Top Upcoming SUPERHERO Movies 2021/2022 (Trailers)

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[Music] [Music] uh [Applause] i say either just say either i say neither and i say neither either neither neither let's call the whole thing off catch up excuse me yummy good evening eddie hey mrs chen good evening venom mrs chen he says hi one is the loneliest i mean thinking about you you and i are the same every decision we ever make [Music] who do we leave behind and how do we leave them waiting in the darkness the rescuer who never comes [Applause] welcome back eddie brock it's been a long time miss you so much [Music] [Applause] soon come chaos chaos soon come the chocolate delivery hasn't arrived yet no we had a deal what's gonna happen you're gonna stop protecting me i am happy to eat mrs chen no no you cannot eat mrs chen what nothing super villains [Music] sad souls and costumes wanting you to think they're all dark and deep what's it like your life as a punchline [Music] but all i would take would be one blessed act of rebellion for you to restore your dignity in its entirety you know the deal complete the mission you get 10 years off your sentence you fail to follow my orders in any way and i detonate the explosive device in the base of your skull love him or hate him these are your brothers and sisters for the next few days any questions and yes that is your hand very good we're all gonna die i hope so oh for god's sake this is suicide well that's kind of our thing like a bloodbath to start the day call you peacemaker i cherish peace with all my heart i don't care many men women and children i need to kill to get it i thought you was a crazy one oh yeah here's the deal we failed a mission you died if we find out any information you give us is false you die if we find out you have personalized license plates you die what no i tell people my sister moved out west you're a science teacher your husband he renovates houses you're thinking about moving but you're gonna wait until the interest rates go down that's not my story before i was an avenger i made mistakes [Applause] [Music] and a lot of enemies it's called science taskmaster he controls the red room they're manipulated fully conscious but no choices i should have come back for you how many others are there and us [Music] we have to go back to where it all started so they never do that to anyone again we're a family we fight with you you won't win i've always found it best not to look into the past okay you got a plan or should i just stay dug and cover my plan was to drive us away where your plan sucks at some point we all have to choose between what the world wants you to be and who you are i mean my choice i'm done running [Music] here's what's gonna happen natasha don't slouch i'm not slouching you're gonna get the back hunched listen to your mother oh my god this is up all right enough all of you i didn't say anything that's not fair [Music] from your secret friends let's play a game just me and you any of this mean anything to you [Music] you're becoming quite a celebrity [Music] why's he writing to you if you are justice please do not lie what is the price for your blind eye [Music] the hell are you supposed to be i'm vengeance this guy's crazy you're part of this too how am i part of this you'll see michael i've known you since you were a child you have a gift you always have if there's an answer to your disease you'll find it i should have died years ago why am i still here if not to fix this i have a rare blood disease and i'm running out of time this can be my last chance [Music] you're up to something what is it that's not exactly legal i want to see you get hurt more than you already have this would be a cure at what cost it's happening i went from time to feeling more alive than ever increased strength and speed the ability to use echolocation it's an overpowering urge to consume [Music] blood how far are we allowed to go we'll fix something that's broken until the remedy is worse than the disease michael morbiel got tired of doing the whole good guy thing huh what's up doc hey i gave you 10 years to live your life and where did that get you you walked in my shadow i trained you see the most dangerous people in the world couldn't kill you son it's time for you to take your place by my my side [Music] you can't out run who are you god hold on everybody we make a good team i love being with people it's the most incredible thing in the world what are you doing oh this is nice that world may change and evolve but the one thing that will never change we're all part of one big family that man next to you he's your brother that woman over there she's your sister hire further faster baby that's right we're all part of one universe [Music] that moves ever upward and onward to greater glory [Music] on your left [Applause] [Applause] avengers [Applause] [Applause] i've lived a lot of lives but i'm done running from my past we have unfinished business who's we [Music] when you love something you fight for it we're the ones who change everything [Music] you
Channel: FilmSelect Trailer
Views: 2,550,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailer, movie, filmselect, 2021, SUPERHERO MOVIES 2021, Marvel, DC, Superhero, Venom 2, Let There Be Carnage, The Suicide Squad, Black Widow, The Batman, Morbius, Shang Chi, Eternals
Id: 3Hhuh8CYPCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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