Loki Episode 1 Marvel TOP 10 Breakdown and Ending Explained

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Welcome back everyone this is going to be  my loki episode 1 video we are burdened with   glorious episodes finally so i'm doing videos  for all the episodes in season one be sure to   subscribe to get everything we're doing a giveaway  for disney plus memberships all you have to do to   enter is be a subscriber and let me know what your  favorite easter egg from the episode was careful   for spoilers if you have not seen the episode yet  we'll be talking about everything and i'll just   start at the beginning of the episode and number  these as we go along and talk about easter eggs   and moments they set up a lot of really big stuff  but it is the first episode so there's a lot of   table setting and explaining what's going on  but starting at the beginning the title of the   episode is glorious purpose a reference to his  catchphrase from the first avengers movie which   he repeats during the episode he repeats a lot of  his dialogue in his big speeches from the avengers   movies but it's also a reference to loki finding  a new glorious purpose at the end of the episode a   new mission given to him by mobius new opportunity  i can't give you salvation but maybe i can give   you something better owen wilson was fantastic  during the episode as mobius i'll explain his   character in a second too but he also calls  loki on a lot of his bull crap like what is your   glorious purpose what would happen if you became  king of midgard king of earth would you become   king of space next what would you do if you're a  king of space and it's like loki doesn't have an   answer for that like he's not thought it through  that much but the episode starts in the same   avengers and game time travel scene to 2012 with  them redoing the elevator scene of them carting   loki off they did change this a little bit they  added some footage and they got rid of some stuff   just kind of speed things along like they zoom  in on his face as he's waving goodbye to the hulk   as they make him take the stairs but they speed  run to the part where loki gets his hands on the   tesseract so they can just get to the moment where  he portals away and winds up in the gobi desert   it is a very iron man one inspired scene they have  that funny moment with the locals where he sort of   rushes to sort of collect himself and stand on  the rock like he's getting ready to perform for   them and he gives him the same loki i am burdened  with glorious purpose speech that he gave at the   beginning of the first avengers movie they also  give him his own custom version of the marvel   intro logo just like they did on wandavision and  falcon and winter soldier it wasn't quite as crazy   on falcon and winter soldiers was on one division  the loki version just changes the logo to loki   green but just as the locals are giving him the  business like what are you who are you what are   you doing here the time variance authority hunters  and the minutemen portal in so that's what they're   calling these hunters here they're calling them  the minutemen most of the naming scheme of the tva   is based on puns for time travel then hunter b15  wumi mosaku's character comes in she's sort of one   of the main characters in the series even though  all these characters are part of the tva she's   like one of the main hunters i made the night  court reference in a previous video she's kind of   like raw's from night court the bailiff who will  just wreck you if you look at them the wrong way   because the tva is kind of like night court for  mcu time travel villains she starts talking about   the rate of change in the timeline the slope the  increase so during the episode when they talk   about branch timelines hitting redline what that  means is that it approaches a certain limit when   it eventually becomes a fully alternate reality so  they want to stop it from hitting redline and clip   the branch so to speak which is what those special  devices are that they use here so it basically   resets this part of the timeline this localized  area as if it never happened for these people   but you also get a good sense for some of their  other core technology too like they have those   stun batons but they also have what they call the  time twisters which basically alter the flow of   time for individual people so loki just winds  up there feeling the sting as if it's like a   continuous punch that just goes on for a minute  it's actually a little bit sinister you can use   that to torture someone something fierce and there  are a lot of sinister overtones with the whole   idea of the tva and the timekeepers that i'll talk  about as we go through the rest of the episode   very clearly foreshadowing them is some of  the bigger antagonists in the series there are   obviously some big twists that they foreshadowed  during the episode too like the people you think   are the villains probably aren't the real villains  when he says he's had a very long day he's   referring to his failed invasion of earth during  the first avengers movie with thanos shitauri   forces and says that he's had his fill of idiots  and armored suits referencing the avengers then   she muzzles him with that control collar which  is very similar to the control collar that thor   put on him preventing him from using his powers  and binding him to that special time twister   then they set the reset device and take loki back  to the time keeper's citadel at the end of time   the technical term for it in the comics is the  citadel at the end of time because it was created   literally at the end of the timeline before the  heat death of this version of the universe but   within the mcu the way they talk about this place  this whole facility it sort of exists in its own   little pocket dimension outside the normal flow  of space-time so it's protected from things like   thanos snapping the infinity gauntlet so none of  these people in this place got snapped by thanos   but you can see how some of these other moments  early on are meant to answer some of the biggest   questions like how come we've never heard about  you till now loki even asked that question to   mobius he says well because you've never had to  which is kind of a meta answer too to the audience   was because we never really needed to tell a time  travel story until after avengers end game in   this big multiverse overarching story of marvel  phase 4 that we're in the middle of right now   but within the context of the story the reason why  nobody really talks about the tva in the avengers   movies because they don't know about them is  because they've been using the time reset devices   every time something has happened implying that  there have been times when things have happened   but i love their design language for the tv8 it's  got this very tactile 1970s sci-fi vibe to it very   british seeming too like they're mixing a lot  of classic sci-fi series like the hitchhiker's   guide meets doctor who meets the citadel of rix  from rick and morty and if you are a big rick and   morty fan the show runner michael waldron actually  came from rick and morty season 3 to do this show   and he also wrote doctor strange 2 multiverse  of madness the loki series is their first   legit multiverse series in the marvel cinematic  universe so it will have some crossover elements   that help set up doctor strange 2 the same way  that wandavision did and i will talk about the   whole multiversal war that they reference which  is obviously a big secret wars lead up they   tease a ton of stuff there is a lot of setup for  many many different things so don't be surprised   if you re-watch the episode a couple times and  you keep finding new things and new easter eggs   but the whole idea of the citadel of ricks on  rick and morty is funny because it was actually   based on marvel's council of reeds in the comics  they're a multiverse team of reed richards from   alternate universes who team up to create a think  tank so loki doing rick and morty is kind of like   them completing the circle of references a marvel  project referencing something else that itself   was referencing marvel but as she takes loki into  book him we see a variant scroll being booked   then just another human douchebag red shirt that  they're using for comedy during the episode as   part of loki's journey who claims his father  is super rich and on the board of goldman sachs   they also use this scene to demonstrate how the  other time travel tech works preventing loki the   other prisoners from escaping like i said just  kind of meant to set up some of the jokes at   the end of the episode when he starts using the  technology against them they also use this to set   up the joke with a desk clerk about the infinity  stones and the tesseract later in the episode   with his desk drawer full of all kinds of versions  of infinity stones from different universes like   infinity stone that sounds stupid that's marvel  basically making fun of themselves too for using   the infinity stones as such big plot devices for  the entire 10-year run of the infinity saga movies   bit of a meta reference for marvel phase 42  kind of like saying that infinity stones will   not be a thing during marvel phase 4. then she  introduces loki to the processing queue he goes   on about how amazing his fine asgardian leather  costume is didn't know he was such a closed horse   it vaporizes it right off his body you get that  funny scene with him being naked then they have   this very funny complicated system of floor drops  where they drop him a couple levels through each   different room sticking him automatically in a  prison jumpsuit as he has to verify every single   word that he's ever uttered you have that funny  scene with a cat which is probably not a cat as   a lot of you have probably guessed a cat is never  just a cat in the mcu now it's probably a florkin   then they promptly dump him down another level  and make him verify that he was born as an organic   being and he does have a soul they use it for a  couple of jokes too like loki wonders for a second   like wait a minute what if i were a robot and i  didn't know it like for just a hot second he does   kind of wonder wait a minute am i really a person  but what they're referencing there though are   beings like vision and ultron living machines that  technically don't have souls although if you are   a big star trek the next generation fan there was  a very notable episode that dealt with this exact   idea the whole idea that data did not have a soul  and by the end the court decided that it was up to   data to decide for himself whether or not he had  a soul they take that photograph of his temporal   aura sort of to set up some of the later twists  in the episode they sort of use those to track   the different variants so like you leave your  aura your temporal aura on things that you touch   when you travel around the multiverse it's like a  more complex version of a time travel fingerprint   as they travel into the queue you see a bunch of  posters we see miss minutes if her voice sounded   familiar that's because tara strong is the voice  of miss minutes most of the posters all the flair   all over the building in the different parts of  the episode are all references to time travel like   this one reads behave don't get your clock cleaned  and when they say clean they mean scrubbed as in   deleted which we see happen within a couple  minutes of this they also play a lot of time   travel jokes too like miss minutes repeats the  exact thing that loki said as if they knew that   he was going to say it but then as he's going  through the queue this minutes basically gives   him the tutorial on the tva the history of the tva  and it says the tva was created because of a vast   multiversal war that's a reference to marvel's  secret wars happening in the future of the mcu   i'll probably do a separate video about  this because we've all been talking about   secret wars even the russo brothers have been  talking about doing a version of secret wars   in the avengers movies with all these alternate  timelines fully alternate realities battling each   other for supremacy like a bunch of variant  universes battling each other until the time   keepers emerged and created what they call the  single sacred timeline for the entire multiverse   so the way they're canonizing time travel in  the mcu timelines is that there's one timeline   that encompasses the entire multiverse all these  alternate universes and when a new branch timeline   is created they treat it like a fully alternate  reality and those happen through nexus points   big major events that alter the flow of time  but during this part of the episode and then   later several times in the episode loki has this  big speech there are other big speeches about the   nature of free will people not really having free  will because the time keepers dictate everything   that's supposed to happen everyone's destinies  it's meant to give off a very sinister vibe   because when mobius is calling loki out for his  avengers speech giving to all those people from   the first avengers movie about them craving to  be subjugated free will being a bad thing it's   the same idea with the time keepers in the tva  so i feel like that's a big foreshadowing moment   that the time keepers themselves are going to  wind up being bigger antagonists in the series   than this other alternate loki that they're trying  to hunt down you also notice during some of these   animations like when he's describing variants  you notice the background looks exactly like the   landscape on titan from avengers infinity war but  a lot of you will probably remember one division   when they mentioned nexus event because nexus  was a big concept they introduced on one division   that was meant to be an easter egg for scarlet  witch as a nexus being in the mcu so nexus   beings are rare individual entities with the  ability to affect probability in thus the future   thereby altering the flow of the universal time  stream or the sacred timeline as they call it on   the loki series these beings each referred to as  a nexus like scarlet witch act as the keystones of   the multiverse and are crucial to its ultimate  coherence in stability so these beings nexus   beings are vigilantly watched over by the cosmic  forces like the time variance authority in the   time keepers to be aware of any temporal changes  so for instance loki is not a nexus being but   because he had the infinity stone he was able to  create a big enough change that it created these   branch timelines what they're saying is that  scarlet witch as a nexus being doesn't need an   infinity stone to do that she could change the  future on this scale without that that'll sort of   play into the idea of doctor strange 2 multiverse  of madness listen to your connection point to   that movie from the loki series but they also  give you the tva's official slogan for all time   always as written by what they're calling the  narrative commission the funny meta reference   here the narrative being a reference to the story  of the mcu like for instance kevin feige is the   head of the narrative commission of marvel studios  because he says what the story is going to be   but then them melting this douchebag is just  meant to be a call back to thor ragnarok and that   funny moment where thor freaked out watching the  grandmaster melt his underling after he himself   going through a similar type of processing queue  then they play the loki title screen and obviously   the shifting style of the letters of his name  are meant to be references to all the alternate   versions of loki that we'll see during the series  then we get into the storyline with this alternate   loki that's going around killing tva hunters  in 1549 france mobius investigating the scene   of one of these crimes so my early theory here  just based on all the evidence they've provided   and all the trailer footage that we've seen is  probably lady loki the female version of loki   that they're hunting down but the way they explain  it this other loki had apparently set a trap for   the tva they sort of pay this off at the end of  the episode too like purposefully setting a trap   for them so that she could steal this special time  reset device i believe this stained glass window   behind mobius as he's talking about the crime  here is meant to be joan of arc because we're   in france in a church and it's meant to foreshadow  the lady loki twist being responsible for all this   like they're using joan of arc's story as a  metaphor for the story of lady loki if you're   not a big history buff joan of arc was burned at  the stake for heresy against the church the tva is   kind of like a timed church so to speak they call  it the sacred timeline they erase people burn them   kind of so to speak it kind of looks like they're  being burned or vaporized here when they're deemed   variants or heretics against the main timeline so  it's like lady loki on the loki series is joan of   arc metaphorically which also plays into the idea  that she is not the real villain here even though   they're kind of portraying her that way at the  beginning of the series like i said a lot of big   twists that they're setting up here the showrunner  also clarified the stained glass window depiction   of the devil here and the director also backed  this up that at no point did they ever discuss   mephisto on the series so this depiction of the  devil is not meant to be mephisto although they   do make a nightmare reference later in the episode  too nightmare and mephisto completely different   characters we find out that this alternate loki  possibly lady loki gave this little kid in the   church the kablooey gum the devil bearing gifts  reference blueberry but then just as they're   about to reset this part of the timeline another  agent steps through and hands him the file on   this version of loki notice all the stuff on his  file here too it also correctly identifies his   race as a frost giant even though he was born  a runt his birthplace is yodenheim home of the   frost giants and notice the sector reads up to  2099 that's a reference to marvel's 2099 comic   book story universe like spider-man 2099 who was  played by oscar isaac during spider-man into the   spider-verse in big coincidence oscar isaac is  also playing the live-action version of moon   knight in the moon knight disney plus series the  whole thing with loki's gender being fluid is just   a reference to lady loki like i said all this  pointing to lady loki easter eggs but then we   meet gugu M'Batha-Raw's judge Renslayer character  she's based on ravvona renslayer from the comics   long time love interest of king the conquer she  said that the loki series is meant to be something   of an origin story for her as well so she  expects to come back in other marvel projects if   we see more kang the conquer easter eggs from her  storyline i'll point them out for the most part i   believe that she's supposed to be a good character  there's a lot of foreshadowing with her character   in this big tva time keepers reveal as well but  the three faces above her aren't so much meant to   be a reference to king the conqueror as they are  meant to be the faces of the three time keepers   from the comics but the middle face above her does  look similar to one of kang's faces she identifies   this loki variant as number l1130 charged with  sequence violation 720 89. i feel like the date   is probably somebody's birthday but i don't know  whose we get that funny speech from loki trying to   talk his way out of the situation trying to throw  the avengers under the bus oh well the only reason   i'm here that i have the tesseract is because  they time traveled in the first place believe me i   would know the stench of two tony stark's cologne  which itself is another reference to the axe body   spray joke from avengers end game like what are  you wearing there is that axe body spray then they   sort of answer the question of why the avengers  weren't hauled in because the avengers according   to the timekeepers wishes did what they were  supposed to do they were supposed to time travel   then as loki sort of takes her to task on all  this like how do you know that this is the time   keeper's will like what are you doing here the way  she talks about it ravana she's never actually met   the time keeper so i think it's going to be one of  those revelations where it's like have you met the   timekeepers have you met the timekeepers no have  you no i haven't met them either how does anyone   know that this is really what their will is to  make a wizard of oz reference who is behind the   curtain but then they set him up for that big  joke of him trying to use his powers to escape   but the control collar prevents him from using  them they also explain that there's a wide area   nullifier that just covers the entire area of  the tva's time citadel that prevents people   from using any kind of magic then mobius steps in  to try and speak for him and get him on his case   but when he says i thought there was no magic here  that's meant to be a callback to the first thor   movie when thor was explaining advanced asgardian  technology like the bifrost to jane foster   they made the whole joke about magic being just  advanced science that you don't understand yet   although technically there is magic and mystical  energy in the mcu but the doctor strange movie   sort of explained it using scientific principles  but one of the big easter eggs here in the   background you see the building reads t282 here  that's a reference to thor issue 282 thor vs   tempus who was a time travel minion of king of the  conkers also the tva itself is a concept debuted   in the thor comics but it's mostly been used  in thor stories and in fantastic four stories   mobius the character that owen wilson is playing  actually debuted in the fantastic four comic book   but the way they wrote him on the series is to be  sort of like the deckard character in blade runner   like you think about the blade runner reference to  all the different replicants it's meant to be the   same concept with this version of loki that we're  following as he goes around and learns about these   alternate loki's he in turn learns more about  himself and gains more self acceptance that's   sort of what that final scene with him and mobius  is at the end of the series where he talks about   not really liking hurting people i don't like  to hurt people i do this because i have to and   he sort of recalibrates his whole concept of his  glorious purpose he makes the joke about burning   the place of the ground and mobius actually makes  a reference to nightmare saying that that's a   whole other department he's making a reference to  the nightmare dimension which is the place where   the being nightmare from the comics rules make  all the one division nightmare jokes originally   he was actually supposed to be the main villain of  doctor strange 2 when scott derrickson was still   directing the new main villain of multiverse  of madness will be different though but in the   elevator you notice all the buttons go to all the  different floors it's meant to be as confusing   as possible like one of them is a miss minutes  button that probably takes you to the place where   her core operating system resides later in the  credits too in the elevator one of the readings   says access denied which would probably be part  of the big reveal about what's really going on   like big wizard of oz reference what is behind the  curtain what are we not supposed to see here when   loki calls the time keepers space lizards that's  because they kind of look reptilian in the comics   then mobius takes him into their time theater  where he shows him the highlight reel of his   greatest moment so far and his future later in the  episode although loki kind of spins that out for   himself like he just continues watching the reel  he makes a reference to loki only trusting himself   that's also foreshadowing for loki's interactions  with these other loki variants as they appear in   episodes you may have actually spotted the josta  soda reference here it might sound like a marvel   reference like joe costa but josta was actually  a pepsi energy drink it was the very first energy   drink that they tried to market in the united  states so just meant to be a reference that   because the time variance authority has ultimate  control of time travel in the timeline they can   have any kind of thing that they want we watch the  avengers take him down we watch him kill coulson   again we actually find out that loki was really  db cooper they sort of clarified the scene from   all the trailers so the way they explained this is  because loki back in the 1970s about 50 years ago   this is not an alternate timeline it's the real  main version of loki lost to bet to thor so   they're not really clear about what the bet was  about but they say basically db cooper's heist   which is a real world thing from the early  1970s is what loki had to do because he lost   the bed then he starts hitting him with the other  loki's future the original loki's future showing   him about how he was responsible for the death  of his mother frigga and that's really when it   starts to hit him and the whole reason why mobius  keeps asking him if he enjoys killing people if he   enjoys hurting people is just because he wants to  get him to the point in his arc where he's honest   with himself about who he really is and why he's  doing all these things then his woomy musaku's   hunter interrupts telling mobius they lost another  person loki uses it an opportunity to escape   but as he ducks into the desk clerk's office here  they play it for that other big reveal of the   infinity stones we find out that they are lousy  with extra infinity stones and there's obviously   a lot of other easter eggs inside this drawer that  i'll talk about in a second but just to explain   the reason why the infinity stones are useless  normally in the comics infinity stones only work   in the universe that they came from and because  the tva exists in its own little pocket dimension   it's technically an alternate reality no infinity  stones from other realities would work there   so as he says they use them as paperweights but  some of these easter eggs i couldn't quite pick   out because the text is too small a little too  blurry but like you have a poker chip here that   could be a poker chip from the first iron man  film there's a french medal of honor i'm not   sure whose historical picture this is but it feels  like it's meant to be someone incredibly famous   there's an old spanish dagger that seems like  it belonged to a conquistador there's a circular   coil of wires that seems like it's a reference to  an iron man arc reactor but then his hunter b15   chases him back down almost winds up vaporizing  him he rewinds himself back to the time theater   and uses the extra time to watch the rest of  his original timeline play out but then we   see the events of thor ragnarok he watches as his  father accepts him truly as his son like the thing   that he always wanted then he watches as thanos  kills himself and it just utterly shocked silent   by it it reminded me that scene from christmas  vacation where chevy chase is watching his home   movies in the attic just crying his eyes out and  you notice that as the timeline ends after he dies   the tape reads loki 616 a reference to the marvel  616 universe but technically in the past marvel   has used a different universe designation for  the mcu but you get the idea 616 was meant to   represent the main loki's timeline and finally  mobius comes back in after he sort of hits rock   bottom and explains what the mission is we need  you because the other person that's killing all   these men is a version of you we're hunting loki  and they transitioned to oklahoma in 1858 with   the same team from france earlier it's the same  hunter who was talking about the loki that was   stabbing people they find some technology from the  year 3000 that this alternate loki possibly lady   loki has left as a trap but they think that  someone just came to steal oil and get rich   the twist being that lady loki used the oil to  burn them down and steal their time reset device   she's going around laying traps for them stealing  their devices preventing them from closing down   these alternate timelines but then there's this  enormous montage of a bunch of different easter   eggs and references during the end credits  it's all reference to mobius case files   for instance the apocalyptic event reports are  just the standard reports about the crazy things   that happen the killings that they're going around  investigating but you also notice that the number   nine keeps showing up across the files repeatedly  like the cabinets as well so that's all probably   connected to the big reveal of this alternate  loki lady loki possibly it's being played by this   actress here who's actually with tom hiddleston at  the london premiere i'll talk more about her when   we finally actually get to see her on screen but  i'm expecting it to be kind of an agatha harkness   kind of reveal where you don't fully learn what's  really going on with her till later in the series   but everyone let me know in the comments what  was your favorite moment from the episode and   if there are any big easter eggs that you  spotted that i didn't mention in the video   just write them below in the comments i'll do  an episode 2 trailer video next and there's a   couple bonus videos that i plan i'll do a video  about the big secret wars teaser that they're   setting up in doctor strange 2 multiverse of  madness connections and i'll name a giveaway   winner when i post that next video while you  wait for everything everyone click here for all   my loki videos and click here for my brand new  thor 4 love and thunder first look teaser video   thank you so much for watching everyone  stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 1,123,699
Rating: 4.9150009 out of 5
Keywords: Loki, Loki Episode 1, Emergency Awesome, Marvel, Trailer, Eternals Trailer, Movies, Thor 4 Trailer, Eternals Teaser Trailer, Shang Chi Trailer, Loki Trailer, Eternals, Marvel Trailer, Spider-Man No Way Home Trailer, Spider Man No Way Home, Spider Man No Way Home Trailer, 2021, Spiderman, Avengers, Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Movie, Netflix, Venom, Venom 2 Trailer, eternals trailer, Spider-Man 3 Trailer, Loki Episode 2 Trailer, Loki Episode 2, Loki Reaction, Thor
Id: O4tNsV8bPXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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