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[Music] a curious case for candy candy candy where are you hello darn it same thing always sorry i just really enjoy seeing your faces what happened we can't find lady and lulu is really sad we don't know where to look anymore this seems like a case for detective kim [Music] this way [Music] i think it is it's cotton candy it was in front of ladies house that can only be one thing that lady's at the fair now lucy cotton clouds she's on fantasy mountain let's [Music] go to the other side a little step here a little stop [Music] [Music] we have to look for lady we shouldn't call attention to ourselves [Music] hey that's not fair i don't know how it's fantasy world you can do whatever you want [Music] i'm so hungry smells like the ones in the van the valley ones taste the best i wonder if they're the same i'll try it hold on the best smelling one is missing and we have to toast it the valley tastiest toasted lady damn turn lady into cotton candy and they're gonna eat her we have to find her now that cake will be so tasty when we add the raspberries huh ladies are you there [Music] oh [Music] ah that is so rude maybe ladies and gentlemen no lucy ladies i don't know which part of this is ladies [Music] we know everything you kidnap lady and turn her into cotton candy so you could eat her i really think we're gonna eat you know because we heard you say that that the valley ones taste the best and you're missing the ones that smell the best we meant raspberry there's no raspberries better than the ones in the valley oh well we thought you ate babies we still don't know where ladies calm down we have the solution lady connie how do you see lady [Music] lady lady where are you i can only see some pink stains on her house cotton candy i bet my golden pacifier she is at the fair she loves eating cotton candy when she is on the ferris wheel there she is i knew it we found her lulu let's go find her wow the sky looks so nice it's so annoying that i can't enjoy it with lulu she always gets lost how do i stand this [Music] early christmas [Music] all right babies we're only a few days away from christmas faster because we still have a lot of bows to go everything has to be great how are the flowers going awesome and do you know how to do it with two hands of course just looked you'll be amazed alright just continue using one hand but hurry up wow he's coming out amazing thank you we still have a lot to do but don't forget to write your christmas letter later later we're very big okay come on leah we need the lights come here cody you have to see them it's an advent calendar each window is a day with a magic gift inside of it [Music] wow there's only two windows left that means that we're only two days away from christmas so then we have to write the letter now i'm gonna let everybody know [Music] finally the last one done you should help me with these christmas balls you want christmas balls take this stop snow is not christmassy why are you the boss no i'm the boss put some snow on the ground hey only two days until christmas have you sent your letters asking for presents very funny [Music] yeah hmm [Music] [Music] wow did i sleep for two days it's christmas party at my house [Music] good yay good morning oh no there's no presents with so much going on i forgot to write my letter me too and me if we had an article we would have written the letter it's the worst christmas of my life i told you when i mailed mine but you didn't listen to me so then you got a present what is it i want it you can't see it it's special special anyway it's very small [Music] uh-huh there's no presents here why are you so happy if your present isn't there is here but you can see it i asked for us all to be together without arguing that's what christmas is [Music] wow [Music] but we still don't have presents [Music] all right where did you get those presents from what seriously did you open the two windows that were left on the calendar so then today isn't christmas it's tomorrow and if it's tomorrow we can still write the letters [Music] i'm going to ask for the same thing as cody to always be together me too oh yeah and i'm also gonna ask for us to always [Music] hmm [Music] happy joke day [Music] [Applause] please of course today is the day for pranks well i'm not falling for any pranks this year i will investigate thoroughly and nobody will trick [Music] hi me look what i have how beautiful like it it's an aqua spinach wanna smell it yes yes [Music] let me treat you to some relaxing tea you'll feel better [Music] you'll of course just sit sit and enjoy the tea alone and in peace [Music] what a prank lucy and lua play we're not even going to be safe here it's impossible to tell what pranks await us although i know somebody who could give us a clue whoa tina please we need to know what pranks are gonna play on us you can ask the destiny box that question destiny let me see [Music] happy birthday i'm sorry i'm sorry i couldn't resist i'm sorry i'm sorry but i couldn't resist oh just tell me what pranks i have coming okay just one but i don't know exactly i just know it has to do with balloons balloons huh we'll be on the lookout yeah thanks come on [Music] hey you popped [Music] [Music] i got [Music] ouch you want to play the world can't be yours impossible we're on a secret mission huh these are really it these are the prank ones [Music] are we in carnival [Music] let's go perfect prank blocked surprise happy birthday happy birthday you are gonna play a prank on us you friends i didn't expect him oh what happened tammy ruined your birthday i wanted a balloon birthday i thought it was for a prank i never meant to ruin your birthday i promise i'll never forget that your birthday is on a prank date again it's all right it's just balloons [Music] wow the golden pacifier this is the best birthday of my life [Music] you need the best prank birthday of your life [Music] huh wow [Music] a little step there and the fantasy portal will reveal itself [Music] yay tina's prediction yes yes i'm flying [Music] i was coming to invite you all too [Music] [Applause] oh to your poetry festival how cool we'll go quickly ow i'll never get used to this world huh [Music] give me five tomorrow i will recite some poetry ah i am going to sleep everyone will love it is it required to go because without seeing it i won't be able to roll see i too can make poetry rhymes you need practice can't you tell me if there will be good weather of course but i need concentration concentration [Music] concentration oh no be careful with the water everything is [Music] the sun won't be out i'd be lying because the sun will be shining up that huh she's in a hurry but she's so nervous about the premiere [Music] which one looks better on me rose or light rose right rose the rose is plain no way the live rose is playing the world is going to enter tomorrow tina saw a lot of water in her fall everything is going to get wet i'll read it let's get out of here like that we have to get ready for the flood well since you don't have a bow in your house that's it we'll build a boat that's big enough for all of us [Music] [Music] wow calm down the boat will save us from the flood and if it rains a lot we'll surf yeah but today was my recital and i really wanted to say my poem what happened to you and why are you in a bathtub must be some local custom the houses the rain the flood what pod you saw a lot of water in your ball and that everything was gonna get wet no way it was teeny who threw the bottle i said the sun was gonna shine bright really so then there won't be a flood of course not yes i get to sing my poems [Music] loretta is the greatest and her dances are at ranges [Music] [Music] poetry is awesome but you're singing not so much finally you made it rain baby what a shower [Music] [Music] what are you doing keeping watch and now and now what's going on we're a little bit bored couldn't we do something else i know let's go see what they're doing in the valley [Music] what is that it has leaves and words look it's dragging some toys let me see let me see i see ladies colored boogers i love them they're so original what if we go visit them yeah look lena will you teach us to do things from here uh from here yes to move things without blowing to make delicious bigger shapes and to play with a box with words um i would love to really i need to go because i'm making some cakes in the oven you make them in the oven without magic can we see it of course i know how to do everything you're talking to leonard the most famous influencer in the valley you can watch everything i do on my channel leona's things you can learn anything you want with my videos i have tons of followers followers but there's nobody here hold on she said something about her channel maybe we have to put it in the water [Music] well no it seems that was not the hold on you don't know anything i bet these words like the box was words stop it's not for that maybe it's one of those things you play with a ball [Music] ah this thing has bit me [Music] hold on lena knows how to dance [Music] hello friends welcome to leona's channel today we will enjoy a fun book and some disgusting slime i want the booger one i want the fox's word let me know me [Music] where did it go it has to be inside lena are you there yes here i am what are you doing with the device huh where are my videos did you erase them we're sorry lena but my channel my followers i'm an influencer i know we can all make new videos together and we'll help you get your channel back you just have to show us how to be an in flirt okay ready action not like that grab it with the other hand i almost hit you with the frozen booger ha ha [Music] let's practice it's done this way now your turn ready and [Music] action don't touch me my wet fingers i'll never be popular i have no more followers because of you hey what is this fixation with followers you don't need millions of friends on your channel you have us what more do you want followers well now you have them you're right i have the best friends in the world right here [Music] [Music] yes [Music] wow [Music] cry babies [Music] wandy fixes it all a wandy look one second i'm busy with the moon wendy will you help me get out of here have you seen the craters of the moon they look like eyes don't they lady let me see i'm an expert at braids if i pull here and then [Music] [Music] what are you doing all right i'm going to get you free let's go ah it's awesome because it makes you dizzy like a miracle rock oh i'm gonna make it faster oops there's a knot in the rope wandy will you help us could you untie this knot for a second have you seen how the moon smiles [Music] she's not a good friend she just thinks about herself and hasn't helped us [Music] could you go pick up missy i don't even know where to start [Applause] do you want me to help you fix it you know how i doubt it's harder than a degree in astrophysics right [Music] the steering wheel goes up top but that's the wheel right the wheel goes on the ground how many wheels does it have uh four should i help you yes please i'll fix it it only needs a bit of tweaking here and a bit of tweaking there [Music] i'll fix it there's a reason why we're really good friends you're welcome friends you can count on me for anything huh this one goes here this one here and this one hmm hey do you need help no thanks it's almost done it came out perfectly i'm gonna help my super friend lady [Music] i need you to help me fix my car it's horrible look how she left katie's fence no let me pick them up he tries to help us but at this rate we'll end up stuck to the fence or as a wheel someone has to tell her to stop let me help you my friend no need [Music] [Applause] it's over we're gonna solve this now [Music] [Music] hey thank you missy i should have asked for your help to fix things i'm a disaster well i'm just good at it we can do it together whenever you want and besides you're not a disaster you're an expert at stars and i would love to learn with you cool [Music] yes this way we can look at the moon together that was awesome wow [Music] don't worry about it i will fix it [Music] wow [Music] the halloween mystery ready now the pumpkin yes [Music] [Music] [Music] more to the left to the right to the left to the right making me dizzy to the left or to the right make up your mind all right don't worry let me help you to the right but only a little bit [Music] what's the matter with you am i okay like this is this a good spot where should i hit it i don't understand a word you sound like an elephant with a cold oh i don't feel very well [Music] what happened [Music] [Music] um the halloween party is about to begin it's a zombie pumpkin [Music] a little bit slower don't get ahead of yourself oh okay it's bonnie [Music] what happened did she get stuck she's not coming out we should go to the party to get some help although a pumpkin is a perfect halloween costume are you sure you wouldn't rather wait until tomorrow [Music] [Music] it's not a monster daddy if you give your hand to a monster they can bite it off don't you think you're exaggerating a bit [Music] where are you going it's not a monster look the monster is crying since when do monsters cry maybe it's true and it's bonnie i've been saying it the whole time her head is stuck in a pumpkin oh i'm sorry i called you a monster i'll help you don't worry not like that you'll hurt her silly i know what if we eat the pumpkin raw pumpkin yuck that's gross we all have to get it off [Music] on the count of three one two [Applause] [Applause] let's do it again [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] multi-flavored ice cream it's so hot why don't you get in here it's so refreshing we never get hot our cloud keeps us nice and cool i'm getting an idea for you to cool down well hurry up my brain is starting to fry [Music] wow my cupcake is a popsicle [Music] stroller no [Music] isn't it delicious yup your popsicles are very weird on fantasy mountain we always eat popsicles of thanks and we like them so much mine is delicious okay give me a bite of course it tastes like cupcakes and not like things well i rather it tastes like dinks all right why don't we mix my cupcakes with your ice creams i made a bunch i think that if we combine them with these objects we'll get popsicles that we all like i love your ideas strawberry catberry chocolate with baby bottles balloon and vanilla this flavor is very original and it instantly refreshes you i will call it fantasy fusion come on we'll prepare the ice creams and you can pass them around please bring one to my house to my house too and mine let's see how am i going to deliver all this i have a surprise for you connie okay you can look now [Music] i did some work on your stroller this way you can deliver pups yes ice cream at first [Music] yes [Music] it's so fun making ice cream [Music] ice creams tasty ice creams shania for me please let's see how it tastes with drums well i'm gonna make ice cream with mmm with this [Music] [Music] i'm gonna go snowboarding well it's all finished now this is not the flavor i asked for can't you make more a triple coat i'm hot coney when's the ice cream ready attention babies we need huh but what happened here well we're all out of things look this frisbee is left don't go i need the frizzy come back [Music] are you okay what's wrong with coney we went overboard asking her for ice cream pony has been so good and we have to repay her let's give her a surprise will you help us look these are favorite objects and fantasy fusion turn them inside wow it's for you for being such a good friend this is the most young refreshing ice cream in the world [Music] [Applause] it's a self-service ice cream stand how did i not think of that yeah [Music] i still like the ones that taste like [Music] [Music] cry babies crystal is on well it has to be here crystal always says that her house is special well to me they all look the same hello guys do you know where crystal lives we're gonna visit her because she's sick of course let's go together her house is a bit more toward the top it's so cool i love it it's so crystal [Music] hello is crystal home crystal how are you i brought you a present [Music] thank you although right now i don't feel much like swimming let's see how you're doing oh you're burning up with the wet cloth the fever will go down to him your heart is going a thousand beats an hour well so many bumps you look like a paella she needs to get a shot no no i'm feeling much better ouch hey what is a monkey dog there monkey i don't see a monkey will you throw me a coconut from that palm tree little monkey give me a cool coconut [Music] but get down from there what are you doing she's burning up delirious and she has a rash it's the snow fever there's nothing to worry in two hours everything will be fine is it raining inside the house no the roof is melting oh thank you little monkey crystal is burning oh she has to be cured or her house will melt i've tried everything we have to wait until she's nobody panicked i'll hurry up to make her some tea i'm sure she'll feel better any other ideas and no i can't think of anything either let's sit her down [Music] what if we all blow on her we're charming monkeys you'll see it's your special tea it cures all illnesses thanks for the coconut crazy monkey [Music] the tea is way too hot we have to cool down the house now oh i got it i use it on my sled to go faster it looks like it works oh i don't want to go on the ferry's wheel now i'm dizzy the house is melting even with the fan [Music] what a good idea quickly we have to pull the whole igloo i'm so tired my little horns are even hurting uh you're still here thank you i feel better let me make sure oh your fever has finally gone down how about a massage how about a bedtime story i don't want to sleep more hey what's all that ice you had such a high fever your house was melting so we covered your house with ice cubes it was snowy's idea oh you guys are geniuses not only did you take care of me you saved my house as well [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] the pet translator i told you luo is awesome what are you laughing at louis tells the best jokes in baby bottle valley wow well i want to laugh too me too but i can't understand anything neither do i we want to understand lua calm down babies the time has come to see our fortune teller nina i've been waiting for you [Music] how can i help you we won don't tell me we want to be able to understand lua you want to understand lua i have just what you need [Music] my back uh-huh here it is the helmet of words wow i love that name and those little crystals are so cute let's test it [Music] come on lua tell us a joke in the valley they call me sheep why i can say [Music] that's so good hey lucy why don't you let her stay the weekend please please please okay all right why doesn't the ocean dry up because it doesn't have a you are an towel comedian [Music] i know how to do more things [Music] you're the funniest thing we've ever seen you are so funny i give you a shooting star icicle and i give you dancing bubbles and i present you a glitterstorm we're leaving take that helmet off i don't want to i have to perform [Music] i'm a comedy star you know you are what we want her to stay a few more days she is so entertaining but she has to stay back home oh lucy don't be this way let her play a bit more all right fine try to miss me a little okay let me introduce to you the superstars [Music] an artist also needs the time to rest they're waiting for you at the great tree but i was just playing come on go play some other times [Music] they want to see you at the cotton cloud [Music] where's lua we have to find her how does the fireman's joke end i can't do this anymore i want to go home there she is another joke please the robot come here [Music] are you okay i thought something was wrong i don't want to tell any more jokes i want to go home with you oh we've been to insistent right but the thing is you're so funny we'd spend the entire day with you let me take off your helmet she says she'll be back another day she just wants to go to bed now lucy i promise you that the next time we will take such good care of luau [Music] i know a really great joke [Music] [Music] let's go camping it's almost time for the tea party how are those cupcakes coming along they're in the oven only a few minutes left penny's gonna love my new tea set isn't it beautiful huh i'm coming [Music] we are going camping it's a great place with enormous blackberries yay to the countryside huh what about my tea party cutie take the cupcakes out of the oven we're going camping [Music] i promise it'll be fun you're gonna love it i don't like the countryside [Music] hey have you seen cutie [Music] it looks perfect we fix it to ground and done but where are you going with all that these are only the bases this is no good in the countryside my compass is useful though nonsense lady gg we're off blackberry picking come on lady it'll be fun where are you pen pen [Music] [Music] lady we have to go with the babies oh have you seen how big they are oh i bet they're poisonous i'm not picking any let me know when you're finished you can't sleep now we have to stay in a group it's important that we stay close and not get lost this is unbelievable ugh [Music] [Music] don't be afraid i'm not afraid i was looking for blackberries sure we have to go it's getting dark i know the way back i've got my compass the compass is annoying i can find my own way home what's that do i have to do everything wow that was incredible come on uh it's this way no over here follow me oh i'm so hungry i will trade my perfume for one of connie's cupcakes [Music] [Music] i'm hungry how much longer yeah yes thank you and your compass for rescuing me the truth is i was really afraid and thanks to your perfume we made a good team in the end didn't we [Music] finally my tea party out in the country we're only missing our cupcakes connie yes but i don't know where cutie is finally cutie pan you are the best yes and the countryside isn't that bad thanks friends [Music] cry babies the mystery of the enchanted pacifier [Music] i've told you that good doggies don't bark at night what do my eyes see am i hallucinating hmm [Music] you have no idea what a bad time i've had i was so scared that i haven't slept at all but pacifiers made of diamonds don't exist that's impossible especially not flying ones it may have been a dream it wasn't i saw it fly out of the window isn't that right spot hmm this is so suspicious come on spot fish up where did you put the diamond pacifier it wasn't a spot daddy's saying the truth it's the fantasies and i think they know something of course we know dottie had an encounter with the haunted diamond pacifier you see i told you i wasn't lying legend has it the diamond pacifier comes to life every hundred years a very naughty ghost lives inside of it only cupcakes get scared away a haunted pacifier sounds terrifying i'm gonna make so many cupcakes babies nothing to be scared of there's a mystery here and detective cammy is determined to solve it if that ghost comes back we'll be together and nobody will be able to defeat us hmm i still don't believe a single word and ghosts don't exist and i'll find out thanks to this costume [Music] hey don't fall asleep sleepyhead because i prepared some bottles and a bunch of cupcakes to protect us thank you connie baby this isn't to eat it's the scare of the ghost this is delicious i'm not even scared anymore it's behind me right oh no i think my cupcakes aren't scaring her [Music] hmm they're delicious but isn't the ghost supposed to be scared of cupcakes [Music] they ate the whole story up and we're eating their cupcakes you should have seen donny's face when she saw the diamond pacifier aha now i understand everything so these little ghosts want connie's cupcakes huh let's return the prints [Music] well i'm going to the valley for more yes bring me strawberry ones and i want chocolate [Music] [Music] completed oh cupcakes that sure is a legend will you forgive us it was just a joke here i gave you my diamond pacifier thanks a lot but it was really fun i love investigating more cupcakes look at that deep blue tears wow [Music] [Music] [Music] a day without powers today i'm guarding the fountain [Applause] [Music] there you go did you see that trick what we saw was your crazy flying every day it's the same you have to be more careful you almost left me with no flower and me with no horn and it stresses me out i thought they enjoyed my flight i only cause problems i'm a disaster well i'm not flying anymore [Music] that way i won't bother anybody no flying means the air will stop and nothing will move on fantasy mountain [Music] oh catch me jenna over here i've got marshmallow clouds in the oven can you watch them for me please i'll be back in a flash sure if you hear a sound fly down and turn it off okay yes yes i left my horn behind can you fly to me i'm not flying [Music] leave them in my house please it's pin for the magic brushes i have to go to the lake thanks [Applause] here try new flavors okay [Music] what did i have to oh yes the horn [Applause] oh no rosie's paint the magic brushes they're using ice cream what have i done [Music] the marshmallow clouds this is a nightmare the oven the horn give it here [Music] [Music] look around you and you'll see your gift was that me do you not see you have never stopped flying and when you do everything comes to a stop your flights make the world move we need you to fly but my flying causes problems and i don't want to be a bother i'm not flying it's not that flying is part of your nature you just have to fly a bit more carefully and that's it so live [Music] i'll be right back trust me yay [Music] oh the horn [Music] thanks jenna that was incredible i missed flying [Music] i need a long nap after all that [Music] [Music] the world [Music] oh i almost caught it this time yes yes nearly oh gg mega throw catch it [Music] don't laugh it wasn't me i'll get you back oh who's that what a cool costume it comes with the crown don't touch her she's a fantasy oh what i read about them in a comic i know all about fantasy mountain you really are fantastic oh ouch poor thing come on let's take her back to my house [Music] yay ouch that's enough now just accept it you can't fly hey i'm learning but what i'm really good at is stopping time stopping time what a power this is a [Music] hmm power good come on we have to find belly [Music] hey i'll get you back where where am i in the valley and who are you i am felly where have you come from from fantasy mountain through the portal oh my she really has hit her head she is in a bad way no i'm telling you she's a fantasy so do you have powers can you fly or disappear is there really a cloud slide there she is no miss anything [Music] come on let's go wow no wait philly how can i get to the mountain through the portal look for hardened wings it won't always be obvious clap three times put your hands on your head then on your waist jump forward jump back the more you move the quicker it will open and shout a step here or step there and the fantasy portal will display it was true do you believe me now let's go to fantasy mountain but how will we find the portal huh i'll be right there i have to go get my things [Music] so [Music] the hearted wings yeah [Music] a step here a step there and the fantasy portal will display [Music] [Music] wow [Music] dizzy was right it's the cloud slide oh look your bow oh it's a diamond welcome we have guests she's invisible yay she flies thanks for taking care of me [Music] fantasy mountain here [Music] [Music] cry babies [Music] i just love bubbles it would be amazing to play with bubbles so so big that when they burst it rains imagine if they were so hard you could ride them like ponies oh these ones are very small and impossible to catch i have the solution we should create the perfect bubble yes the science behind bubbles is very complicated with this recipe we will make the perfect bubble we need water soap and the super bubble machine 3 000 plus wow [Music] it's gigantic and the color is beautiful first we need to make the bubble liquid i want to add some cake so we'll get colored bubbles and i'll add my perfume so they smell nice and i'll add my strawberry cake so they taste so bubbles aren't for eating no don't add anything else we have to follow the recipe right okay the liquid is ready now everyone blow huh lady i said everyone oh okay you are so bossy okay guys breathe in on one on two i'm on three [Music] these bubbles are big but they burst straight away they're not perfect [Music] i know what's going on we have to add more soaps i think that's too much you can never have too much soap [Music] nobody moved from their place this is very dangerous stuff they've added so much soap and who knows what will happen what are you doing here back to where you work wait what [Music] this bubble is unpoppable you overdid it with the soap i told you all to follow the recipe do you think everything's a game and now look what's happened yes of course a game remember how we burst the little bubbles uh-huh [Music] [Applause] we'll get you out oh i'm so dizzy [Music] come on finally everyone's free sorry i was so grumpy but we made a mega big bubble yes although we went over the top a bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow wow look at the colors wow that's the perfect [Music] [Music] the heating constellation part one hello what are you doing wendy i'm looking for a constellation shaped like a blue star i want to do that can i help sure coming up to the right you can see the rainbow constellation so many colors gravitational nebula ice cream is to your left gravito what oh it doesn't matter i can see the moon what but i can't see the blue star constellation i know me neither this constellation is the only one i have left to draw it's so far away you can't see it night night missy i'll try again tomorrow [Music] what's going on oh wait i'm better from this side i've got you like that already hey huh do you know where all that noise is coming from yes it's messy she had another one of her great ideas missy huh missy you're making a lot of noise then i'm trying to sleep morning wendy hold the hammer for me please [Music] okay i'll have it back now done i've spent the whole night working on your spacecraft now you'll be able to reach your final constellation and we can organize trips to space for everyone [Music] well maybe you just need some tweaking missy it doesn't look like it's going to work but thanks a lot you're a good friend [Music] wow that one doesn't need any work done to it just look at it yay it even comes with an instruction book take my picture here do we look pretty [Music] the spacecraft it's about to take off wendy no what are you doing here i don't know what i press [Music] stop crying forget that everyone else i'm a genius missy what was that wendy lena lady and lulu have gone into space oh really how will they get back get back oh well get back you're right how will they get back scary stuff good thing it didn't take off we almost ended up in space it's already dark outside the day has really flown by lana it's not nighttime we're in space the hidden constellation part two what's wrong one deal and a lady and lulu have gone into space in a spacecraft and we don't know how to get them back i only wanted wendy to see her blue star constellation is that the instructions manual we must read it it will say how to get the spacecraft down how do we tell them they're there and we're here [Music] i'm sure one of these buns will take us home but which one i bet anything missy knows we're in the middle of space huh ow of course the cry phone katie's got the tablet right we can call her it's luna wandy and ladies i have them on the tablet great hi it's great to see you stay calm we'll get you down how it's your spacecraft what do we do okay take it easy the spacecraft has colored buttons you have to enter a combination to land it it's very important that you do it at the same time pay attention because you only get three attempts before you run out of magic tears power the combination is red red blue green red green blue yellow okay understood i press red red and blue lena presses green red and green and lady presses blue and yellow are you ready ready for wow [Music] lulu it's your fault don't worry you've got two goals left come on this time we can't fail now [Music] but but where is it i can't find the yellow button second failed attempt i feel dizzy i'm going to be sick oh no they have only one attempt left i have it here it is the yellow button is on the floor no the tablet has turned off i spent the whole morning watching how to grow onions where missy i can't hear you where's the button oh no it has been dropped we've lost communication together we can get it one two and three [Music] they will never come back it's great to have you back what's wrong wendy i was so close to the blue star constellation but i never got to see it lulu what do you have there wow wendy wendy look at my pictures they're the ones that lulu took i can't believe it it's my blue star constellation for now on this constellation will be known as lulu's constellation [Music] look at the shooting stars wow look lulu your constellation [Music] the magic won one two three four five here i come lisa [Music] you can't be far away let's see over here over here over there [Music] gotcha get over here lisa i found you you can't hide again no cheating now lisa where are you lisa ah wow how cool ow huh what book is this fantasy world it won't open lisa wow look what i found a wand what's wrong it's a really cool wand better than mine huh lisa what's happened to you wow it truly is magic let's try it [Music] shall we share it okay halfway you have for me [Music] why you feeding my peas no i haven't it was you you're lying i want my cake i don't lie shh hmm [Music] huh i win impossible that piece wasn't there before you cheated are you calling me a cheater me i'm not playing fetch the ball spot come on one more time hmm [Music] you're so funny spot look what you've done and done look i knew it now i understand everything it was you because of you i didn't get any sorry i didn't do it on purpose don't you think it's funny for you maybe that's right it's not fun being made to lose you know or getting covered in cake i'm off me too please don't go it was only a game i've got a magic wand look [Music] i've got it [Music] trust me lisa [Music] hmm [Music] hey girls over here i want to apologize i only wanted to try my magic wand and we feel bad that we got upset we know that you have a good heart [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks lala now this is fun wait until you see what i can do with my magic wand huh it was right here and lisa has anyone seen lisa lisa [Music] hmm [Music] the super sprinkling kit oh it hasn't arrived yet i can't wait for it to get here it should be here by now you'll see it's the best thing ever yay [Applause] it's here it's here it's finally arrived cool i've been so excited what's going on what's going on it's the super 3000 watering robot wow how cool right it'll help me water my organic garden but how cute [Music] [Music] what are these drawings let's see they look like instructions but i don't understand anything yeah me neither i'm sure that nala and leah can help us hmm let's go see them i'll stay with lady did you touch that i know what you're like [Applause] [Music] okay okay [Music] [Music] ouch up [Music] i've broken katie watering robot if i leave it like that then it doesn't look broken [Music] look what you've done my watering robot connie was it you i only knocked it a little bit i honestly didn't realize i'm sorry katie i'm really really sorry [Music] robot's gone crazy [Music] [Music] somebody stop it i'm sorry [Music] what i'm sorry katie i'm sorry connie i don't know why i lied i'm sorry i really am but you can tell me these things i don't bite yes you've been very brave also i'm sure it wasn't on purpose you says all of us and that was an incredible jump so you're not angry then of course not it's only a watering robot well the super 3000 [Music] wow amazing it's so cool look up here huh you know what it isn't broken i ordered the robot mountain not the watering robot i'll have to be more careful next time hey girl and i promise not to touch more buttons this is the best garden in the world wow [Music] with talents come on girls please everybody in position mm-hmm make way for the talent girls nala no pushing in it's daddy's turn it's not a problem i really don't mind [Music] let the contest begin this year we welcome on our prestigious journey [Applause] [Music] i'm up no it's daddy's turn it's okay let nala go go on you can go if you want stop it oh no me sorry girls it's time for everyone to see my talents hey hey listen up cause you've heard nothing like this before wow in your life thank you you're right that is new to our ears hang on i know another one next up uh you go thanks dottie [Music] [Music] connie up next is [Applause] [Music] this edition has absolutely everything look at me play who's next please what we need here is magic and now [Music] and now it will disappear [Music] [Applause] are there any contestants left nobody else [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] surprise these moments always make me emotional together [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love christmas eve what do you like best i like the tree the decorations i like the presents but there's nothing here we don't have a treat or a decoration you said that you have everything you just don't like anything but i've got lots of stuff yes what can we do with that hi guys here is the tree it's all in this box come on what are you waiting for it's earth a spade a watering can and free seats but what is it for we want a christmas tree and you've got one you just have to work as a team nella help lela pets the earth and this spot you put the seat in and you'll see [Music] nothing's happening where is the tree someone did it wrong probably you no you you yes of course the watering can this watering can doesn't work it's broken how is that going to work we're using it backwards [Music] try now here it's broken [Music] wow [Music] how many wow that's so [Music] merry nice thanks rufi merry christmas [Music] [Applause] i like the watering hand best may i keep it [Music] babies cry babies magic tears [Music] hey girls what are you doing nothing we're all bored this is boring [Music] hello crystal hi there are you bored yeah save board do you want to hear the best idea in the world yeah what is it i'm inviting you to my amusement park a whole one just for us you've got an amazing park yes it's mine yeah right and i got a palace oh you don't believe me well stay here if you like we're going let's go [Music] there's a lot of snow there was a path here before this way are we nearly there [Music] we've been walking for ages yes you said it was close by don't worry it must be here i've been here lots of times well i can't see anything and i need to pee always complaining it isn't helpful i don't know i thought it was here [Music] we've seen this sign before it's true we've passed this way already it must be here it snagged a lot but there was a path i'm going up this hill i'm sure i'll see from the top i told you so there was in the park crystal and have fantasies crystal you made us come here for nothing we are leaving it really was here i'm not lying huh [Music] i am sorry i didn't believe you would you forgive me [Music] fantasy [Music] [Music] babies cry babies magic tears [Music] i love your pajamas thanks they are new [Music] he wants a balloon oh hey are we not cutting butterflies today today we're blowing up balloons it's super fun get one that matches your new pajamas [Music] ah you noticed of course coney and nala are wearing it for the first time too isn't that lisa up there what's move i'll get you down don't open your mouth or you'll shoot away do you understand poor lisa you have to do something i know lisa move your paws as if you were swimming towards us oh no she's getting higher quick let's go should we get her to grab something heavy so she would go down let's go to my house this is really heavy grab it and you will go down what are you doing stop if that falls in her it will squish her flat yes you are right look out [Music] stop lisa no stop i'm going to lose lisa forever [Music] the butterfly net we can use it to catch her [Music] hey [Music] i love you so much [Music] is [Music] the jokers [Music] haven't you heard what's the matter it's horrible a dragon got out of his cage a big one and it's coming this way don't scare me hide quickly it's coming [Music] only one thing can save you get in the bath with an umbrella and spin round and round hurry what about you save yourself i'll distract it you are true friend [Music] you fell for it don't look at me like that spot it's just a joke [Applause] [Music] what dotty did was not nice she likes playing tricks well it's not funny are we gonna do anything [Music] what if we play a trick on her [Music] you won't believe it ah let me guess a dragon got out really it's true sure and it can fly too do you want to see there is a broken cage it has a skate let's go look do you believe me now oh look [Music] it's going to eat us what can we do get in the bath [Music] but i made that up it might work though hurry up you pay me back uh haha good one [Music] wow [Music] it can fly too [Music] a great show have you seen nella connie is giving invitations to her show but this is from leah oh no they're both putting on a show today the same time which should we go to hey [Music] connie you look so cute today thanks so do you here have an invite to my [Music] mine is today at three o'clock mine too now what can we do no problem i can change my show to another day no way i'll change mine okay you change yours oh yeah why me not you but you offered yeah but you can change too and you let the girls decide well get ready because my show was amazing and they all go to mine we'll see stop come here right now look at me no look at me you're jealous because you know that i am better than you what a lot now you watch this that's easy i bet you couldn't add one and another one too beat that faster i'm getting bored with my eyes closed watch this with a spine [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] magic tears the world of friendship and magic adventures [Music] a nice concert begin now they are so cute don't they look lovely all grown up sitting there get a move on girls okay we're going don't make any noise well narlet is playing and don't break look out [Music] don't worry i can fix it [Music] i'm sorry we must stop [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] wah [Music] wow [Music] does that mean you forgive us [Music] that's about you nala do you forgive us of course it's only your organ all of you are more important my true friends [Music] is [Music] babies cry babies magic tears [Music] don't worry you'll be fine i'm going to miss you too hello is dotty in i'm in the bar [Music] i'm leaving tiggy and her suitcase i almost forgot don't give her chocolates not even a little it's very important did you hear me yes yes chocolate very important it's so nice having you here tiggy let's play later you can have a bath with lots of bubbles but first the most important thing like nile said chocolate what's wrong you have to eat it okay that's enough hey what are you doing [Music] stop come here right now what are you doing stop it [Music] not the gold dummy no it's a gold dummy and dotty had it come down from there now let me try come here sweetie come to lala out and back oh no you gave her chocolate you said it was very important it was the other way around quick jump that's the only thing that calms her down it didn't work you guys had too much chocolate i'm sorry i didn't hear you properly she's gonna stay [Music] look tikis [Music] good morning a little chocolate cake [Music] babies cry babies [Music] wow look at that it's a present it's so big let's see i saw it fast so it's mine and i get to open it nobody touch anything let me do it [Music] it's my new car it's the latest model [Music] and aerodynamic stickers on the side whoa it's exactly the same as my car is it very fast i'll say it's the fastest no mine is faster it's a race car it does everything i can just imagine zero to a hundred racing turns wheelies it can fly [Music] where is the steering wheel you're sitting back to fun all right [Music] stand back here we go oh at least my car works i don't understand it's got a tank full of tears lala it's not nice to laugh at fancy it's true we have to help her [Music] fancy the red button you have to press it [Applause] i'm sorry fancy it's just because i'd like to have a new car too [Music] okay you can drive my car and don't drive yours you'll let me drive of course we're friends and we share things [Music] [Music] magic adventures cry babies is it my birthday yeah birthday [Music] okay it's my special day i must have loads of presents my super strawberry cake clear time flies will i be able to blow out all the candles i wonder who will be the first to wish me a happy birthday so exciting cleo that's strange no one's around where is cleo [Music] hey girls bye leah oh girls do you know what day is it today tuesday no wednesday no it's tuesday wednesday how could they forget i got to see nala i bet she remembers my birthday will you wish me a happy birthday i knew you would remember what i'm listening to music see you later oh where did you go you didn't take any notice of me nobody did it's my birthday no one cares what do i do think of me to myself it's not funny it's my happy birthday you did remember [Music] what a surprise yay nice strawberry cake [Music] oh how did you know i love it thank you it's beautiful it's pretty i want one for my birthday [Music] look at my new tablet you can see kittens let's see it's cool [Music] and we can dance and i too see are you coming yes yes aren't you going to leave that look when you get your new kitty [Music] coming one another one [Music] [Applause] did you see she's not interested in us oh i don't think so surely i bet we can all leave and she would not notice you think so you will see [Music] my friends are all born i miss them [Music] hi katie we all miss you and we want you to come back [Music] [Music] oh careful huh [Music] hello connie what's wrong are you sick yes definitely definitely [Music] not white chocolate it puffs me up and makes me windy other ones so what's wrong with you look oh because i'm not well i can ask for anything i know i don't feel very well oh me too connie's sick and they bring her whatever she wants um [Music] [Music] where is my ice cream bubbles more bubbles [Music] where is she [Music] [Applause] oh poor little things girls i think we went too far no they are really ill i'm sorry kitty we have to look after them yeah oh wow can we get you anything [Applause] [Music] the world of friendship and magic adventures cry babies where is lady [Music] good morning girls good morning good morning last night i slept like uh what's the matter she says ladies disappeared she isn't in her room ah she must be sleep walking again we must find her [Music] a lion it's a lion lady it isn't a lion it's lady she's over here [Music] what are you doing down there no what are you doing up there oh no get me down [Music] hey i'm not [Music] yeah she can't get down don't worry dotty i've got an idea [Music] oh i saw this in the circus jump lady yeah so did i it's great you have to jump through the hoop and land here jump no are you crazy i'm on a little good deed here forever [Music] [Music] you guys are the best [Music] [Applause] of course that's what you tried to tell me i'm sorry i didn't listen to you
Channel: Kitoons in English
Views: 7,867,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoons for kids, animation, for children, videos for kids, kids videos, children cartoon, cry babies magic tears, magic tears, cry babies, cry babies english full episodes, cry babies new, toys for kids, kids channel, animation for kids, Full episodes, cry babies new episodes, full episode cry babies, cry babies compilation, cry babies video full, cry babies in english, crybabies, cry baby, cry, baby cry, kitoons, kitoons in english, new year, youtube rewind
Id: fn2sawfzY-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 1sec (8221 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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