An unemployed man discovers a mysterious robot with an extraordinary IQ

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the story starts in a futuristic city in Japan where humans and robots live together Ken kasugai a jobless man who loves augmented reality games finds himself in an unusual situation one day his wife Amy tells him about a strange robot that showed up in their backyard Ken not wanting to talk about it brushes her off and distracts himself with other things Amy keeps asking about her job interview but Ken uses this chance to avoid the conversation he goes to the backyard to check on a broken door thinking it might explain the robot's appearance to his surprise he finds the robot sitting under a big tree looking at a bunch of tiny horses curious kin talks to the robot but it only repeats his words back to him the robot introduces itself as tongue kin driven by curiosity takes tongue to a nearby junkyard to sell some of its parts the shopkeeper refu because tongue doesn't have a serial number making it impossible to recycle curious Ken and the shopkeeper open tongue and find complex Machinery with the logo of autobit systems a top robot maker Ken decides to ignore the strange robot and goes back home not noticing that Tong is following him at home he leaves the door open and tongue sneaks inside the robot explores the house looks at family photos and plays with a tissue box kin then finds Amy in the room they hoped would be a nursery Amy is worried because the hospital called asking why kin missed an important job interview they had promised him a permanent job if he showed up confused Amy questions kin's careless attitude since missing such an opportunity seems impossible as they go to the living room they see tongue and the tension Rises Amy frustrated explains how hard she's been working while kin seems happy doing nothing in her anger she accidentally knocks over an antique clock that belonged to kin's late father breaking the fragile pieace k K hurt and angry says he doesn't care about their relationship after their heated argument kin found himself kicked out of their home with tongue loyally following him they sought shelter at a bus stop where kin felt sad about his wife's actions while sitting there kin noticed a small leak coming from tongue he quickly opened Tong's panel and used his socks to soak up the liquid trying to fix the problem during this Ken saw the autobit logo inside tongue and became curious Ken took a picture of the logo with his phone and went to the autobit company's website he found out that they were offering to trade old robots for new Advanced models one of the new models was a chef robot which Amy really wanted Ken had an idea he could trade tongue for the chef robot to try and make up with his wife with this plan in mind kin and Tong headed to the autobit headquarters in Fukuoka City on the flight Ken asked tongue to be quiet so he could sleep tongue turned on the entertainment system and watched every everything on the screen the robot was very interested in an anime show about how friendship is more important than looks or material things just as Ken was about to fall asleep a child threw food at him waking him up and making him angry he made a sharp remark which tongue recorded and played over and over on the plane the passengers were confused and surprised and Ken got even angrier when he scolded tongue the robot got upset and started releasing hot steam causing more trouble on the plane when they arrived at the autobit office Ken was disappointed to find it closed for the day this made him feel hopeless meanwhile tongue found a discarded coin on the ground though it was worthless to Kin tongue saw it as a valuable treasure and taped it to its body after a sleepless night in a hotel Ken thought about contacting Amy he missed her but her harsh words still echoed in his mind stopping him from calling instead he decided to make some coffee as he waited for the the coffee to brew he fell asleep in his dreams Ken remembered the last moments with his late father feeling a mix of sadness and warmth suddenly a loud crash woke him up tongue had accidentally broken the coffee pot the next morning Ken and tongue went back to the autobit office hoping to exchange tongue for a new model but the robot receptionist rejected their request saying tongue wasn't in their system at the same time singi a tour guide was explaining the history of robots to a group of kids the children got excited when they saw tongue in the chaos tongue saved a beetle from being crushed by the children's feet impressed singi wanted to examine tongue and asked kin for permission singi who was actually a skilled robot designer at autobit took Ken and tongue to his office he examined tongue and found a strange processor and a cracked tube with a mysterious liquid he thought it might be fuel lubricant or cooling gel singi quickly fixed the tube to stop the leak giving kin some time until they could get a new tube singi noticed that Tong had unique traits like imagination and curiosity which were rare in robots he realized that tongue was made with limited resources but had great potential for future advancements singi was curious about who created tongue and why singi shared his findings with his colleagues and osuki a robotics expert was interested in fixing tongue completely she said Ken would need to take tongue to ch for the repair the idea of traveling so far for a robot found in his backyard was too much for Ken and he initially refused he changed the topic by saying he needed to buy coffee leaving the autobit office kin and Tong found a lively Festival Tong curious and eager to explore noticed the prices of different goods and used its coins to buy a glass of coffee for Ken although the coffee spilled before reaching him Ken appreciated the gesture and pretended to drink it touched by Tong thoughtful action this made Ken reconsider his decision feeling a strong connection with Tong he decided to go to China to get the robot repaired they arrived in Shin Jin a bustling City with dazzling fireworks suddenly Tong displayed a scary image of robots fighting humans which frightened both kin and tongue tongue hid behind kin for Comfort back at the autobit office singi was approached by two mysterious people asking about Tong they soon tracked kin and tongue to Jin the next day Ken and Tong went to a famous robot museum to meet osuki the expert osuki was delighted to see tongue and recognized its importance while they talked tongue got distracted by a remote control toy unaware it was a trap set by the mysterious people chasing them when Ken and osuki left in a car they realized tongue was missing osuki told Ken to throw his ID card into the car so they could track it with the GPS they followed the signal leading them on a after a public bus kin confused about why anyone would want Tong learned from osuki that tongue had the same intelligence as a human making it valuable to bad people back at home Amy worried about Ken and thought about their first meeting when he caught a wine bottle cap she had opened remembering this Amy decided to call Ken who was trying to rescue Tong she told kin she planned to leave their home feeling she had done all she could for him and even suggested a separation to get a response k surprised her by agreeing thinking it was best for her happiness his words made Amy cry overwhelmed with emotion a warehouse door suddenly opened giving osuki and Ken a chance they quickly went inside hoping to free tongue from its cage just as they were about to escape an old man named Dr KO appeared he had been working with the two mysterious people KO said that the microchip inside tongue was made by a famous robot expert Professor Baba osuki and Ken didn't realize how serious the situation was until KO ordered his men to take tongue seeing the danger Ken got very angry and yelled at Tong which made the robot release hot steam to defend themselves kin used a catapult as a weapon while osuki used an electric device to give kin time to escape with Tong they managed to get away but tongue's body started to smoke kin opened tongue's chest and saw that the fluid in a tube was almost gone he knew this was a big problem at that moment Ken got a phone call from a man who said he was Professor Baba the professor told kin that Tong was actually a robot named James which had survived an accident at a research lab he asked Ken to bring the robot to him for repairs without any doubts Ken decided to take tongue back to Japan heading to mikajima Island when they arrived they got on a tourist boat and enjoyed the beautiful sea and colorful fish tongue was very happy to see the fish and forgot about their problems for a while at the dock tongue accidentally fell into the water kin quickly jumped in to save the robot as they dried off on the beach tongue told Ken it wanted to go home with him Ken hesitated worried about Tong's worsening condition he remembered his father's death due to a medication mistake and felt guilty and unsure of his ability to take care of Tong and be a good husband to Amy in a moment of kindness Tong reassures Ken reminding him that Amy will always support him through life's challenges to comfort kin Tong performs a cheerful dance and sings some songs showing the joy and friendship it can offer this makes Ken think about welcoming tongue into his life when they arrive at Professor Baba's house the professor warmly welcomes them he asks them to get some bioethanol to recharge tongue during this process tongue becomes scared and hides behind Ken Professor Baba explains that tongue's fear is likely due to losing its past memories making the robot feel uncertain and vulnerable curious Ken asks about the incident to understand the robot's feelings before the professor can answer Tong asks to go home with Ken Ken feels unsure and not ready to be a caretaker so he decides to leave tongue with Professor Baba thinking it's the best choice as Ken is leaving Tong asks if they are friends kin doesn't answer and walks away struggling with his emotions outside kin meets KO who urgently asks about tongue this time KO apologizes for his past actions and explains that he was a researcher who worked with Professor Baba KO reveals that 5 years ago Professor Baba was involved in a secret project to develop AI for military use during a training exercise a robot named James showed fear a humanlike emotion KO was alarmed and asked the professor to stop the test but Professor Baba ignored him James lost control causing chaos and firing at both robots and military personnel after this disaster Professor Baba took a microchip from James and set off a self-destruct sequence destroying the research facility the incident was covered up and called an accident hearing this Ken felt a strong sense of urgency determined he took Ko's car and quickly drove back to Professor Baba's house amid the chaos tongue gathers all its strength to break free from Professor Baba when Ken arrives tongue quickly tells him that the professor wants the microchip inside tongue the professor locks all the doors using his computer system and surveillance cameras show KO arriving looking for them the professor then shows footage of Tong thanking Ken for giving the robot unique data he Reveals His evil plan to use James intelligence to gain wealth and power the professor attacks kin with a metal beam trying to get the microchip from tongue during the fight kin tells tongue to escape but the professor uses a robotic arm to hit kin again despite this kin and Tong work together and overpower the professor but then a heavy Vault falls and hits tongue kin tries to save tongue but the robot is unresponsive with its fuel tube broken again kin quickly replaces the tube but tongue doesn't wake up realizing he needs help kin calls KO who suggests the connecting cable might be damaged KO tells kin to reconnect the wires but kin struggles to figure out the correct way KO explains that only Professor Baba knows the right way to connect the cables if kin connects them wrong it will cause a short circuit and ruin tongue this reminds Ken of his past mistakes that led to his father's death but remembering tongue's promise to always be there for each other kin decides to trust his instincts he connects the cables randomly hoping for the best miraculously tongue wakes up but now identifies as James having lost its memory though kin feels sad at first he patiently starts telling the story of how they met he talks about their escape from Professor Baba's house and seeing a hor drawn truck named igua because of James memory issues the letters on the truck were misread as tongue James then climbed on the truck and ended up in Ken's backyard where their Journey began when Ken carefully tells these details James starts to remember their shared experiences slowly he recovers his memories and transforms back into tongue Overjoyed by this reunion kin's emotions overflow and he cries showing how much their bond means to him as the authorities arrive to arrest professor Baba KO tells kin that the research facility still has the original microchip from Tong despite this they offer kin the chance to take tongue with him if he joins their team and shares any useful data Ken also needs to sign a contract that requires his family's consent excited and ready for this new Journey kin agrees he takes Tong home ready to start a new chapter full of exploration and teamwork Ken and Tong reunite with Amy who was about to leave the house to their surprise she has decided to stay and has even fixed an antique clock that belonged to Ken's late father Ken thanks Amy for her effort but she responds coldly leaving him unsure of what to say just as Amy is about to leave tongue plays a recorded message of kin's voice it's a promise kin made to become a doctor and ensure Amy that everything will be fine hearing this Amy cries and decides not to leave kin promises to be a better husband and fulfill his promise Amy thanks Tong for bringing kin back not knowing that tongue has detected that she is pregnant Amy had thought about keeping her pregnancy a secret and raising the child alone but after what happened she now believes kin can be a great father she decides to share the news with him confident they can handle this journey together the film ends with a joyful scene of tongue dancing happily wrapped in a cloth showing the peace and happiness restored in the family so the moral of the story is if you find a mysterious robot in your backyard don't ignore your wife skip job interviews or travel across countries thinking you can trade it for a chef robot instead just fix the door make your own coffee and remember that sometimes the best Adventures happen when you're trying to avoid responsibility [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Science Fiction Hub
Views: 83,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SciFiMovieRecap, SFMovieReview, FutureFlickRecap, SpaceSagaSummary, TimeTravelTales, AlienAdventureRecap, RoboReview, DystopianFilmRecap, ParallelWorldsRecap, AIinCinema, ExtraterrestrialRecap, CyberpunkCinema, PostApocalypticReview, InterstellarInsights, GalacticMovieRecap, SciFiClassicRecap, FuturisticFilmFlashback, EpicSciFiRecap, CosmicCinematicJourney, OuterSpaceOpus, story recap sci fi
Id: vzqREiZO4Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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