Parisians Try to Pronounce Words in English
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Channel: Frenchly
Views: 11,937,603
Rating: 4.9296165 out of 5
Keywords: english, french, speaking english, pronounciation, parisians, paris, french people, bad at english
Id: uy2LRxdlgWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The best was the guy that said "square friend" instead of squirrel
My parents moved to the US when I was born, and French is my first language. We started speaking English at home when I was 4ish, and had a pretty thick accent when I started grade school. I remember my first grade teacher sent me to the see the school's speech therapist thinking I had a speech impediment. The speech therapist ran a bunch of tests, and eventually asked about my family and background. She took me back to the teacher telling her "He's French, that's just the way he talks". This went on every year until the 5th grade as my accent gradually went away.
I like the one guy that obviously speaks English with decent command showing off by listing the ingredients to a BLT.
I'm not prepared to start a pronunciation war with the French.
I'm dissapointed he didn't try to get them to say hamburger
This video humors me because when I lived in France the #1 word people would make me say to mock my American accent (and lack of success at a French βrβ) was the word for squirrel, Γ©cureuil. LOOKS LIKE IT CUTS BOTH WAYS FRENCHIES
They all seemed like nice people.
Little Finger did pretty well
Ask a French speaker to pronounce 'rare.' The R is quite difficult, it's so funny