Loretta Lynn Home Place Coal Miners Daughter Crystal Gale Walkthrough

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okay well hi everybody and today we're in a very special place we're here in Kentucky and we're here at low Loretta Lynn's home place up there where she grew up coal miners daughter you ready ready let's do this [Music] you [Music] well we're in Van Leer Kentucky and this is a town that's really close to Loretta [Music] earnest cute little town in Kentucky and marisol real cool car look at this town you got um this place here is called horsing around it's a garage sale year round these little coal mining towns kind of said though a lot of the businesses are are long gone just cruising the backroads of Kentucky here so pretty much you just follow these signs all the way to her house but we're definitely out rural Kentucky here [Music] well looks like fall is starting to begin here and uh and Kentucky leader coming off the trees here [Music] oh wow look at that whole car just sitting out there inside of the road there's a school bus here in a side road butcher Hollow Road is where you want to turn it's about 1 mile from here so there's a lot of back roads a lot of little towns a lot of homes along the way they're real interesting you could tell this is definitely a coal mining town here that's really beautiful really beautiful huh there's no one room schoolhouse maybe [Music] the road starts to narrow well we made it Loretta Lynn's home in home place I'm just gonna go up this driveway here the original house where the Red Wing grew up her baby sister Crystal Gayle she lived here till she was 4 years old and then the family moved to Wabash Indiana for work but in this house about 80% of the furnitures all original from when they grew up there this old swing here's one that they had out on the front porch and that picture in the middle that's their mommy and daddy sitting in that swing Ted and Clary Webb and then this is Loretta and her mommy and this picture was made at the premiere at Coal Miner's Daughter but I had two premieres here on the east coast they had one in Nashville and one in Louisville and Loretta took all her brothers and sisters and mises and nephews to those under needs Connie my god so this is where they finally caught them together to ask if they could get married they didn't have to run another small me and when we say go ask Ted Ted say go ask Larry Loretta finally said do they'll have us running all night sit on the couch wait till they go to bed tonight we can get them together then and now there's all wooden radio there that's what they listen to the Grand Ole Opry on Wow back in those days they had no electricity in this holler and that was battery packed dad said they could only listen to certain programs because the batteries were so expensive that they had to conserve them yeah back in those days to the road you guys came up on that wasn't a road that was just a walking thing if you had anything to drive people drove through the creek so you might remember in the movie they tell do he'll never get that Jeep up in this holler well that was the reason why he was gonna have to drive through the creek to get up here invisible oh wow guitar was one of the first guitars that they had here at the house he said they all learned how to pick and sing on that a little bit so that could possibly be one of the first to get charged Loretta this is great grandma Lorraine Paul web web is Loretta and crystals made room but that's where a lot of the Indian comes from and then that's their great-grandmother's Rand Paul butcher the butcher families who the haulers named after but your honor and then the picture in the middle up here that's their mommy's dad that's their grandpa Raimi and that's the side of the family work into Patty Loveless on patty look this is a cousin to Loretta and Krystal her maiden name is patty Ramey and she's from Elkhorn City in Pike County oh okay yeah yeah well now this is the picture of Loretto with her very first band of a little league guitar picker in that picture that was her brother Jay Lee and he was the first feller to get her up on stage and get her to sing and then right over here is Loretta with Patsy Cline and cowboy Copas well the dress Loretta has on in that picture her good friend Patsy Cline gave her and then above that that's Loretta as a teenager in this holler she's in the middle there with the bright red lipstick on oh this was something my grandma would have never allowed in this somebody gave it to my dad is it it's part of a moonshine still yes and then this picture here the feller with a fancy hat on you all might remember him from the movie Coal Miner's Daughter his name was Lee dollarhyde he was the moonshiner that got shot and killed in the head oh yes stilling the boys from Gracie creeks moonshine well that's really him and that's a real yeah the line he was famous for in the movie was it's coal mine moonshine or moving on down the line but now this is the type of lunch bucket and hat and carbide black my grandpa would have carried in the coal mines my dad had my grandfather's hat but he gave it to Loretta and as an invert 18,000 square foot museum down yeah no we're gonna we're gonna head there eventually if you like to camp they've got beautiful pieces here and then they have cabins you can rent to go to Loretta Lynn combination probably will definitely do that yeah well now this was their original china cabinet some people call that a pie safe this was their original Hoosier cabinet and the calendar back here on the wall that's a Loretta Lynn calendar from 1966 and that's how about this table second-handed and when he bought it it came with a great big old buffet and the buffet was too big to get in the house so grandpa cut it up and made the mantle in the living room oh wow this was my grandma Singer sewing machine she so many addresses out of feed sacks on this in the day and she did wash their clothes on a washboard every day but when she finally got a Maytag alright here he up here that was a gas-powered they kept that out on the front porch and you had to kick started like a motorcycle but they didn't get any electricity in this holler till the late 1940s and when they did the boys put the electric engine on it and grandma got to bring it indoors and have the convenience of an indoor washing machine I said I don't know how convenient that was because she had no running water so she still had to pack water in the house that's what yeah Hockley how play yeah yeah chairs right here I've got four of them my dad said a feller across the hill would and make these he'd sell them for two dollars and 25 cents of chairs the rocker the rocker was 3sat my chair dad said that was a whole lot of burger they're at the corn sheller and then those are meat grinders hanging off the side of an old radio or something yeah I can turn on the other ones and this one's the best yeah but now my grandpa when he worked in the coal mines he didn't get paid by the hour he got paid 25 cents of times the hand shovel call and putting a card he plays a lot yeah that's time we would fill up the back of a full-size pickup driver curtain but yeah but he didn't get paid cash he got paid script that he could only spend it there's many starches yeah which is held by a chair off somebody you didn't get full value for it I was told you got about 6 or the trap but I tell people my main catcher Soph you're a man stay away stay where yeah this is a absolutely amazing run the full length of the house the boys slept in one and the girls slept in the other and the upstairs is wallpapered with the old newspapers [Laughter] telling me how she got Loretta's name she said when she was pregnant with her they lived in a two-room Shack in the head of this holler and she said on the ceiling there was a newspaper article in picture of the actress Loretta Young and she thought that was the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen in her life so she decided her first winner no yeah you know what now the pictures on each side of the lamp are my grandparents Ted and Clary well okay baby and both pictures is Crystal Gayle that is there that little tree there standing in front of that's this big holly bush tree growing in the yah-yah-yah and then that's what his twins today patty yeah yeah with the song she manages Loretta and manages her ranch Peggy the one with the guitar she runs an organic farming Goodlettsville Tennessee it's called Madison Creek Farms okay if you guys get down to the nasty yeah yeah we're dr. Lee gun up here George and Tammy's daughter Georgia turtleman one of your neighbors Stella Park stellen yes tell metell is awesome I met her a few times she lives in Nashville I believe yeah when she came up on the porch I don't know if she's married but she had a meeting with her and dad said I looked at him and I said well she's prettier than her sister and I have to agree with you my dad just fell in love with her [Music] yeah yeah that's Loretta's granddaughter Tyler you know she does shows with Conway Twitty grandson trait Willie oh wow so they're gonna be in Pikeville no that's fret right yeah there's Matt Bret Michaels yeah I've heard of you know I've actually heard of him yeah yeah yeah this is a record player no turtle man and she was about 15 years older than this picture and my dad and my uncle Don had this band and while that she'd be in and they would play behind her on the weekends but if you notice this picture it says star of the Indiana Jubilee Brenda Webb well her given name is Brenda Gayle and when she signed her first recording contract the record label said you got to change your name we've got Brenda Lee on our label and we don't want to worry yeah yeah well she was all upset and her Loretta were driving around Nashville and she said Loretta I don't know how to rename this well they passed a crystal fast-food restaurant oh wow Brenda you like those tiny crystal burgers and she said well yeah Loretta said well I got a pretty name for you then I think we'll call you Crystal Gayle Wow I don't know that the city of Paintsville Kentucky gave the Webb family the key to the city so if you guys happen to get over and paint yellow and get locked up oh yeah okay she's right there together dad told me he was pretty sure they changed the law [Music] so I'm wondering if this is the well that she went down to get water all the time [Music] so what do you think this is Donna a wagon or an old flowerbed looks like a wagon yeah kind of just fell apart here well here's the outhouse I think this might actually be a a real functioning outhouse you know that it is hey Don do you want to go use the bathroom that Loretta did really it's an outhouse yeah it's fall time here and well Kentuckian it's absolutely beautiful isn't it oh um no these are coal mining yeah either carts today the coal miners would use you know I mean to haul their equipment around or or whatever actually there is a over here see it does extras as well says Herman Webb's coal shed okay there's like a little sign or something there but um and then here's a little just a little outbuilding here I guess you'd call it and yeah just a little bit of hay and and what-have-you dawn what do you think did you see how perfect the inside is like you know and yeah now guys this place is awesome if you are a lower Etta Lin fan you have to come here Wow everything is 80% of the stuff was in there when Loretta Lynn and her family actually lived there it is totally amazing it is worth the stop guys if you're over here in this area of Paintsville Kentucky what have you um you definitely have to stop here what did you think about it I mean her niece actually gave us the tour now it cost $5 each for each person and it's well worth it guys I mean you know just it was awesome and would you think about all that history walking those floors dawn to be in the floor is where she grew up it's just amazing yes guys this was awesome she does well here is the famous web's grocery or what some folks say the company store and we're gonna go and check it out this is where Loretta would have come back in the day to get just wow look at this old general store it is totally amazing I mean it is it is awesome look at it [Music] what do you think yeah I'm really into these old like general stores there's not many of them left anymore Clio photos the town there's a picture of the the mine well there's a great big carved coal miner [Music] it's amazing the old Pepsi clock I'll address their we've got a lot of cool souvenirs and stuff all the hammies who look old souvenirs we actually got one just like that from Kenny and Judy from West Virginia [Music] all the albums [Music] they got repose [Music] penny candy [Music] and the chocolates actually in the case home of Coal Miner's Daughter from butcher hollow Loretto a friend in her baby sister crystal gam Wow that I'm tickled to death of the general store here it is it's awesome I love this kind of stuff I love that something that's pristine is this old general store that you know for the last hundred years has served so many people you know back in the day the big thing for folks to do was to come to this store I mean this was like you know like going to the mall or or anything we do these days because you know there was not much to do out here so come in here meeting with your friends out here it is amazing it has been a great great trip out here it is worth it to come out here for sure guys if you like this blog give a thumbs up please subscribe so you don't miss these upcoming ro roadtrip adventures we have plenty road trip adventures just around the corner and until next time they even got gruppo sour cream I've never had these okay [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: yankeeinthesouth
Views: 616,915
Rating: 4.8854165 out of 5
Keywords: Kentucky travel
Id: iGg0Q676Sp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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