How To Look Expensive Without Looking Boring

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You know, in a world full of the Kardashians sense of fashion, when you dress elegantly, you end up standing out from the crowd, but in a positive way, of course. Because you know what happens is that men find you more attractive because you don't scream desperate and seeking desperately for their attention. In your career life, people at work will take you more seriously if you dress more elegantly. So you have a higher chance of getting promoted this way. And socially ladies, your social status will rise automatically because your clothes communicates the message that says, I treat myself with respect. I expect to be treated with respect and this way, people treat you in that way and your social status rise. However, the problem is very real. And I know that many women are worried of dressing elegantly because they connect elegance with the stereotype that elegance equals being old fashion, and that equals looking boring or being boring. But ladies, I am here to break these stereotypes because elegance comes in all kinds of size shapes and forms. There isn't just one format to elegance. You can find your way to elegance and you can also adapt elegance depending on what culture you're in. Some cultures are simply more reserved and conservative whilst others are more flamboyant and colorful. So you can really, really be elegant in any culture. This is not just one size fit all approach. Think about this when you think about elegance. My dear elegant ladies, welcome back to a new video. Ladies, I had this introduction because I really needed to make this clear for you. Because I know that there are so many stereotypes out there, and I really want to break the stereotype that we have about elegance. So ladies, in today's video, I, therefore, want to talk to you about how to look elegant without looking boring. And I am going to emphasize on one very important thing. And that has to do with the elegant style personalities that I have developed. You see, when we think elegance, we immediately think about the traditional classic elegance. When we say we want to dress more elegantly, we all the time think about Jacky O, maybe Kate Middleton, etc. And I personally love these role models. There's nothing wrong about that, but this doesn't mean that there is only one way an elegant woman can dress. Not at all. Which is why I want to talk to you about the elegance style personalities. You see, when I studied image consulting, in image consulting, you have something called, style personalities. But when I looked into these type of style personalities. I understood that actually, you need to take them and adapt them to our type of niche, which is about elegance and femininity. And this is when I was able to develop the traditional elegant classic style that we all are aware of on how it by now. But we also have the elegant flamboyant style and the elegant fashionista style. And on top of it, we also have the elegant feminine classic style and the elegant feminine seductive style. If you want to find out which elegant style personality you belong to then take my quiz on Facebook by visiting the page Ladies, this introduction was important. Why? Because this way you might understand that there isn't just one way of dressing elegantly. Now let's learn the best tips from these various style personalities that we can adapt to our style so that we can look elegant without looking boring. So tip number one, those ladies who feel that perhaps neutral colors are a bit too bland for their liking or personality. Then I really suggest that definitely add color to your wardrobe. I am currently in the phase that I'm obsessed with colors. The only thing I want to wear is colors. And I guess that's something that I got after I did my color theories training. But I want to tell you one thing is that yes, the kind of elegant classic style personality, surely that lady will probably have more neutral colors in her wardrobe and more classic type of colors. However, this doesn't mean that all my colorful ladies cannot look elegant. Of course you can. Maybe your style will be more the elegant flamboyant, who is all about color, but this can also be applicable to the elegant fashionista who also enjoys to play around with color. The elegant flamboyant is definitely the creative one, the one who dares to mix and match colors. And I can tell you that I don't know what I am anymore. I am sometimes an elegant classic, but I also do enjoy some elegant flamboyant touches in my wardrobe. Because to tell you the truth, color is fun. And it doesn't mean that if you're going to wear color, you're going to look tacky. Of course not. There are elegant ways how one could wear color, but it's all about finding what color suits your complexion and also to see what colors work well together. When you start messing up with those aspects, that's usually when color end up looking tacky or looking cheap. Now tip number two. Color will definitely spice up your elegant wardrobe if you feel that neutral colors are not for you. But if you want to take up the notch just a little bit more than definitely patterns might add a little bit more flavor in your wardrobe than just sticking to solid colors. And patterns, ladies can definitely be worn by an elegant classic. But to tell you the truth, it's definitely not as common for that type of style personality, but instead, it's more common with the flamboyant or with the fashionista and actually, also with the feminine classic. So with the flamboyant and the fashionista, then these types of ladies, they enjoy adding patterns to kind of add the boldness and color, and expression to their outfits. They're a little bit artistic and may play around. Sometimes even mix and match patterns, which can actually work incredibly well if you just make sure to combine the right patterns. I would say that the flamboyant does it a little bit more than the fashionista style. The fashionista to some degree, but the more to kind of stay trendy rather than be very artistic. Now, when I mentioned that the feminine classic also enjoys wearing patterns, then that's usually to express her femininity. Because femininity can definitely be expressed through patterns. And that would be when you perhaps use floral patterns, which look a little bit more soft and romantic, which is a very feminine trait. My personal opinion on patterns is that it's really easy to go wrong if you are not sure about what it is exactly that you're doing. You see, patterns are wonderful to add to your wardrobe, but only if you have some form of understanding when it comes to fashion styling. There are many patterns out there that look a bit cheap. And that's why I have been quite careful in my channel to recommend patterns, because I believe that only when you are more kind of intermediate and advanced in your experience with styling, that you can attempt in playing around. Now, ladies, if you want to add some form of spice and flavor to your wardrobe, then pattern and color is really the best way forward. And you can really let your creative or artistic expression let loose, as long as you make sure that it's expressed in a way that is flattering for you. Tip number three. Now let's put the colors and the boldness a step aside, because I know that I have some ladies with me that enjoy the kind of sensual element and the really wants to signal that in their look. Now, can we be elegant to express that side of us or do we all have to look conservative if we want to be elegant ladies? Of course not ladies, you don't have to. You can definitely add some sexiness to your outfit. But I need to tell you one thing first. In elegant fashion, we try and skip the whole essence of sexy. Because sexy feels like the kind of what everybody's doing, right? It's so easy to look sexy today. Meaning that we wear revealing clothing. We show too much skin and we have tacky cuts in our clothes. And you know, all those types of attributes that make a woman feel like a bargain. We don't want to feel like a bargain. We want to feel elegant. We want to feel sophisticated. We want to feel like a million dollars. So for that reason, I avoid using the terminology sexy. Not because I don't believe in sexy or think it's something shameful. Not at all. I just prefer the word femininity because I just feel like it describes what I'm trying to explain to you in a better way than the word sexy does, but we can still use sexy. I don't mind. So when we talk about style personalities, femininity comes as a subject on a very regular basis. And that's because elegance and femininity oftentimes goes hand in hand together. They're very much related to each other in a way. However, that's why in the elegant style personalities that I have developed, there are two categories for the feminine style. And I have divided them as the elegant feminine classic and the elegant feminine seductive. Now the feminine classic, she's the one who is a little bit more romantic, more girly, kind of more classic form of feminine clothing. And then we have the feminine seductive, which is the most sexy style personality that we have. Let's call it the more sensual one. This style personality would be wearing more seductive colors, such as black or red, or maybe even keeping clothing lines more minimum, but always flattering for the body. Remember when they said that we don't want to show a bunch of skin everywhere and not because there's something wrong with that, but more because we don't feel comfortable wearing the type of clothes. However, we still want to be feminine and sensual. And that's where we show our silhouette rather than put all the skin on display. Believe it or not but actually men do seem to appreciate it more than when you just like take off everything. And that's why this strategy has been so incredibly successful for all ladies who implemented it because they simply combine sensuality while looking presentable. And that's a win-win combination when you want to get a man. Now, ladies, I am not against showing a little bit of cleavage, a little bit of legs. Who doesn't like to show a little bit of that? But we always believe in elegant styling that it's about putting as much on display as you feel comfortable with. And so that it doesn't feel too much for any parties around you. Because don't forget that sometimes, people feel very uncomfortable staring into a pair of breasts or looking up somebody's crotch. That's not something that, you know, feels very kind to do to other people. So try and limit those body parts and just keep it for your private moments. And then you can definitely be sensual slash/sexy woman by dressing the more feminine and seductive style. Tip number four, if you are a lady and you just feel that, you know what, I get bored just wearing classic and timeless pieces. Not a problem. You can wear trendy pieces if you want, you can add some edginess into your wardrobe. You don't have to just stick to the simple garments that the elegant classic enjoys. You can definitely be more trend conscious and enjoy fashion shows and incorporate those types of elements in your wardrobe. That's usually when somebody adopts more of an elegant fashionista style personality. And I must tell you that it definitely works wonders for those who feel that, okay, I am worried that the traditional elegant style will age me because definitely when we wear something that is more traditional, it can add a few years. Let's not lie about that. But if you feel that that doesn't work for you, or maybe you are a certain age and you really want to dress younger. Then definitely go more trendy, but it's about looking for trends that still kind of looks a little bit aligned with elegance. You don't want to put on like some really strange things, but just looks a little bit out of place, right? Or very much contradicts the elegance personality or the feminine personality as a whole. So it's all about finding kind of those trendy elements that still make you look like a woman and still make you look respectable and add sophistication to you. I think as an example, Olivia Palermo is a great example, or even Victoria Beckham. Both ladies are more fashionable, more trendy, but they never dress in a way that makes them look like they're not respecting themselves. We can still say that, yes, compared to some other celebrities that really take trends to a certain level, these type of women, they just look more elegant than some other ones who look very, very, just trendy and that's it. So this is how you can actually combine elegance with trends, but still looks sophisticated. Tip number five. Ladies, one more question. Does the elegance classic style, the traditional elegance style that we think about when we think elegance, does make a person look old and boring? Now, when I said earlier that to some degree, it does. And yes, it's true, it may. But you know what? It all depends on your natural energy because some of us have an energy that is naturally more introverted or conservative or more kind of laid back. And when you add a fashion style that is more conservative then you know what happens? You're adding more conservativeness to already conservative energy. And yes, then you might end up looking a little bit, how can I say? Like a gray mouse. That's why my favorite Anna Bey method is to mix things up Let's say you have this laid back energy, then spice this energy up by adding some more flamboyant energy to your self-expression, in order not to look like that gray mouse. Or let's say, if you're somebody who feels like, okay, I am a little bit too conservative. I need to spice things up, but I want to be a little bit more feminine. I'm struggling with my femininity. Then go all in with the elegant feminine seductive, or even elegant feminine classic is a good way to start with if you don't feel comfortable jumping on to the essence of the elegant feminine seductive, which can be a little bit too spicy for some people to handle. I think it's so important to think about what your natural energies are. Because this way, you know, if you need to tone some energies down, or if you need to add some flavor to your energy. And this way, create this kind of perfect blend that makes you become this irresistible woman that you want to be. Now ladies, if you are unsure which elegant style personality you are, then jump onto my Facebook quiz that you visit on the link In the next video, that is all about the seven signs that tell you are not elegant. I really want you to watch that video because you can get some more insights on how to act elegantly, but still keep your personality.
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 565,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: school of affluence, jetsetbabe, anna bey, luxury, luxury lifestyle, affluence, finishing school, the school of affluence, high-society, elegant fashion, how to look elegant, how to look classy, how to dress elegantly, elegant fashion 2020, how to look classy and elegant, how to dress classy, look chic, how to dress well for women, chic style
Id: G-rZq_4Fi0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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