Clans of the Elves

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[Music] these were the three Kindred's of the L da da who passing at length and to the uttermost west and the days of the trees are called the calla quindi elves of the light but others of the Eldar there were who set out indeed upon the westward march but became lost upon the long road were turned aside or lingered on the shores of middle-earth sui lied melon joist in here and I hope you all are doing well wherever you are in middle-earth today we will be discussing the main houses of the elves and tokens works hopefully this video will answer some questions that you all may have about the different factions and kinds of elves and if this should help distinguish the differences between the elves of Rivendell and those of Mirkwood for instance thank you all for joining me today let's begin our tale we must begin with the awakening of the elves and qui vein e'en in the year 1054 the trees at this point in time one may say that all of the elves were similar the first born of Aluva tar under the stars the first elves to awake would find and claim the others for their certain clans eventually in 1085 of the years of the trees aroma the Huntsman of the Valar found the elves than middle-earth and called them the Eldar the elves that would run from him or not take the journey into the west would not be of the Eldar but instead they would be the Avari meaning the refuses will talk about them more later the next year he returned to Valinor and informed his kin of them which would lead to the war for sake of the elves and the captivity of Melkor then from 1101 to 1104 of the years of the trees arome went back to the elves and invited them to send embassadors to Valinor who would go and then return to persuade their kin to go live in Valinor alongside the Valar these three ambassadors and future kings of the elves would be ingwe of the men yar who had become the van yar finwë of the TAT yar who had become the null door and Elway or Fingal of the nel yar who had become the Tulare from here the ambassador's would be the first kings of their Kindred's which we shall dive into Julie now I know that there are many elven words and names being thrown around but I'll try to break them down and make this a bit more clear these groups of elves also would marry and live with one another over the ages so after the first elves it's safe to assume that all elves had mixed blood between these groups not being fully of one kindred but to make things simple I will generalize in this video a little bit for example I would say that Galadriel is more of the Noldor than of the van yar even though she had mixed blood let's begin with the people of ingre the van younger originally called the men yarr meaning firsts in Quenya the elves of ingwe are the rarest and fairest among all of the Eldar in middle-earth they were the first elves to awake and they would reach the shores of Amon and come to the lands of the Valar they would become known as the van yarr meaning the fair ones in quenyan the van yarr along with the null door and some of the tulare are of the High Elves and the callek windy meaning the elves of the light the van yard were in this group as they saw the light of the two trees in Valinor the van yar also known as the fair elves the light elves and the spear elves were most attracted to the holy lands rather than the Seas forests or the crafting of items thus these elves never left the Lions of the gods except a fight in the war of Wrath alongside the Valar but even after the exile of the nulled or the Vanier stayed in Valinor with the Valar except for Alan way who is the wife of torgan that died during the crossing of the hell karak say these elves were the most pure of the Eldar as they always distrusted Melkor and knew his evil they had the greatest skill and poetry of all elves and they had golden hair white banners and were pale of skin man way especially became fond of them and he was glad that they stayed in Valinor throughout the many ages of middle-earth after their coming in way the king of the van yar is also recognised as the high king of all elves and middle-earth as he survived throughout the ages besides joining in the war of Wrath and sour on claiming to be of the van yar during his time as an ATAR the Lord of gifts during the Second Age the van yar are rarely mentioned in the legendarium their homes for the mountain tehnique we till and valemar in Valinor the Vanier spoke van yar in Quenya a language of the High Elves some of their notable members are amen the first elf to awake in the legendarium his wife MEA the High King ingwe in this LM Maria and Madre and others these elf survived long into the ages of the world likely for as long as middle-earth itself survived looking now the tetchy are meaning the second ones in Quenya half of those elves would follow finwë the father a fan or two Valinor and they would become the null door meaning those with knowledge in Quenya the null door were also known as the deep elves these elves would be of the Calla quindi for they were the high elves who beheld the light of the two trees of Valinor the null door are some of the most renowned elves throughout the legendarium and The Silmarillion especially they were the most drawn to crafting and the creation of great things the Silmarils Palantir e first LS are stone and many other great artifacts were built by the hands of the nil door for they had great skill with metal and gems many of the noldor were servants of owl a the Smith and if they were matched or even sometimes outdone only by the dwarves and the skill of crafting they stood tall with dark or even red or silver hair and white skin and they were the greatest warriors in middle-earth these elves would participate in many of the great events over the ages of the world and many wars for they would spread across middle-earth after the years of the trees the null door would split into many groups factions and houses the house of finwë would give rise to the houses of fan or fingolfin and fin orphan the seven sons of fan or would play major parts in The Silmarillion both as heroes and villains but ultimately the sons would meet their ends because they were bound to the same roles which were lost only Caleb rim bore Thanos grandson would survive the house into the second age until his untimely demise House aphaia nor would be the most infamous house of the null door for they were swallowed by ambition the house of fingolfin and its descendants would give rise to many great heroes such as a Arundel Elrond half-elven elros the first king of númenor Aragorn Elessar and Arwen among many others as for the third major house of the nulled or the house of fin Arvin many of these elves would come to sad ends thinner friend himself would remain in Valinor being forgiven by the Valar and made king of the noldor who stayed in that fair land as for his children Galadriel would be the only one to survive but this house produced many major players in the events of The Silmarillion now as I said before the elven house is mixed with one another for example finwë married Indus as his second wife making Fingal fen phen arf in their sisters and their houses have the blood of the van yar within them though they were counted among the null door he's also disputed in the lore whether gil-galad was the son of Feng GaN or or address which would mean he comes either from the house of fingolfin orphan orphan ultimately while the house is a fan or fingolfin and fin are fin who wear the Sons of Fenway would give rise to the null door and to the other houses within the null door these elves were all kin members of the House of Fenway and their followers were High Elves or the descendants of High Elves and they predominantly spoke the tongue of Mel Dorian Quenya until King Fingal of the Tulare outlawed the tongue in his realm and it became far less spoken the null door would live all over the world including but not limited to Tyrion his limb gondola Nagas thronged door chthonian Linden aredian Rivendell and Lothlorien some notable members of the null door were Tata the first of the tachi art to awake Fenway fan or fingolfin Finn our fan torgan fan rod gil-galad caliber in boar Glorfindel Galadriel and Aaron deal next we come to the nel yar meaning thirds in Quenya there were the third and largest house to awake in qui vein e'en most of them would become the Tulare meaning those who came last in Quenya and the Lind are meaning singers in Quenya this house would mostly consist of elves who remained in middle-earth but began the journey to valinor and departed along the way some commonalities between these elfs would be their love for the sea forests and singing there were elves who typically had darkened silver hair and were tall folk with white or olive skin now the Tulare broke into many groups which I will go through briefly if almari meaning wave folk are see elves who would be the group of Tulare that would go to Valinor and see the holy lands and the two trees there would be high elves and callek windy their king was alway and they would live in alkalyn day and toll era saya and fan or would attack them during the first kin slang now we look at the more quendi or Dark Elves that did not go to Valinor and behold the light of the two trees still speaking of the tulare elves the sind are or great people would follow King Elway or thing ghoul and remain behind in Beleriand they would create the elvish language Sindarin which would become the dominant elvish language during a majority of the first stage and after four Fingal banned the usage of Quenya in his realm after learning about the first kin slang the sender would often live in forests and be woodsman or near the sea and be shipbuilders there were also excellent singers besides the null door the sender would play the most significant elven role in The Silmarillion during the Third Age one may even argue that these elves and to their descendants play the largest role among the elven Kindred's they would live in doriath and many forests in middle-earth the next two Kindred's of the tulare did not go to Valinor or even cross into Beleriand for they four went to the journey before crossing the Misty Mountains they were the NAND or and lahic Wendy first at the NAND or meaning those who go back included the Sylvan elves Quenya for wood elves and they had a love for natural things and they settled along the end we never before stretching out across middle-earth and even into East Beleriand their King was Lin Wei alayich Wendy or green elves were a subgroup of wood elves who would be the Eldar to move into area door and eastern Beleriand under the leadership of their King denethor son of King Lin Wei the wood elves and green elves would mostly survive the war of Wrath and the destruction of Beleriand and they would likely mix into the other elven cultures especially the cinder thus we have the Tulare they would speak to Lehren nan Doran and mostly Sindarin especially from the first sage on the Tulare and their descendants lived in many notable kingdoms and territories such as alcohol and a Assyria and Dorrie myth lund rivendell law Florian and Mirkwood as well as other places notable members of the Tulare and their descendants are NL the first of the Nelly R to awake King Elway King Elway Kalla born cure Dan Len way lúthien Thranduil and Legolas among others finally we come to the Avari these are the elves who refused the great journey made up of else from the Teti are and the nelly are those who would be the null door and the Tulare there's not much to tell of the Avari who are more quendi or dark elves for they never saw Valinor or it's two trees the Avari are not even counted among the Eldar they were afraid of Auto May and stayed in middle-earth or even further east it may have been that many of them were captured by Melkor and turned into orcs they likely had dark hair and were white of skin and they spoke of ahran languages their leaders were possibly more way into Norway members of the Tatar and Nellie are respectively some of the edane men who journeyed into Beleriand during the first stage may have learned much from the Avari as well after the first stage the affari mingled with the NAND or elves and eventually became kin with the sind are by the late Third Age there were no Avari left west of the Misty Mountains some of their homes work we've a nian rune area door and the veils of the Anduin among other possible places and some possible notable members are more way and Norway just like the petty dwarves with the dwarves the Avari seemed to be the most different from the Kindred of the elves and many regards that brings us to the end of our tale about the houses and Kindred's of the elves again there were some generalizations that I made with in this video as almost every elf and every location is made up of different elven houses and not just one singular kindred ultimately one of the best ways to look at these many elves is through three categories that I haven't mentioned yet the amani are are those of Aman meaning those who went there a way of the Tulare is the only elf of the cinder that fits this category for he was one of the three ambassadors to go to Valinor in the first place the umaña are are those not of Amun and the of Amun Yar are the elves who would not even attempt that - jamon at all now I know there's a lot of information in this video so if you have any questions let me know in a message or comments and myself or others will try to answer them as best as we may I'll also go ahead and timestamp each main group of the quindi or elves so you may return to each one to re-watch them if you'd like also if you'd like me to make separate videos so I may go into more detail about these Kindred's just let me know and I'd love to make those videos from the houses of the elves we see the inner workings and importance of families and relationships although we often forget this we are all related and bound to one another for we share bonds that go back to the elder days of our world thank you all so much for watching I really hope you guys enjoyed this episode if you did please hit that like button and share this with a friend let me know your thoughts questions and corrections about the houses of the elves in the comments below also please check out our Facebook Twitter and merch and consider donating to our patreon $1 a month unlocks the channel podcasts and our discord server links to those are in the description finally don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today I'll see you all again next week with a video on Tolkien's unfinished book the new shadow that would have been a story taking place after the Lord of the Rings and the fourth age as always thank you all so much for your support and for joining me on this adventure until the next one my friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 324,133
Rating: 4.9444189 out of 5
Keywords: Yoystan, Men of the West, Tolkien, Galafee, Elves, Eldar, Noldor, Feanor, Silmarillion, Legolas, Lord of the Rings, Middle-Earth
Id: xfm4uXMobjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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