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hey everyone it's michael hey i've got something a little bit different today from my channel anyway um you know me for custom quilting and ruler work and stuff but um i'm also a regular quilter and i am a member of a guild and i happen to be assisting our vp of activities this year and we've been trying to come up with you know various things for virtual projects and every december our guild has a more of a social meeting for the holidays and oftentimes there's a make and take type project something easy that doesn't require a sewing machine um and so for this year we'll be meeting on zoom and we will be doing the um folded fabric stars which i'm sure you've probably seen all over youtube and the internet um and i mean these are great for any holiday or any anything really they're just kind of fun and this is based on scandinavian paper folding so the first thing we should think about when we're translating this is the fabric is that it started with paper and think of your fabric like paper so we are going to want our fabric to be very crisp right okay so let's talk about what we need first four strips of fabric cut minor four by sixteen i chose two and two you could do all the same fabric you could do all different you could do two and two you could do one and three you could do anything that you want i've got some examples to show at the end um and you'll need an iron for this okay um at least to start out like i think the instructions for our guild are that they're going to have their four strips ironed the way we need to and then everything else is optional however i like an iron during the process i also like a clip or two wonder clips work great even the smaller ones are better but wonder clips good i highly recommend some tweezers or any other kind of device i think vodka i don't own one but if you have one of those that will work even if you just use a straight pin but you're going to need something these help you a great deal fabric glue completely optional um i may or may not glue this sample today but i'll show you where to glue if you do okay so those are our supplies um i sprayed these already with starch and i'm pressing and i want to make sure that they are super crisp and those are pretty nice okay so first things first we're going to press them lengthwise in half and this is so that we can get a crease line for folding okay simple and fold both edges to the center this is sort of like if you're making bias tape sort of okay so i'm folding both sides in all right and then fold in half now you could do if you wanted to you could glue this you could put some uh double side fusible and stick it down you don't need to i'm not going to here i'm just going to let it be the way that it is but if you wanted it super super secure you could do that all right so we're going to do the same thing to all four of our strips all right fold in half and then fold the sides into the center [Music] okay so we folded all our strips lengthwise in half and now i want you to fold them in half the other direction but let me show you what i've done before you do that i have folded them over but not exactly in half i left about an inch showing on the bottom you don't have to do it this way this the the whole thing will work if you fold it directly in half okay so if you want to make it easier for yourself just fold it directly in half but if you want to be a little bit more uh conscientious and have things sort of more even this will not affect the final product let me just tell you that but it will make everything else more consistent if you want to do it this way so either way either fold it with about an inch showing on the bottom or fold it directly in half and press those edges when you fold them you want these folds to have a nice crease in them okay now turn them over so you want the long side on the top or if you have folded completely in half evenly then it doesn't matter okay so long side on the top and now what you're going to do is make a box a square okay and i'm using two colors so i like it best when the colors are opposite each other otherwise it doesn't matter what does matter is this fold versus this this these two loose ends you want the fold to be at the end of each segment if you go around clockwise so the fold is here the fold is here the fold needs to be here and the fold needs to be here okay fold fold fold so you never want two folds together or two raw ends together all right hopefully that makes sense uh next take the top bring it down so you can work with it in the middle and you're going to treat these like hinges now or tongs if you will they open and they close you're going to open this middle hinge okay it opens to the right if you put things the way that i did okay you're going to grab your complete right side and just place it inside of this hinged piece okay and close it that's the whole right side is in there now the left side you're gonna open it and you're going to place this whole middle bar into the left side okay so this was the left side i opened it and i put the whole red middle bar right there and then i closed it okay the bottom you're going to open it you're going to put the whole left side into it and close it there we go okay so the thing that you're left with now are these two ends that are sitting on top of the right bar this is a loop here because the fold is at the bottom and so you put those two ends into the loop okay now you've made a little hashtag sort of um and what you're gonna do is just tighten this you're gonna pull on all of these strips hold them pull them together until you create this nice little four patch this little square in the center okay there we go do we want to do that whole thing again real quick let's do it real quick okay fast forward me if you will be bored out of your mind if i do that but this is really the most difficult part and if you don't get it right now you won't be happy okay uh same fabrics opposing sides right fold fold fold fold and we have the long end on top if you have done it that way with long and short all right bring the top bar down open it up put the entire right bar into it close it open up the left side bar put the center bar into it and close it open up the bottom bar put the entire left piece inside it close it now you've got these two ends you have a loop you're going to put the ends into the loop there we go there's your hashtag now we're going to kind of pull and create the four patch and basically the ends are all those presses where you press those strips and so that's kind of why i wanted you to have a nice nice crease there at this point you're going to fold over one layer at a time clockwise so i'm going to start with this one you can start with any of them but you're going to go clockwise fold over fold over fold over and fold over now you'll notice just like in the beginning that all of these are enclosed but this one is hanging out it needs to get tucked in so wherever your fourth one is to fold over you're gonna have to tuck it in to that loop that's there okay you can use tweezers there if you want you can use a stiletto whatever or you could just use your fingers i was able to do that one okay this time we've got them all folded over now it's time for star points okay so you're going to take these and these are going to turn into star points the way i do it is i like to start from 12 o'clock and work my way around or whichever way it works but the first thing i'm going to do is take this whole strip and fold it at a 45 degree angle i like to press here and put a nice crease there now you're going to take this whole thing flip it over okay there's that fold we just made you're going to fold another 45 degree angle so that you create this fatter triangle here okay you can press it if you like i do like pressing through all of this but you don't have to okay and now you're going to take that unit and fold it onto itself so do you see that i just flipped it over like a book it's like i have an open book now i'm going to close the front cover of it okay now see how much extra is here that's going to be trimmed away because this is going to get tucked into this right here okay so you have a couple of options here you can either realize that you don't want to go past this line and you can trim it now you could have trimmed it over here before you flipped it over to make make sure you could wait and trim it okay so on this first one i'm gonna trim it now and it doesn't have to be perfect okay so i trimmed it we can see that that's going to fit inside here um one advantage to trimming it now is i don't have to do it later one disadvantage is i don't have a whole lot of fabric to hold on to as i'm trying to stuff it into this so a stiletto or your tweezers you can reach in and grab that fabric anything to help you is good but you want um that piece to lay as flat as possible inside this loop now here's where you can also have an optional step and that's with fabric glue all right so if you want to glue you're going to glue inside right here just a little dab and if you're gluing you might want to give yourself a clip put a clip there the other place that is good for gluing is inside this loop where this fabric got tucked in if you put a dot there and then tuck it in i'm going to sort of transfer this clip to the other side because now i'm going to work on this strip here okay so that was our first star point now we're going to make another one and remember we're kind of making a v so that they're star points we fold at 45 degree angle and remember i like to press so i'm going to press try to get a nice crease remember we're going to flip the whole thing over this is the same for every star point when we flip it over we're going to make another 45 degree fold so that we get this fatter triangle press if you like if you have just used the clip like i do watch out for the clip if it's plastic okay now last time we could have trimmed now we could have trimmed later i'm going to leave it we're going to fold it in on itself and now i have a little bit more fabric to work with and if you need to you can kind of pull this loop here up a little bit and then do whatever you can to get in here and grab it i'm using tweezers this time grabbing the end of that fabric and pulling it through okay now remember you're gonna have to if you loosen that you're gonna have to tighten it so all right um so at this point i need to trim and then i can glue if i want to so if you've got it this way one of the tricks is just pull on it and and bring it down a little bit past that loop cut it just below the loop and then let it go back into that fold and that will bring the fabric back okay um here's where we would glue in this situation you don't have to glue remember but it will keep it more together and throughout this process you can use clips you can glue you can use clips you can not do anything and just hope that it stays together which i'm sure well um i'm gonna go ahead and clip and um now i'm gonna turn over to this way so i just turned it over because i like to work with the points at the top okay so we're going to do the same thing we're going to start we're going to make that v start on the right hand side that's a 45 degree angle we're going to press if you want flip the whole thing over fold again to make that wider v i like to press me now on this one i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to trim and i know that it's going to have to get tucked into this piece right here so i'm going to trim just slightly above this line there we go okay i'm gonna fold this over onto itself and then there's my tail that needs to go inside this loop now you can't always pull the loop like i did before because now this loop is part of this star point this is when tweezers and the other things come in handy and you'll figure out a system that works for you okay so i just used the tweezers on that one brought it in here's time for a dot of glue oops i'm glad this glue dries clear another dot of glue in there and um i've pulled that fabric up a little more than i want so i'm going to reach in and grab it okay i'm happy with that there's a little extra glue but it will dry clear excuse me i'm gonna grab another clip and clip the point okay now um we're on to this point fold over give yourself a good crease flip the whole unit over fold down to create this wider triangle press if you want trim now if you want fold it over onto itself and tuck oh this one i can use i can pull the loop out since i haven't done that point yet and then tighten it back up if you pull it out okay and now it's time to glue i'm gonna speed up after this so um feel free to watch it however you want to watch it but i don't think i'm going to show you each one of the next points because i think you got the idea so basically um that's it i'm going to do the other two when you turn it like this way counterclockwise always this right strip is ready for the folding and you can tell because it has a loop on the back if i wanted to try this one folding here can you see there's no loop to tuck it into so that wouldn't work so you have to make sure whichever piece that you're going to start the back side has a loop to tuck into okay so i'm going to start again 45 degrees and now i'm going to speed up the video [Music] should look good on both sides okay so um this is the beautiful william morris fabric which i love when i'm in a traditional mood morrison company um here's a version of one fabric for all four strips which i think is really classy looking here's a version where i've used a solid and a batik with color so you can do these different sizes remember i did 4 by 16 you can do 3 by 14 for a little smaller you could go larger this is as large as i've gone though and it's a perfect size for me okay so next you could um grab a needle and some embroidery floss and create a nice loop for a hanger for your tree or for a window or wherever you want to hang it really um or perhaps you want to use some yarn and make it a little chunkier uh craftier looking if you will okay guild so if you're watching this video we've already had our meeting and you're going back as a reference to make some more of these at home or or maybe you're watching it before a meeting and then for people that normally watch my channel um we'll get back to some ruler work and custom quilting soon but also um i am going to do a few more projects that are more project oriented from the start to finish so if you're interested and you want to start following um on that and do some things with me i'm going to get started probably in late december when i'm on a nice break um in early january so look forward to that i'll still always do the custom quilting and the ruler work videos though too but i hope you enjoyed this and i will see you next time okay bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Michael Davison
Views: 2,073
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Quilting, Longarm Quilting, Machine Quilting, Long Arm Quilting, Quilting with Rulers, Ruler Work, Michael Davison, Michael Quilts, Crosshatching, Quilts, Quilting Machine, Custom Quilting, Innova Longarm, Longarm Quilting with, Rulers, Quilt Co, Free Motion Quilting, Quilt Tutorial, Quilting Tutorial, Longarm Tutorial, Quilting Class, Online Quilting Class, Stitch in the Ditch, Folded Fabric, Fabric Ornament, Folded Fabric Star Ornament, Scandinavian Paper Folding
Id: EeJjmMteqq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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