Virtual Egypt 4K: What Did the Pyramids Look Like?

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Welcome to Egypt, this is Cheops here,  the biggest pyramid in the world,   and it's about 4500 years old, so,  like Napoleon (Bonaparte) would say:   "From the heights of these Pyramids,  forty five centuries look down on us."  Here they are, the great three pyramids of Giza.   The Cheops pyramid, the Chephren  pyramid, and the Mycerinos pyramid.  This is 4th dynasty Egypt, and this is just  on the outskirts of Cairo, about 15km away   from the center, around a 25 minute ride. And right away we see how enormous these   things really are, Cheops, the biggest one  is about 139m tall, which is insane, that's   like a 45 story building, it's huge, and it's  incredible to think that these were made about   4500 years ago, they're some of the oldest  buildings on Earth that are still standing.  Today we know that the great pyramid of Egypt was   built by Pharaoh Cheops for his  burial around the year 2570 BC.  If we look at the pyramids from the above, we  can see how they are surrounded by a lot of   interesting ancillary buildings, The pyramids  of Giza were not alone, they were surrounded   by a huge necropolis, there are some smaller  pyramids where the queens and other royalty   members were buried, there is also a huge number  of mastabas, which are these constructions with   the shape of a truncated pyramid. The nobles  liked to be buried in these pharaonic complexes,   because the idea was that if anybody was  going to have a soothe voyage to the afterlife   it was going to be the pharaoh, who was buried  in the great pyramids, and if you could be   buried near him, he'll probably bring you along  because you're a good advisor, or a good cook,   or a good architect, etc. So we have  all these mastabas that are noble tombs,   they're normally connected to an underground  chamber where the body was placed.  So the pyramids simply stood out from an  authentic sea of Egyptian tombs that stretched   for kilometers. The vast majority of these  mastabas were built in more perishable materials   so many have disappeared and we only  look at the great pyramids of Giza,   but the landscape that the ancient Egyptians  contemplated looked more like what we see here   and not the smooth and flat plateau that  we see today surrounding the pyramids.  but here we also see remnants of something quite  important, this is the valley temple, and the   valley temple is where the body was mummified,  where the corpse is prepared and then it's taken   processionally through the causeway right into  the pyramid and it's subsequently entombed.  So although we think about the Egyptian  pyramids as these great haptic objects,   that is, these huge solids  rather than a habitable space,   these artificial mountains in the landscape  in the middle of the desert, if we look at   the whole Giza complex we see something  more spacial, something more processional.  Each pyramid had its own causeway  and its own valley temple.  Some channels of the Nile reached as far as the  valley temples, and thanks to that, the Egyptians   were able to transport a lot of the materials  that weren't found in the site, like granite,   brought all the way from Aswan in southern Egypt. The pyramid of Chephren is the only one that   preserves its entire complex: pyramid,  high temple, causeway, low temple,   but it also preserves another one of the  most famous constructions of ancient Egypt:   The Sphinx of Giza. We also see the Sphinx,   which is a lion with a man's head, and it  represented a guardian that guarded the temples.  It is believed that it was carved in the times of   Pharaoh Chephren because it was  at the entrance to his complex.  Each pyramid was part of a complex that  contained a causeway and a valley temple.  Normally, the cities of the ancient Egyptian  civilization were located on the eastern bank   of the Nile, while the necropolis, the  place where they buried all the dead,   was located on the western bank of the Nile,  that is why the first pyramids were built West   of the capital city of the Ancient Kingdom,  Memphis, but Pharaoh Cheops decided to build   his pyramid in a different place, kilometers  to the North of Saqqara, on the Giza plateau.  The reason behind this decision is that  the entire plateau was a huge quarry of   prime quality limestone, and all the pyramids were  built with material that was mined from this site.   This solved the great problem of transporting  huge blocks of stone through the desert. By   building his pyramid on top of the quarry, Cheops  ensured the cost of construction to be very low,   and he managed to complete the construction  of his pyramid in less than thirty years.  So, they carved the stone blocks from the quarry  and dragging them only a few tens of meters   they transported them to the construction  site of the great pyramids of Giza.   And it’s a good thing they did so, because the  great pyramid which originally measured almost 150   meters high is made up of more than two million  stone blocks that weigh 2 and a half tons each,   although there are some blocks that weigh up to  6 tons. Moving all that material from a greater   distance would have been almost impossible.  But by raising the building on top of the   quarry the enormity of the pyramid of Cheops  and the rest of the pyramids became possible.  In addition to the two million stone blocks  that made up the structure of the pyramid,   we know that up until medieval times, even  almost until modern times, the pyramids were   covered with extremely polished white limestone  blocks that made the pyramids stand out from the   golden sands of the desert like a huge white arrow  flashing in the sun. It was so reflective that on   sunny days it could dazzle anyone who dared  to look directly at this fantastic buildings.   The Arabs called the pyramids "the lights" because  they were blinded when they looked at them.   Unfortunately those shiny  blocks of white limestone today   can hardly be distinguished only in the  upper part of the pyramid of Chephren,   stained by the passage of millennia  and by the pollution in Cairo.   The city of Cairo a few kilometers  away has been devouring the necropolis,   and much of the stone that was in this  place has been used as a construction   material for more modern buildings.  So most of those limestone blocks   that faced the pyramids are today scattered  throughout the palaces and mosques of Cairo.  It is believed that each pyramid had  a capstone covered with electrum,   which is an alloy of gold and silver.  As I mentioned earlier, the purpose of these  buildings was to serve as a tomb for the pharaoh,   The pyramid of Cheops consists of three  rooms, the so-called underground chamber,   the so-called queen's chamber, and the so-called  king's chamber. Although this has been called the   queen's chamber for centuries, today we know  that inside the pyramid the only remains that   were placed were those of Cheops himself. In the  king's chamber, the one right in the center of the   pyramid, was the sarcophagus with the remains of  the pharaoh. The other two chambers, however, it   is not known with certainty what their use was, it  is likely that they used to hold sacred statues,   but when they built the great tombs in Giza,  they were already making fake entryways,   because these tombs were getting robbed  all the time, because the Pharaohs were   buried with a lot precious objects, many of  them made out of gold and precious stones,   and so the builders had to figure out  ways to mislead the thieves, nevertheless,   all of the great old kingdom tombs that we have  discovered so far have been robbed various times.  With all that said, let’s take a look at the  interior of the pyramid starting at the entrance.  If you get close to the pyramid of Cheops you  will see two openings on the northern face of   the pyramid. This one, which goes into the tunnels  that lead to the underground chamber and the rest   of the interior, is the original entrance to  the pyramid, the one that was made thousands of   years ago, at the time the pyramid was built. And this other opening was made in the 9th   century A.D. by a Muslim caliph who wanted  to discover what was inside the pyramid.   At that time there was no visible entrance, since  the original entrance was completely sealed,   and so this caliph ordered the excavation  of a new tunnel to get inside the building.   Although today both entrances are uncovered,  to enter the pyramid we don’t use the original   entrance but the entrance of the Caliph Al  Mamun, which was opened in the 9th century,   this tunnel is much rougher because it  was made by much more precarious means.  Once you’re inside, you must walk about  thirty meters through the Caliph's tunnel   until you reach a small staircase that takes you  to the original tunnel, where you can take two   different paths. You can go down through  this tunnel to the underground chamber,   or you can go through this one that  takes you to the so-called Grand Gallery.  So we're here in the tunnel, inside  of the Cheops' Pyramid... You have to   walk like this all the time... but it's fantastic.  The tunnels are very compact, measuring  approximately one meter high by one meter wide,   but after walking about forty meters  you finally get to the Grand Gallery.  The Grand Gallery is a spectacular tunnel  of immense size that leads the adventurous   visitor directly to the very core of  the building, to the king's chamber.  In the lower part of the Grand Gallery, you can  divert and take a straight path that leads to   the queen's chamber, which is a small empty room  that has a niche in the shape of a corbelled arch. This place probably held the  sacred statue of the Pharaoh.  Or you can continue ascending  through the Grand Gallery.  This large passageway was built with a  technique where the rock courses offset,   this does not form an actual vault but simply  brings the stones of the wall closer together,   it was a construction technique widely  used in the Bronze Age, you can find it   even in Mayan architecture in Mexico. If we go through the great gallery   we will finally reach the Sancta Sanctorum,  the Holy of the Holies, the king's chamber.  Here the sarcophagus of the pharaoh with  his mummified body had to be preserved,   and it was undoubtedly the most important place  in the entire pyramid, which is reflected by the   fact that the king's chamber was built with a  different material from the rest of the pyramid.  While the rest of the pyramids were made with  the limestone extracted from the Giza plateau,   in this room the floor, the walls, and these  relieving chambers that had to guarantee   that the entire pyramid would not collapse on  top of the void formed by the king's chamber   were carved from gigantic blocks of  Egyptian granite. The hardest stone   known to the Egyptians to ensure the safety of  the pharaoh's body kept in the king's chamber.  The king's chamber had extraordinary,  almost impenetrable security measures.   All of this is granite, which is very difficult  to carve or drill, it can only be entered through   the original entrance to the chamber. So, when you  go from the great gallery to the king's chamber,   you first have to go through a small  tunnel that is just over a meter high,   so you have to enter on your knees, you have  to go through this antechamber that had three   granite slabs held at the top, you have to  duck again and go through another small tunnel,   and finally you enter the king's chamber. Once the servants completed all the rituals   related to the funeral of Cheops and the king was  locked in the chamber enjoying his eternal rest,   they returned on their knees through the  tunnel, and by means of an unknown system,   they made the large granite slabs held on top  fall in such a way that this entire area was   sealed by several granite slabs that completely  blocked the access to the king's chamber.  Now, this is what you find when  you enter the chamber of Cheops:   A room with granite walls and floor, and  with a lonely sarcophagus in the background.   Despite all the precautions  taken by the pyramid builders,   the treasures of Cheops were robbed thousands  of years ago, because when the Muslim caliph   entered the pyramid in the 9th century we know  that he also found absolutely nothing inside.  When they built the Pyramid of Chephren, they  knew how complicated it had been to make the   Pyramid of Cheops, which is why it only has  two small chambers: a central one where the   pharaoh was buried, and another one that was  underground. The pyramid is 136 meters high.  In 1818 an Italian called Giovanni Belzoni tried  to enter this pyramid, which until then was still   completely sealed, without any visible entrance. Hoping to find the tomb completely intact,   he found the tomb completely empty, except for  the bones of an animal inside the sarcophagus.  Mycerinos' pyramid is much shorter than  the other two, it’s only 65 meters high,   it was made by Mycerinos, the son of Chephren, it  has beautiful proportions, it is a tremendously   beautiful building and that is why it was  known in antiquity as “The Divine Pyramid”.   This one had a very curious casing, the first  sixteen courses of stones were made of red granite   brought from Aswan and the rest was covered with  the same white limestone that dazzled in the sun,   but today there is only a little bit of the first   courses of granite and the rest of  the limestone coating has been lost.  The pyramid of Mycerino is about 80  meters shorter than the other two,   in addition the funerary complex of this tomb is  the only one where the temple of the lower valley   was built with adobe and not with stone, a cheap  and precarious material that quickly disappeared.  And that’s how the period the construction of  the pyramids of Egypt ended, a period that lasted   about two centuries, because after Mycerino,  the Egyptians were never again able to build a   perfect pyramid that would last to this day. For nearly four thousand years, humankind   wasn’t able to build anything as tall as the Great  Pyramid of Cheops. The first building to achieve   this was Lincoln Cathedral in England, which was  completed at the beginning of the 14th century,   but even so the spiers of this cathedral were  made out of wood, while the pyramid is completely   made out of stone. The first stone building  that managed to exceed the height of Cheops   was the Nikolai Cathedral that was built in  Hamburg in the middle of the 19th century,   only 150 years ago did we manage to raise a  stone building as large as the Pyramid of Cheops,   and only at the end of the 19th century when we  started to build with steel we could definitely   leave behind the great pyramid of Cheops  only 120 years ago, with the Eiffel Tower.  Even today, after forty five centuries the  Pyramid Complex is a mind-blowing view to behold,   and it can teach a lot about  this fascinating culture,   and it can show us the wonders that  humankind is capable of creating. Thank you all for watching, this video was  very fun to make. I hope you enjoyed it,   I hope you learned something. Please leave  a like because it helps me a lot, and   consider subscribing, and comment below, what kind  of videos would you like to see in this channel?  Thanks again, and I'll see you next time, goodbye!
Channel: Manuel Bravo
Views: 3,399,943
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Keywords: Egypt, Giza, pyramids, egyptians, egyptian, egyptology, pyramids of giza, reconstruction, pyramid reconstruction, Egipto, Egitto, reconstrucción, pirámides, pirámide, pyramid, sphinx, esfinge, Cairo, pharaoh, temple, ancient egypt, ancient, ancient rome, history, ancient history, egypt history, cheops, chephren, khufu, khafre, menkaure, keops, kefren, micerino, great pyramid, gran pirámide, piramide, piramides, Guiza, Gizeh, pyramids of egypt, pirámides de egipto, Rome, hierogliphs, egypt documentary, egypt 4k, luxor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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