The History of Rohan - Region Spotlight

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we're now the horse and the rider where is the horn that was blowing where is the helm and the Halbrook into the bright hair flowing where is the hand on the harp string and the red fire glowing where is the spring into the harvest and the tall corn growing they have passed like rain on the mountain like a wind in the meadow the days have gone down in the west behind the hills into shadow who shall gather the smoke of the deadwood burning I'll behold the flowing years from the sea returning greetings my friends Houston here bringing you a history on the grand Kingdom of Rohan for me this is a special video as I haven't talked too much about Rohan specifically since my first video that I ever made on this channel the kings of Rohan now just like all of my region spotlights I will talk about the overarching events that relate to Rohan but I may not mention every specific detail however I can cover many of those pieces in future videos without further delay let's get right into it the ancestors of the RO Hyrum who had come to be known as the horse Lords were the north men of Romanian people who were the descendants of the eGain from the first stage but they were not of the group of men that sailed to nuuma north beginning of the second age though these were middlemen and they were called the AO theta these men had close ties to the men of Dale and Lake town and at the be ordnungs the AO they'd lived in the northern parts of Romanian and in the 12 hundreds of the Third Age they made contact with the kings of Gondor and created close alliances with them as I researched this I found that there's much history concerning the AO Thade after their alliances were forged with Gondor but before the time of Rohan thus I will quickly summarize these events as they relate to the people of Rohan in the 1970s of the Third Age after the end of the Angmar war the AO they'd moved near to the sources of the antwane reverse south of the Great mountains and they established the city of Franz Berg this city would serve the AO theta as they multiplied a number of people and horses and defeated the helmet of angry that were in their lands the fourth Lord of the a oath aide named Fram would also kill one of the last dragons of the gray mountains in the year 2000 this earned the a oath a great renown and treasure but also the hatred of the dwarves who were denied at the dragon's treasure horde however the AO Thade continued to grow in fortune 500 years of prosperity passed and the north men grew all the more in 2501 of the Third Age laod the chieftain of the AO theta would find a wild white horse and after a time this creature would grow to great stature eventually laod tried to mount and ride this horse but the horse quickly bore the rider to his doom lay odds son a Orel who was only 16 at the time would find this horse and rather than slay him he demanded that the horse serve him as retribution for his father's death the intelligent horse who understood the languages of men obeyed and he became known as fella Roth the first known horse of the Maris in 2509 ARL received a summons from kiri on who is the steward of gondor Gondor was under attack by easterling's and a Aurel who was still young at this time knew just how important Gondor was to the survival of all of his folk so he quickly accepted to ride to the aid of Gondor even to the surprise of the errand rider and so lord al gathered his folk and rode southward and even though the AO Thade had a distrust of the elves a protective mist came from Lothlorien to aid and stealth the riders some days later the armies of Gondor who engaged both easterling's and a new force of orcs upon the field of cala brandt were saved as many riders unlooked-for came from the north flanking their enemies the air they'd overcame the armies and saved Gondor mayoral and his men did not accept the fleeing of their enemies however and so the great horse riders pursued and routed their foes Tyrion commissioned a oral and his men to guard kalinath on the land in between the Misty Mountains and the White Mountains for three months the land was mostly desolate of people since the Great Plague in those three months carrion thought of a reward for a oral and his folk after that time passed Tyrion returned to the bay of the marrying stream which would eventually be the border between Rohan and Gondor and Kurian and AOL ascended among Anwar a mountain that housed the tomb of lndia before reaching the tomb Kurian offered the lands of kalinath on to a oral and his folk and ARL accepted with friendship and acknowledgement towards curium upon reaching the tomb Kurian pledged his bond to a oral and in turn a oral made his oath thus began the alliance of Gondor and the newly made Rohan whenever aid was needed one kingdom would come to the other with the presentation of the red arrow that meant danger in addition to this the seven warning beacons of Gondor would also be lit and so a oral the young became the first king of Rohan or the redder mark as the real Hyrum would call it and now we begin the history of the true Kingdom during the infancy of Rohan a oral and his people moved into Rohan and they drove the done landings the people from done hland out of the lands as they were there against Gondor will the done landings would become Rohan's greatest threat in the years to come the first city of Rohan called alt burg was also created during this time and it served as the first capital until the founding of ed Arras eventually a aura was slain while fighting Easter Lynx and his son Borrego came into power Borrego defended the borders of Rohan as the former people of the AO they'd still migrated into Rohan and Thoreau Hyrum still moved across the lands brego would eventually build the golden hall of meadow salad and he made at her ass the capital of Rohan after Bray goes eldest child Baldor was lost in the paths of the Dead and Borrego passed away soon after his youngest son aldor ruled Rohan for 75 years and he ushered in a golden age for Rohan as he drove the enemies of the row Hyrum from the lands and held the borders many years later in 27:10 of the Third Age the done landings captured Isengard which had mostly been a deserted fortress but it was still in the realm of the ROA Hyrum they mostly held it in defiance of the horselords and King day or established a strong force of riders in the north part of the Westfold as the Rohirrim were unable to drive their foes out of Isengard the down landings continued to harass and to mingle with the men of Rohan through the time of helm hammerhand who was the ninth king of Rohan one day freckie who was mostly of done lending blood but had some row here ik ancestry suggested that helm Wed his daughter to his son wolf thus bringing his family closer to the throne helm saw fracas ploy for power and mocked him and in turn freckie insulted helm eventually helm smote freckie with one punch which instantly killed the done landing and gave him the title of hammer hand at the same time helm sent his men west to drive wolf's men away and to these events alongside gondor's inability to help Rohan because of an attack by Corsairs caused the done landings to invade Rohan from Isengard in 2758 of the third age helm took shelter in the Hornburg later called helms deep and a siege began a quick sidenote the Hornburg originally named Uggla road was built by Gondor alongside Angra nost or Isengard to guard the Fords of the ice wolf took etter ass to feed it helm son haloth and sat upon the throne of Rohan calling himself King the long winter also began during this time and many of the row Hyrum felt a sickness and starvation but Helms still fought for his nation from the Hornburg and during the cold winter nights the Horn of the fortress would be sounded before the hammer hand set out to raid the camps of done landings defeating his enemies with his bare fists one night however helm froze and perished outside of the walls of the Hornburg and Rohan seemed to be fighting a losing battle but the spring came and with it hope Helms nephew frail off who is the new heir to the throne led a small army from dunharrow where some remnants of the row Hyrum remained and they came upon at Arras and slew wolf taking back the throne for the row Hyrum helm was eventually buried in the mounds of the kings outside of veterus helm was the last of the first line of kings in Rohan and so the second began in this time Saruman the white was given Isengard from Baron the steward of gondor in 27:59 of the Third Age and Saruman became an ally of the rogue hiraman fray laughs son Britta helped stabilize Rohan once more until after the Battle of Oz I knew of bazaar and $27.99 when the orcs of the Misty Mountains migrated into the White Mountains Britta's son Waldo reigned for nine years before a group of orcs took his life and his son Fulco who was a great hunter took a vow upon becoming King that he should hunt no other Beast until every orc was driven out of Rohan Fulco thought he did just that throughout his life and after he destroyed what was thought to be the last orc hold in Rohan in 28 64 Fulco hunted the great boar and afterwards he met his fate by the wounds given to him by his prey his son full Quine saw the prosperity of Rohan once more as he secured the river Aizen and drove out the done landings finally Rohan recovered from the war with wolf and in 2885 of the Third Age Gondor once again needed Rohan when an army of haradrim marched into Gondor lands full coins twin sons full crit and faster it led an army of row Hyrum to help Gondor beat the horrid room in the Battle of the crossings of Poros in South Athenian but both of them fell as they fulfilled a orals oath Stewart taught in the second paid a rich were guild of gold for their sacrifices to folk wine and eventually full Quinn's youngest son fen gal came into power vengo was not a heavily respected ruler as he did little to help Rohan and he had issues with his marshals but his son thingo was different thing go who spent many of his years in Gondor married more when a woman of that Kingdom and he began to raise his family there eventually after the death of his father he returned to be king in Rohan and his wisdom restored much respect in the house of a oral but some of his folk did not approve of his encouragement for the use of Gondor language in utter us as thorough Hyrum used their own Nordic tongue during Fingal's time Saruman began to openly harass Rohan and he called himself the Lord of Isengard Thorin go who happened to be Aragorn the second enter vengo service and help them for some time now we reach the events of Faden son of Thane go and his actions and those of his kin during the Lord of the Rings and so as these events are more widely known I will quickly summarize them in thirty fourteen of the Third Age solder man began to corrupt theoden's mind while his servant Grima Wormtongue personally furthered seramins works in Rohan Saruman who employed the service of orcs voodoo Kai and done landings conflicted with the people of Rohan and Theoden was helpless to stop him as his mind further addled away luckily the king's son and nephew Fayed ridden eomer took up arms and leadership to fight Saruman's treachery using deceit and trickery Saruman and Grima slowed Rohan's defenses and they made thetan ignorant to Gandalf's warnings about Saruman when the wizard had come to Eddie us after his imprisonment to top or think Gandalf was forced to take Shadowfax the descendant of fellow ruff and he rode him to Rivendell which greatly upset Phaeton King some time later Thea Drude led a force of RO Hyrum to the Fords of the Aizen to fight Saruman's forces that were sent to take helms deep and in that battle he lost his life but his body was protected by the virtuous Grimbold a few days later hope returned to Rohan when Amir met the three hunters Aragorn Legolas and Gimli on the fields in the East meant after his band of riders destroyed a group of Auto Chi crossing the plains soon after this they only returned to his task of gathering the east marks folk to safety and he was imprisoned and at her ass by Grima until the coming of Gandalf the White and the three hunters from the Fangorn forest Gandalf freed faden's mind from Saruman treachery and the King restored hope to his folk when he freed a bear and led an assault upon Saruman's armies however the march against Saruman doesn't go as planned and theoden's host is pushed back to helm steep and the Battle of Helm's Deep took place at the same time the hobbits merry and pippin encouraged the ends of the Fangorn forest to flood Isengard destroying sermons worked there after the Battle of Helm's Deep was won by the forces of Rohan Phaeton and Gandalf led many of their friends to speak to Saruman ensuring that he was defeated some days later on March 15th of 3019 an errant writer from Gondor found Phaeton and ha Rodale south of an arrest during a great muster of Rohan and with the red arrow in hand the man asked for Rohan's help thus they didn't fulfilled the oath of a oral as he answered GaN doors call for aid coming along the White Mountains through the druid an forest and past the ramus hor and so the ro Hyrum joined the battle of pelinore fields and though it cost the lives of many ro Hyrum and even the life of theta and himself the battle was eventually won with the help of the ROA Hyrum a owen denisa Phaeton proved her battle prowess by slaying the witch-king of Angmar during the battle and Phaeton named éomer the new king the deeds of all row here man to their allies during that battle would be remembered in the song of the mounds of monde burg shortly after the battle a omere king and many of the row human would join the rest of the hosts of the west and diverting sarang's attention so that frodo could destroy the ring and put an end to the war at last and as we all know if the ring was eventually destroyed after the host returned to Gondor and Aragorn was crowned king Iowan married for amir the new steward of Gondor at that time Aragorn renewed the gift of Tyrion reaffirming the row Hiram's claim to Rohan and a omere renewed the oath of a Orel that he would fulfill many times in the years and battles to come alongside Gondor eomer and the other row Hyrum laid Faden to rest and a mound outside of at Arras next to his ancestors and so the second line of the kings of Rohan ended and the third began Rohan entered into the fourth age under the rule of its new virtuous king called a Emir a a dig meaning the blessed and I imagine that another Golden Age began as Rohan recovered from its wounds of war and battle a dwarven kingdom began in the glittering caves of Helm's Deep and it coexisted with Rohan a omere married lothario loved olam wroth and Gondor and a mere son elf wine would succeed Emir in the year 63 of the fourth age after a mere passed into legend thus Rohan gloriously lived on into the ages of middle-earth to come from this kingdoms history we may learn and remember that our honour comes from our deeds and our actions that help others for the greatest moments of Rohan happened when its people came with the dawn to bring hope and to save those in need thank you all so much for watching I really hope you guys enjoyed Rohan's history if you did please hit that like button and share this video with a friend what is your favorite moment from the timeline of Rohan please let me know in the comments down below if you'd like to contact me more directly please join us on Facebook and Twitter through the links in the description and don't forget to subscribe to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today I want to thank you all for your support whether you are a new subscriber or an older one I really appreciate you all and I think it is so incredible that we just passed 90 thousand subscribers I also want to give a shout out to two of my subscribers Gary and Michelle and congratulate them on their upcoming wedding may all free peoples bless you both as you start your lifelong journey together I will see you all next week with a video on the seven houses of the dwarves until then thank you all for joining me on this adventure and tell the next one my friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 395,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Lord of the Rings, Rohan, Theoden, Thengel, Fengel, Riddermark, Region Spotlight, The Mark, Tolkien, Calenardhon, Men of the West, Yoystan, Galafee, Edoras, Meduseld, Gandalf, Aragorn, The Three Hunters, Theodred, Eomer, Saruman, Helm’s Deep, Hornburg, Helm Hammerhand, Eorl the Young, Mearas, Rohirrim, Aldburg, Eowyn
Id: Mw4E2UAsnfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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