a problem with the Sun as it's rising earlier each day Jon said it's the same on Earth Moren mentioned that the change was happening too fast after bidding Jon farewell she drove off to investigate at that moment June found will seeking the alien robot's help she subtly hinted at wanting the boy to bring the alien back just then Dawn came by and recognized June it was she who had stolen the only signal flare that almost got him killed he confronted her about her actions and her smooth talk left him speechless as he turned and walked away Judy was rumaging through the warehouse when something felt off she spun around and landed an elbow strike breaking Don's nose they then headed to the medical room where Don revealed that June had stolen the signal gun and fled alone from Judy he learned that June hadn't mentioned this incident Judy then confronted June who spun a tale of Deceit claiming she was the victim and not to trust Don's words alone at that moment Judy couldn't tell who was lying so she left to get back to work on moren's side as the sun was about to set her Ascension device was finally ready she cut the ropes and Rose into the air as she climbed higher a breathtaking view unfolded before her she turned to face the Sun but just then the system alerted her to Hawking radiation also known as a black hole the group of human survivors stranded on an unknown Planet unable to contact their Mothership due to the lost signal receiver tirelessly built a giant Lighthouse with the flick of a switch a massive beam of light shot into the sky drawing cheers from everyone the light attracted swarms of fluttering moths but amidst the crowd was June she sneaked over to the high-tech fence which was designed to prevent biological invasions and set the fence to allow passage clearly she was up to something after everything she returned to to the camp and told John about his son hiding the alien in the woods John then confronted will asking why he hid the robot a panicking will spilled everything how their Mothership the Resolute had encountered problems leading to their crash on this unknown Planet all because of the alien robot although it had once rampaged on the ship it had since changed saving their family and others during a storm but Jon didn't want explanations only the location of the alien robot will has hesitated to tell him fearing his father might harm the alien just then the sound of a monster echoed a beast climbed the giant Lighthouse as it roared people scattered the light that attracted the moths also drew the moth eating monster likely June's plan the hastily built Lighthouse couldn't withstand the monster's weight and collapsed instantly Penny who was just about to flee was spotted by the monster June urged will to call the alien quickly now no one cared about the alien robot's presence anymore her ultimate goal was to have will summon it chased Penny hid inside a tent thinking she'd escaped danger but just then a broadcast from the Mother Ship played Penny rushed to turn it off but Was Heard by the monster she sliced open the tent and charged out luckily Jon arrived just in time to rescue Penny he prepared to fight back but the knife seemed inadequate compared to the monster's long unbrushed fangs just as the monster charged at them with a ferocious Goose Roar it was suddenly knocked away upon closer inspection it turned out to be the alien robot that had arrived just in time to save them seeing the robot will instantly breathed a sigh of relief but the remaining humans looked utterly confused unexpectedly the monster seemingly unharmed let out another Roar and called another of its kind seizing the moment Jon and his companions quickly fled for their shitty lives meanwhile the alien robot was pinned down by the two monsters not fighting back due to previous commands from will watching this will started to panic and ran outside at this moment June inside the spaceship wore a triumphant smile seeing the robot about to be torn apart will then shouted at it and urged it to turn strong understanding Will's command the robot's facial lights turned red and it easily flung the two monsters away rising in a battle mode with four arms when another monster attacked from behind the now more powerful robot's hands glowed yellow and it swiftly flung The Creature away then with two hands it tore another Monster's mouth and threw it aside effortlessly eliminating both threats just when safety seemed assured the robot lost its sanity and began targeting humans its claws glowing yellow it prepared to attack will rushed in front of the robot while his father called out his name in desperation his mother also returned at this moment will grabbed the robot's Claws and it looked at him and transformed back into its safe mode its red light returning to Blue meanwhile the Shady June inside the spaceship seemed to be plotting her next move this incident allowed Will's family to accept the alien robot and they brought it back to their spaceship in the cabin Moren shared the test results with John she had discovered that their planet's orbit had been compromised and a black hole had appeared behind the sun under its influence and continuing on their current orbit they would increasingly draw closer to the Sun and everything on the planet's surface would inevitably burn if they did not escape the planet during this period the group of surviving humans would face certain death as they debated whether to inform others their conversation was overheard by Penny hiding at the door the next morning they gathered in the hall to discuss the incident with the alien robot through Angela's account they learned that the attack had originated from these alien robots severely injuring her and resulting in her husband's sacrifice the Survivor team's Captain Victor suggested that they try the old Earth method of trial and detention for the alien robot Jon intervened explaining that the robot had changed akin to a computer being rebooted or reprogrammed and had saved their lives just the night before in the end they decided to temporarily keep the robot away from other humans hearing this Angela angrily left followed by June who tried to manipulate her with sympathy sharing their common adversities June pretending to be a psychologist offered her help but Angela left meanwhile Don approached Victor explaining their need for fuel to escape the planet since alien eels had consumed the existing fuel however since their crashed spaceship was in a desert the fuel there was likely uncontaminated his condition was simply more money while wandering outside Angela was attracted by a green ribbon tied to a rope leading her to a package which upon opening revealed a gun without hesitation she tucked the gun behind her back in the woods will was examining the stones of this planet when the alien robot approached him and offered him another large Rock will said they have those on Earth too the next second the robot split the Rock open to reveal ores of different colors inside then the robot raised its hand as if to high five the boy reciprocated and the lights on the robot's face seemed to Glow with happiness meanwhile Don had already set off in search of fuel he wasn't far along when a cliff blocked his path and plumes of gas erupted from the plane ahead unperturbed Don casually turned on some upbeat music and chose a detour back at the camp Penny had asked the handsome boy out on a date upon arriving ring at their destination they discovered that the waterfall had dried up due to the increasingly hot weather of the planet Penny then revealed she was going to pretend to fall into the water and yell for help so he could rescue her and then we could really fall into a hormone yoga session indeed Penny had been attracted to the handsome boy since their first meeting and now the two of them fell in love but it's quite surprising that amidst such harsh conditions on an unknown Planet they still found the mood to fall in love on Dawn's side they had reached the Loc of the spaceship but there was no sign of it they suspected the ship might have fallen off the cliff as the height made it impossible to see anything shortly after Victor called off the deal and headed back to Camp when Judy found out about their deal she confronted don don admitted he was just trying to make some money and was frustrated now that he couldn't angrily he kicked the ground only to hear a metallic sound digging through the sand and Stones they discovered the spaceship had been buried right beneath their feet due to geological reasons quick quick ly they found the entrance to the Ship's Cabin and connected the fuel hose as the area was prone to collapse they stabilized the spaceship with two vehicles tied with ropes just as the last drop of fuel was extracted the ship's center of gravity shifted and it was about to fall off the cliff they decided to cut the ropes and let the ship fall however Dawn was still inside the ship he rushed to the storage room opened a box and discovered the true identity of June knowing Judy's soft heart wouldn't let her give up he had no choice choice but to cut the last safety rope himself the ship then plummeted as everyone rushed to the cliff to mourn a hand reached out at the last moment Dawn had managed to escape on the spaceship Angela discovered June posing as a psychologist and underwent therapy with her June used the opportunity to reawaken Angela's painful memories from her time on the Mother Ship but failed to move on to the next step in the therapy waiting outside the room her smile indicated that everything was going according to were plan after the therapy session with June Angela couldn't stay put she left the room and asked for the location of Jon's family's spaceship meanwhile will and a few others were playing poker on the spaceship June noticed Angela approaching with the aid of a Cane soon after Angela found a pretext to send will Away by asking him to invite his mother to join the game when the alien robot tried to follow Jon assured it that will would return calming the robot Penny noticed the robot's Face Screen changing Expressions it's seemed to be smiling a sight she had never seen before which pleased JN but just then Angela appeared behind him when JN asked if there was an issue Angela raised a gun towards the robot seeing the gun the robot's Face Screen turned red and shifted into Attack Mode Jon instructed the robot to leave as will reached his mother she hesitated but eventually agreed to his request will sensing something was wrong hurried back to the ship just as he arrived he saw Angela shooting at the alien robot which transformed into combat mode in Rage and grew two additional arms the robot moved towards Angela and flung Jon aside who was in its path will yelled for it to stop and the robot paused recognizing his voice but Will's face was filled with horror the family gathered around Jon while the guilt-ridden will observed the alien robot which seemed to have humanlike emotions standing at the doorway looking down inside June was comforting a frightened Angela a assuring her that no one would blame her and that everything would be all right will carrying the alien robot walked through the woods they knew well to a cliff embracing the robot will made his final farewell telling it that he had to take responsibility and urged it to jump off the cliff the alien robot looked at the cliff and then back at will as if checking if Will would stop it seeing Will's tear streak face the robot stepped off the cliff shattering into pieces as the group was loading fuel to return geological movements had collapsed the road they had come by leaving only a path through a plane of erupting gas columns they observed that the eruptions were regular occurring every 3 and 1/2 minutes calculating the fastest speed they prepared to dash through the perilous area as the gas columns ceased they sped off but not without issues the fuel Laden vehicle suddenly slowed due to a disconnected control cable causing breake problems with Just 2 and 1/2 minutes left the blonde boy volunteered to crawl on top of the vehicle to to reconnect the cable despite being thrown off due to the bumpy road he managed to hold on to the climbing frame with little time left he reconnected the cable after several attempts speeding up the vehicle as everyone breathed a sigh of relief with only 30 seconds remaining to escape danger a gas column erupted violently shaking the vehicle they stopped quickly as the fuel vehicle overturned Judy carrying a medical kit rushed over and found the blonde boy trapped under the fuel tank a protruding Rock prevented the vehicle from crushing him giving hope for his survival they needed to move the fuel tank to rescue him but the rock had punctured the vehicle meaning moving it could cause all the fuel to leak jeopardizing their mission faced with the difficult Choice the crowd decided to pull the car off him but Captain Victor suggested calling for another car from the camp he warned that rashly pulling the car could cause all the fuel to leak rendering their efforts FAL Dawn climbed aboard a tank and with the Roar of the engine successfully lifted the fuel car however fuel poured out from a large tear and their efforts were wasted fortunately the blonde boy trapped under the car was rescued they continued on their journey in the tank with the blonde boy seated in the back initially they were all in good spirits jokingly the blonde boy mentioned knowing a Prosthetics engineer who could print him a pair of sturdy legs Judy suggested that once he recovered he could teach her to Surf but it wasn't long before the blonde boy's condition worsened despite Judy's desperate efforts he didn't make it meanwhile JN and Moren set out to find Angela to ask who had given her the gun on their way they were shocked to see gas gushing in front of their vehicle Jon swiftly reversed but the gas seemed to follow them wherever they went he made a quick turn to avoid it but then they backed onto a slope and eventually came to a stop after hitting something when they opened the car door they found themselves in a pit filled with tar walking was impossible and the tar gave off a foul odor they had to close the door and stay inside the vehicle's communication antenna had broken off during the reversal and lay nearby unable to contact anyone they were forced to attempt an escape by themselves they found a rope attached a hook and Jon climbed onto the roof after several attempts he secured the hook but did not realize that their vehicle was about to be submerged at his wife's cry he hurried back inside just as the vehicle was engulfed by tar trapped in this enclosed space the oxygen was running out and the temperature inside the vehicle was rising to escape Jon took out the only space suit aboard and decided to sacrifice himself so his wife could Escape they said their final goodbyes and he encouraged her saying she was the strongest person he had ever met he then helped her put on the helmet and was about to open the hatch when she suddenly yelled for him to stop she then came up with a solution the vehicle was airtight and if they could create enough pressure inside they could displace the tar the vehicle happened to have helium which they had used to test the planet its atmosphere they found a toy tunnel they had bought for their daughter sealed it at the hatch and began injecting helium after a few breaths of oxygen they crawled out through the hatch and with a slice of a knife they escaped death the near-death experience made them burst into laughter meanwhile June humming contentedly arrived at the cliff from which an alien robot had jumped through her binoculars she spotted the wreckage of the alien robot below the cliff she then headed down and gathered the scattered pieces previously will had saved the alien robot which then obeyed his commands to protect him she believed that if she could revive the alien robot she would benefit herself eventually she assembled the limbs and parts but she wasn't as lucky as will the alien robot showed no signs of Life frustrated she screamed in desperation wondering how she could revive the robot Captain Victor returned to the camp where the handsome boy found his father and told him about Penny's warning that their planet was doomed meanwhile while June returned to her cabin and began reviewing the videos that will had previously recorded at that moment the alien robots seemed to resonate with the sound in the video JN and Moren had just narrowly escaped from the tar and were making their way back to the camp when they suddenly heard the sound of a spaceship's engine following the sound they climbed up a slope and saw Captain Victor and his family starting the spaceship preparing to take off since they had previously saved the blonde boy they had little fuel left to return they planed to use the remaining fuel to escape the planet however Moren told them that their spaceship was too heavy and the remaining fuel was insufficient to get them through the atmosphere they would run out of fuel before reaching escape velocity leading to a crash Victor didn't believe her and insisted on taking off during their communication Jon sneaked into the spaceship opened the cockpit door pulled the emergency brake and then used the communicator to notify all the survivors at the meeting JN informed everyone that according to to his wife's research their planet's orbit had shifted and it would soon approach the sun making the temperature increasingly hot until all life on the planet perished Moren was inside the spaceship figuring out how to reduce its weight to use the last of the fuel to break out of the planet and then be rescued by the mother ship at that moment she saw a print on Will's t-shirt which sparked an idea she quickly went outside the spaceship saying that they needed to dismantle the useless parts of the spaceship to lighten it enough to escape the planet including the navigation system but the navigation system is like the brain of the spaceship which is essential for takeoff Moren then suggested that they didn't need to navigate from inside the spaceship in the early days of space travel NASA's capsules were basically tin cans and all commands were issued from the ground so they could use this primitive method to launch from the planet then they systematically proceeded with the dismantling of the spaceship Moren met with her daughter Judy who informed her about jun's identity fraud Brad they then drove back to the spaceship inside the spaceship Moren saw her son with June so she sent will away and tricked June into the storage room locking her inside June began to use sweet words to gain sympathy but Moren was no longer fooled by her finding her untrustworthy as Moren was about to leave June threatened her claiming she had sabotaged the Escape spaceship Moren didn't believe her smelly and turned to leave Moren found Jon and because the spaceship had been stripped of many parts It could only be manually piloted the choice of pilot became the biggest issue Jon and others were checking data on the computer due to the immense pressure during takeoff it could cause unconsciousness so they needed someone whose cognitive recovery time was the shortest it turned out that JN with the shortest cognitive recovery time was the only choice however Jon refused he didn't want to leave his wife and children Moren then told him to keep his promise and return safely they held a family meeting and after discussion they decided to let Jon take on the rooll before the official launch they conducted a simulation test using ropes tied to the hatch to simulate gravity as gravity increased Jon fell unconscious waking up shortly after under his wife's Direction he continued to Pilot the spaceship but it was still too slow and the first attempt failed they then began several more simulation tests but after so many tests Jon's body was overstressed and they had to pause to let him rest just then they received a notification from the mother ship that due to the influence of the black hole the Mother Ship had to leave this part of the universe in 24 hours if they couldn't board the Mother Ship by then it meant they would perish along with the planet will approached the storage room where June was detained she told will that there were others who could pilot the Jupiter spacecraft and it didn't necessarily have to be his father just as will was about to listen further he was called Away by his mother's shout after a discussion among a few individuals Dawn demonstrated his knowledge of the spacecraft it was then they remember that Don was the ship's repair technician thoroughly familiar with its structure he knew the spacecraft better than anyone and was asked to join the operation but he initially refused just as he was about to leave Judy caught up with him persuaded by Judy he eventually softened his stance subsequently the two men coordinated to start the test which was surprisingly successful on the first attempt but time was running short and they had no time for a second test Jon Bid Farewell to his family one by one while Don left the arrang ments for his pet chicken to Judy under everyone's watchful eyes they boarded the vehicle and set off to prepare the spacecraft for takeoff Moren also returned to the spacecraft to start the launch procedures the Two Sisters sat beside ready to watch the spacecraft take off will tearful was full of concern for his father then will returned to where June was detained and asked who it was that could replace his father June opened her backpack revealing the head of the alien robot she said they could revive it will refused feeling that the robot thought turning bad was all because of him June insisted that this time they could make it good if only he would open the detention door they could go together and save the alien robot allowing it to take his father's place so his father could return the young boy fell into deep thought by this time Jon and Dawn had already reached the spacecraft and Moren was in position with his wife's Countdown the spacecraft successfully took off as the spacecraft ascended the gravity increased and they passed out awakened by Marines continuous calling they regained Consciousness under her Direction they successfully managed the operations discharging heat from the overheating engine everyone breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing the successful operation and then they encountered the next danger zone the knct to Lucent Cloud just as the two were preparing to receive the next instruction a figure appeared behind marine and knocked her unconscious it turned out to be June the scene shifts to will being tied up in the room where June is held it turns out that will release June due to her manipulation without command the spaceship soon explodes in midair under everyone's watchful eyes it seems that Jon and Don had just sacrificed themselves like that inside the hall three people are immersed in the sadness of the explosion but will believes his father is still alive it must be a machine problem that they can't contact father right now at this moment Judy plans to go search for her mother who was taken away by June will wants to go too but Judy refuses and asks will to stay will knows deep down that all these events are due to his own resentment holding the signal receiver he returns to his room Judy prepares the final dinner before setting off to find her mother elsewhere Moren wakes up to find herself facing the disassembled remains of the alien robot and June who had been released then June ties Moren to a tree and starts assembling the remains of the alien robot but still there is no response June thinks the problem might not lie with the alien robot but with the spaceship saying this she takes Morin into the spaceship Moren tries to push June away to escape but unexpectedly triggers a reaction similar to one that happened previously on the mother ship the spaceship's charge drive engine reacts Moren says she had seen it before when she touched it in a restricted area on the mother ship it reacted in the same way then both of them lift their hands and touch the groove simultaneously unexpectedly the spaceship's charge drive engine is successfully activated and the alien hatch is really opened this triggers memories in June showing that during her escape on the mother ship she overheard two people arguing about the disaster saying that the aliens might return to take it back if the engine is lost everyone will die so it must be protected at all costs now they finally understand that the robot didn't attack the Mother Ship randomly humans having developed technology for space travel actually captured an alien spaceship and stole its engine the aliens were merely trying to retrieve what was theirs at this moment Judy inside the vehicle used a locator to find a signal far away upon checking she realized it was her mother's vehicle she immediately set off to rescue her June was busy assembling an alien robot although they had just found the spaceship's engine the robot remained unresponsive frustrated at the pile of useless metal in front of her June couldn't help but lash out in anger even kicking it but what she didn't notice was that when her arm touched the wreckage of the alien spaceship it slowly began to change at that moment she noticed some rustling and chicken screams in the bushes cure ious she went to check and upon parting the bushes she found the pet chicken just then Judy appeared behind her and knocked June out with a stun device she quickly freed her mother grabbed the pet Chicken closed the vehicle door and prepared to leave however the alien robot blocked their path having unexpectedly come back to life they tried to reverse but the robot grabbed the bumper the vehicle didn't budge with only the rear wheels spinning then the stunned June surprisingly emerged from behind the alien robot which then issued a warning the alien robot seemed to have recognized June as its Master because she revived it meanwhile will frustrated by his own incompetence was venting his emotions by Smashing decorations around the house during his Rampage he threw out a rock gifted by the alien robot which split in two smelling it will discovered it stank like feces he took it to the biological scientist for analysis and found out it was a high concentration biofuel essentially petrified super poop every spaceship had a feces converter but it would take humans at least 2 to 3 years to produce enough to leave the planet however if they could collect enough super poop from a certain cave the task would be much easier but then the scientist raised a crucial point in the super poop sample he identified digestive substances from Every Creature he had documented on the planet indicating that the creature producing the super poop was a top predator in the food chain Gathering it would pose a great danger nevertheless they assembled everyone and headed to the cave as they Advanced under the glow of burning sticks a vast amount of super poop appeared before them the group excitedly moved forward to inspect it when suddenly Victor stepped on something crouching down he realized it was a fresh pile of poop right under his foot shining his flashlight upward he saw giant alien bats looming overhead they convened to discuss their situation the good news was that there was enough super poop to fuel all their Jupiter spacecraft to leave the doomed Planet the bad news was that needed to break down the super poop and transport it out of the cave without making any noise carefully they entered the cave to collect the super poop at one point someone accidentally dropped a crowbar but fortunately the faint sound did not alert the monsters they continued collecting without further incident on another note Penny was questioning will who always carried a radio wherever he went just then the radio unexpectedly came to life they quickly turned it off after realizing it might be a message from their father but the noise had already alerted the alien bats in panic they hurriedly escaped the cave in the chaos the scientist was captured by an alien bat realizing her boyfriend was still inside Penny rushed back to rescue him just in time to help him Dodge and attack as they tried to escape an alien bat blocked their path the next second Angela who was still inside the cave pulled her to safety observing the bats they realized the creatures were blind relying solely on sound they held their breath and tiptoed past the alien bats nearly making it out but suddenly an alien bat charged at them they quickly ducked to avoid it and just as an alien bat hovered over Penny drooling Angela distracted it with a thrown rock allowing them to finally escape the relieved pair embraced each other excitedly will was thrilled saying he had sent a radio message to his father who replied but he still didn't know where he was everyone packed up the collected poop samples and returned to their respective spacecraft meanwhile above a planet a spaceship wreckage drifted in space John and Don actually survived on the wreckage and were Overjoyed at this moment because they learned through the radio that will had found the fuel although they had miraculously survived the explosion the oxygen in their space suits would only last a few more hours fortunately Jon contacted his son using Morse code through the radio and learned that they had found fuel they would be rescued very soon on the planet spacecraft after spacecraft successfully launched using fuel converted from those super poops just just then will and Penny heard the sound of a vehicle's engine and hurried to meet it they were about to share the good news with their mother when June appeared from the other side with the alien robot following her at her command the robot approached will tried to intervene but was unexpectedly knocked down and fell hard to the ground it was clear that June had now become the master of the alien robot she declared that she had saved it this time emphasizing that friends don't let friends walk off cliffs suddenly the signal receiver made a sound they quickly checked it and Jon told them through the radio that they would launch a signal flare in space so they could locate them using the spacecraft's thermal imaging however Moren would leave in just 88 minutes so they needed to act fast although June disagreed with their plan she couldn't pilot the ship and had to reluctantly agree meanwhile in space Dawn was assembling circuits preparing to release a stream of combustion gas from the remaining oxidizer in the wreckages pipes just then a floating object in his helmet got into his eye and unable to see he had to pass the assembly task to Jon on board the spaceship will handed a baseball to the alien robot hoping to awaken memories within it unexpectedly the robot simply threw the baseball away leaving will disappointed just as the spaceship was about to take off the planet faced its final destruction everyone took their places under Morin's piloting the spaceship successfully launched and navigated through the foggy turbulence into space but then a strange phenomenon occurred despite entering space gravity did not seem to cease and items did not float as expected will asked his mother if they had entered orbit and she confirmed they had it turned out that before they left the planet the robot had retrieved an engine from the alien spaceship and hidden it beneath the vehicle at that moment apart from their vessel all other ships had successfully boarded the Mother Ship Captain Victor contacted them expressing gratitude for their help in escaping the planet however due to the black hole's influence the space region had become extremely dangerous the Mother Ship had to leave in an hour upon hearing this they prepared to First Rescue Jon and Dawn at that moment the spaceship indicated that fuel was low June then told Moren that she had to put aside personal feelings and prioritize sometimes sacrificing some for the greater good she set the course for the mothership Moren replied that it was impossible June insisted that by returning to the Mothership they could all leave together or else she would throw her off the ship Moren concerned for her husband sharply Manu Ed the spaceship downward detecting the danger the robot pushed June into the hall and the Hall's doors closed Moren then regained control of the spaceship's orbit and locked the hall doors June ordered the robot to break the glass but the robot only left a slight mark on it two people bound together by adversity amidst the wreckage of their spaceship continued their work Jon said he once thought he would lose his amazing children forever but crashing on this planet turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him it helped him find them again Dawn was moved by Jon's words tears welling up in his eyes he managed to clear the particles that had blurred his vision took over the unfinished task from Jon and successfully ignited the wreckage meanwhile Moren using thermal imaging from the Mother Ship successfully located them she put down the ship's Harpoon and prepared to shoot it to rescue them then started the spaceship towards them soon will spotted them at that moment June found the emergency escape exit and made her way out hearing the noise Moren fired the Harpoon but it stopped just short of its Target Jon quickly called his wife but back on the ship June and the alien robot had emerged from the main hall Moren and others had already left the cockpit and taken refuge in the ship's garage she told the children to quickly board the vehicle preparing to face the robot alone however will refusing to believe in the robot's betrayal approached it and asked if it knew who he was telling it he was its friend the lights on the robot's face seemed to flicker as if it was thinking then it extended its hand hand just then Moren operating a crane flung the robot out into space and then secured will and herself to a post with a rope opening the hatch the sudden suction threw everything in the ship including the robot into space gasping for breath Moren quickly shut the hatch and checked on her children just then something forcefully opened the hatch door revealing an oddly shaped alien spaceship an arm extended from it turns out it was the alien robot accompanied by another combat ready robot the two robot Bots exchanged glances and the blue light on one's face turned red it then pointed towards the vehicle approached and with a push knocked morine aside before blasting the vehicle away will was also thrown out the combat robot picked up the spaceship engine from the ground at that moment Will's space suit began leaking as the combat robot prepared to attack will the humanoid robot's lights flickered seemingly in thought just as the combat robot moved to strike it was suddenly flung away the humanoid robot then repaired will space suit and Will said he knew it hadn't changed the combat robot behind him launched an attack and the two robots being of the same kind were evenly matched and indistinguishable in the fight finally the humanoid robot looked at will and charged at the combat robot both robots drifted into the vastness of space will went to check on his mother although her space suit was leaking it could hold out a bit longer the glass on the vehicle was now cracking the only solution was to close the hatch but since it had been forcibly opened the h hydraulic mechanism was damaged only will crawled out to manually close the hatch he found the switch outside the ship and with Relentless effort managed to close the hatch next he needed to climb to the other side of the ship to enter through the airlock just as victory seemed Within Reach he accidentally slipped into space just then a figure appeared and saved will it was his father it turns out just moments before June having a change of heart had saved Jon and Dawn meanwhile the Mother Ship had hadn't abandoned them and was slowly approaching but just then a strange noise arose the engine of the alien ship inside the garage extended tentacle like lines taking control of the entire ship a massive beam of light appeared and they were sucked into a black hole as the light faded they found themselves in an unknown star system resembling the pattern the alien robot had drawn on the ground this marked the end of the first season
Channel: Daniel CC Movie&TV Series
Views: 152,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science fiction movie, movie review, movie trailer, horror movie review, full movie, psychological horror film, fantasy film, suspense movie review, movie recap and explain, movie explained, ending explained, tv series recap, web series recap, lost in space tv series, lost in space ending explained
Id: FymTSOQt_Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 21sec (3981 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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