LOKI SEASON 2 EPISODE 6 REACTION!! 2x6 FINALE Breakdown, Review, & Ending Explained | Kang Theories

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this video is brought to you by better help as  three people proud to be in therapy we are proud   to be partner with them for the month of November  citizens of the reject Nation we are here for the   Loki season 2 finale John how are you I am  terribly voraciously anticipant all right   let's see Coy how that's right he's running late  of course he is don't worry he'll be here guys   which will give us time to do a little shout out  to everyone who has bought real rejects merch at   www. reject Nation shop com my guys thank you so  much and ladies for all the support you have been   giving our way and looking good while doing it  we got shirts like Marvel inspired space babies   of the Galaxy we also got Marvel merch John's  rocking this Loki shirt this other Marvel shirt   but we also got stuff like Pedro Pascal from Last  of Us carrying baby grou Child Protection Services   my personal Fai but we also got citizen King  we got who influences The influencers Watchmen   inspired we also got some Ahsoka inspired te's  we got more development got this America's ass   from the boys universe that's another one of  my personal favorites and we got a whole bunch   more either one that you buy is one of the best  ways my personal favorite way for you to support   the channel so thank you guys so much with that  in mind leave a like on this video also another   thing to thank you all for for supporting the  channel thank you so much for becoming super sexy   rejects that's where you get the full length  through R and watch along where you syn with   your own copy of Loki and we also cover several  shows exclusively over there with reaction high   and watch alongs included all righty guys let's  get into action you ready koi that's son of a [Music] [ __ ] I don't notice anything different  about the music nothing what are you talking about Echo backwards damn good [Music] catch cool they're all disappearing whoa into the comics we go this  is trippy that was cool into the pen and inav verse oh I'm going to miss this show  yeah it's really good yeah buddy it's   hard to be brave is he not telling  them hey is it right now yeah got it grab himy how long will he have not  long about this radiation level it's   even worse than when I was out there speak up loie more what if we just repeat all of episode  5 that's the whole episode oh different angle okay so we're not just fixing things I  think he has to see how it failed what could   we have done differently we took too  long oh go back to episode one again   fost they are just he's going to come  to bargain okay no time to argue okay   cool cool get down the gangway load the  multiplier hit the green button launch   it and get back okay it's exactly way  wonder how much failure there's going to be instantaneous Ely what happened he's gone  again not faster is it over earlier wow this   is really the Mastery of time minutes  I know right now you're hurt and you're   angry finishing theit multiplier  fast just in the middle of the   nerious plan oh my God that's awesome  I wasted time and now does time waste me oh my god oh before we even get through the  doors I wonder what number we're on oh come on   come on come on come on come on steps no oh that  skeleton again introdu can you time slip to like   he who remains this is Ora Boris guess what the  TVA handbook you both wrote it so this model is   now finished what are you talking about it's  absolutely perfect this is like an improv game   where they want you to speed it up why me because  you volunteered you did you will and you know how   the multiplier Works it'll make sense it will make  sense I love how we've had franticness so much of   this show and now we're having fun frantic yeah  it's like joyously frantic not as tense Obie how   long will it take me to know everything that you  know about mechanics physics and Engineering oh   my God he's going to become a genius the god of  story is getting all data but I'm a fast learner   and I'm a God yeah you are how long would it  take decades centuries Commit This is like a   Doctor Who episode wowow yeah is like a Doctor Who  episode low I'm not questioning your surprisingly   Advanced engineering skills centuries later now it  looks lethal it is absolutely safe watch this I'll   take those thank you when you're ready chop a man  in control I love how this really does feel like   lowkey show we have to move fast who's it going to  be it's him it's you you volunteer what about the   IR 9 is fine no it's not going to overheat because  would allow it to interface directly with time's   adaptive expon ping system it would allow the loom  to scale the capacity to manage the backlog of   branches Tom H Hillson doesn't even know what he's  talking about yep he said centuries like watching   someone do Shakespeare it's beautiful like I  don't know what you're saying but I get cuz you   get it don't forget to latch his helmet that's  latch his helmet thank you thank you does this Victor accept he is becoming the  king of the TVA if you stop you die oh [ __ ] oh boy five episodes leading  to back to being in the lowkey show was interesting oh that was such a great C that  pause was perfect come on buddy and load the   multiplier into the launcher that's it one  step at a time got to keep going be brave   you're being so brave many times you given bra  you're being so brave that was hilarious is so   good one foot in front of the other everything  he needs to hear before you know it you'll be   at the end of the gang way what a guide well  done looks on everyone's faces the nonchalant   of the direction oh you made it not yet yeah  seriously how many times have you gotten this   far do not put the multiplier down it will roll  off Victor come on there it is there it is push   through come on buddy it's just time it's Lo he  who remains wanted lowkey to be in that's what   he offered him at the end of last season this  is all still him in control this is all still   he who remains plan I feel it it's all still  him watching too like right here come on push turn there it is oh come  on bud hit the green green   right listen to me carefully I love how there's no music something's bound to go  wrong no what about that other   greenish bluish green it can be a little sticky green y oh my God yes good POV get back back yes come back  I love you Victor beautiful beautiful man go   go go go go oh the joy the [Music] relief now  let's watch Victor become a villain yeah and now   he is K we did it team oh wait for those doors to  close come on come on come on come on come on yes   pumpkins pumpkins what do you see it's working he  did it w cool it's working right now really it's working he's got his arm around him  what an antithesis to the last season   yeah truly I mean he spent Centuries with him it worked oh no still too much how come the L be  overloading all these great lens flares it's   not possible we increased the throughput I'm  Legit feeling the frustration right now mhm   the handheld is so perfect it's so subtle  but there are just too many branches it's   still like an ocean through a water hose just  a bigger water hose the branches of time are   duplicating and expanding uhhuh infinite rate  oh boy it's a scaling problem uh ium will never   be able to accommodate for an infinitely growing  Multiverse well yeah I mean I love how the setup   at the Multiverse is feeling malevolent no  matter how much we increase the throughput   it will never be enough enough never enough yeah  cuz you'll just have to always keep increasing   the throughput if it's infinite as soon as the  timeline started branching this was doomed to   happen Doom Dr Doom Loki don't go back nothing  you can do all right what's the singularity you   might as well just have fun hopping through time  yall did your best I'm sorry oh you don't need to   be sorry man you only just learned about this  like yesterday in your time and you did great oh bring him back they're going to bring back  he who [Music] yes oh [ __ ] that's what king   probably wanted the whole time stop is this re  shot I can't tell they look great I felt what   you feel okay wowe I wonder if he who remains  will know what's happening you're right oh this   is e as what were you thinking trusting me put  him right up against that framing you must not   follow through it all ends if you do I've seen it  I've lived it so many times you've been seduced by   a throne the last thing I want is a throne  you'll have to kill me does he kill Sylvie Jesus I me you can just keep  time slipping back to this   moment yeah he's come to bargain  why you figure out a way just to incapacitate not what you were  expecting H don't tell me I'm   a disappointment but not even he who  remains can anticipate this huh or has he hear me out hear me out you have to  kill me [Music] I wonder how many times   he has seen this yeah if you want to stop  me you'll have to kill me come on you can   figure out a way to not kill her why do  you never try to stop her fight back do something holy [ __ ] could have stopped  the whole time how many times have you been   at this see he knew oh come on you're not  telling me you haven't learned how to pause time yeah why don't we just uh who Holy balls  this is crazy he's conquered time this isn't   the first time we've had this conversation how  did you know I know about the slipping and who   do you think paved that road any guesses of course  he who remains got in one Theory right this whole   time thinking you were you were sticking it to the  system going to beat the man and and then whoop   here he is it's interesting to see him capturing  this kind of handheld did you really think I was   just going to sit back and let her kill me and  that be it is Zip N rip hwr reincarnation baby   it's right there in his name he's he who Reed we  die with a dying we're born with a dead uh-huh   okay uh this is a lot for you why don't you just  go through this a couple thousand more times get   your bearings you just let me know okay when  you're ready to have a conversation oh just   have the conversation man reminds me of Lucifer  and Supernatural now such a fun way to play the character you figured out how to  do it on he know it was possible   and what makes you think this is the  first time we've had this conversation booah hold done you're my favorite you know that  when there's two of you here you were my favorite   seems you figured it all out h Huh interesting  POV how is Victor timely you're you're having   some some some problems with the the temporal  Loom pretending to be a Min reader SC problem   that's what he told you Victor told you it was a  scaling problem wow the temporal Loom is a fail   safe deletes everything except the sacred timeline  huh and the TVA well that's just that's just   collateral damage no no Big Easy to rebuild oh wow  but a waste of time nope my variants are already   out there there's too many i w stop doesn't matter  they're in a Coliseum in one place they're all   together the outcome to this equation remains  good Cho it Remains the Same Song Remains the Same shake it off it's interesting being back here  where this room is lit so much more by the fire as   compared to the last season definitely suits The  Season's Vibe more I'll change the equation you   did just do all that math and physics learning  but the loom prevents a brutal War where nothing   survives low key not even in the sacred timeline  but how does This Ti to Echo peace you've ever   experienced I was here what do you think would  happen to your friends how much far ahead to   see I make the tough choices everything that's  why I get the big chair Big Boy chair can't you   see what I'm offering here but what was the  purpose of this for me or for you I'll find   another way Thor yes we'll do the God help me  is this and around and around and around we   go where stops nobody knows break the loom and  you cause a war that kills us all or End Game   Killer scales and we protect what we can ooh  the trolley problem with your variant that you love what are you going to do great cut wow how far back are we going to go play out scenes  from my whole life how it's all meant to be   burdened with glorious purpose he said it okay  it looks like someone got a hold of the set list   how do you choose who lives and who dies this  is all an origin for God of stories it was the   proper flow of time there's no Comfort you're  not going to find Comfort at the TVA a couple   of Hunters went out on a mission somewhere near  near the Black Sea to find a variant who's going   to be responsible for 5,000 deaths interesting  the variant is an 8-year-old boy Slaughter the   8-year-old boy so what must be done he had never  hesitated but that day he did happened so fast   his partner had to step in and brunin the kid oh  no is a tough decision D couple Hunters died all   because that one Hunter he lost sight of the big  picture who's that Hunter most purpose is more   burden than Glory and trust me you never want  to be the guy who avoids it cuz you can't live   with the burden yeah buddy great way to use his  line back at him how do you live with it I love   how this is mirroring so much of season one  right now what happened to your partner it's   not even like a mirror is a question things  worked out fine for her she actually became a judge she knew the hard thing to do was the  thing that had to be done o damn it no there's   no comfort you just choose your burden there's no  comfort you just choose your bur that's a poignant   ass line he went and got back to get advice  from Mobius is so beautiful he made that hard Choice oh [Music] W into the void no left go man the meticulous mapping out of this  serious credit to the writers on this man   let's map this out structurally is nuts I  finally learned to control the time slipping   I went back he's so weary now it was designed to  protect the sacred timeline and nothing else I'm   out of option syia oh jeez the only way that  anything surv if I never kill he who remains   in in the first place Sylvie might have the  answer to this so you have to kill me unless   you could go back and convince yourself  how would be able to go back though you   know maybe you can just like take her with  it that's not how time still it's not how   the force works it's the sacred timeline  or nothing it's not enough to protect the   sacred timeline Loki damn the consequences of  her choices I grew up in Apocalypse as Loki   I've lived through enough of them to know that  sometimes it's okay to destroy something but   everything but every if there's a hope that you  can replace that thing with something better POV   just make feel like they're talking to us this  is so strange must been so hard to act at the lens now there's a grander plan why  would he who remains want this to   happen he's definitely still in control  I just can't figure out what his goal is   he's becoming God of stories but we're  ultimately watching The Narrative of   he who remains right this at the end  of the day is the Kang power [Music] story this is incredibly sad  the burden he's been burdened   with glorious purpose yeah I love  that they brought that all back to this if he goes out there he can't  time slip back can he open the door ly what are we doing I know what  I want I know what kind of God   I need to be one who serves the  people for all of us for all time always whoa absorb all of time wow dude the end of the  thing SH now this looks like a   comic book oh he's back in his comic  outfit yeah that was sick wow that's awesome yes come the horns oh how striking who magic it's  the Richard E Grand version almost whoa that's all I had to do this  whole time so there is no sacred   timeline it's just a which is how we get Fox and Sony incredible look at that wow they  look so tangible it's actually cool everyone lives or are they like necro timelines now can actually touch the bridges he is a God wowe he is a God so what's  happening to that part on that timeline where   he's gripping it yeah what did happen when he just  Enchanted it was there like a natural disaster w cool how you going to power them all damn this is some truly sci-fi [ __ ] right here we've entered love craan territory where are   the Elder Gods Cosmic hor  he's like a full Norse God now there it is whoa Indiana Jones Jehovah starts with an eye man it's like an Assad be strong that is beautiful wowe whoa sure enough I love how it's this green  magic Rippling through all of it wow nice stretch Zoom he  making his way to the end of time sit and watch it all from here  [Music] these visuals are [ __ ]   dazzling why do they look better  than a recent Marvel movie by a lot look at that just tethered through  all of it his cape as part of time like   a painting wowe beautiful that operatic  Godly music is he the man at the beginning   of time and Victor timely's at the end of  time does he represent the stories that   in and he like watches over as they  [Music] end whoa ourglass Fades Into Obscurity jeeez sit on the  throne that's what he's always wanted now do a pictoral fly get out whoa damn let's go to the first Iron Man movie  now Back in Black oh where we're going to   land Tree of Life yeah oh we're  on Pandora just the mixture of   the colors of the purple and the green  yeah making it roots in a tree that was stunning after let me know if you need anything's going over here  talk about restoration ah   Miss minutes are we sure she won't try to kill us all it's a risk I'm willing to  take so Obie may miss you okay   I got those reports on the variance  of he remains oh boy I guess one of   them caused a little bit of a ruckus  on 616 adjacent but they handled it [Music] so he's going to learn about himself oh  it is a good reminder those who do not remember   past or you know better off not doomed to repeat  it certainly you're leaving you think the TVA is   going to miss a tired washed up old analyst  yes yes we will I think there is one or two   who will you're the best MCU character got to go  see what exactly it is would been protecting if   you ever want a seat in there yeah if you  get sick of those kids they need you in there hug it out or at least get some  pie for the road somber man were you   scared oh yeah it's good it's good  you want to be scared you want to be uncomfortable how big the room looks looks around them just so funny how the start  of the season the TV agent seems   so goddamn threatening now it just feels like  family yeah yeah people picking up the pieces a first edition was yellow where's Victor  let me put him back oh hey buddy oh is   he not going to get it now dropped off  playboy 1974 then Victor Tim became a sex addict hey oh the end of time it's like some ethereal ponderous Alex  Garland [ __ ] it really is look what you can   make Marvel what you can become I really feel  like it's got that dark heart of aronowski Lac   throughout now everyone she helped prune is  going to be there waiting for their pound of Flesh oh snap oh that's a cool reveal whoa   wow oh theor Boris good thing  she landed right there elath it's really does look like Ohio Loki said he  could be placed back exactly where he was left off at and now it becomes a Wes Anderson the Y  could do a bit of work prune it no Christ   it's the best house on the Block never look  never know it's my my policy where you going   to go McDonald's the train back to work yeah I  might just wait here for a little bit go ride   your jet ski let time pass just actually feel  time should do a season 3 where he kills this   other version of himself takes realizes  he hates these kids yeah made a horrible mistake let time pass just feel t stand in the  river and let it wash over your ankles be in the moment oh Loki's listening they're braided like Norse braids wowe I love this Tri D in music that was so cool  Still Still minor still somber yeah it's a very   sad success day col man the day after a Triumph  is as Hollow as the day after a tragedy man   Aaron and Justin are gonna make some beautiful  Daredevil that was some somber heaviness that   vartic article's full of [ __ ] that was a great  finale did it say the finale was bad I thought   they we were in trouble or something oh yeah you  know Marvel's up it's done he's the beginning of   time I I what a beautiful Arc for that character  B made Cosmic and time so grounded like that's   my exact that's a comic because I usually say I  prefer grounded stories and characters but when   you can do this big and ground it when you've got  the emotional grounding they don't even know what   Loki did they don't know what he did exactly  do they I suppose they wouldn't oh wow no post   credit scene get focus on this no trailers for  nothing feels like the antithesis of a lot of   recent Marvel stuff letting the story breathe and  not having it set up 100 other things don't be   sexist Co I know what a sexist story also somehow  racist yeah you know just cover all your Prejudice   I mean while we're here holy [ __ ] man it seems  like it' be very lonely to be the god of stories   sitting on that throne and then all these people  having to get in touch with their identities and   their feelings and how they I think we all know  where we're going with this guys before we talk   about this I want to be selfish and just sit alone  in your throne yeah get yeah that's fair that's   fair there it is thank you to better help for  sponsoring this video I've literally just finished   a therapy session and I wanted to shoot this cuz  I'm in this state of knowing why I Champion mental   health support so much in the past few weeks  work's been a little bit hectic it's led me to   miss some sessions and I really don't like doing  that and sometimes that's when the weight really   starts to pile on a lot of restless nights a lot  of fatigue a lot of I can't sleep even though I'm   so tired sometimes just a very deep-seated sense  of gloom and yeah every time this time of year I   get the seasonal Blues like many of you meditating  and sometimes journaling are my daily go-tos but   sometimes they just don't cut it when I'm trying  to pinpoint why I'm down and really especially   after a session like today therapy just really  helps clear the fog discussing the feelings is   a critical step for me especially as someone  who's diagnosed with ADHD type 2 bipolar and   PTSD it's truly a Cornerstone in my well-being  and I'm not alone in this many of us here at real   rejects are in therapy facing our own challenges  from depression into anxiety or just needing a   non-judgmental space to voice our thoughts this  year I've been working out most days of the week   to keep my physical health strong and I really do  Champion therapy as a way to strengthen my mental   resilience and for many betterhelp is integral to  that process There's real value in better help's   accessible and adaptable service they match  you with a licensed therapist and provide the   option to switch if necessary ensuring the right  fit for your mental health Journey as this year   winds down and we confront life's complexities  do consider betterhelp as a resource really happy   to be partner with them this month so you can  go to betterhelp.com rejects for 10% off your   first month again that's bet t r h lp.com comreal  rejects so join us and moving forward stronger   together thank you again all right thank you to  better help for sponsoring this video okay um wow   I thought that was really impactful finale uh very  very strong I got to get koi out of here and I got   to edit so there's nothing really more to say  I'm sure John likes it he likes everything and   Coy uh loves everything yeah likes loves and then  you got to hate it because of us to give the FL I   got a nitpick yeah I mean so it's a sneak preview  balance are you saying you're the god of stories   and how revie are you writing the story of our  reviews yes um but no Coy why don't you quickly   explain what the god of stories is so I love the  story of the god of stories because it actually   mixes in with a meta narrative without actually  being meta so in the meta Narrative of Deadpool   for example or She-Hulk it is a roing the fourth  wall or breaking the fourth wall acknowledging the   reader in Loki's use of the fourth wall it's  actually acknowledging the house of ideas and   the house of ideas is what they used to call the  bullpen the place that Marvel wrote their stories   the house of ideas was the concept of creation  itself in the Loki story of the god of stories   they made the house of ideas a a tangible finite  element which he was the first one that was able   to remember his visit to the house of ideas so  throughout comic history in this story other   people had visited the house of ideas but no  one had heard remembered so Loki made a deal   with then and now these these abstract entities of  pure storytelling and in making a deal with then   and now and upon remembering the house of ideas  itself he is able to make things real by way of   remembering them and telling them as a story  so he's able to articulate what reality is by   way of him planting the memory him manifesting it  and then him actually creating it in real time so   it's rapid creation through the powers of then  now and the house of IDE as itself and so this   was the visual manifestation of that of basically  he's the one at the beginning of time controlling   the timelines because he's the one that needs  to Monitor and create like pure creation so   my interpretation of this is that Kang is the  destroyer by monitoring and thinking that's the   answer he's at the end of time not a destroyer in  the literal sense but that it's the it's the the   atrophy the the the the the dismay the decay  of time he's at the End of Time whereas Loki   with the green and the Lush and the other side  of colors is at the beginning of time which is   why it's said after period for the TVA so so he  literally is creation and in a way he uh Kang is   destruction by being the Conqueror of something  so now there's a more giant more abstract Ora   Boris yeah that's beautifully put wow you did that  very efficiently thank you well done yeah that was   not an easy story no it wasn't I was like a little  worried how I'm gonna get through this dense dense   thing yeah well yeah I mean but in the context  of the sto of the show itself I think they they   don't ever call him the god of stories here no  I mean this is kind of the origin of it but they   don't we haven't seen him storying it up yet no  no and he's burdened with that glor like I love   the Glorious purpose like cycling back because  before it was his arrogance of wanting to have   purpose his arrogance of wanting a throne and  through that burden he became malevolent and I   love that now he's burdened with glorious purpose  and the weight of the throne so his burden and   that speech about purpose is so beautifully anoris  yeah and burden with glorious boredom you know I   can imagine how I mean while being in touch with  the timelines and seeing every single story that   is unfolding you know God of stories allows for  a bit of a narrative control and it's interesting   for Loki to be a villain who has arked into this  ultimate power following a comic book Arc yet he   is the um benevolent uh Counterpoint to to King  and is this something I mean there's always a   conversation about they need the balance they need  the antithesis do you think he who remains still   wanted this in the end I think that it always  had to occur otherwise there's no creation yes   I think this was all a path that M like was made  to happen there was no alternative see that's I   love this season a lot because this committed  a little bit more I can imagine there could be   things about like I want to rewatch it already  CU I'm like I feel like there's probably a thing   or two that I probably missed watch season one  and two together yeah yeah and I as I love the   dovet tale of how both of these really connect  very well it tells that multiversal angle where   a lot of it is when you hold a mirror up to  yourself it's not just Multiverse Cameo look   this person is played by this person instead I've  never not wanted Deadpool more like this this ver   the way they did this it wasn't even necessarily  Multiverse it was more time travel right um but it   told this the concepts of multiv the Thematic  things of Multiverse that I love told through   this time travel story this narrative and watching  how every character comes into confrontation with   their own choices the weight of it the the the  basic point of accountability I would say you know   where along in the tandem of action and events is  the fulcrum point of all these situations yeah it   was beautifully told because it's very it's very  philosophical and it's a a lot of it is a head   scratcher and I like the I I think there's a level  of bravery they decided to take because part one   only kind of touches on something that could be  a little difficult to grasp and I think here they   left a lot up to you really got to pay attention  this time I was worried I couldn't explain it   and I've read it yeah yeah they they really make  you pay attention very very close where you can   you kind of pick up on some of the details but I  imagine this is the kind of ending where people   will be going what is the ending expl I need to  know for once I think this merits some videos on   the internet saying it does like it's a it is a  very complex and you know like the word dense is   often thrown around when it just means a lot yeah  uh but it's more than just meaning a lot like that   it is it it is really con deconstructed through  its core there a theme and discussions throughout   and I love that we also still did get moments of  reference like the you know 616 adjacent being   the quantum realm with it seems like Easter egg  it seems like Kang will go from that version of   himself as he remains to being not that particular  one but a variant was referenced as being like a   one linear path so I'm really curious will we  I mean a court decision pending but will we see   he who remains K will we see that will we see  that version of him again if things uh shine in   major uh favor and Justice is in his side of  whatever happens wow he could explain um the   god of stories really well but then this subject  I'm scared of what the future will say about the   thing if I'm on the wrong side of knowing I'm the  un knowing god in a chair of pink just time Sid   back to this moment say something different and  as Justice prevailed and things were due and I   have a feeling the verdict will go this way well  note I gave no conclusion to that ellipses uh but   I I'm curious uh storytelling wise if we'll see  he remains again if Kang as instructed it would   seem they're doubling down on that Kang being our  Kang um because you know they asked about another   variant of him it's just a beautifully open  story while still giving closure yeah I mean   it's like what I love about the he who remains  is that like some versions of K King's more of   like a time like it's it's funny how he's being  pitched in the MCU as like this multiversal thing   but but he's I think he's more Associated as like  a time traveler a weirdo yeah weirdo time travel   pops up like that's a weird guy and in that book  I recommended you I was like oh I get this weird   guy but but even in that he's a time it's more  of time traveling but but everyone's kind of   associated with the multiversal stuff right yeah  because of how he's been pitched in the MCU and I   I think what what's so cool about he who remains  is like while he doesn't Dawn more of the classic   look as we saw in quantam Mania he is sort of  like the uh ultimate Lex Luther of sorts just   it's just a brain conglomerate the genius That  We crave from Kang and when he shows I'm like   man he is the ultimate threat like we need a I do  think we still need that Singularity of a threat   of like we need at least one king to latch on to  as that's like Prime King that we got to fear and   then multiversal King seems scary because we got  this guy you know and and I feel like when he who   remains is there just that power of knowledge and  foresight and navigation and patience you know um   is so great and I just like again the opposite  the mirroring that they did with going back to   season one The PV shots like you kept mentioning  like I when they were like talking to us when it   was like hello Loki giving a monologue at me  I'm uncomfortable cuz it's supposed to be it   was so good how do you feel during it Sean oh I  mean I was it's a very emotionally kind of rich   I don't know they cast such a PA over everything  and there is such kind of a somber baleful tone   throughout it and it's interesting because this  does feel like the end of something and the start   of something but this I like that they left it  all on the table in that for for the first time   I am actually quite pleased there was nothing  after the credits not even a Loki will return   for right now this is the end of something and I  am saddened by that in an appropriate way but I   appreciate that because it really earned just yeah  every heart swell every heart skip of a beat you   know and uh yeah I'm going to miss I'm going to  miss so many things but I'm also fascinated to see   what this becomes yeah and inspires I think this  ties Downey's Iron Man as my favorite Arc Landing   like going from the the Mischief arrogant to the  god of stories in his throne that he doesn't want   well I love that it's such an ironic tale for  him right yeah like this is this is completely   ironic he creates and he wanted to destroy and  like he matured into creating like he gets the   true burden of leadership like it's so lonely and  the most physical manifestation I love that Jos   Sweden wrote like cursed with glorious purpose  cuz it sounded cool yeah I mean he's just I mean   it had a purpose then but now it has a purpose  this has a real purp title of the damn episode   yeah it's he's he's lonely at the top and he  it real leaders normally don't want to be the   real leader he keeps rejecting throne and power  throughout this season and he just has to take it   unwillingly and those horns we we all mentioned  separately as like they they felt tangible they   had weight the crown looked heavy and those horns  felt like they were against him but part of him I   loved when he had like the Garb just manifest but  then it just felt so like it's natural but man it   looks awful like it looks awful to wheel I thought  it was really multi-layered in its emotion it's an   emotionality like it was beautiful but it was also  very tragic yeah it was um empowering and hopeful   but also incredibly sad well it starts off in in  such a I think it was smart to start with a very   fun kind of timey wiy thing where it's like oh  he's going just back to different points and he's   like rushing through it and he's like okay Chop  Chop business as usual you go down the thing and   then we oh we try again and I'm going to spend a  thousand years learning stuff like it starts off   in a very sort of fun place for this kind of story  that's like it gives you your cake up front it's   a good point the pacing is a really good point  and what I will say too uh one thing that I've   often said throughout this season about Loki's  personality of I kind of miss some of that fun   side of Loki seeing who he arked into by the end  of this I'm like oh way that actually works really   well like you wanted I remember episode three were  like I miss fun Loki and I was like I think we'll   either get him back or it'll earn it and like  I was hoping it would I didn't think would' go   here but this really earned the season this this  episode was Loki the show because of the rest   of the season yeah yeah yeah like we all hoped  yeah but I never would have imagined this story   cuz they were just kind of pitching him as like  serious TVA agent but the way they TI it to like a   new epic height in in a in a very ethereal way in  a in a manner that you kind of wouldn't expect but   it still feels like we naturally got here instead  of just going like big action scene or like big   debate yeah after big debate and I love how this  it's End season mirrors season 1 in such a way   of just like the the Revelation and again that or  Boris effect of what you're talking about of how   last one ends with he who remains you do bring  he who remains back but he he essentially ends   up becoming the opposite version of he who remains  was still fulfilling a similar role like wow what   a powerful and stepping out of time itself and I  really like what you said about the pacing because   I think the frenetic pacing in the opening made  the end somberness feels so much more like you're   tired like we had to go like and I'm tired I'm  glad that was one episode like it felt so good   as an hour of just like we lived through a lot  because he he did briefly become super TV agent   he did briefly like we lived it in this yeah it's  this like vibrating you know shifting thing that   slowly kind of Finds Its way and then calms to a  you know steady resolve and I didn't want to talk   like that that gelatinous phase I was just like  whoa that was so stunning yeah it hits you in a   different way uh again beautiful music throughout  I really appreciate the Craftsman [ __ ] and   Craftsman [ __ ] the Craftsman [ __ ] Craftsman  [ __ ] Craftsman [ __ ] that they throw down that   [ __ ] they CRA house that Craftsman [ __ ] the  the way they craft uh together and like the story   of this is really that's really hard to write  something like this like structurally I could   just imagine that whiteboard or or like all those  index cards I cannot imagine it's the Charlie Day   for sure yeah when they're mapping the season like  this really feels like a complete this felt like   a showrunner like threw this one together yeah  and season one and two felt like it was all a   plan and it was literally a different team I love  that season two was a whole different Squad I'm   like how did you do this from that like you guys  found seeds that you seems like you planted you   weren't there to plant them it's just funny how  you Lo it in you have you have the Marvels out   right now where I think the even if you like it  I think the general consensus is that it's mess   everyone says it it it also really represents a  lot of Marvel's problems the problems that we all   have but the people who like it had fun with it  and this is the same day and yeah and it's just   kind of crazy how you have the ju abity of an or  por with real chaos and Decay and atrophy and what   story creation can be you have like yes this one  is not as fun nowhere near it doesn't aim for fun   but damn is it like composed as [ __ ] from every  aspect of film making to storytelling and acting   all of it and pacing at it every every nugget of  what someone on set is required for before during   and after it's all present here in a way that  speaks so such loud volumes and then the other   one is but it's fun you know don't the MCU Decay  and it's it's so interesting to get both sides   the same week I would be fascinated to know how  this and this doesn't even have a Sor it's just   funny like this doesn't even have a post credit  scene it's the opposite the just talking about   the post SC the other one had such an important  postcard scene it's such a messy film yeah it   makes me curious how they made this because this  doesn't feel like you could have done like modular   re-shoot and stuff like that and I'm sure this  is the first one of thato without no re-shoot on   the show it shows it shows they they locked those  scrips ahead of time and hey maybe they had some   stuff with the earlier TVA you know Mutiny bit  but like yeah it really feels like they locked   everything and mapped this out ahead of time  yeah there's no way to go back and like let's   check that no no this is done this is buttoned  up yeah I love how they brought it back to how   he's a God and what and what a god with power can  do it's about responsibility and realizing that   yeah it's it's not defining what that means and  then inflicting that on everybody else it's just   accepting what it means to be in that position  of God all right Coy uh you got to get out of   here I got to edit uh but can you wrap us up in 30  seconds what you think this ending means for the   future of the MCU especially Eko uh I obviously  ekko's next so it's G to tie in Loki's gonna open   the season and go like death um it's uh I believe  in 30 seconds what's gonna happen is we're gonna   have the elements so distractive of my own joke  being so offensive um the idea of opening the show   uh as we go further the The Narrative show that  is Marvel I do think we're going to see elements   of of the god of stories not directly represented  I think there is a chance we'll see him in secret   Wars I think there's a chance we see him briefly  in Kang Dynasty as we see time unraveling and like   time being conquered but I wouldn't count on  Kang Dynasty necessarily I would assume secret   ORS it'd be a big moment it'd be a big pop and  he's so overpowered he's almost like a Celestial   like um like a Living Tribunal I could see him on  the plane of the gods that are more like the ones   we met in Elemental I mean uh um eternals the  more like that level of God so I could see it   in secret War but what I think is going to happen  going forward is we see Kang depending on how the   story goes be introduced in more narratives  and we build to how we've met time unraveling   working for Kang being on so many disperate parts  we see how powerful is in different places but the   big thing for Easter egg hunters is all those  timelines mean Fox Sony all those things so   we're going to see that this unraveling and the  keeping instead of the decaying the not pruning   is allowing these universes to collide so the  only thing we're getting for a film next year   is Deadpool the events of this are how I believe  Deadpool is going to relate I think Deadpool can   travel through them because the time Turner but I  think because of what just happened here they're   colliding so incursion events are going to be  timelines visualized by planets and dimensional   folds because of the end of this episode which  is beautiful because it is actually what fige   promised with the stabbing of Kang that is what  started all of this because that's what had to not   happen in order for this Multiverse to occur so  that Ora Boris is now complete but the launching   Point into the Collision of all these things is  where we're going to start this next phase they   should end this phase here and call that the next  thing cuz it's a lot cleaner but they haven't had   a map for a little bit so I think Deadpool is  the beginning of the unraveling of the events   caused by the end of this year and if K gets to  stay it'll be him uh building power setting up   to Kang Dynasty and then ultimately Secret Wars  where we might see Loki again Amen to that that   was well done dude that's crazy I love Comics it's  crazy how he became like how he just he wanted to   be a dictator and he ends up becoming the exact  opposite he becomes the benevolent God creation   just want to have free will it's just so funny and  I love that he wears green the color of creation   like there's so much Beauty in this yeah and then  with the with the opposite of like King's colors   his colors are purple and it's like green too  and the tree of life being purple and green like   the flowering Purple colors too you know God damn  it's good TV all righty guys uh that was brilliant   I love that um what did you guys think leave  your thoughts down below what was your favorite   moment from this thank you KY for being here guys  thank you for being joining us I'll catch you all soon
Channel: Reel Rejects
Views: 420,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki season 2, loki season 2 episode 6, new rockstars, loki, loki 2x6 reaction, loki season 2 episode 6 reaction, loki reaction, loki season 1 episode 6, loki season 2 episode 6 breakdown, loki season 2 episode 6 ending explained, loki s2e6, loki 2x6, marvel, mcu, marvel studios, loki season 2 episode 6 easter eggs, loki season 2 theories, theory, loki season 2 leaks, reel rejects, heavy spoilers, fantastic four, x-men, mutants, loki breakdown, commentary, analysis, review
Id: SPIa6H5PX4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 32sec (3152 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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