"Are you Mr. Aviation on YouTube?" - Phoenix to Los Angeles

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they're easier not on one way to contact miles southeast of the Falcon Airport climb maintain 5,000 up to 5,000 8:09 another one or direct second I totally didn't realize I was holding up several planes I could put the third way he said who's going to shorter runway work look over my shoulder and there's like three flight school in place stacked up oops my bad guys I should have got out of the way I was doing by my thorough abort briefing good morning Phoenix Arizona gonna be a good day make it a good one raid zero Niner one are you I'm in 3b a hit on YouTube that's something called me I suppose alright 1392 Ellison has been via the ólafur I've always said that maintain one 2,000 tomorrow 73 0 1 4 1 4 1 2002 knit me of the old law 2013 adieu [Music] I'm once again heading westbound but this time I'm solo and this time I'm in November 8 0 9 9 1 I stopped in Phoenix for a couple days to meet with Korey to discuss an international trip we've been planning for later in 2020 and now that we're done with our meeting I'm continuing west to Southern California since I'm already in Phoenix it's not much further to get to SoCal and I want to visit some people and fly into some places I haven't been to in a long time in this video we'll cover my flight departing IFR out of Falcon field in Mesa Arizona heading over to Torrance California with an unexpected stop along the way due to changing conditions and in the next video Alisha will show me the ropes of flying into the airport in the sky or here at Falcon field Mesa Arizona and your hangar yeah there's an airplane right back here it's got the cowling off of stuff so it's not pretty to look at at the moment maybe it is but that airplane pertains to a trip that we're gonna take that I'm not going to talk about because if I do it's not gonna happen and we've been hashing out a plan for a pretty grand trip that Korey here came up with in his pipe for Malibu what yours your Malibu it's an 86 86 1986 PA 46 so I've owned this Malibu for about four years a little over four years and since I purchased it I had put paint a new panel and most recently a new engine in it and it's always been a bucket list item of mine to travel across the North Atlantic do this do this I'm looking forward to this trip I think it's gonna be incredible scenery and quite a quite an adventure and hopefully a great story that were able to tell a good blend of the technical aspects scenery culture and plane departing in the background an airport so I'm gonna fire up here at Falcon pick up my clearance and I'm gonna fly out to torts California which is just south of LAX and it's gonna be a very very busy flight getting in there I'm expecting lots and lots of traffic and just I'm not gonna talk to the cameras at all I'm not gonna pull out the handheld to get any b-roll or anything I can't I have to be in full-blown pilot mode we're gonna pull the plane out and kick the fires and light the tires is that how it goes and we're gonna get something like that all right all right let's get out of here all right who's holding short of runway 4 right that's a zero no no no what are we ready for departure okay didn't did you ever make a call but we were just about to you thank you nine eight zero Niner Niner one five it's our whole story Florida weighing IFR release well hold sir I can pull up and get out of these guys way if they need to part okay just another one yeah if you could pull up just a little bit and for the aircraft the second one or the first one behind you can get behind you sounds good 8:09 lévesque the right turn back to the runway just that eight zero Niner Niner one maintain 4,000 runway 4 right everybody go we're really full right clear for takeoff maintain four thousand eight is your hat on sometimes we don't know how long we'll take together really got you no problem thanks for the doctor date 56 diving Tower all right all right takeoff power set into the green air speeds five Oxford 856 Redman departure approver before I go like a dollar next in line is offered 844 holding short 104 I ready for the vodka all right let's take off other people starting the writer no no no no one contact Phoenix Park to have a good plane departure thanks for the help add another one Phoenix marcher Skyhawk 8-0 and I know no one just off Falcon 2100 climbing up to floor either or not on one writer can attack him out southeast of the Falcon Airport why maintain 5,000 up to 5,000 eight zero no no no one or direct second that totally didn't realize I was holding up several planes I put the table he said who's gonna show to runway I don't look look over my shoulder and there's like three flights going plates stacked up oops my bad guys I should have got out of the way I was doing by my thorough abort briefing good morning Phoenix Arizona it's gonna be a good day make it a good one engine looks happy we're waiting for further instructions currently flying ahead eight zero Niner Niner one fly heading to six zero contact departure one to eight point six five one to eight point six five heading to six zero eight zero nonono 118 523 fly ahead departure Skyhawk 8-0 100 on a one seven thousand two six zero aside zero nine nine eleven Phoenix approach day myself senator three zero zero eight fly heading two six zero three zero zero eight fly heading two six zero eight zero no one all right throw 909 r1 comma maintain Niner thousand up two Niner thousand eight zero nine one eight zero no no no one the headwind is just a bit worse up here so 4 feel planning along our route we'd like to a change our destination if we could we have a request for a fix in between I wonder what - a request from present position direct - shady that's Sierra hotel Alpha Delta India and then Lima 0 8 as the final destination directly ma 0 8 and thank you for that I appreciate that thanks clear direct changing 9.99 contact being so easy it is I just requested a rerouting that's an hour and 55 out and we've got three and a half hours of gas so now all of a sudden we just diverted and instead of going all the way to Torrance the comparing the ete on the GPS and for flight comparing it to the time to empty on the engine monitor it was saying we were gonna have like 20 minutes of fuel reserve only get to Torrance no way and that's not even including any vectors or reroutes that we're gonna get coming into the LA Bravo all right we're coming up on white California wife California right up here off to about one o'clock and this river that we're about to cross is the Colorado River originating in Colorado coming down through Utah Arizona this is the very river that cuts the Grand Canyon that fills up Lake Mead flows through hoover dam right outside of the Las Vegas but now coming down as the dividing line between California and Arizona and we are about across at westbound all right we have crossed the Colorado River welcome to California brick Valley traffic sky hockey zero no no no no one 2,000 descending found a three-mile final runway 2 6 . Brega Valley over the fence citizen tangos turning about three mile final runway cue music spread well across the numbers suddenly made powered idle put her into a full stall landing here nice good positive ground contact in that way we can start getting on the brakes and clear alpha 4 so that fast mover behind us can come on in Borrego Valley traffic sky ok zero no one clearing runway 2/6 runways yours I appreciate that visor your tank isn't about a two mile final I don't like music Drago Valley alright Borrego Valley Airport in California it's pretty cool mountains back there will probably take off runway 8 and go out the opposite way we came in and then just kind of use this valley to circle and climb and once we get high enough to cross the mountains will contact SoCal approach tell them we want to go over to Torrance and they'll help us out with that this next leg going over to Torrance Zamperini feel just south of LAX we're gonna have to get around Orange County John Wayne Airport and there's an army airfield real close to there basically I'm going to go ahead and put the life vest on and cinch it down around my waist I'm gonna wear it for this flight just in case the best way for me to get over to Torrance is for them to vector me out over the water and just stay underneath you know the Charlie's and the Bravo's and away from the deltas of the Army Airfield and stuff and that might be the best way for me to get to Turin so I'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna light best that's just in case you know something were to happen and we go down I grab this right here yank it and life vest inflates we go Valley traffic sky hockey zero another another one is taxing onto runway eight we're gonna circle in the valley climb up it will be a departure out to the West VFR Borrego valley all right we got the terrain out there that'll be no factor runway 8 takeoff power set 2,300 rpm engines in the green air speeds alive there's 40 knots I said what's happy there's 60 her tape and just keep the client coming vy5 checklist bead 1778 we got a power set full mixture set full rich instruments cross-checked calibrated everything agrees taxi light we're gonna leave it on and the flight plan we're gonna talk to SoCal here in just a little while five checklist complete la center sky Hawk 8-0 100 on a one-off for Eagle Valley VFR request remember eight zero nine nine another run at La Center squawk 1 0 3 1 1 2 0 3 1 on the squawk now another one I remember at eight two zero nine nine one or radar contact that one zero miles north east of Julian 6,500 aircraft type and if anything in please wear a Cessna 172 Skyhawk Murphy afar over to tango Oscar alpha Torrance thank you very much and are you wearing some traffic just behind you about two miles 6,500 although unverified type unknown now try to get them inside I saw him earlier I believe it's an RV and experimental RV we're looking Roger and the other traffic at 7500 is no factor and you can resume your own navigation and own altitude ok on navigation to Torrance 8:09 islands and November I don't know when that traffic is just behind you about a mile traffic alert who's that just one my eyes look like your course will divers I would just keep that heading that you're doing right now we got them inside it is an experimental RV alright thanks a lot raid zero Niner Niner 1 are you mr. aviation on youtube that's what they call me I suppose alright alright at traffic snow factor coming right over the mountains here nice so we're gonna see what they're gonna do in terms of vectors for us that's why we're wearing the life vest it looks like this is a mountain range that we're gonna be following for just a little bit a little while oh we could go left or we go right we can take door one or door Q or a door a or a door B what should we do I'm gonna take your B I wanna go this way because this way puts us we're just puts us closer to San Diego we're going northbound anyways that'll kind of put us on a better route or and a sort forints held in 1392 27 to descend into 407 1392 LS enter to send via the Ola to arrive assess and maintain one 2,000 palmar 73 0 1 4 3 0 1 4 1 2002 sent via the Ola to Delta 1392 using for flight to help me make sure I'm clear of terrain and dodging what terrain I've got in front of me we're gonna go to the right of this Ridgeline right here and that'll kind of keep us clear and then we'll be able to cut more toward torrents we're kind of going to the right of the ridgeline and we're just gonna Hut stay in the valley there and we are level at 65 and we're getting off course a little bit but that's on purpose November 8 0 9 or 9 or 1 contact SoCal approach on 1 27.3 have a good day to set a point free thanks so much for the help ult yeah SoCal approach guy Hawk 8 0 and I don't know no-one 6,500 only four thanks Roman to 8 a 3 contact Roach one to four point one minute safe three one to four point one okay 31 they meet the speeds on the arrival you know what not only speed let's see if anybody notices Hey Oh normal speed let's see if anybody notice okok controllers are always so good they just make you laugh takes the edge off like it's great 5 3 5 Victor whiskey Travis at 2 o'clock at a mile westbound 5570 Sam's traffic inside 5 6 I Victor whiskey a matter that I don't want to use there just less him I think he's off your left side it's a 5 3 5 Victor with you really like my life a little bit so we grab the cavalry go back down to 6 5 Oh all right I dip down he went up nice I love that the controller didn't even like tell us to do anything like recommend you turn blah blah blah as we just saw each other so he was like man whatever make it work so then they started climbing I started descending I am laying eyes on the Pacific Ocean right out there look close Thanks that's one 99 1 cross midfield John laying at 4500 firefight Bravo we have Bravo we'll cross midfield John Wayne 4500 no no one all right so we're basically just gonna stay on this course on this course line our instructions are to cross John Wayne midfield at 4500 something has just started slow descent I hope that's gonna put me under the clouds the SoCal sky Hawk a zero no one looks like the scattered cloud layer is gonna be right at four point five so we may not be able to do that over John Wayne 9 9 1 will you have 5,500 yeah we could do that and then won't murder 55 anything will do big communicate all you got to do communicate no panic just cuz there's a cloud layer at you talk to them tell him hey there's a cloud layer of 4.5 he said 85 5 yeah we'll get back up that means on the other side of John Wayne we're gonna have to chop and drop sorry cylinders that over ninety nine one hundred twenty seven point two to seven to nine of ananka T so cows 8-0 no no no I want 5500 charlie at torrance Thank You mo coward everything that's the Pacific Ocean in sight down there about to come right over the top of John Wayne Airport in Orange County [Music] 89 mm one maintain 5500 traffic over lower but my mama will maintain 5,500 nine another one I mean that's with my instruction anyways with the last controller at least there's no change there our about to be clear this scattered layer which is going to be perfect I see the beach down there I see Porthos no proof I've down to four point five nine another one all right four point five set in the altitude bug then checklist mixture enrichment let's get a swig in fuel selectors on both on the detent we don't need car Pete we have information Charlie the ADA says receives three zero one four three zero four cross-check they agree and instruments cross-check to calibrate is that checklist complete twice our frequency is one three three point zero seven use caution for bird activity honor in the vicinity of the airport it's a sort of cruise I will let you know when we start to be a party sentiment on okay now go ahead and start down that way zero that I believe we have an airport site okay perfect thank you and I'm on approach one two sorry tower around 3307 OCS 3307 thanks for all the help antenna line great thanks explain key only tune in the by cleared for the option plus our sky Hawk 8-0 and I don't know what 2800 charlie . then and then once our make straight in anything all right straight up do not all right is your talent as a man in a uniform number two following spring approaching base I need to nano right clear to land additional traffic you will see one star for the bridge one dozen 400 indicator says no for the mess was up for not another one my chest done then another one affirmative number - mommy - Nana like we're chillin letting you know traffic over the bridge 1400 occator says more than us okay we're looking for that traffic number to clear land to nine or riot 8-0 another one we have that traffic at the bridge now bridge holding quarter to nine rate right now is it for the left I meant for the right so make sure we do not overshoot we are clear to land number two lights on pre landing checklist brakes pedal test landing right on the autopilot is off seatbelts shoulder harnesses are on and fastened car Pete is on let's go ahead and get that on at the traffic on final four left bill selectors on both in the detent and flaps is required we're gonna wait for the wide arc and the pre landing checklist is complete wait not 85 knots 534 Scutaro makes trade in any container right straight if you're not a right flank fix Thank You number two funny stuff my 1 mile final anything in the right surface and girl that aircraft on upwind got aircraft over the fence four to nine left to Niner right appears to be vacant pops 20 Taurus our helicopter 7:03 Julia gulia - JJ parking with information charlie requesting at Northeastern coming out through 70 knots that's my 16 for internet fund ultra contact ground what's that Delta concert concert for uniform chapter 73 jelly JUnit runs our attacks away are far clear for takeoff northeast parts your proof actually alpha cleared for takeoff 3 Julia Julia thank you November 9 and I know one turn up on Charlie contact on left charlie contact ground another one oh look a Prius we're in California that was mean I'm sorry Charlie alpha echo their uniform clear 59 are left at Delta taxi to get there through there I think their uniform fringe Brown have kind of fast off you're right on alpha and then tacked it appears baby alpha echo this was a busy flight no doubt but actually not as difficult and complicated as I'd expected and SoCal approach was nothing but helpful when flying on a long cross-country you need to be flexible with your plans and communication is all it takes to handle a situation I saw that my fuel was gonna be too scarce if I continued all the way to Torrance so I asked for a new destination due to the headwinds and ATC was happy to oblige same thing when SoCal wanted me to cross over the top of John Wayne Airport at 4,500 feet when I noticed the cloud layer was right at 4.5 I let him know and he asked me to do 5/5 instead and just like that the situation was handled don't ever be afraid to speak up to ATC and let them know what's up I learned that lesson when I was a solo student on my long cross-country I had trouble finding one of the airports and ice just straight-up told ATC that I'm a solo student and I need a little navigational help and the controller happily helped me find the airport good solid communication is the key to everything and I think that's a good lesson to conclude with here I'm ecstatic to be back in SoCal to see some places and people that make the long trip worth it in the next video Alysha nice suit up with the life vests and cross the water to the airport in the sky stay tuned if you like the video do hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't I'll be posting the full length flight videos from Falcon to Borrego and from Borrego to torrents on cockpit club so keep an eye out for those exclusive member-only videos coming soon until next time I want you to stay happy healthy and current and you know the drill most importantly stay proficient we'll see you in the next one fly safe
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 77,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, general aviation, air traffic control, atc, radio, intercom, audio, cockpit, takeoff, landing, training, vfr, ifr, flight, vlog, flight vlog, pilot vlog, aviation101, josh flowers, cfi, flight training, private pilot, commercial pilot, flight instructor, hd, 4k, n80991, cessna 172, skyhawk, phoenix, sky harbor, mesa, arizona, falcon field, malibu flyer, piper malibu, pa46, n444dt, cross country, mountains, solo, la center, socal approach, torrence, la, bravo airspace
Id: 2lvOK8p8G6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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