Lord Elrond Half-elven - Epic Character History

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such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world small hands do them because they must while the eyes of the Great's are elsewhere Mae govannen my friends I hope you all are having a grand day wherever you are in middle-earth moist in here bringing you an epic character history that I've wanted to make for quite some time now today we will discuss the great half-elven lore master named Elrond let's begin Elrond meaning star dome was the name of one of the sons of arundel and L winged Elrond along with his twin brother L Rose was born in the refuge of the havens of Syrian and Beleriand in the last century of the first age shortly after their births the havens were attacked by Maya throw sand mail or two of the sons of fan or as L wing possessed one of the cell murals that fan ors line was bound to after the sons of fan or attacked the havens and captured Elrond and L rose they came for L wing who jumped into the sea to be saved by Olmo the Vala of the Seas later L wing would take the shape of a white bird and she would bring the cell Morel to a done deal the mother and father of Elrond and L Rose would go on to take the cell Morel to valinor to plea with some of its inhabitants for aid in the meantime however may throw sand McClure were unsure of what to do with the two young half Phelps that they had captured out of pity and eventually out of love meg or raised Elrond and L rose as if they were his own sons and both sons of fan or befriended the two twins it is possible that years later Elrond and L Rose would go on to fight in the war of Wrath against more gothis forces but there doesn't seem to be any specific writings to prove this anyway eventually meg Laurent mathris who were the last surviving sons of fan or would meet their fates after they stole the to sell morels from a onwe after the war of wrath maiya throws met his end in a fiery chasm and meg lor cast his silmaril into the sea and still supposedly wanders the shores singing laments of his regrets and despair by this time however Elrond and L had departed from the sons of fayon or as they were no longer children at the end of the first age the two half elves were given a choice by the valor to embody either the race of men or the Eldar but not both they and all other half elves to come were given this choice as both Elrond and L roasts were the descendants of tour and I drill on their father's side of the family and Beren and lúthien on their mother's side l rose chose to be among the kindred of men and he set sail from the western lands of middle-earth or Beleriand used to be before the war of Wrath he followed the star of his father a ten deal to the newly erected island of númenor where he'd be known as L roast arm in you turn the first king of númenor Elrond on the other hand chose to be an elf and he remained in Lindon with gilgul at the new high king of the noldor during the early years of the Second Age Elrond who became a great healer lore master and The Herald of gilgul ad Linden remained peaceful until the coming of an ATAR the Lord of gifts an ATAR posed as an emissary of the Valar and he came seeking entrance to Linden but Gil gladdened Elrond sensed that he was not as fair as he seemed and they denied him entry the same being would then go to Regan and to teach calabria board the art of ring craft one of the elven rings vilya would go to Gilda lad eventually the War of the elves and sour on began after an entire revealed himself to be the new Dark Lord by the command of gilgul ad in 1695 of the Second Age Elrond led the elves of Linden to defend re Guillen but the elves were unable to save kellibrew more and they were forced to flee northeast they eventually came to a Hidden Valley and Elrond established in la dress or Rivendell as it would be known in the common speech in 1697 of the Second Age even as it was besieged and grew in refugees in la dress remained as one of the only strongholds left against Sauron and it would continue to endure even to the end of the Third Age eventually the combined forces of númenor and Linden freed Rivendell and defeated Sauron in 1701 of the Second Age after the Dark Lord's first defeat Elrond held the first white Council in M ladoris likely Elrond to Galadriel gil-galad and cure den were some of the Eldar in attendance though the members are not explicitly stated the council decided that three elven rings should remain hidden and an LA dress would take a Regan's place as the elven stronghold of area door except for linden of course it is possible that gil glad would give Elrond to the ring villa at this time or sometime later before his demise at the end of the age Elrond would bear vilya even after sailing into the West at the end of the third age it was during this time that Elrond met Calabrian the daughter of glad Roland Cala born who he would one day Wed years later in 34:29 of the second age Sauron once again revealed himself to the three peoples and two years later the war of the last alliance would begin lndia land gilga lads forces with march to and la turists to join with Elrond and his elves the forces consolidated their military strength for three years in and la Duras before setting out over the Misty Mountains to join with the elves of lothlórien Mirkwood and the dwarves of Casa Doon the war of the last Alliance took place and it eventually ended when a seal door cussed the One Ring from saurons hand after years of siege and battle during the war Elrond served as gilga lads Harold and he witnessed his high King's death and at the fall of Allende Oh by the hands of Sauron after the ring was taken by a seal door Elrond and cure Dan urged a seal door to destroy it as we know a seal door did not do this as Elrond was now one of the last Lords among the elves he returned to him la dress to continue leading his people and thus the third age began as there are many years in the Third Age most of the events concerning Elrond are scattered about so I will have to jump from year to year in 109 of the third age Elrond wedded Calabrian in 130 the twins ella dan and el rocío were born and Arwen in do mio came 111 years later for over a thousand years rev and L remained peaceful I imagine that Elrond met both the Wizards sometime after their arrival and middle-earth in 1000 of the third age and Glorfindel who arrived around at the same time peace in in la dress remained until Angmar attacked during 1409 of the third age in the time of egg Mars war with our nor with the help of the Clarion from Lothlorien Elrond's forces defended Rivendell and they would rebuke the witch Kings forces in 1975 of the Third Age when Glorfindel would lead a host of elves to defend forests against Eng Mar with Elrond as his Herald after the kingdom of Arnor and specifically Arthur Dayne fell and presumably after this battle Elrond took the ring of bara here and the sceptre of a numinous for safekeeping in Rivendell until a descendent of his brother L Rose might restore our nor he would also serve to protect and house the heirs of a shield or from time to time as he cared greatly for the lineage in 2463 of the third age after Gandalf infiltrated dole gold or for the first time and unknowingly out stood Sauron Elrond along with the rest of the wise such as gandalf Galadriel cured an and some other lords of the Eldar formed the white council with Saruman as the head they would serve to keep watch for the darkness during the time of the watchful peace a little less than fifty years later Elrond sorrows were added to as his wife Calabrian was captured by orcs of the Misty Mountains eventually L row here and Ella Don rescued her but Elrond was unable to heal her so she left for the undying lands and 25:10 after Gandalf invaded dole gold ore again many years later he discovered that the necromancer was indeed Sauron but Saruman dissuaded the council from acting in 28:51 as the wizard had already begun to shift his loyalty and he wanted to find the one rank himself in 29:33 Elrond adopted Aragorn as his foster son in Rivendell after his father Arathorn had been slain by works for seeing the danger that would come with aragorn's identity Elrond named Aragorn Estelle meaning hope in Sindarin and he hid his true lineage until Aragorn came of age Elrond also sent Arwen to live in La Florian with her grandmother for some years at that time during the events of the hobbits and 2941 L would be crucial and aiding Thorne's company as he identified Gandalf and Thorne's weapons and read the moon letters from throwers map his advice would allow for Thorin his kin and Bilbo to find the hidden door on the face of one of Erebor walls and this was necessary for the dwarfs to enter the mountain later that same year the white Council would have sale toll ghoul door to rid it of the necromancer these events were discussed by Bilbo Gandalf and Elrond in Rivendell during the hobbits return journey home from Erebor in 29:53 the white council met for one last time a scandal thought that Bilbo's ring could be sauron's wondering Saruman dismissed this claiming that the ring had been swept off into the sea by the andrian River some years later Aragorn and Arwen met and fell in love and Elrond said that they could only marry if Aragorn reunited the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor as the high king now we arrive to the events of The Lord of the Rings which I shall quickly summarize as Elrond's actions in this time are fairly well known as Bilbo and Elrond were good friends Bilbo retired to Rivendell in 3001 of the Third Age leaving the one ring to Frodo seventeen years later Frodo set off on his quest heading towards Rivendell to seek Elrond's advice about the ring as Gandalf also suggests to do in a letter that the wizard left at Bri eventually Frodo was injured on Weathertop and one of Elrond Scouts who happened to be Glorfindel and was looking for the Hobbit found him and hastened him to him la dress after Frodo crossed the fort of Bruning outside of Rivendell Elrond and Gandalf used their combined strength to send large horse like waves down the river that washed the nazgûl away afterwards Elrond was able to mostly heal Frodo's Morgul wound and they held a feast for the hobbit before the Council of Elrond commenced Elrond narrated the history of what he knew about the One Ring and a seal doors lineage and he confirmed Aragorn as the heir of a seal door to the rest of the council we know too that Aragorn is the heir of his brother elros Elrond affirmed Frodo's decision to carry the ring and the half elf also chose some of his companions excepting merry and pippin only luckily some time later after the Fellowship of the Ring set off Elrond sent his sons Ella Dan and L row here with the Doudna dine Rangers to aid Aragorn and to remind him to take the paths of the Dead L row here advised Aragorn to do this and he also presented L Ron's wisdom during the last debate affirming aragorn's decision to divert saurons attention so that Frodo could destroy the One Ring even though Elrond did not directly involve himself in these events and stayed in Rivendell during the War of the Ring the quest was won with the help of his advice and Aragorn became the high king of the reunited kingdom of Gondor and Arnold and so Elrond stayed true to his word and he escorted Arwen from Rivendell so that she could Wed King Eleazar he parted from her in great sorrow and with the company of Gandalf Frodo and many others Elrond went back to Rivendell and he stayed there for a few more years finally in thirty twenty one of the Third Age Elrond and some of the other ring bearers wrote to the Grey Havens and from there Elrond returned to the home that he never knew with his friends of many years Elrond took the white ship into the West leaving his daughter and sons behind in middle-earth and in this way he finally reunited with his wife his journey was complete Elrond is one of the only characters mentioned in all three of Tolkien's most famous stories of The Silmarillion The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings from Elrond we may learn that sometimes the more thoughtful and methodical actions are wisest and we should never turn aside those who are in need thank you all so much for watching I really hope you guys liked it this is a character with a broad amount of history and I thank you all for making it through the video if you enjoyed it please hit that like button and share this with a friend let me know your thoughts about Elrond in the comments below and don't forget to join us on Facebook and Twitter to contact me more directly also make sure to subscribe to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today and I will see you all next week with a region spotlight on the land of Rohan thank you all for joining me on this adventure until the next one my friends you [Music]
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 1,212,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elrond, Elf, High Elves, Lore-master, Middle-Earth, Arda, Beleriand, Tolkien, Yoystan, Galafee, Men of the West, Epic Character History, Noldor, Feanor, White Council, Sons of Feanor Maedhros, Maglor, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, the Necromancer, Dol Guldur, Rivendell, Galadriel, Saruman, Gandalf
Id: zX-amS-Biwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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