The Dúnedain Rangers of Middle-earth

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[Music] him said the landlord and an answering whisper cocking an eye without turning his head I don't rightly know he is one of the wandering folk Rangers we call them he seldom talks not but what he can tell a rare tale when he has the mind he disappears for a month or a year and then he pops up again he was in and out pretty often last spring but I haven't seen him about lately what his right name is I've never heard but he's known round here as Strider greetings and well met my friends Houston here and I hope you all are doing well wherever you are in middle-earth today we shall talk about some of the people who are the namesake of this channel the Doudna dine or men of the West in Sindarin these particular men are the Rangers of Arnor in the north and Gondor in the south during the Third Age I'm glad to finally be making this video as the Rangers are some of my favorite folk in the legendarium despite the fact that we do not know much about them or their members thank you all who voted for this and the other topics on last week's poll I shall see all of those videos made at some point now as these things tend to happen from time to time I happen to coincide making this video with geek zone making a video about the same topic so I will link his video about the Rangers in a comment below for we are good friends as are all who love Tolkien's works check that out and send him some love from the men of the West also please check out some of the related articles and videos that I have put in the description and cards as well as they helped in the making of this video one last thing I will also put links to the two fan films born of hope and the hunt for golem in the description if you haven't seen these fan films yet please check them out for they tell the tales of era thorn aragorn's father and aragorn's hunt for golem now let's begin our tale my friends we will start by first examining the Rangers of Arnor and their history before looking at the Rangers of Gondor and then seeing how the two similar forces from the different do Nadine kingdoms came together to fight for their new king in the War of the Ring concerning the kingdom of Arnor it was fractured into three separate kingdoms rhudaur Karlin and our deine after the death of king a vendor in 861 of the third age and his three sons divided Arnall in such a way eventually the Angmar war happened from 1409 to 1975 with some continued fighting through 1977 but ultimately the fall of the northern kingdom came after the witch-king took 4 nosed the capital of artha dean and the king of artha dine Arvid we perished in Fertile Kell when a ship of the elves that he boarded was destroyed by a northern storm after the death of our Vittori and the loss of forest the North kingdom was truly ended at least ended considering what it once was the free peoples would defeat the witch king in 1975 but it would be too late to restore our nor the North men were scattered and the son of Arvid we are on earth would not become king rather he became the first chieftain of the Doudna Dean the remaining members of the North kingdom became the Rangers of the north and they took to wandering the wilderness of area door and protecting the land from the evils that came there from Ahronoth to ever grow in the second The Chieftains of the Doudna Dean commanded the Rangers for they were of the line of a shield or through Arvid we and they were also the heirs of an Aryan and the throne of Gondor through Arvid Wiis wife Ariel after the deaths of the southern Kings the Chieftains were great men and for over a thousand years from 1975 to 30:19 of the Third Age the Rangers and their chieftains operated in such a way The Chieftains were honorable and kingly men they all helped the prefix ana signifying noble or kingly and they lived longer lives than most mortal men for they had the blood of númenor in their veins the most important relics of the Rangers the shards of narsil ii de lengua mere the sceptre of a numinous and the ring of bata here which was eventually bartered back from the men of photo kill by the Rangers as Arvid we had given the loss off this ring were all kept by Elrond in Rivendell as for the other Rangers themselves they wandered and made safe than northern lands even if others such as the men of breed not appreciate them or were even off-put by such men and the rugged and grim appearances others such as the hobbits of Shire knew little of their existence these men typically wore gray or dark green clothing and they wore cloak clasps shaped like a six pointed star now these men certainly did a lot or were at least active in their personal duties even if we do not know much about their specific and secretive doings perhaps it seems that there was mostly peace an area door only through their actions and valor in the wild unrecorded in the annals of the history of middle-earth it reminds me actually of a quote that Eric run says to a owen quote then there will be need of valor without renown for none shall remember the deeds that are done in the last defence of your homes yet the deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpriced end quote but as for the deeds that we do know concerning the Rangers of the North these are they any invasions of orcs or wolves such as the goblins who entered the Shire during the Battle of the green fields and 2747 or the Wolves who came to the Shire during the fell winter in 29:11 were most certainly harried by the Rangers in area door and they were not allowed to walk unhindered but as the years went on and we come closer to the end of the Third Age tragedy struck the Doudna dine of the north era door was killed by hill trolls than the cold fellows of the enten wars north of Rivendell in 2930 and his son era thorn ii was slain only three years later by orcs in 2933 era thorns son the final chieftain of the dew Nadine Aragorn the second was taken to Rivendell by Gil Rhine the mother of Aragorn and the boy nicknamed Estelle meaning hope in Sindarin was fostered by Lord Elrond I tell his tale in full elsewhere in my Aragorn epic character history video so please check that out if you're interested but for our purposes here Aragorn would grow up in Rivendell and he would be given the ring of bata here and the shards of narsil by Elrond but he would have to earn the scepter of a numinous as well as the hand of arwen a Ron's daughter if he would wet her he could only earn these if he became the king of Arnor and Gondor both the second Allendale mayor would eventually be worn by Aragorn during the battle of the pelennor fields but I'm unsure if it was given to him at this time by Elrond or if it was carried by Hal Barratt when the Rangers of the gray company went south before the battle anyway Aragorn would become the man only he himself could be and he went on many adventures some as the wrong Gil who aided the free peoples in Rohan and Gondor against Sauron and his allies and he along with his friend Gandalf sought the utter downfall of San román Aragorn would eventually become known as the Ranger Strider by the men of Bri and he kept a close eye on the doings of the Shire and especially Frodo Baggins by the time of the beginning of the war of the Ring Aragorn would capture Gollum in 3017 and to bring him to the elves of Mirkwood as well eventually on September 22nd of 3018 the ring wraiths over and the Rangers of sarn't Ford south of the Shire as the Nazgul crossed into that land to hunt for Baggins and the ring the Rangers had indeed kept watch on the Shire and that was why it had remained so safe but with the coming of the war of the ring that protection would change we'll get back to this after we discussed the Rangers of Gondor and their history and begin to tie everything back into the War of the Ring looking now at Gondor and aphelion the Rangers of the south were formed at a much later date than the group of Rangers in the north as the people of Gondor who had dwelt in athenian were eventually pushed out of that fair land by the orcs of Mordor in 2901 of the Third Age but during that same year the secret refuge of henna than-- moon the window on the west was built likely meaning that the Rangers were the people of that land who remained or were their descendants and they built such a place to use as their hideout the purpose of these Rangers was to harass saurons forces when and where they entered a Thalian for that was the pathway to the heart of Gondor ministereth these Rangers dressed in green and brown and in contrast of their northern cousins they seemed more militant and unified nominating one more localized region rather than being Wanderers concerning other differences these men did not seem to retain the blood of númenor that gave long life for the blood of Gondor was much more mixed with the blood of the middle men men was the blood of the Doudna Don of the north during int before the War of the Ring Faramir was the captain of these men and some other Rangers under his command were dam rod mAb lung and an born now let us discuss the Rangers of the north and south as they operated separately and together during the War of the Ring after the ring wraiths had entered the Shire the Ranger sent the chieftain Aragorn watched the east road for sign of Frodo and his departure from Buckland but nothing was seen where they had taken another Road eventually arrow Gordon would encounter the hobbits and the Prancing Pony and Bri and from then on the chieftain of the Doudna Dean aided the hobbits in their adventure going on to Rivendell and even beyond for he served in the Fellowship of the Ring the words of Galadriel to Aragorn as bestowed through Gandalf the White in the Fangorn forest told of the writing of the Grey company from the north for indeed the Doudna dine Rangers were gathered in haste and they rode southwards to the aid of Aragorn led by Hal Barratt who bore a banner for Aragorn that was created by Arwen the sons of Elrond Illidan and L row here joined their Ranger friends on this journey also I would guess that the Rangers of the north were never very numerous but especially at the end of the Third Age as no more than 30 Rangers came south with the great company so I suspect there were few Rangers left in the north overall as well they caught up to Aragorn on March 6th of 30 19 after the Battle of Helm's Deep and the conversation with Saruman Anna then drowned Isengard the sons of Elrond reminded Aragorn of the paths of the Dead and the words of mal Beth the seer who foretold aragorn's going into such a place the Rangers would accompany Aragorn on this venture and so forth how broad would carry and let fly the standard of the King crafted by Arwen at the stone of Eric and beyond now on March 7th in a Fillion Frodo and Sam witnessed a battle between the Rangers of that land and the Harad room who were coming north in preparation to beseech - Tirith Faramir and his Rangers captured the two hobbits and took them to henna that noon damn rod and ma Blanc served as Frodo and Sam scart on the weight of the refuge Faramir would learn of the ring and the Rangers eventually captured Gollum as well and born another Ranger had first seen gone before returning to henna that noon but mistook him for a beast and did not slay him for far Amir commanded his men to not slay wild animals for no reason alike to how barren of old to not slay any beast not in the service of Morgoth endure chthonian what an born answered fodder nears question of who was in the forbidden pool near to the refuge and said that it was not a bird for it had four limbs and tove man wise and born offered to shoot this creature but far Amir did not have him do such a thing rather Gollum was captured and an born guard at him eventually the Rangers let Frodo Sam and Gollum go forth on their mission into the Morgul Vale on March 8th in Farah Muir demonstrated immense quality of his character in doing such a thing the Rangers left Hanna that noon the next day and would eventually make their way back to Menace Tirith after ensuring a fleeting safety for tyre Andros and oz Goliath Faramir would escape the nazgûl that pursued him by the aid of the white wizard but he would be sent back out to ask le oath by his father Denethor after far Amir was incapacitated by a poison dart on a second retreat to Menace Tirith he would be out of combat for the rest of the war his Rangers fought on however in the battle of the pelennor fields but they would not be alone from the end doing River black ships would come up but they were led by the chieftain of the Doudna Dean and in that monumental battle the battle of the pelennor fields the Rangers of the north and the Rangers of the South fought for the same cause against a common enemy Hal Barratt who yet bore the banner of his King on the field was slain after the battle was won the Rangers of the north and south joined Aragorn and the rest of the hosts of the West in marching to the Black Gate during this time mob long led the Rangers of ethylene in Fatih Mears absence and it was they who trapped ambushers on the way through ethylene and foiled them from hindering the free peoples in ministereth sodomy recovered after he'd been healed by Aragorn the Doudna Dean of the North and South fought as brothers at arms during the Battle of the Black Gate and they had victory for Frodo and Sam accomplished their mission and the ring was no more in parked by the actions of the Rangers of the North such as Strider and those others who guarded the Shire and the Rangers of the South such as fodder Muir who led Frodo Sam and Gollum go forth on their quest even giving them advice as well the ring was indeed brought to its end without the Rangers such an accomplishment may not have been Sauron was no more but in the absence of the Rangers of the North evil men had come up from the south into the lands of Bree and the Shire with little resistance which was dealt with in the last years of the Third Age during the Battle of Bywater and the death of Saruman as well as the reconstruction of such places after the war of the ring the Rangers of the North would likely be the first men of the newly remade kingdom of Arnor while the Rangers of the south would become the white company and the guard of fodder mayor who was named the prince of athenian by king Aragorn Eleazar Aragorn reunited the kingdoms of the Doudna Dean and ruled over both Arnor and Gondor with his wife Arwen through their efforts the Rangers helped bring a new age to the world one of a greater peace ruled by the second born children of Aluva talk and so we come to the end of our tale about the Doudna dine Rangers of middle-earth from the Doudna dine Rangers we see what are some of the greatest virtues that people can have loyalty humility honor Duty love and a hope for a better future a person is indeed virtuous if they exude such traits in the pursuit of a better and more peaceful world thank you all so much for watching I really hope you guys enjoyed today's video for I really enjoyed creating it if you did please be sure to hit that like button and share this video with a friend what are your thoughts questions additions and Corrections about the Doudna Dyne Rangers of middle-earth let me know in the comments below for me these are some of my favorite people in middle-earth for they do what is rights and protect the innocent even if there are only a few people who know of it I think there is so much everyone can learn from these people please check out our music channel Facebook Twitter merchant patreon links for those are in the description below join and I just discussed our favourite middle-earth poems and a lord of the Ring character tear list on the latest episode of our podcast over on patreon so I hope you all consider checking that out thanks to our valor to your patrons Adrienne Delatour Chris Ortner Peter Shepherd and Kyle Wetzel thank you guys so much it means a lot to me finally don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell button to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today and I'll see you all again next week with a video on the 9 vanish rings of power the rings of the non-school everyone as always thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure until the next one my great friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 244,911
Rating: 4.9665942 out of 5
Keywords: Yoystan, Men of the West, Dunedain, Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, Aragorn, Sauron, Rangers, Arnor, Gondor, Middle-earth, Third Age, Faramir
Id: brmQSU7pQWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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