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hi everyone it's Michael I am doing the video on the fab 5 fan set finally had these for a while but I haven't had a video for it and I know some of you have asked for it so if you haven't heard me talk about it before this is the fab 5 fan set and it comes with an 11 a 9 a 7 a 5 and a 3 the numbers just like on my curved rulers indicate once you stitch it out it's an 11 inch it would make an 11 inch circle if you went all the way around 9 inch circle 7 5 3 okay so that's that's how it's numbered why did I make this well if you don't know already I have been obsessed with baptist fans for a long time and ever since I started quilting I've wanted to do them in a way that I could be more accurate than when I've done in the past so once I got my long arm I bought everything you could think of I got the slotted rulers I got circles I got half circles I got anyway I've bought a lot of stuff but nothing made them accurate for me I kept getting off track so I figured well why not design them I designed my own rulers might as well make a fan set so here it is this fan set will create Baptist fans and it can also be used for curved cross hatching like any other curved ruler with markings it's out of the same green acrylic that all my other rulers are made of so that makes it easy to read on light fabrics easy to read on dark fabrics no one has ever said that they're using this on a neon green fabric and have complained or anything and I don't have any neon green so I imagined neon green might be hard to see the line so if you're using that let me know how that goes it might be good I don't know okay so seriously let's go to how to use these so you will notice that there is a 90-degree angle printed on the on the ruler and by the way ever all of the etching and printing is on the back okay so it's correct to have that to the back that helps with you know some of the traction the only one that has the letters is the big one okay but all of them have the numbers for the size and what you'll have is the 90-degree angle and then you're going to have quarter-inch marks going up the center of this ruler of the arc here and then what you see to either side of the 90-degree our previous stitch lines that you will notice as you stitch this design out that they will align to so these are reference lines for you okay and I'll show you how all that works so when you buy the set you get all five okay and the instructions sheet sorry will tell you how to lay it out and what to do and all that kind of good stuff or you can watch the video okay anyway here I'm gonna get started and what I'm gonna do is just draw out some of the design so that you'll see how to do it and then when we get to the Machine you will have already done this part and kind of know what's going on okay okay here we go so I'm gonna use these drawing discs I think I've got some of these available they're not listed on my website but if you want some email me I use these in my classes the small one is good for a Sharpie a fine point or a mechanical pencil and then the bigger one you could use any pan or pencil and go in there if you haven't seen these before you put your writing utensil in and you trace around your ruler or template and this mimics the hopping foot and gives you a quarter inch away from it so anyway those I call them drawing wheels or drawing disks whatever you want to call them so first thing the way I'm gonna do this in the same way that I stitch it out also on the long arm is I'm gonna start in the bottom left corner with the smallest one so I'm looking this is the 3 ok so so if you can see it here I'm lining up this 90 degree angle that's where I'm starting ok this goes down in the corner and exactly what I'm looking at is the horizontal and the vertical line of the 90 degree angle I'm putting it there I am starting from the top I have to remind you that we go down up down up down that's how we do the set down up down up down so that means we start up and I'm gonna put my needle down and I'm gonna go down when I get to the bottom I am going to use whatever I need to use a template or whatever I'm traveling over about an inch okay I'm just gonna guess and then I'm gonna grab the 5 I'm gonna use the same horizontal and vertical lines might have to move my needle over a little bit so I'm gonna match up that corner excuse me if my head gets in the way and then I'm going up wait you can't see that because my hands in the way okay so I just went up now I'm bringing in the 7 so once I get here I'm gonna have to use I'm not left-handed okay I'm gonna pretend like I traveled up about an inch I'm putting in the 7 and I'm doing the same thing this first one your guides are vertical and horizontal line okay so I'm going to stitch down okay stitch down I'm going to travel over about an inch sorry I'm gonna put in my 9 No travel up sorry my hands in the way from this ankle so I traveled up put in my last one which is the eleven and it looks like I would have to travel see the wheel moving here's my eleven and then I'm gonna go down okay so we just made our first fan that this is a little messy I'm gonna switch to a pen so we we just made our first fan so let's say I stopped here here's where you need to remember remember I said we go down up down up down I do this all the time and you might too when you start your tendency is gonna want to go travel over here don't do that travel up what you just stitched that's where you need to be when you start your next fan back up on that last one okay so I'm gonna grab my three this time what I'm doing is I'm lining up the point at the the right angle the point with the last place that I stitched right here and one line the one line of lining up is the horizontal line I'm no longer looking at the vertical line however I am looking at the dot dot dot that dashed line because that's my previous stitching line which will match up here so here I go I've got the point matched I've got the horizontal line match and I see the dot dot dot and I'm gonna stitch down now I'm gonna travel over about an inch I'm gonna go to the five and then travel over a little bit more I'm going to line up the corner of the ninety degree I'm lining up the horizontal line and now you should be able to see the dashed line is on that previous stitching line and we stitch up once we get here we go up about an inch or so this is just the same thing over and over and then we bring in our seven horizontal line matching point of the 90 degree matching previous stitching line matching and we stitch down and we travel over and we go to the mouth same thing everybody so once again I'm matching up this corner of the 90 degree I'm matching up the horizontal line and I'm matching up the previous stitching line I no longer have this vertical line it's it doesn't match up to anything okay so here we go matching all my points and lines and I'm stitching up once I get to the up I'm traveling up a little bit and I'm bringing in the 11 same thing horizontal line point of the 90 degree angle previous stitch line and I stitch down remember what we do when we stitch down on the last one we immediately go back up good and so now we're ready for the three again so basically we're doing that all the way across that's your design right here so when we get to the next row so I'm going left to right and I'm going from bottom to top when we get to the next row I'm using the three and I'm using so think about it when you go across here you go when we go across you're using the horizontal line and the previous stitching line once you get past the first one correct remember your first one you're using the right angle because that's the corner but starting on your second one and moving all the way across you're using the horizontal line because you're going across and you're using the previous stitch line because that's what you have as a reference you don't have this however when you go up as you go up so your next row you are using this vertical line and you're not using the horizontal because you're going up now on the side but you're gonna have this previous stitch line from before so I'm gonna lay down my three I'm putting the corner of the 90-degree angle and the vertical line together and I should see a little dashed dot dot dot from before and remember we always go down up down up down so I'm going down I'm traveling over approximately where I think I need to be I'm bringing in the five when I bring in the five remember I'm matching up the vertical line and I'm matching up the point of the 90 degree and I'm matching up the previous stitch line here we go and we go up and then we travel up bringing in the seven same thing everybody the vertical line the point of the 90 degree in the previous stitch I stitch down when I get here I travel over wherever I think about it's gonna be bringing the nine vertical line previous stitch line and look at this I have this line and I have this line so now I'm starting to get more reference points and that's why I call this accurate that just fans because you don't get off like I would sort of veer off and be out of whack so this is more precise I travel up and travel up and then I bring in my 11 matching up the vertical the point and the previous stitching lines that are edged on the back I travel down now what do we do when we travel down we finish because I trust me you'll do it I know you will because I have a million times soon as you finish the last one you go back up because you have to go down up down up down when you're going in this direction okay so I'm just gonna do this next one so you see where it goes this one you no longer have a vertical and a horizontal line to guide you but you have previous stitching lines so starting here both our previous stitching lines and then you have the point of the 90 degree angle I'm gonna call that an apex but that's probably the wrong term but I'll just call it any one so so I see the apex if that's wrong you know someone could go ahead and tell me throwin and then I have my previous stitching lines and remember we go down first so just go down until you touch the previous arc travel over bring in your three I mean sorry bring in your five apex I don't know if that's the right word still is going there and then I'm matching up my previous stitching lines both from this arc in this arc okay I'm going up traveling up here's the seven and then you guys are probably bored and want to start sewing like I do but I'm gonna finish this anyway so I go down with the seven travel down bringing in the nine previous stitching lines that's what I'm matching out plus the point of the ninety degree on the corner every day okay and then I'm going up to nine and then up here and then I'm on my last one of my eleven again previous stitching lines I don't know how my ankle is cuz you guys have a different view than I do you right above and you might be more accurate and then my point and I stitched down okay so that's a long way to stitch down but that's okay and that's what it's made for this is a complete half circle but you know like it says in the instructions you don't start with it like this and it's because of things like that you know if you designed it like this which some of these rulers are designed like this and they make you have to pivot and that's what I don't want to do because you lose this that's why it's still a half circle but this becomes so important and in the instructions I make it so clear right here where I say don't do this don't do this don't do this this is correct or this is correct if you go from top to bottom or up and down whatever so pay attention to that alright so basically you do this and you go across the whole quilt and that's it and it's gonna be beautiful okay so that's how you use the fans and you'll see me so the mountain just a minute I'm gonna start down here from bottom left I'm gonna go left to right and I'm gonna go from bottom to top okay as I told you before you could go from top to bottom you could go from any direction you want but basically I'm gonna I'm gonna start from bottom left I'll show you why as we get there so first thing to remember is you want to be able to read the number all the etching is on the back and that helps to grip you want to read the number and we're looking for the right angle and that's going to go in the corner of our work at the bottom that corner so I'm lining up the right angle vertical and horizontal the first thing that we're gonna do when we do this is we're going to stitch down so remember going left to right we're gonna go down up down up down so that means you have to start up here and basically you're going to put your template at the corner and line up your hopping foot where it's supposed to go which is right there and now I'm going to take a stitch and lock I'm gonna bring up my bobbin thread I'm gonna lock my stitches however you want to lock them and remember the first thing we're going I've got my ruler base on don't forget that ruler bases on under here first thing that we're gonna do remember is go down [Music] okay when we get here we're getting ready to use the five but we're gonna have to travel over so I usually grab my next template and I use my template to push myself over we're going over about an inch and then from here basically you just want to go over far enough to where you can get your new corner to line up in your corner so you're always lining up on your first one you're always lining up these the horizontal and the vertical line okay here we go okay next is our seven so we're gonna have to travel up about an inch here we go so I'm lining up once again I'm lining up my corner in the corner vertical and horizontal and we're going down okay touch next is gonna be the mind so I'm going to use that template to help push myself over and stay on my line once again I am matching up a vertical and horizontal the 90 degree angle at the corner at the bottom-left of the quilt [Music] okay next is the 11 which is the last one so travel up guesstimate and once again put your angle on the corner so if we're matching up and I walk my fingers as I need it this is the same as using any other ruler remember how far you can go and be careful of not hitting your rulers okay so we've done our first one next is going to be the 3 mm the thing about this is do you remember when I said we'll get with to go down first that means as soon as you finish your last one you're gonna travel back up and kind of guesstimate how much you need to go now I'm gonna put my three down I need to go up a little bit more okay so now I don't the line that I have now is this horizontal line but now see these three dots that's my previous stitching line so this corner right here I'm putting this corner it needs to be at the corner of where you last stitched the straight line goes with your edge and then the dot dot dot is from your previous stitch okay so I'm matching all of that and I will say this three is really small so be careful be careful not to run over it take your time okay so we went down go into the five I'm gonna use the five to travel over about an inch a little bit more okay and remember on this one I'm lining up this horizontal line and I'm using these this previous stitching dot okay so that goes in the corner of where we started this set we started this set right there okay I can see there's my stitching line there's my other line here we go okay now I'm gonna switch to the seven we need to travel up so carefully go over your stitching lines there and again I'm putting the corner the corner and the horizontal line matched and then my previous stitching line I'm not sure what cameras getting this very well but we'll hopefully one of them okay now when you do this you know be careful if you put all of your pressure on the template itself I'm falling off of my roller base so remember basics of ruler work and keep your tension your your pressure up here while you were hopping foot is up here I mean line everything up but by all means don't be pressing down on this part of the template just give you give light pressure up here towards the top and we've gone down okay okay and we're gonna move over about an inch this is the nine okay so I'm matching this corner this the spot that's our spot where we always start and we're making sure that our previous stitching line is underneath there I'm 411 see here same thing nothing is different we're just matching lines everybody why it's because look did you notice I have my pressure down here do as I say not as I do down there we go huh okay next so you see how it would go the next thing I would do is put my three down what I want to show you is what to do when we get to the next row okay so to start the next row you're going to start at the top you're going to do the same thing we did before except now your line you're going to have your vertical line and then you're going to have your dot dot dot from the previous stitching so you put the corner of the 90 degree angle right at the corner of where that top fan is okay remember we always go down up down up down up down here we go and again be careful with the small one it's not much there - hold on - okay so we're traveling over we've got the five here you will get an eye for this how far to travel over and remember we're lining up the vertical and then the point and the previous stitching here we go previous stitching vertical endpoint again I've got my point on vertical line and now I've got this stitching line and that stitching line okay so I'm trying to line all of those things up okay still got multiple stitching lines to use as a reference and our point and okay okay so we finished our first one on their second road now remember we go down up down up down so it's really easy for you to think you're going to travel over this way first but that that's not correct we need to go back up first travel over though those lines try to do it freehand look it's a little sloppy sorry about that okay so now what I'm looking for is curved lines plus the point so I want both of my stitching lines plus the point I no longer have a vertical and horizontal I just have the point and previous stitching okay so there we go [Music] switch to r7 a guesstimate okay so again I'm looking at the corner and I'm looking at the previous stitching lines that's what I have to go by [Music] okay now our seven just did the best to stay as close as you can on those lines when you travel over them so again I'm I'm most concerned about the point and then all of my previous stitching lines and I've got this arc and this arc here okay take it nice and slow okay here's the nine okay so previous stitch previous stitch corner and get them the best you can I went a little far okay now our last one so you can see how even though it's a half circle we use we use all of it even though this is the basic fan part here because these get quite wide as we move up towards the bigger sizes and can do a complete fan pattern okay so previous stitch can you see the previous stitch previous stitch corner okay I'm going pretty slow and you can see I've already made some mistakes but you were with me on but still it's starting to look really great I think I'm just gonna start this last one with you and remember what do you remember here hopefully you'll remember because I forgot for a long time I don't go this way first I have to go up first because the pattern is down up down up down alright so I'm just grabbing any template I so I'm going up first just handing okay there's our three and again previous stitching lines that's what I'm looking for those and the point of that 90 degree angle the the corner okay traveled here's my five previous stitching lines corner good [Music] previous stitch previous stitch corner okay it's not exactly perfect but close enough for me [Music] cut off a little bit there we go okay I'm finishing this one there we go so I did make a few baubles I realize that but for the most part I'm happy with this and you can see how easy it is once you get a rhythm down and you go a little faster maybe than I was going you know it's it creates a beautiful texture and I think it's just so easy with these templates to do it you know if I don't have a computerized machine if I did I would certainly go ahead and have a computer stitches out but this has been the most successful that I have done with doing all of this freehand and I'm quite happy with it you could do a whole quilt and I mean you could definitely get it done on a day and several hours so anyway that's the Fab Five fans and you can get those on my website ok I hope you're having a great day and I look forward to seeing you again next time [Music]
Channel: Michael Davison
Views: 2,282
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: Quilting, Longarm Quilting, Machine Quilting, Long Arm Quilting, Quilting with Rulers, Ruler Work, Michael Davison, Michael Quilts, Crosshatching, Quilts, Quilting Machine, Custom Quilting, Innova Longarm, Longarm Quilting with, Rulers, Quilt Co, Free Motion Quilting, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, Longarm Tutorial, Longarm Class, Quilting Class, Online Quilting Class, Stitch in the Ditch, Baptist Fans, Baptist Fan Rulers, Quilt Baptist Fans
Id: 2-vUJhLRWAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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