Lose Weight for Good with a Healthy Plant-Based Diet with Dr. Anthony Lim

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all right welcome welcome welcome welcome to today's forks over knives webinar we are very happy to be here with you guys again I think a lot of you guys have actually been here in the past and we're gonna be having a packed house today today we have none other than the man the myth the legend dr. Anthony Lynn how you doing dr. Lynn I'm doing great Cyrus how are you good good only 1052 people staring at you nice it's of you you're the draw so it looks like there's there's still lots of people pouring into this room so in the chat box if you just got here please tell me where you're living I'm gonna see how fast I can read there's a 1,200 people here and all of a sudden we go in fact I don't even know why I asked this sometimes yeah I see a whole bunch of words coming in looks like there's a bunch of places all around the United States West Coast East Coast Midwest you name it just fantastic to see today we are honored to be here with dr. Anthony Lynn now dr. Anthony Lynn for those of you who may some of you may have heard him speak at a conference before maybe you've seen him online before maybe you have had a chance to see him in some of these some Netflix documentaries I've had the opportunity to spend some time with dr. Lynn he actually came and helped out it a retreat that we were running here in Costa Rica and he is a pleasure to be with so dr. Lynn is a board certified family physician and he is a firm believer in the power of a healthy balanced lifestyle to both not only prevent but reverse chronic disease he has a special interest in whole food plant-based nutrition and he enjoys working very closely with his patients to help them adopt healthier habits so we're gonna go into a lot of detail here today about dr. Lin's approach to treating and reversing chronic disease using food as medicine for those of you who are here with us right looks like we got 1400 people people just keep piling in do me a favor in the chat box if you are currently plant-based right the number one if you are not plant-based right the number two and if you are kind of somewhere in between just write the number one point five so that we can see what Tyvon is we got can you see the chat box right now dr. Lin yeah yeah so it looks like most are you said to was not Cantonese she was not plant-based 1.5 was in the middle okay I'd say we probably have I don't know one point three seven is my guess four yeah one point three hmm what's that that's your one point yeah okay this is actually really good excuse me as you know forks over knives for about a whole promotes a whole food plant-based diet and so for those of you that are already 100% plant-based that's fantastic for those of you who are in the middle that's fantastic I'm glad that you're making some changes and for those of you who are not plant-based right now but are excited about the coming plant-based this webinars gonna give you a lot of insight into many aspects of plant-based nutrition plus things beyond nutrition that you can do that actually reverse chronic disease in your body so I'm very excited to have ya this opportunity here today we got 1,500 people so I'm gonna give dr. Lynn a formal introduction here and then we can go into his presentation so like I said dr. Lim is a board certified family physician he grew up in sunny San Diego and upon this is how this is how impressive this man is in front of you upon completing his undergraduate studies in human biology at Stanford he went on to I'm an extended journey that included studying Mandarin in China for one year and then he worked as a management consultant and then he taught fifth through eighth grade math as an AmeriCorps volunteer and then he decided oh you know I'm bored I'm gonna go get a law degree and then he passed the California Bar Exam and then after doing all of that he realized that he actual true calling wasn't in law it wasn't in teaching it wasn't in Murni Mandarin although those were all nice things but it was actually in medicine so he's in study medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and he completed his residency at Santa Rosa family medicine in California his specialties in family medicine and because of that he can care for his patients and actually treat them in a holistic manner with a focus on preventative health what a novel concept I love it since 2015 dr. Lim has served as the medical director of the mcdougal program and is a staff physician at the True North health center in Santa Rosa California he's happily married to his college sweetheart and together they have a son and daughter who bring them tons of joy and tons of laughter he loves hiking biking playing tennis cooking healthy meals learning how to play guitar I didn't know you know how to play guitar century learning and continually growing his Christian faith so dr. Lynn thank you so much for being here with us there Fanny sires came from a generous introduction absolutely absolutely so in today's webinar you're gonna be learning a lot of things the first thing is dr. Lou is going to talk about the concept of calorie density this is actually a very important concept overall in the world nutrition but especially in plant-based nutrition and he's going to talk about why it's essential for not only short-term but long-term success he's also going to share his tenkan checklist for maximum weight loss and then he's also going to teach some some concrete strategies that you can utilize starting today to make healthy behaviors easier so that you can continue to lose weight feel your best and achieve your ideal body weight so without further ado dr. Lin feel free to take over the screen if you want and share your presentation and we can start going all right okay all right well greetings everyone it's real honor and privilege to be starting off this new year this new decade doing this webinar losing weight for good with a healthy plant-based diet it is a big topic we could spend day here so my hope this hour is just to highlight a few pearls or major points that I think may help out some of you all right now I want to do something I've never done before on a webinar but I've been doing it a lot more with my patients in group classes or even one-on-one and that's it's really just pausing for a moment of silence given our frenetic fast-paced world that were living in and you'll see how this kind of ties in with some of the themes that we discuss later so if you'd humor me I'd like for you all to just kind of get in a comfortable seated position feet flat on the floor you can put your hands on your legs or clasp them there's no right or wrong and gently close your eyes or focus on some spot in front of you and I want you to just take nice slow deep breaths in and out and I want you to just focus on the breath sensation of air coming in through your nose and into your lungs and out through your mouth or your notes there's no right or wrong and you may notice thoughts coming into your head your attention being distracted by various things if you notice that congratulations you've just caught yourself thinking about other things but what I would ask you is to just kind of gently redirect your attention back to your breath something that's always with you that were often unaware and so for the next minute I'm gonna stay be quiet but I just want you to continue to focus on the sensation of your breath in and out and as thoughts may come in just notice them but then redirect your attention back to your breath as we get ready to come out of this exercise you start to gently wiggle your toes or your ankles move your fingers and hands around when you're ready and slowly open your eyes okay well thank you for humoring me many of you may have be intimately familiar with meditation or something for some of you this may be new but wherever you are I think really the bigger concept is just pausing finding a space of silence where you can kind of get away from all the hustle and bustle and many of my patients have found this incredibly helpful not just with other aspects of their life but with their eating as well okay so our topic today is weight loss and achieving and maintaining it and I don't think I need to spend long telling you that this is a huge issue in the United States I never get over this statistic that 70% of US adults are either overweight or obese and here's a sort of diagram of what I find with many of my patients they may start off you know learning the basics of a plant-based diet and their weight gradually comes down this is assuming that they're overweight or obese but then for many of them their weights can plateau and if this goes on too long they can get very frustrated or disheartened and you know we see this gradual creep phenomenon back and so I think it's key for these these people to feel like they have to or strategies for getting past whatever challenge or barrier they're facing so that they can continue their journey to move on down towards a healthy weight and maintain that sustain it I'm gonna start off by giving away the ending up front the key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is simply number one know what to eat number two order our environment arrange our environment for success talk about the various forms that that takes and then last establish a healthy relationship with food again I like I said at the beginning we could spend days on this topic but I really just want to bring these three major points to your attention and the reason is because I I can't think of very many patients who have all three of these elements in order and are still really struggling with their weight for the most part any any of my patients who have managed to make significant progress in these three areas are fairly satisfied and content with with where they're at okay so first know what to eat this is the current state of the u.s. diet this is from a book hungry planet what the world eats and the author and photographer went around the world photographing one week's worth of food in average families in these various countries and this was the picture that they took of one of the families in the United States as you can see lots of fast food lots of animal products more fast food processed food lots of sugary beverages dairy some canned foods in the middle you see a few you know a couple clusters of grapes and some tomatoes and this really lines up with what are the proportion of our diet and how it breaks out well 60 60 60 to 65% of our diet is highly processed foods kind of like what you see here the chips and soda guns and then 25 to 30 percent of the calories we get are from animal-based foods so that would be things like the dairy and meat you can see all this fast food with lots of animal products which basically leaves less than 10% of the American diet that comes from whole plant-based foods and so you compare where we're currently at less than 10% of our foods coming from whole plant foods to the Blue Zones is one of my favorite books it's by Dan Buettner I had the opportunity to played frisbee golf with him and Cyrus recently which was a blast and I really like this book because it basically looks at what populations who have a high percentage of people living past the age of a hundred what they're doing to achieve this longevity be the Blue Zones that Dan Buettner discusses in his book are these five Okinawa Japan Acharya Greece Sardinia Italy Nicoya Peninsula and Costa Rica and Loma Linda California and they interviewed over 250 centenarians people who lived past the age of 100 in these five areas and looked at all the things they shared in common and top of the list was a whole food plant-based diet over 90 percent of the calories that these various populations took in came from for fruits fruits vegetables legumes and whole grains legumes including it's like beans peas and lentils whole grains mean things like amaranth buck wheat barley whole wheat brown rice things like that and ever since I went plant-based in 2015 I continue to feel that one of the best descriptions of a whole food plant-based diet put very simply especially since I the beginning cyrus did that survey and it sounds like a lot of you are considering the transition the best description is by this gentleman here in my opinion his name's Michael Pollan he's a food author journalist and writer and in this book in defense of food and eaters manifesto he wrote seven of the most famous words that he's known for which to me really actually describe a whole food plant-based diet and first is eat food and as he would describe it its food in that's minimally processed a form as possible you know food that your great-great-great great-great grandmother would recognize its food so things like gogurts or you know flavored yogurt that you squeeze out of a pack not so much food but sweet potato broccoli that's three that's recognizable not too much we tend to eat till we are stuffed into word bloated until we're happy to unbuckle our our belt or unbutton our pants and not too much it's really just eating kind of like these blue zone populations did which is to the point that they're 80% full they could eat more but they don't need to and they've reached the point of satiation and they know when to stop so that's the not too much piece and then last mostly plants the vast majority of calories coming from whole plant foods falling into one of those four food groups fruits vegetables legumes and whole grains and it really in my opinion is that simple I mean considering that right now less than 10% of our calories come from those four food groups if we're able to get it more along the lines of the Blue Zones a 90% you're gonna see some huge benefits and this is really where all the Titans and pioneers in the whole plant-based food over plant-based movement doctors Esselstyn and Campbell and Gregor and Ornish and MacDougall and Barnard I mean the list goes on and on this is really where all the evidence study after study shows the benefits of putting these foods into your body day-in day-out and as I said in the beginning my whole world has been radically changed since finding out about plant-based eating I'm seeing patients with diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol reversed their conditions or obtain remission in a short period of time as a few weeks depending on the degree of change that they make so eat food not too much mostly plants now many in the plant-based movement of course go a hundred percent which is outstanding but the reason I share this is I never want patients of mine who have made a significant lifestyle change and move far go in that direction to feel somehow like they failed because they haven't gone 100% now for some of you out there who are ready saying I already eat a plant-based diet but I'm still struggling well then I think the a very important principle to understand is calorie density and I always like to include a picture here of my good friend Jeff Novick who is a guru in calorie density and you can find a lecture of his mind you just type in Jeff Novick calorie density he works at the mcdougal program with me and he taught me a lot about calorie density and I'm very appreciative of that so he is an article or video and definitely go look towards that but just briefly to understand the concept how against me is the amount of energy in calories over a given weight of food often times in pounds or grams we tend to use pounds because it's a amount that you can kind of get your head around it's hard to sort of conceive of what 10 grams of broccoli looks like but a pound of broccoli we can all picture in our head so if you look at one of the most the least calorie dense foods on earth it's iceberg lettuce at 60 s or so calories per pound and then all the way to the most calorie dense food on earth which is oil and here we have olive oil that comes in at around 4,000 calories per pound and if we sort of see how this manifests in our stomach here you can see what 500 calories of oil looks like 500 calories of cheese meat this is a nice graphic from forks over knives by the way 500 calories of potatoes rice and beans and then 500 calories of fruits and vegetables and what you can see here is that for the same amount of calories your stomach is your stomach here is going to be far more filled when you're eating low calorie dense foods than when you're eating high calorie dense foods so you're going to get full on a smaller amount of calories there's no waves more bulk there's more fiber in the low calorie dense foods that really beats to a feeling of satiation so if we look at the just various calorie densities of different food groups on the lowest end of the spectrum we've got vegetables at around 100 calories per pound now it's gonna range right you orden say I screwed by this is 64 calories per pound and other vegetables maybe a hundred 1340 the point here is not to memorize any specific food but rather just to understand the categories of food and their calorie densities and their relationships with each other so we've got vegetables at 100 calories per pound fruits the next step up at around 300 calories per pound [Music] then we have a whole unprocessed starches I really think of mrs. my two fruit two types of food one are whole grains so as mentioned before it's like buckwheat and barley and pookie olan and rice and our starchy vegetables so potatoes sweet potatoes corn peas these two groups are why dr. mcdougal calls himself a starch award because as he's alluded to the if you look over the arc of history all civilizations across time and across space in the past have thrived with starches at the center of their plates the next step up or legumes so things like beans peas lentils and there's a huge amount of variety or navy beans pinto beans brown beans black beans right green beans no sorry that can be lentils beans would be more like a to perform the vegetable category moving on up we've got animal products and again there's gonna be a big rage here could range anywhere from 500 to as much as over two thousand if we're talking about products like bacon but in general on average I put it at around 800 calories per pound moving on up we've got whole process starches so this category is a big sort of area that some of my patients struggle with and there's gonna be things like bread and crackers and cereals they may be made from whole grains but just by virtue of processing them and extracting the water you're greatly concentrating the calorie density and as a result it's you can see it's orders of magnitude higher whole process structures then whole unprocessed starches at least three times more right in that same category you've got strippers at around 1,500 calories per pound and this is maple syrup brown sugar white sugar agave honey I would just put them all in this category also here I would also put dried fruit which is another trap that some of my patients will fall into you know you think of dried fruit is it as a whole plant food which it is but again just by virtue of extracting the water and concentrating it you're gonna get a much higher calorie density moving on up we've got refined processed junk food so you know potato chips Oreos you know a lot of these kind of crunchy packaged foods that you're gonna find even you know things like air popped popcorn I mean even the air popped popcorn he's around 1,800 calories per pound but most of the popcorns you're gonna find in the grocery store are well over 2,000 calories because they all have oil what's interesting is that nuts and seeds which many people think of as healthy and they certainly can be in small amounts they are one of the most calorie dense foods on planet earth at 2,800 calories per pound so it is definitely an area that you want to be careful of over consuming I've had a few patients now that just by eliminating nuts they have had dramatic improvements in their weights and for those who have diabetes their blood sugar levels as well and it's no surprise when you look at just how calorie dense these these foods are and then last oil 4,000 calories per pound its canola oil olive oil you know they all run at this high end of the spectrum so one question you may be asking is well what average calorie density should I aim for and the World Cancer Research Fund American Institute of cancer research in 2007 they put out a huge report over a hundred scientists from 30 different countries and their number one recommendation for prevention of cancer is to maintain a healthy body weight and in order to do that they recommended a plant-based diet where to the extent you're eating it's a condiment at most and that they actually gave an average calorie density to aim for at one point to five calories per gram which if you do the math works out to 567 calories per pound and just rounding up let's just say it's around 600 calories per pound so what's interesting is if you put a line where that falls the four food groups that fall to the left of the red line are vegetables fruits whole and processed starches which are you starchy vegetables in your whole grains and legumes what do you know the major food groups you know in a whole food plant-based diet and I want to make clear I'm not I actually don't necessarily think that there's any food here that's evil and you can you know that is is bad in and of itself I think really the major problem is the degree to which we over consume foods that fall to the right of the red line as I sort of mentioned earlier on with where the standard American diet is 60% processed foods and 30% animal-based with only 10% of our calories coming from whole plant foods in this in this area so you know you can imagine I when I was younger my brother and I we would sneak bag of gummy bears into the movie theaters to eat so for 500 calories I can eat a 5 ounce bag of gummy bears or now that I'm plant-based I could try and sneak in a 7 pound watermelon for 800 calories metric or me earlier mentioned nuts and put an issue that can be for certain patients of mine you could have one cup of cashews at 3 to 4 ounces or not one not two not three not four but five medium sized baked potatoes you can imagine just how much more filling this would be I'll be honest I've never had 5 big potatoes in my life all in one sitting I'd be you know I know people can do it but it's not easy I've easily eaten - shoes in a single city as have many patients of mine this is kind of funny this I went to a conference as a speaker once and they gave me a gift bag with various sort of healthy plant-based foods and this was in there that fit bar I'd never had one of these it's one Apple plus 1 mango no added sugar as you can see the ingredients are apples mangoes seriously that's it and this as I mentioned you heard me say earlier that dried fruit it's 1,500 calories per pound and sure enough I did the math this came out to fifteen hundred and thirteen pound per pound also in my little gift bag was a something I hadn't had before which is Ingmar you know it's vegan gluten free peanut butter chocolate chip and it looks harmless it's only a hundred calories but you know this was my room key you can see how small it is right it's less than half the size of my room key and it's 2064 calories per pound now just for comparison did the math on a Snickers bar 2165 calif repeal and it's about the same so these sort of healthy you know vegan nutrition bars what you know and they come in all forms Clif bars kind bars or zing bars Larabars they're all like over 2,000 calories four pounds and you know in certain cases are basically sort of like a glorified Snickers bar now of course I would rather eat this than a Snickers bar in terms of the health properties but if weight loss was one of my goals then you can understand how eating this on a daily basis as a healthy snack could really slow down any progress now also in the bag of entry interesting enough where two clementines and an apple as you can see my idea for doing this came after I had already bitten into the Clementine but I managed to do some cosmetic stuff so to make it look semi passable but anyways these clementines fall out around 200 Alex / pounds this Apple 286 pounds round weight lower calorie dense weight lower calorie density than the other items right that's hit R in the same bar now what did I do I ate both is a bar and the bats a part I don't admit I don't know claim so I claim to have an incredible self-control and as I mentioned it's not that I'm saying don't ever eat these higher calorie dense foods it's more that if you eat them understand what you're eating and understand what your goals are and if weight loss is one of your goals then you would really want to be minimizing or eliminating the amount of time that you're spending eating these types of foods and simple so if we kind of bring it all together for some people who are struggling with calorie density and kind of want to just go all out for a period of time you could you know try this 10-point checklist for core maximal weight lost not to say that this is necessary something you would sustain for your life but more as a proof of concept to just show you that you can eat as much food as you want and as long as you're following these guidelines you will in all likelihood be swayed if you're overweight or obese and it's no animal products no oil no added sugar that's honey agave all of those watch out for the sweet beverages and alcohol a 5 ounce glass of wine has 150 calories no / middle added salt salt makes things high hyper palatable so the more salt the more that you may passively over consume consuming more than you would otherwise normally eat just by virtue of how tasty it is no flour products so that's gonna be comes like the breads the cereals you know instead of great nuts eat oatmeal instead of you know whole wheat bread a baked potato really minimizing the high calorie density plant-based foods we talk about nuts seeds avocados they're only at around 800 850 calories per pound but they're so easy to eat a lot of as many of you who have ever eaten guacamole and attest you I don't think I need to say any more coconut dried fruit olives you really want to watch out for these foods that are easy to eat a lot of very kind of calorically dense sequence your meals so you just start off with eating things like a soup and a salad Jeff Novick talks a lot about this you're you know you're eating the lowest calorie dense foods right soups and salads are filled with vegetables so just by a virtue of eating that at the start then when you get to your main course you're just gonna have less room to put in to eat of your main course which tend to be higher calorie dense foods the 50-50 plate method at each meal that basically means like 50 percent of your plate being 50 percent of your plate being vegetables and then 50 percent being some combination of whole grains structured vegetables and/or legumes so having a serving of fruit for making prove to your dessert and stopping when you're 80% full right you remember Michael Pollan second phrase not too much don't don't eat in excess and then last you know moderate exercise that basically times per week for a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes you know when we look at exercise and food food clearly is the bigger lever in terms of weight loss but that said I think it's still good to move your body at least a few times proof okay okay at the time so that's knowing what to eat right eat a plant-based diet I mentioned all the gurus out there you can look at all the studies and this is just a survey and calorie density go to Jeff Novak's resources on that that's the what to eat part ordering our environment so who's going to be 3 types of environments onion about physical environment social environment and internal environment and we are product of our environment right so really it's just step one for our physical environment is make unhealthy behavior harder I used to worked at an office where every Friday they it was a pink box in the break room and as we all know the pink box is full of donuts and you know it was interesting by the end of the day that pink box was empty so you know just by virtue of it being there and people passing it by it all the time over the course of the day these disappeared so you one way of making that unhealthy behavior harder right is getting rid of the paint box we live in I think it fair to say a toxic food environment right fast food on every corner candy and the checkout aisles of soars like Best Buy or electronic stores this was a picture I took at the Sonoma County Fair of something I hadn't seen before a Krispy Kreme burger because a burger with cheese in a bun is not enough we need a sandwich it between two Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and then right next to it with dessert you could get your deep-fried Oreos or your deep-fried Snickers right so to make unhealthy behavior harder you're gonna want to minimize your exposure to these types of places eat more in the home now when it comes to the home run the first thing we say when you transition to this way of eating is clear out you know your food as much unhealthy foods as possible the only problem is then you might be left with a you know overripe banana and that's it if you really got rid of everything depending on where you're at so the second part of our physical environment is we need to make healthy behavior easier you know you just need to go to the store and buy lots of fruits vegetables legumes and whole grains and make sure that when you're hungry you have things that you can go to you know building up your skill base in terms of how to prepare these foods and you know just making sure it's convenient and as accessible as possible so that's our physical environment the unhealthy behavior on a healthy behaviour same idea with our social environment who are you spending time with and if you're you know surrounding yourself with people who are eating really unhealthy and you're just faced with temptation all the time that can make it very difficult so you know how do you make unhealthy behavior harder well you know if they're your friends you can spend time with them but perhaps in a setting that doesn't involve food or you know spend more time with people who eat similar but all that said I really do think the most important thing is that whoever you're spending time with that they you know they accept the way you're eating and they don't make fun of you they don't sort of criticize you that they accept you for who you are so but yeah just keeping in mind who you're spending time with in are they helping you to develop this way of eating where they are hindering you and then on the flip side making healthy behavior easier so spending time with people that support your endeavor and there's a picture of me with my mom and dad in Taiwan hi mom hi dad love you guys I'm sorry I couldn't resist so when I went plant-based in 2014 when the first things I did is shared this with my family and I actually had my entire family watch sports overnights as when one thing I asked them to do when I went back home and my my family was very impressed my parents basically immediately switched over to a plant-based diet very next day and I can't begin to tell you how much easier it has been for our entire family to maintain this way of eating just by virtue of the fact that we're all doing it together so certainly the more supporters you can find the better and just one little plug do not forget about your internal environment because no matter how hard you try to arrange your environment to maximize success your physical environment right surround yourself with people who support you you're still gonna run into situations where your physical environment is not optimal and you're so the people year-round are you know not necessarily supporting you and what I don't want are for my patients to feel helpless when they are in those situations so on the one hand we do try to you know improve our external environment in terms of our physical and our social but also work on your ability to resist temptation and that's kind of about working on your internal internal environment this is a picture of dr. Dean Ornish's various pillars for lifestyle you know he focuses on a plant-based diet in terms of nutrition fitness are a huge focus on stress management with meditation that's one of the ideas with starting off with that exercise and then love and support a sense of connection and there's no question that when we're thinking about what food we eat it's part of an ecosystem right of various lifestyle factors including all of these mentioned others such as sleep and the more that we sort of optimize these other areas of our life there's no question the better our ability to make wise and healthy choices around the food to eat all right is there any doubt that if you're well-rested and you've you know gotten your work-life balance in a nice healthy spot that at the end of a work day you're less inclined to you know stop at the nearest fast-food place and order an unhealthy Big Mac in France absolutely because you're gonna be more well rested you're gonna have more time you're gonna have more energy so you'll be able to make better choices so I just want to highlight that that you know our efforts to arrange our external environment let's also focus on all the things that make our internal menu or internal environment more optimal movement stress management love and support and things like sleep okay so you kind of bring this to a close the last point established by hope the relationship with food dr. Dean Ornish I like this quote how you eat is as important as what you eat eating mindfully is key take time to enjoy what you eat and it's hard to take time to enjoy what we eat right we live in a really fast-paced hurried frenetic sort of lifestyle right and it's not easy to find time to pause and savor our food savor our meals caper as a company of crew we're eating with and so when as you think about your relationship with food I think one simple question to ask yourself it is how closely does my eating behavior align with my deepest held values that simple question will kind of unearth a lot of possible challenges you have with making healthy choices and I'll just pause here and say that when I think of the majority of my patients who have learned the basics of a plant-based diet and continue to struggle it is rarely an issue of knowledge they could recite exactly what they should be eating the four major food groups in a plant-based diet I know I should be doing fruits vegetables legumes and whole grains many of them are already familiar with calorie density principles but it really comes down to the application of what they know in the lives that we live with the stressors that we encounter and the lack of connection that we oftentimes are feeling that makes it harder to do what we know and so by starting off with this question of how closely does my t believe you're aligned with my deepest health values I think it will beat you to certain things that may be issues for you this is a inventory from a book called the mindful diet which is a great book I recommend and it's just certain questions you could ask yourself to see do you potentially have an issue in your relationship with fruit so how much are you into them uncomfortably full I eat until I'm stopped why do you eat so this is a big one I eat in response to stress or anxiety I eat in response to any where frustration bored I'm feeling sad or depressed and for many of these people they don't want to eat in response to beef they want other coping techniques but food has become their friend in these situations and they're struggling to find a substitute how do you eat right distracted while driving in front of the computer super quick period of time and when do you eat I even when I'm not hungry I snack without thinking I snack after dinner and so I will share personally of myself here I as I mentioned I adopted a plant-based diet in 2014 it was after seeing a PBS special where dr. joel Fuhrman was talking about the virtues of clam meat eating so thank you dr. Fuhrman or opening my eyes and I basically immediately switched over as soon as I learned about all the incredible benefits of eating this way and I've been at a healthy weight for most of my life except when I was kid when I was overweight but even after switching over to a plant-based diet I had a certain bad habit so when I am stressed out or say working on a talk that I'm going to get or presentation I can sometimes struggle with analysis paralysis right just kind of my head spinning and not really making any progress and in the past the way I have dealt with my stress or my anxiety is I eat so even after 2014 I would go I'm not exaggerating when I said I would go to the kitchen or to the fridge as much as 15 20 times in a day if I was working on something that was giving me a lot of stress and you know I kind of justified it or rationalized it by a saint well you know I'm eating healthy snacks and I'm going to the fridge and I'm having an apple or I grab some you know cut-up carrots and you get with hummus you know have a baked potato have a bowl of cereal so it's in my case it's not that I think it was bad because of the food that I was eating I really think it was my relationship with the food I was looking to food to to kind of give me something to do as I was grappling with my stress over whatever I was working on and as I kind of asked myself as my you know go back to this question just might eating behavior aligned with my deepest health values the answer was no when I kind of did some evaluation it doesn't because I do not want to turn to food as my as my crutch I want food to be a joyous thing I want to eat when I'm hungry I want to share it in the company of other people and I want to eat yeah for the right reasons not out of anxiety stress and sometimes boredom as well so I will tell you give you the follow-up to that in a moment because the big question is how do we improve our relationship with you right so how do we just take my example how do i improve this aspect of my behavior Oh going to the fridge 15 to 20 times a day when I'm stressed and anxious again this could be a five week long seminar but I'm gonna try and boil it down to just a few ideas I think it has to begin first with an awareness and again this is why I started off today with just a brief meditation we need to pause catch our breath stop and just kind of be aware of what's going on in us and part of that awareness is asking yourself that question you know how this my does my eating behavior what I eat how I eat when I eat reasons why I eat does that align with what I deeply value and as you can see in my case it didn't and so the next step once you have been awareness and you've kind of identified perhaps the issue which for many people can take a long time but you've got to start somewhere is to set an intention you know if you don't want to change you're not gonna change right so you know the idea with an intention is it shouldn't be over ambitious it should be realistic and you've got to start somewhere so even if you don't need it at least you've got a starting point once you have your intention you can be any intention face all the time and but at certain point you got to take action you got to do it young implement it and then once you've implemented it it's valuable to pause and reflect what went well what didn't go well what can I improve on and with that reflection you kind of enter back into a new cycle you have it hopefully right if you've been very mindful throughout this period you have a deeper sense of awareness you maybe have a better sense of what you're struggling with what you're grappling with and that will allow you to set a new intention engage a new action reflection and this cycle goes on and on so going back to my example I was aware that I was looking to who to help with stress and anxiety and I set an intention that when I feel that urge I want to replace it with a different behavior and as Cyrus mentioned early on my Christian faith is sort of the center of my life it's it's everything to me and so I wanted to get this behavior to God and so for me I decided that when I feel that urge I'm gonna pray and just simply you know just give it to God you know Lord I'm struggling with anxiety or stress over this and I'm tempted to go to the fridge to eat and I want to just you know give it to you and help me to the state at the moment stay here work through this it's gonna be different for every person I'm just sharing my own example so for some people they walking out in nature meditating I like what we did early on calling a good friend to talk some behavior that is aligned with what you how you want to be like when I'm in a difficult spot I don't want to eat I want to go for a walk and make sure I want to go for a run I want to I want a journal you know I want to just pause and exit my case it was pray and then I implemented it I went in action mode and I won't go through all the gory detail but it was many many cycles and what I can say with all sort of joy and conviction and happiness today is does that behavior so exist maybe in a very mild form but it is no longer a substantial part of my behavior around stress and it's taken me far more in a direction that is request value which is which is my faith so what I hope is that this cycle of improvement is really just a process of you getting in closer touch with your true self simple is that other key concepts to keep in mind as you engage in this cycle improvement or resilience right you're gonna hit some frustrating times do not give up okay as Lombardi Vince Lombardi said it's not whether you fall down right because we're all gonna fall down it's face like when you get back up or how quickly you get back up so stay in it don't give up you know even failure failure is success because as long as you're learning from it as long as you're doing that process of reflecting and then thinking well why did that not go well and building that into your next cycle so resilience is huge humility you know expect some humble pie with this process you know don't think you are about this just be willing to be molded and shaped into into your best self along the way accountability I think it is very helpful if you can partner with someone who you really trust who knows you for who you are and love human spite of it right you know it's it's those people our goal so having an accountability partner can be really helpful make sure often tissa t is part of it that this is a change this is an improvement that you want to make you're not doing it for your mom or your dad or your spouse you're doing it for you because I think the most meaningful changes that is that which comes from within and not not one that's externally imposed and then last bolded this one is self compassion we are so hard on ourselves right we our own worst critics and that includes myself something I've struggled with for much of my life and we really need to be gentler on ourselves a wise person once told me one thing you can think about is talking to yourself the way you would talk to your child by the way but you would talk to your best friend and if you kind of keep that in mind you're probably gonna use a language that's much different than how you might otherwise so as you go through this process just keep these principles in mind so to wrap up and looks like we're right in time gotta know what to eat right adopt a whole food plant-based diet be mindful of calorie density principles I'm going to say one thing this to me is kind of the easy part right I summed up a whole food plant-based diet in my opinion in seven words from Michael Coleman and the calorie density is not that difficult to understand watch out that you don't spend all your time here I have so many patients that go to conference after conference learning about the intricacies and ins and outs of various foods and the antioxidant value and this and that and they're getting caught in the weeds right so they know a ton but they're not really applying it so you know once you get this move on order your environment your physical your social and your internal environment unhealthy behaviors harder to make healthy behaviors easier internal environment improve your capacity to handle adversity right when you're in unfavorable circumstances don't feel like you're a pawn and use nothing you can do build up your internal resiliency through things like attending to your sleep your social connection exercise the meaning that you get from from your work or from your day-to-day and then last established a healthy relationship with food and I'm just gonna say that for many of my patients this is the big area of struggle they really have a difficult time applying what they know to what they do on a day to day basis and it all begins with awareness stopping pausing like we get after early on at the very beginning of this presentation and just being aware of what's going on going through this cycle of improvement and then last just being compassionate with yourself along the way and with this there is a light at the end of the tunnel nets there may be some of you who came on today feeling hopeless just wanna say there is hope and hopefully through today you have a sense of that this is Julia these were taking a few years ago she's she's now 7 this is Joshua it's 12 they're picking some blackberries from our garden and yeah they are other joys in my life fantastic your focus I think is to a slightly more technical audience though like a you know doctors at a medical conference and numbers and calorie density which you definitely touched on here but I really like your broader message right the broader message about reestablishing a healthy relationship with food identifying what types of anxiety may be present inside of you and really addressing those because that's the stuff it works in the long term yeah well thanks for that yeah thanks Cyrus I know is the idea I just want to give a broad survey and I think each person watching this they're gonna identify certain areas that is their challenge place and hopefully it's this is just a pointer in which direction to go it's funny because there's like this internal monologue that I think a lot of us have everyone has that everyone has an interim log about the foods they eat why they eat it this is sort of like things they think in their head that they don't verbalize you know you have it I have it everyone has it it's just a part of being human and what you're talking about here really gives you an opportunity to stop and pause and just be like what what am I thinking right now and why am I thinking that and how do i how do i turn my thought pattern into something that's actually constructed so that i'm making optimal food choices and i'm making most importantly optimal lifestyle choices and when you really stop and give yourself the opportunity to to think about what chatter is happening inside of your head it can make a huge difference absolutely absolutely and you know I mean I know that for the most part I went in the plant-based movement is very well intentioned but I'm gonna say that I have a lot of patients who are going through things having certain feelings come up having certain temptations having certain lapses and they are not comfortable sure because they feel so judged you know I mean we in the plant-based movement are just as guilty as many others of being judgmental because they it will be around a group of people who eat a hundred percent and they are so you know they're so ashamed of any behavior that deviates on that and so they just kind of keep it to themselves so there's just all this stuff going on on the inside that's not really coming out and that's why I put the self compassion pieces as an important we all need more better not just compassionate for self with compassion for others I was actually kind of hoping at the beginning of this webinar that we could have just kept the meditation going for like I graduated that's been okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna I'm gonna share my screen and flip over to something that I think a lot of you guys are gonna really like can you see my screen here with that one yeah yeah okay cool so one of the things that I personally love about the forks over knives team and I'm very good friends with many of them is that they just they're on a simple mission which is to make whole food plant-based eating simple easy enjoyable and just accessible to everyone it's it is a true statement when I say the forks are going actually wants everybody here and everybody in the audience to be living healthy and happy lives it's just that simple it's a mission driven organization that's what I love about them so much so they just released this brand-new special issue of the forks over knives magazine I don't know if you guys have ever gotten the magazine before you can pick it up at many grocery stores you can pick it off Home Depot you can pick up at Lowe's this magazine is lievable every time I open it up I just my mouth starts watering because the the recipes and the pictures inside are just phenomenal so this special issue is called how to eat plant-based it's literally a how-to guide so for anybody who's considering trying a plant-based diet and isn't sure where to start this is the essential sort of beginner's guide that teaches you how to take charge of your health literally starting today this this magazine I'm telling you is gorgeous so let me kind of walk you through exactly what's inside here you're gonna learn about the science that supports the power of plant-based eating to both prevent and reverse chronic illnesses like heart disease like diabetes and you'll get sort of answers to common health and nutrition questions from the top doctors in the field you'll find all types of real-life success stories you'll find shopping and cooking tips and you'll get fifty nine delicious recipes so this issue just cuts through the confusion and just puts the pleasure of plant-based eating right in front of you other things include how to roast and saute without oil I know I know for a fact that this confuses a lot of people in the chat box if you are a little bit confused about how to cook without oil just write the word oil in the chat box I'm just curious I want to see what's happening here because yeah yeah I see a bunch of oils coming in events when I thought oils it can be confusing you now what should I use any liquid should I use water should I use vinegar should I use something else should I use soy sauce it can be confusing so here again for southern eyes gives you phenomenal options and just simplifies the whole process they also teach you five ways to build healthy habits that last a lifetime this stuff is gold pure gold they also give you a collection of their favorite breakfasts lunches dinners snacks and desserts I don't know about you I just I just had this magazine in my hand the other day I was going through it and I remember coming across this particular image because this idea of putting a sound in a jar is actually not that new of a concept but they do a phenomenal job of displaying it and making you super hungry and once you start to put these things together it's just fun obviously needs just fine they'll also give you pro tips for dining out which can actually be really challenging so this is a simple way to make sure that you are you know you're safe wherever you go they also teach you the kitchen reboot which is what to keep what to toss and what to buy to make your life simple they also teach you a five day meal plan with a shopping list and a weekend prep plan that gets you started so literally just buy everything that you see in you know right here in the 5 day meal plan the weekend Franklin grocery let's just get this stuff and then put it together it's kind of like the meal planner on a piece of paper for a week and it's really cool and then one thing I want you guys to know is that this how to eat plant-based is now available in the online store on the forks on our website today and it can be delivered straight to your door in u.s. in the US and Canada this issue is is not gonna be in stores until later in the month so this is your chance to get it now before everyone else and it is no joke limited issue there's not very many of these available right now so special prices $8.99 plus shipping if you live outside of the US and Canada a digital version is gonna be available soon to purchase and download in a few weeks time so you're just gonna have to sit tight for that and then while you're shopping I also highly recommend checking out the rest of the items within the forks over knives shop including books magazines delicious salad dressings DVDs and more if you or someone you know is trying is starting out with a plant-based diet or even if you've been on a plant-based diet for a while I want some new recipes this is a simple way to get it it's tasty it's bonus delicious and it is sure to help you improve the quality of your diet all you got to do is visit forks over knives comm slash shop and get yourself ready to put this lifestyle into play it's really not that hard and it's extremely basic so now that we're done with that we got some questions here for you doctor them how do you how do you feel about that let's do it alright okay so here's a kind of question from Kelso she says I'm fairly new to eating this way and I create a lot of groups people talk about fasting what are your thoughts on fasting and do you recommend it oh great question huge topic I'll put it this way I think there's a lot of benefits of fasting and there there's all different types right I mean I my lecture at true north health center and that's one of the only and medically supervised water fasting facilities in the world and I see miracles happen there so I think certainly extended fasting has its benefits you could go to the True North website you'll see a lot of the evidence for that and then now the big thing is intermittent fasting and Osiris has some great lectures Cyrus and Rob you have some great lectures on that but a little plug for Sciences new book coming out which I've read in is awesome get it get it get it yeah congratulations Cyrus and Ravi is it really is so it was well done I enjoyed reading it and they talk a lot about intermittent fasting but here's my point I like to think of a pyramid of health right and at the bottom of the pyramid is things like whole food plant-based nutrition movement sleep connection meaning you know that's the base now fasting that's up here I mean definitely bird cheese to it it definitely health benefits - the intermittent fast so my first bite of food today was that new but I wouldn't worry about it if one of these things at the bottom of the pyramid is out of whack right now much rather someone get their sweep in order or their work-life balance in order then be doing fasting for 16 hours of the day only eating during ate because we only have a limited amount of willpower right we'd like to think that we're Superman or superwoman and have but we don't we've got you we all know it we already have an infinite I mean a finite amount of willpower the biggest proof of that is people don't eat donuts first thing in the morning well some do but you know it's not like first thing you get out bad you eat the unhealthy foods at the end of the day when they're exhausted right so with that limited amount of willpower I want the biggest bang for our buck and so use that willpower to get the base of the pyramid right if you've got that if that's in order and you want to kind of move on up the pyramid in you know a hundred percent organic non-gmo and intermittent fast on it for twenty or eight sixteen or whatever like great we can talk about that but I don't I find too many patients who don't have the base right and are putting a lot of attention so we just gotta get our pride that's a very good point Alison and Sarah both asking similar questions they say hey I've been hopefully plant-based for a while you know anywhere from months to years and I haven't lost any weight do I have to count calories do I have to count carbohydrates no no no they the one of the best of one of the reasons why I know I'm gonna be eating and promoting a whole food plant-based lifestyle or diet for the rest of my life is that is the exact opposite of calorie count you do not have to count calories you know you do not have to measure portions can eat as much food as you want as long as you're not stuffing yourself alright not too much just and that is by the way I'm just a little digression it is a it is a skill to learn when you've had enough right because it means you you actually have to connect with your body I know crazy and and say am I have I had enough to eat like just checking in alright I'm a little uncomfortable right some of my worst meals have been at things because I lost I just lost it and then I you know it's like a beautiful book and at the end I feel ill so that it kind of defeats the purpose so checking in not even too much but yeah you know you don't measure the outra portions you don't count calories I would suggest going to that that 10 point list and doing that for 28 days because most of my patients who have given up the common offenders who are plant-based namely flour bread crackers cereals that dried fruit the nuts and seeds you know any sort of oil and things that might be sneaking in at restaurants or otherwise they really stick to that stroking foot for 28 days it's a 50-50 plate I I don't have any patient honestly that has not lost weight if they're overweight if you're already at your ideal weight I'm sorry I tell you if you eat that way you're gonna maintained it I've been I have been between 140 145 pounds since 2000 you know I mean since embarking on this I lost I lost about 10 50 pounds once I went plant base and I just no matter what I do I just stay in that sweet spot that's with them okay so where can people download this checklist that you just mentioned we're gonna find it well we are actually from there is a similar version on I think the mcdougal website but the other thing is we are gonna this is gonna stay up on YouTube so people can just go to that part of the video and write it down okay got you know what one day when I had my act together and I have a website or something but the point here is that you know I know there's a lot of people in this audience similar to the two ladies who asked the question which is like hey I've been doing this for a while why am I not losing weight right that's a common question and you know a lot of people are like hey I eat oil-free what is the problem and your response right if I'm wrong is okay fine oil-free is important but there's also many other things that you may be incorporating at your diet which may be actually higher on the Caledon city scale which are contributing to your inability to lose weight all right so you kind of have to go through a whole list of things to find out my eliminating oils in my lemonade a we're finding packaged foods and then once you do that then chances are just like dr. Lin is saying you're you're probably gonna find at least one if not multiple types of foods that you're eating that may actually be blocking the weight loss process and like he said listen to him here he's never had a patient never had a patient that's gone through that and taken it seriously and not lost weight that's a big deal so if you're in that boat and you're in that camp and you're saying I'm frustrated I want to continue to lose weight take his advice this is very important you know sometimes the devil is in the details like the real real weeds right and sometimes you've got to dig deep for it and once you do it can make a big difference I mean if anyone wants to start today and make it super simple so you don't even have to look at that 10-point checklist just pick one starch I don't brown rice potato pick one steamed vegetable crossed with sprouts broccoli pick one leg ooh black bean pinch will be chickpea right and they really eat those three foods for one week just steamed or without any you know garnish or salt or any of that just eat it steamed microwaved for one week breakfast lunch dinner I know the biggest complaint is gonna be boring right but the idea is proof of concept you know just prove it to yourself and do that starting today and then you can have like you pick the fruit I'll be your your your fruit for dessert and just do that for seven days and you you're gonna you're gonna see change are you gonna eat that way the rest of your life no but it will a lightbulb oh I you'll have that lightbulb moment oh I didn't realize those five pieces of Ezekiel bread with peanut butter and banana you know with the whole plant food in my opinion was causing that much you know of a block to me breaking right just like you said one starch one vegetable one leg you that's it keep it super simple you can do anything for seven days if you do it in seven days you're likely to see some of you moving your weight if you are overweight you will you know I'm not gonna do oh yeah there's something called Mary's mini which is basically a say I mean I think yeah I think they're you just pick one starch in one vegetable yeah okay so here's a question that many people are asking this question which plant-based milk alternatives would you recommend how about things like oats oat milk almond milk coconut milk hemp milk soy milk you name it I think find the one you might find the one you enjoy and then also understand that it's not a health food right you if you never have plant-based no for the rest of your life you're gonna do fine as long as you're needing a healthy plant-based diet so most of them in the stores come with added sweetener so you gotta watch out for that so if you can find a plant-based milk that's unsweetened that you enjoy gonna go for it I personally I like almond milk soy milk and oat milk those are the three that I sort of rotate between and I have to mention this principle do not let perfection be the enemy of good right in our house we have unsweetened almond milk but my daughter my sweet sweet Julia she likes sweet and Sigma right and so we get sweetened soy milk does it have sugar yes but she drinks it and I don't sweat that little bit of sugar in my case oh yeah of course every one of your situations it's gonna be different but I just know some people who really let it's gotta be perfect you know you know house we have a mix of brown rice and white rice I like brown rice my kids like white rice we compromise so yes one cup brown rice one cup quite rice or if I'm particularly hardcore I'll just make my own brown rice I'm like you I like the white rice I don't know why do you like the white oh you like my kids then I like I think I like the white rice better but I think because I know the health value the brown rice whatever okay now there's a couple of different questions okay here's what I want to know there's one very important question here says would you please talk about how to stop drinking not soda but diet soda because there's this pervasive mentality that oh its diet so it's calorie free it's you know it's it's better for me and it's not going to contribute to weight gain or increase chronic disease risk question for you if you are one of these people that drinks diet soda and you're willing to admit it that's totally fine please write in the chatbox just write the words soda I just want to see how many people actually do drink diet soda on a daily basis because I haven't feelings probably a significant number people there we go soda soda soda so okay so Dr Lin what is your take on diet soda and do you have any specific practical tips on how to reduce or stop drinking diet soda and replace it with something different yeah I think guys so this there's there's nothing redeeming about it so I would certainly recommend that patients get rid of it I think all the studies have basically shown that it does not help at all with weight loss or blood sugars in it if anything it could even be worse than regular so guns so yes should get rid of it now how you get rid of it first off and I'm being completely serious in your awareness assess whether that's the change you want to make right now I'm being completely serious I'll give you an example I'm meeting a group of patients through a lifestyle initiative that Kaiser right now I also work part-time at Kaiser Permanente in Santa Rosa helping out with various lifestyle initiatives one of the patients in there is drinks three to four cans of diet soda per day but you have to appreciate that transitioning to a plant-based diet has been a major seismic shift for him and if I made if I gave him a lot of you know needling about his diet soda habit and he tried to do that at the same time it might put him over the edge but he does have enough willpower and bandwidth to you know learn the skills and tools and make the changes and change the taste buds to move over to a whole food plant-based diet and he's held on to his diet soda he held on to it for three months and I told them I said you know what you will know when the time is right for you to make the change and when that time there I'm here to support you but until then please don't feel guilty I said it don't feel guilty about drinking a diet soda because you only you only can focus on so many changes at one time if the dinosaur is the most important one then let's put all our energy behind that but right now it sounds like for you you've identified changing the way you eat is most important and if doing diet soda at the same times too much then let's shove it and lo and behold three months later you know we started this program in September three months later the beginning of this new year first first class in the new year said guess what I quit diet soda as of the new year and I just like I'm so excited because it happened on his terms not because I'm telling him to stop and yeah so make sure that it is what you are ready and wanting to do you shouldn't have like more than two or three huge changes that we trying to make it at one time and then second when you're trying to get rid of it you know either do it all at once just cold turkey and make sure you have some substitute like sparkling water that you're gonna go to when you feel that urge or you know you can do the gradual going forward two three two two two while I you know are you someone who jumps into a freezing cold pool all at once or you someone like my wife who dips her toes and goes in you know one inch at a time it's not a right or wrong you just got to do what's right for your personality sage-like tips two questions are very similar to each other how do I get my kids to eat a plant-based diet if they don't seem to be very interested in it and what am I supposed to do if I want you to plant-based diet but my spouse doesn't want to eat a plant-based diet you got any practical tips for either or both of those situations well I'm a huge believer in leading by example so you know you you just you do it yourself and you know when people start to notice just the benefits is having for you they and without you having to preach they you know they might slowly demonstrate more curiosity and you know with with the kids I mean my Joshua and Julia are not angels when it comes to eating and I had to kind of decide in my mind am I gonna be like well am I gonna be like hey here's the deal you know here's what I recommend and sort of boundaries but some freedom and and that's the way I went because remember I I want them to have a healthy relationship with food and if I forbid them from eating any processed unhealthy animal-based foods you know all the way up to age 17 and I'm actually successful in doing it I almost guarantee you that the first day that they head out for college there's gonna be a massive revolt that I am not even around to witness so I really want them to kind of discover it and find out your own I you know I'm in charge of what foods we bring into the house and all that but I give them room ticks we go trick-or-treating on Halloween you know they some candy and things like that and so yeah I'm not heavy-handed about it but at the same time some parameters guidelines and general direction and I think when terms of the spouse you know as long as I think the most important thing is that you each love and accept each other for how you eat that is the most important thing and you know if there's anything I've learned about relationships it's that they evolve so what is now is not necessarily gonna be later and just you know love and accept your spouse the way they are and ask that they do the same and who knows over time with you leading by example they they may come around I've seen it happen again and again and again I will tell you what does not work is you should not be eating that do you know what's in that I mean do you know what that's doing to your arteries right now that people do not like to be judged you know they do not like the heavy-handed told what to do sort of approach at least in my experience yeah a good friend of mine very sage like yogi told me to do my best to eliminate the words me to have to must and should from my vocabulary getting to other people about the things that they do so if you hear if you say things like oh you need to be eating this you should be changing this then people sometimes interpret it as though they're being attacked yeah doesn't feel right right I can also tell you that you know from my personal experience I have five nieces and nephews who absolutely love eating with uncle Cyrus and auntie Kylie they love it and you know when we come around it's special you know and we get to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and create smoothies together they love it but one thing I have noticed over the course of time is that if you involve them in the food buying and food making processes they really take it on as opposed to just the food eating right so take me to the grocery store taking a farmers market let them pick out the fruits and vegetables teach them what's a butternut squash how is that different than a spaghetti squash and really get them interested then when they come home have them cut it open put them in the oven right teach them how to do it and then they it becomes part of what they enjoy doing and then when it comes time to eating the food they love it because they made it and they shot for him and it becomes a full-circle process so I think we got time for one more question all right all right here we go my doctor told me not to eat fruit because fruit is sugar and sugars bad for me what am I supposed to tell my doctor is any of this actually trip I think just you just tell your doctor that there's a big difference between sugar in and you know in a sort of isolated concentrated form versus natural sugar that is in the whole package of the fruit with a fiber and vitamins and the minerals right so you know one of my favorite articles is against iris and Robbie's article on no fun fruit and they basically show study after study of performed populations eating as much fruit as they want with outstanding like glucose control outstanding improvements in weight and so fruit is not a problem it really is what we do in some cases to the fruit where we isolate hyper concentrate the shipper and then use that as as a sweetener but just check you know in a very nice way just say oh thanks so much for your concern you know I'm a I'm an I'm a geek I would if you have any study that shows that eating excess fruit is detrimental to my health I would love to read it it would be so helpful and you're just coming you know not challenging not just coming before them hungry and just say I really want to be like one of them you know I'll be honest if you have that study please show me you know send me the study that shows that eating excess fruit is in any way bad for you because we've got a ton of studies that shows its outstanding for you so if you have that send it but if not there's a wealth of evidence to show otherwise so I don't you know don't antagonize your challenger doctor just ask ask for him or her to share their wealth of information you and if they don't have that wealth of information that I think you've kind of got you react without even to you know get in this if you can't tell I'm a big fan of us starting to have more conversation and dialogue I'll be honest I I I'm discouraged that time seeing just the sort of name-calling and the sort of antagonism of other people or other movements whether it's Kalei or Aikido just kind of the vitriol and I think we're doing a disservice to the American population if experts and doctors are having this sort of you know really hateful negative dialogue and I think a huge challenge for us is to learn how to communicate respectfully even if we disagree just to be more loving towards one another and it's my hope that we can move towards that I have told my patients when I go and speak in front of say if I say anything today that makes you feel judged I plead please come let me know tell me yeah please tell me because I mean I may say some things in a big havior or a certain type of food is unhealthy just because you eat that or do it doesn't mean you are a bad person and you're no good and there's too much of that it's like yeah I don't care if someone's paleo or ketogenic like here let's have a conversation about it you know Democrats let's talk about like it's not name-calling the other person is immediately a bad person I think we see it way too much of that going on not just in the food or be now but in the political arena just all around us I appreciate that doctor them you saw a thousand 72 people here could you guys do me a favor could you in the chatbox just give dr. Lim a big thank you well out of his way today his thoughts his insights his experience he is a true gem and we appreciate everything that you've shared with us today the chatbox is lighting up thank you guys thank you all appreciate and thank you to fork over nine Brian and window you know Brooke Brooke Bennett Cyrus just for organizing this it's a really is an honor and privilege and I'm just excited to be you absolutely thank you so for those of you that are said here with us it's a reminder to go pick up your copy of the forks over knives beginner guy if that's something that's interesting to you it is I'm telling you I'm not just saying this because it's a forks over knives webinar I am Telling You this magazine is really tasty it's really powerful one magazine can literally give you all the recipes you need for like the next six months pick it up it's really it's really powerful plus a ton of information that can truly truly transform your health wwm silver knives calm slash shop sh o p go grab it have fun thank you for joining us this evening Thank You dr. Lynn and we will see you guys next time thanks iris say hi say hi to Connie and Robbie will do
Channel: Forks Over Knives
Views: 106,150
Rating: 4.8555956 out of 5
Keywords: forks over knives, weight loss, plant-based diet, calorie density, plant-based weight loss
Id: RHmmjImypnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 11sec (5531 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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