WAVE IT® ONE Machine Quilting Ruler - Longarm and Domestic

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hey everybody it's michael i've got a new video for you today today we're going to talk about rulers and i'm going to introduce you to the waveit one and how to use it and again as always if you enjoy this content please like subscribe and get notified and all this information can be found on my website michaelquilts.com okay as i mentioned in the intro we're going to look at the waveit one today okay this is the newest ruler i have and it's the first in the wave series and um it's got two waves the gentle larger wave on the top and then a little bit more turbulent down here more character smaller waves okay so i'm going to show you how to stitch out both of these today and then gives you some ideas of how you can use the ruler in various ways all right here we go can you see that there i hope you can okay so we've got needle stop here where the arrow is and needle stop here and um we have this line right here which is the stitching line then i have a half inch line below it and that's the same on both sides whichever way you you use you've got a stitching line so you know where you're going to be stitching and you can line this ruler up with marked lines if you'd like and then i have a half inch below there all right so um i'm going to place the ruler down now i have marked this fabric with disappearing ink so i'm not sure how long it'll last let's hope it gets through filming but i've basically marked it in two inch markings all the way across to where i'm going to stop on this sample piece right first thing we're going to do is line up the line on my marked line and nestle the hopping foot right there where um needle stop starts and i'm just going to start stitching very slow let's see let me change my stitches per inch i like to do 10 just my favorite some people like 11 12. uh 10 is my favorite okay and here we go okay nice and slow i've got my ruler base on and my ruler foot don't forget that i'm walking my fingers as you can see trying to keep my [Applause] reference line on the marked line okay and now i'm at the end so i stop here i slide the ruler all the way over and nestle the hopping foot back into where needle stop says get this lined up with my reference line and continue nice and slow walk the fingers as you go you'll get faster of course as you use it more okay stop when it stops okay so i've just produced a really seamless line uh where you can't tell where the ruler stopped and started so it's got a nice seamless continuous wave and the main goal is to just do what we always do with rulers which is you're pulling um the machine towards you so it you're kind of what i always call kissing it making sure your hopping foot kisses with the side of the ruler just a nice gentle pull while you're moving the machine the direction you need to go okay so right now it's a gentle push towards me and the ruler and also moving all right so i'm at the end um i can choose to either break thread and and start all over on the other side or we can go back the other direction so let me grab a straight ruler now this side oops this side's not going to be perfect but um that's okay i can see my next reference line uh so i'm just going to stitch up to it it's right there okay i'm going to place the um template back into where the hopping foot is nestled in and i'm going to use my reference line for stitching that i can see it's i know it's almost disappearing so if you can't see it i apologize um but trust me it's right there okay now we're going to go back same principles i'm walking my fingers i am pulling the machine towards me gently and moving towards the left and i stop there so you see we're creating a really beautiful wavy channel so it can be a channel it could be waves just all over the quilt [Applause] i'll show you how i use it for feather spines it can be used for scalloped borders i'm stopping there okay so um this is a nice beautiful wavy design and right now it's even meaning it's the same wave two inches apart so it creates a nice even consistent effect which is one way to go and then i'll show you how you might uh change it up different ways if you don't want that even effect and you just want kind of scattered wavy lines i'm just going to create sort of a border here with straight line i've got i've gone up to the next one let's do one more to go across to see how pretty this pattern comes out okay so same principles nestling the hopping foot right there at needle stop you can't go anywhere else and um i've got my reference line all the way across okay walking my fingers gentle kissing of the hopping foot and the ruler stopping it needle stop you got this it's easy um not too much to to worry about there as long as you go nice and slow um and keep the pressure on your the fingers closest to the hopping foot and the ruler base which is you know right here so that um this doesn't flip up because this is a lengthy ruler it's 12 inches and it could go up if you if you're not like keeping the pressure over here it's going to start flying up so you want the pressure closest to the hopping foot where you are sewing towards the end sometimes i don't walk all the way over to the very end but i am aware of what's happening and i don't let their worth fly up so see like right here i can leave my fingers where they are but as they get to the end i'm still cautious of what's happening with the pressure okay so there um let's do one more so that we can go back and then look at the design that we created okay going back reference lines um when i first started quilting on the long arm i did a lot of t-shirt quilts it's how i kind of got used to operating my machine and while by doing that i just got a little bit off because the line was so disappeared that disappeared i didn't see it right while doing that um you know i was doing some basic designs i was doing a lot of just straight line quilting on them and then i started doing these alternating rows with the t-shirts and um i did some wavy lines and uh i it was it was probably um that where i liked oh okay there's different things you can do with these waves sure you can freehand wavy lines but if you want some consistency a template is the way to go okay there can you see that hopefully you can let me um get my edge here oh there so you can see the nice wavy pattern all the way across okay so there's that one um let's stitch out the other side we'll do it the same way while my lines are still visible they're almost gone i really do like the disappearing ink i um i don't know what's wrong with me but sometimes my blue marks be gone uh okay so i'm doing sorry i'm doing the same thing here it's just there's more waves to it so i'm gonna go a little bit slower um the blue marks be gone sometimes i have trouble getting it out i know it's supposed to be the best thing ever sometimes it doesn't come out for me and so i'm careful um about what i use and um i recommend a test every time oops i just got off did you see that um sometimes if you're not paying attention like and i was talking i thought i'm not sure what i'm gonna say next um i went away from the ruler i let it go away so um it happens um don't let it happen to you if you can help it so i've got to get myself back on track here uh i'm going to adjust it a little bit okay sorry about that yeah i wasn't um letting the ruler kiss with my hopping foot uh anyway marking yeah lately i really love the air erasables and chalk uh i've been enjoying chalk but it all depends on the fabric really doing the test okay so we're going back this side would make such pretty flowery vines that you could put some embellishment on as soon as we stitch out a couple more rows i'm going to show you some things that we could do with it anyway i just think um these are beautiful and stopping there sliding over reference line walk your fingers now if your machine doesn't like to stitch to the left and just start every time start a new row every time i'm really lucky um my nova will stitch anywhere i want now it depends on the thread i'm using to be honest with you though i will be honest about that but as long as i've got good tension i'm using thread that i can depend on that i know how it works like this combination today is i've glide thread in the top um and then i have glide 60 in the bobbin but even if i was using bottom line or whatever i just tend to like my thicker thread in the top and my thinner thread in the bottom i used to be a quilter that used the exact same thread in the top and the bottom and that is beautiful too um but uh the last year or so i tend to get the best results out of a 40 on the top and 60 in the bottom so that's what i have today and it's what my machine who i've named morris hi denise if you're watching morris uh and that is for my favorite designer william morris um morris likes that combination and so i give more somebody likes but i use other threads too it's just i have to finagle with them a little bit sometimes okay so uh should we get one more in there i don't have a reference line up there but uh now i guess we'll just stop right there um now let's put one more getting real close to the edge of mine but that is okay all right um i don't think you need me to tell you what i'm doing i think you got the idea keeping the line underneath if if you're using reference lines in a little bit i'll show you just some freehand um here we go so i will say just keeping mindful of that kissing concept um not letting your hopping foot get away from this from the ruler is important when you've got so many little little waves there okay so we've done the waves let me show you okay so here's what we've got let me turn off funny how turning off the light sometimes gives you better sight at least you can see the texture here there all right so now what i want to do is um just show you how cool it can be to create some extra channels okay i'm going to stitch about a half inch up from the first line to create a channel you can mark this ahead of time if you want [Applause] or you could sort of eyeball it but do the same thing you just did before it's just a different um a different line that you're you're using you're using the same ruler the i mean the rule of the exactly the same way as you started but um you know if you want to play a little bit with [Applause] spacing and what you could do so what i wanted to do with that was just um create a channel um i'm gonna put a fill in it this time it's going to be circles it could be anything but i kind of wanted to see how circles would look in this sample and maybe you're doing it all over with you know creating channels with this and certain channels have this circle design and then you've got rows without and then you go back to it or you alternate with some other fills if you like well you can see mine are organic remember my circles aren't perfect okay so there's your filled channel if you could see that okay so um now i'm starting in the middle of the ruler with this center vertical line and i'm putting it um where i had started here before okay and so i'm giving myself a reference line down here and i'm going to create pods so it's just offsetting the ruler so once i get the first one started then i can just go back to normal and stitch just like before just keep your eye on your your lines stop it needle stop move it down just like before walk your fingers hop and foot and rule or kiss all the basics that you already know and we'll finish it out okay and that would be my side um and now i'm going to take it down about three quarters of an inch oh gotta keep it this way i'm taking it down about three quarters of an inch and um i'm putting the center line again on this side where i started before and i'm going to go back so again i'm creating this channel on the outside stopping it needle stop shifting it over and here we go [Applause] whoops and last segment okay so um i've just created this pod um and let's say i want to fill those with something else um which maybe we're gonna do let's just say we do wish bones and of course they get much bigger in the center you could space it however you like you can put anything you want in here you could put swirls you could put straight lines whatever i'll kind of do a little ziggy zaggy uh i'll just keep um keep going with with which keep going with wishbones to keep it somewhat consistent so i can use this piece as a sample oops that's what you don't want to do um if this were someone's quilt i'd rip that out but it's my sample and i think i can disguise it when i put some circles in that channel if i can keep them in the channel i am going right to left which isn't my favorite but when it has to be done i can do it remember we talked about which uh the machines if they like to stitch to the left or not they didn't ask you if you like to stitch to the left or not most of us like to stitch from left to right okay so i'm putting circles in this channel so just like with everything it's a combination of rulers and templates with free motion that i think are the most exciting okay so we've created pods i think that looks good okay so there is our filled pod our pods um which i think would be beautiful over a quilt just using the wave template and some fills okay all right let's go on to spines okay this time let's use the larger side and create a stem or a spine for feathers so i'm pretending like this is a border and i'm just going to stitch down like we did before now i'm going vertical going down the needle stop i'm actually using the edge here as a guide with one of my lines here okay so let's just finish this stem and go down until i can't go any further so this has just produced a beautiful curved line that's consistent that can act as a spine for for your feathers or other other designs too florals flowers and and other things that a spine or a stem would be good for all right um do i want to go on both sides and quilt it all at once all right we'll try okay so that's gonna be my first fat feather i said i was gonna quilt on both sides but i didn't so here we go okay so i'm just using the wave as my guide you know how i do my feathers i think if you've seen me um i split the difference meaning i come when i finish the feather i come up and i split the difference here on that v and go out go out and then i come back in all the way down the spine i'm going to split the difference here come back down into now i'm not doing um these perfect and i'm not using the space like i usually do or i'm like i'll show you when i get to the widest point um and i'm sure you've seen some designs where you can add in some extra feathers and fill on that space a little bit better but this just um this isn't about feathers this is really more about the spine and how pretty it is with this beautiful curved shape okay i'm going to use the smaller side and create a wavier line just going down this which could represent a border or sashing i didn't mark it i'm just going freehand here okay so um at this point um things are probably just a little bit smaller or let's let's see what else we could do um yeah we could do some leads [Music] so so [Applause] okay got a little bit off of the stem there and now it's starting to look a little messy but when you do it you won't be messy like me i'm out of reach here i'm not at a comfortable angle where i'm sewing but uh that's my excuse for today [Laughter] okay so um this looks like a lot of thread buildup um because of the contrasting thread but if it's matching it shouldn't be too bad you see it there okay one more i'm gonna use the small side again and just create a nice stem and we'll just do tiny feathers on this one i'm gonna do it on just one side okay and let's say we want to go back down the stem right over the liner close to it i'm not too concerned when it's organic and it's better than flowers but here we go pretty close okay okay so there you've got um big feathers little leaves and little feathers well for the rest of the footage that i filmed it's really just me playing um and using the larger side of the template to create some waves in the border of this sample that i stitched out for you that i will take around with me and teach with so um i hope you've enjoyed the wave it one and have some ideas for what you can do with it besides just wavy lines but just wavy lines are fantastic here's what the sample piece looked like in the end and um anyway it's available right now in the shop michaelquiltz.com and i hope everyone is doing well and i can't wait to see you next time bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Michael Quilts
Views: 1,268
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Quilting, Longarm Quilting, Machine Quilting, Long Arm Quilting, Quilting with Rulers, Ruler Work, Michael Davison, Michael Quilts, Crosshatching, Quilts, Quilting Machine, Custom Quilting, Innova Longarm, Longarm Quilting with, Rulers, Quilt Co, Free Motion Quilting, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, Longarm Tutorial, Longarm Class, Quilting Class, Online Quilting Class, Stitch in the Ditch, wave it one, wave it, wave ruler, wave template
Id: 6U23k2S-y-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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