London Gangster Vic Dark Tells His Story

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you number one yep and today's guests got London fact that first of all BEC what if say thanks would come on the shore nice meeting my yeah late ways you've had a very colorful effect spent over 20 years in Pleasant been charged with month I've been charged with robberies had shows with police but Nokia very and in a chain you're doing a lot to try and help others not make the same mistake shoe that but I always go back to the start my guess back came the where you grew up and how it all began for you yeah well went back sphere stains over see me dead was a Maltese immigrant my mum was ginger so I really based I didn't stand off on a good foot we lived behind a junk shop we grew up for poverty really basically so I mean you know so it was hard really amid that was quite dark skinned at the time is like asian-looking site skinny auntie was quite dark skinned and then obviously we had no money so we caught brownie a stain so really we thought scallywags basically you know add as head dinner would be like bike veins mesh and it's in a block corned beef and I said we grew up so the kids today is so different to what we had and I we didn't have a bath there's one of situations where it's a really basic basic getting back to criminality that's well as far as you start basically sort of survival mode back nadir yeah most people like myself we're not really into crime well you know if I if I was I had a few please and I quite a lot of money I wouldn't be I would never been a clip on the first place I think what it is is you say you grabbing them environments really and lot said well the problem what I had when I was a kids was that looked at yeah like you know you they look I felt people looked down on me because we never read nothing you know why to get a pair of trousers with secondary and or some really basically so the only way our nose our guidance have got bamas them such things as stone trousers for skull and that sounds stable smashing windows to get a shirt and really bass I wouldn't be the same as if the other kids but that we wasn't really it's just back to poverty really from the a steer so I think that's probably claim then started slamming because you don't want people looking doughnut you didn't want you what what this are we getting bullied at any point in your younger years I did a Katla times but as likely life dealt with a paper bullied me but almost stood me ground always even though small and a kids of a lot older me know I stood me ground it was one in situations where you had to you know and if it's at least I even though I'm 63 nearly I still got that something like someone gets in your face I still got that sort sort of thing you can't take it out of you because it's been put into you in onion and then like say with obviously itself coming for Glasgow you know morning most you know so it's now you grow up you know yeah I applaud octave environment yeah basically yeah yeah so how was your schooling and stuff who was like second three did you quote a skill much I did I did but always a lot bit of a rowdy turkeys always looking at I think what it is when when you're talking about crime it's why is about money and a big difference the crossover between people like ourselves is more about money I'm not you know I'm not going to get out my weights were anyone I'm not going to go out the way to want to stab anyone like the kids to die it's more money all inside it's more like everything I do because when that money basically you know when they just start getting and of claim was that the pay it's not for the startling cars will de carros the nickels of Wales about the gumming you stand the long jacket was called a poacher's coke and you put your hand it and you've got a pocket and you go through the pocket people that started just chop it into the other side that we said and I said the first car actually start with Scarlett Shh yeah all my uncles and my dad just there's like a duffel quite well like poachers in the cities and all this the first cup cause he stopped what was your first CD is clean what violence was yeah what age were you I think because I was brought up in a lot of protocol type thing you know mandate you have a belt so I thought it was not normal to saw a light do the same thing back some of you know so I took it from where kids would have a punch up I still get from like different I'd sorta like I'll see it's a ribald stab yourself - situations and then I was a dirty fighter at school you know they want to smash like oh you're gonna beat Hong Kong Hong Kong and fried [ __ ] back you know and then I fee because we I was brought up in that brutal nature that I've fought his rights and the GU thing about survi it so I've never touched on the kids you know sorry it's just something was in grant grinding yard what we stood through there my dad brought me out it never happened in my situation you know so some really buy says you never sort of backhand a kid or you know where I was backhanded so I really basically even said I got sex me because I was it brought me up like it did so I suppose it bought map because it might be stand up for myself you know and you know yeah that's not a sense of up you're still getting slapped and kicked around yeah it can throw a might as well we're here that's what people can just go [ __ ] less and have that snap and point yeah well they just start feedback because you are very big on martial arts I've spoke to a couple of people who says you can scrap you can you can really take care of yourself how did you get there the martial arts say the things someone didn't behave the end of a bottle was about 13 I joined so that's hard Bruce Lee just come out and SSDs yeah and always been sort of sport sport orientated running or sound like that so I went into martial arts by Thomas 14 Crowley and I got in to cry I nearly went into kickboxing and we've done judo and it just - situations it was good good thing about martial arts and any boxing of here it respects that it takes the bully out of you you know the bully comes at you so reason you walk into a dojo and you bare your head and if you didn't bet go back out you know so really it's told I sort of respectful people really basically how did that deal with your self control self belief confidence or because you could learn how to fate and you had that anger did you utilize that and I definitely instead of the more self control when I don't need to do that because you can handle yourself you feel [ __ ] I can take anyone on when I was trying out four or five times a week and one of the page wanted to be a champion but obviously things got me why money moon stars would sort of a big change sort of when you've done lot martial arts it's really Ardell boxing if he's at its height people down it it might she's pretty confident so really basically when I went into the robbery game he helped me because obviously I didn't have to work people who didn't F them and if I wanted to work wouldn't know I'm in a way where I wouldn't have to work you know to drop them on the floor or or just taken down quick you know so it helped me not to help people because it's like someone grabs old you just take their hands off and you know and we've been trying to do it year in year out it's like it's like just something you do a lot of professional boxer and it's just but I wanted to do everything I just didn't wanna do boxing or done cry I had done the kickboxing I've done judo and it was like those it was good for me at my time and my age because obviously when you're growing up it sort of made you be out look after yourself and I think when you grew up in the East End you had to look after yourself you know and I fit coming very say my life in the prison system they've got a thing called the chicken when they strangle you up and if I didn't that me aids or the winners stamping on me smashing me with their knees and the top of my head if it was coming up with the knees and it's coming des you know things were not just dropping your neck you know and a few stop me from getting seriously hurt you know when I was in the prison because I've got bashed up freeze time seriously about you get 20 men jumping on your AIDS trying to kick you in the face your friend nice bring and I will get a really good kicking I mean that is a kick in and I think then if you're just a deflections and it up the neck and you know coming your nuts off it save me a lot of injuries over the years yeah do you think the martial arts has saved a life and that's why your mates I'm sure many times especially in the prison system yeah so when you're walking down and landing the landing zone he says why is he stable and you've got some lunatic he wants to walk down you and every monk is walking straight on so you have to keep moving to the side moving to the side and then one Monty said frackie I'm keep moving to the side then bang an se get shoulders and next way and I that's it's off that's not gonna fit off there's they're so easy is in prison and not that's was so getting to prison they're brutal prison really is I mean suicides and self armies just gone through the roof you've lost a lot of fluid associated unpleasant things I believe they 11 things I think what it is until people go to prison I don't fit and you come out at the end of a long time wizard said it's okay it's funny really you get some little geezers and nobody then the blocks and he'll be running around with screws and the so called chaps a lot of me sitting at their Sunday dinner and you just think it's this kid's got spousal yeah I mean a fighter screws down it and when you were down two blocks all the time which most category yeah he's are and segregation units I mean that's where the violence goes on and that's where people killed his cells and that's why I dislike the screws because some who's vulnerable we sort of try to open I felt that Scrooge push them to kill their selves so when you go to prison I just couldn't I just didn't artists crews I'm sorry you know I was an authority I didn't ever asked for parole I didn't like people who spoke to screws I'll come and have a cup of tea gee I'm doing this and that [ __ ] [ __ ] so I mean here they they done like us I don't like them so that's odd to think this a swing the screw goes to say vehicle so don't my name's look my name's be seven dead herder you know dark don't call me fit client your mate and you know that say out of my prison so I'm here what was your first overall but in fact do you remember that yeah it was a build sigh yeah yeah what was that draining leak then your foster father probably I think was it this is the problem you having the robbery gang it was so easy I think cuz you done martial arts and things are there and I had a Ford saying he was a little shocked on it so I'm singing about a shotgun he's not it's where I want to make that quite strike we wasn't there to shoot anyone it's just a warning he's waffling go to someone you know sort of slap someone oh sorry I love this and don't just do what I'm telling you ain't gonna hurt ya and that's what guns are basically for if a professional criminal is shooting people for nothing to me they're dogs I really yeah yeah because a lot that that gun was there for us to source I don't come near me do what Marston used to do now on the floor not let such a just star wife for me you know that's what so much was that and that frost job just maybe 16 is 16 and a half so as young as that that's been it really yeah and that was a and it was really funny because the security was so small it was off the money was littering if he went fishing and he's robbing these boxes out where you had the the that's when it man he was in and literally a box it was a lot of sorry for I security was that literally was a joke so he was really weird it was too easy Alito good really know as that when you start to get in the boys water and started to enjoy the money and it started from there yeah it was like home because we had no money then he went to katha pollitt where you had a lot of money it was really it was really weird because and the worst part about being an armed robber and into crime was the money's there a bank sorting office security vane so soon as spent that money I lose of money who's like soccer tree it's a money tree and he the problem with armed robbers like myself it you become like a drug where you think well I'm gonna have Mike that I've gone to burn up is like taking a banana of a banana tree and you but you can't you have to he gotten back to that banana tree so really by see when you get older but we are done to big massive centers for armed robberies it's odd to sort go alright you know because I'm so used to being grinding that way a life it becomes like when when people carry guns if sight is known for me and I was a normal thing for me where I never can underneath holster with a 38 under me on even even though I've got it on me or at the back of me trousers like to double belts to hold on to it you know and and you grew up like that and the only problem what what would come with it is that invincibility that I could just do anything I wanna do yeah necessary man it was what was your friends like then what was your colleague well the biggest problem we had was I people the drop in and drop out and people would want to do and I mean some right some little geezers use a small fellow [ __ ] tons of us all have got great big gazes ass I'll fall out honestly I got little gay Zulus rat babies are for gypsy and I joking had more [ __ ] on anyone on on and yeah it's a lot of people drop in and drop out of it that's the problem of armed robberies you know it veins or banks not you need a bigger team to do the banks and assault officers you made a smaller st. doing the veins journey and it steps over if you know it went into other parts of crime obviously just be one so mean that most things are committed was one or so towards the end or the very rare wedding with a big team because you had to split the money up in so you must do a smaller job so assume you were doing the Vans all the bank's was that planned those are just a kamikaze just to go and nothing happens you've got no [ __ ] turning out the thing how long would it take the plan a job weeks weeks it's just time when it turns up you know sometimes it might be like you know a lot banks goofing with banks or someone offices was his station the station things like to dial up this is a room got people sitting in that room it's open night from say leads of fun so you know gonna be in that room with a vanity which stops on the way because the B's things paranoia are sit in the back of the vein what we still used to get a vein spray the back windows describe her little bit of an owl at the two doors open just the way like that sort of sit there and you saw watch Levin pull up the man get out and bang you out it back in the vein so really by seized the waiting game in that but we've sort an office or a bank you pull up outside masks on straight you take the screens a lot of you come inside the screen out of an Emma the reason why we use them as I said we've got the Niner sledgehammer game is because we didn't I'd walk into places before and aside she might get on a floor out in the wind around the door he wouldn't be on a screen sets our book again when we've kids we brought in the Emma it's when I bought sledgehammers in did anybody ever train store keys yeah yeah once again is with martial arts coming it you know my trick bang straight down or you know lots people fried things at you or the place loves of onions with a place you know so once I too much but I want to get that more birds [Laughter] what was your biggest job yeah yeah that's a nice one yeah yeah you got your big sentence followed robbery yeah how was that before them and you get caught when no one was actually doing the banks and assault office Internet where who's getting to Riddler it was I I cite the people that listen slow down he's spending money like the Geezer whose remains a from Trinidad I said been going he saw him getting no cars I said what I turned out the biggest camara you've ever seen in the world he was a big dealer one and the time is on star see I just won it but no one had one in England nothing he turned up that saw my house you know you're living in a normal way he's got his [ __ ] off right be car and also sort of that put blue Lawrence operate and that's what happened look is pimp Cornell excels but spend spend spend and that's how it goes wrong it's late life you know like people I'll bill you ain't got no money so you've got loads of money I said as if this is there and that's why they come on you and I might that's why I was grass did you think because you had to shoot up with the police yeah how did that come about what happened I was promised to a vein and the gauges the gaze at the two K's we're the city the gauge it it sort of fell through so some sits may look is a bit of work straightforward bit of work rapid Catholic ages out 30 grand plus and I thought the worst part about we had a nice bit of work about two weeks before and the two people usually were we said not listen and that's enough you know like we've got an ass cheek we don't know what it robbery's hard to explain he said you'd become a genuine junkie it's like someone who wants to take out time he saw he was doing more robberies and in else and I was bored at me aids some say look there's something that then in a club come to penthouse you said he says just wrap up a few people and that was it so the two guys I was actually working with see what this talk about [ __ ] I ever bright was just had a last few bits of places and then it ended up the tank of the strategy with me and you know obviously went up there and it turned into the [ __ ] one outside tear army turned out as soon as tear up and he's wrestling my son once someone had got shot he got shot he got shot and I just went for me and then we obviously a policeman was taken hostage and Irish we saw says our comic really of and I was taken hostage on his pajamas he's thought it was that the taken John the same concern he's only got his underpants on he said I can ursery rhyme and that's really funny because I'll sit the old bill with it's almost said are the Kennedys back and I said send him on his case so didn't either to fight side one in a Monday night one I'd say guns me and the cop would serve and he went to keep me the keys because I can't take the case so they said to the fella said since the Irishman's looked at me I looked to him and the Cubs game give me a case awful I can't take the keys laughter tactic kids will have to put a gun down so so the cook who said they often coming that's how I ended up taking him hostage but I used the policeman a carrying one might have been shot which is a numbers Danny in England Scotland Wales we're gonna surrounded building surrounded by police I'll come out could finally the place Michael the place back off I had a bat five police cars up got him to back off all the coppers who sort of come on you know I made them all run back and I carried me my we've got a man to build in I'd him across me arms and the gun kept freaking man like one gun in money and the other gun I came for me man your finger where you trying I want Sun and I've got all the place to go back and in as we pulled up and then look I look both sideways a foot off surrounded here so I just walked up so it's a police get a car I was good sight the car at first I put put the gun that covers here see what's getting back in the car I've got me mate in the car I said I should be asked about forwards or should have such told you the first bit and then I've got him put him in the car and then obviously would he went for the error message choice I've just put a guy at the couple's Nathan said swim back that's okay I said to him so system put Tilden otherwise the back off mm-hm so the copper as I said that we when I run him down his speed humps and then with it we've hit a bump and the guns gone off just miss the coppers aids so he thinks I've done it for purpose and the guns blew up the wind is gone so the cops can place that kill me don't please don't kill me I would listen still I'm telling you to do so yeah oh just do what I'm doing and then I said we ended up at the Irishman's ass then let it be terror I mean literally they'll backed off and you know when they're starting for forcing almost one who changed everything really about that I deal with situations because obviously I was the first one that would actually take a place when I stood on a bit of work and I've got just carrying me friends but in that's here we're glad a serious terror where that was chasing the place when it was gone I ran the bow so I would think me of wall so we at war and obviously the place was that good to me there because once I've gotten older we got to the Iceman's house and that's why so I'll put a gun in his back got his keys you know chat the Irishmen in the car and then that's when we had a big smash up you know changed the place again so we smashed that car up so I'll start sizing the place again you can see on the documents he's only in so I'll start firing a few shots so there ourselves fell out so what place cars was going everywhere else chasing wouldn't get one [ __ ] fastest run and still couldn't get one and so I let him go to copper but by that time it carried me might they claim in a car so really by cinnamon in England mine lands Evers got a placement a carry quickly injured person and get him away that was ever done in England Wales or Scotland and I've got an why he never got coal but obviously got caught doing it so I didn't at that time when you're going through that you know if you get quartz leaf is that where you have been Calabi Co Kingdom in town at that point well I see I think you same things on telly where they're in the ground like rainbow or and you in the grounds now well that's what the third I'll stage I drops him off I kept the front door open and as we get the place was charged out about 15 cars behind obviously armed response I could see him coming up behind me and look in the mirrors and I'm thinking right they're gonna throw me soon rely as well because I've this is the third hostage issue issue being gone on for nearly two hours so I could see the cars coming up behind me thinking like you know you know when you see the shadows dad's moving the Range Rover just where you know the army sponsored behind me and the floors only be there gonna be a matter of time before they gonna but every time through a door open I didn't know where he got out so when I do eventually let him out I didn't know where he was he staggered into the aciss safehouse I look like that I'm gonna go in the safe fast with him but it was he possible because I had so many police cars with me so I carried on so he knew he was safe he was gone he was safe so I never carried on and then and I fought a [ __ ] hostage at the time which is funny story really if his wife was trying to get in the car we may have put pushing at me foot and not sit on and it was right and I know he's going to be a matter of time before we got that confrontation so we stopped silver blue lights and it stops and I look that way look police be on air as well place up there and I thought why they only a field solidly the childhood got so I was running into the field himself it was all I never the games like it's about that date for this muddy and I was one I remember me fate sleeping all there and as soon as the cars are pulling up still the white coat the white shirts or the black jackets or jumping out to the armed response and there was my kid Tommy because he was running so for me so what I'll just find few warming shots so I went bang bang bang but now in Smith what happen air plays glass smashing each other cop was falling down did she's switching doing their ankles or falling over in the mud so when I chased me lucky for me this is safe this is probably I don't know probably get the position like this in my life as a run into the field it been raining so what is it if you follow me into the field obviously my only footprints would be that footprints wouldn't it but when I've got into the field all the places running after me the alarm response units I went by paying not just a couple as above there is it wasn't out them above them also no it's awful [ __ ] no we should be paid by so far why here we go this was Manning I could see all these red lights above me on coming across like that so now I'm trapped in the field so I'm thinking where do I go what I got left they'll go right so there's a run I'll slips and I went down at bang into the mud and I landed on my shoulder and the government off again so about three shots that I got off and I feel fat back so as a landed a latte I thought I'll consider cars or fall so I'll just buried into the earth so I've got all the stock all the mods started put out started putting up your legs putting all that put anybody put a few plastic called pants on and by moccasin wood radians you can hear was a job other no stark he was about four in the morning and it and it's obviously they're trying to get down and then so I lied there and all she was talking me clearly talking animal solid either this is where I nearly got I could have been killed or someone who big guild and I could even come in through the field she's about three hours liar and as I'm lying I'll clear the dogs coming in you know the dogs you can hear the lucky for me where the rain it was really rainy the man saying areas well yes me with it the mud was all over me buddy mmm-hmm so I was like Cancun type of thing so I was lying there I defer I thought that and a number 38 like that I was lying in fill with dogs I had to call him y'all could see a dog sniffing around I thought it's gonna [ __ ] farm in a minute so I've got one option of a shoe at have another go with the old bill a run for it or do I stay where I am social [ __ ] off stay where I am and I like joking honestly James a copper they come right up to me not as fallen there when I fired the shots all the place had run so when I went into the field because the place would chase me where they had run it confused them with all my footprints in the mud and that's what saved my life if I didn't let him shots off that has followed them footprints stop dead there was a no no no I was in that mud buried one night but where did shots went off they all run and [ __ ] spreads and it saved my life basically because the footprints weren't going where they wanted to because it confused them but so when I started coming through the field looking for me I clear I'm coming I'm thinking far cycles and it's walking out like our Swedish gazer seeing a cool new eyes eye and he's literally got [ __ ] if I'd be my name big shame guards look at me like I was looking at footprints and I'm thinking he's gonna any literally like my foot is there and he's foot is where that table is and he's going on and he don't know I'm just sitting there like a [ __ ] fern plant that I had a thought I know if he goes to shoot me I will shoot him you know and that's their clothes I'll come to death so they go through again I think Saito go ahead bet never swear though it's getting lighter and lighter so will suddenly come through again same thing again and I'll fear they're going to find me in a minute but what might save my life really by see when I was keep going through the fields the more footprints through a Maxima I would save my life wisely and then I was lying there no I got a thing called hypothermia which I've been in their fright and half hours and it been like become day learning and like I say no I choke your ass out be relatable you can imitate it I bought a cane I now must have been two rounded place they're looking for me and now obviously I was lying in a thought they come through in a day I see a full south for long removed for go to these tubes all these plants and that father will get over there digging I'll get even deeper into there and I thought what dog in and but in it's a muz that more earth come off maze and it might move more paranoid so I started crawling along the floor okay it's all sound sausages [ __ ] yeah that's right I don't know that someone's got me on binoculars obviously food here pieces same target soggy and they'll just see all these old bill running from everywhere I'm a foul Don and I stood up we're been lying on the arm all night because I was like that I could lift me arm up so I walked up and a little fracking kids that was and I have a guy a guy and me go him and then so he gets means who gets me to the thing got money man I look no you're [ __ ] kids though and I mean and I thought [ __ ] it they got me takes me to a place Tyson I thought [ __ ] it I'll sit as say nothing the guy's gonna shoot gonna show that sounded like so we won so what really happened this is what happened and then we gets to the place - you charged me so anybody buzz they wouldn't have a bit of a tear up is there's a sex offender vs big some big lumps or chind him in a Cell anyway they want to get me out here so chose me a cult puts me in a place vain I'm seeing those lines really strong I was doing a 150 bench for about six in at the time and I just add these racket chuff's you imagine I mean the plate just add all that tear up so I'm in the vein they've got two years for this so we're not going chinma complaining went into fell fragra for [ __ ] you know no it's just fell through the recce Clough like you know I went so if I move my arm they've got so that freak comes in the front and I didn't realize coppers already I couldn't see it as I had me back to him not in the vein but behind me and I thought boom shuffle Oh touch now but I mean imagine is Romeo I'm not that in a vein let's say it was like an armored van with inside the vein so he got to this place in graves in its road and the jumped up beside the van off schools free coppers is alright what the [ __ ] on inside the van off it'll bend a lot I was really well for and the fact that I'm beside the van off and then wind is like honey small windows so still back in my Gary anyway come out come [ __ ] please so then get me a new like a because we'll try to feed myself food of the owl and the copper jumps out around the other side so like grabbed him and he's gone scream and he's pulling me is pulling me out the van no Thomas come grab me up quite thing and they win this striper we're pulling me through all along so just win stay where you are you know you could fill a gun at the sides of any when you move I'll blow your [ __ ] it off but I'm still gonna head the vampire so they said to me over right we're gonna put you back in a vein I thought a free quote was that right you know so I'm thinking it'd be agent just put me out of a movie man then cans right squeeze me back through do right and it was evil [ __ ] set on me handcuffed uh I've got to use for that so really by see just one just one [ __ ] off one [ __ ] off tear up then it gets the Brixton desync it was most secure unit in England so the guys I'm working me what well that [ __ ] going on [ __ ] hair up police tracking his beam it to the pin ask what the [ __ ] going on I went out of here Matt go get me a vehicle it will firm truck getting me out that's a flares come over the wall I've done Astro um I just for the first just necessary when Magnus so we eat the world afraid come out the wall and in the prison system is is the most Akoo unit at the time there we got out we've got Telus know it weapons the only way we could get out that the actual unit was like a measures it's just a little unit massive concrete box that's the week was you never come out of it ever only to go RC Church was Catholic and no it's a time from walking from church at the unit which was i under jars so I to get it right and why the earpiece that we had a bug in the prison so I'm saying so much don't [ __ ] it up make sure you get there at the time right so I come out we come out as in this unit and then will come via I don't know what anything was going on right and got a [ __ ] clover I walk so it looks at the thing we might we might not have to send a signal I'm out meaning I'm out outside the block outside the unit so he said the signal guys to just put a thing like so so I know much seems I work with you I know they're gonna be there what so I walked out such as dog and I was walking with the keys of a well-known games about at burnsy so screw yes this sliver Clive I hate this [ __ ] screw I thought was the bollocks right so walking out and he was a dog and and he was him so we're getting there right far from the church screw it it's exactly everybody's liquid not he's gonna let on the floor so I raised a tollbooth you know so I'm off now I'm in between and where it was the wall it was a fence the wall and reception so I was off on a run down as I was running up here okay game game because the dog light sort of thing but I know so I'd this jacket and a rap sheet behind me I was running around my jacket behind me arm I got between the fence to the wall by that time the flares hit the wall outside to say there they are this hasn't come over its it the woman with flatland smoke was going up the school the smoke was coming up the wall right so two screws now knows someone's outside so they dope it was outside so it'll all the flares go out right so I stood there they've come down obviously mr. timing this jumps out if the seal and it all of these of balaclavas and the guns outside most this is a massacre in that Joe in England this was and in fact the [ __ ] off so on fact on [ __ ] em and I so this is this true story right so all screws about 30 schools outside there's about thirty back thirty screws outside understand and then all the kids out the window you know we're all the gays you the units throughout the winter shack right [ __ ] it so I looked I look like that look like that and with screws got me I said get on the floor for our [ __ ] run smashed into him all right I remember this gullwing gonna be smashed if I thought [ __ ] it kicks punches at me and cuz they wrapped me up put me into a got me back took me into the segregation unit the gambler because where the flares have come over the wall doing get him out of here get him out of you and they put me in a cage that's crossed over six months United spokesman yeah that was I was in a little cage for six months so within that period I've been it's big show at a place taken I'll be offstage nearly got killed try to get off the vein try to get the most secure unit England's and I suppose that's what I kept me to have a light source I mean for weeks I mean that's not some Hollywood movie or not as nuts so as soon you speak seem you talk about that does it bring back a lot of memories as escape so what it is is just a ahsoka I was to go man goodbye sleep uniforms govern sorry zero Fox govern then at that point it's like I don't know I think what it was I think you'd going back to when he was a kid they did slaps and baton issues got it feeling know if you get that switch then if somebody does that that's what's just cause and this it's game team I think I think I think through anger and he's hard to explain you know sort of he grew in you know one of those games all good thing and I'm a new our site but trouble is with when I was in prison all that big earlobes this is sort of thinking the rough idea and I my you lives so I just cut them off for parallel Clippers a cut big dance-off like I took zoom lamps a media labs I will para now Clippers so I said to the screw you guys walking guys you I said good buds Burnett Mia so I put me at Bungie little bit of ferry pipe around it I walk it over and he's assist me what you'd answer did not me and I've just chucked me your labs off and only need got a night off for that but that was my mindset if I didn't like it I'll do it when they say made my mine was at the time you know like and so they sty I'm not mindset because I've had all the programs I had to deal with mental here oh yeah like sort of not meant lilz had to sort of deal with anger yeah frustration yeah yeah and Diane about fear it's about I'm gonna lose my life because there's no boundaries for me um on the rest ease I'm going for the rest of my life so if I step over that threshold and what to do what I don't know I mean I'm going to die and I may as well and I've got to control I've got to control that I've learnt to control it and and price of grown older I've grown wiser and also when you talk to kids have been people for nothing you know I've done it you know what I like the kids it's a good thing but you can lose your life what I did I lost 20 it's a great thing telling a story and what really a police say is all exciting but the [ __ ] misery what comes with each I'm just unbelievable night you know yeah and that was your first bug sentence and yeah no second yeah 12 years 15 years a ton of three years time four four four months of had done a year on remand a year on the amount I've done severely by city years a lot of theme yeah so seeing things Novak obviously it is a self-control when you get that sweater it's flex holder you can throw it then for anybody watching who's maybe got I can get our shoes off frustration I'll just maybe hit the waddle that they just don't give a [ __ ] how do you control that no do you meditate they do believe in exercises or they just don't act on your thoughts as much as you used to what happens we know what please kids go understand when you become in a control unit you treat you like an animal so when you come out and you want to be back normal we can't be back normal because you're in a room which is a Furcal the size of this I've got one Bates a little bucket of pissing when my doors open up I've got five screws with right helmets on put bogies in my food stands to you back to the wall so then also you do this for year in year out you keep you in blocks for six months a year you can't go and win wings because you're subversive you can't do this to keep you in the block and you come out you won't be normal again now you ain't [ __ ] normal so bit me explain that yeah you come out and you like the [ __ ] world all right so the silly yeah I love someone I mean it makes me emotional really because long-term prisoners not treated and I should be trees and then we come out none was there to help you only yourself yeah what do you think needs to be put in place then for prisoners and the system because let's face it set up to feel the majority of people who come out end up back and back what do you think needs to get put in place to maybe help people with the main set and understand that I'm not caged animals understand that the snow heavily from the chemo I've spoke to playing here people have done some naughty shirt and have changed the life and not doing great things so whether you think should be put in place to try and help those who are struggling and saved I feel what it is I feel a lot of people swish long term prisoners of God they need psychology not not psychology help they its home and so I should listen try and understand weapon you got to try to understand what you are where you going and so I learn not to put yourself back in that position you something about fear and at that fear cuz at the time you like I've meant nothing my life I died tomorrow I was twenty it meant nothing I've got I'm gonna die I'm gonna die and that's where it's at I am 63 I don't want to die I'm gonna die anyway I'm gonna die in a fire six years I'm gonna die but in when I was twenty I didn't even [ __ ] so what I'm trying to say to you is that as life moves on you've got a transferred debt to soar get yourself back to normality so love again to be normal again and these people in the prison system just turning out [ __ ] people's Dan long says prison sentence especially I kept prisoners and wonder why they all go [ __ ] mental and poor white because it's a it's a time bomb white it's wrapping right could you look at someone up in prison say for ten years and you brutalized in food in ten years like we use bought me that's smacking your belt it's a same thing she's like being a dog with a stick so you've got to try and get somewhere and sit him down and say listen we're gonna help you here we need to help you would you want we'll try and get you a job you ain't got driving license this kind of its rival Isis to do be a van driver or go to a degree to go to university you know so really basically when when when Jimmy ball from Scotland they had these units where they could all mix together we've asked most of us like me was like we don't like you you're in a block you're subversive every times her not a prison the screws are straight ago he's got to go to segregation unit we don't want even on a wing without winning one a wing there wasn't necessary it was so you don't like to socialize or anything here we supposed to say that only the people on my wing on the wings when I spent two years in some of them say six of us are not safe for was all awry and they might be another Englishman now or ten dad be ten of us and six seven eight and be Irish and I'll be like kind of English people it's like when I went back in the last one it was more so Asians by alterius and it majority be Asians and it'd be a couple of whites there because the double light cat was brought in such deal with what the class is terrorists I'm not a terrorist I'm not against I wasn't that I wouldn't go and kill people for the sake of it I want to go objects who was Nick a few quid is that well come out we've got into debt collecting I found that someone who danced like a million Panda for you actually [ __ ] you for a million pounds you've got to ask for your money back you were arrested will hurt my now it's true chimes in it and you'll be arrested truncate that million pounds so I love it because he was grind like when you get back to these stains and you look at this you look at your childhood and it is poverty so when you look at key to it we've got nothing he got his Anna's sure there's you but all these people millions and millions of pounds got claim the claim is he big as isn't all that he's like suppose what you tell you about liverpol all in people lost their lives because he was a cop he was it was a quid you tell me one police officer who's been thanked it was a geezer in in Ken they walked in and and no clothes on it was in a bed I shouldn't did that was arrested so it's a big government thing there so it's not even self defense alone that's the biggest gang you know what I say so he's the biggest gang and a lot I mean did you have a lot on you and say back then getting treaty thought that he feels a few again Billy again and say the way you were getting when I was a kid you thought I was like Charlie bronzers good friend tomorrow I'll and Charlie fell on for the system my Charlie Bronson the Bronson is the system that's his mum that they lock him in cages treat like an animal right numbers I know he's got a bad Sam read called ban the needful that he's an honest person Charlie Bronson it does all these are still kept he's never killed anyone still banged up now and she's going on got those it might so story in here now but Marco defend he's never coming I'm right and he's got these other kids outrageous murders like kids of things are that they treat people more like me who's after the food quiz a lot worse than what I do child what a bang us a book well I lock me up you know must be the fingers over there just kidding sex monster field sentence eighteen months not doing something nasty shut its not I mean but again the system is flawed as a fault and a set up to feel what was Charlie Bronson late then host home so he's thrown good point it was a funny story was in Franklin's and there's only got ten [ __ ] the ice he's turned out that can you know he struck he shook the guy was a real wait what but really so you like do things that might and then geezer turns out standing with fella and he looks at sees a grass well I knew from I knew that I'm strapping bombs two security guards right I know what about it cuz people that come from my area most armed robbers will sort of brought up hit area because you know they are a lie if you watch a film called town Boston was the main thing for armed robbers Canning Town of Stratford was breathing Kip Graham for people like me you know so and so anyway calls him across ice well done mark I'll sweep the gauges legs kicks occasion it knocks him out on the floor suppose me [ __ ] kick that was here also now you know all the screws come out moving Franklin prison and it was on site me off the yard right so they come all can either went and coming in so me and Bronson all about sort of cop the ice with fats because we have to have it all full of screws so we had a big punch out two screws they've run they've run they've run all screws around started locking ourselves in the blocks there so they guys might just take the chair over but never have never ever happened in Franklin before so soffit fat me I'll start this off at any light so I was gonna come let's just say lock the sills like anyway it all gets calmed down then it goes off again and in branches involves me again anyways so they put me down a block so they said boy if you don't come out the block don't get me at the block will have smashed a jar what but so anyway so they keep in so this is the funny story this is so they said right we want to see when would it give cut we want to hear what you want to say about cockney eyes or [ __ ] [ __ ] metabolize he said we want to hear what you say so he's gonna be free governor's bring free mites and we'll sit there and the guy stop the beatings and what we bonded right so he goes into the governor's office as a governor sitting here Garcia gonna sit now filled with Niki Dunford at sauce we won't say there's another category I so said what would you want old son of dog door flicks open and like joking you standing but Nike big pair of boats on it had a blessing joking in free government setting like a sound like Tom and Jerry they went an essay that was Charlie Ponce and he was just like a [ __ ] Carrie side cuz he only got jail for robbery ya know he's over 30 years yeah interesting people in a like him who should be let do you think you ever get oh I hope he does he's a nice bloke I know he's lousy people like Paul Glenn he should be raised he shouldn't be now who's he is ma Cody Finley he's never killed that person he should be released we're not he was there he's gonna get some bird but lock him out for the rest of your life a sight didn't do ya think it's cause they who these Pierson people are associated with his real that I please try to get them off the streets and just lock them up and throw away the key losing a murder trial because he couldn't make it a murder before he's going you know so let's say a people I so had a place work you see like you know like these kids that I run around here mobile phones or their lot [ __ ] grasses in France yeah the best thing we've wrapped for the police said mobile phones a lot of trackers in your own right you know so your foster 12-year sentence book what was that sentence one that was for the banks of sorting office you said we have one was a show at the old built on I'll be a mini the charge above the first time round before and that's when you've got your throne stretch yeah two banks one sorting office and a security who was your what age we then just turned 21 Oh young one yeah yeah so when you came out did you just go straight back into claim yes and then you got your beggar sentence for the show with the police the hostages yeah what was that one mm-hmm it's just up what it was I see what people talk about principles I've been brought up as L school he'd been shot I could lift him phew I could I could have walked away from him ten times I could put my clothes back on disappeared to go out in the crowds and just disappeared because we brought back the old school I'm gonna leave him for you and it's just sad we've been brought up in the East End and what I'd like to do is try and get back the old Scott the granny across the rows that grass on you might back this noise that's [ __ ] old bill put the knives shuck in a stream gonna talk to your parents god sucks your uncle give them the nice I'm gonna get moving this knife you don't have to work without bill we could do it ourselves with working-class people without needing people so I mean we don't need the old bill we can do it ourselves we can tell the kids to put the knives down all right we can certainly put the knives down we don't need the police we don't need [ __ ] stack up MP's just tend to put the knives down don't give it to Daniel don't give the old bill will [ __ ] propaganda Chuck the knife away cuz that no I found joking you kill something like these is that 20 years that's what happened to me are you ain't gonna come out same person yeah nice one second villain your legs going you don't just a defector you're only also the victims Leif do not I mean so yeah so for anybody that's maybe carrying on a movie about protection it's difficult as wheels basically forgetting Billy younger age and I feel as if they've got that for that protection what advice would you give for them then got the tombstone try train hard I tried all that technical you know I don't mean you said yeah you voted for lousy people trying to mean prison yeah and a lot Susie said and done there cuz blink sir I've learned I know you won't let me blink and he says used to have anything used to get people to charge in you they throw them over your shoulder in yeah yeah she's just restraining them but not getting back to kids who carry noise I'll carry noise you got to be strong enough to walk outta ass so I'm not gonna carry a knife but most of time of my life wise carried a knife and Muslim carry knife I'm concerned they're not carrying eyes not to use him but if they're carrying Oz because someone else is carrying a knife and that's the problem we've got to get over we've got to get over that that person carrying a knife fuel safe is kind of knife so that's so and that's the thing we've got get over and about people carry nice we don't think most people grab the attentions unless you're a psychopath to stab someone for nothing you know like would you want to stab some because he thought was that me now these kids this has been a picture just come out where they wanna be crossed she's around another this is ridiculous you know what a kill him for that Glasgow was the name capital was Europe for many years and has changed the systems were changed as the carry on a precise and I walk in a date indictment but the sentence he's got higher three years five years while carrying a blaze and has changed here yeah I've got 12 months of carrying a knife of a phrase for stabbing so what choice I see the keys put the knife down I'm his okay me telling stories and they got people listening to him but a lot burn injuries and I was going there was a gang [ __ ] but I'm just like Nick he's put the knife down because you know you kind of visit for a long time and he ain't no I said there might I'm standing the unit's this Gators killed six people that gauge is called five people that kill the kill three people don't standing with noise in a jackets and you know cooking at dinner got [ __ ] like a knife there and your standings I was brought up in in the units and then if I stalled up and in prison that's why I sell farming I was a girl I know once you come out of prisons doing a nice energy done 12 years just coming out of prison I took this whatever Terri she wanted to tell done and I'm I said I can't do determines their arms cut from there today I'm so far i links cut to bits and then I went to just grabbed her arm so I'm so sorry you know that's alright and that's what people do they sell farm they killed yourselves not feet you know you want to be [ __ ] Billy Big bollocks you might you've got to go into it should have been before night yeah that's a lot of people who think we'll the game is people open the streets but as soon as again now they kept the main set count Handler and they came out suicide then that one there drugs but you see a lot and now there's a lot of friends to drugs and suicide hey people people run people people you know I'm not bhasayate but look you know people care about drugs in jail let's say they do their prison sentences the Lord said until we get under control not that prison system I mean about kids killing each other on you but you need summers got a gap there are celebrities listen to this or someone and we need someone's was put the slogan put a knife then the people listen to you back tonight I mean something has been near someone has done it someone who's experienced that's great i water taemin pleasant you know how the pain at cause he's not just on yourself but your family under victims oh my accounts are suffocating well but [ __ ] me I'll go through it she measured someone who's lost their life it was just lost a young kid his [ __ ] 15 years old I mean there's the Pioneer gonna go through and one who's done it the ponies gonna go through so you know figured you know you check the ladies but there's no winners and that kind do you think about the victims is welfare obviously that those robberies and vines and banks do you think you about the people who are in the bank entertainment how they'll mean so that being in a trauma they have the receive they ever think in your main than you've all know it may be as much I look young you don't see it I mean when you get older you can see it I mean we're not winner when you get older I may not sit there sometimes over to my summers died or this is dying like you know I'm not the bomb that I'm quite emotional person you know and a lot so this is so much I mean their biggest battles cancer at a moment you know so I mean people want my lost my mom can see she couldn't that she couldn't eat so what's to die she couldn't drink goodnight he's one of my hobbies deaths I've ever seen you know she just went to a bag of bones so really by sitting he watched someone else he's just crying little kids in her age who just died at 14 15 16 for what first just because he looked on whiting I mean come as a big difference between us money gays and suddenly wants to be hooked on violence you know I'm not too non-violence I have to be violent if I have to be violent like I said but at the end of story that's a no-no for me I wouldn't want to hurt someone for nothing yeah the devil have a target in your head to make a settlement of money then disappear I was it just keep going and keep going until we eventually couldn't go anymore when you put a gun in someone's aids and a mindset at that time so what kryptonite to Superman so the way that bang a gun you are [ __ ] powerful and then so you get out of that boat so I'm not gonna touch that gun I'm not gonna go near that gun I walk in and ask about you you gon bite that's you are gods that's a mindset you are you just nothing you can't stop me if I'll come out of my ass in the morning aren't you Dan and I'm mindset I give a [ __ ] about anything kills you can't stop he's like a robot so I determine I you can't stop it and that's that's the problem so you get out of that mindset in your own invincibility and that and you realize you're hurting people and you're doing things what you shouldn't do you've got to try and understand that and in me to understand it I started trying to understand it I started really sort of thinking different about so I was 44 45 and pleasant I want to come I want to make someone nice or maybe a loved one it is so wanted that and you know go ahead what keeps me out of trouble now is what I've got you know I'm not watch this watch that for you then fact to be that person that you where to start understanding have emotions and feelings because you tend to see the toughest people tend to suppress the feelings and emotions that don't want to show emotional motion anger that was explicit for anger and frustration but I'm not the what feel vulnerable and that's where that sense I have not gone pin there don't people get scared by adrenalin kept we feel important you feel power yeah so what made you what was the catalyst for the change to start going that's I don't want a sponsor I mean oh you know you'd be like people clapping ease abruptly there boy you can't be done this is gonna lose too many people eared is that you can't do this you can't do that and there's our Princeton Santa mo you can't be done and I'll do that it's your sight in your mind I want to do later all right I can't you can't be done I want to do I done [ __ ] the work we've been arrived at papers that I said can't be done but I've done it and in what happens you he's trying to get out at my set now tell me I spoke for the majors at 21 to you know the people you run some serious [ __ ] jobs were for some serious events how many of them I stole your friend though look my dead lot in the dead of a grass he's dead what about I still got a few friends we've got food got loads of friends small shoots yeah look we're underground organization I mean that's where we work we don't stand in pubs 20 ended today's wholly different talk about cries the cries you just and swears were called conspiracy they'll bill stick that conspiracy charge and you just lie so they conspired this or you could be Ramin air James how can we do is something I've got my arm ratchets high pitches how he chimes is infatuation it's different it's different you know the way they sit on you now and they've got a license to kill because of terrorism they would kill you they'll kill you you've got be really careful even bugs I made us it's a p12 it goes at people out welfare bugs in a car bugs in us in their asses little black bugs I know I will bang up they bug me [ __ ] here a fan I must say someone 24 years I found a buggy steering room so what's wrong side she would think they're a good guy yeah but always they're always catching one rhythm that's whether the thick net about she weapons technology now we use it we put trackers on cars if things are that might we want our with people are so their technology [ __ ] Anders funds bear and mine and the prison system has been turned against you now so that I'm going so the you know you know I got a coat it got every where before you hadn't you could bring you read called out they can bring tight we could put down now now you'll talk on the farm they can bring that in court get you for the tourism so use the terms Lord bring all of what I wanted to bring in the government and stupid don't say when you get the cold recite my when I was enlisted last time obviously murder before I got my passed out and I've got a bad past because mom might have been nicked for murder before so they do it the system that changed against you really big wise so much these kids who gone up for a night CrossFit I don't get arrested so do you think this is a best team for people who's involved on if I claim is too ghetto change their life and see that as I bet early folk that it's difficult off you grew up that environment for 20 30 40 years change doesn't just happen overnight but it can be done well it can be done I mean it can be done the post times Rand Paul Ferris logically you know Paul first yeah nobody knows why his brother Billy and he's tarnished our fans Pete we can't do it no we can't do it you know we can do it you know we really can't you know yeah you watch yours you are charged with one of your serious charges which was mother who was our experience for you back really because I was founded 20 miles away from her murder and someone asked first summer sword not to kill anyone just to say every word be someone else always a number that's me charge of murder lots out for a year fight for my life antique lobsters canonical five police cars in front five police miles behind any copters up near scene until you go man Lou I'll get me a good way for a contract murder which audible paper wasn't even the contract murder for me is so I pulled out a bit of paper at trial said I'm Nick for contract murder is a bit of paint with saleable Nick me for Jenny Blanchett intent which caused uproar and he's good seeing the papers you're on the websites of that so I'll set me up for a contract murder I didn't don't know you know so you know and that's what I say is that easy that was one call us black ghettos we've got sup for a year because if was her Frank's was their [ __ ] and I was gutted I got a not get away you know I didn't if you do it but that gives you a and more anger again they see a lot of people when you get into miser crime the system you know you walk into that system and it's all geared up against you you know like the Colts the place do not I mean the plate and it's all against Joe you know at me so that feeling you're gonna get a fair trial often if I'll get a guilty on it so I'm gonna walk was never done it you might know you might you get guilt you never get an actually out before because in freedom judges ain't gonna free up because of my past a mill sitting here I was getting released and our forthcoming I force but they could get dropped to normal statutory when I've got release from Franklin prison I thought was going to get released and I walked out and walks with us free free governors of sitting and he went at my own we've got a woman whose feet are quite soul just standing in accepted to tell you before you get release they said trouble you what you are there's a line and they said you you come up set line most people stop at outline you said you can't you have to put your father line he said we're going to tell you now you keep doing will never see like daylight again and that's from effectives effect from a prison governor so I went there really aren't any went yeah really so he's a warning to me before I even got left at the job like that where he's from I never seen him before is from the I'm officer what you should tell him in a nice wasn't locking out for the rest of my [ __ ] life you've been off to the bathroom Athenians book yeah I guess how was that uniforms at about a recharge and trying to think where you're going believe it was I think what is a fat girl and I've become not a family main and I've got really good friends around me they loyal we don't see each other but if friends always there always will be there if you need them yeah office now each one will prison don't they give me when you talk back around the world the other worlds built from the prison systems because I can walk into a pub look across that pub I don't know he's been in prison for eight years for armed every three years for violence today make by putting people in prison they give us our own got up friends without from Scotland dance adult sit on that one up and down the country that's my PAP wing because we're opening prison singing open I was the double I get I never come back shouldn't to cut work cockney lanes I was in Franklin full satnaam LA and I went to Parkers I'll never come back to London for nearly nine years so when I come back to London I have to spend all my time up no fitness in the units and the control units today he's really weird people talk about me if she was like yourself judge Scottish Jodie's scousers meant unions and it's really weird because I don't know what got back south and I spent 10 years with northern connection so when I come out obviously on a vocal you know I talk to play that then England sir you know how was the experience after the Danny Dyer documentary because after what they knew you then everybody knew Nick people knew who you were anyway because there's a reputation but that must have enhanced that did you faint or what we had people will try to speak to you did the job get used people always white be a friend and because of the power that you're hard on it obviously don't work all that because wipers would presently it might shred it social so really to get close to me you'll be someone special yeah I mean that my friends are special because there are thoughts and really cool phrase where I'll trust him with my life and then he'll turn out to go you I got your fine no I I problems disappear yeah cuz that's what we are we were underground system always about standing there giving it these gangs running around giving what it would sort of we're [ __ ] that a bug in your mouse put finger you know listen is let's go up this car Polly listen this world kind of government really works right I'd I'd security guards outside my house for secured goes my [ __ ] arse I was out sitting on May made for five [ __ ] weeks for salad didn't even notice a little while ago right and I know that was old bill there was play set up then why don't someone said to him can we get in the back of his house we'll get in the back of my house for fat Wow got dogs everything he's no getting back off yeah I don't think so because obviously reputation you had so through all your madness back no yeah try to get a sex part serious is that and talk so yeah yeah brilliant look I'm writing with a great team I mean he's names Ben he's a writer he's at work is done Warhol she's done at 12 minutes bad film we're doing a six-part series it's for men I'll grab ourselves a Keith goes into armed robberies let's not film called hey Ben it's another film called what was it called with Ben Affleck in its have I watched that follows from Boston a grown dog the banks and that's you know the six-part series Ben wrote on there I've got a great Saint man who's doing it for me a lot of plug if we can join of course we can we'll leave everything on their BIOS I've before the effects spoke about even your Burton stuff is real yeah but anybody can get in contact lawful reveals all the BIOS we check it by Luke yeah not a problem fact but for moving forward for the future then and getting that sex part oh the massive thing that you're doing the no speaking out about know you've claimed yeah which is massive fold you yeah does that make you feel about bears really attract help others yeah doing something natural it's good for you all the time we've been put down right everyone says yes but we've got to put up with what we're all school choir and the kids got a ton put a knife there all the slogan is put the [ __ ] knife that class it don't use Daniel Gail bill Frey a white if you've been bullied God's or navigators who could bully it in German talk to your brother talk gee dad salt some uni no don't go tell bill decide to listen a little bit of L via the bus always gives someone a way out we're doing confrontations with someone give someone a way out so they don't have to come you want me that's what we don't I don't want to kill you you know they kill me i it's just my jungle you want to kill me on the hill I give them a way out I don't want a way out we don't want to kill each other so I mean that's what we look for that's what you gotta do all these young Keys give someone a way out give yourself a way out because if it gets you know even end up dead one is gonna be seriously injured give you travel a way out so you can slip through the back door and that lose face so what do you think of Billy's [ __ ] pulleys all their life I've been bullied by the prison system I put bully bomber dads I've been bullied by [ __ ] kids in school you know I was just a part of life you know you know and the good thing about us you know we're not going to get bullies so would you like to leave a final message for anybody watching [ __ ] thanks for giving us a few words on more and then lot say you know like you know poverty is sort the puff it out they stopped down on rice fires let's get my drugs legal this ass all the kids put a knife down and you can't talk to someone please don't don't kill some of the psyche of it okay but fact I don't do many of us but [ __ ] common wanted in telling your story and effects might appreciate it but Sam I understand you spoke about your belief and obviously the stories that some people want to hear but the main objective as I make the same mistake sure that I can change people can bet your life even normally shut you in through in the past it's made you who you are today so my respect for you for coming on you mean telling your story and I do appreciate this or quad place and good luck with them for the future long distance [Laughter] you
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 544,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #gangster, #vic dark, #london, #bank job, #police shot out, #podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 55sec (4375 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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