Eternals Trailer - Thanos Explained and New Marvel Phase 4 Cameo Scenes

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So now that captain rogers and iron man are both  gone who do you think's gonna lead the avengers I could lead them Welcome back everyone this is going to be my  new eternals video all about thanos because he   is an eternals character he does descend from  the eternal so i'll explain their connection   marvel just released a brand new synopsis for the  eternals movie that more directly connects them to   thanos josh brolin was also talking about coming  back and doing new thanos in mcu movies and jim   starlin the creator thanos said that marvel was  also discussing doing more with thanos in the mcu   so we'll break it all down if you're brand new  to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all   the videos we have new loki episodes starting next  week i'll be doing videos for all those and we're   doing a disney plus giveaway for membership  so all you have to do to enter that is be a   subscriber and let me know what you want them  to do with thanos in the future marvel movies   but if you missed it recently right after they  released the brand new eternals trailer marvel   also released some new merch that featured this  new synopsis for the movie that changes the   eternal's character's relationship with thanos  just a little bit they've already changed the   eternal's backstory for the movie so i will  explain some of those changes and why they   made them because some of them are bigger than  others but this brand new synopsis for the movie   just reads living on saturn's moon titan the  eternals protect earth from the deviants and   all other forms of cosmic evil it's a very brief  and very broad synopsis but it claims that these   eternals lived on the same moon titan that  was thanos's home before it was destroyed as   he explained during avengers infinity war this  was that scene let me guess your home it was and it was beautiful remember the fall of titan  was thanos's whole motivation he had been banished   when he was much younger for his ideas and it  was while he was living in exile in another part   of the universe the titan eventually succumbed to  the effects of overpopulation and destabilization   thus he then set on his quest to assemble  the infinity gauntlet but originally in the   comics the eternals that came from titan were just  referred to as titans but genetically they were no   different from the original eternals characters  the first big change to the eternal's backstory   in the eternals movie is actually about the  deviants because we're talking about thanos   here and he carries the deviance gene even though  he's technically an eternal so this is why he   looks like purple space grimace with the nutsack  chin originally the deviants were this genetic   offshoot of the original eternals created by the  celestials jack kirby just envisioned them as this   monstrous genetically deformed villainous race  they were always trying to subjugate humanity and   kill the eternals off sometimes you would  have rogue eternals like druid who would try   to exploit the deviants in their own plots to gain  control over the eternals and humans alike when we   get some more footage of the eternals movie i'll  do separate videos about the different eternals   characters because druid for example is kind of  the loki of the family it's kind of the black   sheep he doesn't agree with what the eternals are  doing on earth he thinks that they should rule   over humans but he is not the main villain of the  movie he's just one of the antagonists during the   story but the second big change that they're  making in the eternals movie is saying that   these eternals were created and then they came to  planet earth and they're going with the ancient   aliens explainer is the way kevin feige explained  it the way that ajax saw mahayak's character talks   in her voice over in the trailer they've watched  over and guided humans so i think it's a bit of   a balance between those two concepts the ancient  aliens concepts like they themselves didn't build   all these complex structures but they influenced  humanity and helped teach them to do this   themselves but originally in the comics the  eternals were created by the celestials after   the first celestial host came to planet earth  to experiment with early homo sapiens and the   really cool reason why they originally came to  earth in the first place is because they saw odin   and agamoto the same agamotto who created the time  stone the eye of agamotto that doctor strange uses   they saw them in their ancient team of prehistoric  avengers kill one of the other celestials as the   celestial lay dying just bleeding out its  celestial blood rich with cosmic energy into   the planet it called out to the other celestials  telling them to come and cleanse the planet wipe   them all out so any time a new group of celestials  comes to earth they call it a new celestial host   so there's like a first celestial host that  creates the eternals then there's a second   celestial host that comes back creates another  big calamity then a third then a fourth but   originally these eternals characters in the movie  these main characters are actually the children   and grandchildren of the original ones that were  created by the celestials on earth and then they   just intermarry have children like regular humans  and these ones are born later it's just that they   have near infinite lifespans they can still be  killed by other eternals or beings that are more   powerful like you have the deviants that are  about as powerful as the eternals but then you   have celestials cosmic entities the very powerful  avengers characters but the idea is that when they   die at least in the comics i don't know if they're  going to do this in the movie but they reincarnate   using special technology created by the celestials  so it just plays into the idea that they can be   truly eternal i'll explain why the celestials give  them the crazy long lifespans it's all about the   mission that they create the eternals for there  is a purpose they aren't just tinkering with life   they actually want them to do things even though  it's implied that these eternal characters have   free will technically they do but they also kind  of don't but here's where these characters in the   movie are connected to thanos so thanos's father  is a large they canonize that during avengers   infinity war when he goes to vormir in red skull  basically tells him thanos son of a lars but his   father was actually born on earth millions of  years ago but thanos's grandfather kronos was   one of the original eternals one of the first ones  that celestials created one of the most powerful   ones and as the name implies as you probably  guessed he's the inspiration for the mythological   greek titan kronos like all the eternal  characters in the movie are worshipped as gods   by early humans because of their powers so modern  religions mythologies are created around them   mostly greek mythology but also other cultures  around the planet so through chronos thanos is   actually really closely related to athena angelina  jolie's character in the movie they're like first   second cousins but within the mcu athena isn't  really close with thanos or anything like that   they haven't seen each other in thousands of  years and even during the actual eternals movie   for the most part in present day when thanos was  attacking the planet the eternals weren't around   and a lot of people still wondering about that  they didn't help out because they did not have   their memories they didn't realize that they were  eternal they were just living amongst humans as   if they were normal humans they had families they  had normal jobs that they went to during the day   because they have that avengers end game tag  scene during the trailer they'll probably have   some moments during the movie where they address  this as they start to get their memories back like   oh one of our kind one of the other eternals was  responsible for all this destruction but you could   draw some parallels in the trailer and the way she  wants to train humans to fight here in mesopotamia   like they defend themselves against threats that  might come foreshadowing the eventual coming of   thanos someday in the same way that they're kind  of referencing captain america shield here with   this star on the old shield in these guards like  see how the eternals are connected to the avengers   in present day how they influence them without the  avengers realizing it like i wouldn't be surprised   if when they're training with the shields here  you see some moves that are similar to captain   america's moves some of you may have also noticed  in the trailer that you also see what seems like   the actual original captain america shield that  steve rogers used before he got the vibranium one   here in kingo's private plane when they're  partying like the eternals are collecting all   kinds of artifacts over the millennia filling  their spaceship other places like all these   other treasures from across the centuries that  they've collected you even see a psvr sitting   in the pile here so obviously this is in present  day when makari is reading this book but not all   these other eternal's main characters are directly  related to thanos the way that athena's character   is like i mean technically they're all related  in the way that they're all eternals genetically   like in the way that all humans on planet earth  share genetic similarities but in the comics you   have these different pockets of eternals living  in different parts of the earth that descend from   different lines so it's a little bit like the  black panther movie in the way they explain the   different tribes of wakanda like you have the  main panther tribe from whom all black panthers   descend the line of kings of wakanda but then you  also have the ape tribe currently led by umbaku   who follow very different traditions slightly  different culture over the centuries the whole   reason why thanos wasn't born on earth though like  the other eternals is because a long time ago the   eternals had their own civil war over what their  race should be doing on earth some of them wanted   to rule over humans some of them thought that  they should leave after the war was over a group   of them did leave the planet to travel the stars  there were more subsequent wars that were fought   and eventually a group settled on titan and that's  where thanos father came from met his mother who   was also from a different group of eternals  and then they sort of fostered the society   that became the titan that thanos is talking about  during avengers infinity war so for example when   thanos talks about being banished from the planet  it was actually his father that banished him from   the planet and the really cool thing about thanos  is that as someone who is fully eternal like he's   100 eternal dna he has all the benefits of being  an eternal with none of the special programming   built into him preventing him from fighting  the celestials like all the special celestial   technology that the eternals use to resurrect  themselves the exclusion zone where that happens   that only they're allowed to enter thanos can  actually enter that place he can use the eternal   gates that they use to teleport around they  don't really cover this in any of the movies but   hopefully they bring him back in some future movie  they'll have some easter eggs for stuff like this   so this is the entire celestial host that they  feature during the movie this is arishem the judge   their leader nezzar the calculator hargen the  measurer jemiah the analyzer eson the searcher   which obviously we saw during the first guardians  of the galaxy movie in knowhere for example the   disembodied head of a dead celestial i know  everyone's still wondering which celestial   it belongs to there's actually an answer for that  so according to most theories in some more recent   comic books like avengers secret wars knowhere is  actually the head of jemiah the analyzer because   also in that first guardians of the galaxy  movie there's a building that they walk into   that's named the boot of jemiah that's probably an  easter egg that they would cover in the eternals   movies that feels like a very kevin feige thing  to do like see how we're connecting things to the   modern mcu films showing you the celestial getting  his head decapitated in it becoming knowhere but   as for thanos coming back in new movies in marvel  phase 4 marvel phase 5 i believe that there will   only be small references in easter eggs for thanos  in this first eternals movie maybe in eternals   2 eternals 3 whatever sequel movies they do then  we'd see thanos being born or larger thanos scenes   they could do a big flashback during eternal  sequels where they show you a big civil war that   they fought amongst themselves with a group that  then split off to develop their society on titan   and then show thanos being born during that then  you also have the other major untold stories that   they've teased heavily involving thanos to take  place closer to present day with adult versions   of thanos like the new origin of nova inside the  mcu there was that whole deleted subplot at the   beginning of avengers infinity war showing thanos  going to zandar to take the power stone then   destroying the planet the writers of avengers  infinity war and avengers end game said that   richard ryder would have been a lone survivor and  had a very thor-like stormbreaker revenge arc and   then would have come back for a small cameo scene  as nova in the final battle of avengers endgame i   did a couple videos about this a couple years ago  the russos made some jokes about nova in avengers   end game claiming he was in there but he's not it  was just meant to be a joke because they got rid   of that subplot before they finished the movies  macho man rooster brothers how do you guys not   have any nova court member in a fight against  thanos loved the movie but just boggles my mind   didn't even have to be richard ryder i look  closely at that scene again there and you will   see there are thousands of people yeah you will  see richard ryder in the background of a shot   easter egg eventually they will do a version of  nova in the movies in some form and they could   always use thanos in flashback scenes for his  origin story but everyone let me know in the   comments what you want them to do with thanos in  the eternal sequel movies and what other marvel   movies you would want to see him cameo in if there  any big questions you have about those characters   or what's going on with the movie just let me  know in the comments below i will do more eternals   videos as we get more footage and learn more about  what's going on all my loki episodes will start   posting next week so make sure you have alerts  enabled for my channel so you don't miss any of   those click here for that eternals black knight  trailer video and click here for that brand new   spider-man no way home announcement that marvel  made about the future of the spider-man character   thank you so much for watching everyone  stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 525,993
Rating: 4.9131594 out of 5
Keywords: Eternals Trailer, Marvel, Emergency Awesome, Trailer, Movies, Marvel Eternals Trailer, Eternals Teaser Trailer, Shang Chi Trailer, Loki, Loki Trailer, Eternals, Marvel Trailer, Spider-Man 3 Trailer, Spider Man No Way Home, Spider Man No Way Home Trailer, 2021, Spiderman, Avengers, Teaser, Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Movie, Netflix, Venom, Venom Let There Be Carnage Trailer, Venom 2 Trailer, eternals trailer, eternals teaser trailer, Kit Harington, Eternals Thanos, Thanos
Id: M72wg8Fh8Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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