Look expensive in Mango? Come Shopping With Me!

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Let's do a shopping vlog, but this time I want to see, can we find anything elegant inside Mango? I don't know because I haven't been there yet. So this is going to be really exciting. Here we are ladies. I am back from my Mango shopping and look what I have here. I have steamed these garments. I have hanged them nicely. And now I'm about to talk a little bit about them and why I actually decided to go for these items. Now, what did I purchase? I have one, two, three, four, five. I don't know. I can't even count, six. We have loads of outfits. And as you see, I have one dress, which is the one the one I'm wearing. I have one loungewear. I have one outerwear, but then I have three separates and two separates. And these two can go with any of these three and create different types of looks And you remember in previous videos, I told you about the importance of investing in separates, which is exactly the reason to why I got more separates than I actually got a full dress. Because a full dress is just one look, and we just can't reuse them as often as we can do with separates. So with regards to this dress, you can see I'm wearing it right now. The reason why I chose it is number one, I really know my own body shape. I am an hourglass, and I know that every time there is a dress with a belt, I'm putting accent on my waist. It's always going to be very flattering on me. Let's say we have a woman who has an apple shape. She might not be able to pull off this dress because if we put accents on her waist, which is more of apple shape with no definition, and it's going to be kind of the widest part of her body, then we are maybe not going to find this dress to be as flattering on her. So this is why I keep talking to you about dress for your body shape. And you know that I have a video about that. So make sure you watch that video afterwards. The other reason why I chose this dress is because it has a really nice fabric. I will actually show you. So I got the dress and I got the skirts and the skirts really can go with so many different things. You saw me trying it on with a shirt that gives a little bit of Ms. School girl slash I don't know, business woman type of look. And I think that's absolutely fine to wear, let's say for the workplace. Because you're not necessarily dressed in the usual boring black, but you are still kind of being aligned with the dress code at work. You can also put together these two and that will create a more casual look, but still absolutely fine. And you can wear it as an everyday. Now, there is a reason to why I like skirts like this. Number one, I told you because it flatters my body shape, but not only that. I do like a bit longer skirts. Number one, I don't like my calves so much. I've spoken about it so much in my content that if you have a body part that you will not necessarily like to flaunt, then you can always find pieces of clothing that helps you camouflage those areas. And that's really what those ladies who really have mastered the art of looking fantastic and pulling everything off. It's because, they don't really know what to wear in order to enhance their best features and to camouflage their worst features. And this doesn't mean that you have to hide it or be ashamed of it, not at all, but you can choose to camouflage it if you want. And that's something that I personally like doing a lot with my calves, but it doesn't mean that I only wear skirts like this. But anyway, going back to the skirts, I like longer skirts. And I like a little bit of vintage feel of the skirt, which is something that this skirt has. And that is because it is very feminine. And remember, we do want to add a lot of femininity to our wardrobe because it is elegant and it's just very timeless and classic. Plus, we spoken about femininity so much on this channel so I'm not even gonna repeat myself the benefits of femininity. Now, this fake leather looking skirt is feminine in a more seductive way. So if you think that this is too much, let's say boring, then you can definitely use something like this to spice up your wardrobe, but still look feminine. You see, this is what kind of gets interesting here. Because we have two skirts and I can tell you that they kind of symbolize femininity in two different ways. So we have the leather skirt who is more like feminine seductive. And then we have this one that is more kind of feminine classic or feminine conservative. And depending on what natural energy you have within yourself, you really have to think about it. Okay, what energy should I add in my wardrobe? Am I a little bit too conservative? So I need to spice myself up then add a little bit of feminine seductive? Or I don't know if you are already naturally very seductive, but you might need to tone it down a little bit by wearing something like this. And this doesn't mean that if you wear something like this, you immediately going to be an old looking grandma, not at all. Your natural energy will balance out the energy of your clothing, which is why it becomes such a good tool and creates almost this like the perfect blend. And this is why I want you to use clothing as your tools. Now, leather skirt can definitely be paired with a shirt, but it can also be paired with this long top that I was showing you. I think it's all about occasion. If you are in a workspace where the dress code is not very formal, then you wouldn't perhaps be able to wear something like this together with a shirt and look fine for the office. But however, please note ladies that in some professions, it will look inappropriate. It will look a little bit too sexy, if that makes sense. So it's all about thinking about what company do you work for and what's the appropriate dress code for your company. I personally like a lot to wear leather skirts. And by the way, this is not real leather. This is fake leather. And when it comes to leather skirts, I think it's absolutely fine to buy fake leather skirts instead of a real leather skirts. A fake one is as good as the real deal. So save yourself some money and save some animals by going fake leather. Now let's talk tops. So I got this one and I think I mentioned as well. I love v-necks. So if I see something v-neck, that's probably going to be my purchase, as long as it looks like it's of good quality. A long sleeve, because it's fall and we need to keep ourselves warm. And actually, as I touch it, the fabric touches nicely. I'm going to show you a closeup of how it looks. It's ribbed and usually, I don't always like ribbed. I still wear ribbed sweaters and garments, but it's not my first preference because sometimes I feel ribbed garments can look cheap. But in this case, it actually doesn't. However, I need to put a disclaimer. And this is actually where I want to reach out to you ladies in the community and in the comment section. If anybody has purchased this top from Mango and you have used it x amount of times, and you have washed it x amount of times, can you please leave a comment and let us know how this top looks after a few washes? Because that's something that I'm a little bit unsure of. There are many times where I have bought fast fashion items and they look very high end and they look almost expensive when you purchase them. But then after x amount of washes, they don't look like that anymore. They might even look so much worse and almost unwearable just after a few washes, and that's something very important to think about. But I'm going to touch upon that in a second. Now, another reason to why I got this one is because it is very figure flattering. Anything that is kind of tight and shows your silhouette is flattering and very feminine. Now please note, of course, if you are somebody where you feel like it might not be suitable for you, then skip that. But I do need to tell you that v-necks suits most body shapes and body types, even if you are somebody who is plus size. This is quite a basic item that works in everybody. So that was another reason to why I got it. Hello, hello! Ladies, quick little note, you know, I have a free cheat sheet on how you can look expensive. Visit www.ClassyCheatsheet.com if you want to get this freebie, because that one is definitely going to share some of my best styling hacks for you, that it actually works on any budget. So make sure you visit www.ClassyCheatsheet.com to download this free cheat sheet today. Enjoy! Then I got this shirt, ladies. And I'm not going to lie that I only bought this shirt because I actually just wanted to match it with this skirt. I would never buy a shirt from fast fashion store. And why is that? You know that I am allergic to wrinkles as much as possible. I like to keep myself wrinkle-free both in my face, but also my clothes. Joking, not really. Anyway, so what is really horrible with fast fashion shirts is that because they are of a lower quality and lower quality material, they are going to wrinkle so much faster and worse than if you actually invest in a shirt that costs more money. I almost don't like even to touch these shirts. I'm sorry. I even like making this face. Sometimes touching for me, certain fabrics, I just feel like this. And this is what I feel with this type of fabrics, because they're like, how can I explain? They're very harsh. They're a harsher than the typical material that would be used for a shirt from a more high-end brands. They wrinkle faster and they almost look paper like after a few washes or even after just one wash. Sometimes it's a pain to iron them, if you have washed them. So it's truly because it's a lower quality and they just all think that such a staple garment in your wardrobe, such a universal garment, such a garment that will never go out of style. Why on earth would you buy it from, let's say Zara or Mango? This is something you should save up money for and buy a proper high-end shirt or at least. Let me reverse that. You don't even have to go high-end, go mid-range. Trust me. There going to be a dramatic difference if you go mid-range. So this one I just bought for show today, don't really want to recommend. Now let's talk this little home loungewear. Actually the fabric is very soft and you see that I have the pants here and I also have the cardigan. And the cardigan is nice to wear at home because you know, if it gets a little bit chilly, this one is just like a sleeveless top, like a vest. You might feel a little bit chilly. Then you put on this little thing. And if you feel a little bit too hot, then at least you can take that off and just lounge around in this. And this is what's so nice when you have kind of separates of your loungewear is that if you're feeling hot or cold, you can easily layer. Now gray is a flattering color for me, which is going to be a key importance if you want to pull off a fast fashion and make it look more expensive and not so cheap. Then you have to really wear clothes that suit your complexion. So of course, today in all the clothing that I purchased, I did go after the colors that suits me. But that's to also demonstrate to you that this is how you have to be thinking. This one, I'm also a little bit unsure of how it will look after a few washes. That's why I rather invest in more high-end maybe wool or cashmere. I mean, it can also happen with cashmere, especially if there are cashmere blends, etc. But here we actually have recycled polyester. What else do we have? Acrylic and polyamide and just 3% wool. Again, if anybody has purchased this and have washed it, please let us know in the comments section, how the results have been because I am of course curious. Now lastly, the coat. Now, I don't like to buy coats from fast fashion at all. When a coat is of cheaper material, it is going to have worse construction. It is going to have worse buttons, but it's also going to kind of look worse when you use it. Meaning that if you sit down, it gets wrinkly. On a high-end coat, perhaps that wouldn't affect the coat because it's more durable material, more structured in a way. But cheap coats, you know, you sit down, you move around, you live your life and then you kind of continue your day or your life. And then your whole coat looks, I don't know, like it needs a good steam. I think this is what we really need to think about when it comes to fast fashion. Yes, ladies, you can go and you can buy these beautiful things. And let me tell you one thing. I must say that when I went into Mango, when I filmed the first part of this video, I was actually positively surprised. I told myself, wow, I'm finding loads of interesting things in here. I mean, this dress is gorgeous. The skirt is fantastic. Like I got all these cute looks and even the nice home look and this coat isn't too bad when you wear it. However, it might to look good and amazing when you buy it. But what about the aftermath? What about how the garment behaves when you wear it or after you wash it? I think those two things are the reasons to why we throw away so much fashion today because clothes break or we feel like, Oh, you know what? I don't like this garments anymore because it doesn't make me feel good. When I see myself, I still feel like I look cheap in this thing, even though I felt in the beginning that I looked nice when I purchased it. But there's a reason for that because these clothes they're not really made to last. I do need to tell you though and I've said this in many of my other videos, that's from time to time in Mango, in Zara and other fast fashion stores, you do find garments that actually do last for years. And I have a few of in my wardrobe. Perhaps I can do another video about that to try and really understand why those garments lasted and others didn't. And even with my years and years of experience of analyzing garments and the materials, and everything about them still, I don't manage to always get it right of just purchasing a garment from a fast fashion store that I know will last me for years. It's sometimes just trial and error. And sometimes you're just lucky finding those garments. But the question is, are we going to always rely on luck? Don't we want to build a solid wardrobe? Don't we want to have pieces that are foolproof, that we can trust that we know the behavior of and that we know aren't going to disappoint us? And for full transparency, ladies, this video, I don't necessarily want to promote Mango. I don't want to promote Zara, which I did in another video of mine. I don't want to promote any of these fast fashion stores because I don't believe in fast fashion anymore. I believe fast fashion is a big polluter and we definitely need to become aware of this. This is why my ideology is to go mid-range, at least. Because those garments, they tend to last you for years and years and years, and you don't have to consume as many garments as if you would with fast fashion. Let's try and become more mindful with our purchases. I think our planet really needs it. But I also believe that if you are now on a journey of curating an elegant style, a feminine style, and of course, a more classic and timeless style, then I think now is a good time for you to transition from the throw away lifestyle that you might have had of you only consuming Mango and Zara, etc. Try and see if you can buy less, but go a little bit more expensive than usual. And this way your garments are going to serve you better on so many reas. Even though it might feel a bit like, Oh, I don't want to spend $200 on one dress or a pair of pants or whatever. And yes, I know many ladies might not be able to afford it, but if you just start small and let's say at least once a year, buy something that is that expensive or twice a year. Then slowly, slowly, you are going to do this transition. It's all about putting yourself on this journey of transformation when you really upgrade yourself. And as a result, end up upgrading your life. Now, ladies, that's exactly what we do in my online finishing school. And my signature program called, Secrets Of The Elite Woman. Enrollment is currently closed, but I'm going to give you some insider info. We are going to open up the enrollment soon. I'm not going to tell you just when but soon. So if you are interested in joining, go to www.SchoolofAffluence.com Put yourself on the waitlist and you will be informed when the doors open Now ladies, make sure to watch my next video on how to dress for your body type, because that one is going to answer so many of your questions of how you can look the best for whatever body shape you have. I will see you in that video.
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 371,911
Rating: 4.8975892 out of 5
Keywords: school of affluence, jetsetbabe, anna bey, elegant fashion, elegant fashion tips, mango, shop with me, mango try on haul, how to look expensive for cheap, how to look expensive when you are broke, how to look expensive, how to look expensive on a budget, how to be stylish on a budget, tips to look expensive, mango shopping haul, mango shopping vlog, mango shopping haul 2020, mango shopping 2020, mango shopping mall
Id: bcGVFFZskz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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