Airbrush Designer Maker - Make Custom Doll Clothing for Barbie

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cookies world I don't know I don't know um excuse me excuse me uh yes hi can I ask you how does this dress look on me uh I think it looks nice oh I just can't seem to find anything I just just don't know if I like the selection in the store ah I wish I could just make my own clothing you know make your own clothing huh wouldn't that be perfect well well well your wish is my command cuz now Barbie and Elsa Oh can make their own clothing with this Barbie airbrush set design ups okay if you've ever wanted to create your very own Barbie fashions this is like the perfect play set cuz it has a real airbrush and you can totally design your own clothing you can draw whatever you want with the markers or you can pick from one of these super awesome little stencil designs oh yes there is a unicorn stencil just load the colors that you want and spray on the fashions and it says that you can totally rinse it off in the wash machine and totally start fresh and create new designs over and over and over and over again alright super duper easy super fun let's do this right now take everything out OOP there's the markers alright here is the little airbrush and the airbrush station ooh we've got our little outfits ooh instructions and markers totally totally cool here are the fashions that it comes with open it up all right we have a gorgeous gorgeous white dress two shirts one of them has like this little pink outline around it and a white skirt and here are the stencils oh this is just so hard to pick how do you pick how do you pick they're so cute there's like hurts and zigzags and stars and triangles and of course you can draw whatever you want you could totally go crazy drawing your own creative outfits all right the instructions say it needs some batteries then it'll be ready to go let's unwrap the gun get it out of the plastic to do whoo there we go all right so we got our airbrush gun here so I can place it right into the holder here I'm gonna place this right here all right so I've got this beautiful beautiful dress that we could spray on all right who wants a beautiful dress made Oh me me me me me please can I please have a magical unicorn dress oh that sounds so perfect okay so I wanna put this dress on on this little dress form just get it dressed like that all right there we go so now it has this blank dress on and I'm just gonna hook it right here oh and can you make the dress part rainbowy whoo a rainbow unicorn okay well I don't quite have rainbow colors but we're gonna use all four markers on Barbies dress look at these fun bright colors we've got blue pink purple and orange all right let's start with orange so open it up take the airbrush gun and put it right in here click it in click the airbrush on I'm gonna do a tester spray to make sure I can actually do it so let's spray oh here we go click it this way like a little bit more oh it's foaming oh I guess it was too much click it back oh there we go oh it's still foamy oh I don't see any color all right we'll do it again sir any color Oh No keeps foaming keep on trying come on airbrush I know you want to more foam I know it says if you have foam click it back they kind of try again ok one click any color come on airbrush oh there we go it's ready all right so I'm gonna hang Barbies dress right here I'm gonna airbrush a rainbow design here whoo oh this is so cool this is so cool change out the marker ooh go back to zero first what recap and has these awesome little holes right here that you can easily put the markers in peek oh it's ready airbrush this now we need a new color come on airbrush oh there we go coming out real light little darker there we go all right airbrush did it big splotchy now blue oh there's a little bit of blue and blue alright now let's add on our magical unicorn stencil I'm gonna place that right on here like that just like that alright and spray-paint Oh [Music] oh it's starting to foam a little bit again such a little foamy airbrush look take this marker always remember to put the cap back on and in this little holder all right let's see how this turned out we'll take this off and oh that's so adorable there's a unicorn on here oh the unicorn looks so beautiful to see a little face oh that turned out really cute alright because I had this purple splotchy I'm actually just going to draw in some more designs on here maybe we can turn that splotchy into a heart here we go so now it looks like I heart you to corns I'll do a whole bunch of different colors the markers yeah oh it's hard to color up this way I heart unicorns okay it's super hard to color hearts on here I'm making it work all right there's Barbies dressed so I'm just gonna leave this to dry hmm hang it right here and then she can try it on alright else's turn she can make a shirt now I'll put the blank shirt right on the mannequin there we go it's all ready alright Elsa what would you like well I I like snowflakes so you like icy cold things yeah the cold doesn't bother me oh you should draw an ice cream ooh okay we'll draw an ice cream on else's shirt roof so I'll use orange for the cone so I'm just gonna freehand draw it yummy yummy cone yum yum yum do a big scoop a ice-cream right on here maybe we'll make it a double scoop oh it looks so yummy and a cherry on top right there look little cherry and how about a couple of some snowflakes for Elsa we'll do like a little snowflake right here and right here big big snowflake all right Elsa has a shirt now she needs a skirt all right so on the skirt we need something oh do the hearts that way it means you have ice cream oh good idea all right so we've got the little stencil here that has a whole bunch of hearts all over the place so I'm just gonna press it right there leave it right there ooh I think it would look really good in blue keep everything super duper icy with Elsa get that blue going come on blue where are you one more there we go boom and spray oh so funny alright I might have overdone it there whoo all right let's see if that left a heart patter lift it up and oh it actually did right so we've got a heart skirt for Elsa yeah we've got one more shirt left I can make something for my sister on ooh that sounds good so we will just put this on here so what would on a like on a shirt hmm you've got kiddies and diamonds and oh the diamond reminds me of Gemma Stone the shopkins on it would love a Kitty shirt all right let's mix up the colors on this kitty so first I'm gonna spray down the shirt with one of the colors we'll do pink all right airbrush ready just keep on clicking the nozzle little by little until I can see some pink color oh there we go so I'm gonna do a little bit of some spray here there we go so a little pink and a little orange there we go airbrush some orange on here there we go then the kiddy I'll make out of purple woo hang the kitty right on the shirt right where I want it to go here we go and press down to spray the kitty on all right here we go let's reveal Oh kitty all right this works super super cool there's an adorable kitty with some glasses on on on a shirt all right perfect are these outfits look totally air brushy adorable time to try them on what do you think all right totally cool Barbie's outfit looks like this rainbow unicorn watercolor of airbrush II very a very cool those hearts just look so crazy because of how the marker kind of bled but it looks really pretty with the unicorn on the top all right it's else's turn all right what do you think whoo it looks so cool on Elsa that ice cream actually looks super rainbow II now because I used to all the marker colors and I love the snowflakes and the hearts now I just have to give honor her shirt oh I love it thank you aw no what are you doing here kristef saw you shopping here he said that you were making me something oh I love it so much I was so excited to try it on I just put it right over my shirt that I was wearing Oh aw I'm so happy you liked it you're the best sister EVER all right so you can totally make your own airbrush designs how whoo is that it awesome all right I hope you cookies enjoyed this a Barbie airbrush designer Lou and one lucky cookie fan is actually gonna be able to airbrush their very own designs I actually have this set right here from one of my cookie fans this will be my next freebie on my website all the info will be out right here so this will be the freebie for next week with a sneak peek for you don't forget to airbrush happiness into your life always every single day in design life your way cookie fans I will see you in my next video bye cookies [Music] yep that's right you can airbrush any design you want that is so cool Elsa so Barbie got a rainbow unicorn dress yep that's right so what color was the unicorn airbrushed ah I can't remember it was either blue pink orange or purple what color was Barbies unicorn
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 38,082,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, custom, set, doll, cookie swirl, series, craft
Id: Ki0IapmMaa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2016
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