Loki Trailer - Episode 1 Opening Scene and Marvel Easter Eggs Breakdown

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Welcome to the time variance authority i  miss minutes and it's my job to catch you   up before you stand trial for your crimes  so settle in now hang on just a minute and we'll get you in front of a judge in no time   who actually believes this crap i'm going to see your ticket no   thanks for visiting the tva don't  hesitate to let us know how we're doing what do you want from me you  put our timeline in chaos   I want you to help us fix it what could  possibly go wrong trusty loki is not a good idea do i get a weapon gear up ah  don't those absolutely not original series streaming wednesday  june 9th only on disney plus Welcome back everyone we have a brand new loki  trailer breakdown from episode one this is   basically the opening scene there's a whole bunch  of easter eggs here with some footage from later   in the episodes i'll be doing videos for all the  episodes so if you're new to the channel be sure   to subscribe to get all those videos and we're  doing a giveaway for disney plus memberships   all you have to do to enter is be a subscriber  and leave all your theories about what's actually   going on during the loki series so i love the  way they opened this trailer with them opening   the doors to the elevator and then taking him  to the processing queue and you actually hear   the voice of miss minutes and we get a little  more information about what's actually going   on with her as i predicted she's sort of like the  jarvis ai that they're using to run a lot of these   systems and you can kind of see her in all these  monitors here processing loki as he comes in like   welcome to the time variance authority but then  you see him getting hauled in right after they   capture him holding the tesseract like later in  the trailer you actually see him walking around   these rooms inside this office here with all these  people shuffling paper and looking at the timeline   on these monitors and he's still holding the  tesseract in his hand i love the imagery there   like he's so dumbfounded and has no idea what's  going on and is kind of afraid so even though   he's holding an infinity stone in his hand he has  this amazingly powerful item he just doesn't know   what to do with himself he's so confused then  he sort of gets the same type of dressing down   scene with them processing him and putting him in  those prisoners clothes the same way that thor got   processed at the beginning of thor ragnarok so  you probably sent some parallels here whatever's   going on with this machine here i love the fact  that it seems like it's intelligent and it's like   frowning at him as it's trying to take all of his  clothes off and push him down to the next floor   and loki just can't stand it like hang on a minute  just wait a minute before you take all my clothes   away that they might be cutting this kind of funny  but the way they're implying is that they just put   the clothes on him as he's falling to the next  floor and they get ready to process them through   this door here even if you don't live inside  the united states every country has a version of   this type of governmental office that you have to  stand in some epic line and it's the most terrible   experience ever then typical loki he just tries  to turn it into this big joke like you expect me   to take this seriously this is all just completely  ridiculous and they do another thor ragnarok style   scene where he watches another dude get melted or  really vaporized in this case it's just like the   scene of thor being processed in ragnarok he comes  through that willy wonka style nightmare scene and   is completely confused about what's going on then  immediately turns to watch the grand master melt   someone with his quote-unquote melting stick  someone bringing me my melting stick and they   just turned to this big comedic scene of him being  grossed out remember this version of loki did not   experience the events of ragnarok he just came  from the events of the first avengers movie like   he just got thrashed by the hulk you can read some  of the text on the monitors in the background here   it just reads time bears authority's logo and then  underneath it says four time always as if that's   part of their motto but then underneath that there  is more text it's just a little too small to read   so we'll have to wait for the actual episode maybe  we'll get a close-up of that we get another really   good look at the time keepers citadel at the  end of time only this time it seems like the   scene is happening at night or maybe this is  just exposed to space and that's what we're   seeing the blackness in the background then this  is probably part of that scene of him being judged   by rennslayer here Gugu Mbatha-Raw's character you  see mobius in the back of this courtroom here so   he's probably been monitoring loki ever since he  arrived at the tva and just kind of watching this   play out waiting for his opportunity to come  up and advocate for him they intercut a couple   different scenes like them going to this roxanne  version of a walmart like roxcart is from later   in one of their missions that they go on but then  you see him walking around a couple of the other   buildings in the rooms inside the time variance  authority just learning about these things   as mobius narrates the stakes of the series like  you broke the timeline really badly we need you to   fix it now this room is just designed to look  like the rooms that you see in the comic book   version of the tva it's just like rows and rows  of desks that go on for forever very hitchhiker's   guide very doctor who like the bureaucracy from  hell this scene of the path of the energy arcing   around this giant planetoid or this asteroid here  seems like it's either the bifrost or the path of   the tesseract the space stone as he's trying to  escape the tesseract and the bifrost basically   open wormholes through space or the space stone  is what's doing all the work it's just inside the   tesseract so the wormholes themselves don't have  to be straight lines they can curve however you   want them to it's just that we haven't spent a ton  of time in the thor movies showing that because   it's usually just scenes of thor and other people  leaving to go somewhere like point of departure   or showing him arriving like the epic avengers  infinity war scene with him coming to the battle   of wakanda still one of the best scenes from that  movie the funny thing about this scene with him   with the daggers going up against judge rennslayer  here and these other troopers seems like it's   actually from later in the series or later in  the episode after he's gotten his daggers back   because they do have that funny tag scene at the  end of this trailer where they're heading out on   a mission and they're in the locker room here  and he's like do i get any weapons and mobius   hands him his trademark daggers but then that same  giant trooper who hauled him in in the first place   is like hell no you don't get a weapon and joins  them back love the setup here where loki is like   what could possibly go wrong and then they show  you a bunch of things going wrong this fight scene   of loki seems like wherever it's happening  is designed like an m.c escher painting with   these staircases just twisting around all over the  place and i'm sure these mass troops he's fighting   belong to an alternate version of himself another  evil loki that he's trying to stop but i can't   tell which designs these troops are based on from  the comics they seem like they're part of the same   force of troops that loki is fighting in this  green loki-themed fortress here like obviously   this belongs to an alternate version of loki there  are a couple creepier darker looking structures   that he approaches during the other trailers like  some of the alternate loki's are more comedic   versions like president loki seems hilarious in  this alternate version of post-apocalyptic earth   but some of the versions he goes after will  probably be more evil more twisted they've only   shown us a couple of the alternate loki's there's  a lot of rumors about other even crazier versions   of loki that we'll see during the series but some  of these structures do seem more traditionally   asgardian in their design so i'm assuming that  means we'll visit a couple different versions of   asgard in these alternate timelines like in this  one we actually see him inside odin's throne room   and it's just meant to be another version of him  ruling over asgard like he did at the end of thor   the dark world or the end of the first thor movie  before thor came back only the implication is is   that in this timeline something's gone seriously  wrong otherwise they wouldn't be trying to close   it down the whole idea being that as terrible  as loki seems as much of an antagonist at the   beginning of the series he's on his hero's arc  he will slowly eventually become a good character   i am so curious to see what happened in this  timeline where it seems like earth's moon has   cracked apart like something crazy has happened  then they end with that db cooper scene with him   jumping out the back of the plane and the bills  flying out of his briefcase that's a big reference   to db cooper in real life who if you're not a big  true crime fan it's actually this very infamous   case where he hijacked an airplane in midair in  the early 1970s stole a bunch of money and was   never caught so there were all kinds of theories  about what happened to him the authorities were   only ever able to find a couple of bills that had  fallen in the flight path of the plane itself so   they assumed that he had jumped out the back of  the plane into another plane or somewhere else or   parachuted somewhere else but in the united states  it's one of the more famous unsolved heist cases   so i know a lot of people are wondering if there's  some grand twist or revelation that they're   building up to with the time keepers because of  the way they presented that last big scene that   they dropped i did a video for it so i'll link it  at the end of this while mobius is busy trying to   teach him all about the time variance authority  what they do why they do it loki is just scoffing   at everything like how dare you like this is all  ridiculous and he calls the time keepers space   lizards because they look kind of like lizards  because the series is drawing so much energy on   things like doctor who hitchhiker's guide to the  galaxy rick and morty and in those series usually   you have really big organizations that portray  themselves like they're helping everyone like we   are the law and order of the galaxy but then they  themselves the actual organizations turn out to be   pretty rotten themselves on rick and morty you  have the citadel of ricks or even the galactic   government both pretty rotten organizations that  claim to be good but they're actually being ruled   by evil morty himself now the funny connection to  the citadel of ricks too is that it's also based   on the council of reeds from marvel so they're  already borrowing from marvel it all goes back   to marvel in the end maybe someday we'll actually  get a council of reeds after they introduce the   new version of fantastic four in those movies so  that's why they have this scene with loki asking   mobius like why is it that you and the time  variants authority get to justify what you're   doing in orchestrate the lives of trillions of  people across the timeline how absurd is this   and they'll use the story of these alternate  loki's as they chase them down to examine that   like who has the right to exist what right does  the time variance authority have to get rid of   all these alternate loki's and i know everyone's  wondering if there's some big conspiracy inside   the time variance authority like if they're going  to be some big reveal or twist that they've been   infiltrated by someone and they themselves do  wind up being kind of the antagonist of the series   i'm trying to be realistic about my expectations  with characters like king the conqueror because   he would be someone who would try to take over  the time ference authority and he actually kind   of did that for a little while during a period  of about a thousand years in the distant future   that was the immortus version of king the time  keepers themselves actually made a contract with   him to basically rule over a period of about a  thousand years in the future but eventually he   got so powerful that he did start ruling over  all time from a citadel that looked a lot like   this tva citadel like at best i'm expecting  them to reveal that there's some problem   in the bureaucracy like there is something  wrong with the tva by the end of the series   that they also have to fix like they're fixing  timelines but they also have to fix the tva itself   it's sort of a watchman style question like  who watches the watchmen who polices the   police if they are the ultimate authority in  the multiverse but episode one is going to be   dropping on june 9th so for the next couple  of weeks marvel is going to be doing what they   call loki wednesdays they'll probably release new  footage every wednesday they'll probably be some   other stuff happening too i've got a whole bunch  of bonus videos planned so make sure you have   alerts enabled for my channel so you don't miss  any of those leave all your requests to if there   are any big questions or topics that you want me  to cover we'll also get more information and more   trailers for some of the other marvel series  and movies that are coming later this year too   finally getting some marvel movies that we can  actually go see while you wait for everything   click here for all my other loki trailer videos  and all that new footage and click here for my   brand new eternals trailer video and easter  eggs and learn how they're setting up x-men   inside the mcu thank you so much for watching  everyone stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 541,948
Rating: 4.9360781 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Trailer, Emergency Awesome, Loki, Loki Trailer, Falcon and Winter Soldier, Shang Chi Trailer, Shang-Chi Trailer, Marvel Trailers, Thor Love and Thunder Trailer, Thor Love and Thunder, 2021, Movies, Spiderman, Avengers, Teaser, Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Movie, Netflix, Godzilla vs Kong, Loki Trailer 2, Thor 4 Trailer, Thor, Thor 4 Teaser Trailer, Loki Episode 1, Marvel Studios, Marvel Trailer, Marvel Phase 4 Trailer, Marvel Phase 4, Fantastic Four Trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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