LOST Full Series Recap | Season 1-6 Ending Explained

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season one of lost begins with the passengers of oceanic flight 815 crash landing on a mysterious island during their Journey from Sydney Australia to Los Angeles California the survivors of the crash are forced to team up to survive as if they can't find a way to live together they would die alone throughout the series flashbacks reveal the past history of each of the survivors Jack Shepherd is a spinal surgeon who married and then divorced a former patient he was in Sydney to pick up the body of his recently deceased father Christian Shepherd to bring it home for a funeral in America Kate Austin is a fugitive wanted for murdering her abusive father and was being transported back to America by a U.S Marshal to await trial Charlie pace is a heroin addicted washed-up rock star known for his band drive shafts one hit wonder you all everybody Sayed jarah is a former torturer and interrogator for Iraq's special Republican guard after abandoning his post Syed cut a deal with the CIA to infiltrate a terrorist cell in Australia in exchange for the location of the love of his life Nadia James Ford is a con man who takes on the name Sawyer after the con Man Who tricked his mother out of a large sum of money causing his father to murder her and leave Sawyer in orphan Sawyer was in Sydney to kill the original Sawyer for Revenge but was given bad Intel and killed the wrong guy Hugo Hurley Reyes won over 100 million dollars in the lottery after playing numbers he heard from a fellow patient during his brief stint in a psychiatric hospital after winning the money Hurley's life became incredibly unlucky leading Hurley to suspect that the winning numbers for 8 15 16 23 42 are cursed and so he followed a lead to Sydney to uncover the truth about the numbers Origins Michael Dawson flew to Australia to pick up his young estranged son Walt following the death of Walt's mother Michael hadn't seen Walt since he was a baby putting a strain on their relationship along for the trip back to America is Walt's dog Vincent son and Jin Quan are a married couple on the brink of Separation after falling in love and getting married the lower class gin took a job working for son's powerful father this job required jyn to do a lot of violent and criminal activities hardening his personality and straining his relationship with son and leading to her having an affair son learned English in secret to run away from jyn and move to America But ultimately realized her true love for him and decided to try to reconcile their marriage Claire Littleton is a young Australian woman on the verge of giving birth she was traveling to America to give her unborn child up for adoption eventually she discovers that her father is actually Christian Shepherd making her Jack's secret long lost sister Boone Carlisle and Shannon Rutherford are vapid and well-off step siblings who also have complicated romantic feelings for each other Rose Nadler is a woman who desperately believes that her husband Bernard has somehow survived the plane crash despite him being on the back of the plane that broke off and landed somewhere in the jungle and then there's John Locke who despite being the most Adept survival expert on the island is revealed to have been an oft abuse paraplegic before the crash Locke became wheelchair bound after his absent Father Anthony Cooper returned to his life as an adult to manipulate his son into giving him a kidney after lot gave his father a kidney Anthony disappeared once again to Khan more unsuspecting innocent people when Locke confronted his father he was pushed out of an eight-story window and paralyzed from the waist down as these survivors band together on the island they must not only search for food and shelter but must also contend with polar bears who have no business being in a tropical location and a mysterious black smoke monster that lurks In the Jungle Jack quickly takes charge of the group although his pragmatism puts him at odds with John Locke whose miraculous recovery of his legs lead to him believing that the island holds magical properties and a Destiny for them all Locke forms a friendship with the young Walt and takes the good intention Boon under his wing to Mentor him on how to survive Locke also helps Charlie come down from his heroin withdrawals and beat his addiction a newly sober Charlie then strikes up a romance with the pregnant Claire who eventually gives birth to a son named Aaron with some help from Kate meanwhile Jack develops a romance with Kate whose status as a wanted fugitive is kept secret due to the Marshall being killed in the crash Kate and Jack's romance is complicated when Kate also takes a romantic interest in Sawyer Sawyer constantly antagonizes the other survivors putting himself above others and hoarding vital medicine and supplies for himself throughout the season Sawyer's selfishness begins to wane and he develops genuine bonds with his fellow survivors Saeed gets help from Shannon translating a mysterious French radio broadcast and the two begin a romance while attempting to use the plane's radio to send out a distress signal Sayeed discovers that a French woman named Danielle Russo is also living on the the island Russo claims that her ship crashed on the Island 16 years prior after hearing a broadcast of the same cursed numbers that Hurley used to win the lottery after the crash all of the surviving crew went mad with the strange sickness given to them by the island natives forcing Russo to kill them all Russo also claims to have had a baby daughter named Alex who was taken from her by the natives who she calls the others Syed is skeptical of Russo's story but remains on alert of these mysterious unseen natives Russo's story is eventually revealed to be true as a supposed crash Survivor named Ethan Rahm is discovered to have not actually been on the plane Ethan kidnaps Claire but the survivors managed to rescue her despite plans to capture Ethan and interrogate him about the others a vengeful Charlie Murders the mysterious native meanwhile Locke and Boone discover a mysterious buried hatch in the middle of the Jungle which they attempt to open the duo then discovers a small crashed plane which Falls from its perch while Boone investigates it critically injuring him despite Jack's best attempts to save him Boone dies devastating everyone soon after Russo arrives at the survivor's Camp warning them that the others were coming as the survivors prepare for an attack Russo kidnaps the baby Aaron Charlie and Saeed pursue Russo and rescue Aaron after which Russo explains that she heard that the others were looking for the boy and that she hoped to trade Aaron for her own long missing daughter Alex not wanting his son to stay on the island any longer Michael begins leading a crew of survivors to build a raft upon the raft's completion Michael Walt Sawyer and Jen depart the island in the hopes of finding help to rescue the others the four men are ecstatic when their raft is discovered by a fishing boat but the boat's crew turn out to be the villainous others and the boy they were looking for was not Aaron but Walt the others shoot Sawyer take Walt and burn the raft leaving Michael and jyn to die back on the island after learning that Boone died trying to open the mysterious hatch Jack joins Locke's mission to open it the group discovers an old washed-up slave ship known as the Black Rock which contains several cases of dynamite although a pretentious Survivor named Arts is blown up while trying to carry the dynamite the others successfully managed to bring the explosives to the hatch which they used to blow it up as the season comes to a close Jack anlock stare down into the dark hatch unsure of what they will find inside you know I'm sure that the Castaways in Lost would love it if someone delivered to them a great tasting and nutritious meal that was super easy to prepare and cook heck I'm not even stranded on a 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respect Desmond attempted to win his sailing race which ultimately resulted in Desmond crashing on the island now with new survivors in the hatch to take up his post Desmond flees the island on his secret sailboat Jack and lock then discover a Dharma video from the 1970s where a one-armed man named Pierre Chang explains that the hatch was built to contain a dangerous electromagnetic anomaly on the island luck believe this story and commits himself to typing in the numbers but Jack views the story as a ridiculous psychological experiment meanwhile Michael jyn and a seriously injured Sawyer washed back up on the opposite side of the island where they are found by the surviving members of oceanic 815's tail section survivors from the group include Anna Lucia Cortez a former cop who takes charge Libby Smith a wealthy benefactor who funded Desmond's sailing Expedition and was a patient in the same mental institution as Hurley Mr Echo a former drug warlord turned priest that has a similar faith in the Island's mysticism as Lok and Bernard Nadler the missing husband that Rose so assuredly believed was alive as the group Journeys across the island to reunite with the other survivors and save the ailing Sawyer's life the tail section survivors explain their own history on the island so far they also were infiltrated by a member of the others who Anna Lucia killed and many of their other fellow survivors were either killed or abducted they had also discovered their own Dharma station during their Journey as the group finally makes it to the other side of the island Andalusia shoots and kills Shannon thinking she was an other Jack then saved Sawyer's life Roseanne Bernard are reunited and Anna Lucia is ostracized from the group for killing Shannon Mr Echo joins Locke's mission to continue inputting the numbers and together the two find more Dharma instructional films hidden within the hatch one of which warns them to not use the station's computer to communicate with the outside world as it could lead to another incident despite this Michael uses the computer in secret to communicate with someone who claims to be Walt after learning of Walt's supposed location on the island Michael heads off into the jungle in search of his son Elsewhere on the island Mr Echo discovers that the plane that killed Boone was actually his own plane used for smuggling heroin out of Nigeria the plane contained the body of his good-natured priest brother killed due to echo's Reckless actions this death was what caused Echo to turn away from his life of violence toward one of Faith also when the plane is Echo shipment of heroin which Charlie takes and considers using straining his relationship with Claire son also discovers that she is pregnant which concerns her due to Jin having previously discovered he is infertile sun and Jen's marriage is stronger than ever but possibly being pregnant with another man's baby threatens to ruin their relationship Rose and Bernard also decide that no matter what happens with the other survivors they intend to stay on the island as Rose believes it has cured her terminal cancer Russo then returns to the survivor's Camp to reveal she has captured a man named Henry Gale Henry claims to have crashed on the island in a hot air balloon four months prior but Syed suspects he is actually in other and unsuccessfully tortures him for answers despite syed's warnings Jack intervenes on Henry's torture and instead orders the stranger to be kept a prisoner until they can determine what to do with him while a prisoner in the hatch Henry and Locke form a friendship with Henry goding lock into realizing that Jack always gets his way despite Locke being the better suited leader eventually Saeed discovers the grave of the real Henry Gale proving the group's prisoner is actually one of the others although Jack and Kate plan to trade Henry to the others in exchange for Walt Michael returns from his journey explaining that the others were a small and virtually defenseless group that could be easily defeated secretly he heads into the hatch and murders its current inhabitants Andalusia and Libby releases Henry then shoots himself in the arm Michael lies to the other survivors that Henry escaped and killed Anna Lucia and Libby then leads Jack Sawyer Kate and Hurley on a mission to rescue Walt instead the group are LED into a trap where Henry Gayle reveals himself to be the leader of the others named Benjamin Linus in exchange for bringing Jack Kate Sawyer and Hurley bin allows Michael anwalt to leave the island on a boat then then lets Hurley flee to warn the other survivors to stay away from the others or else Jack Kate and Sawyer would suffer the consequences meanwhile after discovering that Henry Gayle was a liar lock feels disillusioned with his faith in the Island's mystical powers and begins to doubt the importance of entering the numbers Desmond returns to the island explaining to Locke that he had inadvertently caused Oceanic 815's crash after typing in the numbers too late despite this luck is resolved to let the 108 Minute Timer hit zero to prove its meaninglessness as the timer hits zero the hatch experiences a system failure Desmond then turns a secret Fail-Safe key causing a painful shrill sound and a bright white light to envelop the entire Island inverting a complete disaster in season 3 of Lost lock Echo and Desmond are revealed to have survived the hatch implosion though all are changed by The Experience Echo is called into the jungle by a hallucination of his dead brother where he is then killed by the smoke monster Desmond begins experiencing visions of the future most notably of the inevitable death of Charlie Pace who Desmond is constantly having to save and John Locke is once again a man of faith believing fully that he and everyone else on the island were brought there for some higher purpose and he is now more resolved than ever to bring that Destiny to fruition meanwhile Jack Kate and Sawyer are brought by the others to a Dharma research station known as the Hydra Sawyer and Kate are kept outside in cages and forced into manual labor growing closer in the process inside the Hydra Jack learns that Ben is dying from a tumor on his spine Ben believes the island brought Jack to the island to save his life and if Jack cooperates Ben would spare Kate and Sawyer's lives while also allowing Jack to leave the island on a submarine one of Ben's closest allies is Juliet who developed romantic feelings for Jack and confesses her true hatred for Ben Juliet was a fertility doctor hired and brought to the island under false pretenses as every woman who conceived a child on the island died from a mysterious illness Juliet has been unable to discover the cause of these deaths and has been forced by Ben to stay on the island ever since despite Juliet urging Jack to kill Ben during the spinal surgery and Stage it as an accident Jack successfully completes the surgery to earn his and Juliet's place on the departing submarine as well as the release of Kate and Sawyer as Kate and Sawyer flee the others Camp they are aided by Russo's daughter Alex who has been raised by Ben since being stolen as a baby they also free Alex's boyfriend Carl who Ben has imprisoned and attempted to brainwash in an attempt to prevent any chance that he impregnates Alex which would jeopardize her life when Kate and Sawyer returned to their beach home and reunite with the other survivors the group stage a rescue mission for Jack unaware of the deal he had already made with Ben to leave the island Kate Locke and Saeed are joined by Russo in their mission and eventually they discover the other's real home a series of Barracks resembling quaint 1950 style houses expecting to find Jack as a hostage Kate is shocked to see that Jack has fully ingratiated himself with the Enemy Kate believes that Jack has been brainwashed but he Reveals His deal to leave the island with Juliet unfortunately for them Locke has other plans believing it was Destiny for them all to remain on the island Locke blows up the submarine he is then captured by Ben and another named Richard Albert Ben is happy that Locke blew up the submarine and informs him that his connection to the island makes him extremely important and so Locke joins the others who all leave their Barrick Holmes abandoning Kate Saeed Jack and Juliet the four then head back to the survivor's Beach camp where despite Jack's good word everyone remains extremely suspicious of Juliet but don't think that the other survivors weren't up to much during Jack Kate and syed's absence Hurley found some old beer here and a Dharma van that he fixes up with Charlie Sawyer and jyn and fellow plane crash survivors Nikki and Paulo are revealed to have previously conned a wealthy executive out of diamonds worth millions of dollars fighting over the Diamonds the duo accidentally poisoned each other with spider venom that causes complete paralysis when the other survivors found the bodies of Nikki and Paulo they assumed they were dead and thus buried them alive alongside the diamonds despite the survivor's lack of trust in Juliet sun bonds with the doctor Juliet takes the pregnant son to a hidden Dharma station to run tests on her unborn child Juliet determines that sun conceived the baby on the island but warns her that this means certain death despite this new sun is ecstatic to learn that this means jyn is her baby's father meanwhile Locke returns from his time with the others to speak with Sawyer he leads Sawyer to the Black Rock where the others have brought Locke's villainous Father Anthony Cooper to the island Sawyer learns that Anthony Cooper is also the original Sawyer that conned his mother leading to his parents death and so Sawyer kills Cooper finally enacting his long-awaited revenge Locke then Parts ways with Sawyer once again but leaves him with the warning that Juliet is working as a spy for Ben and that the others would be raiding the survivor's beach in three days when Sawyer reveals this news to the camp Jack explains that he has been working with Juliet to get information out of Ben meanwhile Locke is taken by Ben to meet the mysterious leader of the others Jacob Locke is unable to see Jacob but can hear him Ben who hasn't been able to communicate with Jacob for a very long time becomes jealous that Locke has now seemingly been deemed more special and so Ben shoots lock and leaves him for dead it's then revealed that Ben first came to the island as a child in the 1970s when his father took a job working for the Dharma Initiative who wanted to study the island and its mysterious properties the young then through to resent Dharma and became an ally of the Island's native group of hostiles led by an unaging Richard Alpert and so Ben helped the hostiles murder all of the Dharma members including his own father to fully take over the island meanwhile Desmond discovers a woman in the jungle named Naomi who parachuted onto the island Naomi explains that she is part of a team hired by Penny to find and rescue Desmond and that a freighter ship 80 miles off the shore could rescue them all Naomi is also surprised to find the survivors of oceanic flight 815 as she explains that the plane wreckage and the bodies of all of its passengers were discovered in the ocean off the coast of Bali everything comes to a head in the season finale where the survivors formulate a plan to fight off the others and escape the island on Penny's freighter to fight the others Syed Jin and Bernard stay at the beach in order to set off Dynamite to kill the unsuspecting other attackers although they are at first outnumbered by the other attackers Sawyer Juliet and a van driving Hurley arrived to help save their friends and kill the others meanwhile Jack and Russo lead the rest of the survivors including Naomi on a journey to a Dharma station to send a message to the freighter but first Desmond and Charlie would need to travel to a Dharma station of their own name the Looking Glass which the others used to block all transmission to and from the island the Looking Glass is located underwater and Desmond warns that he had a vision that Charlie successfully reaches the station to unblock Transmissions but dies in the process knowing this Mission would lead to certain death Charlie remains resolved to see it through as it would mean Claire and Aaron would be rescued Charlie and Desmond both make the long swim to the underwater station where Charlie successfully turns off the Jammer he is then contacted by Penny who is completely unaware of the freighter before Charlie has a chance to react a villainous other named Mikhail arrives blowing himself up and causing the station to flood with water Charlie locks himself in the communications room to contain the flooding but begins to drown as Desmond tries to save his friend Charlie uses his dying moments to warn Desmond that Naomi is a liar and that the freighter is not Penny's boat with the Jammer turned off Jack prepares to radio Naomi's boat Ben arrives to warn him that Naomi is a liar but Jack refuses to listen just as Naomi makes contact with the freighter Locke arrives and murders her agreeing with Ben that contact with a freighter would be disastrous for them all despite this Jack makes contact with the boat who agreed to send help to the island throughout the series flashbacks have revealed backstory of the various survivors before crash landing on the island but the season 3 finale offers a Twist on the format where what at first seemed to be a flashback is actually revealed to be a Flash Forward Jack is a depressed drug addicted and alcoholic Doctor Who regrets leaving the island in the final moments of season 3 an emotional Jack meets with k tells her that they have to go back in season 4 of lost flash forwards to an unknown time in the future reveal that Jack and Kate weren't the only survivors to somehow leave the island dubbed the oceanic six Jack and Kate are joined by Hurley Syed son and baby Aaron Jack and Kate continue their romantic relationship with Kate raising Aaron as her own son and Jack slipping into drug addiction due to his guilt over the events that transpired on the island and his desire to return to make things right sun is grieving the death of jyn though she does give birth to their daughter ji young Hurley places himself back into his former mental hospital also Desiring to return to the island Saeed following the death of his true love Nadia is now working as an assassin for Benjamin Linus who has his own secret means of leaving the island but before we get to all of that let's get back to the island in the present Desmond returns from the Looking Glass station to warn the other survivors that the freighter crew has lied about working for Penny Locke believes these claims and leads a team of survivors to the old Dharma barracks in an effort to evade the incoming danger those joining Locke's side include Hurley Sawyer Claire Aaron Russo Alex Carl and Ben a science team from the freighter arrives on the island via helicopter that team includes Daniel Faraday a socially awkward physicist miles strum a medium who can communicate with the dead even using his powers to dig up Nikki and Paolo's diamonds Charlotte Lewis and Anthropologist and the object of Faraday's desires and Frank lupitus the helicopters pilot who had originally been scheduled to fly Oceanic flight 815 upon meeting Jack miles informs him that the team's priority is actually to find and capture Benjamin Linus meanwhile Saeed convinces Frank to fly him and Desmond back to the freighter during the flight Desmond's mind becomes displaced in sending his Consciousness randomly back and forth between 1996 and the present day in 2004 this same time sickness has affected many of the Freighters crew who have attempted to Journey to the island and they all have eventually died communicating with Faraday via radio Desmond is instructed to visit the 1996 version of Faraday for assistance this past version of Faraday informs Desmond that he needs to find a constant someone or something important that exists in both 1996 and 2004 that can anchor him in the present and so 1996 Desmond who has broken up with Penny visits her and begs her to call him on the freighter in 2004 and due to her unending love for him eight years later Penny calls Desmond curing his time sickness the two lovers reaffirm their undying devotion for each other and Penny promises to find and rescue Desmond in Locke's Camp the survey drivers begin to question their new leaders motives and mental state Locke also allows Ben to live freely amongst the others and Ben confirms to Locke that the freighter was sent by Charles Whitmore to wage a war for control of the island Ben also reveals that he has a spy aboard the freighter Michael Dawson after leaving the island Michael became estranged from his son Walt and is racked with guilt over having murdered Anna Lucia and Libby Michael was then recruited by Ben to infiltrate the freighter and kill the villainous attackers in an attempt to save the island survivors and atone for his actions knowing that the freighter crew would come for him Ben urges his daughter Alex to flee with Russo and Carl to a temple on the way the group is attacked by a group of freighter mercenaries led by Martin Kimi The Mercenaries kill Russo and Carl then take Alex hostage The Mercenaries then attack the barracks opening fire on the survivors and demanding that Ben surrender when Ben refuses Kimi murders Alex In Cold Blood a heartbroken bin then calls the smoke monster the island security system to attack The Mercenaries the survivors flee the barracks with lock bin and Hurley seeking out the Mysterious Island leader Jacob for answers while Sawyer Claire and Aaron head off to reunite with the other survivors along the way Claire mysteriously vanishes in the jungle leaving Sawyer to care for her infant son Kimi survives his run-in with the smoke monster and returns to the freighter to regroup with his surviving mercenaries tired of dealing with the more well-meaning members of the freighter crew Kimi stages a mutiny killing the ship's captain and forcing Lapidus to fly the mercenaries Back to the Island to kill its inhabitants fearing for his friends lives Saeed steals a boat and returns to the island to rescue the other survivors back on the island lock bin and Hurley find Jacob's cabin which is currently occupied by the ghost of Christian Shepherd and his daughter Claire speaking on behalf of Jacob Christian warns that the freighter's mercenaries would soon arrive to slaughter them all and to save the Island the island must be moved as Ben leads Locke and Hurley to dharma's Orchid station to move the island they are attacked by kimi's team and Ben is captured Saeed arrives on the island and Faraday helps begin the process of ferrying the survivors to the freighter unfortunately when's son Jin and Aaron reach the freighter they discover that Kimi has planted a massive amount of explosives on board upon discovering the bomb Michael and Desmond begin devising a plan to defuse it back on the island not wanting to leave Hurley behind Jack Sawyer Kate and Saeed rush to retrieve him from Locke and Ben finding Ben captured they fight back against the mercenaries and save the former antagonist as thanks for rescuing their leader Richard and the others allow Frank to fly Jack Kate Syed Sawyer and Hurley off the island unfortunately the helicopter has a fuel leak and wouldn't be able to make it to Safety in order to lighten the load and ensure his friends could make it back to the freighter Sawyer jumps out of the helicopter and Into The Ocean Frank is then able to successfully reach the freighter to refuel and fix the leak at the Orchid station bin and lock are confronted by Kimi who explains that he had connected the C4 on the freighter to a heartbeat monitor meaning that if Kimi dies the freighter explodes despite this threat Ben murders Kimi to avenge his daughter Alex then then explains that lock is now to lead the others and protect the island while Ben goes inside the Orchid to move the island which would force him to leave and never return on the freighter Desmond's son and Aaron make it on board the helicopter with the others to fly it away as the C4 detonates killing jyn and Michael with nothing but the vast ocean around them Frank decides to fly back to the island but that just so happens to be the moment where Ben successfully moves the island causing it to ban right before the helicopter crew's eyes eventually the helicopter runs out of fuel and the survivors are forced to evacuate and drift in a life raft eventually the survivors are rescued by Penny who upheld her promise to find her missing love Desmond and Penny have an emotional reunion while Jack convinces the other survivors to lie about their experiences on the island to protect those they were forced to leave behind and that brings us back to the oceanic six Jack meets Ben at a funeral home containing the dead body of a mysterious man named Jeremy Bentham Ben explains that if Jack wants to go back to the island everyone would need to return including the body of Jeremy Bentham who is revealed to be a deceased John Locke in season 5 of lost the island has become unstuck in time due to Ben's efforts to relocate it the remaining survivors including Locke Sawyer Juliet Faraday Charlotte and Miles begin to jump uncontrollably to various points in time time including the day Mr echo's drug plane crashed on the island and the day Claire gave birth to Aaron in the 1990s Faraday meets a confused past version of Desmond and tells him to search for his mother at Oxford University should he ever leave the island in the 1950s Sawyer and Juliet meet a young Charles Whitmore as a member of the others while Faraday helps another named Ellie bury and defuse a dangerous hydrogen bomb that the American government had test dropped on the island during a jump to the 1980s Danielle Russo's team of French researchers crash on the island and encounter Jinn who survived the freighter explosion and has been alone and very confused about these jumps Through Time eventually Jin manages to reunite with his friends the survivors then begin to develop the time sickness that would kill them all if they couldn't find a way to stop the time jumps at various points in time Locke meets with the Ageless Richard Alpert immune to the time jumps who tells lock that the only way to fix the island is to bring back everyone who left Richard also warns Locke that the only way to do that is to die Locke then leads the group to the Orchid station which will allow him to leave the island and bring back the others Charlotte succumbs to her sickness and dies in Faraday's arms revealing before her death that she grew up on the island as a member of the Dharma Initiative and now realizes that a strange man in the 1970s who warned her to never return was in fact a time traveling Daniel Faraday as Locke enters the Orchid Jin gives him his wedding ring asking Locke to use it as proof of his death so that son or their baby wouldn't want to return to the island luck then turns the wheel taking him off the island but stopping the time jumps off the island luck meets Charles Whitmore who explains that he was once the leader of the others before being usurped and cast out by Ben Whitmore has been decades trying to return to the island and wants the oceanic 6 on his side for the upcoming war against Ben Whitmore planted the fake Oceanic 815 in the ocean to stop the search for the plane wreckage and the potential discovery of the island Locke then visits the oceanic six begging them to return after they all turn him down lock is visited by Ben wanting to take back control of the others upon his return Ben murders the broken and defeated lock and steals his plan to unite the oceanic six and return to the island Lock's death then becomes the Catalyst for Jack's desire to return to the island Ben gives Jin's wedding ring to son telling her that her husband was still alive Ben also orchestrates a custody battle for Aaron forcing Kate to take a maternity test to prove that Aaron wasn't her actual son because of these duplicitous actions Sun happily rejoins the cause and Kate gives Aaron to Claire's mother in order to return to the island Hurley is convinced to return to the island after being visited by the Island's mystery serious leader Jacob and finally Saeed is captured by a mysterious Bounty Hunter named Alana and so willingly or forcefully all of The Castaways are prepared to return to the island as prompted by Daniel Faraday a decade prior Desmond seeks out Faraday's mother Eloise Hocking who informs the oceanic six that she has figured out a way to locate the island and so they must all board the upcoming Ajira Airways flight 316 to once again crash land on the island Desmond decides to stay behind with his wife Penny and their new Son charlie aboard the plane Jack discovers that the pilot is none other than Frank lapidis as a jira flight 316 crashes the survivors are randomly thrown into two separate periods bin son Frank the Bounty Hunter Alana and the other passengers remain in the present while Jack Kate Hurley and Saeed are transported back to 1977. they soon discover that their former friends have spent the last three years living amongst the DAR Pharma initiative Sawyer now going by the name Jim LaFleur has become dharmus trusted and well-respected head of security he has developed a romance with Juliet who now works as a mechanic Daniel Faraday has left the group on a Dharma research Mission while jyn and Miles Work under Sawyer as security officers although jyn has yet to give up hope on his friends rescuing him Sawyer has fully ingratiated himself into the Dharma culture enjoying his leadership role and the simple domestic life he has built with Juliet Sawyer's new life is thrown into disarray when Jack Kate and Hurley are found in the jungle Sawyer helps them join the Dharma Initiative but Jack butts heads with his former rival on leading the group meanwhile Saeed is captured by Dharma mistaking him for a hostile Saeed then meets the child version of Ben who hates his alcoholic father and wishes to join the others thinking Saeed is another Ben helps him escape from the Dharma prison Saeed hating Ben and thinking his Adam illicit death could prevent his many nefarious future acts shoots the young innocent Ben when Jack refuses to save the young boy's life Kate and Sawyer take him to Richard Alpert and the others who agree to save his life but warn that he will never be the same and so by attempting to kill Ben Saeed and Jack merely created the villainous man he would one day become back in 2007. the other passengers of Ajira flight 316 are shocked to discover that John Locke has somehow come back to life meanwhile sun and Frank are confused by the Revelation that the rest of the survivors including jyn are somehow trapped in the 1970s the resurrected lock takes back control of the others and announces his intent to seek out Jacob for answers upon arriving at Jacob's Temple home Locke secretly informs Ben that Jacob needs to die and Ben should be the one to kill him as the duo entered the temple Alana revealed to be an acolyte of Jacob arrives to confront Richard revealing that the Dead body of John Locke is still inside his coffin meaning whoever is about to confront Jacob is not the real John Locke inside the temple Locke and Ben meet Jacob who immediately recognizes Locke to in fact be the mysterious man in Black Jacob's mysterious adversary who has been trapped on the island for centuries searching for a way to kill Jacob to leave the island despite Jacob's warnings a spiteful ban goes through with the plan and murders the Island's leader back in the 1970s Daniel Faraday returns to the island with an idea to change the future by detonating the hydrogen bomb he helped Barry in the 1950s during the incident Faraday and his fellow survivors could prevent the construction of the Swan station without the swan station there would be no numbers to input by Desmond no crash of oceanic flight 815 and no way for Charles Whitmore to ReDiscover the island when Faraday visits the others to retrieve the bomb he is mistakenly shot by an other that just so happens to be the younger version of his mother Eloise following Faraday's death Jack takes up his cause believing that detonating the bomb was the reason he was destined to return to the island Kate then deems Jack to be just as crazy as Locke as Jack and Syed meet with Richard and the others to secure the bomb the other survivor's attempt to persuade the Dharma Initiative into evacuating the island miles meets his father Dr Pierre Chang and convinces him that he was in fact his son from the future Chang helps convince the rest of the Dharma leadership to evacuate the island on a submarine Sawyer Juliet and Kate are loaded into the sub finally ready to leave the island for good despite Sawyer's desire to flee with Juliet and continue their life in peace Kate convinces them to leave the sub and stop Jack's plan Jack and Syed retrieve the bomb's core which just so happens to be buried underneath the Dharma Barracks as the duo flee with the corps Bin's father Roger recognizes Saeed as his son's attacker and shoots him jack the injured Saeed are then picked up by Hurley gin and miles and taken to the under construction Swan station Sawyer Juliet and Kate arrived to thwart the plan but ultimately Juliet relents knowing her life with Sawyer wasn't meant to be and so everyone bands together to detonate the bomb inside the swan station dharma's head of research radzinski is forcing Pierre Chang to drill into the Island's unstable supposed energy source as Dharma Security Forces arrive and engage in a gunfight with the survivors Jack manages to reach the drill site and drop the bomb inside the bomb fails to detonate but the energy pocket is breached activating a powerful magnetic field Chang's arm is crushed and Julia is dragged toward the Deep Chasm Sawyer desperately tries to save his love but to no avail and Juliet plummets to certain death at the bottom a barely alive Juliet began slamming a rock into the bomb until finally it explodes leaving the fate of not just the survivors but the island itself unknown in season 6 of lost two very different outcomes of the hydrogen bombs detonation are revealed in what are known as flash sideways Oceanic flight 815 successfully lands in Los Angeles with the lives of its passengers now radically different Jack Shepard now has a son David who he co-parents with his ex-wife Juliet Kate is still a wanted fugitive though while on the run she befriends Claire and convinces her to not give The Unborn Aaron up for adoption Kate also has a run-in with Sawyer who is now a police officer whose partner is Miles Hurley now considers himself the luckiest man in the world Charlie is still a heroin addicted rock star Saeed now believes himself undeserving of Nadia leading her to marry his brother Omer son and jyn are married though they are in a relationship they keep secret so as to avoid the wrath of Sun's violent father Desmond is now an 8 15 passenger and although he has never met Penny he does have an excellent relationship with her father Charles Whitmore who now serves as Desmond's friendly boss and mentor and then there's John Locke who is still wheelchair bound but no longer burdened by his relationship with his father Locke eventually takes a job working as a substitute teacher or he befriends fellow teacher Benjamin Linus lachlan's been his support in a bid to become the school's principal as he can see that the kind-hearted bin has excellent leadership potential outside of these flash sideways we return to the island where Jack's plan to destroy the island has failed the only small victory is that he and his fellow survivors have been transported from the 1970s to the present day Juliet succumbs to her wounds leaving Sawyer heartbroken and blaming Jack for his Love's death the survivors are then instructed by the ghost of Jacob to rush a mortally wounded Syed to a jungle temple belonging to the others there the temple leader Dogan is shocked to learn of Jacob's death although Syed is magically killed and resurrected by the Temple's Spring Water Dogan fears that Saeed has become infected with a darkness and therefore must be killed again Dogan also warns that this Darkness has already infected another Oceanic 815 Survivor the long missing Claire meanwhile the villainous Man in Black begins trying to recruit members to his side in his ultimate quest to finally escape the island and spread his Darkness to the rest of the world Jacob and the Man in Black were brothers who were born on the island centuries prior raised by a fanatical mother who served as the Island's protector Jacob grew up to succeed as the Island's faithful protector with his mission being to never let the mysterious golden light at the heart of the island to go out conversely the man in Black was always curious of the outside world and resented his mother for never letting him leave when strangers came to the island and offered to let the man in Black join their escape Mission the mother slaughtered them all in an act of Vengeance the man in Black killed his mother in return Jacob pushed his brother into the Island's heart killing his human body transforming him into the smoke monster and damning him to never leave the island Richard is revealed to have crash landed on the island as a slave aboard the Black Rock after being saved and granted immortality by Jacob Richard has been a loyal follower ever since and so though feeling purposeless after Jacob's death he rebukes the man in Black's offer to join him the man in Black also tries to recruit The Grieving and vengeful Sawyer explaining that Jacob had intervened in the lives of all of the Oceanic 815 survivors to lead them to the island in the hopes that one of them would be a candidate who could step up to replace him as leader and protector of the island the man in Black states that Jacob's plan was pointless and has led to so much heartache Sawyer agrees and joins the man in Black side also joining the man in Black's team are the infected Syed and Claire Claire has gone mad and violent while living on her own and searching for Aaron for the past three years the man in Black sends Saeed back inside the temple where he kills Dogan breaking the Temple's barrier and allowing the man in Black to enter and Slaughter everyone while Kate and jyn are captured at the temple the other survivors managed to avoid the temple attack and reunite on the beach the group are still reeling from the death of Jacob with Ben particularly remorseful over his own involvement in both Jacob and Lock's deaths Jack also convinces Richard that even though Jacob is dead they still had a purpose to fulfill by defeating the man in Black and saving the island a newly resolved Richard becomes determined to destroy the Salvage Ajira plane so that the man in Black can't use it to escape the island while Jack remains convinced they can defeat the man in Black and use the plane to escape the island once and for all the man in Black then sends Sawyer on a mission to spy on the Ajira 16 survivors but he is instead captured by Charles Whitmore along the way Whitmore and his team of mercenaries have arrived via a submarine to wage war for control of the island Sawyer makes a deal with Whitmore to lure the man in Black into a trap in exchange for passage on the submarine off the island when Sawyer reunites with the man in Black's group Sawyer confesses to the captured Kate that his real plan is to pit the man in Black and Whitmore against each other giving himself and his friends a chance to steal the submarine for themselves and Escape as part of whitmore's Master Plan he has kidnapped Desmond and brought him back to the island subjecting him to large amounts of electromagnetic energy that are lethal to every other human during these tests Desmond has visions of The Flash sideways timeline working for Charles Whitmore Desmond is tasked with delivering drug addict rock star Charlie Pace to a benefit concert to play alongside whitmore's pianist son Daniel Charlie explains to Desmond that after after a near-death experience he saw visions of his time on the island and of his true love Claire Charlie helps Desmond remember his own time on the island and of his own true love Penny and so Desmond makes it his mission to round up the Oceanic 815 survivors and help them remember the island timeline back in the island timeline Richard is continuing with his plan to destroy the plane and Alana is accidentally killed by unstable Dynamite Hurley begins communicating with the island and becomes resolved to stop Richard defeat the man in Black and escape the island trusting Hurley's connection to the island and his leadership skills Jack agrees to support his friend by any means necessary eventually all of the survivors come together leading to the years in the making reunion of sun and Jen as whitmore's forces and the Man in Black go to war Sawyer enacts his plan to steal the submarine and leave the island during the chaos Sawyer Kate Jack Hurley son Jin Syed and Frank on manage to board the submarine and depart the island forced to leave behind their other allies as the submarine descends into the ocean Jack discovers that the man in Black has placed time explosives in his bag if all of Jacob's candidates died the man in Black would be allowed to leave the island fighting back against the darkness that has infected him Syed takes the explosives and runs to the other side of the submarine sacrificing himself to save his friends the explosion causes the submarine to flood with water and when sun becomes trapped inside Jen decides to stay by his wife's side and the two lovers die hand in hand the survivors of the explosion are then brought to the ghost of Jacob who manifests for a final time to ask them to protect the heart of the island Jack steps up to be the new Jacob and is made the Island's new immortal leader with Jacob finally passing on in peace meanwhile the man in Black has his final confrontation with Whitmore threatening Penny's life if he he didn't reveal the secret to destroy the island as Whitmore explains that Desmond is the key Ben murders Whitmore as revenge for Alex's death the man in Black then captures Desmond and the newly christened leader Jack accompanies them to the heart of the island while the man in Black believes Desmond can destroy the island Jack has faith that Desmond was brought here by Jacob for a reason and that reason could lead to the ultimate defeat of the Man in Black inside the Island's heart Desmond removes a giant stone that acts as a cork to the Island's energy as the island verges on destruction the man in Black is finally released from his binds and allowed to leave this act also makes him and Jack mortal once again leading to the two men engaging in a fight to the death Kate arrives to help Jack kill the man in Black once and for all though Jack is mortally wounded in the fight as Kate joins the other survivors in racing to the Ajira plane in order for Frank to fly them to safety Jack returns to the Island's heart to determined to replace the Cork and save the island along the way he encounters Hurley naming him the worthy successor as Island protector Ben decides to stay by Hurley's side and is finally content to act in service of the greater good inside the heart Jack helps Desmond Escape before replacing the Cork and saving the island as the Ajira flight departs the island once and for all Jack collapses and succumbs to his injuries finally at peace in the flash sideways Desmond successfully helps his fellow survivors remember their time on the island with the deep and long-lasting bonds being the triggers to regain their memories Kate once again helps Claire deliver baby Aaron sparking her memories of the same delivery on the island Sawyer runs into Juliet and the ill-fated lovers share a romantic Embrace spinal surgeon Jack performs a surgery on John Locke that not only gives him the ability to walk again but also restores his memories in the end Jack is the only Survivor to resist the memory of his time on the island as all of the survivors gather at a church for the funeral of Christian Shepherd Jack's father appears to him and explains that the flash sideways was actually a purgatory-like place for all of the survivors to find each other and make peace before moving on to the afterlife whether on the island or decades in the future after a long and fulfilling life each of the survivors would one day die but it was here in this place that they could be together one last time Ben deems himself Unworthy of this piece and remains outside of the church to further atone for his past villainous actions inside the church Jack finally accepts his death and regains his memories emotionally reuniting with all of his past friends and family as they move on together into the next life [Music]
Channel: Recap & Chill
Views: 349,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost, lost recap, lost full series recap, lost series, lost series explained, lost series ending, lost series ending explained, lost season 1 recap, lost season 2 recap, lost season 3 recap, lost season 4 recap, lost season 5 recap, lost season 6 recap, lost series recap, lost summary, lost in depth, lost series summary, lost series dead, lost ending, lost ending explained, lost ending scene, lost series finale, lost finale, lost finale explained
Id: ONIdaQ4Hcxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 0sec (3060 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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