Into The Night, Season 1&2 |Human Survivors After Sun Apocalypse Seek Shelter Underground

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[Music] hey guys today I'll show you a science fiction Thriller TV series named into the night season 1 and season 2 spoilers ahead watch out and take care the drama takes place in the dead of night when Brussels Airport in Belgium was bustling with people as usual a young lady Sylvie was awakened at home by her alarm clock ever since the accidental death of her boyfriend Sylvie had been in Low Spirits tonight she was set to board a flight to Moscow carrying her boyfriend's ashes however at the airport entrance she bumped into a stern-looking man who hurried toward the terminal he then located an airport staff member and revealed that he was a NATO officer in a rush the officer told the ticket agent that he needed to go west as far west as possible after purchasing his ticket the officer sat in the airport bar visibly anxious as he waited for his flight the news on the bars TV displayed a horrific scene countless people mysteriously collapsing moreover a popular social media influencer named Melanie planned to head to Moscow and discovered that a friend she was chatting with in New York had suddenly gone silent the officer cursed under his breath saying it's too late and then he turned and entered the terminal after attacking a security guard he brandished a gun and stormed into the boarding gate hijacking the plane Bound for Moscow he ordered the flight attendant to take off immediately in this way the officer's actions intertwined the Destinies of a group of otherwise unrelated people although he had successfully commandeered the aircraft the pilot had left earlier to check on ground operations furthermore during a scuffle with the co-pilot Matthew the officer fired a shot injuring his left hand and destroying the radio under these circumstances takeoff was impossible the officer burst out of the cockpit and shouted at the remaining passengers who could fly this thing they need a pilot now and it's a matter of life and death then Sylvie slowly raised her hand it turned out she had once flown helicopters in the military though not a pilot in this desperate situation she was the best hope they had the officer pointed his gun at Sylvie ushering her into the cockpit meanwhile the co-pilot matud tried to call the control tower to request takeoff but found they had lost contact with the ground without time to ponder why the two had to get the plane into the sky under the officer's threat once Airborne the officer's demeanor gradually calmed he introduced himself to matthu as Gallow indeed a major assigned to Nato he said in desperation that he knew it sounds crazy but it's true as soon as the sun rises they're all dead this was the information he had overheard at NATO people in Asia and the Americas had already been decimated by the mutated solar radiation while the cockpit was no longer on a knife edge the passengers outside were still very afraid sitting next to a young Arab boy was an old passenger Richard who muttered nervously another elderly man took his medicine under the care of his caretaker named Laura the influencer Melanie quietly conversed with a man named Horst sitting next to to her sylv's neighbor was a heavy looking man named aaz at this time a flight attendant was comforting the passengers one by one in the aisle when she reached Richard he suddenly handed her a note that read the terrorist is sitting next to him the flight attendant looked back discreetly but could not be sure whether the terrorist was aaz on the left or the Arab boy on the right she could only head to the front of the plane to inform the aircraft mechanic of this alarming message at the same time Sylvie in the cockpit made an excuse to find a doctor for the injur mat and left the cockpit although there was no doctor on the plane there was a home care nurse Laura who had been giving medicine to the elderly man after coming to the cockpit Mato received treatment from Laura while pleading with major Gallow not to tell the passengers about the sun disaster so as to avoid Panic on the flight he needed a stable flying environment to ensure the safety of the passengers however a Russian mother among the passengers named Zara couldn't sit still her son needed to undergo surgery in Moscow the next day he would be close to death Zara hysterically yelled at Gallow but was pulled down by a flight attendant now was not the time to cause a dispute after cauterizing and sealing Matthew's wound Laura returned to her seat at this moment aaz suddenly grabbed her and said that he heard about the sun hearing this Laura was stunned she had also heard Gallow talking about the sun while treating the wound the plane was about to experience another wave of chaos the anxious Arab boy suddenly clutched his stomach and collapsed in pain on the floor during during the commotion aaz seized Gallo's gun and forced him into the lavatory afterward aaz pointed the gun at matu demanding to know the truth Matthew explained that major Gallow was a mentally ill patient and he didn't believe the claims that exposure to the sun would lead to death aaz believed mat's words and handed the gun back to him matu demonstrated extreme professionalism comforting the passengers before returning to the cockpit intending to call the nearest control tower or interpole but the radio had been damaged long ago Matthew decided to temporarily fly towards rovic the capital of Iceland the Arab boy lying on the ground Laura didn't understand Arabic but luckily a Man in the Yellow Hat on the plane did and rushed to help treat the boy unbeknownst to them the plane had already reached Iceland but what awaited them was not hope but fire and ruins rikic airport had been destroyed and the plane could not land Matthew and Sylvie had to turn the plane around the passengers realized the plane had not landed and began to panic they remembered Gallow was locked in the lavatory wondering if what he said was true Mata instructed Sylvie to replan their route according to the remaining Fuel and find the nearest Landing point he then left the cockpit to release major Gallow Mata asked what exactly was going on out there but Gallow ordered matu to give him back his gun before he would speak matu complied reluctantly after getting the gun Gallow Finally Revealed that if the sun rises they will all die so they must keep flying West Sylvie came out out and told matur that they were running out of fuel even reaching the nearest kinloss airport in Northern Scotland was going to be very difficult matur motioned for the passengers to return to their seats and remain calm saying he would try to fly the plane lower and slower and ask them to trust the pilots despite his words the passengers were still very low in spirits with some praying and others recording videos wanting to do something for the last time before they died Sylvia matw and the mechanic discussed their plans after reaching kin LW Airport Port Matthew wants the mechanic to join him in refueling quickly so they can continue flying but the mechanic wants to return to Brussels where his wife remains for now the matter with Gallow is put on hold but the issue with the unconscious Arab boy is still unresolved aaz steps forward to help and the Man in the Yellow Hat leans over the boy listening to his muddled speech suddenly The Man in the Yellow Hat tells Laura and aaz that he thinks the boy is saying he swallowed a diamond the plane has now arrived at kinos airport but there's not a soul in sight mat has no choice but to make an emergency landing in a heart-stopping moment the plane stops just in time ignoring the flight attendants warnings the passengers slide down the evacuation slides on the ground they turn on their mobile phones only to find that everything major Gallow said was true the sun disaster has indeed happened before they can make their way back to the cabin a military vehicle approaches from the distance three soldiers disembark and inquire about the situation after learning that the outside world has been destroyed they decide to join the passengers on the plane flying off into the night the scene shifts to the mechanic's memories he and his wife are deeply in love and she is pregnant with their child but due to a twist of fate they are separated back in the present the mechanic frantically calls his wife urging her to head toward the darkness Elsewhere on the plane the Arab boy seems to have stopped breathing watching The Young Life fade away before her Laura breaks down in tears back at the airport the three soldiers are negotiating with the co-pilot mat they are all Professionals in aviation and joining the team would be beneficial for everyone however the mechanic is reluctant he alone wants to return to Brussels helplessly Mato reveals that the soldiers have just confirmed what Gallow had said on the plane even those hiding in bunkers cannot Escape their fate the implication is clear his wife's chances are slim hearing this not just the mechanic but all the passengers are in despair now they can only follow mat's lead after reaching an agreement matu instructs the soldiers and passengers to enter the airport and scavenge for any useful supplies influencer Melanie is lucky enough to find a bottle of vintage liquor and sneakily stashes it in her bag at that moment tragedy strikes the Russian mother Zara whose son needs surgery in Moscow refuses to return to the plane she does not believe the ludicrous claim that the son can kill and stubbornly chooses to stay at kinloss airport Sylvie goes to persuade Zara to leave but Zara becomes agitated with no other choice Sylvie has to restrain her instructing others to forcibly carry her back to the plane they cannot bear the thought of leaving two lives to be lost in such an unclear situation afterward the flight attendant closes the cabin door and the plane begins its second Journey the camera moves to the cockpit where the soldiers analyze the best latitudinal and longitudinal routs for the plane they reason that the closer to the Equator the greater the circumference of the earth and consequently the harder it is to escape the clutches of the sun Sylvie leaves the cockpit to check on aaz who is outside repairing the radio the mechanic has become despondent so the heavy work falls to the three soldiers and the men in the cabin later Sylvie chats with the sick little boy comforting him that everything will be all right eventually Sylvie finds the mechanic who has just lost his wife forever it's not surprising that he has given up on life but Sylvie uses her own painful past to inspire him the journey was supposed to be a sweet one with her boyfriend but he suddenly passed away Sylvie even considered ending her own life but ultimately persevered she hopes the mechanic can do the same reinvigorated the mechanic joins aaz and soldiers in repairing the radio meanwhile Horst has fixed the plane's wireless network it seems the passengers truly are a talented Bunch with a network back up everyone pulls out their phones to check for messages but Melanie finds that even after an hour she hasn't received a single one the flight attendant however receives a farewell text from her child Richard reads out a news report from an hour ago which mentions that British physicists have discovered a problem with the sun's polarity h a climatologist tells the passengers that it's known the sun undergoes a polarity reversal every 11 years which shouldn't affect Earth however during the recent reversals one side's magnetism seemed much stronger potentially causing a massive gamma ray storm equivalent to a trillion Neutron bombs exploding every second inside the sun he despairingly adds that the scientist who wrote the article is probably already dead in the UK suddenly aaz pulls Sylvia aside and reveals a shocking Discovery the three soldiers at kinloss airport were not active duty soldiers but war criminals who committed atrocities in Afghanistan these men are not to be trusted Sylvie considers throwing the soldiers off the plane then inside the cabin one of the soldiers starts to strip his disguise and seize other passengers belongings the elderly man already not in his right mind tries to open the cabin door to leave in a panic the soldier pulls the old man away who is then harshly thrown to the ground already frail the old man dies instantly this ignites a fuse as people think it was the soldier who killed him given that it's impossible to open the cabin door during flight aaz tries to take away the old man's body so as not to frighten the sick boy provoking the already agitated soldiers one soldier points a gun at him but luckily the leader of the soldiers scolds him to put the gun down Mato steps forward once again calming the passengers and deafly changing the subject informing them that they will land in a small town in Canada to gather supplies and new radio equipment another life lost the mood among the people is somber Sylvie enters the cockpit under the pretense of changing mat's bandages and in French she shares with matu ayaz's investigative findings although the soldiers are British and don't understand French one soldier becomes alert upon hearing the word Afghanistan fortunately Sylvia explains that she was just talking about her own service in Afghanistan narrowly avoiding detection by the soldiers before long the plane touched down in Canada according to the plan everyone disembarked to look for supplies at the airport they were met with the sight of countless bodies of those who had suddenly passed away stirring a bleak sense of Sorrow within them but time waits for no one and matu swiftly directs the division of labor heeding sylv's earlier advice he intentionally sent the three soldiers to search for the radio equipment alone the soldiers sensing something a Miss took the mechanic and the flight attendant along with them in their search reluctantly Mata and Sylvie agreed to their demand once the soldiers had departed Mata gathered the other passengers disclosing to them the truth about the soldiers being war criminals from the Afghan conflict he instructed everyone to return to the plane as soon as they found the supplies with the mechanic and the flight attendant planning to escape in the process leaving the soldiers behind and taking off without them time was of the essence and the passengers began to act swiftly meanwhile aaz volunteered to bury the body of the Arab boy who had passed away at the same time the mechanic and the soldiers reached a dimly lit hardware store in search of the radio equipment the mechanic found the necessary gear on a darkened shelf but kept quiet about his Discovery now that his mission was accomplished The Next Step was to ditch the soldiers taking a gamble he lied that there was no radio equipment outside sending the soldiers into a storage room to search as soon as they stepped inside the mechanic locked the door behind them and ran back with the flight attendant but in a moment of confusion the flight attendant ignored the mechanic's advice and stood there dazed the soldiers shot their way out of the storage room and gave chase the mechanic had no choice but to leave the flight attendant behind and drive away from the scene with the soldiers in Hot Pursuit elsewhere the passengers had completed their search for supplies and returned to the plane everyone was now awaiting the mechanic and flight attendants return the mechanic did come back but the three soldiers were close on his heels he jumped out of the vehicle ran into the plane and instructed aaz to close the hatch telling him the flight attendant couldn't make it he then entered the cockpit and relayed the news about the flight attendant to mat but there was no time for grief the plane hadn't yet escaped the solders pursuit they fired at the aircraft while running towards it Mato wanted to stop the plane for the flight attendant but Sylvie intervened insisting that the passengers safety was Paramount the plane sped up and as the soldiers realized they could didn't catch up their gunfire grew frantic finally the aircraft ascended leaving the soldiers on the ground just as Mata felt a wave of relief Richard in the cabin suddenly noticed a crack in the plain side window made by one of the soldiers bullets a crack that could potentially Doom the entire aircraft he stood up and yelled to stop the plane the scene shifts once again to the co-pilot Matthew's memories it turns out he has been having an affair with a blonde flight attendant all along this very attendant was left behind in Brussels at the beginning mata's wife discovers their secret but seems to be in a weaker position within the marriage she says nothing despite knowing even deliberately leaving the bedroom to give matur space to deal with the aftermath back to the present matur inspects the crack in the window at high altitudes even a small fracture can be fatal due to the significant pressure difference he must find an opportunity to go outside with the mechanic to fix the crack meanwhile aaz is comforting the sick boy however the boy's mother reacts angrily accusing aaz of having ulterior motives major Gallow has been dissatisfied with mata's authoritative orders and explodes after the window damage arguing that decisions should be made as a group discussion not just by mat Gallow also targets the airline staff and Sylvie matu is infuriated by Gallo's arrogant attitude and with Richard Fanning the Flames the tension between them intensifies just then Horst who claimed to be a meteorologist tells them that he he has discovered another airplane through the radio everyone quickly stops arguing and Mato listens to the radio the person on the other end tells him about an underwater sealed training base in Hawaii used for Astronaut training which can Shield against radiation and has now become a refuge mattha shares this news with everyone but Sylvia is worried about the plan she points out that Hawaii's latitude is too low if the Refuge fails they won't be able to escape the sun's Rays Mata counters that the plane can't fly indefinitely any heart failure means it's over they have to take a chance or they'll die eventually mat's emotions are running High likely due to the immense stress and his arm injury Sylvie asks if he needs pain relief but matu chooses to save the medicine for the passengers suddenly there's a commotion outside Sylvie stops matu from going to check and finds that Gallow has formed an alliance with Richard and others to establish new cabin rules they clash with ayaz's group Sylvia is about to intervene when matur urgently calls her to the [ __ ] pit an alarm is sounding for an unknown reason but matu can't find the issue after checking he deduces that a soldier must have climbed onto the landing gear during takeoff and is now stuck there he informs everyone explaining that although the soldier can't enter the cabin if he damages the hydraulic system the landing gear won't work meaning the plane can't land Matthew plans to resolve the landing gear issue and fly as high as possible hoping the soldier will die from lack of oxygen in the cabin passengers are doing their own thing chatting or being bored however when Melanie goes to the water dispenser Gallow picks a fight with her just then Laura suddenly notices that the crack in the window is growing before she can warn everyone the glass breaks and the powerful air flow causes dizziness Mata hurriedly puts down the oxygen mask but it's too late people can't secure themselves and the little boy faints in the end the mechanic battles the fierce wind and seals the window with a board restoring calm to the cabin the turbulence caused a lot of harm Melanie seemed to have bumped his head and passed out the little boy's oxygen tube had vanished in a critical moment aaz surprisingly pulled a knife from the luggage compartment he quickly cut the tubing from the oxygen mask and fitted it to the boy's nose narrowly resolving the crisis but the danger was far from over after this ordeal the plane could no longer reach Hawaii if they wanted to head to Hawaii mata's plan involved circling the globe once more which again displeased Gallow meanwhile Sil discovered that the soldier on the landing gear hadn't fallen off he had damaged the hydraulic system and was sustaining himself with the heat inside the worst case scenario unfolded after much thought matur decided to send aaz and the mechanic to the tail to deal with the soldier but Gallow blocked them blackmailing matur into agreeing that future decisions must be discussed and deliberated upon Under Pressure matur agreed to Gallo's demands back in the cockpit matur told Sylvie that Gallow was an unstable element and they should get rid of him but then he dropped the subject asking Sylvia if she had found a temporary airport fortunately there was one in the uan islands without considering his recent agreement with Gallow matu unilaterally decided to fly to the uans the scene shifts to the cabin where the little boy's condition had worsened unable to stand by idly Laura approached Matthew hoping he would lower the plane's altitude to ease the boy's discomfort however Matthew rejected her suggestion Laura then sidestepped Sylvie and informed matu that the flight attendant left behind in Canada had already revealed his affair with his mistress to the influencer Melanie despite knowing this Laura believed matur was still a noble person and hoped he could show kindness once more persuaded by her words mattio agreed to Laura's request turning to the mechanic and his group they had made it to the underbelly of the plane reluctant to hand over his gun Gallow decided to join the action himself they torched through the cargo holds wall with a welder and entered the storage area next up was the landing gear the mechanic cut through the wall above the landing gear only to find Pitch Darkness inside as the three of them tensed up a hand suddenly reached out from below attempting to snatch Gallo's gun the soldier was indeed hiding inside aaz grabbed the gun and let loose a barrage of fire into the darkness silencing the soldier who presumably met his end returning to the cabin they were met not with Applause but with icy stairs from everyone it turns out that during the stopover in Canada the airport janitor had discovered aaz slicing open the body of the deceased Arab boy to retrieve the diamonds hidden inside furthermore ayaz's mysterious knife which he had somehow brought on board now made him an extremely dangerous individual only Laura believed aaz was a good person the situation was Dire aaz had no choice but to reveal that the gems were relics lost during the Ottoman Empire Era belonging to his homeland recently aaz had learned that the gems were on display at the antp Museum so he orchestrated their theft and hired the Arab boy to smuggle them in his body the boy's death was an accident he hadn't followed the proper procedures leading to his own demise by the very gems he carried despite the truth being told the passengers still weren't ready to let iaz off the hook Richard took out handcuffs and a show of hands was called for a vote on whether to restrain the alleged murderer ultimately aaz was regretfully captured and locked in the hold below the scene shifts to ayaz's memories of his past it turns out he wasn't any real estate agent he was the owner of a brothel in Belgium and aaz was no pushover he had clout in both the underworld and the legitimate World known locally as a big shot there had been an incident where a British man in his establishment bit a girl's nose aaz had come to sort things out but the customer was unreasonably defiant and even threatened to report them to the British Consulate when sweet talk failed aaz resorted to a whip beating the man half to death he even paid off the police afterward to handle the Fallout however aaz was now locked in the plane's hold with the passengers above debating his fate the plane had arrived at the airport on the elucian islands Richard was determined to kick aaz out although aaz wanted to defend himself Richard shut the hatch on him the other passengers mindful of ayaz's good intentions were unwilling to cast him out even Gallow who usually sided with Richard was uncharacteristic ically silent the Democratic vote initially advocated by Richard had now become a double-edged sword leaving the decision on az's fate hanging in the balance a trial was convened out of necessity at the meeting Richard argued that aaz was a criminal involved in organizing prostitution and drug trafficking under his influence other passengers who were initially ambivalent began to shift their stance but to everyone's surprise major Gallow revealed a bombshell secret during his time at NATO he not only Eaves dropped on the unfolding disaster but also learned from military sources that an official Refuge had been built they needed to return to Belgium to seek further details and documents and ayaz's formidable personal abilities could be of help in the journey ahead Gallow advised against exiling iaz asserting that among all present only aaz was qualified for the task at hand as the others were ordinary citizens thus after Gallow vouched for ayaz's Life Matthew agreed to his plan allowing people to return to the plane ready to set off back to Belgium the scene shifts as Sylvie finds Melanie hoping to leverage her extensive social network to dig up the latest news on NATO and Hawaii before Melanie can respond Horst approaches Sylvie with catastrophic news he has discovered that the food collected from Canada by the passengers has turned dry and tasteless suspecting that the sun's mutation may have destroyed the food's DNA structure thus rendering it nutritionally worthless he warns that everyone on the plane might soon starve to death fortunately there are still canned foods but their supply is limited mat has been out of sorts since the stop in the uan islands and Sylvie hopes he will share what's troubling him after much deliberation matur reveals that the blonde flight attendant he had an affair with is pregnant with his child a piece of dire news in these apocalyptic times mat has his worries as do others the airport janitor had a soft spot for a flight attendant who died in Canada contributing to his Low Spirits as for Sylvie returning to Brussels has resurrected painful memories of her deceased boyfriend suddenly the plane experiences severe turbulence Sylvie rushes to the cockpit to inquire about the situation and Mato downplays it saying they just flew a bit too high however Sylvie notices that mat's mental state seems off almost to the point of Madness she calls over the mechanic and aaz to subdue the frenzied matu after being dragged to the cabin mattio regains his composure and heads to the restroom to tidy up it's not entirely mat's fault as the current pilot of the plane he has slept only 10 hours since leaving Brussels a feat that would overwhelm most people Richard suddenly hears a series of indistinct radio waves the mechanic and HED rush to the radio and discover that the voice coming through is speaking Russian they think of Zara with her sick son as Zara approaches aaz to ask about his plans for the gems she's impressed when he says he intends to anonymously return them to the Turkish government before they can continue their exchange horse calls Zara away indeed it takes a native to understand and she quickly realizes that the voice on the radio belongs to a Russian astronaut stranded at the International Space Station a significant Revelation how he has survived in space might hold answers for the plains predicament and this must be relayed to matur immediately the mechanic runs to the cockpit but finds matu missing he never left the restroom sensing trouble the mechanic finds matur unconscious nurse Laura diagnoses that mat's hallucination and seizures are likely due to blood poisoning from an untreated gunshot wound necessitating emergency surgery a daunting task given the lack of a doctor on board and the question of who will land the plane with no other options they turn to Sylvie who bravely accepts the formidable task of Landing the plane following online instructional videos step by step it's a risky move especially since Sylvia is in experienced with takeoff procedures meaning the lives of everyone on board after landing in Brussels depend on Laura's ability to save Matthew with the plan set Sylvie takes control of the main console as the Brussels Airport comes into view Silvie clumsily executes The Landing steps the situation on the ground is far from optimistic but as the plane descends Sylvie forces it toward the ground thankfully everyone in the cabin had buckled up in advance avoiding a violent impact the plane lands amidst great danger and Sylvie overwhelmed with relief weeps with joy as others applaud her but there's no time to waste nurse Laura and Zara head to the hospital to operate on Matthew while the airport janitor and Melanie search for food at the airport major Gallow and iaz set out to investigate NATO's base for intelligence however hor suddenly realizes that if the food has spoiled due to solar radiation the plan's organic carbon-based fuel might be compromised as well the scene shifts to the Past memories of Richard he's an ordinary resident of Brussels who goes to work every day and looks after his mother whose hearing is in Decline but lately he's been engrossed in online conversations with a Russian girl and it looked like they might become romantically involved however she constantly asked Richard for money to buy a plane ticket to see him a clear indication of an online scam the baguer Richard couldn't pull himself away and even went as far as purchasing a ticket to Moscow hoping to meet her but as one might expect once she heard this news she stopped responding to him fast forward to the present Richard has put the failed online romance behind him and is now getting ready to head out with Gallow Sylvie enters and informs them that their Hawaii plan is off since Melanie discovered online that the training base was never completed now their only hope lies with NATO Sylvie emphasizes the importance of taking the situation seriously to add to their troubles the Airplane Fuel has mutated just as horse had warned now the question is where to find new fuel fortunately the airport janitor is aware of temporary fuel stored in pipes under the riverbed in antp consequently Sylvie secures a tanker truck and plans to send the janitor to antp before leaving the mechanic asks Melanie to keep a close eye on Sylvie to prevent her from doing anything foolish Upon returning to her old haunts meanwhile Gallow and his group arrive at the NATO base where they find the corpses of soldiers who stayed at their posts until death they then enter the Diplomatic ambassador's conference room it's revealed that at the onset of the disaster Gallow whose lover was a Spanish translator had overheard a conversation among high-ranking officials In This Very Room learning that it was too late and they needed to leave immediately but now there are no meeting minutes left on the conference table in a moment of frustration Gallow slams the table and yells the observant Richard notices that the conference room security camera is voice activated meaning there must be recordings in the security room so he heads off to the security room while Gallow and iaz stay behind to search through documents but at this juncture Gallow can't help but make some insulting remarks about ayaz's ethnicity and his country despite repeated warnings Gallow does not stop leading to a Fier fight between the two Gallow accidentally lands a powerful uppercut that knocks aaz to the ground motionless Gallow is terrified and rushes to find Richard by this time Richard has located the position of NATO's Refuge which is supposed to be in a bunker in Bulgaria information that roughly matches what the Russian astronaut on the International Space Station provided after hearing the news Gallow pulls Richard wanting to hurry back to the plane and lying that aaz had already returned but before they leave Richard spot's aaz lying in a pool of blood on the surveillance footage nurse Laura and her group wielded mat into the hospital there behind a curtain they were confronted by a mountainous pile of corpses a sight that was both shocking and heartbreaking it seemed people hoped the black cloth would Shield them from the Grim Reaper but it was a feudal struggle in the end after a moment to compose themselves they wheeled Matthew into the operating room they moved the body of a dead man on the operating table and then Laura began the daunting task of trying to save Matthew meanwhile the sick little boy playing in the hospital stumbled upon a living animal inside a backpack Zara relayed this news to Horst while mat's surgery was barely a success though he hadn't woken up and was immobile time waits for no one for the safety of everyone they took the risk of carrying mat back on a stretcher the airport janitor and the mechanic had already found fuel buried in the pipes and began to extract it fortunately the fuel in the pipes had not degraded and was plentiful at that moment Melanie was searching for food with Sylvie in the Supermarket they stumbled upon the bodies of a couple an ironic end as they died in the throws of passion Sylvie told Melanie that after Gathering food she had something to do and instructed Melanie not to follow her when horse called Melanie had just seen Sylvie off knowing the gravity of the situation he quickly drove the fuel tanker back to the plane he was aware of sylv's boyfriend's fate and her suicidal plan sylv's departure from the group likely meant she was off to carry out this plan indeed Sylvie lay at home tend ly gazing at her boyfriend's n quietly awaiting death's arrival but the mechanic found her after days of close interaction he had developed feelings for her his visit was not only to persuade Sylvie to return but also to express his heartfelt emotions after a tongueless kiss Sylvia agreed to give up her pursuit of death and returned to the plane with the mechanic now with all crew members present Gallow helped the just awakened Matthew into the cockpit urging him to take off quickly but aaz had not returned on the the floor of the NATO conference room the grievously injured aaz was crawling slowly leaving behind a Winding Trail of blood but those on the plane were unaware of az's whereabouts despite Gallow claiming aaz hadn't returned with him the Grim wounds on his face undermined his credibility Zara pressing for answers on ayaz's fate was finally met with the truth from Richard he betrayed Gallow suggesting that Gallow might have killed aaz hearing this Zara screamed in Rage that she would kill Gallow but but thankfully Laura restrained her heavy body Dawn was approaching and the plane had to take off Zara slumped into her seat defeated suddenly in the cockpit Sylvia and matthewa saw a car driving towards the takeoff Runway the car stopped and out staggered a figure it was aaz Against All Odds he had made it the scene then shifts to Gallows fantasy where his mistress is beside him in a sports car continuously caressing and teasing him she seduces him telling him there's no need to repent for injuring aaz as it shows strength whereas Gallow was exceptionally weak in the past in the dream Gallow is just as he truly is timid and indecisive lacking in resolve perhaps this is why he wants others to fear Him however after the injured aaz returns to the plane and truthfully recounts Gallo's actions the survivors indeed cast their votes condemning Gallow to Exile in the cargo hold there's also a piece of good news they found the coordinates of a sanctuary which is supposedly hidden beneath a dam the bad news is that the coordinates are not precise enough they must search around the dam to find the exact location of The Refuge once they run out of fuel there will be no second chance for escape Sylvie informs everyone that the plane will land at an Air Force Base 15 km from the bunker and from there they'll drive to the shelter and all this must happen within half an hour there's no time for argument back in the cockpit Sylvie finally shares her feelings acknowledging how difficult everything has become a person once seeking death she now finds herself as one of the leaders of the survivors group an iron not lost on her Mattia Comforts Sylvie assuring her she's doing a great job however Sylvie reveals that she wasn't discharged from the Air Force but left after the death of her boyfriend from cancer unable to cope with the loss Sylvie doesn't see herself as a strong leader but Mato encourages her once more to forgive herself and to break free from remorse and memories to focus on the present meanwhile Zara covertly finds aaz she lifts her shirt revealing a long Fierce scar on her abdomen she had sold one of her kidneys to raise money for her sick son now it's not just her son who's weak her own health is in Jeopardy she pleads with aaz to take her son if she can't keep up aaz solemnly makes this promise before she leaves Richard also finds aaz wanting to have a private word in a secluded spot he tells aaz that he did see lying motionless through the surveillance but chose to ignore him thinking it' be easier if aaz were dead so he wouldn't have to face him again now that aaz has returned to the plane he hopes for forgiv aaz chooses to forgive him Richard even suggests that aaz hit him to vent his anger but aaz refuses he shares that 20 years ago he was in prison and that experience taught him that facing one's mistakes isn't easy seeing az's character Richard opens up about his real reason for going to Russia to meet a Russian girl he knew online he excitedly shows aaz a photo lavishing her with praise just then Melanie walks in and upon seeing the photo informs the man that the girl is an inter internet famous model she's acquainted with realizing he's been duped Richard leaves the scene visibly embarrassed after the minor episode the plane was rapidly approaching its destination matud turned to Sylvie and expressed his wish that in a critical moment Sylvie could abandon him an injured man to help the other passengers after all no one would need to Pilot the aircraft thereafter Sylvie did not want to agree but Mata threatened to crash the plane if she refused so she reluctantly consented subsequently Sylvie exited the cockpit there was an urgent problem that needed everyone's attention they needed to decide what to do with Gallow opinions were divided but in the end they unanimously decided to leave the judgment to aaz as the bond between him and Gallow was the most complex after much contemplation aaz simply said if they were to die today he didn't want his last act to be sentencing a man to death it seemed aaz had decided to spare Gallo's shitty life with conflicts resolved the plane officially headed toward the Bulgarian military base with mat's professional reminders the aircraft landed safely without delay the people split into two groups and set off as planned they found two military vehicles and quickly drove toward their destination the haste was such that Sylvie even left behind her boyfriend's ashes however Mata consoled her that if they could just find the shelter there would be plenty of opportunities to retrieve the ashes Gallow continued to boast claiming to be the Savior who had saved everyone on the plane and did not deserve such treatment but was sharply rebuked by Laura meanwhile the vehicle carrying aaz and others encountered trouble the severe injuries often caused aaz to lose Consciousness which led to him not noticing an obstacle on the roadside and crashing the car now only 24 minutes remained until sunrise the car's engine had given up and the group had no choice but to proceed on foot in the cold Dark Night aaz holding the little boy led the survivors on their way at this time sylv's group had reached the bunker just as the gate was about to close Mato LED his people to try and stop it only to discover the door was electrified the airport janitor was knocked out by the shock Mata then pressed the switch to stop the door but time was running out at this critical moment Gallow volunteered to take Matthew's place in holding the switch hoping this act could serve as his Redemption everyone agreed to Gallo's plan but Sylvie mistrusting him handcuffed Gallow in place and threw the key on the ground telling him that someone would unlock him later on the other side aaz and his group Came Upon an electrified iron fence the mechanic believed they were going the wrong way and wanted to turn back but there was no time left aaz decided to take a chance and continue horse took a tire off a truck as insulation and then everyone removed their clothes to climb over the fence simultaneously sylv's group arrived at their destination broke open the gate of the bunker with stones and seeing that ayaz's group had not arrived Sylvie decided to go back for them with only 3 minutes to Sunrise aaz finally made it in time and entered the bunker under sylv's lead however because aaz and the others had not taken the same route as sylv's group the poor Gallow was left trapped in his original location missing the chance to escape watching the Rising Sun Gallow felt both rage and despair helplessly awaiting death inside the bunker Sylvie concealed the fact that she had locked up Gallow and lied claiming she did not know of his whereabouts and so they arrived at the entrance of The Refuge a group of fully armed soldiers welcomed them the survivors had finally reached the longed for Sanctuary no longer needing to live in Exile however the commanding officer sternly told Sylvie they needed their help the scene shifts to Zara's memories before the disaster struck Zara had already separated from her son's father and was working as a waitress in a restaurant all by herself by a twist of fate her ex-husband showed up at the restaurant one day with his new wife running into Zara he had never paid child support but now things were different her son's condition was worsening and Zara had heard about cuttingedge treatments available in Moscow for the first time she swallowed her pride and asked her ex-husband for child support only to have his new partner show up at her door that evening berading her and telling her not to expect a penny from them that's where her flashback ends back to the present since arriving at The Refuge people's lives have returned to normal albeit with their biological clocks completely reversed everything takes place within the shelter Sylvie and and matw are cooperating with the military at The Refuge reaching out to other survivors Zara's son the only child at the shelter is still keeping up with his studies thanks to the diligent care of aaz and others one day a fire suddenly breaks out in the bass's kitchen it was caused by Melanie who accidentally knocked over some oil the soldiers were complaining about Melanie but the commander came to her defense however the fire was a wakeup call for the shelter Their Food Supplies were running low Mata suggested that there was an under ground seed vault in Norway that might still have seeds unaffected by the sun to get there they would need to retrieve the fuel tanker from the previous military base Sylvie feeling uneasy as she remembered Gallow she had doomed volunteered to look for the fuel tanker following that the commander assigned the seed mission to Captain Marcus who would lead the team which included aaz and some of the survivors the commander then reminded everyone that they were in a military facility and had to obey military orders without question after laying down the law he cheerfully announced it was time for breakfast breakfast was a subdued affair with people huddled in small groups quietly discussing their own matters aaz was reassuring a worried Zara that he would make a quick trip and return soon while the airport janitor and the mechanic discussed major Gallo's whereabouts Melanie due to her good looks faced some harassment from the hormone smelling soldiers sparking another conflict meanwhile in the command room Matthew approached Sylvie to remind her that if Gallows body was discovered she needed to manage the situation the astute mat had already sensed that Gallo's disappearance might have something to do with Sylvie he cautioned her about the potential repercussions as Gallow was after all military personnel if the shelter's commander found out they had killed a soldier it could create animosity an anxious Sylvie chose to head to the Air Force Base alone in the middle of the night but was discovered by the commander sensing that Sylvie was harboring a secret the commander offered to accompany her Sylvie reluctantly agreed but then used the excuse of taking the wrong car keys to cancel the trip meanwhile Laura was assisting Horst with his rat experiments it turns out since arriving at the base H had been dedicated to developing materials that could shield from solar radiation using rats as test subjects to cultivate seeds Laura understood that if they couldn't succeed their group would lose their value and the soldiers might drive them away the scene shifts and aaz finds Zara to tell her that he refused the external mission and had the Commander's approval because he loves her and does not want to leave her and her son the two passionately kiss but without using their juicy tongues Zara's son is again helping HST by catching rats for experiments the boy enjoys catching rats because Horst rewards him with snacks each time however Zara doesn't want her son to come into contact with these potentially harmful animals and takes him back to sleep in the blink of an eye the sun is shining brightly outside and the people in the shelter have fallen into a deep sleep but the boy who couldn't sleep suddenly discovers a rat and follows it outside trying to catch it Zara realizing her son is missing follows him out wanting to bring him back but inadvertently both wander into the shelter's power room and carelessly lock the door behind them Sylvie who also hasn't slept still plans to sneak out but the commander is keeping an eye on her again he has always felt that Sylvie is up to something and just as he prepares to confront her Zara's cries for help startle them prompting him and S to rush to the power room inside the power room the temperature is very high and for their safety Sylvie can do nothing but instruct Zara to shut down the generator furthermore as a key area of the shelter the power room can only be opened from the outside with a key Zara and her son's situation is extremely perilous Sylvie instructs the commander to quickly fetch the key but it turns out the power room is never meant to be closed and the keys whereabouts are unknown the soldiers have no choice but to try and RAM the door open with a vehicle but the shelter is built to withstand a nuclear blast and brute force is ineffective Zara and her son behind the door are close to Suffocation at this critical juncture the mechanic thinks of using the high temperature blowtorch from the airplane to cut open the door disaster never comes alone the shelter's geological layer also experiences a geothermal reaction Horst warns the commander that if they can't open the power room to activate cooling everyone will die of heat in the bunker so the commander heads to the Air Force base to search for the flight but they find major Gallo's dead body at the entrance the commander looks at Sylvie suspiciously his intuition tells him that Gallo's death is related to Sylvie Sylvie claims that Gallow may have wanted to help others but then lost hope and took his own life despite the holes in sylv's story now is not the time to pursue the truth the commander takes off his coat covers Gallo's body and continues driving forward after a long wait the people in the shelter were starting to get Restless some were considering giving up on Zara and her son to save everyone else but Mata and aaz wouldn't allow this to happen Zara and her son's condition was deteriorating and all hope was placed on Sylvie and the others unexpectedly what awaited Sylvie and her team wasn't the plane and blowtorch but a scene of wreckage and Ashes the commander pointed out Gravely that the blowtorch and seeds aren't important now they now faced a bigger problem it wasn't an earthquake that destroyed the plane it was a missile the scene shifts to a flashback belonging to the nurse Laura she had once met a humorous Moroccan man during her nursing training program that evening the man invited her to his restaurant for dinner at the table he made no secret of his fondness for Laura the two exchanged affectionate glances and hid it off just as A Beautiful Romance was about to Blossom Laura's strict father tracked her down to the restaurant he opposed his daughter dating a lowly immigrant and after severely humiliating the man ordered Laura to go home immediately the flashback ends and now Laura is outside the power room comforting Zara inside but the bad news of the plane explosion has already reached the shelter leaving Captain Marcus in charge the commander decides to return to the military base's gate to search for the blowtorch on the way he suspects that the Russian astronauts and their Associated shelter are behind all this since proposing a plan 3 days ago to go to Norway in search of seeds the Russian shelter and the astronauts at the International Space Station have both broken contact with them the commander suspects that the Russians are also targeting the seeds in Norway and blew up the plane to eliminate competitors elsewhere Melanie has already relayed the bad news to aaz under Marcus's command hearing that the blowtorch plan was hindered Zara behind the door looks at the power room's pipe opening and decides to escape with her son the boy finds a screwdriver in the room and then Zara uses it to unscrew the pipe's bolts before kicking open the pipe and sending her son into the ventilation shaft but the boy is struggling his vent Ator was running out of battery a long time ago now he is surviving solely on Willpower and the encouragement of his mother however not everyone is as patient as iaz and the others the soldiers have grown tired of waiting Thea who served for NATO before the apocalypse talks to Horst hoping he can negotiate with Zara inside the power room to turn on the generator but still horse decides to wait for Sylvie and the others to return at this point Sylvie is frantically searching for the blowtorch at the military base but the commander isn't participating he's still focused on the surveillance footage of Gallo's corpse eventually he concludes that Sylvie killed Gallow after sharing his conclusion with the mechanic they find Sylvie and tell her that the sun is about to rise and they must abandon the rescue mission and return to the shelter the soldiers in the shelter couldn't wait any longer they came to the power room door guns in hand ignoring the protests of Richard and Thea they threatened Laura and aaz demanding that Zara turn on the generator or they would open fire in the nick of time Sylvie and the commander returned to the shelter aaz seized the opportunity to fight back as the soldiers were distracted during the scuffle gunshots rang out and to everyone's astonishment the commander was hit and fell to the ground bleeding profusely the commander died like that and amidst the sorrow everyone was harboring their own ulterior motives Thea told the soldiers to put the Commander's death aside for the moment and wait for aaz and the others to continue the rescue if it wasn't Successful by Dawn they would decide what to do next the soldiers wanted Revenge but Thea told them that the Commander's death was an accident and the shelter couldn't afford any more internal strife outside the door aaz and the janitor brought crowbars and hammers hoping to pry the door open inside Zara continued to encourage her son to crawl into the pipe Sylvie was sitting in the dormatory despairing convinced that all efforts were in vain it's all over the plan to crawl through the ventilation duct isn't working the little boy is on the brink of death aaz and the janitor outside also realize they can't open the power room door in despair aaz sends everyone away leaving only himself to sit outside the door and talk to Zara this pair of Starcrossed lovers who had only just come together and expressed their love are now on the brink of being separated by life and death it's a truly poignant moment Zara holding her son's body Comforts aaz and delivers her thanks for his help then zaraa stood up and turned on the generator the people in the shelter saw the light again but their hearts were heavy because they knew what it meant Zara and her son had really lost all hope of survival poor aaz knelt outside the door crying like a desperate baby in just a few hours the shelter had lost three members all gone without explanation but life had to go on the power room's fuel could only last a few hours so they decided to go to town to collect Fuel and tools figuring out a way to get into the power room Matthew suggested Ed heading to the nearest airport to retrieve a plane the seed project was of the utmost importance because if the Russians had taken all the seeds everyone would starve the tragic day came to an end hor was writing in his diary on the bed aaz was still spiritless for the loss of Zara but not her son Laura sat comforting him outside his door ayaz's Behavior reminded Laura of the man who had been harmed by his father and herself she hated herself for not having the courage to stand up to her father like aaz did elsewhere the mechanic found Sylvie and inquired about Gallo's death Sylvie got straight to the point admitting that Gallow died by her hand but it wasn't intentional and she did it for the good of everyone the mechanic believed Sylvie but he feared that once the soldiers in the shelter found out they would seek revenge on her and as if the mechanic had jinxed it his fears came true while the soldiers were handling the Commander's body they found a USB drive in his pocket upon inserting it into a computer they watched a video of Sylvie locking up G and inadvertently causing his death the soldier claimed in Anger that they must have their Vengeance the scene shifts to a flashback of Melanie from these Recollections we could learn that Melanie had just returned home from the hospital she has a brother who is suspected of being gay Melanie began packing her bags to leave home which slightly disappointed her father Melanie told him that she was going to Brussels for business but her father seemed to know his daughter's true intentions and asked if she was going to see her boyfriend Melanie became nervous and her father immediately warned her that the guy was a scoundrel and not worthy of her Melanie however seemed unable to extricate herself from her boyfriend now Melanie sat outside secretly observing the soldiers burying the Commander's body these soldiers had always looked down upon the new survivors and now they were venting their dissatisfaction by calling Sylvie a blood sucking tick before long those who had gone to town to look for fuel and lockpicking tools returned Richard opened the door to the power room and discovered the body IES of Zara and her son feeling a deep sense of regret aaz still sat in the dormatory lost in thought while Laura continued to sit outside with him then Captain Marcus came by with some items and asked Laura to inform aaz that the power room had been opened and they were preparing a funeral to bury the mother and Son's bodies aaz heard the news but didn't move instead he told Laura despondently that he believed God had him board that flight as punishment for everything he had done which implies that I might have committed some unforgivable crime before meanwhile the others were gathering to discuss the next mission assignments Thea planned to go with matu and Captain Marcus to find a plane while the mechanic and the janitor were tasked with finding fuel also matw hoped Sylvie would join his group since having an extra pilot could only be beneficial however two NATO soldiers wanted to keep Sylvia in the shelter claiming she was the leader of the survivors and couldn't leave clearly the soldiers had their own agenda but Sylvia agreed to stay anyway the rest decided to set out after the funeral at the funeral Thea kept glancing at her watch eager to set off for Norway sooner rather than later however the mechanic scolded her for her lack of respect for the deceased then aaz arrived unexpectedly claiming to have pulled himself together aaz told everyone not to dwell at the funeral but instead to move forward afterward aaz volunteered to take on the task of searching for fuel however Sylvia and mat both felt that something was off wondering if aaz was plotting something against Thea who was indirectly responsible for Zara's death the scene shifts and Captain Marcus once again finds Melanie the beautiful girl he truly liked not only did he bring her new clothes from town but he also wrote her a letter saying that if he didn't return from Norway she should open it and read what he wanted to tell her but Melanie seemed unwilling to focus on romance especially since three people had just died she walked away visibly annoyed meanwhile Thea found the leading soldier who was boxing and reminded him not to cause trouble especially with the survivors however it seemed the soldier was determined to stir up issues at the same time Laura felt that az's Sudden Change of attitude was abnormal and cautioned the janitor to keep a close eye on him elsewhere the soldiers were holding a military funeral for the commander after the service the leading Soldier approached an ambassador hinting that he should choose his side carefully as a conflict seemed imminent at this time pilot matu had already set off with Thea and two others in search of an airplane the mechanic openly expressed his dislike for Thea calling her a NATO fool leaving her speechless and creating an awkward atmosphere but now they had arrived at the airport where Mato realized all the planes were too small for the journey to Norway the group went deeper into the airport hoping to find a larger aircraft but instead discovered several luxury sports cars matthewa mentioned that there was another airport further north they could try Marcus unable to take his eyes off the sports cars suggested they drive them to their next destination the camera returns to the base where the Ambassador is discussing with Sylvie how to allocate Zara and the Commander's rooms only to find that a soldier has already forcefully moved in Sylvie found the leading Soldier and told him that aaz had been through a lot of pain and was still taking risks for the shelter she pleaded for a bit of humanity and to show him some kindness the leading Soldier stared at Sylvie intently but eventually seemed to agree to her proposal the scene shifts and the janitor is now departing with aaz in the car AZ tells the janitor that he can actually understand Thea but it was those NATO soldiers who hated Zara and the others who pressured them to turn on the generator out of selfish motives his revenge was aimed at those soldiers meanwhile the janitor receives a call from matu and the others learning that their search for an airplane was thwarted he then tells aaz that they too must go to another airport to meet up with mat's group and head to Norway together aaz is taken aback but raises no objections turning to Marcus he joyously sped down on the road in a sports car fortunately looking for another plane did not take too much time Mata finds a slightly larger plane which might serve as a means of travel if the seats were removed matur rushes into the cabin to inspect it only to find two rotting corpses in the cockpit with a small baby even in the woman's arms the scene is distressing for all three of them but they know they must continue their mission the four of them disembark from the plane waiting for the janitor and aaz to bring them fuel at last aaz and the janitor arrive they quickly fuel up the plane and then Matthew and Marcus enter the cockpit the plane begins its journey to Norway flying into the vast night the camera once again returns to the base Laura finds Horst who is still conducting cultivation experiments hoping to talk to him alone she notices that H's mental state has been poor lately even losing hope in the experiments this is not good hor seeing no alternative confesses that because he loves her but she loves aaz after saying this hor walks away however Laura later finds H and tells him that she doesn't like aaz from the beginning to the end it has only been H she cared for just as the two are about to wrestle their tongues the leading Soldier cuts off their smelly tongues and calls them away elsewhere Richard who is working out on his little mustache rather than his muscles is approached by the blonde soldier who wants to take him to the control room to show him something Richard is taken away at the same time Melanie and Sylvie learn that the plane has successfully taken off and happily high-five each other they prepare to share the good news with others but what awaits them is not Applause but Laura HST and Richard being guarded by soldiers Sylvie steps forward to argue questioning the leading Soldier why he is doing this the leading Soldier Smiles saying that today he will judge the murderer who plotted against a NATO officer the Ambassador plays back a segment of surveillance footage showing the person plotting against Gallow is Sylvie the leading Soldier laughs thinking he has the upper hand but Sylvie calmly denies saying it's all a misunderstanding the scene shifts to a flashback of a Russian girl with Mania who will appear in the later story back to the present Matthew and the others are on the plane discussing how to deal with the Russians lurking in the shadows since the Russian astronaut voluntarily cut off contact they've lost touch with the Russians leaving the survivors in a passive situation matu thinks they can negotiate with the Russians to share the seeds but Marcus believes the chances of a peaceful resolution are slim they call aaz over to discuss aaz reassures them not to worry as long as there aren't too many of them there's no threat because he secretly brought a gun from the shelter then due to his nerves Marcus starts Breathing heavily matu not wanting to disrupt the flight suggests Marcus talks to his sweetheart Melanie not knowing she's already been captured the scene switches back to the shelter where Melanie and the others are being held and interrogated separately by the soldiers Melanie adamantly claims ignorance while hor suggests that the video evidence might not show the whole truth Richard plays both sides saying Gallow has made many mistakes but Sylvie shouldn't have acted the way she did despite the pressure Sylvie remains unyielding insisting on her right to defend herself the leading Soldier confronts her menacingly revealing that he intentionally separated aaz and the others to leave Sylvie without allies meanwhile pilot Matthew and his group are about to land there's no sign of the Russians at the Norwegian airport they hurry off the plane and drive to the seed vault's entrance where they find two bodies frozen solid after a brief moment of mourning they enter the vault only to encounter another security door the key card to unlock it is likely on the two bodies they just found with Daybreak upon them aaz decides to wait inside The Frigid seed Vault until sunset before venturing out again back at the shelter the soldiers lock Sylvie and the others in a room Laura Melanie and horse stand by Sylvie firmly but only Richard thinks that murder is a sin at this point the Ambassador finds them saying he can help convince the leading Soldier to temporarily spare Sylvie until the others return to make a decision but Sylvia and her group must show that they are Cooperative allies in this apocalypse relationships are only between allies and enemies after saying this the Ambassador goes back to report to the leading Soldier while Sylvie and her group discuss whether the ambassador's words can be trusted however the leading Soldier doesn't concern himself with this he's gradually become the top figure in the shelter and decides to do something he's never had the chance to do before to organize a party during the party the blonde Soldier finds it too boring and decides to spice things up he approaches Sylvie and takes Richard and HST away with unclear intentions on the other side aaz who was resting in the seed base suddenly woke up to find a pistol aimed at his head the owner of the pistol turned out to be the Russian girl who appeared in the previous flashback aaz and his companions realized that the girl's mental state was not stable and they carefully made it clear that they meant no harm the girl was a file keeper for the world food program who had been alone in the seed base for over 5 weeks she had believed that a sudden outbreak of chemical warfare had killed everyone outside the fil keeper gradually calmed down and she agreed to Matthew and the others request to enter the seed Vault however upon entering they were shocked to find the vault in disarray the fil keeper had been surviving by consuming the seeds and had long since lost her sanity aaz found an empty bottle of antis psychotic medication in the seed Vault given that the girl already had bipolar disorder and had been alone in the seed Vault for one or two months it was no surprise that she might become delusional matur instructed aaz to inform Captain Marcus to contact Melanie and tell them they would be returning earlier than planned and that they also intended to bring the fil keeper back but Thea told the two that the girl had no desire to leave and disagreed with them taking the seeds back at the shelter HST and Richard were forced by the soldiers to put on boxing gloves they were made to fight each other the two weakest men in terms of combat in the shelter amid A Chorus of jeers when the leading Soldier made a joke about horse's woman hor punched him in a fit of anger this was a bad move as he was no match for the well-trained soldier the leading Soldier took off his shirt and beat hor to [ __ ] his pants nearly killing him thankfully the Ambassador rushed out claiming that hor was still valuable for seed cultivation and pulled the leading Soldier away the other soldiers then threw the unconscious horse back and took the enraged Sylvie to solitary confinement Additionally the leading Soldier continued to divide and conquer by cozying up to Richard over a meal suddenly a female Soldier came with bad news Marcus had said over the radio that they would return from Norway earlier than planned and kept asking where his favorite girl Melanie was and a soldier had let slip that melany was detained knowing that the blonde soldier's expression darkened as he said he would handle the situation while the leading Soldier continued his manipulative tactics he handed the keys to the various rooms to Richard ostensibly to deliver food to the survivors his clear intention was to turn the survivors against Richard causing internal conflict the naive Richard thought the soldiers were treating him as an intermediary upon seeing that Richard had the keys Sylvie asked him to release all the survivors that night she needed to find a gun to ensure they could defend themselves but Richard quickly closed the door he still thought the soldiers just wanted to vent their anger and told Sylvie not to resist Sylvie urged Richard to abandon his Illusions and face reality there could be no peaceful coexistence between the survivors and the soldiers the blonde Soldier found Melanie and wanted to take her sexy body away he had long harbored hormone desires for the beautiful Melanie Laura and Horst stood guard protectively around Melanie the blonde Soldier swore in frustration he only intended to have Melanie respond to a radio message however the blonde Soldier pointed a gun at Melanie's head and threatened her to tell Marcus that nothing had happened at the shelter suddenly Melanie took advantage of the Soldier's distraction and kicked him hard in the groin she then informed Captain Marcus that the soldiers in the shelter had gone mad and urged them to return quickly afterward she ran towards the outside of the shelter the blonde Soldier aimed his pistol at Melanie as she fled But ultimately didn't shoot because in his eyes Melanie was already as good as dead the blonde Soldier returned to the shelter and locked the main door the scene shifts to the memories of the employee Thea it turns out at the very beginning of the disaster she and the Ambassador were notified of the news now they needed to catch the flight to the Bulgarian shelter Thea couldn't even tell her neighbors about the impending disaster only claiming she was going on a trip all Thea could do was leave her cat with her neighbor then she left in tears back to the present aaz and his group were in the seed Vault discussing their plan the message Melanie risked her life to send made them choose their next steps cautiously after delibera everyone agreed to return to the shelter as soon as possible they also decided to take the fil keeper back with them leaving a living person behind would weigh on their conscience so they put on their masks deciding to go along with the girl's belief that there was toxic gas outside and that they could take her back to see her daughter after much thought the girl finally agreed to leave with them but just as they were leaving an accident happened since Melanie sent the message only Marcus and aaz were present now with Marcus staying on the plane aaz was the only one who knew the truth the janitor knowing az's desire for revenge against the soldiers suspected that aaz was fabricating false news to rush them back to the shelter AZ got angry upon hearing this since he hadn't lied in his anger he slapped the janitor knocking off his mask things went downhill from there the fil keeper seeing the janitor's mask fall off and he was still alive freaked out feeling deceived and then ran away screaming in a chicken voice helpless aaz and his group had no choice but to chase after the girl on the other side Richard came again to bring food to Horst and Laura HST inquired about the whereabouts of Melanie after the blonde Soldier had taken her Richard was unaware of this matter however he relayed sylv's plan to the two of them HED blinded by rage said that Sylvie should just take a gun and kill all the soldiers Laura however was constantly soothing him then she asked Richard to find out from the blonde Soldier where Melanie had gone at that moment the distraught Melanie was outside the shelter knocking on the door begging the soldiers to let her in but there was no response Richard then found the blonde soldier who lied that Melanie had gone into town to look for supplies Richard didn't believe this obvious lie the blonde Soldier sneered and asked him not to worry about Melanie anymore hearing this Richard trembled and walked out he found the Ambassador and told him the shelter was facing a serious crisis he didn't want a riot to happen the Ambassador feigned agreement then took Richard to the leading Soldier unexpectedly he betrayed betrayed Richard by telling the leading soldier that Sylvie planned to start a riot that night the leading Soldier feigned concern patting Richard on the shoulder saying he would handle it well the scene shifts and we see Melanie driving a truck away from the shelter desperately searching for a place to stay suddenly she sees light coming from a building on the side of the road there were still people outside Melanie was both shocked and Overjoyed she drove to the house cautiously entered with a flashlight and found darkness and silence inside she opened the bedroom door and discovered two dead babies inside it turned out there were no living people the light was from a rotating lamp beside the baby cribs in the master bedroom lay the deceased parents of the babies Melanie clenched her teeth and moved the food from the house but the food had spoiled due to solar mutations it had no nutrients and was hard to swallow Melanie threw away the food and took out the letter that Marcus had given her before he left as she was reading Marcus's heartfelt words with mixed emotions Melanie suddenly heard the sound of a helicopter outside she ran out the door and saw a helicopter flying past without a moment to think Melanie drove the truck and followed it the camera returns to Norway where Marcus and the janitor are refueling the plane aaz had already captured the girl and strapped her to a seat the fil keeper now believed the truth about the son but then told aaz in despair that if it was true it meant all the people she loved were dead she would rather die with them asking aaz why he would like to save her aaz replied that saving lives is the only way to to maintain Humanity in the apocalypse even if she can't find a reason to survive she must live on that's what it means to be human on the other side Laura and H were still inside the shelter waiting for Sylvie to implement her plan Sylvie had been waiting for Richard to open the door for her and indeed a set of keys was sent through the door what Sylvie hadn't expected however was that the keys were intentionally given to her by the soldiers as a trap Sylvie found H and Laura but Laura was unwilling to take the risk she felt that hor just wanted revenge against the blonde soldier who had beaten him up however Sylvie still forcefully brought Laura to her side suddenly Laura heard a noise from next door it was Richard who was tied up and wailing like a goose but Sylvie did not go to check and instead continued with her plan when she opened the box containing guns she found it empty and as a Stern warning came from behind Sylvie realized she had likely fallen into a trap the leading Soldier looked smug as the Ambassador reprimanded Sylvie in a sycophantic man the soldiers then decided to detain the three of them along with Richard turning to Melanie she had followed the helicopter to its destination two Russian soldiers disembarked from the plane guns drawn and pointed at Melanie they questioned whether Melanie was from NATO and why she wanted to blow up their plane Melanie denied knowing that fact and quickly took in this unexpected news she then blamed the bombing on the NATO soldiers in the shelter calling them the bad guys who had expelled her she offered to lead the way to the shelter it appeared that Melanie was looking to use used the Russians to exact her revenge against the NATO soldiers after some thought the Russian soldiers decided to follow Melanie for Retribution so just as Sylvie and the others were being captured without a fight inside the shelter Melanie had brought the Russian soldiers to the shelter's doorstep they blew the door open with explosives and stormed in Melanie secretly grabbed a radio intending to contact Marcus and the others aaz heard the radio and rushed to the cockpit to respond he learned about the situation in the shelter and Melanie bringing the Russian and soldiers he urged Melanie to hold on saying they were about to depart aaz hurried out to inform the others but failed to notice that he had left his tools in the cockpit meanwhile the leading Soldier handed a handgun to the Ambassador if other survivors returned they would undoubtedly blame the soldiers so the Ambassador was to execute Sylvie this would deter others from causing trouble as Sylvie was being transported suddenly a burst of gunshots was heard the soldiers left to investigate back at the plane the file keeper had managed to get hold of the tools and freed herself from the tape her bipolar disorder and mental illness flared up again unbeknownst to the people outside still working on the plane Mata suddenly spotted the file Keeper's figure in the cockpit realizing something was terribly wrong the three rushed onto the plane but it was too late the girl had locked herself in the cockpit declaring she wouldn't go anywhere while smashing the control panel with a fire extinguisher the plane was destroyed by her crazed actions the mechanic and iaz didn't know what they should do next the scene shifts to a flashback of hor who works in the climate and energy Department of the European economic area he was romantically involved with his supervisor and they had planned a trip to Moscow together however the supervisor ended their relationship that day claiming she had lost her feelings for him devastated hor left the office with his work documents declaring he would work from home for a while and ignored an urgent phone call which was likely about the solar mutation returning to the present the Ambassador is shocked as he holds a gun and tells the leading soldier that he once believed NATO could bring peace implying his inability to accept the leading soldier's actions tragically Russians burst in and shoot the Ambassador instantly killing him the leading Soldier pleads with the Russians to explain what is going on after they angrily question why their plane and bunker were destroyed by NATO Melanie steps forward as the soldiers who escorted Sylvie arrive leading to a tense standoff Sylvie is now fleeing in a corridor but she is eventually captured Melanie and Sylvie along with others are locked in a room where hor can't identify the strange soldiers Melanie reluctantly admits she brought the Russians but stays silent about NATO soldiers destroying the Russian plane fearing trouble for herself Sylvie tells the others that it was her actions that led to their capture and reveals that she was wounded by the soldiers with no better option they decide to wait for aaz to return but he and the others can't even access the cockpit meanwhile the janitor suggests removing the the cockpit window from the outside to repair the control panel and then reinstalling it but first they need to calm down the file keeper who is too upset to listen to reason matu emphasized the need to find the tools to remove the window as their top priority they stop arguing and leave to find the tools while Thea volunteers to stay behind and try to persuade the girl to open the door she shares her own experiences explaining that people can change and the survivors have become more important to her in this post-apocalyptic world she believes the girl can also find Hope again but the file keeper remains unyielding crying and smashing things driving even Thea to desperation back to the shelter NATO soldiers have already sat down to negotiate peace with the Russians although a conflict has been temporarily averted the Russians do not trust them completely no one knows for sure if it was the NATO soldiers who blew up the plane the leading Soldier is just as puzzled as the Russians wondering who has the power to destroy their weapons and why they would do such a thing they pour over the map in the command center trying to deduce the identity of this mysterious Force unbeknownst to anyone deep in the Chile Atlantic a submarine moves stealthily forward afterward matu and the others have returned and as expected Thea has failed in her task they have also failed to find the tools they need with the sunrise fast approaching Mata tells Thea they must give up on the file keeper and Retreat to the seed Vault they'll wait for the sunset the next day before coming out again to find the tools to remove the window and fix the plane to return to the shelter Thea is devastated before the disaster she was all about surviving alone having to abandon everyone close to her now she faces the prospect of leaving another life behind through tears she says maybe the file keeper is right that she isn't crazy after all what's the point of living if you can't be with the ones you love Thea contemplates staying and seeking death as well but Mato reminds her that many people now depend on her her life is no longer just about her ultimately Thea doesn't have the courage to leave the girl behind the sun is rising quickly in the shelter Sylvie and the others realize there must have been an incident in Norway suddenly the leading Soldier finds her and announces that there will be a public trial that evening Sylvie pleads insisting that she alone is to blame and not to harm the innocent the leading Soldier gives a mocking smile and locks the door Sylvie fears that all the survivors will be executed they must save themselves hor s gests they escape the shelter and find the Russian plane to fly to Norway especially since Russian helicopter engines mostly use a type of fuel not affected by the solar mutation so there's no need to worry about range the only problem now is how to escape Sylvie looks up and spots a ventilated duct with a gritted fence overhead she decides they can crawl out through the duct but they need a blowtorch to open the fence there's no blowtorch in the room but horse says he can make a simple one after some Hustle the homemade blowtorch is ready horse uses it to burn through the the vent cover while Laura keeps watch at the door after some coordination they all Crawl Through the duct passing sleeping soldiers and reach the end however they discover there are two more soldiers outside it's the only way out to escape their predicament Sylvie decides to cut the power to the shelter and use the night vision goggles played by the deceased boy to navigate their way out of the shelter on the other side the sun had already set the file Keeper in the cockpit had long since passed away on her phone there was still a video of her beloved daughter's birthday which was truly heart-wrenching matw approached the window intending to continue planning but the mysterious submarine that appeared earlier had already arrived in Norway back in the shelter Sylvie had gone to the power room to turn off the electricity the startled soldiers thought there was another generator malfunction and fumbled in the dark to investigate Sylvie and the others lined up and stealthily made their way through the soldiers not daring to make a sound the blonde Soldier using a flashlight arrived at the power room and turned the generator back on however the leading Soldier noticed the blood stains left by Richard on the ground he realized something was off by this time Sylvie had already LED everyone out of the shelter they used a Jeep to block the door that the Russians had destroyed by the time the soldiers rushed out of the shelter Sylvie and the group had already driven away on the road Melanie tried to contact Matthew and the others but the plane was destroyed and the radio was inoperable Melanie couldn't reach anyone and Richard's condition was getting more and more serious his life was hanging by a thread meanwhile matu and the others had entered the cockpit after mourning the file keeper matu slumped in his seat saying the plane was beyond repair the mechanic still hopeful suggested that since the Russians said a mysterious Force had destroyed the plane that Force might come for the seeds they could persuade them to rescue everyone if the plane couldn't land they would clear the runway if no one came they would make their own parts and repair the control panel the mechanic encouraged mattio not to to give up hope but matur had already accepted defeat nothing more could be done at that moment aaz was standing at the seed Vault entrance with a Steely expression after hearing from the janitor that they couldn't take off for the time being he threw down the walkie-talkie and entered the seed Vault he found Marcus who was busy with the seeds and told him they were now trapped here he had planned to deal with this matter after returning but it seemed they had to resolve it on the spot now it turns out the letter Marcus wrote to Melanie contained shocking news Mel had relayed this news to aaz during their recent contact Zara and her son were intentionally locked in the power room by Marcus under the direction of the commander the commander just wanted to scare the unruly Zara but he hadn't anticipated the key to the power room going missing after the tragedy occurred Marcus was also distraught but aaz wouldn't listen to his explanation drawing his pistol he ordered Marcus to kneel at that moment a mysterious man in an Overcoat entered the seed Vault when he saw aaz he shouted not to sh shoot there was a submarine outside and he was one of the crew members Marcus took the opportunity to escape in a rage aaz turned his anger on the stranger and fired a gunshot the scene abruptly cuts to sylv's group now they had located the Russian helicopter and were preparing to take off however the soldiers from the shelter along with the Russians followed them in pursuit in a rush Sylvie started up the helicopter but it would take a minute to get airborne Richard stepped down from the helicopter deciding to sacrifice himself he drove off a fuel tanker to draw their attention buying time for Sylvie and the others although Sylvie was reluctant to leave him she had no choice but to take off with a heavy heart shortly after the leading Soldier spotted the helicopter and began to attack it frantically with their rifles unexpectedly Richard resigned to his fate drove the fuel tanker straight at them amidst the explosion he and the soldiers met their end together Sylvia and her companions flew towards the distance mourning their loss meanwhile back at the shelter the other soldiers were suddenly elated to find that one of the rats used for experiments by hored had survived which indicates that the sunlight could be blocked and the sun mutation could be negated this is Daniel CC Movie Channel stay safe and enjoy your day
Channel: Daniel CC Movie&TV Series
Views: 133,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science fiction movie, movie review, movie trailer, horror movie review, full movie, psychological horror film, fantasy film, suspense movie review, movie recap and explain, movie explained, ending explained, tv series recap, web series recap, into the night tv series, into the night ending explained
Id: 0r8uCwVnVRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 38sec (4838 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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