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hey everyone it's michael look at this great quilt i am so glad that i got this in the mail from my client carrie uh she sent me a picture of it before she sent it just to make sure i wanted the quilt that i said of course i do um it's a paper piece quilt i think it's a deb carassic pattern um you may ask yourself okay how do i quilt one of these custom quilting and of course she lets me do whatever i want so um it's paper pieced and if you look at it you can tell there's a lot of pieces which means something there's going to be a lot of seams um so that's something to consider and what kind of quilting do we want to do on this well what is the main focus of this quilt in my opinion it's probably the quilt itself it's the pattern it's the paper piecing so while i want to add some great things to it i don't want to compete with the main focus of the quilt which is this dynamic paper piecing curved seams etc right so okay but i have some great ideas for it one thing is um i will be stitching in the ditch for most of this so that's a lot of stitching in the ditch so i'm going to use rulers of course so what i have here i'm probably going to use the straight 12 because it's my go-to that will be for these longer seams that i use um for these um spikes in the curved area piecing area here like this would be like what you'd see for a new york beauty or pickle dish or a double wedding ring um those kind of things um i could go to the straight eight because that's a pretty good that's a pretty good length um the ditch everything mini is a little too small for this but anyway so i'm probably going to alternate between the straight 12 and the straight eight for those spikes okay um for the curve for this inside curve i found that the 10 is probably going to be the bet let me turn off these lights real quick so i don't have too much glare um i think i'm going to use the 10 that looks really close to me um for the outside curve i found the curve at 20 to be the closest it's not perfect though um the 16 is too shallow so probably an 18 would be great i don't have an 18 maybe i'll make one as my next project um so i'm gonna but i'm going to use the 20 and i'm just going to pivot as i need to um for that outside part okay so i'm using the curve at 20 the curve at 10 the straight 12 and maybe the straight eight um that's for all of this ditch work um so um the next thing is all right well what is my overall plan besides stitching in the ditch so i think i want to have all of the colored pop up and normally you would think lighter fabrics would come closer to you and the darker fabrics would recede and then you can also think about warmer colors coming closer and cooler colors we're seeing but what i'm going to do is probably quilt more densely in the background fabric which you can see it here i considered following some of those lines of the background fabric see how it's got the pattern um but i may maybe too busy so i'll probably do some pebbling or something dense okay so i've been stitching along here for a little bit and i decided to go with the straight eight it's seems to be like the perfect length for these um the pressure i'm putting um on the ruler is when i'm starting up here at the top here um it's mostly right here by the hopping foot like i've told you before you need to have the most pressure wherever that hopping foot is or at least have control my thumb is down here towards the end of the seam so i may or may not move my fingers at all if anything i might just move a little bit as i come down but you should be able to have full control of this span it's only about like four and a half inches um that should be doable but go slow and walk your fingers if you're new and you want to you know take it slow what i was going to tell you is that in the point of all of these i'm approaching it now i'm talking about this point right here there are a lot of seams coming here and a couple of times on the previous smoke or two i get a real loud sound my needles trying to get through all of that and i did get a reset message on one of them where so my machine just stopped right at that point and um if that happens to you well what i do on the anova is um attempt the hand crank and try to pull my needle up that usually works there's a reset option um i'm not sure whatever machine you're working on the best thing to do is to not try to keep sewing with the machine because obviously it stopped for a reason so try to get the needle up manually and move your machine just a little bit and then see if you can get back to stitching the normal okay so um what i'm going to do instead of going all the way to that point is i'm just gonna barely put like a sixteenth to an eighth of an inch as my guide for where i wanna stop because i do not want to break my machine and it will still look good for the quilt so i'm not too concerned but my goal since i know that's a problem area is going to be to try to avoid it a little bit okay this ditch work is it's a little off but i'm okay with that i don't know why i think i can talk and sew at the same time i'll do it a lot don't i okay so um you're probably noticing i'm using this whole spike or spoke as my guide i had contemplated just doing the dark here but um i changed my mind because i'm going to put some sort of fill in this whole long spike and i didn't want to put it just there so uh who knows i mean it's up to you if you have a quilt like this it's uh your choice unless your customer tells you what you want or if you're doing it for yourself it's your choice [Music] but yeah i'm finding these lengths are perfectly fine not to walk my fingers um i'm still pivoting if i need to if i don't have it perfectly straight okay now i'm gonna come to the inside also up to you when you want to switch and go left side right side with your rulers see that's a problem spot too i can hear my machine wanting to stall but i made it through there you hear that um so once again that's just a hazard or something to look out for when you're doing a paper piece quilt like this with all these points um and not even just paper pieced any any quilt that has a lot of points a lot of seams coming together um let's think about like an eight-pointed star the center of it at all costs try to avoid the very center um and do some quilting that doesn't um cause you to go there um which brings up something interesting too um here i go talking to you the whole thing about pressing seams you know you're either in the camp of you like to press them open or like to go to one side or you don't really care but some people are really insistent on the way that they press their seams and you're gonna need to adjust your quilting to that um because there are really times where pressed to one side seams will cause you a little bit of a hazard with your quilting just like these points do uh depending on how many intersections are coming in pressed to one side so if all of this was pressed to this side which it is there's point there's there's just lots of fabric right here um so the idea is if you press open you're kind of distributing that weight and you don't have this bump you have a gradual bump that takes up a half of an inch instead of a extreme bump that takes up a quarter inch if that makes sense but i'm not here to tell you to press your seams open i'm just saying what to look out for as your long arm quilting or quilting on your home machine too if you haven't already encountered these kind of things i know talk to some people or to you guys as if you are new but i know that a lot of you are not so just take what what i say with a grain of salt um and perhaps i might say something that makes sense you're like oh never thought about that or perhaps i might say something you're like oh what an idiot and do it the way you want okay so i'm just going along here um nothing super exciting and you can see my stitch in the ditch is not in the ditch it's just slightly off sometimes i go right in the ditch sometimes i don't um but in the whole scheme of things it's pretty good and if i really if i stop talking i will usually a little bit better sometimes sometimes not um what i didn't mention is that um i'm using glide 40 on the top and t i told you it wasn't teal the bottom i've been using glide 60 for my bobbin thread or um bottom line from superior but lately i've been going completely with glide so i use glide 60 in the bottom bobbin and 40 on top the bobbin is a it's also kind of a teal color that i'm using and i'm not going to change that at all because you can probably see the backing fabric or i'll show it to you in a minute but um the only time i would change it is if it pops up here in this lighter color um if i'm using white or any of these lighter colors um if i'm seeing bobbin pop-ups from the bottom uh then well first i'm going to try to adjust my tension so i don't get the pop-ups but if i do then i will consider changing the bobbin thread color we'll see how that goes when i get to it and then also i'm using one layer of quilter's dream wool today only because i had it and this is not a huge quilt this quilt is um let's see 53 inches square and i just happen to have some wall that fit perfect so that's what i'm using um so the wall is going to give me a little bit more loft and i wanted that because i want some of these spokes and things to have more dimension um all right let's get back to quilting straight lines okay i've got more to say um what i was gonna say is that i just started thinking about baptist fans while i'm doing this because um a lot of you know me as the baptist fan guy and would i use baptist fans on this i don't know probably not even though i say that baptist fans are good for quilts that are real busy scrappy quilts things like that it's just that this particular quilt has so much design and so many uh things that i want to emphasize that baptist fans would not do it justice i think it would be too busy also uh so no i wouldn't use those on this i would do exactly what i'm doing lots of intense time consuming ruler work oh look okay um sorry so look um this this seam i didn't do this obviously so uh carrie i don't know if carrie sewed this or if she purchased this um she i think she bought this actually so um whoever pieced it the seam is coming up and i'm going to just quilt right over it because that is my line i'm going to make sure that i'm right on there and i'm going to quilt it down um if that's that that may or may not be what you would do but watch me do it i'm quilting right over that i'm making sure that i am on the correct side of that seam okay so i just fixed the problem i don't think that looks bad at all um sure it's a 16th or a 32nd inch away from the the seam but at least now this is secure and there's not going to be a hole um okay so didn't notice that until just now um lots of little details are hard to see when you first inspect the 12th and that certainly is not something i saw before yeah i think carrie bought this quilt on ebay um because she sews some of her own and then she buys quilts and has them quilted she is just all about any kind of quilt she wants them in her home so i think she really liked this pattern sorry carrie if i gave away a secret that you didn't sew it secret's out now on the four corners of this quilt um inside the border i'm simply ditching the border and then doing a quarter inch echo on the inside of the um of the inside part not the border once i have ditched the border and done the quarter inch on the inside i'm putting um a swirl fill okay so now really at this point i'm gonna stop talking and uh put on some music for you and let you just enjoy the quilting for about five minutes anyway before we get to the next section that i want to explain just to let you know towards the end of the video i am showing some pictures of the completed quilt and you will notice some elements that i do not talk about or film so if you have questions about anything that you see or you know the rulers that i'm using you know i design my own rulers so i can answer questions about my rulers um and ruler work in general but if you have any questions leave them in the comments and i will do my best to answer them asap okay so enjoy here we go [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] what i'm going to do right now is a stitch in the ditch on the other side of this striped curve shape so i'm going to do this and then i'm going to kind of highlight this v in the orangey section um but i'm going to take it out to here and come back in so it's going to super pronounce this v and then i'm going to come back here and um finish the stitch in the ditch now that's all i'm doing here because i'm going to go back later with white thread and i'm going to be ditching all of the white shapes so this will will get the ditch during the next color okay so i'm using the big uh 30 on this one uh it's not a perfect match but it works for this okay so i'm here at that v and i'm just gonna switch and take this line all the way out i'm going to stitch down and then come back in to finish outlining this v same thing on the side okay i'll finish the curve so this is one time where i'm going to break thread and stop here okay so i do that with each of those sections sometimes it's just the way it's gonna happen um so i don't mind putting in the extra effort for that so i'm doing this to each one of those okay so um here's where things kind of look scary like wow what a nightmare what am i gonna do with this um so i have ditched this huge um skinny star first and now i think i may have told you um in all of the white i'm putting um i'm gonna use white thread and i'm gonna actually pebble it i'm gonna sink that down so how to go about doing that um i don't want to do a bunch of starts and stops but i'm probably gonna have to so while i'm on the interior part and i'm not going to do these but i'm going to start with this shape here um these uh i'm going to treat this like a diamond wedge until i mean at least up till here so that means i'm gonna ditch in here like that do you see that pattern that i'm making um i'm gonna go here here here here here here fill it in with my pebbles and then yeah i'm probably i'm gonna break thread and start again here um i don't know that i want to have white ditching here so i'm probably going to break thread and do each of these sets of i'm going to call them wings for now once i get to this ring which is just almost out i mean it still includes the very tip of these long spokes of the star um i can do this all the way around the quilt i mean all the way around that ring so i can do that ditching and do the inside ditching and fill my pebbles there so that's the one time that i can go continuous but then when i get back out here i'm gonna have to do the same thing that i did on the other side and i will probably treat these as a set of wings ditch around and pebble inside break through and come back i don't know i may change my mind and see what it looks like to do just that little part of it looks like like half and three quarters of an inch or so i may but i'll get to that when i get to it okay here we go [Music] okay so i'm doing a basic um one inch piano keyboarder and um when i'm traveling down i don't have my ruler lines um to help me because i like to keep my ruler you know as you know in front of the hopping foot more closer towards me i don't like to put it back here so um what i do when i'm on this side is i use my ruler lines to measure how far down to go so i'm getting ready to go across okay now when i get to this side i always go back and and come forward again um on the side that i would have skipped and that's because i like to give whoever's going to bind this quilt i like to give them a nice stitch line all the way around the quilt on the edge besides just the basting stitch um to help with with binding so that's a little added thing that i do either do that for yourself or for your client um it's it's really nice okay so now that i'm across here i'm gonna use my ruler lines and i'm gonna just travel down uh to the next inch mark okay so this is super easy peasy and go uh now when i'm on this side i don't go back because we're not talking about binding here um so i'm just stitching in the ditch here uh using the ruler going down an inch going across and then once again i do that little go back so that i hit that inch so whoever's binding can have an easier time and then back down here so this is super simple but um when i do that on on the the whole perimeter of it but um anyway this is how i handle this side because typically i go ahead and i do my border piano key the whole thing so i advance the quilt some people you may do things completely in rows across and take care of your border and then go back but this is the last um bit that i'm using the same color thread so i'm just doing the whole thing so there's inevitably going to be one side while i'm traveling down the rest of it i can use my ruler lines and go back and forth and then um up okay so this is the only side that i need to do this not much more to explain about a piano key border since it's just a simple one-inch one that never changes all right so this was a really fun quilt to quilt thank you carrie and paper piece quilts do have their challenges but they're not unlike any other quilt with lots of intersections and small pieces it's just a matter of planning how you want to you know tackle it and had i done it again i actually would have added a little bit more quilting and i didn't film everything that i quilted but what i did i was glad to share with you and i hope you enjoyed so i will see you next time and i hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday season [Music] you
Channel: Michael Davison
Views: 3,440
Rating: 4.968504 out of 5
Keywords: Quilting, Longarm Quilting, Machine Quilting, Long Arm Quilting, Quilting with Rulers, Ruler Work, Michael Davison, Michael Quilts, Crosshatching, Quilts, Quilting Machine, Custom Quilting, Innova Longarm, Longarm Quilting with, Rulers, Quilt Co, Free Motion Quilting, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, Longarm Tutorial, Longarm Class, Quilting Class, Online Quilting Class, Stitch in the Ditch, Paper Pieced Quilt, Deb Karasik, Medallion Quilt, Glide Thread, Quarter Squared
Id: tbIkztfGoaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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