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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Aboveground_Plush 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's time for the long gene horoscope a television journal of the important issues of the hour brought to you every Monday Wednesday and Friday a presentation of the laun gene but nor what's company maker of launching the world's most honored watch and wit nor distinguished companion to the world honored lawn gene good evening this is frank night may I introduce our co-editors for this edition of the launching Cronus code Larry lesser CBS News correspondent and Kenneth Crawford national affairs editor of Newsweek magazine our very distinguished guests for this evening is Admiral Richard II bird the North Pole used to be a no-man's land but these are the days when by buying a ticket on a commercial airliner you can fly across the North Pole and drink a cocktail at the same time the only three score or more years ago about 35 years ago our guest tonight found out whether there was any land north of the North American continent he made that first discovery flight and I must say that Admiral Byrd our guest tonight is not only our greatest living Explorer but he's been an inspiration to countless Americans Andrew Bird you've been to both the North Pole and the South Pole is there any unexplored land left on this earth that might appeal to adventurous young Americans oh yes there is and that up around the North Pole because it's getting crowded up there now because they find out it's really usable not only to live in but militarily but strangely enough has left in the world today an area as big as the United States that's never been seen by a human being and that's beyond the pole on the other side of the South Pole from middle America and it's a I think it's quite astonishing that there should be an area as big as that unexplored was the tremendous oil there's a lot of adventure left down at the bottom of the world well do you hope to see that I know well now tomorrow would you say that this is you've been to is both the extremities of Earth are these expeditions to such far-off places like getting easier because of modern techniques or still is dangerous still close at hand well it's a little risky but nothing like it used to be with the old slow planes and the small cruising radius where we have to put down bases we replace the dog teams and of course it was a big improvement but now the planes go much faster and they're safer and they have a much bigger cruising radius you haven't got the danger but terribly heavy load Admiral an expedition to which I believe you're the advisor is now in route what is that expedition doing well that's the icebreaker at Kerr and it's a reconnaissance expedition it's going down to the South Pole area to make certain observations and to look for some bases they will be back in April and they will report back and upon the information we get from that I'm taking we will base the bigger expedition that's to follow is that very definitely planned or is that is being playing right now so I'm willing to say to you that there will be a number of expeditions that will follow I think year after year bottom of the world because the government has really become interested well Admiral Byrd I can understand I think everybody can the interest in the North Pole because it's so near our greatest Challenger Soviet Russia but for why this interest in the bottom of the world and nobody living down there is it no it's it's pretty cold there's only one permanent resident let's say emperor penguins the little ones live further north I tell you one reason they're interested it's by far the most valuable important place left in the world for science that's where the scientific groups all over the nation are really interested but more important than that it's it has to do with the future of the nation those to come after us or even during your lifetime because it happens to be an untouched reservoir of natural resources and you know as the world shrinks with an ever increasing acceleration far-flung places once useless like we thought the North Pole was and no man's land become very useful a the bottom of the world will be important not only to us but to our allies does it I was going to ask you does it have military importance it has some and as the world shrinks it will continue to shrink with another increasing acceleration thus bringing these places closer and in the future I can see a time when it will be very very important strategically well as development of airpower increased there it is reducing importance of places like the very much Hama peninsula was very much so even now if anything happened and we lost the Panama Canal we would have to control the islands just north of Antarctica which are part of Antarctica then between there and cape on I've heard it said that there are seven continents in the world and one of them has never been seen by a woman that's Antarctica is that actually true well if the powerful nation is an island that's why I know that's true no woman's ever stepped foot upon the entire continent and it's the most peaceful place in the world I'm sure that won't last very long today I understand that now that you're written with a the Arnold bread company in charge of frozen foods now is there any future for frozen foods down these frozen extremities well I think the human race can be helped by that this was start out by Dean Arnold who's in my opinion the great humanitarian he learn that we went then after four or five years and finished a meal that we had left there on the table when we had evacuated little America everything was perfect including the bread so he got the idea of this frozen bread and already he sent some day he sent some to Europe and just very quick very well over there there's some of the starving people so you can store it down the Antarctic and against the lean years and he wouldn't have any people in the world really starving if it did this in the event of an atomic war stay there forever Admiral you speak of the resources of Antarctica what are they what what are the natural resources there well a we found enough of coal within 180 miles of the South Pole in a great day region mountains it's not covered as snow enough to supply the whole world for quite a while well and it's that's that's the coal now there's evidence of other many other minerals and we're pretty sure there's oil now that coal shows the bottom of the world there are by far the coldest spot in the world where that coal is gets a head below zero in the weather well it was once tropical so we think this oil there and there's evidence probably uranium there is it any secret is there uranium there that would be the only thing it would be practical to actually go after I suppose everything else would be economically unfeasible wouldn't it well as really recklessly expend their resources the time will come and we can we'll have to go after that stuff down there well you know I avoid what you said about a uranium I'm not sure about I don't want to have they will fight oh the Antarctic nobody is there a competition among other nations to try to get information about at arctica and possibly to secure some of these resources well yes there are seven nations very much interested Russia is interested to mend ously that I am sure our strategy has an expedition down there the Argentine the Chile New Zealand button and so on now you can understand those people down there being interested because they live down there they New Zealanders the Argentine the Chilean and Australians and so we we don't do much about claiming anything animal you are there that many expeditions now there are in route there and well you know as I said it's the most peaceful place in the world but I don't think it will be for long because of this intense interest on the part of of other nations and this nation well Admiral burn our private expedition is a thing of the past is expedition and exploration making expedition exploration now a purely a government function because I think down south it may be more or less the thing of the past but not other other expeditions let go there's a lot of them going on now this latest expedition now on the way is a government expedition I take yes that's a government prepare my ask you is there a great difference between the top of the world in the bottom of the world and there is now there the North Pole is the center of an ocean 10,000 feet deep the South Pole the center of a plateau 10,000 feet high the north polar sea is surrounded by countenance is slightly frozen the erotic continent is surrounded by a belt of ice frozen seas or at least 1200 miles thick now the South is a plateau it gets in some places 14,000 feet up I've been over it areas about 13,000 and it's a little bit chilly up there so there's that big difference between the top and bottom of the world I don't can los really isn't very cold up there on the Arctic Ocean compared to zone Heidelberg we often hear it said that our young Americans now aren't as Hardy as their forefathers do you think that Americans do measure up to the standards the physical standards and morale standards of the past I do I don't believe it I think they're just sorry well what would you say was the most valuable factor our expedition is it morale or physical courage or is it sure equipment well I've always thought that loyalty was by far the most important trait the British told me when I first went down 28 but I couldn't possibly get through the winter night without a mutiny if I took more than 20 men but to serve science I had to take 42 men then I took 56 the next time and so on so and I did find that loyalty was the most important thing during the winter night when it's very hard on your nerves I think that's fascinating that's a very valuable characteristic at any time well thank you very much Adam Alfred it's been oh great pleasure to have you here tonight it's pleasure to be with you the opinions expressed on the wrong team Chronos cope were those of the speakers the editorial board for this edition of the launching Chronos cope was Larry Mercer and Kenneth Crawford our distinguished guests was Admiral Richard II birth Ilan Jean watts makes the most perfect Christmas gift it has beauty elegance and enduring quality and a universal reputation is just about the finest of the world's watches now actually barring accident or abuse the lone Jean watts that you give this Christmas will be better than new after five or even 10 years of daily use time holds no terrors for a lawn Jean the exquisitely finished Bart's movement defies normal wear and friction achieves unsurpassed timekeeping accuracy and reliability thus does launching inner quality matched lawn Jean outer elegance among the finest watches of the world only lawn Jean waters of 110 world's fair grand prizes twenty eight gold medals highest honors for accuracy in fields of precise timing cased in precious metals styled in the best of good taste alone Jean watches a joy to own an enduring symbol of your affection the perfect Christmas gift yet you may buy and proudly give a launching watch this Christmas for as little as seventy one fifty visit your lawn Jean with no juror agency and make your selection lawn gene the world's most honored watch the world's most honored Christmas gift premier product of the lawn Jean with nor watch company since eighteen sixty six maker of watches of the highest character we invite you to join us every monday wednesday and friday evening at the same time for the long gene Khurana scope a television journal of the important issues of the our broadcast on behalf of launching the world's most honored watch and wit nor distinguished companion to the world honor at lone gene this is frank night reminding you that lawn gene and wit nor watches are sold and serviced from coast to coast by more than four thousand leading jewelers who proudly display this emblem agency for lawn Jane wit nor watches
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Keywords: archives.gov, public.resource.org
Id: PrdSal9uH28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2011
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