High School | The Sims 4 High School Years Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel and welcome back to summer sims 4 speedway video or welcome to the channel if you're new here so in today's video i'm going to be building a brand new world which is copperdale the latest world that we got from the latest expansion pack which came out earlier this week this sims 4 high school years and i'm going to be building a really big high school so first things first i highly recommend that you grab yourself cup of tea cup of coffee maybe get just get yourself something sexy hydrated if i was you i'd probably get a snack as well because you might be able to sell from the timestamp for this video it's going to be quite a long one this week because basically to cut a very long story short i built a skull because like i just mentioned we've got a new expansion pack this week i'm not joking this week to me it feels like it feels like christmas i i think i've said this before but to me whenever we get a new expansion pack it feels like how it felt when i was little when christmas day was approaching you know when you have all the build up and you have the day when it's finally here this is my christmas day new expansion pack day or new expansion pack week is my favorite time of the year and of course i want you to sit down and build something using all the new stuff that we've got within the expansion pack and so i thought as it is a high school focused expansion pack why not just build a high school and so that's pretty much exactly what i did now i've never built on a 64 by 64 lot before this is my first ever one and i'm just i'm so happy and so insanely proud of the way this building turned out and i'm just i really hope you like it but getting on and talking about the build so first things first i do want to let you know if you're looking at this and you're thinking jess this is absolutely colossal there is no way i'm gonna be able to get my sims to come to school here and navigate their way around the school and you know get them to be on class on time and get them to the cafeteria and also go to the toilet on their lunch break and whatnot if you're looking at it and you've got worries about how big it is i do want to let you know that i built this it sounds really bad but i built this mainly focusing on the gameplay element rather than focusing how it looks on the outside because at the end of the day it's great if it looks lovely at the outside but you want it to be functional you want it to be easy for gameplay so the way that i built it you see where the kind of like the middle floor is where the columns are and where the front door is technically that's the only level that your sims need to interact with when they come to school so that's what's got the classrooms on it that's what's called the cafeteria the the staff from the principal's office like all the all the stuff that you need for the core game plan is all on one floor so you don't have to faff about with getting your sims to go upstairs and downstairs and whatnot it's all on the one level and it's all laid out really easily so like the toilets are next to the classroom which is next to the cafe which is right next to the principal's office which is opposite the staff from this it's all laid out really easy but i do just want to let you know quite early on in case you are having any doubts about how big it is in terms of gameplay i try to make it as easy as i could possible everything that your sim needs to complete the school day is all on one floor just everything above it and below it it's fully furnished but everything that is in the basement level and also on the top floor it's just basically extra stuff say if your sim is in like an after school activity or maybe if your sims wants to get up their skill building in a certain school there is different classrooms dedicated to different subjects on the top floor and then there is also just tons of there are so many different things that your sims can do honestly if you want you to you could probably make it into a boarding school if you if that's the kind of gameplay you fancy in i was thinking you can maybe turn some of the upstairs classrooms into like boarding spaces add some beds in there because your sims technically from my gameplay experience anyway so far don't have to leave because i haven't done any gameplay which the pack came out on thursday six o'clock i've literally been building this since thursday at six o'clock like i have just been building i've done no gameplay whatsoever the only gameplay that i've done so far is play testing so i haven't really discovered all the different elements you kind of discover as you go throughout the game but one thing i did notice when it came around to play testing and i don't know if it was just because it was on a friday but my sim basically never went home so it got to i think it's like three o'clock or something on a friday afternoon i assumed you know either get to work active careers or like the acting career or whatever activity you've got and you travel to work for your sim you know normally you get to the time that the the shift is up and then there kind of be like a little checklist and it will tell you if your sims done well today or if they're done really bad it tells you if they've got a promotion or whatever i assume that at the end of the school day that would come up but for my sim that that didn't happen it literally just the bell rang everyone went home and my sister was literally just still standing on the lot so i think technically if you wanted to you could make a boarding school you can make this one into a boarding school maybe make some of the extra spaces that i decided to make into like extra activity rooms upstairs into bedrooms like just put loads of going to like bunk beds in there or something and then technically your sims never have to leave again this was on a friday so i don't know if it happens like differently on different days i was thinking that maybe where it's a friday maybe there's like a football game on or something at the back of the field and then your sims aren't prompted to leave because they could possibly go and watch it i don't know but either way there is there is just so much going on on the inside and also the outside of the building actually so starting off i think i'm gonna i'm gonna start with the core basics so that he's on the middle floor so again like i said i didn't want your sims be able to go to their classroom which is on the top floor and then have to pop downstairs the cafeteria which is on the ground floor i wanted everything to be within distance on the middle floor so we've got two classrooms we've got a principal's office we've also got a reception which isn't required but it just feels necessary like a little lobby say say there's like a parent's evening or something and people need to come into the school that aren't you know there aren't students and they need like a little waiting area there's a little reception area for them and then there is also a little study room downstairs where your sims can maybe study for their exams or maybe just do some doodles in their sketchbook there is also two sets of toilets there is two toilets on basically each wing of the school because the way that i did the floor plan you have a left wing and you have the right wing and basically they've all got similar things within them one wing has got like a classroom and some toilets it's got a study area whereas the other one has got another classroom some more toilets and then it's got like the principal's office and then there is also the cafeteria which is dead center in the middle so depending on which classroom your sims are going to be at it's just like the easiest for your but basically for your sims to get around but that is basically everything that's on the middle floor like i said that is everything that's the core basics in terms of completing every single task that will come up during your sims school day there is also a staff room as well but that's not really necessary like like the uh like the reception hallway area that's not really necessary but it just it feels right it feels like it needs to have a staff room so there's a staff room of like a coffee machine a microwave a seating area and whatnot but then on the bottom floor where the archways are basically in there ends up being just loads of different like basically fitness activity i say loads there's a swimming pool so so there is a swimming pool in the basement as well as like a changing locker room area there is so many lockers by the way in and around the school so the lockers i must have placed i'm not joking about 40 of them so if your sims are worried about coming to school and be able to find a locker you know worried about if there's not going to be enough space for them to have their own locker don't worry there is plenty there is lockers on literally every single floor but there is kind of like a swimming room area we have like some changing stations there is also some showers and then on the opposite side there is one basketball court now in total on this lot there is two basketball courts there is one outside and there's also one inside now when i was building this i was thinking about so many different films and tv shows i've seen throughout the years and one thing that always is in every single film every single tv show is always like a a basketball court with i think it's called bleachers basically just somewhere that other sims can go and watch their say if they've got their friends that's in the basketball team if they want to go and watch the game they can basically go and sit in these stands i should basically just call themselves yeah so basically there's a basketball court that's inside that's got tons of different stands your sims can go in there maybe they can watch their friends play the basketball game or maybe you're maybe you've got one sim that's like a cheerleader and maybe their partner happens to be on the basketball team and so maybe they're going to be cheering for them whilst they're in there but there is plenty of space for them to play basketball because there's also an exterior basketball court as well so the inside one has got the stands where you know sims can go and watch each other and then there's an outside one which is just purely basketball you know maybe that's where they like to practice on like a hot sunny day or something but then also in the basement that ends up being like a little chess club now when i was building this like i said i haven't done any gameplay as such i've only gained played the play testing of this build that sounds really weird i've only play tested this build so i haven't discovered all the different elements that you find throughout gameplay as you go along but one thing i noticed is in the build and by catalog there seems to be four new trophies for what i'm assuming are like after school activities now there is one for cheerleading there is one for i think it's like computer science or maybe just computer because it's basically it's got a little computer on the trophy itself so i'm assuming it's something to do technology but there's a cheerleading one a computer related one there's also i know it has rugby you know you know what if you're from england you know what we look at as a rugby bull that but i think it's american football it's always really confusing because side subject but in england we call rugby rugby and that is the one that's called the brown brownie red not so circular ball and that is rugby to us and then football is the one that's got more so the white white ball has got like the little black dots on but in america it's like football is termed as what we classed as rugby i think it might be different who changed it and why did they change it because it just it's so confusing but either way american football i'm gonna say there is a trophy for american football and then there's also one last trophy which seems to be for a chess club there's also some like little chess statues that you can find in the cluster menu as well and so i kind of took the idea and thought well why not make it so every single type of activity or every single type of after school club that your sims might possibly want to be in why not make it there's a room dedicated for each of them kind of extra curriculums somewhere in this school and so in the basement i decided to make a little chess room little chess club sitting there there is a bunch of different chess tables there is like sofa lounging areas maybe your sims aren't as sociable and they like to spend their lunch times in that chess club all their friends are maybe in the same club as well and that's just like what they like to do on their lunch break but in terms of what's in the basement that is pretty much it so you know swimming pool lockers changing rooms showers indoor basketball court with bleachers and then the chest chest club room or chest activity room and then it's not until you go onto the top floor of the building where you've got more classrooms which if you do want to have more classrooms in in the build you want to have more white walls there is plenty of space for you to add them in but the thing is the way that the game works from my understanding anyway is the whiteboard object i feel like you could pretty much place it anywhere well i'm talking you could probably place it in the car park or you could probably place it onto the school field and a teacher will go and stand in front of it and try and teach a lesson you know right on the white board and do whatever they do when they they interact with it and so i didn't want to place loads of them around because like i said i really was trying to focus on the gameplay element because yeah it can it can look nice that'll be great but it'll be even better if it actually worked and your sims didn't have to run all the way upstairs to get to their class on time and then have to go all the way downstairs to get to the cafeteria or within such a short time frame because sometimes the way the sims works is your sims can literally take hours and i'm not driving in literal hours to get from one side of a really big lot to the other side and especially if you've got things and different tasks and say especially if like they're running late for class and you're downstairs in the basement and they need to be on the top floor for their like science class you assume this by the time they get there it's gonna be over and so on the top floor i made classrooms but there's no technically white walls if you want to add the whiteboards in feel free you can add it you can change the build however you want to if you do decide to download it but in terms of like key features in the upstairs it's pretty much just extra stuff like extra stuff for skill building to get your sims fun up to maybe interact with different objects and maybe socialize a little bit so to start it off there is a really big library upstairs i feel like every single school needs to have a library so it's just got a ton of different bookcases there's also some of the little research stations that we've got from the discover university expansion park which by the way the discovery university expansion pack came in so handy in this build and the get to work one as well actually which i'll talk about in a second but it was just so perfect because you've got this library and you've got all these different bookcases and you want to still be able to get your sims skill needs up and sometimes if you don't want to about with getting your sims to it stand in front of the mirror and practice their charisma or so you don't want to get your sims to actively go and practice debate just these little research machines and library comments they're so useful because you can literally just get your sim to sit down and they can just level up in that one skill and it's just kind of like a dedicated area dedicated workstation for that but there's some of them in the library as well as some like empty like desk spaces and then there is also a science lab on the upstairs portion which i am so happy with the way the science stuff turned out you know how i said get to work came really handy we have got so many objects that i see consistently in the build and broadcast log and i always just i always skim past them because like one of them for example is skeleton how am i ever going to place a skeleton into like a residential or a community lot but with this one where it was a school i created one of the classrooms upstairs to be a science lab of course science labs it's very sciency to have a skeleton so there is a ton of different get to work items in that lab there is also loads of different stranger build stuff like loads of different beakers and loads of different stuff that would just work so perfectly that we already had in the game from different game packs different expansion packs are basically in that little science lab but then we also have an art room now on this bit of paper that i noted down at the start of the week one of the things i wanted to include in this school somewhere was basically like a wood shop would work in space you know where your sims can go and i feel like in every single film that we watch it's like they make a bird house or they or they make some sort of like wall decoration but it's basically somewhere where your sims can go and make knife blocks or whatever i want you to have a space for that within this build but the thing is if you actually look at the the wood shop working station i don't know how to say it but you know what i'm talking about where your sims can like craft stuff if you actually look at it it's quite ugly and i didn't want to have a massive room just dedicate to this one object because one is quite ugly in like two it's just limiting because that's only one type of skill one type of activity and so there's an art room upstairs which has got a bunch of different art easels it's also got some like higher tables with bar stools it's got some empty like work space your sims can sit in there maybe do some do some work maybe do some drawing on the sketch pad or whatever but then also in the corner there ends up being a woodworking table so if your sims dip on a level up in that skill they've got the option to do so and then there is also a computer room in this build as well so basically just a really big room filled with loads of different desks and those different computers it's also got everything that i could find that would make sense to be in a computer room so you know the get famous expansion pack somehow we've got so many different equipment looking stuff from that expansion pack probably because when you go to the film set if you're in the acting career there's loads of different cameras and loads of different technology around all that kind of stuff came in so handy in this build because i got to use it to act like maybe it's laptops or maybe it's tablets for the classrooms and they just happen to keep it in the computer room and they're all in these little trolleys and whatnot but yeah there is a computer lab and then the last room is the music room which it's got to be one of my favorite rooms in the whole entire build so in there there ends up being a piano in the corner there is also a bunch of different microphones i laid the chairs out in kind of like a semi-circle motion because i was thinking back to all the different films i've watched whenever there seems to be like a music room or like even like a theater room there always seemed to be the chairs laid out and kind of like a semi-circle and so that's how i laid that room out there's also a bunch of different guitars in there microphones there is also a dj mixing station which is a bit weird but again i want you to have as many different activities people seem to do on their lunch break as possible or even possibly after school maybe one of them wants to age up one day and become a professional dj and so if they want to do that there is a skill building object for it in the music room upstairs there's also a bunch of different like violins laid out and you know guitars and loads of different musical items i was really gutted that we didn't get a drum kit within this expansion pack because i feel like it would have as i just feel like it would have been a really good opportunity instead of jumping into the game because we currently don't have one and unless we're gonna get like a band's focused game pack at this point i don't think we're ever gonna be able to get drum kids in the sims 4 which is really sad and i just really hope that one day we could have band because then we could actually have a band practice room you can maybe renovate one of the rooms and make it dedicated to i mean technically that is the music room because i've pretty much already done that but you know i would love to have something where they've got the big drums and i don't know what it's called but i've seen him once in a taylor swift music video where they're like dressed up in this kind of this certain outfit and they're all like standing there with these gloves so i'm like banging these drums do you know the ones i'm talking about i feel like that was a really big missed opportunity in this expansion pack but in terms of the stuff that's on the inside of this build that is pretty much it there's also tons of different hallway spaces with the lockers there's also like a little janitor's closet because one thing i noticed is that when i was on this lot they kept him being like he was just some random man he kept on showing up i'm not cleaning stuff up and so i'm assuming that he was a janitor he did have something like above his head you know sometimes when you're playing with like teachers or say if you're in an active career and you're maybe an actor the director on the acting career will have this thing floating above their head that says right that's the director again if you're working in like the hospital and your sims a doctor another doctor will have the same thing floating above their head the the man that kept him showing up and cleaning stuff he did have something above his head can't remember what he said but i just took it as you know he's a janitor and so there is a little separate janitor's room in one of the hallway spaces upstairs but in terms of just general stuff here seems to do that is pretty much it for the inside of this build but anyway getting on and talking about what i'm doing right now so as you can see i've done the main core building of it you can see a place down at one of the basketball courts i'm just about to place down a second basketball court but this is the one that i i didn't want it to be actual basketball i wanted it to be like a soccer field or like a rugby field or american football field don't know what way to term as i'm going to say every single name but you know the ones the the football that is brown and not a circular there's a field for that and there's also a a field in same field but the area where your sims if they're in soccer they can also play around i also end up placing down a cheerleading mountain to that area as well because the thing is with the basketball court downstairs in the basement there wasn't really an appropriate place for me to place down the cheerleading map and i wanted to assimilate to if they're in the cheerleading club they've got a place to practice and so i just place it down into that little empty field but i do that quite near the end of the video she won't see it just yet but there is a cheerleading mountain here as well but now as you can see i'm just focusing on this little hallway archway area now for some reason basically when i was building this i was thinking back to pretty much every single film that i've managed to watch in my whole entire life i was thinking all the different tv shows all the different you know like mean girls and confessions of a teenage drama queen and all these different films that i've seen that include american high school you should say my google search results i'm not joking the past week my google search results was like the school from mean girls the school from ada the school from x y and said all these different american other tv shows or films i was just trying to look at all the different high schools and just trying to combine all of the all of the ideas all the different features of all of them and basically put it into one and for that little archway bit funnily enough the inspiration came from the film you know easy a with emma stoning i i feel like basically half my voice over i feel like i'm just referencing either films or tv shows and i'm just praying that you've seen them at one point but if you haven't seen the film basically it's it's a good film highly recommend but in the film there is this one scene and i don't know why it always stands out to me in my mind there's there's weird things about different tv shows or different films and i couldn't remember the plot but i could tell you what the building looks like it's just i don't know why i remember this kind of stuff but there's this one scene in ezo i remember it she's walking down this hallway and there's lockers on one side and then on the other side there's kind of like these archways or kind of like these columns and it goes out into a courtyard i've always really liked that idea and so that is basically one of the i don't want to say features of the build but it's kind of one of the things that i started off with and then i just kind of built upon it but yeah i just i was thinking about easy when i was feeling this and i was feeling thinking about this was one particular thing but i just thought i'd mention it but anyway as you can see i've just finished up the whole entire exterior and now i've moved on into the inside quickly and now i am now moving on to the install i'm doing something differently but i did just want to talk about the school bus we've now got a school person to go now unfortunately don't get it twisted it doesn't work and i was absolutely gutted when i found out i didn't work because if you're not familiar with my channel maybe you're new here maybe this is the first time you see my video basically when the expansion pack trailer came out i'm not joking i literally i got on a plane the same day like i was out so i literally the expansion pack trailer came out and then i went on a day i didn't know anything about the expansion pack because i didn't have any service and so this whole entire time i was on holiday i was kind of assuming that the the school bus was going to be either just a rabbit hole even if it just turns up outside of sims house and then it just disappears don't even have to drive off i just i had i was i was hoping that it was going to be a rabbit hole okay mom i found out unfortunately it's just purely decoration but to be honest i'm still grateful for it i'm still happy that we've got a decoration to make it look like it's a school bus it seems a little bit more realistic but i am really glad that your sims can't actually interact with it but i really want you to make as much use of it as i could possible and so in the front car park there ends up being loads of different spaces for what i imagine to be for the teacher for the principal and then some other spaces for like teenagers to drive into school some of them are placed down these kind of like graffiti parking spaces you can actually find these in the world itself and so i thought i'd merge some of them in to this lot but then there's also this little like bus area which i imagine you know i use the school buses i imagine that it was maybe for say there's a school trip maybe they're going to pop to i don't know a waste of springs for the day they're going to go to i say the museum or something maybe they all get in the skill bus and they all go together again this is just pure like you gotta imagine it because unfortunately that is not a thing but i'm just so happy that we've even just the decoration i'm still really grateful for it and also in the in the front like car park area you might notice that i used a few different i think they're meant to be bus stop covers but basically i use them it's kind of like black sheds so you would have seen it the trick that i've done i've actually done it a few times previously but basically i've got this wall decoration that we got from the snowy escape expansion pack and it's meant to sit underneath windows but basically what i did is i got two of them i merged them together to make it look like some iron bars and then i merged in some brights together and then i put one of them right directly by the staircase so as sims i imagine can ride their bike all the way up they can put their little padlock on and then just walk straight up the stairs and go into class but then there's also another two like bike bike shelters on the other side that's basically just got tons of different bikes because i feel like teenagers i'm also going to ride a bike to school rather than drive to school i mean i'm from england so i went to school on a school bus didn't it wasn't a yellow one it was just a red one but from where i'm from anyway it's more common for you to ride your bike to school or maybe have like them like the school buses but they're just not yellow they're red instead of yellow but i feel like it's more common to have a teenager ride their bike school rather than drive especially in the uk because when you're when you go to school in england you're like 15 16 depending on how like when your birthday is because like me i'm a july baby it was only recently my birthday it's my birthday funny enough this week actually i turned 24 but in england depending on how old you are you're going to be like 15 16 when you're at school and then you leave school and then then you start to drive because you don't know how to drive until you're 17. so i just thought it was it was a bit better i thought to have some bike racks as well as just loads of different parking spaces you know there's a range in this school but anyway getting on so as you can see i've moved on into the inside now i did the little entrance lobby area so you walk in you got the like school mascot i'm going to assume it's a llama on the floor and then you've also got this little computer desk which i imagine a receptionist would sit up now unfortunately in the game there isn't any like receptionist npc they're just it's just an empty desk but i like to it felt weird just walking straight in there's a hallway there's no like waiting area like i said magic is like parents evening or if there was maybe oh what's it called ofsted is that a thing in america i don't know where basically you have these people to come to school and then evaluate you know how the teachers are learning and all the different things that's going on in the school i think it was called often anyway maybe the officers are going to come in they need weight in every you just need a waiting area basically in the school so you would have seen i did the little entrance hallway area and then there's kind of like a window which i sized down to make it look like a hole in the wall and then the other side that is where the receptionist would sit and then behind the receptionist is how you get into the principal's office i haven't done a principal's office just yet you'll see me do that in a second but basically just in front of the principal's door like to get to their office there's also some more waiting areas so maybe maybe the teenager has been really naughty maybe they've been i call it bunking off but people call it different things in different places in the world mostly when you skip your lessons maybe like your teenager's been really naughty they decided that they didn't want to go to class maybe they got caught in the school toilets or something and so they were sent to the principal's office there's a little waiting area just outside of their their space for them to wait to basically then go in and then get told off basically but also you can see that i've now moved on into one of classrooms now i did decide to cut out the other classroom just because right stick with me it's a very long video the classrooms that are literally the classrooms that your sims are going to interact with in terms of how they look they're pretty much the exact same the only difference is the posters on the walls in the different decorations around the classroom and unfortunately i did decide to do the same thing for the hallway so you might be able to see some like poses and some lockers that just outside this classroom again i decided to cartel because it's basically the exact same thing at the end of the day i would rather if i was you personally i'd rather watch a video and every single room be a different thing rather than me show you every single classroom every single hallway when at the end of the day it's the same thing it's just lockers and posters and wool decorations and like benches via sims to sit on and so i decided and i don't like doing it i really don't like cutting pretty much anything out of my videos but i decided to only show you one of the classrooms being furnished and then i think only one of the hallways so you still get an idea of how i decorate them but it's just not gonna it's not gonna be an extra 10 minutes of stuff that you've already seen plus i'd rather show you the furnishing of brand new rooms like the science style and the computer room rather than two classrooms which are the exact same thing you know they're literally tables and chairs it's just different posts on the wall but there will be screenshots at the end of the video but if you do want to see how the classrooms are looking there'll be screenshots of absolutely everything and all the different hallways as well but now as you can see i've now moved on into the bathrooms now i know what you're thinking because i was actually creating myself i blocked off two of the windows with platforms and i really don't like doing this i really want you to avoid this and i i really didn't want to do this but the way that i did the floor plan for this whole entire school like i said i wanted it to be as easy as possible you know you've got a left wing you've got one clash and you've got some toilets you've got the right wing you've got some toilets you've got a classroom it just so happened to turn out that the way that the classrooms and the toilets were the toilets happened to be on the end of the of the building and they've got these big windows in them but the thing is i didn't want to put the toilet door right in front of the window now i'm thinking about it i probably could do that i might have a play about with it right before i upload it to gallery because currently as i'm doing this voiceover i haven't uploaded it to gallery yet i'm going to see how it looks when i come in and i just before i upload it basically because i've done everything else places stuff taking the screenshots so i'm going to play around with it to see if i can figure out a way to do the toilet so there's maybe not a platform because yeah i was creating my teeth when i was doing it because i didn't want to do it but then i also on the same token i wanted the toilet stores to be really close together and i wanted it to be nice for screenshots i might have a play about it i don't normally do that kind of thing i normally when i show you my video this this is how it's going to be when you download it off the guttery that is exactly what you're getting but i might try and figure out if i can remove the platforms and just do it in a way that is is best suited so it's not blocked off by a platform because it does annoy me it'll probably annoy you as well but at that current moment in time that's all i could think to do but anyway moving on as you can see i've now moved on into the next room which is the staff room so in here i was just thinking you know this is where the teachers go on their lunch break you can often find teachers sitting in here with their little salad bowls or something that maybe going over some course work maybe planning out their lessons maybe your teenagers have been really naughty and they want to come in here and have a bit of a bit of a gossip with the other teachers because you know the teachers also have their lunch break as well you're gonna find them possibly sitting in here you know just gossiping or maybe having a cup of coffee or whatever in here that ends up being like a little sofa area also a bunch of different like certificates and medals in the wall and then there's also like a coffee machine and coffee cups a microwave mini fridge just the standard stuff that i feel like you would find into a staff room which i've never been in a staff room by the way i feel like it was anyone else's school like this the staff room they were so secretive like you'd ask you should go and knock on the door when you was at school maybe you wanted to ask a teacher something before your lesson or maybe you just needed a teacher for some help or whatever i remember i used to go and look on the staff room during my school and they used to open the door and like try and slide out the door and be so secretive about it i don't know what was in their classrooms or like them staff rooms but i had i've never seen the insider one because my school didn't know what it is but they just would not let students see the inside of it but either way this is what i imagine a staff room would look like anyway but i didn't do a separate room for the principal because i was thinking about the possibility of having a separate seating room for the principal you know when they're on their lunch break they don't want to go and sit and merge with the teachers but then i was thinking about it and i was thinking i want this school to really be about community and community spirit and school spirit and i didn't want to close off the principal in like a separate little principal's office staffing thing because they can just use the main one and so they've got their room they've still got their little desk area which you will see me do in a second but currently you can see that i've now moved on into the cafeteria so first things first i do want to let you know the way that i built it you see where all of these like posters before like the broccoli and the carrots and lettuce are on basically behind that you want to see i just built a wall now i haven't done it yet but basically behind that wall i end up adding a platform the only reason why i didn't do it when i was filming is just because basically my pc was on for so long because wearing this is such a big lot i'm not joking when i tell you i've literally been filming this since thursday my pc blaster it's barely been turned off it was only turned off yesterday for the first time but where i was building this so long the the platforms when i was trying to raise it there was just like a slight two three second delay and it was quite infuriating especially how high i wanted the platform to be so if i've ever like built a wall and you're gonna see it in different spaces in this whole entire build if i haven't put a platform behind it just know that there will eventually be a platform behind it now the only reason i'm pointing this out is because it's quite a it's quite a good trick if you want to build things you want to be able to see all the different walls within a building basically i wanted you to be able to see all these different lunch menus all the different maybe like your daily specials or what's going to be at the cafeteria tomorrow you know get excited your sims can read it they can't but you can imagine them they can read it you know think about what they're going to have for lunch tomorrow and see all the daily specials and they're the lunch menu basically for the upcoming week but i wanted your sims to be able to see that one when you're in game play and two be really nice of screenshots so if you add a platform behind a wall and you raise it up to the max height you know when you go into half fulls up half fulls down mode and if you've got an exterior of the building you can only see it the the wall that kind of leads out onto nothing like the the back of the lot basically if you put a platform there it will act like that so you're still going to be able to see all the different lunch menus it's basically going to be how you see it on the screen now when you're in a huffles up half full down mode it's a really handy quite a nifty little trick when you do that because you still get the same effect of having all the walls up but then you don't have to try and figure out the floor plan because the one thing that i was really wanting to focus on in this cafeteria was having like a massive lunchtime menu massive loads of like the soup of the day and you know what's coming up for tomorrow's menu and stuff like that but i won't just seem to be able to see it and i also want to see like in gameplay because this is going to be the school that i'm going to be playing with in my own personal gameplay i want you to be able to see that it just kind of it makes it feel a little bit more real so yeah i did end up having a platform behind it but you just don't see it but you will if you download it there will be one there but in this massive cafeteria area i basically tried to include as many tables as i could possible so i think that ends up being like five different tables i was trying to think of you know mean girls when they're when they're kind of giving the rundown of the cafeteria era you know you've got the plastics you've got the art people you've got the jocks you've got i was basically trying to think of that and trying to do as many tables as i could possible for all the different types of either after school activities or maybe like the clubs that you got from get together i don't know if they are gonna work i'm assuming they do i've seen something on twitter that apparently you can't set like a school hangout for your your get-together clubs which is really unfortunate and i hope that's not the case and i hope that if that is the case then they fix it eventually because the get-together expansion pack could go so well with this expansion pack if the if the club systems were allowing this to be the hangout but i was basically just trying to think of mean girls basically and that cafeteria and all the different all the different types of teenagers and all their different types of interests and try and do like a table for each of them that ends up being i think like five so there's like one for your sims are really into art there's one for your sims are really into music there's one for your sims that are cheerleaders there's also one for your sims at jocks there's also one for your sims that might like doing chess and there's all these different spaces and i just basically just tried to clutter it up and make it feel like a natural cafeteria in the back corner you would have seen as well i also stuck some of these chairs so we've got a few new chairs within this expansion pack i think we've got like five off memory on top of my head but basically there's these new ones that are placed down into the classrooms as well as in the like the cafeteria area and they stack really nicely and i feel like every single school every single like gymnasium like every every single type of academic setting even like universities there's always some stacked chairs in the corner and so i placed some of them down into the corner of the cafeteria there's also kind of like a little like a staff entrance so like your staff will walk through this door and then you walk in it's got this kind of it's like a unit for spare food we got it from the dinell game pack it looks like it's got loads of different sources and loads of different stuff that you would add you know like you know when people say oh i've got no food at home you basically condiment it looks like it's like a condiment station so i place that into that little room and then they walk through the archway and that's where the cafeteria area is but moving on from that as you can see i've now moved on i've started furnishing the principal's office but quickly you would have seen me just furnish one of the hallways now like i've mentioned i decided to cut out things i was just repeating myself so i don't show every single hallway but i show you like snippets of some hallways just so you can get an idea how they decorated you can maybe picture which which locker is going to be your sims because your sims can now choose their locker and then they can decorate it which by the way when i upload this to the gallery i'm not going to do it so there's already decorative lockers or like blockers that have been decorated just because i don't know how that's going to transfer over in the gallery and there might be a particular locker in like a certain space and you might want that for your sim but then if you download it off the gallery and i've already set that to another sim and i've decorated it with like certain stickers and certain kind of decorations i'm not sure if you're then going to be able to redecorate it so just to avoid that i'm not going to have the lockers decorated so they're going to be completely blank completely blank canvas for you and your sims you know decorate them however you want to decorate them but you can see that i've now moved on into the principal's office so in here i just wanted it to be quite fancy quite grand it's got a ton of different like a walls and certificates in the walls and there's a massive like trophy case behind them as well there's also a little seating area in here i can just picture so many naughty teenagers coming in here you know they've been caught in the bathrooms when they're meant to be a lesson or they've done something they've stepped a foot wrong or something or even maybe maybe you've got a teenager that really wants to go to the university of rochester and maybe they're coming into this office and they're going to be asking for some help you know maybe they're going to ask for them to write i can't think what is cool but you know when you get someone to write a bit of paper basically saying how well you are at like a team play or how you're doing in your academics and basically just write them an essay and then maybe they're going to come in and talk to the principal and chat about it or maybe the maybe the other staff come in and just talk to the teacher i just wanted there to be a waiting area i want there to be a trophy case i wanted it to show that it was the literal principal's office the only one thing that doesn't so much annoy me but it actually no yeah it doesn't know me about the expansion pack is you know the requirements list so whenever you're building a community lot say for instance you're building a gym some of the requirements would be you know you've got to have at least one mirror you've got to have a shower you've got to have a treadmill so on and so forth for this lot so for the high school lot one of the requirements is to have the principal's desk but the thing is it set this one particular desk which if it wasn't set to that one particular desk i wouldn't have chose that for the principles there so the one that i chose it was kind of like square on one side that kind of went into a bit of a round a bit but we have so many other desks in the game which would be in my opinion anyway so much better suited for a principal they're a little bit more grand a little bit more fancier whereas the one that i've used in this build i mainly just use it because that was what is listed under the principal's desk requirements so i'm hoping that they're going to update that and give us maybe some more options or something i know it'll probably confuse the game if you include every single type of desk that we've got in the game to be the principal's desk and the principal could be a little bit confused but i don't know i just maybe you can click on it and maybe lock it to the principal's desk or something just because i i only use the principal's desk in that one room and then for the rest of the lot i tried to use different gestures just so it wouldn't confuse the principle and it seemed to work out fine but yeah it was just something that really annoyed me that we can't like we've got one from i think it's base games it's really big fancy it's got drawers on either side it's got some like fancy like wood details in it and you can't use it you have to use the one that they've given you i just yeah i hope i update that but anyway as you can see i've now moved on to the upstairs portion of the build and i've started off by furnishing the music room all right first of all you see the rug that plays down the floor and the flag matches so perfectly i did not i was so chuffed whether i i think i placed on the rug first and then i placed down the music like little flag area but basically i wanted it to all match together i placed it down and it just so happened to be pretty much the exact same color as the rug and the flag but they kind of they look like they're set they look like they go together but in here as you can see there ends up being a grand piano in the corner a big trophy case i know i use the trophy case in the principal's office but i changed out some of the like the awards and some of the medals so for instance in the principles one downstairs there's like certain there's certain different trophies there's certain different medals and there's not the same ones i've used in that trophy case so in the trophy case in the music room that ends up being kind of like a little music note one and there's there's more ones that look like trophies at four music rather than just kind of like generic ones but you would have seen the way that i place around like the the chairs are kind of like a semi-circle motion we also have some microphones also in a bit of a semi-circle motion like i said maybe you've got like a school choir or something maybe that's what your sim wants to do maybe they want to grow up one day and they want to become like a musician maybe that's where they spend a lot of their time there's also a few different guitars in the room and i don't know if you would have noticed but basically you know room or magic the game pack we have this little one stand you can basically with your wand in the game there's these different wand cases that you can place into your sims houses and they can display their little ones but i decided to place them down in that room and try and imagine them to be like clarinet or like flute boxes because we don't have any of them in the game we only have guitars violins piano keyboard and that is pretty much it off memory but i really wanted there to be like clarinet so maybe it's like clarinet practice or maybe they play the flute or something and so i place down these little wand boxes they're empty but i was imagining that maybe they've got their clarinet and maybe your sims have got it in their pockets rather than it being in the case but also in that room there ends up being like a dj mixing station there's also some like amplifiers for the guitars and stuff and now as you can see i've moved on to the next room which is the art room so in here there ends up being some art easels it's some kind of like newspaper on the floor to protect the wood flooring from paint there's also some like loads of different like paintings up against the walls kind of like maybe it's artwork that is being left to dry i place down this kind of like stand which is from base game it's one of the unlockables you know the different things like different careers you can unlock different things there's basically one which i'm assuming is going to be from the artist's career which you can unlock and it's basically loads of paintings in kind of like a drying stand do you remember when you was in school when you used to paint something you should be really proud of it and then you just put it on the stands and then you should try and put it at the top of top of the stand so everyone can see how proud you are if you painted well i basically i play some of them down into the art room and then there's also one decoration that i very often forget about but it was in the unlocked category and it reminded me it's basically this chair that looks like it's got like a bottle of wine and like a plant and maybe like stacked on some books and i placed it in front of the art easels that way if your sims have got a high enough painting skill when they can paint from reference they can just kind of look directly at this little chair that's got the wine and the plant on it and they can try and paint that it's kind of like what they're painting from reference i just thought it was a nice little touch but in that room it also ends up being quite a big high table with some bastards so if your sims wanted to like again like i said if you wanted to you could add the whiteboard into there and then you could pretend that when your sims are studying for their exam or maybe they're in class maybe they're in art class it's completely up to you but like i said i just didn't want to confuse the game by adding so many different whiteboards and i'm still very new to this expansion bag as we all are because it's literally only just come out and so i don't really know the ins and outs the mechanics of the game and how it works but if you wanted to you could add a whiteboard in there because there is at some desk areas for your sims to sit up on some bar stools maybe write on writing some paper maybe draw in their journal and just you know just draw some stuff do some artsy bits and bobs but also in the corner i added in one of the woodworking stations but now as you can see i've now moved on into the next room which is the library so in here as you can see it's quite a spacious library but it makes perfect sense because i mean the library that i went to at school and also the library that i went to at university was absolutely massive and so i wanted it to be quite big in this space so you can see i've placed down loads of different bookcases and i've kind of done it so some of them are kind of like up leaning against one another and then that way your sims can maybe be looking for a certain book for a certain subject and then maybe as they pull out one of the books they can see another sim on the other side i just feel like that happens in so many different music videos and so many different films and tv shows but in this room it ends up being that the the main bulk the library is kind of in the middle it's kind of like where all the bookcases are in one of the bookcases are kind of like merged in this little table i was thinking that maybe your sims want to go there do their homework write an essay maybe just practice at some some project that they're working on or maybe just read a book because it is a library that is one of the main purposes of the library but there is like a little hidden desk space in between us and the bookcases and then either side like either either wing if you want to put it that way of a library there is these little more like desk areas on one side again it's the same thing it's just somewhere where your sims can practice for exams they can write out some papers and then on the other side is where i put the research station now i did really struggle with what to initially put here before i remembered about the research stations because i really wanted there to be like a cozy reading nook because i feel like in every single school library or just anything that's got a library there's always like a really comfy sofa area where you can go and pick out a book you can sit down you can have a drink i say that actually most libraries i've been seeing don't actually let you drink in there but i'm talking about soft drinks by the way i'm talking about tea and coffee but i feel like most libraries have like a little cozy reading nook and i wanted to include one in this library like i mean there isn't a space downstairs which i did decide to cut out as well which it literally it's nothing too interesting it's very similar to the library but just in a very smaller scale and again it was quite repetitive it's just got bookcases in there and just some empty tables basically somewhere where your sims can again go and practice on a project they're working on or maybe go and write their homework or whatever but i was really struggling what to initially put into that little nook and then i remembered that we've got like a research and debate little machine that your sims can basically just level up their skills in but for the longest time i tried so many different sofas and so many different armchairs i was really trying to make it so there was like a cozy little reading nook but in the end i figured to be honest there is so many different seating areas in and around the school in any way i don't really need to have a seating area just dedicated to sitting down because there's so many seating areas but anyway moving from that as you can see i've now moved on into the next room which is kind of like the computer room the technology room sit in here all right obviously when i was building this i was thinking a lot back to when i was in school when i was in college when i was in uni like all the different academic places that i've ever visited and what's inside of them and i remember when i was in school it always used to be like this massive trolley that used to have like ipads or laptops in it and it used to be like you log one out and it was a similar thing with like the arts and crafts in muscle where you would basically log out your laptop or you'd log out a computer and there'll be one for every single pupil in the school and then at the end of the lesson if they if they didn't get it back you'd have like be left behind it was a similar thing about glue sticks i hope you know what i'm talking about but like used to book out like laptops and tablets i imagine what i've placed behind this computer set is basically that so place down loads of different tablets and i was imagining the ones that are empty or maybe the ones that the the teachers have used or maybe a teacher's borrowing them for their lesson or something but yeah i was thinking about when i was in school when you used to used to get like a glow stick and then teachers used to have an absolute meltdown if every single glue stick lid never used to return maybe it was just my school maybe my sit maybe i might say muslims maybe my teachers in my school just had a thing about glue stick lids but you'd never be able to leave the lesson until everything was back in their little cubby and so i tried to do something similar in here but using like tablets and ipads but you can see there's just a ton of different desk spaces loads of different of the same computer there's always different books and then in the corner i place down these kind of like storage carts it looks like they've got like hard drives on it looks like they've just got loads of different technology bits and bobs basically and they just fitted perfectly into a computer room because at the end of the day what do you actually put in a computer room i was really debating putting a tv on the wall and then you know they're like interactive whiteboards it used to have in school and you used to like be able to draw on it and then at the end of the day you could just rub it off and it was just basically like technology but whiteboard version i was thinking about putting a tv and making that act like one of them the only thing is i didn't want your sims then just go and stand upstairs and just watch tv so i decided against the idea because again the gameplay i don't know how that would have panned out but now as you can see i've now moved on into the next room which is the science tab so in here as you can see i place down this crime map i'm trying to pretend this is going to be the white board like i said i didn't want to place down the whiteboard up here because i didn't know if the teacher would actually come and stand in front of this one or whatnot it might confuse a game so i make do and i just placed down this crime map which means i think you know it's quite good i mean i'd believe that was a white board but in here i placed down nuts and counters and some bar stills because i feel like with science classrooms again in every single academic building that i've been in that there has been science rooms there always seem to be counters and then bar stores and then at the end of the lesson you always used to put your parcels on top of the counter maybe again maybe that was just a thing that i did in school and maybe no one else did that but i want you to use the counters and the parcels rather than the tables in the chairs just because to me it feels feels a little bit more sciencey you can see that i place down like this skeleton i've also placed down this little kind of like barstool that's got these little wheels on i imagine that the teacher will be teaching a lesson and i imagine them to be quite a a bit of a free spirit so they don't like sitting at the desk they like to kind of like move around as they teach and so they have this little bar stool but it's got wheels in it so as they're teaching a lesson they probably like sit on it and then kind of like judge around this little bar still this room doesn't end up having like a dedicated computer teacher desk area if you're not a man so for the other classrooms i try to do it so well i say for the other classrooms not so much for the music room and not so much for the art room but for like the computer room and then the other two classrooms downstairs at the front of the classroom there would be like a a computer desk a teacher's desk there'll be a computer on it and there'll be like a little seating area and then all the desks and tables and chairs kind of like face the teacher's desk but for science i feel like that's not really needed because a lot of the time you're just experimenting you know you're playing around with bunsen burners or actually don't play around with bunsen burners it's quite dangerous but you know you're experimenting with stuff with bunsen burners and you're you know you're doing all these bits and bobs in science it's very much more hands-on rather than sitting down and writing on a bit of paper and so there isn't a dedicated computer desk for the teacher or for the science teacher because i imagine that they didn't need one plus in my school teachers didn't have that they just they would just use the edge of our counters because with counters where there's such a big surface area you can kind of have two people like one end of it and then maybe the teacher can just use the end of the counter and write down any notes that they need to do but in terms of a computer desk i just felt like it wasn't needed but in that room as you would have seen there's loads of different poses relating to science and hazards and space and just everything that could have made any sense to fit into a science room i tried to include it in there like i said there's a skeleton there's loads of different like kind of like gas bottles and it's like this little alien on our table and there's just so many bits and bobs and so many posters from strangerville came in really handy because with the strangefield game pack we've got some posters that are kind of like hazard suits i say hazard suits i think i was meant to say ha i don't know what it's called but you know them suits if you think to monsters inc you know when they oh it's it we've got a 23 19 or whatever i can't think what it is is it 23 19 you know when someone gets the monster gets a sock on them all of these monsters come in and like them yellow like hazmat that's it hazmat suits basically there's posters or like hazmat suits sort of like warning signs and i just thought that's appropriate for science because in science dangerous it can be very dangerous and so i just placed loads of them all over the walls and there's also this one new post that we got from the expansion pack that looks like the science table of all the different elements and so of course i'll place that into that room as well but now as you can see i've now moved on into the next space which is the janitor's closet it's not needed it is just purely i mean your sims can still use it your sims can still sit there but it was just purely for decoration because there is that man that he's just wandering about at the school cleaning stuff up and i think they might repair stuff as well and so i wanted them to have their own little janitor's closet in there that ends up being basically like some shelfing units as well as some like boxes and just general stuff and like mops and things i feel like you would find in a janitor's closet but you want to notice i place down these shelving units and i only cluttered it up with things that would clip to the shelves because where the janitor's closet is when you go into half fulls out half walls down mode if you move object something onto a shelf and you use the move object's cheat when you go into that halfway up half or down mode all of them clutter pieces will just remain floating in the air and so i only selected clutter pieces like tissue boxes and weird like jars of things and tins of things that would clips of it so it's a bit of a random assortment of clutter but it was the stuff that would basically click to the shelfing unit just to stop it from like floating in the air because it kind of it just looks a bit weird when that happens but now as you can see i'm moving on it to the upstairs hallway space so this is just basically another space where your sims can choose out with one of their lockers they can decorate the lockers there's also some little seating benches areas cluttered it up with loads of different books and shoes and some just posters and just stuff i feel like you would probably find in the locker i tried to keep the lockers in like a a gray white and green color palette so all the lockers within the school they stick to this kind of this color theme now i stuck to this theme for two reasons one being this was the best color combination that i felt was working best for this school and even though the llama that's on the floor in the like entrance hallway is red and the lockers are green instead of red i just felt like these colors just mended well together but i did it for another reason because where there is so many different lockers in this school say for instance you get your sim to pick out a locker and you know they've got this one particular locker that is going to be theirs they're going to decorate from it they're going to get all their school books from it they're going to maybe change their outfit into their gym clothes from there at one point i feel like you might forget which locker it is because there is so many in this school so if you wanted to you could definitely change the color of the lockers to say for instance we've got all the green the gray and the white ones say your sim wanting to have their locker which is maybe on the middle floor like the main level of the school if i was you i'd change the look of color to be like pink or purple or red so then it stands out from all the others and then you're going to remember that way which locker is your sims of course you don't have to but it was just an idea that i had in terms of it's easy for gameplay but anyway as you can see i've now moved on downstairs into the basement also quickly i do want to mention i haven't shown all the bathrooms but there was some bathrooms opposite that little hallway space that you would have seen there's bathrooms in every single level but i only show you the furnishing of one of our friends because they're literally the exact same they're using the toilet stores that we've got from discover university the ones that i've used have kind of got like drawings on because we did get some toilet stalls within this expansion pack the the new one that we just got high school years but they don't have any like doodles or any scribbles on them and i feel like for high school people people write on the bathroom walls people people definitely do graffiti on them and so i decided to discover university ones but yeah there is some more bathrooms but i just didn't show the furnishings for every single one but in here you can see that i tried to do like a little bit of changing room a little bit of a change in space basically where your sims if they're on the basketball team or if they're on the swim team that's where they're going to get changed into either their athletic wear or maybe like their swimwear now there isn't a changing room for the basketball court as such because you'll see at the end because there'll be an overhead screenshot but the way that the floor plan is for the basement is you if you're looking at it directly like head on you have the basketball court on the left-hand side and then the swimming pool area on the right-hand side but the basketball court it's so big like it's massive i didn't really have any space behind it to put some dedicated changing rooms and so i thought it doesn't really matter too much if they just share the change of rooms because i feel like in a school if you're going to have changing rooms all the different sports teams are just going to share the same ones anyway so hopefully you don't mind that there's not a separate changing room for the basketball team to the swim team i don't think it's a massive deal anyway but as you can see in here i placed down at that llama kind of like a school pride school flag thing on the bottom floor of a swimming pool i was imagining that maybe you've got a sim that's in the swim team and maybe they're like doing swimming practice or something i also place down little lines onto the floor as well to make it look like they're gonna be swimming laps up and down there's also so many different kind of like lifeguard rings or you know the things that if there's an emergency or something and someone needs one of them in the pool there's loads of them dotted around this room i also tried to make it look like there was a lifeguard chair but i don't think i executed it very well i basically just used a bar stool and then put like a little or what's it called like a megaphone next to it to make it look like a lifeguard sits there during a spin practice or maybe the swimming teacher sits there and then say if someone's doing something wrong they can be sitting on their little barstool and then like use that little microphone show them but i don't think i executed that well but we don't really have any lifeguard chairs in the game surprisingly even though we have the lifeguard career which is a part-time career that we've got from the island living expansion park but either way i tried to make it look like there was a lifeguard station but now as you can see i've now moved on into the next space which is almost like the chess tournament room i imagine that basically if ever there's a chess tournament it's going to be held in this room so you can see the way that i've done it is i basically put a platform on one level and they'll put a little bit more of a fancy a chess table with some different chairs the other ones in this room and i was thinking that maybe there's like a tournament that happens every single week maybe there's like two chess champions and they like to challenge each other there's also like a little clock in the world so maybe they time themselves maybe they want to see who can do it in the quickest time or something but it's basically just a dedicated space where your sims can come in they can play chess they can get up their logic skill there's also some like sofas down there there's always like a bookcase and then you don't see it but in the hallways like around the basement there's loads of different vending machines as well actually i think i'll place down some vending machines outside but you don't see me do it because i'm pretty sure i did that once i stopped filming and i was just kind of going in and play testing and just kind of like taking the screenshots but there is a bunch of different vending machines in and around this building basically i'm talking about you know like the picnic areas outside that's what i'm talking about so if your sims want to go and have their lunch out there rather than the cafeteria there is going to be some vending machines i'm pretty sure i'm going to place them out in a second because when i was doing these football stand areas you can see i've now moved on to i was thinking well normally when you go to like a football game as i've seen anyway actually no i went to one basketball game once no not whilst i went to one baseball game in toronto once i think it was called blue jays i can't remember my head but i went to a baseball game and there's always these people that are kind of like standing around with like the little food carts and stuff and it was here that i remembered the vending machines i'm pretty sure so you'll see me place some of them into the hallways but for the ones that are outside in the picnic areas you won't see me place but in here as you can see i placed down these kind of wall decals on the floor again one of them like school spirit like rug things in the floor there's also this live edit kind of like like scoreboard which i merge into the ball as well now again you know with the cafeteria how i was talking about i put a platform behind it then when you go into walls up in walls down mode it will kind of show it as an exterior wall i did it for the inside basketball court as well but apart from that i'm just going to go around the building you know add some more like flags and school posters and just bits and bolts and cheerleading things also there is a cheerleader in my outside i place it when i place down that live edit stand but you just don't see it but if you're wondering if cheerleaders can practice here there is a dedicated area for them outside but apart from that that is basically it so anyway guys i'm gonna end this voiceover right here so as always you can download this build via gallery my original id is jessica yt or if you search for the hashtag jessicapiyt or just the hashtag jessicapi as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully i will see you in my next sims 4 speed winning video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 185,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, sims 4, the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 high school, sims 4 high school years, sims 4 high school years build, sims 4 high school build, sims 4 school build, sims 4 new pack, sims 4 copperdale build, sims 4 high school review, sims 4 copperdale high, sims 4 house, sims 4 build, sims 4 big high school, sims 4 family home, sims 4 save file, sims 4 house building, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, save file, sims 4 teen, sims 4 teenage years, school build sims 4
Id: 1H4m2EUAH2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 8sec (3788 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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