Longarm Quilting: Ruler Work for Beginners Online Class (Part 2)

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I like to start right here okay now this one this is what if we were in class I would say okay now we don't have lines anymore we have marks can you see the tick marks hopefully you can and the cameras these are just tick marks and you could do various things with the tick marks the first thing I would have you do is outline the block so you're gonna get used to this now I don't know if you saw what I just did I kept my fingers on the ruler and I moved it all as one unit instead of walking my fingers sliding that walking meant whatever I kept everything as one that's something that you might get comfortable with doing at some point try it if you want to I'm walking my fingers down here on this part because that's what feels the best to me oops I overshot that one okay now we're going to go up [Applause] I'm over oK we've outlined our block so this is what I would have you come down here and I would have you stop the needle at the mark then this is where we would start our aiming skills so if you have this ruler which you would if you're in my class then you could use that needle stop and figure that out but let's say you don't have a ruler with needle stop you have a standard straightedge your goal is to I it and be a quarter inch away from the mark sometimes if you have a block you could use other lines like I could use this vertical line here to match up with this this vertical line here I should be pretty close that's probably what I would do I would start there and then here we go we would just start stitching Oh freedom no lines to follow but as you get closer to the mark you wanna you might have to adjust a little bit okay I was a hair below it but fine that's perfect I still call that perfect Thank You Emerson if you hear someone outside okay and then we would do the same thing go the other direction and really it's just about trying to see if you can I that quarter of an inch and I told you before if you're a quilter a quarter of an inch that comes up a lot doesn't it there we go that's pretty good so work on your block and see if you can go across be pretty close to those lines now remember I've marked them for you so I'm not using the ruler like we talked about before using the ruler to create lines with no marking this is still marking it's just not marked full lines it stick marked okay come down to the next tick mark stay a quarter inch away I had to adjust that one this line is not really straight but close enough right okay we're going to backtrack over the perimeter and now I'm at this mark so now we're going to do our best at eying verticals here we go and travel over next tick mark shoot for a quarter inch away from the tick mark on the bottom you're gonna find your speed increases when you're not following an exact line in probability same things apply though as far as the technique with pressure keeping the pressure closest to that hop in foot even though I I'm leaving my hands where they are I'm adjusting my pressure as I get to it and I think you will understand that the more you use their rulers here we go [Applause] there you've just done cross-hatching look at that okay so practice another one or if you'd like when you get to this one and let's say you've outlined it you could do diagonals you could try to hit the marks going diagonally you could try some random marks that aren't necessarily on any regular pattern just see if you can hit a mark somewhere going in different directions my just trying to get that ruler to be a quarter inch away from that tick mark over here what my pinkie is might have to adjust there we go okay so use those three blocks to do what you'd like more cross hatching or just dot-to-dot and then I'm gonna advance the quilt that I'm going to show you what we're gonna do next okay here we go now this block you'll notice a bunch of numbers on it and what I want you to do is go to number one which is upper left corner so it goes one there's a two down here there's a three there's a four there's a five there's a six of seven there's eight and then then nine the one in the nine share the top-left corner so we're doing a dot 2 dot lots of ruler work has dot-to-dot and continuous that's what we're looking for without backtracking so the first thing that we always do might not do it again outline your block remembering all of the skills we talked about pressure walking our fingers eyeing the quarter-inch where we think it is not stressing out okay so I'm at number one mm-hmm number twos down here so here we go pivoting emerson's whining at something out the window pivoting I need my glasses sorry I can't see that well without them whoops bump the camera okay so here we go one two two so you know I'm trying to get about a quarter inch away from hitting that number two here we go and if you find when you get towards it that you're not there just pivot a little bit more it'll still look like one continuous line because it is okay one two to three is up here okay here we go who I was off on that for is the middle of the left side five is the bottom right corner you're doing good six is up here at the top in the middle look can you tell them we're making something seven is bottom left eight is middle of the right side remember nine is where we started it's the same as the one there you go look you guys we made a star that cool so just like with free motion a lot of times when were using our rulers the the fewest amount of times that we can start and stop and break thread the better so if it needs to be backtracked a little bit that's good or like in this design there is no backtracking at all and there are lots of fun design as a stitch out that way so there we've just a star and you've got two more two more blocks over here if you're doing this one by yourself so stitch two more out I think you'll find it a lot of fun and we're gonna move on to the next one okay here we go moving on guess what we have to do first yes outline your block practice practice practice hopefully the more you do this the more comfortable you will feel the better coordination you will have okay all right oh hey what's going on a curve this is the curve it's nice and gentle it's based on a circle I can't remember right off the top of my head what circle this is based off of if you were to stitch it all out but my rulers like the Baptist fan set it's a three a five a seven and a nine and three five seven nine eleven that means if you have that set it'll stitch out a three inch circle five seven nine and eleven inch circle if you get my curved rulers they are even numbers so it goes six eight ten twelve and then a sixteen or twenty and a thirty and that's it so I'm trying to make it so that if you get different things for me at least you're getting a set of different sized curves okay this one I can't remember what it is off the top of my head but I will say that it matches up perfectly with this line because I designed it that way so your rule will work one on one ruler and this panel kind of go hand in hand so it's the same thing I'm looking to see that this line is about a quarter inch away from my ruler and I may have to adjust a little bit as we start but the first thing I want you to do start from top left and go down to bottom left and just watch your stitching keep here see I've got my pinky on the fabric I've got three fingers up here close to the hopping foot and the thumb down here I feel like I have good control of the ruler and most of the pressure is here and all the same things apply I'm directing towards the hopping foot here I'm pushing my machine is being pushed towards my ruler and I'm also bringing down with the handlebar here we go okay stop if you want readjust watch that stitching see how it's going I'm not having to do any readjusting here really not much at all and that is because like I said I designed this panel to go to match this ruler specifically you're not gonna be so lucky in real life in real life you may get close and you may have to do some readjustments but you can find the curve that best matches what you're working on and to be honest you can use a much smaller curve or a much larger curve and just understand that you will be pivoting it but you can get a nice smooth line and you'll see that as you work more with curved rulers okay now let's go from bottom left to bottom right doing your best to keep it nice and stable so you see that the ruler spans all the way over to here and obviously I can't put pressure over here yet because then it would flip up so I'm holding it steady but the majority of the pressure is right here near the hopping foot here we go so I'm watching I'm watching the thread to see how it's falling on that line shifting my fingers going slow trying to keep on the line there I did pretty good I hope you're working on yours too now here's something that's gonna be coming up later in your future to get this curve I need to be on the right side of the hopping foot and because I'm right-handed i guide the machine with my right hand and I hold the ruler with my left which means I'm having to put my arm over this way and there's a camera here so I'm at an awkward position this is doable but it's not as comfortable as it could be so let me grab some turbed rulers [Music] I'm gonna grab a 10 and a 12 I think I think this is based on the 12 no this is the 10 well it's oh it's in the middle that's like an 11 here's what I want to show you for later so on the ruler work 101 since it's a multi-purpose ruler I've got a straight edge and a curved I have to put the curve here on this side but if I were using one of my curb it rulers this angle this arc right here is the same as this so that means I could put it over on the left side of my hopping foot and stitch it out this way and honestly I told you this doesn't match it completely it's not perfect but I'm gonna use it and I'm gonna show you how to use it okay so I'm starting off I'm watching where I'm stitching now I can tell that I'm starting to stitch a little bit too much to the right so I'm gonna pivot this ruler slightly left take a little at a time I'm gonna pivot again now I have to pivot again I want you to watch this as I'm slowly pivoting this ruler while I'm stitching and I may move it and I'm pivoting but I'm watching it stay on the line so you see I didn't do great it's not perfect but what I was showing you is just to have the guidance without being exactly right sometimes is fine okay let's go back to the 101 though okay so that means I have to put it back here behind the hopping foot which I told you sometimes you have to and I'm okay so here we go I'm stitching and stitching and I'm having to walk my fingers just like before and I did it okay so that's using the curve and you know some the great thing about this panel is once you've stitched on the lines and done your stuff you can have fun right you can go in here and you could do some swirls and your free motion fills practice that or you could put some more ruler work in it if you want sorry I just had the need to free motion for a minute okay so we did our star dot-to-dot we've started introducing you to curves and we're going to advance the panel down and we'll get to the next box okay I advance the quilt remember practice practice practice so what are we gonna do we're gonna outline the block walkie remember going away from you that's where I tend to be looking at inside the hopping foot for where I'm stitching okay by the time you've gotten to this row you should be doing the outlines pretty well okay so ruler work when you when you get to do more ruler work you tend to ask yourself questions more often about well what's going to be my order how am I going to get from place to place even though you have to do that during free motion as well too but it seems to come up more often than ruler work and I think that's because we are taking spaces and dividing it up and putting lines and that didn't used to have lines that type of thing so this is that this is a design that we don't have to stop or break thread and you just have to kind of follow it with your finger or your brain and figure out how it's going to go so for this one we're gonna go curve curve curve curve we're gonna go straight straight straight straight straight straight straight straight straight and then a square and then we're going to finish right here that's what we're gonna break through it so we're gonna start here and finish here let's see if we did curves then we went here here here here here here here and then outline I went here uh-huh I think we can stop there see there are multiple ways to do it so let's let's try it this way first I'm going to start with the curve remember same as everything pressure and fingers and be slow and watch where the stitches adjust as needed okay we got down there this is exactly what we just did on the other blocks so more practice for you here okay we're going to this side because we don't have the true curved ruler ruler which has the same mark on both sides and now we're going up to the top same thing here if I had the curved set I would probably do it from underneath because I have the same curve on the outside as is on the inside but I'm not using that ruler right now okay so I mentioned now that we're gonna go in you know what we can do it and come back here we're gonna go in and then we're gonna do the box and then we're gonna finish these lines so I told you there are multiple ways to do it so the first thing I'm gonna do is try to get roughly a quarter inch from this line try to be parallel with that line okay here we are now you can use a big ruler for everything you don't have to switch however if you have a bunch of them around you could switch around for something small like that I love a smaller ruler so this is the ditch everything it's the little multi-purpose tool that I have it's the mini the ditch everything mini not the full size okay so go down now we're just doing what we always do straight lines just on a small scale and it's just nice to have a smaller ruler if you're doing small work like this but it's not necessary okay we've made our square so now we're back to where we were with that first line and now we're going to continue the long lines you know what we're doing oops got a little bit off on that one I'm having a good time I love quilting I'm gonna have a Bob Ross moment all the pretty little lines I love quilting it just makes me happy I love fabric I love rulers I love making the tops I love quilting just love everything about it okay so I've been talking but as you could see well I've been talking I followed the lines and I ended back where I started [Music] so yeah how'd you like that that was fun right okay so you've got two more of those to do if you find a different path take a different path if you want to this is beginning to move into what I would call more intermediate design and when you get into designs like this and perhaps you want to design your own little mini hoe cloth or a big hole cloth or whatever or you're breaking up space in the negative space of a quilt you've you've created these lines now it's time to find out well what do you want to stand out and what do you want to recess and that's where your fills would come in handy and right now I'm feeling like I want this area to have a fill so let's say we pebble it I'm just gonna do this one section since we're not really taking a Phil's class and I would probably bump up my stitches per inch because I'm stitching at ten right now and that doesn't make for the most beautiful circles okay but look at that isn't that cool and you know doing your fills and figuring out what's going to stand out and what's not so anyway I always have fun with that okay let's travel all right next next block in the set outlined you know how to do this it's the same concept all the time its pressure going towards the hopping foot your guiding hand of the Machine going towards the ruler and then moving the Machine in the direction you need to go it's all happening at the same time and before you know it you do it without thinking okay so this is a block that I have created some tick marks for you and you could do what you want if you wanted to imitate what we had just done but without the lines to follow you could certainly do that so that's what I'm going to do the first thing I'm going to do is create a curved arc that goes from top left to bottom left no line to stay on just a mark to shoot for okay so now I'm going to go from bottom left to bottom right and I'm just trying to see that my hopping foot I want it to end up right there at that corner so if I get started walking and I see that it's not going to match that I just shift it a little bit make it match okay there's a lot of freedom when you're not following a line and really you're only really following lines when you're stitching in the ditch unless you're doing some other design that you've decided you need to follow some lines okay so if we're going to imitate what we did before I'm gonna take this and go corner to the first tick mark on the left side of that little square okay the next thing we did was the square itself so I just switched rulers I'm going smaller I'm just eyeing this and I'm wanting my thread to land on that line if I had tick marks instead of a line we would just do the same thing okay we ended up there and now we're gonna go down to the bottom left corner and now we're going to go to the middle of the little square at the bottom bottom right corner and now the middle of the right side of the little square top right corner middle of the top of the little square and back up to the top left there so I'd love for you to stitch one out just like that if possible and then on your others do whatever it is that you'd like okay we're moving right along we just have two more blocks to do this is when I would pull out a ditch everything or a ditch everything many and you've got different kind of curves that might work in different kind of places you've got straight line mmm here and here so I don't know I would probably start with the mini but this is what I'd like to start with first and I could go here I could also use the edge of this ditch everything ruler to sort of get around here I do want to talk to you about rulers and how you don't have to buy every single different ruler that there is that what rulers are they're about control there's a curve there's a straight line and then there's ways of pivoting to make almost anything work out the way that you want so let's take this 10 inch ruler it's obviously not the same curve as this but if I start with it stitch a little bit move it a little bit watch do you see how I'm pivoting and I'm changing the ruler but I'm still I've stitched a pretty good line around that I'm talking to you about just having control and that's what I should probably tell you about one more thing now I sound like a Salesman okay this is another ruler if you saw the fake this is called foot control okay and this has and what my I didn't talk to you about this in this particular video but the hopping foot entrapment see how that fits over the hopping foot and now it's snug in there and then this is a hopping foot guide see how that scoots up next to there sometimes you just need something to help you guide along and you can pivot this to decide how you want to move it so watch this I'm just using this as a guide but I'm sort of free handing and pushing okay now this is more advanced but if you slide that over there and you use this as entrapment you have to be very slow and particular with this but let's say I'm starting some people have used this like mini handlebars do you see how I have taken my finger my whole hand off of the handlebars and I'm gliding this very slowly it scares me a little bit really you want one hand on your start and stop button if possible but if I'm coming down like I shouldn't have done it this way this just feels more secure to have that whole support from back here but I'm just let it helping guide this is just helping guide me okay some people like that and that's all they need is they need a little assistance or they use this side and they push the direction they need to go push the direction I need to go okay so any ruler you use it's about control I know that may sound odd but what I do on on applique is used whatever feels best for whichever shape and I'm just gonna try the edge of this ruler okay I got a little off there but that's okay and let's say that I want to go up this way well here's a curve it could be a good start and I have to adjust it so look I got way off but what what happens in the class during this part it's really about slowing down and experimenting on this applique and finding different tools and seeing what becomes comfortable to you but basically I have you outline these shapes and we could use any combination of curves that you have let's go back to this so it's it's more advanced but I wanted you to have a little taste of it because this is an introduction to ruler work and ruler work is going to come up on applique clothes if you're gonna stitch in the ditch I didn't do the leaves but I did the little flowers and then let's go to something with straight edges and I've given you three sets of each applique so let's go to what we're used to on this on this one I didn't make it a point for you to do non-stop quilting really this was about the shape the shapes of the applique or piecing this could represent a piece block which I think that's what I designed it for but if I were to do this one without stopping I probably would have started here and created my outline and then I would have see here's where I just like to work with a smaller one I would outline this entire shape oh so these are 45 degree angles which see this ruler it has the 45 degree angles on it which almost all of them do use those angles and line them up with things when you're not specifically looking at where the stitching is going you'll get pretty good results just by lining up the correct angles here that's on the 45 but more times than not you're going to be looking at the piecing and the shape and just doing your best to ditch it stay as close to it as you can it's when you're creating your own shapes and your own designs that you're going to use the lines a lot more not saying you're not going to use them for this but I like when you get to practice on a small scale like this and if you've never used your rulers before and you started at the top of this panel and you got down to here you're you've done a lot actually and that's for the beginner class okay now I noticed if I went here I would have closed myself off so if I'm working for continuous I'm gonna do this inside square on point and the ditch everything many has needle stop as you can see so if I try to put that this edge right here a quarter inch away from that corner the ruler will just stop me from quilting I went one stitch over okay oops I wasn't paying attention but it's closed okay now I've done it okay so now we've stitched around the whole thing we've stitched in the ditch for all of those shapes and of course you could fill things in as you want okay that is the bottom of the panel all right so lots of blocks to play with and get used to your rulers if nothing else if you don't have a ruler at all this is like I said this is what we use with the clasp just because it's one ruler it has a curve and it has a straight edge this has some of the same things too but if I were going to tell you what you should get first this I really like this for small work and it has lots of different functions I think I told you the three by twelve I couldn't live without I use this more than anything so these three and then I would start getting curves as you build up your your arsenal so lots of curves and then if you like certain things like the Baptist fans are probably my highest my biggest selling ruler and it's just a set go watch that video if you want a set of how to stitch out Baptist fans with rulers okay alright that's it for this class I wish I would have been teaching this to you in person and if you have any questions let me know okay next up I think I'm gonna do a custom quilt I might show you some of that quilting and I hope you all are safe and happy and healthy and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Michael Davison
Views: 5,836
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Quilting, Longarm Quilting, Machine Quilting, Long Arm Quilting, Quilting with Rulers, Ruler Work, Michael Davison, Michael Quilts, Crosshatching, Quilts, Quilting Machine, Custom Quilting, Innova Longarm, Longarm Quilting with, Rulers, Quilt Co, Free Motion Quilting, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, Longarm Tutorial, Longarm Class, Quilting Class, Online Quilting Class, Stitch in the Ditch
Id: Uour5udYdZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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