SDTV Fridays - London City Airport Live - 8th September 2023

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[Music] need [Music] [Music] [Music] 4 glad I'm very very glad right then so hello Brandon PL spot hello to you Steve thanks for turning up all good absolutely brilliant Aviation geek John grham Yan Cafe spotter monk monkey Carlos Liberator 74 working from home so live just a little bit early guys as I said while we're here all set up just making sure that everything's run but you know what we're like as we say we always either decide to go live a little bit earlier just while we're here and we're all set up so lovely afternoon or early afternoon should we say here on the dock side just gone 4:00 so welcome along everyone just joining us nice and settled Sam for VOR how are you doing six apologies you're reil one there St again [Music] well done mods only been live a couple of minutes and already trolling the uh chat but hello good afternoon guys David T Got Mods afternoon guys hope you're all doing great and well so as we say we'll decide the while we're here and we're set up if we're here we always go live that a little bit earlier guys if we uh physically can obviously everything's uh there to change Miranda how are you doing so nice chilled out afternoon along the dock excited Reggie stman watching from Pennsylvania USA great program thank you so much Reggie really appreciate it already reloading one of the ba aircraft as Barrett hello to you welcome along everyone just joining us guys hello mods hope you're doing fantastic hopefully we should have some lovely thr flyovers as well guys looking like 27s in operations here thought it was going to be 09 so we got quite lucky actually today so we should be okay looks like they're also trying to plan an event here or they're planning an event should I say on uh along the dock side it's probably going to be quite a busy afternoon I'm thinking Sam for vle that's good always good to see uh people doing well and being okay that's the main thing as long as your health is good life is good as they say welcome along to everyone just joining us over there on Facebook as well Steve Cox from grandon how are you doing Alex mlin Jeffrey Wilson from Texas how are you doing uh Annie wardo greetings from Northern Ireland filipo from Monty Carlo Richard Ry Bryce hello to you thank you very much welcome along guys it's a nice chilled out start to Friday as we always like hello delhi2 Bernie Thompson yeah going over the top of us at the second it's all good uh Patrick I'm watching from Chicago Illinois but live part time ah but live part time across the River in wage absolutely brilliant hope you're doing fantastic welcome along everyone there joining us from some Far Away places I think that was the Kenya looks like it anyway special Livery going over there into herro so is that Rivals going into I'm guessing it's 27 right that they're going to be going into today so hopefully before the uh the weather changes around tomorrow life should be good apparently we've got 27s in the morning and then 09's after that Tony Newton saying uh High picture quality this week thank you very much Tony as I said getting everything uh in and sorted after these upgrades Frenchy TJ Miranda aurorax he read stallion good afternoon to uh everyone and yes it is one year since the uh Queen passed away so RP to our Majesty remember that very vividly from last year where has that year gone guys very very quickly rank up saying hello mik request mik November the runway mik and November so like we always are guys if we're here that little bit early and we're set up obviously we put uh a standard Showtime on but we always say that this uh around to change so we're here earlier we will always go live earlier and it's all good Gary fellows how are you doing uh rank up Matt Reed Real see fishing hello to you the ground Ops just at the moment hello Matt Reed hope you're doing fantastic [Music] beautiful stuff job uh anesto River say howy from San Antonio Texas great job guys thank you very much so there we go just removed the airstairs from the ba and braa just in front of us Patrick through parks and uh nice to have the same view from your live stream I having the Riverside place in W absolutely brilliant there fellas I'm flying back from belfar City soon hopefully uh we'll catch your arrival inbound I'll come along though [Music] guys nice cup of coffee as well here probably chilled out on the ramp or chilled out on the ramp on the dock side so getting the Embraer ready everything is closed everything being removed from around the side of the aircraft and obviously we be keeping an eye out on the aircraft over the top of us don't worry scary so that would be about an hour I would say we'll keep an eye out there's some Sky Team hello to you Steve Cox watching from gron so just going to be waiting for these next bits here no Marshal are there at the second though Pilots look like they they've done everything and ready to go oh is that potentially the Marshal of there ah yes it is iic have back in bu next first they brilliant stuff so nice to have some uh decent weather here guys 30° C it's been all day today very warm very warm weather um hello to Maxine and Miranda so there you go you can see ground Ops just plugged in and then we should have the call on the radio uh silia bar Albert is Albert is okay he is doing absolutely fine so there we go just waiting for the radio call up okay Jos how are you doing hope you're doing fantastic thanks for everyone tuning in yesterday that great gwick show guys got so many uh bits and pieces going to be editing down over the next few days all goodon F 3299 c116 request and there is the99 a request at least Wendy B thank you so much for your support Wendy really really appreciate it thank you so much for uh your kindness hello here Mahoney hope you're doing fantastic Beacon lights on now getting ready to go Tim trainer hello to you Evelyn MD as I said guys hope you don't mind us when we're here and we're early once we're set up always going to click the live button we've had some real good uh real good rolls with the traffic lately so let's hope a long may that continue and then inbound as well and good morning all cheers from California hello to you Kos it is been a very uh sticky 30° heat today but apparently the uh Saturday and Sunday supposed to be even hotter 32° C apparently we're going to be uh dealing with over the weekend here in the UK anesto Rivers thank you so much anesto really really appreciate it Tim trainer thank you very much the Lux are still quite far out at the moment James kidland how are you this and all back safely in Australia you had a great flight so it's looking like he's going to now go and disconnect from the aircraft remove the chocks and then the ba cth will be on the go very early Friday warm welcome to you all though guys joining us hope you're doing [Music] fantastic okay 4603 the surface wind is 2 40° 6ot Runway 27 C 37 [Music] beautiful H Gary CR and Steven Rass no worries Samantha we will keep an eye out does look a little bit cloudy though here so we'll see what we can uh see we can catch and there we go chops removed ta99 tax Lu inbound beautiful there is the dash first of the props coming up to 20 I'll get taxi no 123 beautiful [Music] Dash Sam I'll keep an eye out for the uh the A340 we'll see [Music] hey class how are you doing aircraft inbound [Music] bu8 2 5 Runway 2way 2 Jeffrey woo from Washington DC oh was it yeah beautiful happy days so it looks like the billan flight is back in a little daier 328 guys Steve rothwell's just uh up here next to me guys taking a trip down from Yorkshire to say hello air cross over to Mar stand 10 as well just starting its engines shut down Del City good afternoon continue approaching X ner [Applause] today9 thank you beautiful touchdown by the ba in Brian left done so ba and bra let just touch down guys going to be on stand 22 so down the other end of the uh Airfield I would say the remote stands even if s of not that remote rcraft inbound as well good few miles out yet though and we're going to have a a departure before that Derek Perry say I'm watching the stream from Mana excellent thank you very much Derek hope you're enjoying enjoying everything rank up it was a Sony ax53 the just getting ready to go Tower Oscar request stand 21 [Music] beautiful passing shot once again by the sun some fantastic spectacles here always in the East End of London getting quite busy here now from the 4:00 mark hell and the hand off you should get the right hand turn as we all know very much by now whenever he wants to make the right hand turn and there it is hello Rebecca froud how are you doing wish was getting isn't that the uh isn't that the truth hope you've cool down a bit now though well now though I'll give you a call after the uh after the stream in B Brier uh EF BBC said busy moments at London City really really busy moments here at lcy C taxi wouldn't mind the camera on the dinging I think it'll be very stabilized though beautiful flaring [Music] down he bra uh dere Parry little bit of cloud here but the uh the heat it is really really warm 30° C today be another uncomfortable night for sleeping should we say hello Richard pit afternoon to you [Music] hello lady crew hope you're doing fantastic just siy and good evening from Nairobi Kenya how are you doing TR Val hello to you and Big Al welcome along everyone just joining us guys be going into stand n oh looks like a private inbound next there's a private in so that should taxi all the way up here yeah C taxi probably will but they are trained so much so that they would have done uh they would have done this approach in the simulators a lot so they uh they would have been well used to it so this should roll all the way out to the end of Runway uh 27 or actually 09 here make a left turn and then head into the private jet Center just over behind us [Music] good afternoon hello how you doing all the way out he going to make the turn a little bit earlier one to follow the Marshal reflection [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] 2364 love the private movements yeah as we uh Majesty the queen guys a year to the day obviously we send all of our uh thoughts and prayers what a Monumental loss for the country in the world that [Music] was R IP Her [Music] Majesty 35 bra the Surf 2 60° 4 KN Runway 27 beautiful seil how are you doing hello Ian Jones hello to you Bruce thank you so much for your support over 11 months see now the rowers all out for the evening is he here along the dock side and we theall section 236 uni section 36 uniform [Music] Mar [Music] should be some lovely shots on that sun has move Round And once it begins to set I've got a feeling it's going to be a beautiful beautiful sunset again once uh oh once again here in london5 Bravo contact director 128 025 goodbye 128 0255 all in Bound with the lufty hello uh mial Tas or techx from Austria hello to you Simon far hello tax T Taxi holding another behind the lify as well really busy here thank you Tim 5 4 5 [Music] [Music] [Music] 4 Jim you're all good mate don't worry CBL Bren L how are you doing ahead they [Music] areway beautiful smells as well guys from that aircraft that's pretty much bang in front of us the wonderful jet fumes CBL is that what the problem was Bruce thank you so much Bruce really really appreciate it so they ready to be marshaled in as you can probably see there always two marshallers here at London City Airport [Music] turning right how with the ba emior G how are you doing K G hello Timothy roach and 104 event hope you're doing fantastic hope about 1650 the first of the aircraft or the first of the Swiss movements of the day turning up 5 go 2 40° 5 Runway 27 take off take D 1986 and George and uh good evening from Germany monster how are you doing uh Tim over the top we'll be uh all right once the aircraft start coming [Music] through beautifully off contact director 1280 no was still there guys he was still there it's just over there by the uh the red and white Jupiter Dar is saying good day from the USA and hello to you John [Music] Allen beautiful and the ba down nice and lovely so Grand Ops just going to be putting the chocks on Suave thank you so much I sat a38 over the top now I haven't seen an A380 over the top here guys there's an A320 that's just gone over but definitely not a an A380 that I've seen real see fishing I'm going to head up there and try and catch the uh the 727 from south end I've got two uh we'll see hello to you Ash wats there you go love the ground Ops here at London city just a succession of uh a320s guys going over the top no A380 at the minute beautiful no 10 before van we're all good no thunderstorms uh at all this weekend apparently it does get a bit cooler though from uh from next week from what they're saying nothing wrong with that uh George saying in Germany it's company fly 1° very nice just going to have a SI more water go hello Robert Robin Roxy saying hello my favorite stream of the week hello to you guys don't think I've ever drunk as much water as I have the past few days root everything's been really good my friend Yeah Tim I must have missed it I didn't see a 380 there going over [Music] 787 just waiting to get the first few passengers off just going to move the counter away on the uh on the tripod a second guys just get a better better load up on there hello Carol Pitman hope you're doing well by Mar say love this stream Shredder head it's nice to see uh Sunshine now finally got a bit of Summer lots and lots of people now out on the uh on the raw docks people swimming in the water as well here guys if you uh if you'd ever wanted to believe [Music] that sometimes it's nice having them uh diluted drinks Trevor hello to you samil Valerie castons how are you doing so those now that I actually have seen and see people swimming in the dock many of you have asked it looks like it it might be safe so just de board in the ba aircraft [Music] Steve Kelly I'm doing very well lady crew I've said that a few times mam B no no no he's going to look after the equipment uh no this is the docks Brian so the temps is behind like behind this few people don't believe me that there are people swimming in the uh in the docks once the aircraft get boarded I'll show uh I'll show you well Trevor they're in here now very quiet with the overflies here at lhr uh with the lhr overflies as well guys and Bs how are you doing beautiful well I got a brief moment going to charge the phone up can't see it him at the second yeah people saying that uh just before we catch the heavy over the top as you can see people swimming in the river obviously uh don't just come down here and do that though guys they're all supervised over [Music] [Music] here beautiful way 350 [Music] [Music] yep C drot when got the Air China 350 as you say when it's days like this guys we should be able to get uh the best of both ah shred ahead the good old air con 5 Runway 2ar 2ar Rob Roxy you know what it's exceptionally easy to get here by uh by car Road net is quite uh quite well connected if you head down the a13 it's all good so just finished up deep boarding the ba Tim trainer not a problem 21st it looks like [Music] [Music] lovely still the doors open on the and thank you very much Tim hello Leslie Whitey good afternoon that is the km and the first of the Swiss is inbound beautiful blue from the km [Music] by mik vate left six left [Music] going I don't uh D 1986 I don't know I haven't uh I haven't fought ahead that far yet I want to get the uh the summer out the way I'm not thinking about uh November or December yet to far away [Music] uh shra ahead it is fake grass on this so it is very very [Music] green let's see Michael Sing looks even more uh even more beautiful in that in that [Music] sunlight [Music] and with the E2 the helvetic perf Delta oh very nice [Music] cheeky bat [Music] track Callum Ellington s for emeres I live and work uh here originally from Scotland brilliant stuff Zan case and we're flying into London city for the first time at the end of October hope you enjoy the flight always nice to see a maneuver like that just after touchdown good afternoon the surface wind is 250° 5 knots Runway 27 clear to LK beautiful colors with that [Music] sun thank you very much for the kind words Michael Drew so we've uh we've done a lot of upgrading over the uh over the summer while it was a little bit quiet another aircraft inbound good few miles out now though lovely selection of colors or Airlines already on the ramp sounds about right Brian Morrison good old YouTube fault or YouTube problem thank you Timothy roach means a lot Zan K thank you so much to you appreciate it Bravo reest good afternoon your C to anope you have a slot 1608 departure is a soccer 1 Alpha scor 2176 cop uh quick to ENT dep 17616 4683 4683 beautiful thank you Benny now with ba and Bri hello [Music] Quinny [Music] [Music] bus driver it's all in the uh description [Music] thank you Tim and Valerie not too bad do you know what the uh the 5 hours worth of suncream that I put on yesterday really really uh really helped it's still a bit hot now I've got the sun over me so as soon as I get uh a moment I'm probably going to put some more sun cream on I reckon [Music] beautiful so the dash is one of our favorites couple of a2s turning up on the flight path over to for thank you very much [Music] Frank uh Franks 30° C here in the UK or in [Music] London now Andy SE up the Border how are you doing uh Bobo hello to you and boy strien evening Tim I can see an A320 see a triple coming over even from the north it's one of them ones so door shut on the dash another A320 over the top of us [Music] [Music] oh Susan rollington Tim I definitely didn't see a uh any any heavy SS they just started the Apu on the lufty over there on stand 10 Dino how are you doing beautiful looks like uh prop two stting to [Music] start hello night I'm hydrated Peter Kowski saying stting quality images Chris thank you Peter I thinking bound at the second R 320 over the [Music] top see [Music] him very good you 5 919 5 919 Brian Morrison thank you so much for your contribution really means a lot thank you hello Dian emsley how are you doing [Music] Medic One it does say uh it does say there obviously subject to change if we're here and we're not queuing up in traffic and we're all set up I'm always going to click the live button earlier sometimes it 99.9% of the time it's always going to be earlier which I'm sure you guys don't mind and sometimes there will be a little bit late but it all depends on the uh on the traffic just a slow build into everything at the moment thank you Brian o hang on just wondering potentially if going be S variation South Norwest Runway 2west di thank you so much dier really really appreciate it hello to you h beautiful still just more a320s than anything guys heading over the top of us at the second I just had a look around hello creative M hope you're doing well h i mean you can see that there even the wind sock guys I mean very very calm here very very calm it's going to be another hot and sticky night I think hello Alan Bernett [Music] hello to you Aviation live Brian Morrison yes it is 4683 mik Hotel um do we have a slot please on6 hotel at three [Music] [Music] okay1 Tim I just called that [Music] one Clarkson s scorching in Sheffield uh dino it's very very humid here in in London very humid thank you November Miranda we love you too hello Fred vels [Music] [Music] for do love them Sun Shots got to admit thank you so much watch us now for the prop action getting ice cream in a bottle of water Watchers thank you so much for your uh your kindness really really appreciate it thank you so much [Music] 4683 contact 10 director 128 deal 025 goodbye love that sign the lift he's got this Apu running think they're going to be very hot and stuffy on the [Music] ground H3 uh H3 love the sun silhouette shots beautiful guys when the Sun is setting like that yeah Tim I can see that it's quite a far way away actually that triple looks like it's doing he's going behind one of the hotels over the back there now Jamie Campbell F 86 pdc1 request Hotel so that's going to be that aircraft there I believe Emma pelum I do believe we have the D A coming [Music] back it's going to be nice to see the 328 always nice to see the uh the little donier while we're making an [Music] appearance might be stand NE Warner thank you so much for your support over the 12 months really really appreciate it and John Driscoll thank you to you for 10 months really appreciate it yeah Diane I'm hoping for that uh that wonderful sort of purpley color that we had last week be stand 22 the next a craft getting ready thank you Benny and Frank thank you so so much for your generosity I really really appreciate that thank you so much thank you to all of you looks like the daier is lined up guys so the first time seeing it in a uh in a couple of months now they SLO the uh the service just over the just over the summer period I'm a travel Master there's a lot of aircraft actually the uh the Heavies taking the shorter approach into lhr this evening I can see what sort of a lot further out than what they're normally uh normally over the top [Music] here looking forward to welcoming back the D though my Hony that's the one Matthew Martin from Australia how are you doing [Music] oh Bruce honestly thank you so much for that wow I i' never expected that wow thank you so so much for your support guys all of you wow I never expected that thank you so much Bruce wow thank you all guys life begins at 40 thank wow wow wow wow [Music] thank you so much guys wow and I wig know that was just a a little a little mistake I think it's where I've had the radar box it's been in all of the uh the different airports this [Music] week that's tears of happiness guys honestly thank you so much for that Bruce that's taking my uh wow I'm never never normally short of a few words but that is uh Norway at the end and the D inbound as well see it coming out of the clouds now see a smaller little jet in Walker thank you so much for your uh your contribution over the 11 months thank you Bruce [Music] no worries May Beckley I hope you're uh I hope you're all doing okay so our first time back on the channel in a couple of months now the stunning little daier 328 inbound from land we get to uh see the little 328 once again [Music] here 5 5 holding Point m ah so nice to see it [Music] back prayed on behalf of British CH was by Sun [Music] air beautiful to [Music] see and Chris Morrison signning enjoy watching from Texas cheers now cheers to you thank you so much for your [Music] support wow so good to see the D back so as you can see there operated by Sun inbound and outbound to B lovely lovely little machine uh bo this is AIA 328 so adier or a Aviation videos how are you doing very loud little machine as well so it's going into stand [Music] nine so nice to see it back [Music] There She Goes hello to Joseph Elder saying good morning Chris just got back to the US after a quick trip to London you had a good time in London my friend ain't too bad my friend what is it 328 yeah man it's all good thank you man P Aro how are you doing uh in Mahoney only for like connection so you can't get a a flight that goes long time uh L haul out of here so you have to connect you'll always be out connecting but London City connects all of the European airports as you can see by the uh the carriers who who are here John Jo SC watching from California today Chris local time 9:16 a.m. good morning and Tim thank you very [Music] much so the embra just holding yeah Jonathan slay I've heard real good stuff about Sun so I'm going to uh probably take a flight with him over the winter so quiet on the approach to Heath today guys behind the passing we behind [Applause] [Music] hello pegas [Music] thank you so much to you Frank saying Chris don't forget to hydrate man we need to safe here through a coffee and a sandwich thank you so honestly Frank thank you so much to you my friend for your generosity thank you to every one of you guys thanks so much not only me and the mods but the channel thank you Del 20 7 between 24 South the West r 220° at 4 knots you can see very calm or you can hear very very calm and there's almost so there's a pressure change and I'm just as soon as the Ba's taken off there may even be a Runway change guys I'm just going to have a look look at the uh the current weather that we've got [Music] here don't know though everything's looking like it's favoring still favoring rway 27 everything looks like it's favoring Runway 27 still 91 good evening 6 whiskey contact Direct 128 025 [Laughter] goodbye thank you so much to you C W really really appreciate it C thank you so much for your generosity and my pal s made my day everything's still favoring the wind sock did have a uh a slight moment what you'll see yeah Susan they have we got lucky yesterday with the 08 that's 6ot variation to Westway 2 I'm the luy next it looks like the uh the radar box played up said it's uh you can see it's all set in for eglc but it's got a gatewick on the bottom there so I might have to refresh that [Music] [Music] one hello to you John let's give me two seconds give me two seconds guys just going to refresh there we go just reset itself must have been running a bit slow still on gwick inbound with the km again Tower bra good evening Char 72115 your R readability 4 semi 8712 via M line from Runway [Applause] 27 91 left uh Nick Stokes it's not as easy as that as I say it's all up to London city but it's not uh it's not as easy let just uh walking into an airide stream or doing an airide stream it takes a bit of uh takes a bit of planning never easy hello Josh Josh I still haven't heard anything back from the hotel mate so I I've not heard anything back from him mate I'm hoping I might get something back by the end of the day but I haven't heard anything back from them hello Oliver dots double [Music] [Music] km [Music] beautiful takeoffs bondy boy how are you doing in another aircraft inbound over 400 likes thank you so much for your support [Music] guys hello Gary whip thank you Andrea [Music] molon r r all good Bruce all good my [Music] friend km in km out uh Mark and the Logan air inbound as well power just Qui question when they start earli Airborne time possible with a short bread the fl15 the only you is700 1700 we we are already uh without they can adjust something thanks the only way of doing that is to cancel and refile which is something we can't do here unfortunately the D been SE the floor possibly although there aren't that many around i' like to hold me to it if you do get one no we'll take it out thanks 53 Mike City good afternoon continue your break [Music] hello safir's Mama [Music] 539 m 2 degre at 3 KN variation south to west 27 27 [Music] hello we in [Music] Blackwood on fire and start up appr roach [Music] [Music] [Music] 4 stunning views of the ATR [Music] for 98 [Applause] M left six Fire 3 [Music] I think in Bound of the [Music] second de [Applause] [Music] mate what's that yeah live streaming oh triple over the top [Music] away [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a beautiful beautiful shot going to ask bu I ask oh yeah um I met big jet TV over here a couple years ago really yeah um SD TV SD Sierra Delta TV so sdv absolutely brilliant thank you my friend that was a lovely lovely passing shot there of them aircraft guys some of them shots they are so so good the Beast 94 Jessica rainbow hello to [Music] you no wries thank you so much much appreciate it take care Stuart saying great show watching from Dubai how are you [Music] doing Daren 747 stles how are you doing thank you RI we get some uh lovely catches here guys in the in the summer evenings beautiful rway ech and the first Swiss got his Beacon lights on o 744 how are you doing [Music] so the helvetic lovely lovely stuff and six checking out [Music] and there's the Swiss coming up to 20 to 6 here look shenfield Place hello to [Music] you Kei [Music] [Music] Taylor thank you hold the m and I'm agre to [Music] one hello Jane Chapman how are you doing hope you're doing well [Music] [Music] uh Zan K that we the both uh both the Embraer and the a220 have the uh the same engines same size [Music] [Music] oh thought that was something heavier going over the top guys only an A320 no actually might been a 7 37 over the [Applause] [Music] top beautiful thank you very much debb 13 really appreciate [Music] it and when the Swiss beautiful Michael G Kelly thank you Michelle d [Music] [Music] [Music] 27 27 a beautiful beautiful passing shot Jane CH uh Jane Chapman thank you so much Jane for your uh honestly wow thank you Jane Debbie 13 thank you to you for your generosity as well hly guys thank you so much for helping the channel sometime them passing shots and that beautiful sun wow that's a bit too far out you can probably see the landing lights just out there at the [Music] back thank you Josh H thank you Jane thank you Debbie 13 with inform correction information char5 do have CLE to should minutes or so just a little bit early will call us back or should we call you back in I'll try and call you back but you haven't in 5 minutes give me a sh all right thank you so it's a d a asking for his clearance as Wellcraft right over the top of [Music] us oh they [Music] are with a lck [Music] left par left par the how are we Greg we should have uh plenty more of that D when it starts [Music] upar take for [Music] pleas approve approve [Music] power to maybe start Apu already foring [Music] 49 stand confirm Thomas thank you L class another aircraft [Music] inbound [Music] appr [Music] set is two out thank you Ian and Danny B really appreciate it so the Apu is started on the little daier or the daia 49 to appr complete stand [Music] 2 and these little machines are back it's another heavy [Music] over VI how are you doing stand just above 49 hold short stand three the first e ta hold mik clear cop D forart 62 32 62 [Music] 32 the shot of the J City Tower Bravo J AK Bravo Park stand Bravo Clarkson got it come here come here will you come here so I think it's going on to stand three guys just where the other ba aircraft is just left bravo7 thank you H3 sometimes it's quite hard getting them uh them banking shots guys cuz the zoom the further the zoom goes out the more the stabilizer doesn't work and Carlos from Portugal hello to [Music] you km and Brea just starting his engines over there still nothing on the [Music] daia hello Alison Tonks ready we ready yeah and Clarkson take care see you again on the next [Music] one [Music] thank you Clive W Rob guest [Music] thank you Tim trainer Shon thank you so much honestly hope you're doing okay thank you for your generosity hello to you rer 2 Take takeway 2 39 [Music] golf Zulu yeah do you know it's it's a sticky heat here today very humid Sean Claude thank you so much for your support means a lot thank you so much [Music] goodbye Che bye really busy actually on the uh on the water here today guys theyve got to I got like something going on over here don't know exactly what's going on but there's an event going on of some sort here on the docks thank you Tim Carol Masters no worries thank you so much hope you're doing well good [Music] afternoon Gary fellow hope you're doing well catch your aircraft in mate hope you're doing good hello DJ B PLS sassy Bob all [Music] good no Timothy roach none of that hello [Music] youf [Music] let [Music] and now the Little D St engines I hope you're okay Carol Masters [Music] hello low Lander hope you're doing well Paul hilver and boy track and there was a there was a lot of ups and downs getting this to uh where we want it I'm glad you're uh glad you're enjoying definitely makes the difference doesn't it and a little d a lux are inbound as [Music] well [Music] stand a little standing a little 328 on the Move beautiful [Music] [Music] the okay Bravo standing [Music] bra [Music] time they are a [Music] beautiful Vibes here this evening guys [Music] [Music] on [Music] got shot [Applause] down D now just taxiing down to Runway 27 Jo fellow's on stand 2 two beautiful shut down that is stand 22 now David bone so that is you over there guys are on stand 22 there enjoy my friend been [Music] the [Music] [Music] epically quick little thing stunning stunning [Music] machine off back to [Music] B and There She Goes guys is he over the pack there we just miss [Music] there you go hello Gaza hope you're doing well hope you've had some good flights today and enjoy it my friend enjoy it so beautiful Lux hello stormcloud uh Ibrahim we do that every Thursday we're at gwick every single Thursday D on that sound a very cool airplane it is it's nice seeing it cuz we've had a break for about 2 months must be minimum 2 months he keeps missing it keeps missing it there we go and there is the wave so there you go from the uh resident cabin crew over there at lcy Happy Days a few of you have asking who is playing the drums right so that is what's going on over there there's like an event or something like that that's being planned um over there so something's going on over there on the on the dock side this weekend they got a the Bongos going on or the steel drums hello Waters peaceful Ryder how are you doing some kind of swimming event oh is it a swimming event yeah so careful you can [Music] get oh oh I had a feeling it probably would have been thank you very much appreciate it um back to Band yeah yeah there's some uh there's some good good memories of London City some real good memories of London City [Music] yeah go for it no worries thank you now wave back [Music] gazer massive hello obviously the crew over there on the ba City flyer absolutely brilliant much respect as you all know stealth wolf 3811 say afternoon love taking off from London City Landing to Unique in both aspects it's beautiful in all the aspects no worries he a re you take [Music] care hello Steve Ford Adam Ferguson not a problem thank you so much Alan really appreciate it so the Logan a has got its uh [Music] clearance uh Steven Richards uh built in the [Music] 80s so quite a quite old Tim trainer thank you very much the Swiss a220 should be in very very soon as well someone with the uh the clown [Music] horn okay let's [Music] Ser I did go back on there on there right so there you go so if you want to give us a wave then you are okay and that is you there with the ground crew Tim trainer saying that was the uh Boston T he Ro flight OB said dock to dock swimming and there you go gazer over there just waiting for the turnaround for the next passengers beautiful [Music] stuff Steven rich I have heard I've heard that you get a tonx don't you you get a tonx uh every time you [Music] fly and the Apu sounds like it's been shut down on the Lux a just why we're waiting for the next aircraft guys all good so this Swiss sounds like it's going to be the next one [Music] up good [Music] [Music] evening [Music] so stand six next one in ah I believe I can see that over in the left hand corner uh Medic One it all it all depends on uh all depends on if it's warm or not little crew take care and Tim s uh okay so they're approaching Brentwood over there in the East beautiful stuff Murphy saying happy Friday everyone happy Friday indeed and the landing lights now in the back and man with a Swiss [Music] there is the [Music] [Music] a220 thank you [Music] Paul braate to the left at Delta Del to left hello OG jaky the beautiful Swiss absolutely love the [Music] a220 [Music] Jamie Campbell it [Music] was what a wonderful machine [Music] now where is some [Music] milk [Music] 787 also the ice cream man hello Sarah hope you're doing [Music] well ta hold M hello Catherine green hope you're doing well run [Music] R don't know whe we'll get it well we may do [Music] sorry [Music] best of both here uh Andrew uh mof Willam impr by 220s yeah they're a lovely lovely aircraft so just loing up thank you Yousef really appreciate it and I know you take care I'll see you again soon beautiful definitely seems a lot quieter uh today guys is it did and it did last week so doors are closed on a Logan there we're moving the cones had a Logan a should be the next one heading out thank m yeah OG jaky they are I's been able to be so close to him to be honest City good afternoon another aircraft inbound as well that's 6 seven miles out no worries Tim thank [Music] you I think that was the Logan that's just had clearance no worries Catherine CLI W you take care we'll see you soon [Music] I [Music] beautiful coming in for the prop start K I was waiting for someone to mention that to see director 12 05 goodbye [Music] [Music] angul Charlie [Music] City Car evening fire 8495 Fe [Music] 921 515 good evening stop [Music] 23 [Music] 2 [Music] beautiful oh jaky thank you you so [Music] much WoW starting to really get busy now here in London Town it's great isn't it Timothy roach the way they land is just [Music] incredible J M Campbell [Music] correct hello Amanda [Music] Harrison good evening continue [Music] [Music] continue hold [Music] all good o you jaky Jamie Campbell no worries and a little shortbread now on the move yeah Michelle d i I think you should I want to travel Logan air this year if I can Logan air Lux a 22 2 2 Diane glad you're enjoying it yeah took a long time OG J glad you're enjoying [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] Just For You London unfortunately we don't cover Luton they didn't want us uh streaming from any other places on the uh that gave the good views over over the airport so uh we we don't do L unfortunately what's happening good man Charles Riv saying hi from Paris getting getting ready for the Rugby World Cup I will do on the uh on the weekend follow the lead tax lead [Music] ta [Music] light [Music] thank you John Cogan really appreciate it yeah looking forward to the Rugby World Cup so probably in a couple of minutes guys I'm going to be changing over the uh the battery pack so I'll give you a few minutes warning on there if it does go uh black on the screen you'll know that I'm just changing the battery packs so uh it may go black it may not all depends on uh the sort of power that's distributed and sent over guys so if it does just bear with it for a a few seconds it may or may not but just giving you that little bit of a warning so will'll be probably within about the next 5 or 6 minutes just be changing over the battery packs uh on there just so we can run the last ends of the show so just about a 5 minute warning for you [Music] beautiful short bread all 49 beautiful stuff so as I say guys just a 5 minute warning if you do notice a uh a black screen for about 15 or 20 seconds while I'm changing all of the uh the power over that's just uh all of the battery being changed over it may or may not uh cause a little issue but just letting you uh letting you all know Adrian wig and the A380 just currently over Ingot Stone thank you very much beautiful [Music] Easton momy look look Sean claw take [Music] care thank you Tim all 95 240° 2 Runway [Applause] [Music] 27 787 going over the top of us evening continue number two thank you Tim [Music] another beautiful passing shot there so I'm going to have to change around the batter is in just the moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] ech xray City Tower good evening C is to Berlin via theu 1 Alpha departure 0514 28 1 015 and battery's changed over now guys so hopefully we should be okay don't think there was any uh blackouts or anything like that so we should be okay now so batter's just changed over and we all good beautiful stuff looking forward to seeing the a80 over the top yeah youf we're all good don't worry we're here everything's everything's done trying to sign the A380 over the top at ilford currently not too far away now so I'm going to be keeping an eye out for that I'm guessing that will come over my right hand shoulder my left xray with the the Guinness oh I don't know though that might have been the uh the little blackout guys so internet just changing over and everything good obviously when you're running uh a lot of power beautiful lifting 42 slot now 48 Mark bar and Chris hydration for the weekend mark thank you so much I really appreciate it honestly thank you so so much so looks like the A380 is in there is that truth in the Lamborn hole so looks like we may have cracked or finally cracked that uh the failing when the batteries were changed over tiny slight buffer where the internet just called up where we uh replugged everything in but other than that good Happy Days yeah Jamie it's uh it's quite it's quite calm in here Carolina Costa s beautiful Landing no worries Tim so if that's approaching mfield that should be where is this like I said just stest engines and over 600 likes thank you so much [Music] guys [Music] [Music] obviously going to be lovely guys if the 380 makes that same that same turn so fingers crossed lot of action now beautiful sounds L fully started Amanda [Music] BS will [Music] be thank you [Music] d320 over the top not too [Music] catch it you wanted so let's see if we can get so if you if you wanted the [Music] A380 I'm Lo it behind the [Music] tree [Music] outbound with a lot looks like the A380 is going to be making quite a long swoop around so we'll go for uh potentially catching that when we can going to be keeping an eye left making a beautiful beautiful shot of that turn if we [Music] can must it just behind the [Music] [Music] trees [Music] somewhere I can hear it but I can't see [Music] it might have to wait a second guys oh no it's there it might be just two I think it might be just too [Music] high just too much of an [Music] anglea to get [Music] it [Music] I know salad noise put [Music] ever flight 4 x-ray in to oh there you go guys ready for security P from well there you go guys stra ah saying how does that building fly thank you Sylvia always nice to see the uh the A380 overhead hello The Rona how are you doing fral s and great shot not a problem at [Music] all Michelle D you take [Music] care [Music] wait it's just uh 2 seconds [Music] guys aircraft over there as well in the private Jet Center a look mate two contact director 025 goodbye beautiful C currently over there that's like engine started tiny said Gary was heading out again soon saying a wheel of Doom I think uh think's looking good here [Music] guys hello Andy vaugh hope you're doing well so I believe now G your flight over there stand 22 beautiful yeah Circle of Death here guys it thinks running touchwood move [Music] silk [Music] [Music] no worries Benny thank you yeah people said there was a circle of Doom guys everything's running fine on uh on [Music] [Music] here victim op six proceed victimize see op [Music] six [Music] yeah Robin Roxy just popping out in your private [Music] jelly probably hear now that the uh the part is getting in full [Music] swing and the slight little Jitters that you probably see guys there are kids running about on this uh duck side behind me not really much I can do unfortunately just while they're uh running about Gary there is your flight [Music] even3 Kil E3 Kil you're going to see what's going on in just a moment Kate BR no buffering here everything think's running smoo silk on my [Music] [Music] end [Music] aight X and that is the uh the joys of being [Music] outside trff [Applause] 1200 [Applause] [Music] Runway as I say guys it is a public place just uh I cannot do anything unfortunately about the uh the kids in the background we see it is a public place [Music] [Music] 27 Beau F off [Music] but with a second Swiss uh Reaper 55 they've got a uh they've got a a dragon boo race that's going [Music] on [Music] k 13 Kil holding point [Music] information range of and half miles helicopter so G flly and you're going to see the dragon boo race which was causing all that noise in uh in many moments you're going to see exactly what's going on you can probably hear it in the background as [Music] well so that is what is going on on the dock side here this evening [Music] 598 take care Gary have a safe [Music] flight and then some more things are probably what you're seeing over there of what's going on helicopter over the field as well [Music] hello Raper [Music] 55 so w something going on in East London guys [Music] beautiful so big big old Dragon Boat Race that they've got going on here ttn the traveling news hello to you and Gaz a take care I know you're not going to hear this until you're uh back on the [Music] ground yeah Mark bar I love a cider I love any tiple to be honest Hello Johnny Amnesia hope you're doing well you probably see that Dragon Boat what they're doing there what regular occurrences [Music] here [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] spe [Music] uh no planes and trains they don't uh they don't run anymore the a31 18s or A318 they don't [Applause] they don't run from here anymore they was actually scrap the A318 and John M thank you so much honestly really appreciate it as you can see quite busy really busy now along the uh the dock side they got a Dragon Boat Race going on so there's going to be quite a lot of people around here [Music] [Music] hey ear left then hold the be stand [Applause] [Music] [Music] hold away [Music] [Music] [Applause] wig good evening the surface wind is variation inwest Catherine green thank you so much Catherine over there I think that's the e we have here do you need to pull forward pull forward just to keep Charlie clear for me please that would [Music] helps yeah don't touch that please don't touch that going so we Guys these little kids that are running up and down now they're trying to touch all the equipment I can only apologize about the uh the bits and pieces all the shaking while they're running [Music] about aan doing very very well [Music] obviously kids will be kids guys but I was trying to touch all the encod and push Lo of the buttons all right so will the uh you're going to hear a little bit more noise in the background with a Dragon Boat they've all uh all three of them have now lined up so you're probably going to see a bit of Dragon Boat Racing just in there as well so you're going to hear the noise of the drums so that is what is going on at London city with all the noise in the background beautiful sunset as well over there in the background Jamie cam exactly mate [Music] supp there's something new that you're going to uh see here guys today bit of Dragon Boat [Music] [Music] Racing Joy now the thing is the only thing that would worry me you know what kids are like they could just pick something up and just throw it somewhere you [Music] know so just while we're waiting on the next aircraft B A Dragon Boat Racing for [Music] you 1 2 1 [Music] the one on the uh the one on the outside definitely won Andy vaugh S as my wife and I have been married for 33 years today it's only fair that uh only fair that you join in as celebrations today STV thank you all Chris and mod honestly Andy Vaughn thank you so much you really didn't have to uh you really didn't have to do that I really really appreciate it thank you so much and happy uh happy anniversary to [Music] you many many happy returns and congratulations so was something going on in a dock but Andy Vaughn to both of you absolutely [Music] fantastic a little Snoopy jet [Music] W md1 there you go it's never a uh it's never a dull moment here is it lot of private jet movements today as well Andy happy anniversary well I think it was just about fair to show you guys what all that noise was about so uh you got to see exactly what is going on along the dock side and it is packed along here this evening guys there are thousands of people all along the side and that is one of the I'm sure that was one of the Swiss John M you got a bit of everything [Music] guys looks like they're going to be going again as well and Evol not a problem let's say thank you so much for all your price I think this is do you know what I that that's the thing when you're in such a public open area like this that London they're trying to do things you know things like this all organized for free just something that people can have a little watch out of on a Friday evening you know especially when the weather's nice I think that was was the Swiss with its beacon on yes it was so all the dragon boats once again coming back for a second turn so you're probably going to get the noise once get of them going on there guys but the pleasures of live broadcast and the pleasures of public places B and pling spot s luck said Das 4 minutes out beautiful wonderful sunset tonight as well sun is just going down [Music] okay let me just St this engines as well hello Connor Wht hope you're doing [Music] well and just coming up at quarter 7 here in the East [Music] End yeah Mahoney yeah do you know what I should have bought the sdv B Banner out and posted it [Music] up [Music] hello Jason wilon hope you doing well for go so just what we got just going to change over the batteries guys just why we've got the km and the Swiss getting ready to go and back on City Tower it looks like they've uh they finished on the Dragon Boat Racing they got to go have that party now thank you Mar bar pleasures of live streaming guys John M the aircrafter on the ground here it's quite busy actually I've got a Swiss over there there a ba uh imraa currently over there on the ground Steven Ward hello to you special delivery [Music] A330 [Music] ENT behind [Music] loc [Music] enter we dash eight Del than you very [Music] [Music] much hello lesie McIntosh hope you're doing well bra she [Applause] [Music] got [Applause] [Music] Andy Vaughn listen enjoy enjoy your celebrations have a great great evening thank you here money always nice seeing these different [Music] [Applause] lever thank you Tim Swiss is now nearly at the bottom of the uh the threshold for 27 make it s [Music] [Applause] beautiful [Music] work no worries Ander you take care and have a great great [Music] [Music] even [Music] 937 request please 93 holding 937 [Music] [Music] I'm a beautiful Swiss hello Sue major hope you're doing [Music] well and the dragon R uh the dragon bat races are once again heading out right hand turn [Music] Del and the hand off [Music] [Laughter] next e Airways just uh starting up as well information for you 1100 1 the hospital located mil to the [Music] West for Bravo [Applause] [Music] clear [Music] 29 [Music] Taxi [Music] so the dragon R the Dragon Boat Racers guys are heading out for a second turn so you'll probably hear the banging of the uh the drums that they've got there just while they get into position [Music] no Tim everything looks all right we got a few departures out now what do we got one two [Music] three that is hard work guys that's a Dragon Ball [Music] [Music] racing [Music] 37 [Music] [Music] by [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] okay B yeah s ring it's nice when it's busy isn't it at the second we have got uh people standing along the dark side guys so you may get a few heads in the shot what do I say public place and an event going on Jane it's getting gorgeous Now isn't [Music] it [Music] beautifully up with a lifting and there is another plain spotter just to the left guys obviously you can probably see him taking the uh the shots there on his phone always good for the Avid pling spotters AA one how are you [Music] doing whe I'll get it just what that GL there may do yeah tempy roach 7:30 in the evening only for the Eastern Airlines to uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] depart now Gary good [Music] child [Music] [Music] Tim Tim trainer take care mate thank you so much for uh thank you so so much for all the information really appreciate [Music] it sh Lankan A330 as I said guys obviously this is a very public place where we uh we go we don't normally have uh events going on it's very very rare it's nice to see everyone enjoying the last of the I suppose the summer evening should we [Music] say [Music] [Music] unfortunately [Music] completely a bit of a everything oh don't really want to get that gentleman on uh on camera so that is what all the noise is about [Music] guys the person on the uh on the right hand side obviously one [Laughter] all [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] Brandon plane spotter it may potentially be a uh a Runway change for them hello Jim everything's good hello Lander take care beautiful [Music] I'm a [Music] joke beautiful chilled out just a little bit now then guys so I think what we're going to do we're going to wait like we normally do for either the dash or the Swiss and that'll conclude this evening I [Music] reckon silia Barker there is [Music] [Music] Albert [Music] [Music] traffic information 12:00 range of 5 mil helicopter traffic tracking noreast [Music] [Music] noreast [Music] 2 so I'm with a ba Timothy roach not a problem at all my friend anyone is heading off now guys hope you have a fantastic fantastic evening no worries [Music] [Music] one I think it was the Swiss that called up as well guys Chris you know has been on three go rounds this week I didn't know that mate no I I didn't yeah three go rounds it's all good my friend right so there's a that sh so just at the second then guys while we counting down for the last aircraft of the show which will probably be as we say either the a220 or the dash a it is all good really starting to get dark or darker around here guys I suppose because of where we are Samano straight back to you uh Kevin hry you take care3 y uh not showing my system got conf no worries messing your mic you take care U yeah I think we forgot that bit but we cleared 1 27625 fly uh last should be more fair honestly I really appreciate let say guys it doesn't uh doesn't bother me in the slightest with the uh with the things that go on it's just nice that people suppos can get out of an evening and just and just enjoy it you know especially when free things like this are put up you know there it's been thousands and thousands of people walking up and down you know it's just nice to see the evening alive and people just enjoying enjoying their evening but that is the sometimes the downside of broadcasting in a very very public place when it is uh when it is busy hello hello to uh always remembered that's it all good thank you Robin [Music] Roxy so stand 8 starting this engines now aan yep he in the morning as always obviously you can all understand guys when we're in very public places and things like that unfortunately there there will be days when it's very quiet and there will be sometimes when it's going to be lots and lots of people around kids running around we can't do much about that it's just good to see people around Benise you take care and we'll see you in the morning anyone of this heading off now guys hope you have a great and wonderful evening that ba looks beautiful over [Music] there I think by the sounds of it the dragon B Racers are going out for a third [Music] attempt John Kitchen not a problem at all my friend you take care and have a great one good evening very quiet over over the top with he very quiet [Music] yeah sa nice big go always enjoy life and enjoy the planes always always always my friend life should be more not a problem we always try and acknowledge everyone so we're on a countdown five the das8 or the Swiss guys as our last aircraft if I'll be able to get that over the top it's a shame doesn't look like the 350's got its uh tow light lesi Macintosh agreed that wonderful reflection on the water a Jim Dragon boo racing yane Romeo [Music] there she's so [Music] far [Music] almost like Christmas with the [Music] lighting [Music] Johnny Amnesia beautiful lighting the ba aircraft always look good this time and night Uncle Max report ready [Music] okay may Beckley no worries take care [Music] so the ramp over here from Stand 3 to 10 only one aircraft left which is the dash8 yeah en M there's a uh there's dragon boat racing going on here it started about what an hour ago yeah James quid must still ban Johnny Amnesia thank you so it looks like they're boarding the [Music] dash8 alen Johnson saying hello from Sunny Vancouver British Columbia hello to you so the Dragon Boat Racing is going to go for a third time guys so that'll probably be just a little bit loud but we do have uh three aircraft or two aircraft currently heading out for departure Ste for way the [Music] way [Music] I think there is an aircraft currently on approach as well so they are [Music] boarding [Music] [Music] and that sounds like the Swiss a220 now of it engine [Music] starting [Music] [Music] [Music] one [Music] here keep going and the aircraft sound certainly drowning out the uh the dragon [Music] boats beautiful Frank you Brian ski honestly really really appreciate it my friend a look at that and the Beautiful Swiss now taxiing out as well look at the lighting here this evening guys no I no Mark bar and it is 747 in the [Music] UK some beautiful beautiful low light [Music] [Music] effect we go and will be ready see we have [Music] do15 just that reflection on the water guys it's just something it's just so [Music] beautiful and message Lu and the Lux also getting ready to go Ravi sings and greetings from India hello to you ah life should be more it's an amazing [Music] experience [Music] and there is a dash eight as well heading [Music] in [Music] beautiful a 330 I see it so Lux here doors closed fully ready to [Music] go van and good evening from Hampshire just fin stream on Facebook thought i' give it a sub well thank you very much Jonathan really really appreciate it uh Jessica rainbow yeah it's about plus N9 but it's going to be very very dark by then so obviously we're holding out until uh until the Swiss and the dash a CU I think we're going to get both the Swiss and the Das heading out for the [Music] parture melon hello to you thank you Ricky spotter I mean look at that is just so beautiful down [Music] [Music] there beautiful Asana [Music] turning right into the last bits of [Music] sunlight Uncle Max it does get very very dark here in in in the East End I mean we're we're quite sort of covered by everything it's uh it's a very dark place here [Music] L [Music] 27 [Music] as you can see Darkness has furly appeared here in East London [Music] [Music] Beau [Music] she [Music] [Music] does3 go and hold [Music] there is still a bit of lighting over there in the west just a bit [Music] beautiful I [Music] what and the Swiss [Music] Big Al you take care so I think we're going to roll with the Swiss as the last one guys as you can see very very dark here now in the East End of London I think you can just about see the Swiss down there [Music] [Music] there [Music] want find [Music] [Music] out [Music] and beautiful colors of that Swiss thank you Miranda so there you go there we go honestly guys I I will help I will help anyone but if you are new to the stream and you are sort of uh and you are just coming on here and you are live at the same time on YouTube and trying to promote your your channel on here while we're live please don't do that that is just so that is so out of order on the creators like myself that go and uh that that work so hard and tirelessly to bring this stuff I please don't do things like that that is just not that's not on [Music] right then guys obviously that was it you can see now just how dark it has got here and the Dragon Boat races are going out for number [Music] four lmw no worries at [Music] all so there we go look at how dark London has got [Music] so [Music] there is one more aircraft heading out so you know what why not so [Music] dark brilliant brilliant stuff so there we go then guys I'm going to uh leave that lovely view over there of London City Airport looking absolutely um absolutely brilliant and obviously as you can see there guys there's there's people of people shouldn't come on to uh other streams and uh and promote your thing um right so mods Absol absolutely brilliant thank you so much for uh what you've done absolutely incredible guys you uh your mods are just absolutely brilliant thank you to everyone that's uh been with us all afternoon guys it's been an incredible show obviously we had a bit of dragon booat racing as well in the back um so everything is um all good thank you to every single one of you that hit the like button that subscribed and of course thank you so much to every single one of you guys that very very kindly donated to the channel it means so so much guys really really appreciate it we'll be back as we normally are um tomorrow morning over there at herro on top of the Hyatt so everything is all good so I'm just going to leave you guys with that beautiful paring shot over there of London City airport all lit up now bang on 8:00 here so thank you so so much guys um I hope you all have a fantastic fantastic Friday but other than that guys take care and we will see you all tomorrow have a great great evening see you all [Music] [Music] soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SDTV Live
Views: 106,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E2i1xBEt6ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 6sec (14286 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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