London, how many languages do you speak?

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how many languages do you speak how many languages do you speak how many languages do you speak how many languages do you speak did you say your visit you're from the states yes yes are you here for about nine years nine years incredible how many languages do you speak just one that's it very good yeah okay are you just gonna ask me stuff how many languages do you speak three and a bit of German what are the three French English and Spanish oh very cool how many languages do you speak um two and a half if that's a thing what are the two what's the half Hindi and a bit of Punjabi which is like a regional language from where I am so it's very broken Punjabi India has so many languages right it's crazy yeah yeah I don't understand half the languages and understand last but not least uh so ask me how many languages do you speak one and three halves okay what are the what's the one what's the three halves uh so the the one in the main is Russian English half of English I have a French and half of Ukrainian only one and not very well I like Elvis actually though when I was a kid you learned Elvis could you do you remember something from Alex oh gosh um so I speak two languages French and English so big despicable Spanish but not fluent two and a half maybe oh yeah and then a tiny bit of Chinese as well because I grew up in Shanghai in China oh cool so I'd say four languages but two are really speak and then could you throw me a phrase in Chinese or something uh Nihao washer Luke uh what you say Shanghai Sania let me do I look something um I'm French and I lived in Shanghai for three years three what are they uh Finnish English and Swedish one technically I speak American in English [Music] incredible okay may I ask how many languages do you speak Italian Italian a little bit English Romania first language Italiano Italian Portuguese English French Spanish some Arabic and some as well wait what's the last one from Eritrea oh my God you speak so many languages I haven't even heard of some of these yeah yeah I was volunteering with some refugees in France yeah and that's how I learned some more say some expression or something so like hello how are you integria is Arabic for my love yeah very cool get it up and running here in London how many languages do you speak three what are the three it was basically my native language Malayalam and then English of course and then we know a bit of Tamil so which way where we did undergraduated let's say the place where it is before yeah malaylo is uh from India as well where is that from uh south of India yeah very cool very cool how many languages do you speak two what are the two French and English only only English only English how many languages do you speak one where are you from the UK okay thanks so much what about this guy this guy's making a film about londoners no people in London how many languages they speak oh wow beautiful here and I just had to embarrass myself I only speak one because I'm English Little Italian how many languages do you speak uh four wow what are the four English Italian English Portuguese French and Spanish five incredible but because I speak Spanish and French like that come see comes that I would say for but I can survive in Senegal Indonesia in France for weeks and months or so I I must not do too bad but thank you okay you know it's a lot when you have to count yeah maybe you can go first how many languages do you speak I think five what are the five uh Malay uh Mandarin um English Cantonese Hawkins yeah would you like to go next how many languages do you speak what are the three English and Chinese oh what's your first language English I can speak six languages wow yeah Chinese Malay English Cantonese could you tell me in Chinese uh what's something you like about London [Music] is a very fantastic place and the people here is very friendly are you from London are you visiting uh he's visible like like actually oh very cool let's start with The Londoner what how many languages do you speak uh three languages Italian English in Spanish and how many languages do you speak oh so me I'm From Italy and I speak Italian and English only I had to speak something in Italian yeah tell me in Italian is there like something that surprised you about the city something you didn't expect um this is my first time in London I'm here from yesterday yeah wow it's super exciting a big city wow fantastic how many languages do you speak I speak three languages French a little bit English and Arabic very cool how many languages do you speak to French and English you speak about three or four what are they Swahili Arabic English a bit of others actually where is Swahili from from Kenya from Kenya are you from Kenya yeah could you say one expression in Swahili for me have a great day how many languages do you speak three what are the three English French and Arabic Algerian Arabic Algerian Arabic could you say something in Algerian Arabic for me and what's that hello my friend what do I have to say I speak two languages yeah I'll just ask and you answer it how many languages do you speak I speak to him what are the two English in Spanish how many languages do you speak I speak English as first language a little bit of French from school and I'm learning Italian as my husband is Italian so two what are the two yeah English and Romanian and English and a little bit Russian little bit yeah similar to Romanian no no no no no the Gypsy like original Indian it's not the Romanian the Gypsy is immigration the long long time in the back to Russian first after to Europe Gypsy checked the Wikipedia the Gypsy is Indian it's not a Romanian it's a big big confusion wow the Romanians have half Roman uh Italian and half the Dutch I don't know is a the pupil is a little bit of a long long time in the back would you like to answer no okay well thank you very much [Music] okay French Spanish English and Arabic are you from London are you visiting uh we're here for walking holiday working holiday okay what are the three the new the new the new the new travel travel how many languages do you speak I speak English and a little bit of tree so too what tree yeah where's Tree Farm um Ghana from Ghana very cool thanks so much no worries yeah speak Irish or English may I record your answer yeah I could why is it going to take long no two seconds go ahead yeah how many languages do you speak two what are they Gaelic in English right could you say some expression in Gaelic uh gorgeous yes see you again my good friend yeah thanks so much
Channel: The New Travel
Views: 5,102,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the new travel, dan vineberg, travel vlog, london, england, united kingdom, languages, uk, how many languages
Id: 0DOMlNJ9sOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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