Central Russiaβ€˜s Vampire Season 1&2 |Ancient Vampire Family Lived Hidden in the Human World

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[Music] hey guys today I'll show you a vampire horror TV series named Central Russia's vampires season 1 and season 2 spoilers ahead watch out and take care the drama begins with a Vampire family who lived in central Russia despite them being vampire craving for human blood they live quietly they live by the law and never kill humans the million-year-old grandpa Slava is the oldest of the family despite his Stern appearance now he's typically a good citizen who respects Law and Order when faced with a cleaning lady's scolding for making the floor dirty he tries not to cause any trouble and flies his chubby body up to pass the corridor he lives with three other family members who although not his biological children carry his blood in their veins the girl Anna was a Soviet police officer who tragically got shot during a mission Grandpa Slava didn't want her to Die Young so he cut his arm to feed her his blood granting her immortality even even now she remains a police officer in addition to the regenerative abilities they all share Anna possesses the unique superpower of mind reading which provides her with many conveniences during her dating the second family member novich is a doctor from the Napoleonic era who rashly shot at Slava which initially earned him a one-way ticket to the afterlife however Slava later realized his mistake and thus revived him with his own blood of course novich still practices medicine today but unlike ordinary doctors he can glean information from his patients BL blood and tell the patient's health conditions because of his medical profession the family's dinner responsibilities fall on him as for the Young University student named Ivan his joining of the family was purely accidental an incident caused him to collide with Grandpa Slava someday in the past causing blood to flow from the vampire's ear into Ivan's mouth thus accidentally converting Ivan to the vampire family member since he's the newest member of the family he hasn't yet developed his own superpower nevertheless he's not someone you'd want to try robbing after a busy night he collects a bottle of blood from each person through tubes with the principle of never endangering anyone's life unexpectedly although he left them in good condition two people later lost their lives Anna took charge of the investigation and with a piece of evidence left at the scene she immediately located Ivan Ivan confessed to Anna and Grandpa Slava that he just took one liter of blood from each of them and then left them there to rest just as grandpa taught him he checked before his is leaving that they were all still alive and all three were breathing the third person is the Survivor the one lying down they soon faced the investigation from the new investigator Sergey but compared to the new investigator their greater concern was the guardian enen a greasy lady who was supervising the vampires activities in the Living World it turns out that a century ago Slava had made a treaty with the Guardians if a vampire killed a person that vampire would be instantly executed to death and for Slava the price would be doubled Guardian Arena immediately set her sights on the new member Ivan prompting Slava to hastily assure her that he would personally find the perpetrator as a part of the police force Anna was always privy to the latest information using her mindreading power following a lead they rushed to the hospital only to find that the sole survivor had fled despite his grave condition which left them dumbfounded Dr novi's thoughts turned to his ex-wife Olga immediately Olga a member of the vampire family had chosen not to live with them and their lack of communication made novich question her source of blood sustenance when confronted by novi's allegations Olga accused him of not caring about her when he dumped her 81 years ago and claimed she was busy being happy with a muscular man the previous night meanwhile the unaware Ivan in the apartment was nonchalantly relocating slava's coffin to run a live stream upon hearing that sg's computer contained unknown information to the rest Slava decided to copy its contents while Anna attempted to extract information directly from his brain using telepathy however Serge's mind was filled with dirty thoughts of Anna's Beauty making her task difficult reluctantly Anna had to make unintentional physical contact which Serge misinterpreted as a sign of hormone Advance eager to take things further he tried to persuade her to come back to his room for a heart-to-heart body-to-body talk after being rejected by Anna sge tactfully chose to return to his room but Anna suddenly realized that Grandpa slava's task was still unfinished as footsteps Drew closer outside Slava leapt from the 10th floor Landing in an ungainly manner but fortunately without Serious injury although Sergey didn't find anyone in the room he noticed that his computer had been hacked and followed the network cable to the IP address only to encounter several Burly but bald men who publicly harassed Anna's sexy body Sergey didn't hesitate to throw a punch at the man's bald head but was immediately hit with a bottle Anna not one to just stand by said sensed blood nearby when her nose twitched indicating trouble even though bringing strangers home was against the rules Anna made an exception and dragged Serge back at that moment the vampire Guardian showed up seeing Serge lying on the table and mistakenly thinking they were dining she wasn't interested in their Good Deeds she was there to take away Ivan who was supposed to have killed two human victims faced with the greasy vampire Guardians aggressive approach Slava couldn't control his million-year long anger and instantly changed into a bat-like monster he revealed his true self shouting at the greasy Guardian never to touch his family and spitting at her his smelly saliva moreover Slava played the emotional card reminding her how he had helped her when she was nearly killed by a high fever as a child and how he supported her against bullies now it was her turn to reciprocate all Slava asked for was time assuring her that they would find the real culprit and if the perpetrator was one of their own he would personally carry out the sentence the greasy Guardian was persuaded to leave by Slava but his outdated wings were stuck outside the next day when Serge awoke he saw Olga who had come for a visit initially she didn't plan to reveal any clues in front of Sergey but upon seeing slava's nod of approval she opened up before leaving she didn't forget to take a sniff of Serge's hormone smell trying to hook him up Serge inquired about the identity of the rude woman and Ivan told him it was novi's ex-wife Serge said the woman was pretty weird and Slava reapplied that's why she became novi's ex-wife because Ivan had used Grandpa slava's bed sheet to sharpen a knife he was immediately taught a lesson however thanks to the vampire family's ability for physical regeneration his wound quickly healed as a newcomer to the vampire family he was curious about everything upon discovering his superpowers Ivan began to cut his arm recklessly he thought he had gone too far but it appeared to be just a false alarm nonetheless the significant loss of blood soon left him in a state of hunger driven by his starvation Ivon boarded a crowded bus looking at the tempting necks before him he couldn't help but lean in closer what's worse the bloody scars that were left behind on the muscular man's neck nearly made him lose his control however the muscular man thought he was stalked by a gay boy so he kicked his smelly butt out of the bus remembering Grandpa slava's admonition Ivan had to suppress his discomfort if it weren't for slava's hidden bloodstock pile Ivan might have caused more trouble after all Anna hadn't yet smoothed over his last mishap afterward Anna received a call reporting a new murder so she rushed there only to find that Serge had already been there who turned and looked at her flexing his vampire teeth however he wasn't any vampire it turns out he made the Dentures from the bite marks on the victim's neck seeing the bite marks on the new victim's arm Anna knew it's the vampires doing and the body couldn't be taken back to the police station or else their entire family would be plunged into a new crisis reluctantly she had to bite sge with her unbrushed teeth when sge woke up again everything seemed normal except for his own somewhat unusual neck Anna immediately found novich and asked him to help hide the body but Slava happened to walk in on this scene Having learned that it came from the garage he suspected it's Olga's doing and found her Slava hoped she would get novich to verify the blood to prove her innocence after all novich had learned to distinguish whose blood they had consumed from their blood as novi's ex-wife she came asking him for a small favor for doing her test however the test results showed that there was no blood of the new victim in her body on the other side the rebellious Ivan was up to his usual Antics at home hanging himself Anna had long lost her patience with her Troublesome younger brother seizing the opportunity while Sergey was away she taught him a harsh lesson throwing his chicken body against the wall later a blood test conducted by novich on the new victim revealed that the corpse was not that of the sole survivor who had escaped from the hospital however what was certain was that wherever the Survivor appeared victims were found Sergey also stumbled upon a new clue finding a button from the last century at a new crime scene Anna brought this new piece of information back home and after flipping through old photos in novi's album they found the button on Olga's clothes at the moment she was enjoying a late night snack her arms bare suspecting her as the perpetrator they hurried to her house immediately to have her explain the button found at the crime scene however Olga mentioned that she had donated some of her clothes to a museum and the rest to the student theater's costume shop most importantly her blood was clean just then the Survivor bare armed and looking somewhat unwell after having his blood drained appeared at the scene which was puzzling compared to the numerous injuries he had when he fled the hospital a mystery to novich so novich took a sample of his blood without delay meanwhile Serge had tracked them down following the phone interaction and from the survivors frequent call law found Olga's address now as a prime suspect the Survivor was definitely required to return to the police station he described a man in Black who was desperately chasing him to the point where he didn't even dare look in the rearview mirror as he sped into town and woke up in the hospital but upon hearing the voice of that madman from his hospital bed he opted to escape through the window of course he was also unclear why his body had healed so quickly his first instinct was to return to that garage as for the new found body it was his unlucky roommates to prevent their family from being implicated by the corpse Anna asked novich to come up with a suitable excuse for the survivor's roommate's death naturally they would need Olga's help initially Olga was reluctant to assist novic but she then remembered their shared past long ago the two were a couple as Inseparable as any but the thought of aging and death LED Olga to the idea of becoming a vampire to be with novic forever she made the drastic decision to turn herself therefore she owed novich a favor the reason novich sought her assistance was due to her unique witchcraft when the security guards saw novich attempting to stuff a body into the trunk he demanded proper documentation at that moment Olga's supernatural abilities proved useful she used her eyes to enchant the guard's mind suddenly the guard became docile and did not forget to offer blessings for the body after everything was taken care of after much contemplation novich finally discerned the reason behind the injured the survivor's miraculous recovery the only explanation was that when he was removing shards of glass he had accidentally cut his palm and his blood had dripped onto the survivor's wound however from past experiments novich knew his blood alone wasn't enough for such healing moreover he found a synthetic drug in the survivor's blood which meant he needed to find out what the Survivor had ingested the combination pointed to the potential for cellular regeneration and novich was on the brink of developing a powerful medicine standing on the overpass Olga and novic reminisced about the past back when she had just become a vampire Olga had uncontrollably harmed a maid for her blood after many years they found themselves at the same spot again she tried to take novi's hand but he no longer held any affection for her in a fit of anger and ignoring his pleas Olga threw the body off the overpass although it was not what they had planned they rationalized that a traffic accident was a plausible cause of death on the other hand Ivan and Grandpa Slava were investigating a house and made an intriguing Discovery besides some animal specimens what really caught their attention were the vampire photos on the wall they immediately informed Anna and Sergey without a key Sergey broke in decisively Anna found a photo of Slava on the wall before Sergey noticed clearly the group were unaware of the story behind it shortly after a bright light Shone through the window and a young boy named Nikita returned with his grandfather who could not walk he explained that the devices on theall all were his grandfather's hobby for hunting vampires upon hearing the word vampire the old man came out to clarify things himself he spoke of his past frustration in trying to prove the existence of vampires which led him to many places and eventually got him admitted to a psychiatric hospital mid conversation he started calling Sergey as his late partner indicating that the old man was showing symptoms of dementia however Anna was well aware of the truth in the old man's words after she shared this with Slava he immediately sought out Arena he was upset that Arena had admitted the old man to a psychiatric hospital but Arena brought up another topic she was willing to let go of Ivan's responsibility on one condition she wanted Slava to turn her into a greasy vampire Slava instantly recalled a past incident when a vampire had massacred an entire Village he had intended to execute the vampire but a guardian stopped him at that time as the murderer's brother the guardian wanted to spare his sibling moreover his surfs were dying daily and these things would remain unknown if left unsaid thus Slava firmly refused to let one of his kind stand on the wrong side of the law again back to the present the greasy Guardian expressed her willingness to leave her guardian position to her son her urgency to become a vampire stemmed from a tumor she had grown and currently there was no cure to save her life undoubtedly Slava respected her son and knew Irena to be a person of principle what he did not know was whether Guardian Arena once turned into a greasy vampire would remain a good person the day after Nikita brought a set of photos to Sergey aside from some celebrities that the group recognized there was also a vampiric photo of Ivan but Ivan explained that it was his live streaming costume and he even gave Sergey a party ticket elsewhere novich began to interrogate the Survivor about the drugs he had taken from his confession it was revealed that the substances were illicit Goods purchased from a special website at that moment Slava came looking for novich hoping he could develop a medication for Arena's condition however faced with cancer novic felt helpless seeing slava's persistent pleas he decided to try a formula only he knew but he needed slava's help to procure the Bann substance thus Grandpa Slava through phone shopping arrived at a location filled with children when searching around Slava was mistaken for an addict and driven away from the place suspecting he had been tricked by the phone shopping he went to a new location on Ivan's advice to avoid being deceived D again Grandpa Slava issued some vampiric warnings demanding them to give him the Bann substance as a host of a vampire show Ian noticed a suspicious user named dark lord during a live chat they suspected that this person was the mad as salent pursuing the Survivor and committing all the murders so they used the survivor's presence as bait hoping to lure the killer to the upcoming Vampire Party Serge and his crew were also disguised and waiting there early according to the plan they had set Ivan began to distribute merchandise to three lucky fans however when it came to the Dark Lord's turn there was no response so they prompted the Survivor to share his personal experience of surviving a vampire attack meanwhile Grandpa Slava and novich arrived at the party according to the designated location just as the two who had successfully completed the transaction were about to leave they were caught red-handed by the police during a random check at the party the Survivor looking at vampiric Ivan on the stage was reminded of the night he was attacked suddenly his mind became hazy and he began to see everyone around him as vampires taking advantage of the chaos caused by the police raid the Survivor ran towards the exit by the time Ivonne caught up with him he had already been stabbed in the chest this scene was witnessed by the pursuing police officers looking at the blood on his hands it seemed like a difficult misunderstanding to explain unexpectedly not only did the party fail to capture the Dark Lord but it also led the three of them into a predicament in the novich attempted to use his vampire strength to pry open the bars but Grandpa Slava hurriedly reminded him of the surveillance their situation was already bad enough the unfortunate two were arrested for being mistaken as addicts While others went for a urine test they couldn't pass stool because they hadn't consumed blood the previous day to get released sooner Slava pretended to be a patient in critical condition during the recording of his statement seeing his seemingly Mor abund State the supervisor feared trouble and released both him and novich what's more distressing was that Ivan mistaken for a murderer was taken to the hospital for a blood test judging by his blood the woman suspected Ivan was not like a teenager but an 80-year-old man to prevent his vampire identity from being exposed Olga had already been waiting there for a long time she used witchcraft to control the woman's thoughts and swapped Ivan's blood sample at the same time Sergey discovered new Clues he found that Nikita was not a student at all but an intern at a district hospital this indicat Ates that he was fully aware of how to draw blood from the victims using a catheter so they prepared to take him back for questioning sensing danger Nikita dawned a mask removed his ID badge and slipped past them when they learned that all interns had to wear ID badges Nikita's cover was blown from a distance he triggered the fire alarm to create chaos and disappeared into the crowded scene Anna focused on the chase didn't even notice the glass in her hand she pulled it off but her wound healed instantly to avoid revealing her identity she still put on a plaster later they found the spiked Tiger's claw in Nikita's car which made them even more convinced that Nikita was the culprit of those murders and provided a reasonable explanation for those bite marks they continued to question Nikita's grandfather but were suddenly reminded of the radio used to arrest Nikita upon hearing such news the old man suddenly suffered a heart attack on the other side novich had finally developed that powerful medicine he knew that the incurable disease of Arena could be treated as Olga's new boyfriend the Survivor received the first injection such a knife wound would be no issue for this medication however Olga was starting to feel a bit unsteady the Survivor was not only her sex partner but also her source of sustenance having not fed on blood for a while she had grown weak later novich called grandpa Slava to inform Arena to come for treatment Slava was relieved glad that he had saved her back in the Napoleonic era upon receiving the good news from Slava Arena stricken with the deadly illness couldn't help but smile but soon after Olga rushed over realizing that the Survivor having been medicated was fading fast novich quickly notified Slava to cancel the appointment with Arena upon arrival novich discovered that his assistant had performed a blood transfusion on the Survivor rendering the medicine he had administered useless after all he only had two doses of that medicine however novich still promised Olga he would save the Survivor meanwhile Slava had already found Guardian Arena before revealing the truth he shared many stories it was clear that Arena had understood his intentions just as he was about to reveal the truth novich called in time and Grandpa Slava signaled Arena could leave however passing by the sick room of Nikita's grandfather Slava discovered this pitiable old man he knew that this old man had once been institutionalized because of them therefore he hoped to give him the last dose of the medicine Arena couldn't bear the feeling of shattered hope she bursted into tears like a giant baby on the other side upon learning of his grandfather's death Nikita went completely mad he lured sge to an old building by the time Anna arrived sgay was unconscious faced with Anna's threats Nikita spoke in a vampire's tone claiming he was not afraid of death while the other officers distracted him Anna quietly appeared behind them and diffused the Urgent situation the moment the real perpetrator was caught Ivan was also released Anna was finally able to let go of her Grudge and became affectionate with Serge however her physical excitement also revealed her sexy but vampiric figure sending chills down Serge's spine to his smelly butt Anna explained that her vampire family never killed humans because a group of Guardians supervised them so she was not much different from Ordinary People she then revealed that she had been a vampire for 74 years Serge upon hearing Nikita still claiming to be a vampire handed the interrogation rights to Anna Nikita said that under his grandfather's influence he had believed in the existence of vampires since he was a child and began drinking animal blood at the age of 12 in the hospital he tasted human blood for the first time the case with the button found on the crime scene was because two thugs were robbing his package Nikita was attacked and fell so he picked up a wooden board with nails leaving a bite-like wound on one Thug's neck he used tubes to draw blood for storage at this moment Arena found Anna she wanted to see if the real perpetrator was human or a vampire but at The crucial moment Nikita confessed to another perpetrator who had killed the other Thug and then released a photo of Ivan seeing this enena knew an execution of the vampire Ivan was imminent then came Nikita's continued confession the man in Black who chased the Survivor and the one who killed the Survivor roommate was him but speaking of the body in the garage Sergey felt a sense of deja vu just as Anna was about to continue the interrogation Sergey excused himself due to feeling unwell and halted the questioning since Sergey was aware of her vampire identity Anna no longer hid the truth she bluntly stated that it was she who had bitten him to make him forget the scene Arena had tracked down Grandpa Slava who upon receiving a message from Anna clearly understood her intentions he assured her that he would personally escort Ivan to the designated location for execution as soon as Ivon arrived home that evening Slava took him for a walk leading him to an ancient and dimly lit place there under the guardian's electric shock Ivan couldn't stay conscious and desperately protested that he had always lived by the rules and never killed anyone but his explanations were too feeble at that moment and just as Slava was about to lift an ancient axe Ivonne Broke Free from his chains and escaped through a window right in front of everyone Arena ordered Grandpa Slava to quickly recapture him later in the police station Sergey discovered a new clue he found bite marks on Nikita's neck going straight to the apartment he asked everyone if they had bitten Nikita when he found out that no one had Serge started to deduce that there might be some other vampire around those who did not live by their rules it was very likely that Nikita was covering for the hidden vampire at the same time Ivan encountered a mysterious figure on a street corner who took a deep Swig of fresh blood from a bottle and offered to share with Nikita the scene flashes back to the time when two gold diggers Unearthed an ancient axe beneath a boulder in the wilderness they were scared off by the sight not expecting to find a hand still gripping the axe handle they thought they had found a ticket to a golden life but on their way back one man accidentally cut his finger that single drop of blood was all it took to awaken a vampire that had been dorment for hundreds of years after a frantic meal the vampire clim regained his human form by sucking the two fools blood and began to familiarize himself with this strange new world of course it would be great if there was a free learning guide the vampire later encountered Nikita and the two muggers at the street corner he attacked the two muggers for the blood leaving Nikita alive to serve as clim steady blood supply the only useful thing Nikita could do was drag this newborn vampire down with him back to the present upon learning that another vampire was living outside their rules Grandpa Slava started to check the family tree which had been sealed for many years though they couldn't find this suspicious vampire they were clear that Nikita's service to that vampire was definitely to gain immortality at this moment Ivonne who had escaped the execution ground was filled with rage unexpectedly he was roached by clim and he chose to join forces with him Ivon resented Slava for betraying him for an outsider especially when he himself was wrongly accused for the murders this was exactly what clim wanted to see his goal now was to develop Ivan's superpowers he guided him to channel and take full use of his hidden power as soon as clim left Ivan immediately took to the city streets following Slava and looking for an opportunity at a critical moment he was dragged back clim pointed to the police vehicles and guardian Arena's car warning him not to act rashly just thinking about the old Guardian filled Ivan with rage he felt that the cancer stricken old lady wanted to drag him down with her as she died this information also gave clim a new opportunity in the police station Serge had a brilliant idea while interrogating Nikita he showed off the bite marks on his neck trying to Cozy up to him to extract Kim's address he confessed that before Nikita it was he who had been providing blood to their Master clim now when it was his turn to be awarded with immortality clim was nowhere to be found meanwhile Grandpa Slava found Arena once again he warned that a new vampire had appeared but Arena thought he was just stalling for time on Ivan's Escape just as Slava left clim emerged from his room just like his promise to Nikita he offered aren eternal life but on the condition that she capture all the vampires in Grandpa slava's house in the dead of night while Arena was distracted Ivan rang the apartment's doorbell as he entered embraced him he didn't come for Revenge this time now to prove he wasn't useless he decided to help catch clim once he activated the GPS tracker Grandpa slava's crew would be ready to take action to avoid being caught by Arena at the door novich prepared a suitcase for him it was clear he couldn't accomplish this alone so everyone helped stuff him into it while they wondered who would be able to get him out novi's colleagues husband showed up and beat him up novich had apparently done some shady things afterward Ward through Olga's witchcraft control Ivan was dragged out he left the dumpster divers on the street in awe as he saw him emerge from the suitcase as soon as the phone began to trace the location Grandpa Slava called the Guardians they quickly gathered at Kim's building and clim sensed something was off through his sensitive beard and knew immediately that he had been betrayed he then threw Ivan to the ground who with his last ounce of strength tossed the tracking device into Clint's coat of course this meant Ivan had no chance of escaping he was later captured by Arena and being accused of murdering innocent humans he was executed in front of Grandpa Slava and his people Grandpa Slava was filled with regret and everyone knew that this was far from over on the street clim approached Slava who suddenly remembered the past it turns out that a century ago Slava had knocked vampire clim to the ground and was about to crush him with a boulder grpa Slava had intended to finish clim but he hesitated because clim had his blood in him his Mercy prevented him from decapitating clim instead he buried him deep underground who was later released by the two gold diggers by mistake the thought of his Mercy leading to Ivan's death made Slava want to take action but fighting there would endanger innocent lives so he sought out Arena again but she still didn't believe his words at the same time Sergey armed with a warrant broke in he berated arena for taking lives at will according to local law Arena faced 15 years of imprisonment hearing this she couldn't help but laugh her off given her condition she was definitely not able to live another 15 years Grandpa Slava quickly pulled Sergey out afterward Arena finally agreed to Clint's terms but clim wanted to see all the vampires captured before granting her eternal life Sergey knowing too much became a thorn and he was knocked down by a guardian Anna was upstairs witnessing everything Olga decisively stepped in to help but she went too far and the guardian was killed novich wanted to save him with a potion but the success rate wasn't 100% Grandpa Slava knowing the situation was helpless he talked to Arena again agreeing to Grant her eternal life so Olga's murder wouldn't be pursued unexpectedly he was decisively rejected as Arena's granddaughter called her away Slava left secretly through the window he had discovered the secret that Arena and vampire clim were joining forces a disaster for the family since they held power he hurried them to leave the city while he followed yvon's tracker to clim to make Slava suffer clim had already had his family members captured and taken back this action completely enraged Grandpa Slava who once again showed his true vampiric form only to fall before he could act the four were taken to an old building where clim decided to kill Slava last it's then revealed that two centuries ago it was Slava who caused the loss of Kim's love though he was rescued from a plague by Slava he would never forgive him he believed that humans were not even worthy to be compared with vampires in his eyes his beloved no matter how many she killed should not have been executed for killing humans vampires creatures blessed with immortality by Nature were foolishly Bound by slava's ignorance to the shackles of the law unlike clim Grandpa Slava spent his entire life trying to become human it was these words that awoke Guardian Arena she decided to abandon the unbearable eternity and turned her weapon against clim clearly these people were no match for the powerful clim just as he was about to strike irina's son costic Sergey opened fire with his handgun in wild spray unfortunately it did no harm to Kim's bulletproof muscles as he was about to execute with an axe Arena knocked him down the stairs with an IV stand clim impaled by the rebar quickly regained Consciousness Serge called out for help to the Survivor in the distance soon enough a car hit clim knocking him out but the vampire's regenerative abilities allowed him to stand once again as the standoff continued Sergey shot the leaking oil cap of a car the high temperature causing clim to lose consciousness with a nod from Slava Sergey executed the vampire villain with an axe during a long awaited family dinner Arena's son costic appeared as the new Guardian he came because of Olga's murder case novich quickly came forward to cover for her thinking that her pregnancy could save her from being executed however costic insisted on monitoring her pregnancy himself thus Olga was taken away from the apartment the treaty originally signed with Arena out of humanity began to deform and Grandpa Slava decided to abandon this piece this scene shifts back to the accident where Slava clashed into Ivan onlookers thought both were done for but suddenly slava's hand moved as a vampire with regenerative abilities he simply adjusted his dislocated spine and was fine when he felt pity for Ivan behind him he didn't expect him to stand up too Slava knew he had trouble because Ivan had accidentally drunk his blood and became a newborn vampire when bystanders saw his Blood Stained face and reached for their phones to call the police Slava quickly explained they were filming a prank and that Ian's face was just smeared with ketchup Slava followed Ivan to find his address the roommate was stunned to see Ivan return unharmed from the accident more Curious than the blood on his face was the fact that he was unscathed Ivan grabbed a cola and gulped it down only to find the taste bizarre his senses gradually became abnormal on a date with his girlfriend he could smell a squirrel from afar unfortunately while kissing using his tongue he couldn't control his bite causing her to bleed his girlfriend cursed him out and stormed her sexy body off that's when Slava behind spoke up asking Ivan to tell him if it was the kiss he liked just now or the taste of blood Grandpa Slava added a new cup that very day to smooth over his own mistake he said that the same faces were always around the house so he thought of bringing in a newcomer novich was immediately displeased a newcomer meant a heap of trouble no one wanted to take the time to train him but it was too late for that they had to accept it whether they liked it or not Ivan's first lesson in the vampire family was to learn to drink blood Slava suggested he think of the blood as juice as soon as he tasted it his fangs were revealed shocked at seeing his fangs he rushed to look in the mirror and a myriad of questions sprouted in his mind wondering why he could see himself in the mirror as a vampire if the blood in the cup was obtained through murder and why they could go out during the day Slava opened the fridge by the table saying that novich would bring everyone's food home after work seizing the opportunity while going to the restroom I escaped the apartment but the moment he stepped outside he found his hearing had become exceptionally sharp he could hear not just distant phone conversations but also the songs playing in other people's earphones this sudden abnormality even prevented him from crossing the street normally in his anger he smashed his fist onto the hood of a car if it weren't for Anna who showed her police badge to cover for him the car owner would have definitely had a fight with him especially after seeing the huge dent when Ivan saw his girlfriend with a new boy boyfriend he pushed the man 10 m away with a single shove Ivan tried to explain to his girlfriend but accidentally turned her phone into a vase clearly his first day as a vampire was not going well fortunately novich took care of the aftermath otherwise the police would have been after him for sure back in his dorm he began to feel hungry seeing his roommate fresh from a shower his eyes were fixated on his neck he thought sunflower seeds might relieve it but the smell of blood lingered between his nose and his roommate just as he was about to make a mistake Grandpa Slava stopped him from outside the window Slava brought Ivonne back home and told him that hunger was a vampire's enemy which could lead to foolish actions Ivon now empowered felt that his worries were unnecessary he believed no one could harm him Grandpa Slava then formally explained the treaty between the Guardians and the vampires first he must never let anyone discover his vampire identity second he must never kill a human when Slava called him family Ivon immediately asked to borrow 70,000 and bought a new phone for his smelly girlfriend to show his sincerity she chose to forgive him then with the remaining money he bought a Christmas tree and some food that they couldn't eat while he was in the bathroom Olga also arrived to celebrate the holiday seeing a stranger in the house she bit his neck without hesitation clearly unaware of the new arrival although Ivan didn't seem too bright it was clear Grandpa Slava was fond of him but soon everyone was distracted by the doorbell Ivan had brought his girlfriend to the apartment it was evident that he hadn't taken slava's first rule to Heart dissatisfied with this he still felt the need to prove his identity novich had to make the girl faint Grandpa Slava warned Ivan that if he mentioned the word vampire again he would rip out his juicy tongue to make Ivan forget the girl Olga took her into the room for a talk she used magic to control the girl's thoughts making her accuse Ivan of being a two-minute guy during their intimate moments but before the girl could even speak Ivan couldn't resist the urge to bite her neck unable to control himself he had to flee the room Ivan furiously accused Slava of turning him into a monster and he hated him on the street Grandpa Slava urged him to learn to Face Reality saying the real Ivan had died in that car accident although he was sorry to have made him live forever Ivan should cherish the second chance at life given to him by Slava finally Ivan chose to forgive and they both went home just when the atmosphere had lightened a bit the electricity suddenly went out Ivan suggested they all head into the city for some fun Grandpa Slava made a direct call to a friend upon arriving Ivan was astounded he felt this was the castle vampires were meant to inhabit at that moment a distinguished man emerged from within besides Grandpa Slava he was the oldest vampire there when asked how much it would cost to buy the castle he said he works 8 hours a day and had been doing so for 300 years he told Ivan to figure out how much that would be since there were other people sleeping in the castle he couldn't invite them in but he still brought a grand gift for Slava before leaving Slava whispered to him asking him to predict Ivan's future he said the kid was kind and sunny and his life would be interesting when Grandpa Slava asked if it would last long he replied it would be interesting perhaps not wanting to worry Slava after all he had already distinctly smelled Ivan's future the scene shifts back to the present when a vampire of a different Clan purposely stopped a car but the passing officer paid her no mind however they were surprised to find that the same woman had appeared before them again this this time she didn't raise her hand but tore off a roadside warning sign and thrust it towards the officer's car of course her Target wasn't the officer she retrieved the head of one of her own kind from the police compared to the vampire's Reckless Behavior Slava and his vampire family in another city had a completely different lifestyle they had a treaty with the Guardians and were prohibited from harming human lives relying on blood bags brought home by Dr novich for sustenance nevertheless two members of their family had met with Misfortune including Ivan being mourned and Olga who was under surveillance for killing the guardian Olga who should have been beheaded was spared temporarily because she was pregnant as a condition novich developed a special medication to deactivate the tumor in Arena's body he tried to get Olga the chance to walk in the fresh air but was flatly refused by costic yet considering it was Olga's birthday costic decided to make an exception but upon entering she was met with her insults and cursing of course costic polite ly retaliated telling her to enjoy her sunbath here Olga asked him to take off his sunglasses because the sunshine is so brilliant costic wouldn't listen to her but that wasn't the real reason for the sunglasses it was because Olga could control his mind through eye contact to get a chance to breathe fresh air Olga made a strange noise and costic couldn't help but press his face against the door however the sunglasses affected his perception and he took them off Olga achieved her goal she manipulated his mind via eye contact and ordered costic to open her cell door when costic returned the only thing left in the room was a middle finger gesture painted on the wall as for Anna she was not only a vampire but also served as a police officer in society however today was an unfortunate day for her she saw a car accident and went to check only to find the officer in the driver's seat was her investigator boyfriend Sergey it was only after checking the phone that she realized she had missed her boyfriend's messages about a murder case through mind reading on a witness she learned the ins and outs of the car accident without time to grieve she rushed to the crime scene only to see a headless body and a tattoo resembling a clock face left an impression on her after taking some physical samples she moved on to the accident site in an abandoned box she found a little girl shivering and mute through mind reading Anna could only hear frightened screams so she took the girl home for a brief Comfort before showing the photo to novich and Slava but identifying him from the pictures proved difficult only after no tasted the sample did he dare to assert that the person was not human suddenly the little girl became the only clue in two cases but Anna could no longer hold on today the loss of her boyfriend Serge was too painful meanwhile in the park a dog sniffed out the scent of blood and above the trail of blood was a lifeless male corpse which scared the witness to scream in a chicken voice the scene shifts to a bald businessman pressing CK's hand and starting to cut between the fingers with a knife until he made a cut and then stopped he he wanted to test if the secret potion costic brought was really effective the moment the potion touched the thumb the wound miraculously healed his referrer was a high official who had made friends with costic who had used medicine to help his daughter recover from a fracture of course costic was not a skilled doctor he was just a guardian with a contractual relationship with the local vampires to keep Olga under surveillance the vampire family developed a drug that could treat Arena's tumor however the effects of the potion were clearly beyond that since being a guardian was only a responsibility with no actual benefits costic thought of using the potion to pave the way and seek benefits for himself Dr novich apart from curing diseases was more importantly able to bring back blood bags to satisfy everyone's daily needs but recently Slava started to act strangely always saying he was craving blood upon receiving blood bags he didn't refrigerate them but poured the blood into an iron tub in the bathroom as for the little girl newly brought home she didn't speak a word but novich was sure her ears were fine to gain her trust Grandpa Slava interacted with her carefully but he was powerless to provide anything too expensive Slava tried to strike up a conversation about her tattered clothes but the fall of a plastic mannequin head made the girl instinctively retreat in the park where the old people gathered accompanied by music the two of them even danced impromptu there they also met guardian costic and his daughter because the little girl hadn't spoken yet Grandpa Slava had to make up a name for her on the spot until they could figure out the little girl situation Slava could only say she was the neighbor's child but just as they were about to say goodbye KK's daughter suddenly called out the little girl's name which exposed the old man's lies afterward Grandpa Slava and the little girl began a simple conversation he looked at the little girl and the potted plant in front of him and couldn't help but think of the dead Ivan from before however when they went to the history museum the little girl became lost in thought in front of an old photograph she said her mother had been murdered Slava stepped side and called Anna asking her to come home by the time the two of them got home the little girl had already beaten Slava at cards not taking it well he grabbed a hay fork and viciously stabbed it into the cabinet behind the little girl declaring that no one could beat him they didn't understand what had gotten into Slava but suddenly the little girl changed and revealed her fangs after pulling the fork out of her body she smashed through the window and escaped clearly Grandpa Slava had seen through her identity although she was cunning Slava who had lived for 1,000 years was not to be underestimated it turns out while Grandpa Slava was organizing blood bags in the bathroom he heard the record player start up in the house the girl could use the record player but couldn't play with toys meant for her peers especially when they went to the park where retired seniors danced she could hum the old songs they played in a low voice of course what made Slava suspicious was her staring at the War photos remembering her own murdered mother meanwhile the escaping girl encountered a young troublemaker and with one punch she made him smash the window of the children's clothing store for her the next day Anna found out about the little girl's situation in the interrogation room the clothing store owner said that only one dress of the same style was missing she informed Slava right away then Slava suddenly thought of the guard's daughter and a piece of cloth in her hand so he followed CK's daughter and unexpectedly ended up at his own front door while pouring water Slava secretly discovered her purpose it turned out that the little girl had asked her to retrieve a cloth doll for her at the construction site it seems novich was a step ahead he discovered that the little girl was about to bite a man who had fallen to the ground no sooner had they flexed their teeth at each other than they started playing a game of hide-and seek clearly the little girl was no match for novich and got caught very soon but she pretended to be caught by a bad guy drawing the attention of the bystanders the passers by started attacking novich and once again the girl made her Escape fortunately Anna arrived just in time to free novich from his predicament the fleeing girl waited at the agreed spot and finally met KK's daughter who handed her the cloth doll breathing a sigh of relief the girl also confirmed that she had found a true friend but to avoid being discovered by others the girl decided they would play together another day as she was searching through the contents of the cloth doll Grandpa Slava appeared behind her holding the motherdaughter photo she had been looking for the evil girl pounced on Slava without hesitation because of yesterday's incident Guardian costic confirmed the reliability of the vampire Elixir the bald businessman brought a bag of money wanting to exchange it for five bottles of the potion but this stuff wasn't as common as tap water and novich would only give costic enough for his sick mother of course novich was open to increasing the dosage but he wanted the supervised Olga to get some fresh air Outdoors the two disagreed and parted on bad terms unable to get the medicine costic thought of refunding the money to the bald businessman but the bald man didn't care about his reasons if he didn't see the medicine there would be trouble so costic sought Olga's help hoping she could use her powers to erase the bald man's memory in return he agreed to let Olga temporarily go outside the bald man was lured by costic and as soon as he arrived costic put on his sunglasses and Olga began her Witchcraft and to her surprise she could easily erase the bald man's memories probably because he was too bald to protect his brain costic thought he could pocket the money but in a days the bald businessman asked where the medicine was clearly he didn't know that pregnant Olga's Powers were diminishing the frustrated costic took away all of Olga's things late at night a police chief transferred from Moscow found Anna besides the new tattoo clue he had discovered he wanted to see the little girl Anna had been caring for while Anna was at a loss Grandpa Slava brought the little girl back the girl seemingly cute and clueless was actually a nearly Century old vampire the girl's Supernatural power was to sense death she could see a black mist hovering over the heads of those about to die once the black mist appeared that person had only an hour left because the girl had grown accustomed to sudden deaths she would mercifully end their lives however the man who died in the factory had nothing to do with her the girl followed him never expecting the man to fall from the building first but obviously without proof the other vampires didn't quite believe her however when Anna received surveillance footage showing the man falling from the building they realized the girl hadn't lied it's revealed that the little girl came from a vampire community and along with 11 other high-ranking members had established a farm that provided employment but as the farm developed and prospered many vampires appetites grew they wanted more blood and power turning the workers into Expendable Commodities and the farm into something resembling a prison disagreeing with them the vampire girl decisively fled the farm soon they sent Hunters after her during a year on the run she was adopted by a kind family in an orphanage but before she could enjoy any peace the hunters had found her the little girl had to continue hiding she accidentally arrived at a remote Village and when an old lady asked whose child she was she turned and saw the black mist over her head mistaken for an orphan the girl decided to accept her invitation but just as dinner was served an axe was thrust into the lady's back the hunters had found her the girl no longer holding back seemed to be at a disadvantage initially the hunter Axe in Hand thought he was about to finish the job but he didn't expect the little girl to turn the tables in a desperate Counterattack and send him to hunt Satan in Hell the vampire girl awaiting her recovery was then found by Anna while Anna used telepathy the girl realized Anna was also a vampire but she wasn't from the farm so the girl simply followed Anna to this place as for the tattoos on the Hunter's hands they were the mark of new vampires pointing to the number of the high ranking vampire who turned them the arrow pointing to seven revealed their vampire boss named named Boris to test the girl's psychic abilities novich brought her to his workplace by the ward there the girl paused noticing a worker outside the window shrouded in a black mist and flailing due to a snapped safety rope they coaxed the worker down but the girl knew it was in vain novich was shocked to find his office was looted and amidst his investigation a clang from outside confirmed the worker's ill Fate The Duo felt a Pang of guilt fearing they had become inadvertent murderers the thought of murder took the girl back to her mother and the Carnage wrought by the invading German troops on their Village the chaos and grief that shaped her into what she is now yet despite nearing a century old she could still relate to a young girl's playfulness after a phone call the two sought out Guardian costic there novich was barred from seeing his pregnant ex-wife again simply because he refused to mass-produce a secret potion for him costic claimed his mother was now the chosen one no longer in need of novi's potion novich was well aware of KK's plot knowing it was he who had ransacked his office aiming to craft medicine with the formula and Olga's blood on his own to validate the stolen samples costic tested them on a subordinate once he got Olga's blood he hastily sent the finished potion to a buyer yet when he injected it into his mother she wried in agony thinking it was a dosage issue costic administered another shot only to see her condition worsen thankfully some of the original potion remained which ultimately saved his mother terrified costic returned to the office to T the drugs unaware that Olga now pregnant had begun to humanize rendering her blood ineffective at the police station the vampire girl's Foster mother arrived with her companion in Black attire who was none other than the vampire Hench lady sent by the vampire boss they had discovered the vampire girl's location online and she immediately sensed something was off saying she could detect the scent of death since the bald businessman's secret potion had failed to work and nearly killed his father he demanded 20 million as compensation left with no choice costic approached Slava and novich for help if they could cover the 27 million he would release Olga who was causing trouble although it was a substantial sum Slava agreed without hesitation novich was impressed unable to imagine boasting of such a thing Slava didn't have that much cash on hand but he had some inventory in the past he had reclaimed a bunch of spoils from Invaders intending to return the treasure to the local people however he worried it might bring them Misfortune so he decided to throw it into a pond upon arriving they discovered a film crew on location to blend in they wore Napoleon era clothes but the security officer insisted on showing off his book-learned knowledge by having novi's silver buttons replaced with gold ones it's worth noting that novich who is French and from the Napoleonic era had been turned into a vampire by Slava during the war tired of his prattling novich silenced the officer with a knife after retrieving a chest of treasures they encountered the steart called by the security officer without better choice Grandpa Slava and novich Beed their fangs biting and knocking out the group present out of courtesy Slava gave each of them a gold coin for medical expenses while they took the large chest and handed over the treasures to costic for Olga's release when the bald businessman came to collect his 20 million costic didn't give him a penny extra just the bag of money used to buy the medicine faced with a room full of armed people the bald man didn't dare to flex his bald head and make a scene the reason for the sudden increase in Brave Guardians willing to risk their lives was because costic had started paying them salaries previously working as a guardian paid nothing it was the money that built trust among them at that moment the vampire girl spotted a black mist above the room a sign that death might be approaching suddenly Anna received a call from the sheriff saying her foster mother was on her way but they didn't know that a vampire who came to capture the vampire girl was sitting next to her foster mother the vampire Hench lady had the supernatural ability to inflict pain and her foster mother even had a nose bed on the way while the Hench lady offered her a tissue the sheriff noticed the tattoo of an arrow on her arm he quickly arranged for them to meet at the local police station in front of the one-way glass the vampire girl immediately recognized the vampire Hench lady Anna suggested that the girl meet her foster mother alone she wanted to talk to this social service worker the girl warned Anna that she was no match for the Hench lady but Anna determined to investigate her late boy friend's case confronted the powerful Hench lady directly however Anna was no match for her and not wanting to cause trouble here the Hench lady knocked down the iron bars and escaped the Foster mother was inconsolable pleading with the sheriff to take good care of the girl so Anna took on the responsibility of looking after her as for the vampire Hench lady she faced a difficult time explaining herself Upon returning alone her henchman colleague lamented that their boss Boris would be furious sure enough the Hench lady voiced her apologies yet Boris clutching her head robbed her of her sight despite the Hench lady's failure to complete her Mission Boris still quite admired her combativeness in her battle with Anna the officer she nearly killed so Boris decided to give her another chance turning to Grandpa Slava he had been using large amounts of blood lately he decided to hit the streets in search of opportunities confronted by some unfriendly looking youths Slava bared his fangs and was about to take out a bottle but then he realized that the commotion was was simply a form of wedding procession thus he looked for a new Target the Sudden Rush of a speeding car caught his attention he was about to teach the impolite driver a lesson when he discovered they were rushing a pregnant woman to the hospital after a fruitless search slava's attention turned to a home network repairman who wanted to charge him 7,000 for a 5-minute job Slava haggled him down to a mere 500 for the service call hearing that repairmen aimed to earn more Grandpa Slava had an epiphany he went out and tore off many contact Det tals of purported tech Geniuses sure enough a young man immediately asked for 6,000 but Slava took a bottle of his blood instead after revealing his fangs the second one wanted 7,000 even after a discount and the third was even more outrageous asking for 8,000 grpa Slava didn't treat him gently either the fourth was absurd he thought fixing computers was a trivial matter and only wanted a cup of tea in return but when Slava fetched a drink he realized that computer repair was just a side job for the man his main occupation was theft faced with this predicament Grandpa Slava had his own reasonable methods of dealing with it but one thing was certain he didn't take their lives for the local laws prohibited harming others meanwhile Olga's boyfriend brought her medicine she repeatedly told him she was a vampire but he didn't take her words seriously so in front of him she stabbed novich several times bearing her large teeth to prove her identity because novich was losing blood he thought of asking Slava for some but Slava said said he had drunk at all slava's recent bizarre behavior inevitably piqued their curiosity novich kicked down the bathroom door and was shocked to find Slava bathing in a blood-filled tub claiming it was for Rejuvenation they left as bewildered as they arrived clearly misunderstanding his true purpose and in the tub one could now hear someone else's breathing as they pondered when they missed Grandpa slava's Health regimen the living room was inexplicably filled with the sound of a record playing it turned out to be Boris and his crew who had come to take the runaway girl Slava was clearly reluctant to Let Her Go Boris seemingly cold-blooded still carried some decorum giving Slava time to think then turned his attention to the record seeing his interest Slava generously gifted it to him although no violence ensued at this meeting Slava knew this matter wouldn't be settled easily as old residents of the city they fell into crisis for offending their kind from Moscow fortunately the henchmen from Boris revealed their vampire boss's plans in advance he no longer wanted to be under boris's thumb but the time to act hadn't come yet Slava had a plan in mind he was thinking of luring the vampires into the woods using his ability to float in the air to his Advantage leading them to fall into traps full of iron Stakes there are essentially two ways to take a vampire's life one is to decapitate them and the other is to turn them to Ash now that the props were in place it was just a matter of the young people going to set it up because novic had been under surveillance he then handed the task over to Olga who had never shown her face Olga went to test the the Trap but due to an oversight Olga dropped her phone in the Trap and what's worse she hadn't even noticed meanwhile novich and Anna received calls one after another they realized that the gang was deliberately luring them out of the house but the two planned ahead and went to the traps early after watching them leave Slava secretly dragged a young man's corpse he had selected from the morg that morning into the bathroom seemingly planning for something soon the vampire boss Boris and his crew came knocking on the door the Hench lady immed immediately restrained slava's hand and used her special ability to inflict pain on him compared to Ordinary People Grandpa Slava clearly had a higher tolerance for pain after a period of Torment he agreed to lead them to the little girl just as they were about to step into the trap a phones ring tone sounded from beneath the ground realizing that her phone might have fallen into the Trap Olga hurriedly asked her boyfriend to hang up the call at the same time the sheriff raised his gun from behind having followed because he saw grandpa Slava being held hostage but clearly his timing was off seeing the Hench lady take the sheriff's gun Anna and novich also emerged from the Shadows Boris suddenly became aware of the Trap and instructed the Hench lady to shoot as a lesson for them the only one afraid of bullets fell to the ground after being shot but today was not the day for a final showdown between the two vampire Clans Boris then left a harsh word and then left the scene it turns out the man on the ground was not just the sheriff he was also Anna's Lover from 30 years ago due to irresistible reasons she had to disappear from the public eye these past few months she had been hiding her past under the identity of the sheriff's daughter at times like this she especially resented Slava because the vampire transformation from him inflicted such pain on her but after all time is a good healer and Slava had given her plenty of such medicine suddenly novich presented the severed head of the young man from the morg he challenged Slava asking where the rest of the body had gone Slava was aware that he could no longer keep his secret he had used a blood bath to resurrect Ivan and now the blood soaked Ivan stumbled out of the bathroom to stand before his family Slava was ecstatic his so-called grandson had indeed been successfully brought back to life novich was perplexed as to how he had been kept in the dark for Grandpa Slava also valued secrecy in his Affairs after all Reviving a vampire is a delicate matter although the revived Ivan's intelligence had not fully returned Slava had been nurturing skull with blood ever since bringing it home he never anticipated that the skull would actually change until muscle tissue began to form on its surface Grandpa Slava then placed the young man's corpse from the morg into the bathtub soaking him together with Ivan's skull of course the most crucial step involved a unique manuscript the moment it was placed into the bathtub it reacted gazing at the medical Marvel before him novich couldn't help but wonder where Slava had learned such things it's then revealed that that a millennium ago Slava was just an ordinary member of his tribe during droughts the tribe would sacrifice the eldest among them that year at 43 Slava was tied to the totem pole as the crowd dispersed an unidentified creature emerged from the shadows and bit into slava's ribs crushing them suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the creature LED out a whale and was no more but Slava awoke with fangs in his mouth since then he had fought for his tribe and land facing waves of Invaders from cold to Firearms the only constant was slava's guardianship of the land during this time there had also been a formidable Warrior who dismembered Slava but he was revived by the blood of these Fighters which is why he decided to boldly attempt the resurrection amidst his excitement an unwelcome phone call came in it's Boris who stated he was on a sightseeing boat threatening to sink 20 children into the lake if Slava did not deliver the vampire girl within an hour the little girl did not want to burden others but Grandpa Slava already considered her one of his own and believed there was a way to overcome this difficulty their conversation was overheard by Guardians outside the door who wanted to help but was refused but costic realized his own daughter was on that boat so he rushed to the control center before he could reach there the vampire girl had already detected something odd black mist floated above her head and she soon collapsed under CK's stun baton costic stopped slava's Plan before it could unfold though Slava canel the plan over the phone he insisted that costic should bring the little girl himself for the exchange clearly Anna and novich understood the subtext of slava's words so they rushed to get rid of costic and saved the vampire girl since everyone was out on missions Slava entrusted Olga with the task of looking after Ivan Olga worried her boyfriend would age or die suddenly wanted her family to turn him into a vampire but no one was willing to assist her so she set her sights on Ivan who didn't understand her intentions frustrated by her failed land she grumbled prompting Ivan to storm out of the house seeing the grandpa on the bridge Ivan couldn't help but feel excited Slava quickly knocked out the Guardians beside him and pinned all his hopes on Ivan Slava instructed him to sneak into the lake from the shore and to push the bad guys off the boat's bow as soon as the sightseeing vessel arrived Ivan thinking it was a game turned and headed to the riverbank only to encounter his ex-girlfriend however he had no memory of her now when Ivan was stopped by the girl Slava took off the guardian's shoes and made a precise throw knocking the annoying girl down the flying shoe reminded Ivan of his game with Slava and after boarding the boat held by Boris Ivan dragged him into the lake Boris tried to take Ivan's sight but Ivan was powerful and regained control of his vision using telekinesis on Boris suddenly a fish swam by distracting Ivan Boris finally surfaced his tortoise head for air but the persistent Ivan quickly followed suit and dragged him back into the lake this time Boris wasn't so lucky as the sightseeing boat passed overhead Ivan forced him into the spinning propeller finishing him off instantly observing the blood in the water and the grinning Ivan Slava knew that his grandson had finished the mission successfully on the other side as novich and Anna had just snatched the vampire girl back they were sent flying by Olga and her boyfriend it turns out Olga eager to transform her own boyfriend into a creature of the night contemplated trading the little girl with the Vampire Hench lady before they got out of the car her boyfriend was still trying to persuade the vampire girl to turn him so she wouldn't have to die at their hands but the girl seeing the black mist above her own head knew better than anyone whether she was destined to die or not however after the exchange the Hench lady did not keep her promise and stabbed Olga's boyfriend instead the Hench lady was solely fixated on taking Anna's life seeing her henchman colleague also siding with them the Hench lady decided to take care of both of them at once but suddenly the vampire girl charged at them crashing into the electrical box behind them due to the electric shock the girl burst into flames in the midst of the Hench Lady's Secret relief Anna grabbed a warning sign and beheaded her as he watched the little girl's stuffed toy Slava couldn't help but sigh feeling as if it were all a dream at that moment Olga stepped through the door Grandpa Slava resented her selfishness but she shamelessly took the vial of blood regardless Slava grasped her neck demanding she release it but her boyfriend stepped in from behind and stopped Slava looking at the vial he could couldn't help but bear his fangs revealing that he had been transformed it turns out novich was initially comforting the wounded man but Olga suddenly drew a knife and slashed her arm forcibly turning her boyfriend although some unexpected individuals were created within the vampire family fortunately they managed to eliminate the evil vampire boss this is Daniel CC Movie Channel stay safe and enjoy your day
Channel: Daniel CC Movie&TV Series
Views: 170,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science fiction movie, movie review, movie trailer, horror movie review, full movie, psychological horror film, fantasy film, suspense movie review, movie recap and explain, movie explained, ending explained, tv series recap, web series recap, central russia's vampires ending explained, the vampires of midland
Id: YmkHcwKM-wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 49sec (3889 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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